RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Before the lunch bell rang, Yen Sid was still holding out the two forms for Iwasawa and Yui to take to the office to change classes...

    OOC: Myst, don't keep Yen Sid waiting



    Al Mualim went to the gym, and found Broly unconscious on the floor. Imbecile, he thought to himself, referring to Peppy, who didn't do anything with Broly despite asking him to do so. Just then, another faculty member arrived to the gym...


    It was Phil Coulson, who was trying to look for Peppy. "Al Mualim, have you seen Peppy?" Coulson asked the principal. "I'm sorry Phil, but Peppy had to leave early," Al Mualim replied. "I see," Phil Coulson commented, "Also, I need to ask you something. That infestation you mentioned. And the fire drill. It was S-types, right?" Al Mualim simply nodded. Phil Coulson realized that his worst fears were true. "But have no fear Mr. Coulson. Everything is under control," Al Mualim said, "However, would you mind taking this boy to the Nurse's office." "Of course," replied Phil Coulson, who was surprisingly able to carry Broly, and walk towards the Nurse's office.



    After finishing Robotics class, Xehanort was walking down the hallway, and noticed a bunch of guys in hazmat suits investigating the hallway where there was an infestation (which was really where the battle with the S-types happened). Xehanort decided to check out what they were really doing, and walked towards them. Meanwhile, Gaston and Trixie were walking not too far from Xehanort.


    "Ugh, I thought that class would never end," Trixie said, complaining about English class. "I agree," Gaston replied. The two bullies then noticed Xehanort walking towards the guys with hazmat suits. "Hey, isn't that the Xehanort boy you told me about?" Trixie asked Gaston. "It sure is," Gaston answered. Once Xehanort reached the guys with hazmat suits, one of them stood in front of Xehanort, telling him students and faculty were not allowed to be near them, and that Xehanort needed to leave. Xehanort gave the man a stern look before turning around and walked the other way, with Trixie and Gaston right in front of him. "Hey Xehanort, it's me, Gaston!" Gaston greeted his 'friend' from Music class, "Listen, Trixie and I were going to the Taco Bell down the street for lunch. Wanna join us?" Xehanort stared at both Gaston and Trixie, then smiled, and with his chilling voice said, "Sure. Why not?" The three then left to go to Taco Bell.



    "I'm sure Zordon can an-" Alpha 5 said before being cutoff by the sound of the alarm. "Aye-yi-yi! What's going on?!" Alpha shouted as he pressed a button, which activated the Viewing Globe. It showed space ships attacking the city.


    Zordon then appeared and began to speak. "Philip, the city needs your help. Gather all your Ranger, Rider, and Gokaiger friends, and team up to stop this menace. After that, I promise to tell you everything you need to know about the S-types," Zordon said.



    Prime Minister of Japan Harriet Jones was alone in her office, watching the attack by spaceships. Answering her phone, she said, "Yes. Send the air force."
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Empty Classroom-

    Once everyone got the message beep on their communicators, they headed for one of the empty classrooms and Tommy answered, "What's up?" "Guys, come to the Command Center and I'll fill you in there." Philip said. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, activating the teleporter on their communicators, heading for the Command Center.


    -Command Center-

    Philip watched with Navi as the teleporter brought the others in their respecive colors, Kimberly asked, "Philip, what's wrong? What is it?" "That." Philip said, pointing to the Viewing Globe. Everyone watched in surprise as the ships attacked Tokyo. Before Tommy could tell them to morph, Navi shouted, "Wait! Lets treasure navigate!" Navi flew around and hit her head on the floor. "Protect the ones who matter most, lest they be captured and never be loved again!" "What kind of prediction is that?" Kimberly asked.

    "I think it means that you, Ahim, and Luka need to stay here for safety. I'll stay here as well." Philip said, Shotaro nodded and said, "Good idea, Philip." After the males teleported away, Tommy shouted, "Alright, guys, it's morphin time! Tigerzoid!"



    "Henshin! Sword Form!"


    "Henshin!" "Cyclone! Joker!"

    "Henshin!" "Taka!" "Tora!" "Batta!" "TaToBa! TaToBa!"


    "Gokai Red!"

    "Gokai Blue!"

    "Gokai Green!"

    "Gokai Silver!"

    "Gokai Black!"

    As the others changed into their morphed forms, Kengo tapped keys on the computer-like suitcase he had been given a year ago and a yellow exosuit machine appeared, and Kengo entered it, gripping the controls. Elsewhere in the city, there was another masked warrior, saying, "Now, it's showtime." Jumping from the ledge he was standing on, he joined the others. Watching from the Viewing Globe in the Command Center, Kimberly, Ahim, and Luka were surprised at the appearance of the new Kamen Rider, Kimberly asked, "A new Kamen Rider?! Where did he come from?"

