Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Sexy Sheva, Apr 26, 2009.
OKay, I'm bored.. anyone wanna play Re5 on xbox? =D <3333
Sorry, got it on PS3, cause I'm too lazy to pay for online :3
oh darrrrn flabbit D;
I would, but I have neither an Xbox, nor the game.
then why post here? o___o
Because I wanted to post.
Posting doesn't make you cool D:
sorry, only have it on ps3.
T^T i wun play <333 I guess I'll go place Mercenaries online D;
I would, but my online is broken. *gives a cookie* Don't be sad :[
Was this a subliminal message for me? You know I lent it to my buddy.
My whole life is a lie.
i no i need a sub to play wit <: