RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Small Town in Scotland - Hotel Room~


    After observing the glowing orb he discovered in the castle earlier, Snape placed it inside a suitcase, ready to leave Scotland as soon as possible. The wizard then heard a knock on the door, and replied, "Come in." Merida then entered Snape's hotel room, carrying an envelope...


    "Same usual owl brought another letter for ye," Merida told Snape as she handed him the envelope, "So... Dad tells me that yer leaving?" "Indeed," Snape replied, "I have some important business to attend to." "Well, it was nice having ye visit our little town," Merida said, "Yer always welcome back at anytime, Mr. Snape." "Thank you, Merida," Snape thanked Merida as she left. Opening the envelope, Severus read the letter Lily sent him, along with photographs of Harry, Riolu, the Wilys, James, Sirius, and Remus. Figuring he wasn't in a rush, Snape sat down to write a reply...

    Dear Lily,

    Hearing of what you have done for the two orphans brings a smile to my face. Your actions are a testament to the light in your heart.

    I am sorry that your sister hasn't changed much since we were children, refusing to accept that not everyone can be "normal".

    Today I leave Scotland, with a heavy heart, having befriended the leader of the small town I have been residing in, as well as his family. Scotland is a beautiful place, with much history to it... some of it still unexplored. If no change of plans take place, I shall soon be in India. I wish I could tell you of what I have been doing here in Scotland, and why I came here. But once the time is right, I promise to explain everything to you. I hope to see you soon so we can talk about whatever we want to. Keep looking after your children, as well as James, Sirius, and Remus.

    Forever your best fried,
    Severus Snape

    P.S. I think the name Sevy suits me rather well.

    Once he finished writing his letter, Snape took out a photo of himself with Fergus, Merida, and the rest of their family, placing the photo with the letter inside an envelope, ready to send it as he left.


    ~Tokyo University - Parking Lot~


    "Huh?" Pinkie Pie wondered out loud as Hikaru was writing her a message, not sure why she hasn't spoken yet. However once Pinkie read what Hikaru wrote, she realized that Hikaru can't speak, saying, "Ohhhhhhhhhh... gotcha. Custom Honda, huh? Wow, you are so lucky. I wish super-duper-awesome looking cars like this randomly appeared at my drive way as well. Oh well. Have a nice day." Pinkie then continued on her way to her dorm, singing, "Lalalalala..." Just then, she suddenly stopped, and extended her neck all the way back to Hikaru, saying, "Almost forgot, the name's Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet you." Once her head and neck reverted back to the way they were, Pinkie Pie once again continued on her way back to her dorm, continuing to sing, "Lalalalalala...."


    ~Nintendo Elementary - Entrance~


    "Umm, sure thing, Lita," Rini replied to Lita as she and Hotaru arrived at Nintendo Elementary. "Hey Hotaru, I gotta talk to Ms. Frizzle about something quick. I'll be back soon," Rini told Hotaru as she raced towards the main building, passing through the playground, where many students, including Bonnie (plus her Dedenne), Sweetie Belle, and Pipsqueak, were gathered...


    "Hey Rini!" Bonnie, Pipsqueak, and Sweetie Belle greeted their friend. "Hey guys! No time to talk! Catch ya later!" Rini replied as she headed towards the main building to find Ms. Frizzle. "Huh?" Sweetie Belle wondered out loud. "Why was she in a rush?" Bonnie added. "No idea," Pipsqueak replied.




    Before anyone said a word, Olaf arrived once again, knocking on the door...


    "Hey... sorry for interrupting, but apparently we've got more visitors," Olaf said, moving aside to allow the visitors he mentioned enter, revealed to be Prince Demande and Prince Saphir of the Danish royal family, accompanied by their butler, Nephrite...


    "Well, isn't this a surprise," Demande commented upon noticing Hans. "Demande... been a while," Hans replied as the two stared at each other, as though they were about to fight. A few seconds later, the two burst out in laughter, and shared brotherly hug with each other, with Demande commenting, "That never gets old." "I haven't seen you in a long time," Hans replied, "I wanted to call you after the Japanese embassy in Copenhagen was attacked, but ironically, I was busy in Japan." "Don't worry about it," Demande responded as he shifted his attention to Elsa and Anna, "Princess Anna... I don't know if you remember me or my brother, Saphir... but we used to play together a lot when we were children whenever our parents would meet one another. The deaths of your mother and father truly saddened our family. And... Queen Elsa... it is an honor to finally meet you in person. Whenever Saphir and I would play with Anna, we wondered why you were always hidden from us, never getting the chance to meet you properly. But whatever the reason, the past is in the past." "My brother and I came here to discuss some matters on relations between Denmark and Arendelle," Saphir finally spoke, "Though I'm afraid we might've interrupted something important." "Well, now that you mention it... I was in the middle of a proposal," Hans replied. "A proposal?" Demande wondered out loud, "As in a business proposal?" "No... more like the one that joins two people in holy matrimony," Hans replied. "Oh, I see," a surprised Demande said, "Then forgive me for interrupting such an important moment. However, if a decision has not been made yet, I would simply like to add that I've known Hans for many years. He's a very good man, someone I trust deeply. And I think any woman who marries him would be the luckiest person in the world."


    ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus - Shining Armor's Office~


    "So, what's up?" Skye asked as she took a seat. "I've been doing some digging," Shining Armor responded, "Trying to find whatever I can about you and your parents. I finally came across a file in the archives... and, well... I think I have an idea why the document you showed me when we first met was redacted. But I'm warning you... you might not like what you learn." "Don't worry," Skye replied, "It can't be worse than what I have imagined." "It is," Shining Armor replied as he started explaining, "Over in the Hunan province in China, there was a massacre in some village. A senior J.I.A. agent there called in an 0-8-4." "Object of unknown origin," Skye commented as she heard Shining Armor mention '0-8-4'. "That's right," the pony responded as he continued explaining, "Anyway, the agent said the entire village died trying to protect this 0-8-4. So the J.I.A. sent a team to investigate... but communication was lost. Then two J.I.A. agents, named Richard Lumley and Linda Avery, went to investigate. They found the senior agent who made the original call hiding under a bridge. He managed to escape with a gunshot wound to the neck, but he bled out. He was still holding on to the 0-8-4. The 0-8-4 was covered in blood, initially thought dead, but discovered to simply be sleeping in the dead agent's arms." "Wait... I'm confused," Skye interrupted Shining Armor, "The 0-8-4 was a living thing?" "Yes. It was a baby girl," Shining Armor replied. Skye's heart dropped upon hearing what Shining said, not liking where the story was going. "The baby was then helicoptered off, headed for Japan under the care of the J.I.A. agents that found her," Shining Armor continued explaining, "But after returning to Japan, one by one, the agents were being crossed off. Tortured, heads bashed in. No one knew who was killing all these J.I.A. agents. But one thing was sure... it was a force to be reckoned with. So, Agents Lumley and Avery realized the only way to keep J.I.A. agents and the baby from being hunted... was to erase her from existence. Those two agents were smart. They used the credentials of the senior agent who died to fake a level 8 clearance, setting up a nearly invisible protocol. The foster system was ordered to move the baby around every few months. Unfortunately, whoever was killing all these people got to Lumley and Avery, killing the two of them. They died protecting the secret surrounding this baby girl. And every record of the girl beyond that was lost." Once Shining Armor finished, Skye tried to comprehend what she just learned about her past, and quietly started to cry. Shining Armor then walked over to her, trying to comfort her by sharing a hug with Skye.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Main Entrance~


    As she noticed Kotal and his followers arrive, Roz, the secretary, greeted them in her slow and monotonous voice, saying, "Welcome to the Triskelion, headquarters of the Japanese Intelligence Agency, or as everyone else prefers to call, the J.I.A. Do you have an appointment?"
  2. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    'Okay, Phoenix.' He thought to himself, taking a deep breath. 'Just calm down...Can't think clealy if I'm panicking...What was it they taught me at law school? Relax, believe in your client, and take deep breaths...'

    Phoenix closed his eyes and began to take deep, calm breaths, much to the shock of a few people in the room.

    "Mr. Wright, are you alright?" The Judge asked, noticing this. After a few more seconds of breathing and feeling himself calm down, Phoenix opened his eyes and nodded. "I am now, Your Honor." He replied, before turning to Don. "Officer Eppes, may I ask something? You said you tested the knife for fingerprints. Did you do this with every piece of evidence at the scene?" Don nodded. "We did, yeah. All the evidence we found Miss Lestrade's fingerprints on were marked."

    Looking through the court record, Phoenix saw the knife and began to examine it. 'Yeah, there's the marks right there. Guess that mean Gina touched the knife at least.' Then his eyes fell on the wallet. 'And here's the wallet they found on her.'

    '....Wait a minute.'

    "Ha! The defense has nothing to say!" Payne taunted. "Your Honor, I believe the testimony of the witness is-"


    Everyone's eyes turned toward Phoenix, who now had a serious look on his face as he stood tall with his arm outstreched, finger pointing at Don.

    "Officer Eppes, you just stated the following: 'All the evidence we found Miss Lestrade's fingerprints on were marked.'" Phoenix said. "Is this correct?" Don nodded. "That's right. We tested everything we could."

    "I see!" Phoenix replied. "Then if you really did test everything at the scene...why didn't any fingerprints show up on the wallet that the defendant supposedly stole?" "Wait..." Don trailed off. "The wallet?"

    Phoenix nodded. "Yes! You claimed Miss Lestrade had stolen the victim's wallet. However, if that is so, then her fingerprints should be all over it!" "Well!" Payne cut in. "Perhaps the defendant had put on gloves when she stole the wallet!" Phoenix frowned. "I HARDLY believe she'd put on gloves AFTER leaving her prints on the knife!" He responded. "Besides, were there even gloves found at the scene?"

    "Nah. We didn't find any gloves at the scene or on Miss Lestrade." Don answered, arms crossed. Hearing this, Payne let out a small shout as he began to sweat nervously!

    "Your Honor, from all this, we can come to one conclusion." Phoenix said, feeling confident. "The lack of fingerprints on the wallet or gloves at the scene points to one possibility: Miss Lestrade did NOT steal the wallet!"

    ~ Nintendo High School - Principal's Office ~

    Mabel immediately opened the door and ran in with a wide grin as she went to Al Mualim's desk and smiled at him. "Hey, X! Who's he?!" She asked, looking back at Dipper and X.

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Amy grinned widely at the large bottle Meiko gave her. "You know what? I like you girls!" She said.

    ~ Triskelion: Main Entrance ~

    Kotal looked at Roz and shook his head. "No, I'm afraid not." He responded. "I am here on personal business. I wish to speak to one of the organization's higher-ups regarding a potential alliance of our groups."

    ~ Belli Castle ~

    Fiona crept around, trying to stay as quiet as she could. Over the past two months, she had learned a horrifying truth about the master of the castle, Lorenzo. He and Riccardo had brough Fiona to the castle as a means to hold her captive. When the time was right, Riccardo would kill her, extract the Azoth, a supernatural life force said to grant eternal life when used in alchemy properly, and present it to Lorenzo.

    However, the two underestimated Fiona's cleverness. Throughout her time there, she had found her faithful dog Hewie, befriended the castle groundskeeper Debilitas, solved quite a few of the castle's puzzles, befriended the two men guarding the entrance of the castle and even learned a bit of alchemy herself.

    And recently, she had fought with Riccardo and, with Hewie's help, sent him plummeting from one of the high towers of the castle. Now Lorenzo, who had absorbed his life force, was hunting her. She had to find a way to get away.
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Nintendo High: Al Mualim's Office~

    X gently opened the door and stepped inside calmly saying. "Sorry to bother you. But Metal Sonic and I found these kids outside on school grounds. According to them they were dropped off by their great uncle and are actually middle schoolers from America who are in Japan for a year. I was wondering if it would be possible to get these kids within Nintendo Elementary so they can get their proper education."

    ~Kai's House [September 7th 2013]~

    C.C. had watched Amy rather closely before Dawn and Pyrrha had spoken to her about possible initiation. The green-haired woman looked at the two before smirking. "Well...considering her sister is already a part of our little group. I suppose it wouldn't hurt for her to join...however she does need to learn something for the way she's treated Sammy the whole time..." Suddenly a devilish grin came across her face. "Yes, and I have the perfect idea...Aran!" Samus soon walked over looking at C.C. asking. "Yeah, something you need?" Her gold eyes looked at the blonde before explaining. "Head into the vault...the key number I need for Amy's initiation is five. Subaru!" Ryoko raised her hand.. "Over here!" C.C. turned her head asking. "I need you and Amano to get a total measurement of the room...specifically the distance around it." Samus had went upstairs as both Ryoko and Hikaru were calculating measurements of the room. After that was done C.C. gently took Sammy off to another room and quietly explained. "Okay, listen. We're going to have your sister initiated into our group...however the initiation test we're going to give her will probably end up with it being funny as all hell and a karmic retribution for the way she has treated you in the past. As one of the senior members I'm not going to allow her to treat you like that ever again. So what I need you to do is when I administer the're going to be saying Chugga Chugga and then eventually go Choo a train. More than likely she'll end up sick after a few laps and barfing all over the floor...maybe even in trouble with your caretaker as well. But this is merely a small concequence to pay for karmic retribution. Anyways back in the main room." With that C.C. gently escorted Sammy back into the room just as Samus came back down. Kai who was still at the booth watched as C.C. came out asking. "What kind of scheme do you have planned now?" Kai's blue gaze watched C.C. closely as she walked towards Amy and asked "Excuse me, but I would like you to do something as a bit of an initiation into our sorority family." Samus soon walked over and stood beside the green-haired woman calmly remarking. "Hold on, I'm not sure if Amy would be up to the task considering her sister has done the unthinkable before and punched Kai square in the face knocking her down..." C.C. grinned. "Yes, she even cried like a *****..." Kai in a fit of anger walked over to C.C. yelling "Hey! I'm not..." however C.C. soon placed her hand over Kai's mouth whispering. "I know you're not one, but I'm trying to use Sammy and sibling rivalry in order for Amy to do this task. Just trust me on it." She looked at Samus and motioned for her to do something. She soon placed five large cigars in front of Amy with C.C. explaining. "What I want you to do is put them all in your mouth and light them all up. Once you do that you will need to take laps around the room acting like a train inhaling but not exhaling until Sammy says the words...Choo-Choo." Kai suddenly understood what C.C. had meant thinking. "You sly manipulative woman..."

    ~Tokyo: Hidden Hangar~

    Eventualy the DX duo arrived in a large hangar that was seemingly active with a giant black and green robot on the floor. HBK stepped back at the sight of the robot asking. "Buddy, how did you get this robot...and build this hangar?" Triple H stood firm at a control panel explaining. "I got this robot through a series of circumstances that I will not go into considering my position and job. But we are taking this to America!" HBK mlooked deadpan as he asked. "You somehow saved your money from all of the sales and used that to build all this." Triple H raised a finger as he walked up to the cockpit. "Actually a whole bunch of women threw the robot out and I took it for the needs to DX." Triple H got into the cockpit with HBK following before the two flew out of the hangar and into the sky with HBK silently praying that they don't die.​
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School - Principal's Office~


    "Oh, I see," Al Mualim commented as he rubbed his forehead, "At their grade-level, they would better fit in Nintendo Elementary than in Nintendo High. However, while I can't speak for Nintendo Elementary, it is my understanding that, like Nintendo High, they are no longer accepting new student registrations at this time. But since they are foreigners, they could instead be accepted as foreign exchange students, allowing them to attend classes there for as long as they are in Japan. It is best to speak with Nintendo Elementary's counselor regarding this matter."