    "He doesn't look familiar. Maybe he wasn't chosen by Zordon." Luka said, Ahim was just surprised at his appearance while holding Philip's unconscious body on her lap.
  3. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011

    -Up in the sky so high where there a ships filled with chicks-

    Trunks powered up to a super saiyan. He flew up to the ships. Thinking they were of alien origin, he decided to give them a good punch just to test out if they were strong or not. The metal ripped off slightly and he noticed that they were filled with many human females. He slowly backed off not wanting to harm any of them.
    Vegeta left his post guarding Bulla and Goten to see the new arrivals for himself. Trunks saw him and tried to warn him but Vegeta wasn't really in the mood to listen to reason. He just wanted to blow something up like the good old days. He went a few 100 yards back and clashed his wrists together. He was about to perform a Final Flash.
    "Father, Don't! There are people on board!"
    "Hyaaaaaaaaaaaah" as Vegeta screamed charging his attack.
    "Darn it, this happens every time." He turned to Goku. "Goku, you have to stop my father. There are
    innocent people on board those ships!"


    -Lunch room-

    Luke grabbed his food pre-made for him by his servants back at home and sat alone at the table in the corner of the room. "Tsk. Who needs any of them. A bunch of idiots."
    Lynk released her new friend as she sat down to eat. Chikarita looked in confusion to what was going on. "It's okay, Rita, we're going to be good friends." She gave her a little bit of food and the pokemon rubbed against her shoulder.


    -Algebra II-

    Kirito heard the bell ring for lunch. As he stood up, his girlfriend Asuna stood there waiting for him. He was surprised, yet filled with joy. "Hey, Asuna. Sorry to keep you waiting. Why are you over here so early?" He walked over to her and opened the door to find Yui leaning on the wall.


    -Music: the modest yet disobedient students-

    (OOC: sorry. Haven't been in the mood lately)

    Iwasawa chuckled at the newcomers who came into the class. Yui continued to sit and play her guitar. Iwasawa new what was best for them and stuck to it. She grabbed the sheets of paper "Sorry Master Sid, we're staying in the music class and playing what we like. We can prove to you that modern music can be as gracious as your old stuff." She ripped the papers up and the girls headed to lunch.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Algebra II-

    Yui smiled when Kirito looked at her and hugged him, she said, "Hello, papa! I got bored, waiting for you and mama, so I came to see you and mama. hope that's okay." "Isn't it great, Kirito? Yui came to visit us." Asuna smiled, watching her adoptive daughter hug her boyfriend and happy.


    -City Street-

    After a few minutes, Kengo left out of the Powerdizer, gasping for air. Seeing that, Gentaro shouted, "Kengo-kun!" Kengo gasped for air and tried to stand up, heading for the Powerdizer. He was stopped by a familiar white haired man, Gentaro and Kengo looked at him, Kengo asked, "Professor Dante?...." "Don't tell me that you really pilot this thing in your condition?" Dante said, smiling. Kengo couldn't agrue with him as he watched him go into the Pilot's seat and yell his joy for having a real fun time. Billy was surprised at Dante's sudden arrival.
  5. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Lunch: Pudding and the Penguin King!~​
    Mario and Luigi entered the lunchroom as the former was rubbing his belly in anticipation saying "Oh boy! Finally I get to try out the food this school has!" shortly before he quickly got into line awaiting on the school made food. Luigi just blinked before he joined Kirby and Yoshi at a nearby table just before the strange purple-haired girl joined the three boys with not one, not two, but three cups of pudding.​
    "Is that?" Yoshi asked as he eyed the pudding before he yelled aloud "IT IS! IT'S HER PUDDING!" shortly in which his tounge slurped out of his mouth and grabbed one of the pudding cups while Kirby quickly grabbed another one of the cups and promptly threw it into his mouth. Luigi just watched before he pointed out "You just robbed her of her pudding!" and Yoshi explained quickly "No Luigi, we asked Neptune here for some of her pudding since we heard it had a great taste, so she got her little sister to make some extra pudding for us" before he opened up the cup and slurped up the contents inside.​
    "Nice Texture and Color, just the right touch of flavoring...." Kirby said before Yoshi added "Form and shape is solid yet not too runny either, we deem your sister's pudding...." followed by the two staying quiet before they yelled aloud simultainiously "THE BEST PUDDING WE'VE SEEN YET!" causing Luigi to fall backwards onto the floor. "Cool beans, does that mean I get into the club?" Neptune asked before Yoshi said "We'll have to get back to you on that one, we're awaiting a delivery from another potential member of the Cooking Club"
    Meanwhile at another table a girl with black hair divided into two long pony tails and red eyes looked on at the antics of Yoshi, Kirby, and Neptune before she asked herself in irritation "What is with those two and their big obessesion over food, I mean now they dragged Neptune into all of this! At this rate they will grow fat from eating all of that food! And what is with the green guy on the floor" shortly before Luigi got back up into his seat.​
    Meta Knight was also sitting at another table before he noticed two people walk into the lunchroom, one of the figures was around his size, had reddish-brown skin, a tan face, yellow feet, and a blue bandana. He quickly then said aloud "Attention everyone! Your King of the School has arrived in your Canteen, it is best advised that you give him your food!" shortly before pointing at a large blue penguin with a yellow beak, blue eyes, a two tone red and yellow belt, a red coat with what appeared to be a blue peace sign on it, yellow feet, and a red and yellow hat.​
    "Like hell! We're not giving him our food to feed his fat ass! Besides, he's not really a king anyway" one girl with short sandy-brown hair and pale-blue eyes yelled aloud from a nearby table. The large penguin then said "Waddle Dee, let me handle this" shortly before facing the girl and explained "Blanc, if you and the other students don't feed me then I won't have enough power to get more trophies for this school and to be able to protect it" only for Blanc to respond "Oh, I know how you're just like the other big people in this school, all you guys are is just talk and you pick on the smaller Kirby!
    "That Kirby is a food-stealing con-artist! Same for his friend Yoshi too!" the Penguin explained before Yoshi stood on the table and shouted "NO WAY! You're the food con-artist here Dedede!" while pointing at Dedede and Waddle Dee as he explained "You just come in here every day and try to take everyone's food for yourself!" shortly before Luigi got up thinking "I'm just going to quietly get away from these two before I get dragged into something else"
    Luigi eventually found another table and quietly sat by himself as Mario came back out with a large bowl of Penne and sat back with Yoshi, Kirby, and Neptune. Meanwhile Kairi walked in and simply sat down while trying to keep Yoshi's antics out of her mind before starting to eat only for Bowser to stand up from another table as he said "Dedede, you will NEVER get my drumsticks!"
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lunchroom: Zetsu's Wrath~


