Re: Organization XIII - It's a beautiful day!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. chula-claire Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 24, 2006
    OOC: Hey, I'd like to RP Axel when necessary, like whenever Hissora isn't online and he's needed :D

    NAME: chula-claire
    AGE: 21
    HOBBIES: Giving random nicknames, pulling gay jokes on Xemnas and Saix, pranking, torching, eating peanut butter, and collecting shiny things
    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: (Optional) I wanted to play Axel (hotness!!) in an original and hilarious way
    SAMPLE OF RPing: "I... lo--" Just then, Larpex heard a snapping sound behind her. Groaning, she disappointedly looked over her shoulder to see Xandlei, standing there with wide eyes. Stuttering, she was too shocked to really move. What was she supposed to do? She turned back around, motioning with her eyes that he was there.

    Larpex sighed heavily, looking over her shoulder again. To much of her disappointment, she looked back at Toxcst and shrugged. "We better get up..." she whispered. Lifting herself off the ground, she held his hands as they stood. Taking a deep breath, she put on a smile and faced Xandlei again. "Hey, sorry 'bout that. Toxcst here fell, and I was walking behind him and I tripped over him... you okay, Xandlei?"

    Reixa looked at Axel wearily, thinking of how to answer. Of course she wanted those things. But for her, these were the hardest kinds of questions to answer. But it was just them there, and Axel really wanted to hear her answer...

    "I--I just wanted you to feel the same way about me, as I do about you. It just pains me so much... seeing how you and Larxene can care for each other so much. I always thought that I was better off by myself, but when you were gone... I felt helpless and alone. I don't even know if any of it is real, I don't even exist. I'm not supposed to have feelings." Reixa's face turned grave. "And even now, you're the only person I can say that to."

    Okaaaaay... so there we have some raunchy comedy and sentimental moosh, lol. Both from my posts in Organization Rivals

    Now some Axel love <3
    Axel looked up from his seat to see Roxas standing there in a greeting. Smiling at the sight of his friend, he stood and crossed the room to meet him. "Hey Roxas, staying out of trouble?" He ruffled his hair in a noogie, only stopping when his hand began to cramp. Laughing, he leaned against the wall lazily. "You know, I liked it better when Xemnas was too busy making out with Saix to care about actual mission stuff. You know, like what we're supposed to be doing. Now, suddenly he's all 'strict-policy' about actually working." Tilting his head to look at Roxas, Axel shrugged and thought of a way to change the subject. "Hey buuuuuuuuuddy... got five bucks I can borrow?"
  2. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Um, sorry, but the only people open right now are Xaldin and maybe Lex.

    Plus, there's no OCs in this RP. XD Just the normal ol' Organization members. XD

    BUT, if it so happens Hissora don't got any time to stick to the RP, I'll try to reach you first.