Re: Organization XIII - It's a beautiful day!

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by 2Foxxie4U, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!

    Hi, there! =D I'm sure you've heard of me - I'm Foxxie, the maker of all those really... Uh... "special" Organization stories? XD Well, if you like my stories, then have I got an RP for you! This is basically an enlisting thread that I and a few friends have decided to make for the old RP in the Real-life rpg Zone. The thread creator, Mari, has left the forum (I think...), so, to keep it alive, we've decided to make another front page for it! ^-^ This ol' dinosaur has been an inspiration to multiple of my stories, and might even contain sneak peeks of ones to come if you know where to look. ;D So I'd like it a lot if ya joined! ^-^

    Like the title, this is an Organization XIII RP... It starts out as a regular, lax day in the lives of our beloved members, but then... weird things start happening. Vexen somehow gets changed into a woman, Demyx, Luxord and Xigbar get turned into five year olds, Marluxia starts acting all... weird, and there's been a mysterious silver-haired man stalking around lately...

    As far as the rest of the Organization is concerned, though, nothing has changed, and they continue on like normal. =3 (Until they find out, that is... XD)

    For example:
    So basically its a Real-Life RPG, But you're a member of the organization.

    Setting: At Castle Oblivion. Everyone, including Roxas is there. An average day as always. No Sora or anyone with a heart in miles.


    I. Xemnas - JackS27
    II. Xigbar - 2Foxxie4U
    III. Xaldin - Anwita01
    IV. Vexen - Cissnei_X_Tseng
    V. Lexaeus - Captain Kuchiki
    VI. Zexion - Nymph of Destiny
    VII. Sai'x - 2Foxxie4U
    VIII. Axel - Hissora
    IX. Demyx - FoxyGrimReapess
    X. Luxord - FoxyGrimReapess
    XI. Marluxia - Twilight_Dreams
    XII. Larxene - *TwilightNight*
    XIII. Roxas - Twilight--XIII

    Those with OPEN are available.


    JOINING? Then I have to say this. If your joining, PLEASE don't post the application or ask in the original RP. Post it HERE, or PM me. If you don't, then you're automatically disqualified for joining since you couldn't even read this little paragraph. Please fill in an application below and send me a PM:

    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: (Optional)
    SAMPLE OF RPing:

    Since there will be a list of people wanting to participate, choosing a person for one character will be hard. It won't be 1st come 1st serve. D= If you give a good reason why you want to join and prove yourself a worthy member, then I'll put you up here. If not, then I'm sorry and will have to decline the application. It's nothing personal - I just belive there are better players out there. D= To join, you must be literate.

    AGE: Immortal youth; stopped counting at 40
    HOBBIES:Talking to Kingdom Hearts; Using 27 words when 1 will do; Making lightsaber noises when using his hand-lasers; Writing cheesy romance novels under a fake name.
    PLAYER: JackS27

    AGE: 5
    HOBBIES: mischeif, using the other members as target practice, slacking off, doing his "world famous" impressions, and hanging out with Luxord.
    PLAYER: 2Foxxie4U

    AGE: 30
    HOBBIES: Drinking sake, stabbing and cutting things, drinking sake, stabbing, poking and cuting things and making paper replicas of the Organization members' weapons.
    PLAYER: Anwita01

    AGE: 20
    HOBBIES: Experimenting, reading, writing, drinking coffee.
    PLAYER: Cissnei_X_Tseng

    AGE: 22
    HOBBIES: Keeping quiet, improving strength, fighting, hanging out with Zexion
    PLAYER: Captain Kuchiki

    AGE: 18
    HOBBIES: Reading, studying, experimenting, and writing poetry/stories.
    PLAYER: Nymph of Destiny

    AGE: 32
    HOBBIES: Staring at the moon, avoiding others, preforming numerous tasks for the Superior, ect.
    PLAYER: 2Foxxie4U

    AGE: 21
    HOBBIES: Burning things, ranting, shopping, sarcasm, all that jazz. =3
    PLAYER: Hissora

    AGE: 5
    HOBBIES: Water manipulation, bothering Zexion, listening to music, bothering Xigbar, praticing playing his sitar, bothering Lexeaus
    PLAYER: FoxyGrimReapess

    AGE: 5
    HOBBIES: Gambling with others. Mostly likes to play strip poker, but he's lately found a new hobby with gambling online...
    PLAYER: FoxyGrimReapess