    Zetsu's fists slammed down onto the counter where he served the food, his yellow eyes narrowed in displeasure. "The hell do you think you're yelling about in my jurisdiction!? Sit your @sses down and shut up!" "And no sharing. It's you humans can just...lick one spoon and let someone else lick it too." Zetsu's rage was one of the uncommon things in the school as if he didn't speak much...he didn't yell ever.

    The students present, at least the ones who weren't stupid, cowered or stood in shock at Zetsu's anger.

    OOC: Short post is short...
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Following the Prime Minister's orders, the air force sent a squadron of jet fighters to attack the alien invaders. One of the jet fighters was about to fire until the pilot noticed women inside. The pilot radioed HQ and the strike was aborted. Now Japan's hopes lay with the Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, Gokaigers, and any other citizens willing to help.



    As Zordon took note of the Kamen Rider he never recruited, he figured out who might've been the one to recruit them. "It appears my old friend, the White Wizard, has chosen recruits of his own," Zordon said. "The White Wizard, who's that?" Alpha 5 asked. "A very wise and dear friend of mine who I entrusted with technology from my world as well many years ago," Zordon replied.



    Sighing, Yen Sid realized he had no choice but to fail the two disrespectful girls. He opened his gradebook, and was about to write 'F' for both Iwasawa and Yui, but, he just couldn't. Yen Sid didn't have the heart to do such a thing. He realized he'd have to take matters into his own hand. Taking out two copies of the same forms he wanted to give Iwasawa and Yui, he once again wrote the names of Will and Carlton. "Follow me," Yen Sid said to the two boys. The three then left the room, and found Al Mualim walking in the opposite direction.


    "Al Mualim, would you mind taking care of these forms," Yen Sid asked the principal. "Of course Yen Sid," Al Mualim replied, "You two... you didn't get your schedules?" "Nah man," Will Smith replied, "But I'm available for any class that, you know, has a high female percentage." Al Mualim looked at Will as though he were a registered sex offender. "Please excuse my cousin," Carlton said, "We just need our schedules." "Very well. Follow me," Al Mualim said.

    OOC: will post more tomorrow
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Command Center-

    Kimberly and Luka watched the Viewing Globe, concerned for Kengo and Dante, that they almost didn't see the small white robotic bird that flew into the Command Center. Kimberly noticed it and caught the package it dropped before it left. Opening the package, she found a ring and a colored stone and a fully functioned communicator, Luka picked up the note that fell from the case. Looking at her, Navi asked, "What does the note say?"

    Luka looked confused and read the note, which read:

    My dear friend, Zordon,
    I want you to take Kamen Rider Wizard, Haruto Souma, under your command. This ring and magic stone I have given you should help him in his journey if you can find someone to craft the stone into the ring. As Wizard continues to evolve, I will provide more rings and magic stones with new magic for him to access. I hope you and your chosen recruits help Wizard on his journey and help him tame his Phantom.
    White Wizard

    Ahim, Luka, and Kimberly looked at each other in confusion when Ahim suddenly remembered something. "What are we going to do about Kengo and Dante?" Ahim asked, Luka folded the note and nodded, "Kengo was chosen with us a year ago. But I guess we never considered his condition. But we could be risking a lot if we tell Dante about this place and our mission."
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Japan's Military Command Center:


