Does anyone else go back periodically and read old threads that they made? Or am I just THAT much of a narcissist. Cause honestly I get some good laughs from my old threads. I'm hilarious.
I don't go THAT far back. There was once I time where even I was actually not the greatest member ever.
I have one of my old threads bookmarked but it's also kind of a joint effort between me and Ashwin so I'm not that much of a narcissist Rep day was always fun as hell for me though, I'd look back on my old posts and think MAN I USED TO BE SO FUNNY WHAT HAPPENED?
Ya know I've been meaning to ask why your join date is April 14th 2013, because I feel like you've been here much longer than that.
Hahaha Aaaahahahahahaha Remember how I got myself the boot? When I came back, I had to make a new account. Something about the XenForo transition, I think they said. Actually they probably just want to keep me from getting Prem *brick'd* So your intuition was correct. Pretty sure my old account has been here since... what, '09? I know I joined when I was at NCF, which means about four years ago now. Does this count as talking about banned members rofl *brick'd again*
I actually don't remember the transition or anything around that time. I kinda just showed up one day and they changed **** and I was like "lolno" and stopped posting for a while. BUUUTTT I KNEW YOU WERE OLDER THAN A FEW MONTHS! My memory serves me well.
I never like what I see when I go back. So ashamed of my first account, and half of the stuff that I've done with this one.
One who knows when to be the butt and when to make others the butt is truly one of great humor. I'm the reincarnation of Dave Chappelle.
Eh my old content sucked honestly. It got better until I became something of a douche after personal things but it turned good again after my temporary departure.