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Main Entrance~


    As she stared at Kotal for a bit, Roz picked up the phone on her desk, and was speaking to someone, saying, "Hey, we got a code 0, 3, double niner over here... uh-huh... uh-huh... uh-huh... uh-huh... got it." As she hung up, Roz took out a clipboard from under her desk containing several sheets of paper to be filled out, asking questions such as name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc. Handing it to Kotal, Roz said, "Fill out the paperwork, and someone will be with you shortly."


    ~Courthouse: Courtroom 4~


    'Wow, pretty impressive,' Matt Murdock thought to himself after Phoenix Wright said that Lestrade couldn't have stolen the wallet. Sensing Wright's heartbeat, Murdock could tell he was more relaxed and confident, the complete opposite of how he was a little while ago.


    ~CNN Live Broadcast~


    "Welcome back to CNN," Blitzer said as he faced the camera after the commercial break ended, "We have some breaking news to report out of Tokyo Narita International Airport, where the plane of the Wakandan king, T'Chaka, has landed, and is making its way across the tarmac towards an area where a private transport is waiting for the king. Joining us from Narita International is our own, Anderson Cooper. Anderson, you there?" The screen then switched to live footage from Tokyo Narita International Airport, where Cooper was standing in front of the camera with his microphone, and behind him were a bunch of reporters wanting to speak with T'Chaka...


    "Hey Wolf. As you can see behind me, we're still waiting for T'Chaka's plane to arrive at this spot," Cooper said as he was pointing to the scene back of him, "All these reporters wanting to ask the king of Wakanda as many questions as they can." "Anderson, any idea of what topics T'Chaka will be discussing with Japanese leaders?" Wolf asked. "Well the main thing he'll most likely want to discuss is the upcoming U.N. summit in Castelia City on Thursday," Anderson replied, "Also on the agenda... strengthening ties between Japan and Wakanda, both economic and military. Another possible discu- oh, hang on a second..." Just then, T'Chaka's plane arrived near the scene, with an airstair being driven right towards the plane's hatch. As the hatch opened, out came the king of Wakanda, T'Chaka, followed by his close aides as he went down the airstair...


    As he went down, T'Chaka was met with many questions from the reporters, who were asking him things such as...

    "T'Chaka, what do you intend to discuss with Prime Minister Harriet Jones?"
    "T'Chaka, how do you plan on continuing the fight against the Crystal Order?"

    "T'Chaka, is there a candidate you endorse in Japan's election today?" Brian Fantana asked. Responding to Fantana, T'Chaka said, "I do not endorse any candidate in Japan's elections. The only ones who must choose are the Japanese people. And I have faith that they will choose a wise leader to lead this great country. That is all I will say." T'Chaka then continued ignoring the rest of the questions by reporters as he made his way to the vehicle waiting for him, which drove off as soon as the king and his aides were inside.


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Class 94~


    Humming as she was trying out different hats, Ms. Frizzle turned around as she heard a knock on the door, noticing that it was Rini...


    "Good morning, Rini," Frizzle greeted her student. "Morning Ms. Frizzle," Rini replied, "I, uhh, was wondering... what are we gonna do for our field trip today?" "Well I was thinking of going to a desert and observing the creatures that live there... or perhaps shrinking down to a size of an ant and watch an ant colony work," Ms. Frizzle answered, "Unless you have a suggestion, then I'm all ears." "Well... I was reading a book in the library about the Pokémon Village in Kalos, France," Rini lied, "And I thought that it'd be a great pace to visit." "Hmm... educational, and great sightseeing. I like the way you think, Rini!" Ms. Frizzle responded, "Pokémon Village it is!" "Heh, thanks Ms. Frizzle!" Rini thanked her teacher as she left and headed to the playground to spend the few remaining minutes before school with her friends. 'Soon, Mewtwo, soon...' Rini thought to herself.