    A loud clatter and several voices yelling sounded the start of the never ending interruptions of Roy Mustang and his underlings. "What is all the racket for?!" Suddenly, the door slammed open and Brigadier General Madara Uchiha entered, leaning on the door for support. Blood ran down his chin, "Damn b*stards... Roy, send for reinforcements!" Madara swung around, drawing his scythe as he moved, and clashed against a heavy blade. He was shoved onto his rear into the room and a black haired woman as well as a white haired man with tanned skin and pointed ears entered the room, leaving the doorway unblocked. "I'd stay down if I were you, Brigadier General Madara Uchiha." "I'd much prefer not to look at his sorry face." "That's not our call, Fenris. It's hers..." Both of them turned their heads to see the woman that walked into the room. Her dark brown hair was short and sectioned off in places by dark little hair ties. Her pale face was smooth with an intricate tattoo running across her forehead down the sides of her face, over her cheeks and even across her chin. Dark green eyes swept over the four in the room. There were two blades on her back and she wore blue chainmail with a silver metal chest protector and shoulder protectors. Thick leather boots ran up to her knees and reinforced padding covered her legs underneath the heavy chainmail. She wore the armor of a Gray Warden...this much Madara knew. This woman with Dalish tattoos...pale pink lips and piercing green eyes...was a Gray Warden. "I didn't want any of this to go like this...but you left me no choice, Madara. We, the Gray Wardens are taking command of this base and further pushing the security of Japan. Do not argue...there is no point." Roy gaped at the woman. Beautiful as she was...she must've been insane to talk to Madara like that. But...Madara made no move to defy her, just silently glared up at her. Blue's sapphire eyes widened as she caught sight of the Gray Warden's pointed ears. "You Dalish are all the same! Pushing until you're driven out by force!" This caught her attention, "You believe I am the same as my clansmen? You are mistaken...I am no longer a member of my clan and I'm not like the Dalish anymore," her attention moved to Tsume and Blue, "You two are wolves, correct? Is that...the curse of someone?" Tsume snorted, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Curse? How stupid. We're not cursed. We are wolves. We're only forced to take this form so we don't scare the piss out of you humans." The black haired woman took a step forwards, holding her heavy sword out with ease, "Don't insult the Hero of Ferelden. She-" "It's fine, Hawke...really. This isn't Ferelden. My name means little here. I...never fought the werewolves in Ferelden... I wanted to help... My name is Lethellan, Hero of Ferelden, Last of the Gray Wardens, Ender of the Fifth Blight. I am a Dalish elf, as you can see. This is Kirin Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall and Fenris, her husband. Please...I'm not here to relieve you of your jobs. I...sensed unrest within this I came." Frowning, Roy set a finger to his chin, "I thought the Hero of Ferelden died when she slayed the Archdemon. What? Was that a lie?" Lethellan smiled, "No, that is true. I did die. Slaying the Archdemon as a Gray Warden means I accept the taint within it...and I died that day. To be honest...I've no idea how I survived. I remember the light...Alistair, Wynne and my mahbari hound...the burn of the taint. Yet I stand here before if none of it happened...and yet...Alistair sits on the throne and Ferelden's Fifth Blight is over, though the darkspawn are far from gone. Explaining what it was like to die and come back...would be too hard so you'll just have to take my word for it." Blue relaxed next to Tsume, she liked the air around Lethellan. Calming yet fierce. As for Hawke and Fenris...they frightened her. Hawke's sharp blue gaze and Fenris' scalding golden glare set her fur on end.

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~City Street~

    Gentarou was surprsied by their teacher Dante taking the reins of the Powerdizer and pressed down on the first Switch. "Rocket~ Rocket On!" It said as Fourze's right arm. "This should work, rigth Kengo?!" flying headfirst to the Invaders as Decade or rather Tsukasa slid a card in. "Try this." he said and hit the sides of the belt. "Final Attack Ride: D-D-Decade!"

    "Let's make it showy!" Gokai Red said as he beside Decade and inserted a Ranger Key into the Gokai Gun, it charging did Joe and Gai, their weapons flashing blue and silver respectively. "FINAL WAVE~!" The weapons cried out and Decade brough tou teh Ride Booker in gun Mode and the Rider and Three Males of the Gokaigers fired togather, bullets of red blue and silver along a row of the enlargened FInal Attack Ride Card steadily building the bullet crystal blast of magenta to hit the invaders.

    "Yosha! We need to join in!" Sword Den-O said and brougth a scanner to hsi ben as it hummed. "Full Charge!" As Den-O threw the pass away as his sword glowe din electricity. "Oretachi hissastu waza! Part 1!" he called out, the red tip of his straneg sword shooting out.

    "Aibou, let's go!" The Doubel side fo Shotaro spoke and replaced the Cyclone and Joker Memories with two different ones and the belt opened again. "LunaTrigger!" As Double's left side was bright yellow and teh rigth a cyan blue with a handgun and fired, balls of yellow energy richocoting everywhere, by heading the above enemies but sadly, these attacks will not reach them sadly, due to the range limit, obivously, they weren't prepared for that snag.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -City Street-

    "Yes, Kisaragi. But don't call me that." Kengo said, looking at him as he activated the Rocket Switch. Basco and Don tried to use their guns on the invaders, looking at Marvelous, Don said, "Marvelous, I think we should use the Jetman Keys." "Eiji, use the Red Cores!" Ankh shouted, as he changed his form. Eiji nodded and took out the Tora and Batta Medals, replacing them with two red ones, scanning them.