    AGE: 20
    HOBBIES: tending to the my flowers, secretly planning to take over the organization (oops, did I just reveal that?), and occasionally torturing Demyx.
    PLAYER: Twilight_Dreams

    AGE: 19
    HOBBIES: Reading books, writing, listening to music, torturing certain people physically or with mind games, annoy much of her comrades, by also crossing their personal borders, and simply relax, watching the sky calmly.
    PLAYER: *TwilightNight*

    AGE: 15
    HOBBIES: Eating sea-salt ice cream, hanging out with Axel and Demyx, daydreaming, not getting into trouble... and most other average young-teen activities.
    PLAYER: Twilight--XIII


    1) NO GOD MODDING: That means making other people do things without them asking or playing invinsable and not letting any touch you while you go off killing everyone. XD You only get to control your character.
    2) DEDICATION: Don't sign up if your only going to post once, plzkthnx... ;~;
    3) FOLLOW THE FORUM RULES: Don't double post, or spam. If you want to join, see if the list is open and PM me.
    4) Literacy is the key to an awesome plot. That means no 1337 or n00b talk. And try to make your posts up to 3 sentences long, unless you're in a conversation, please.
    5) If you don't reply in the RP for up to 2 months with no notice, you're automatically removed from the list.
    6) One of our members is suffering from poor eyesight, and can't see what's written very well unless it's in bold print and size 2 (or above) font. ^-^ Please be considerate and edit your words for her. ^-^
    7) HAVE FUN! ^_^

    The general rules on Other Characters:
    *OCs can be created for story reasons.
    *A player can have as many incidental characters as they wish (i.e. the dude that gives them a funny look), but no more than two "main" characters in any one story arc.
    *If a player plans to keep an OC character around for longer than a story arc or two, they have to clear it with us (2Foxxie4U and JackS27) first. Getting rid of someone and bringing them back months later is usually okay.
    *A player can make a post following just their OC character, but only very very rarely. They must post as their organization member more often.
    *NO Sora, NO Riku, NO Kairi, and NO made up Org XIV and so forth.
    *Disney characters and other liscenced characters are allowed, but in moderation.

    Also, if you want to play a character that no one is signing up for, you may send me a second application for them, too, even if you're already controling one other Organization member. But ONLY if no one is trying to sign up as them. Sorry, but NO, you can't control 2 Oganization members and 2 orginal characters at the same time. =D

    Note: the RP will not be taking place in this thread! Do NOT post any RPing in this thread or else you will be BALLIMINATED! D=<

    Link to the original RP...!~

    As soon as you're on the list, you're free to post in the original thread. Have fun!~ =D

    Lord of the Wings,
  2. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    I call Zexy
    Age: 19
    Hobbies: Reading, writing stories and poems, listening to iPod (which he does a little too much...), and trickery.
  3. Hey, there Foxxie :3!! Despite from before, I was still surprised to see my name there xP. I was starting to wonder what had happened for just a little while. For the posters above me, yes, she does mean that you have to give a reason, as well as show that you can be literate, in other words, no half-hearted one sentences, write well with spelling and grammar.

    To fill up what's missing for Larxene:

    Age: 19
    Hobbies: Reading books, writing, listening to music, torturing certain people physically or with mind games, annoy much of her comrades, by also crossing their personal borders, and simply relax, watching the sky calmly.
  4. twilit_shadow King's Apprentice

    Mar 27, 2007
    the Void
    ISH ME!!!! And you KNOW who I want. lol.

    Axel. Dur.

    Age: 21 (is it obvious that he's legal drinking age? XDDD)
    Hobbies: Beer, fights, sarcasm, beer, fire, being the ultimate ladies man, beer, pissing off Xemnas, pranking, complete and utter idiocy. And hanging out with Roxas and Demyx.
    Player: Muwah.

    pm me later if ya wantz.
  5. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    NAME: Dark Roxas.
    AGE: 28
    HOBBIES: Reading, Thinking, Giving his Opinions, Playing with Darkness.
    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: Because I wanted to join the older one! It's awesome!
    SAMPLE OF RPing: Zexion walked into the library. "Today I'll start with the construction of a heartless....." He said while looking for the section in which the subject resides.