    OOO's appearance changed to a red bird-like appearance, as a song appeared from nowhere. Wizard changed out his red ring for a emerald green one, touching the hand on his hand, "Wind Please! Fū Fū Fū Fū Fū Fū!" His form also changed into a green one. OOO and Ankh both gained wings and flew into the air. Dante asked the question that was probably on most of the males' minds, "How exactly are we supposed to get up there?"
  12. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    -Gym Class of Rage and 'Splosions-​
    Kamina and Simon stood and watched the fight between the Super Saiyans, Kamina somewhat peeved that he was unable to fight them due to the inability to turn his hair blonde, which apparently made people stronger.​
    Simon, on the other hand, was scared shitless, shaking where he stood as stray energy blasts flew around them.​
    "Bro, I really think we should get out of here!"
    "And miss my chance to fight that guy? Hell no!"
    "Look at him! He's three times your size! It's suicide to even look at him funny at this point!"
    Kamina looked down at Simon, arms crossed.
    "If you wanna run, Simon, I won't stop you, but I'm staying right here-" Before he could finish, Kamina noticed something through the hallway windows, which he could see through the doorway of the gym.
    He reached the windows and looked into the sky.
    "What's the matter, bro?" Simon asked, coming up behind Kamina.
    Before a clear answer could be given, Simon saw the same sight that Kamina had seen, his eyes widening as he saw it.
    "W-Wha...What are those things!?" He called out, referring to the Abductors that littered the skies of Tokyo.
    "I don't know...But they need to be stopped."
    "But they're way up in the sky! The only people that can even try to do anything are the Military."
    "Jeez...Two fights in a row that I gotta miss out on..."
    "Hey, what's goin' on? Something happening outside?" Said a voice approaching Kamina and Simon.
    Ignoring the fact that an anthropomorphic hedgehog just spoke to him, Kamina pointed out the window.
    "Take a look for yourselves." He said before stepping away from the window, allowing Sonic, Kaito and Luka to look outside.
    The Hedgehog and Humans looked out the window, and were struck with shock when they saw the Abductors wreaking havoc.
    "What the!?"
    "What's going on!? What are those?"
    "Are we...B-Being invaded!?"
    While the three of them watched the invasion, Sonic noticed something jumping from rooftop to rooftop.
    He squinted, confirming what he saw was right.
    "Looks like they've already got the Special Forces on the job."
    "Special Forces?"
    "Yep. A friend of mine who's a part of it just went out there."
    -Tokyo Rooftops-​
    Abductors clouded the sky as they took the city's women one after the other, leaving the men to wonder why their wives and daughters were taken, but not themselves.
    Jumping from rooftop to rooftop towards the invasion was Shadow the Hedgehog, one of G.U.N.'s top agents.
    "This is Shadow the Hedgehog, reporting in from the invasion site in Tokyo."
    "Good to hear from you, Shadow. What's the situation?" Asked a G.U.N. operative from the base.
    "The invaders seem to only be abducting females, as all males caught in the invaders' sights have remained on the ground."
    "I see...Can you infiltrate any of the invading ships?"
    "Not from my current position. None of the buildings here seem to be high enough-What the...?"
    "What's the matter, Shadow?"
    "Some civilians with some kind of mech have opened fire on the invading ships. I'm stopping them."
    "Understood, just don't kill them. They're still civilians, Shadow."
    "...Right. Shadow Out."
    Shadow jumped from the rooftop he was on, using his hover skates to safely lower himself to the ground.
    "How exactly are we supposed to get up there?" said one of the civilians, this one being inside the mech(?).
    "You don't." Shadow said as he reached the ground, landing just behind them.
    He walked closer to them.
    "Those ships are full of civilian females. If you destroy one, thousands will die."
    Just then, Shadow pulled a badge from God knows where, that stated his position in G.U.N.
    "By the order of Guardian Units of Nations, you are hereby ordered to stand down. Failure to comply will result in the use of unnecessarily deadly force." Shadow said, generating a single Chaos Spear in one of his hands.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -City Street-

    "We stand down. We leave the rest to you and the G.U.N." The White Ranger said, holding his hands up in the air when Shadow appeared to take control of the situation. Dante was going to say something, but Kengo stopped him, saying, "We trust that you and the G.U.N. will save the females that are trapped in the ships. Lets go." He followed the Rangers and the Riders, Dante left the Powerdizer which disappeared to somewhere. The Blue Ranger said to him, "You'll have to come with us since you have become the new pilot of the Powerdizer." "Wait a second, I know that voice. Is that you, ---"

    Before he could finish it, Kengo said, "Grab my shoulder, Professor Dante." Dante did as he said, watching Kengo pressed a button on his watch as he and the other males did the same and they all disappeared in a rainbow of colors.


    -Command Center-

    The girls watched as the boys returned, Dante appeared from the red colored teleporter as did Wizard. Dante looked around the center in surprise, Kimberly hugged the White Ranger as he detransformed to reveal Tommy. The Blue Ranger detransformed, revealing Billy. "No way, Billy?! You're a Power Ranger?!" Dante said in surprise, Billy rubbed his hair and said, "I'm not the only one with secrets." Philip woke up and looked at Shotaro, he said, "How ''bout we head back to the school and talk with our new chief?"

    Dante watched as the other males detransformed to revealed the other staff or students that were at the school. "Okay, what the heck is this place?" Dante asked, Navi flew onto his head and said, "This is the Command Center, I'm Navi and this is Alpha 5." "What happened to Alpha 1-4?" Dante asked, Kengo walked up to Zordon, he said, "I'm sorry, Zordon. Bringing Dante here was the only way I could think of."
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Phil Coulson brought the unconscious Broly to the Nurse's office. "This guy needs some help Fennel," Phil Coulson said as he lay Broly on an exam table. After that, he noticed television in the Nurse's office recording live footage of the Abductors in downtown Tokyo. He figured since the school was miles away, it won't have to be cancelled. But the events still troubled him.



    Harriet Jones was in her office, watching the events unfold on a screen. She then heard a knock on the door. "Come in," Harriet Jones said. In came General Shining Armor...


    "Madame Prime Minister, sir!" said the general while saluting the prime minister of Japan. "Status report?" Harriet Jones asked. "The G.U.N. special forces have joined in, but they ordered our teenagers to leave the scene." Shining Armor reported. "Very well," Harriet Jones commented, "It's best that G.U.N. not know of our initiative with Zordon. You are dismissed." "Yes sir!" Shining Armor said once again before leaving Harriet Jones's office.



    "It seems the White Wizard is in need of my assistance. I will help him in any way I can," Zordon replied to Luka, implying he will do what the White Wizard asked him to do. When Kengo arrived with Dante, Zordon said, "There is no need to apologize Kengo. Perhaps bringing Dante here was no accident. Just like it was no accident all of you arrived here last year. Alpha, scan Dante." "But Zordon, he's not a teenager!" Alpha 5 responded. "Age does not matter on one's strength of heart Alpha. Dante may indeed be qualified," Zordon said. "Alright Zordon," Alpha 5 said as he pressed a button. Dante was now being scanned by a light/laser of some sort. Within a few seconds, Alpha said, "The results are in Zordon. He is indeed qualified."
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Command Center~

    Fourze flipepd the switches all up as his transformation cancelled, revealing Gentarou. "Yosha!, We have a Professor and a new Kamen RIder, I'm kisaragi gentarou, and I'm going to be friends with everyone at school!" he proudly declared as Decade too cancelled his transformation. "We'll see what G.U.N has in store, unless you think they can do everything theirselves." he said dryily as Royaro looked at his fellow Riders, having being reverted to normal.

    "But, it's the miltary, isn't that good for something?" he asked meekily and Tsukasa shrugged. "Do they even have any experience fighting aliens when we already did before in school? It doesn't matter, we'll see which way is better, the countries leaders decsion or the populance's demands, if G.U.N fails to stop this invasion, the outcry will be tremendous." he said insightfully.

    Marvelous crossed his arms. "So you're syaing, let them try what they want and have them see the end result and realise what they just done?" he asked and Gai looked at him. "SO it's to see if G.U.N is prepared to take on that responbilty, being the first thing that would come to people's minds, an army defending their borders."

    "And forcing them to acknowledge they have to show what their capabilites, if they fail... who would the public turn to? Youth's with powers?" he asked.

    "We'll see what occurs." Shotaro added.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Center Command-

    "Can someone here please explain what the heck is going?!" Dante asked, completey and utterly confused. Luka cleaned her throat and said, "Know those news stories of strange colored masked warriors that appaered a year ago? That was all of us. About a year ago, we were picked by Zordon and given the powers we hold now. I suppose we didn't know of Kengo's condition of piloting the Powerdizer." "That's alright, Luka. But you must keep this place secret as well never ask me to use the Powerdizer to show up your brother, Professor Dante." Kengo said, holding his chest to catch his air. Dante looked at everyone, and sighed, "Fine, I keep this place secret and not to use the Powerdizer to show up Vergil."