    If ProLucrecia gets Zexion, I'll get Demyx:

    Name: Dark Roxas
    Character Name; Demyx
    Age: 27
    Hobbies: Playing His Sitar, Writing Music, Playing With Water, Fixing His Hair, Hanging Out, Listening to His Zune, Buying More Music for His Zune, Recording Music Onto His Computer From His Sitar to Put on His Zune.
    Why You Want To Join: Because I wanted to join the older one! It's Awesome!
    Sample of Rping: Demyx picked up his Sitar. He started to play a tune as a water figure grew from his glass of water. "Hey little guy. How's it going?" He said as he started to play faster and the water figure started to dance faster. "Nice moves." He said.
  6. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    damn you but he is taken


    AGE: 5 right?
    HOBBIES: gambling, cards, games
    PLAYER: Hitna
  8. Cerularies Moogle Assistant

    Nov 11, 2007
    The Sacirema. =] If you don't get it, too bad.
    Hey. It's Cerularies from dA. Hi, hello.

    Soo... I'll take any member that's not taken. I'll do my best to portray thier personalities as they were in the game. =]
  9. Luna561 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 16, 2007
    here...there...anywhere you see me!
    Marluxia please
  10. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...

    NAME: Nymph of Destiny
    AGE: 18
    HOBBIES: Reading, studying, experimenting, and writing poetry/stories.
    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: I have always loved RPing, especially since it reminds me of writing a fanfic, and since this RPG seems so awesome (might sound redundant from so many others, but it is true), I would love to be able to join, especially since the RPG contains other members who are very literate and would know how to weave an intriguing story.
    SAMPLE OF RPing:
    The Oblivion Castle was quiet, as all the members were fast asleep in their beds...that is, except for Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer, number VI in the Organization. He was in the kitchen, walking from the refigerator, to the sink, to the table, and back, setting up breakfast.
    Zexion had slate-grey hair that obscured half of his face, while his dark, midnight-blue eyes shone with cleverness. He was clothed in a dark cloak, which outlined his thin figure.
    As he steadily continued to work upon preparing the morning meal, he couldn't help but frown, thinking about yesterday evening's nightmare. Being a Nobody, he could not feel, so a simple dream would not have bothered him so easily, but the context of it were so...unnerving, he couldn't help but contemplate about it...
    "I can feel venom...running through my's eating at me...slowly torturing me..." he recited softly under his breath. "My mind is being a cloud of blood...I see everything in crimson red...I can't escape from it..." Remembering these words, his frown deepened.
    "...What does this mean?" he wondered aloud. "I can't fathom the true meaning of this at all..."
    Shaking his head, he heaved a sigh. "This is just a silly dream, and I'm getting myself all worked up over it," he muttered to himself. "Why should I need to reflect upon this?"
    Despite the reassuring words he kept telling himself, he could feel the insides of his stomach twist, as if filled with doubt and uncertainty. How foolish...he, a Nobody, having the slightest emotion? Impossible. Utterly, completely impossible...
    ...Or so he thought...
    In case you are wondering why I chose such a young age for Zexion, it is because I have read from an official source that he was the youngest of Xehanort's assistants, which has led me to conclude that 18 would be befitting for his age.
  11. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    NAME: Twilight--XIII
    AGE: 19
    HOBBIES: Playing his sitar, polishing his sitar, taking baths, swimming, surfing (though he's not the best at it),
    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: I love the Organization, RPing, KH... and since Roxas is taken, I'm shifting to my next fave, Demyx.
    SAMPLE OF RPing: Demyx hummed a merry tune as he passed through Castle Oblivion's hallway. "Hey, why are you moving the couch?" He asked as soon as he noticed Xaldin.

    "We're moving to a new base. It'll be in The World that Never Was..." Xaldin said, his wind power carrying the couch and making it float off elsewhere.

    "Oooh..." Demyx scratched his head. "So what are we doing with this castle?"

    "Marluxia, Larxene, Axel, Vexen, Lexeaus, and Zexion will be looking after it." Xemnas replied.

    "Oh, so when do we leave?" Demyx asked.

    "Immediately." Xemnas replied.
    BTW, are you 2Foxxie4U from dA?
  12. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!