    "Are you this Zordon that the White Wizard told me about?" Haruto asked, looking at Zordon. Kimberly gasped and said, "A small white robot bird brought this box and note." She showed him the contents of the box and the note, Haruto kept quiet while Kengo read the note himself, he asked, "Where are we going to find someone to craft the stone into the ring, though?" he asked.
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Within a few minutes, Al Mualim had schedules prepared for Will and Carlton, as well as updated schedules for Iwasawa and Yui. He handed them both their schedules:

    Will's Schedule:
    1st Period- Gym
    2nd Period- Music
    3rd Period- English
    4th Period- Chemistry

    Carlton's Schedule:
    1st Period- Philosophy
    2nd Period- Music
    3rd Period- Government
    4th Period- Mathematical Sciences

    The two boys were looking over the classes they'll be having. Will peeked at Carl's list, and commented, "Philosophy, Music, Government, Mathematical Sciences... Boy, you are one small nerd!" "Look who's talking Will," Carlton replied, "You and I both have music. So that makes you a quarter of a nerd." "Well, if it means being close to all the girls in that class, then call me Steve Urkel," Will Smith said, laughing after. "Oh yes, I almost forgot," Al Mualim said, handing Will and Carl two schedules, not for them, but for Iwasawa and Yui:

    Iwasawa's Updated Schedule:

    1st Period- Advanced Magic
    2nd Period- *fill in class other than Music*
    3rd Period- Dance
    4th Period- Creative Arts

    Yui's Updated Schedule:

    1st Period- Beginner's Magic
    2nd Period- *fill in class other than Music*
    3rd Period- Dance
    4th Period- Camping

    "Could you give these schedules to the two girls listed so that they know about their schedule change," Al Mualim asked Will and Carl. "Of course sir," Carlton said. The two cousins then left Al Mualim's office to look for the two girls, then eat lunch.



    "Dante, it seems your arrival here was no accident, but fate, just as it happened with the rest of the brave warriors that stand before you. I have sworn to do whatever I can to help the citizens of this planet. And to do so, I have picked recruits and given them each one of them a unique power. That happened one year ago, and it seems it will happen once again today. Dante, I am offering you the chance to be a Power Ranger," Zordon said. Alpha pressed a button, and a morpher appeared in Dante's hand. "Congratulations Dante. You can now be the Red Ranger, and lead the other four Power Rangers," Alpha 5 said. While everyone was waiting for Dante to say something, Zordon turned his attention towards Haruto. "Welcome to the Command Center Haruto. You and any other recruits of the White Wizard are always welcome here," Zordon said. When Alpha noticed Kengo asking where they can find someone to craft the stone into the ring, he looked at Navi and asked, "Any ideas Navi?"

    OOC: Yes Aki, I'm seriously offering Dante a chance to be the Red Power Ranger, because I think it'll look cool. Plus, he already wears red :)



    At the nearby Taco Bell, Trixie, Gaston and Xehanort were having lunch. Xehanort was discussing his past with his two new friends, "... So I ran away from the orphanage. Lived my life in the streets. Then a few years ago, I was caught by Professor Eraqus trying to steal his credit card number. While he was mad, he was impressed at my clever skills. So he offered me a chance to live in Nintendo High and be a student, in exchange, he would not report me to the authorities." "...You don't say..." Gaston commented. "That's a... very interesting story Xehanort," Trixie added. "Anyway, what do you make of the fire drill we had today and those guys in the hallway?" Xehanort asked. "I don't know. Just a regular fire drill I guess," Trixie said. "And those guys were probably just checking out some infestation. Probably rats or some Pokemon," Gaston commented, "But anyway, Xehanort, you get my seal of approval. So I was thinking whether you'd like to come to a party at my place on Friday. Then you'll know why no one parties, like Gaston." Xehanort smiled and said, "Sure. Why not?" The three then noticed the abductors in the sky, flying towards downtown Tokyo. "Maybe we should go back inside," Trixie said. "Yeah, we should," Gaston said as he and Trixie rushed back to Nintendo High, while Xehanort followed them slowly, who was unconcerned by the appearance of the Abductors.



    Once lunch began, Professor Eraqus, Axel, Professor John Smith, and Professor Moody all joined together at a table. The four have been very close ever since that fateful day at Osaka seven years ago. "Hey guys! Good to see you again!" Axel said, greeting them. "It's a pleasure to see you again Axel," John Smith replied. "So John, how's your first year of teaching so far?" Moody asked the English teacher. "Oh it's going great!" John Smith answered, "The students are lovely!" Turning his attention towards Axel, Moody asked, "And what about you, Axel?" "Well, this'll be my last year of being a TA. Then I hope to start next year as an actual professor," Axel responded. "In which he'll take my place as Chemistry professor," Eraqus announced. "What?! You're retiring?!" John asked with a slightly louder voice. "Yes," Eraqus responded, "It was a tough decision. But I've decided that it was finally time for me to retire from teaching after this year's over. I've had so many good memories in this school. But everything has an end. I will tell Al Mualim later in the year, but for now, keep it between us." "We will miss you," Moody said. "Yeah..." John Smith added. "And I will miss you all as well," Eraqus said, "But I know Axel will do a good job as the new Chemistry professor once I'm gone." "Thank you professor," Axel said. "Alright then. Anything else you all want to discuss besides retirement?" Moody commented. "Well, you'll never guess who one of my students at Chemistry was," Eraqus said, "Connor Kenway." "You mean little Connor Kenway is all grown up and learning Chemistry?" John Smith asked with a happy tone. "Uh-huh. And he's a senior now," Axel said. "Wow, time flies by real fast, doesn't it," Moody said. "Yeah," John Smith replied, "Poor soul. He won't have his mother attend his graduation." The four were then silent, remembering Ziio and the day she died. The day a part of all of them died.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flashback: 6 months ago-

    Weak and shaking from the ordeal of the Sabbath ritual, Haruto looked up and gasped as a lizard-like man appeared and tried to attack him. Haruto closed his eyes and tried to defend himself when he heard the monster scream in pain. When he opened his eyes, the monster was gone, running from something. Haruto turned and see a person dressed in white and gold. "Haruto Souma, take this to defend yourself." He knelt down and gave Haruto a unusual belt with a hand-shaped buckle. Haruto looked at the Wizard in confusion and surprise, he said, "When you feel ready, seek out the being known as Zordon. He will help you."