    We'll figure out something once all of the other members are gone, m'kay? =3

    Lolz - yup. XD

    Hai thar! =D
  13. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    Hey! I'm not Nymph of Destiny!!!
  14. Pure Beats~ Chaser

    Nov 3, 2006
    Watching the sunset
    Oooh, this is gonna be fun~

    Name: Pure Beats~
    Character Name: DEMYX
    AGE: 19
    HOBBIES: PLaying his sitar, hanging around with his friends Axel and Roxas, likes to bother Zexion once in a while, and occasionally, he likes to goof off.
    Why You Want To Join: Cause this looks like a fun RP and I get I like the idea/themem off it.
    Sample of RPing : This was a stupid RP me and my friends did 2 years ago. xD

    It was something that Sephiroth and himself could only dream about, but now that he's a scientist, he could make his dreams, or should I say, nightmares come true. It was a weapon of mass destruction. It would shoot out beams of darkness on anybody who was in front of it.

    He said to himself, "This will defeninately cause them to be killed. Then they would turn into a heartless, then a nobody would be created. So would a chaser, the deadliest of them all. When I have recruited thousands upon thousands of chasers, then I can destroy the keyblade weilder, then the keyblade itself, and my daughter and I can rule the many worlds of this galaxy."

    He felt as if someone was watching him. He turned around to seee that it was his daughter, wondering what he was doing. He could tell by the look on her face that she favored the new weapon. She had an evil glare in her eyes. Just waiting for her father to tell her what it was.
  15. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Please try to read the rules.
  16. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    NAME: TheGamblerOfFate
    AGE: 20
    HOBBIES: Hacking and hanging around with Luxord.

    This RP looks interesting.
  17. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Wow! Already a Lex-man?! XD;

    Well... Alright - since you're probably the only person who would ask for him, I guess I could cut you a LITTLE slack, but ya need to complete the orginal template, okay? You still haven't shown me a sample of your RPing...~
  18. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc; I am really not used to playing these kinds of threads, but I had a thought of what marluxia might be like if he was acting weird (well, weirder, since he is already weird), and I thought "Eh, what the hell, mite as well give it a shot".

    NAME: Deathsight44
    CHARACTER NAME: Marluxia
    AGE: 25
    HOBBIES: Looken at the colors of stuff, feelen things, maken stuff pink, scaring animals and children, and other weird stuff
    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: Idk, I just feel like given it a shot.
    SAMPLE OF RPing: "Yo axel, man, when did your hair get so...............SPIKEY. Its like.......seriously pointy. Kick @$$ man. Its like, gravity defyen and stuff. But dude, that color sucks. You need some improvements" marluxia said as he reached beneath his cloak, and pulled out a can of pink hair spray
  19. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    First, I changed his hobbies from hanging around Luxord into hanging around with friends(if he does get some) and from hacking into killing heartlesses for hearts. And also here is the sample: Lexaeus looks around the new castle. I think there should be some heartlesses here to kill and then I'll just slack off drinking.He mutters.

    Is that okay?
  20. Twilight--XIII Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 9, 2007
    Somewhere lonely... WHERE ARE MY FRIENDS?!
    Well, since I didn't get Demyx, I'll try for Marluxia...

    NAME: Twilight--XIII
    CHARACTER NAME; Marluxia
    AGE: 22
    HOBBIES: Tending gardens, ‘pretty-ing’ the place, for some reason mumbling nonsense about overthrowing the government, seems to enjoy messing around with people’s heads by riddles.
    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: Uh, it’s optional isn’t it? And I’ve already said in the last attempt for a role.
    SAMPLE OF RPing:
    Alright, this is a Digimon RP that’s on-going for me in another forum.

    Jiyuu sighed and remained seated in Guardian HQ. “Darn, why do all the more experienced members get to go places… I’m stuck here without a thing to do…â€

    “Don’t worry Yuu, you just joined. I’m sure your mission will come around any moment now.†Floramon replied thoughtfully.

    “Yeah, I guess you’re right.†Yuu scratched his head. “I feel so nervous… I hope I can be useful at the very least. Even cleaning the hall is better than sitting around here waiting…â€

    Floramon opened her mouth to reply, but was lost for words.

    “Hey everyone, it’s an emergency! Come quick!†One of the more senior and experienced members announced, running into the room. “Alright, now I have to tell the East Wing…†The guy ran off.

    “W-wait, where do we go?†Yuu asked.

    “Don’t worry, there’ll be arrow pointing the way. Now I just needto tell the other place… Come on Leomon!†The Tamer commanded. His Leomon nodded and followed him.