    -Present Day: Command Center-

    Dante thought about becoming a Ranger, he was a half-demon and strong enough already as he was. But he didn't want to betray the trust that all the Rangers and Riders, as well as Zordon, Alpha, and Navi, now held in him. He smiled and said, "Tell you what, giant floating head. I'll become this Red Ranger, but I'm not much of a leader. Didn't you already pick one when you picked them a year ago?" "Zordon, if it's alright, I will become leader of the Power Rangers." Tommy said, looking at Zordon. "I promise I will do a good job."

    "I might have a suggestion, Navi." Eiji said with a smile. Navi looked at him and said, "What is that, Eiji?" "Ron-kun, Harry-kun, and Hermione-chan. They're all really creative. Ron works in his oldest brother's workshop sometimes, so there he can cut the stone in the right size, Harry and Hermione can work together to infuse the stone into the ring, Hermione can also put her little touch on it if that's alright."



    "Awww, look at all the action that's happening without me!!!!!" Hinako shouted, looking out the window sadly. Seki calmly sipped her drink and said, "Hinako, calm down. I don't think we would be able to fight the abductors, anyway." "Seki is right as always. But we will have another time, Hina-chan." Sakura said as she appeared and sat down at the table Seki and Hinako were sitting at, Seki looked at her and said, "Here to see Yen Sid, have you?" Sakura smiled and nodded.

    Nero sat by himself at a table, eating the food he got. "I wonder where Dante is. It's not like him to miss out on a meal like this, though it isn't pizza. I guess Vergil is eating lunch in his office." Namine also sat by herself, calmly eating her lunch. Harry looked at her, pondering about asking her to join him and his friend while Ron talked about his oldest brother, Bill, and his new wife, Fleur. Hermione asked, "Is she that foreign worker that he met a year ago?" "Yeah, and the two have been more goo-goo eyed about each other ever since they got married." Ron said, sighing as he ate.

    Rainbow Dash flew over to the table that Applejack and Fluttershy sat at, "Hey there, Applejack, Fluttershy. How's it hanging?" "Howdy there, Rainbow. The day is goin just great! I can't wait to try the treat that Zetsu made of my apples." Applejack said, smiling as she licked her lips at the meal. Fluttershy smiled and calmly began to eat. At the table Sirius sat at, he wondered if Eiji and Ankh were doing alright and who was taking care of the animals.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Command Center~

    Gentarou merely smiled. "Yosha! We'll be even more powerful than before!" He said as Tsukasa raised a hand. "If that's the case, we shoudl have Leaders for the Sentai, Riders and Rangers, after all, if we stay in a huge group, someone may come across us transforming and realise our connectiosn to other groups." he said and Marvelous crossed his arms. "Well thought out, I'll lead the Gokaigers, I assume we'd all have to pretend our groups have never met so the people cna fall back on alot of parties." he said and Ryotaro spoke. "That we have those...Senshi out there among other people, but aren't most of the students or teachers powerful in their own right?"

    "We can't drag others into the fight we're in uortherwise, we'd be having so many hostage situations, besides, if we spilt up as groups, we'll cover more ground and share out intel between each other in a meeting, especially with this S-Tpyes planned invasion." he said to them.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Command Center-

    Basco smiled and said,"Lead us well, then, Mavry." "So, we have the leaders for the Rangers and the Sentai, so who will be the leader of the Riders?" Kengo said, thinking about it. Tommy listened to Tsukasa and said, "Tsukasa is right. When we morph, we should spilt and act like we don't know each other when we fight." "Where does that put Dante? He's now the Red Ranger, but he's also piloting the Powerdizer." Luka asked, Haruto kept quiet, holding the stone and the ring. Thomas did think that Dante was pretty much in between the Rangers and the Riders since he would help both of them.

    "Billy, can you make some communicators that don't connect the teleporter?" Philip asked, Billy looked at him and asked, "Why?" "Hermione only knows that Shotaro and I are Kamen Rider W." Philip said, Eiji nodded, "And Harry knows I'm OOO. But they don't know about you or the Command Center, Zordon." "If they and Ron are making the rings, they'll need to know that I'm Kamen Rider Wizard and a way to let us know if there's trouble." Haruto said, Billy smiled and nodded, "Alright, I'll make them and a communiator for Dante."
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