    ~Nintendo Elementary - Playground~


    "Hey guys," Sammy greeted Bonnie, Pipsqueak, and Sweetie Belle as he approached them, "Rini here yet?" "Yeah... sorta," Sweetie Belle replied. "She just raced towards the school building," Pipsqueak added. "And we have no idea why," Bonnie said. "Deden..." Bonnie's Dedenne concurred. "Huh... weird..." Sammy commented, wondering why Rini would be in such a rush.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Remus' Home-

    While Remus went to gather ingredients for making his wolfsbane potion in order to keep himself calm during his wolf transformation, Lily sat in her room, wondering how the Drive system worked. She saw the owl arrive with the reply and read her old friend's letter. Smiling, Lily thought to herself, 'Petunia always thought staying in the UK was the best thing, she could never accept the uniqueness of Japan or its holidays. To her, being in the UK was her definition of 'normal' and she did indeed go back as soon as she graduated Nintendo High.'

    She kept quiet at the mention of him explaining everything, she leaned back in her chair, 'You're not the only one, Sevy.'


    -Nintendo Elementary: Playground-

    The Wilys stood nearby the other kids, embracing their animal-like side with their tails and feline features showing. Hotaru stood by herself, holding her school bag and quietly took out her Lip Rod. Looking at her transformation wand, Hotaru gripped it and put it back into her pocket.


    -Nintendo High: Entrance-

    The Scouts arrived at the high school and went to their school lockers to change their shoes to their school shoes. As there was time, the seven Scouts walked around the school, talking about different things. Serena took out a riceball she had and ate it, feeling hungry.


    -Tokyo University-

    Hikaru watched Pinkie head back to her dorm room as Belt came up, asking, "Was that a classmate of yours?" Hikaru shook her head and headed to her fashion class, the Max Flare Shift Car following her, trying to remain unseen with Midnight Shadow covering him.



    Setting Kimberly on the side to rest, Tommy helped Fang set the rest of the lesson for the first period gym class. Go stayed hidden, watching and holding his camera. "There." Fang wiped her brow and smiled, Tommy smiled, nodding, having the gym set up for a game of volleyball. Go looked, thinking, 'Not bad.'



    Philip exited the Planetary Bookshelf and sat with Hermione as she tried to help Ron work on his homework, making sure that he didn't copy hers or Harry's while Riolu and Mew wandered around the library. Hermione sighed, Ron said, "Sorry, but I've been busy with practicing with my Lockseeds. Sides, Harry and I are heroes, along with Philip." Hermione kept quiet and got up, hitting Ron on the head with a book. Mew and Riolu gave a light chuckle as Ron rubbed his new bruise.



    Elsa gave a sigh of relief, "Thank you, I wasn't sure if he was okay or what he was like. Guess I just needed a reassure from someone who knew him, Thank you. I didn't decide before but I give my blessings." Anna smiled, hugging her sister.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo University - Cafe~


    "Tokyo University's everything I imagined. Students and teachers everywhere you look," Jessie commented as she, James, and Meowth were observing the campus while sitting in a table at an outdoor cafe. "And with today being Election Day, all the politically active students will surely be lining up to cast their votes," James added, "And TU is full of them!" "And with long lines, there's sure to be lots o' Pokémon ripe for the takin'!" Meowth said. "This is going to be the easiest job ever!" James said. "I can almost hear the boss commending us for our great work!" Jessie added. "Yeah! And then we'll finally be on his good side!" Meowth said. Just then, Jessie's Wobbuffet came out of his Pokéball, saying, "WOBBUFFET!"


    "Yes, you too," Jessie told her Pokémon, "But only if we don't mess it up. So don't even ruin this for us! Got it?" "Wobbu..." Wobbuffet replied as Jessie returned him back to his Pokéball.




    "YESSSS!!" Olaf happily cheered after Elsa gave her blessings, jumping up and down. "Thank you, thank you so much, your highness," Hans thanked Elsa. "I'm happy for you," Prince Demande told Hans, "However, now that we've got that out of the way, I think my brother and I would now like to talk about what we came here to discuss." "Hans, you can stay, as it involves you as well," Saphir told Hans. "Nephrite, leave with the snowman," Demande ordered his butler. Nodding silently Nephrite left with Olaf, with the snowman asking him endless questions, "So, your name's Nephrite? How long have you been a butler? Is Denmark that different from here?" As Demande, Saphir, Hans, Anna, and Elsa were left alone, Saphir said, "First of all, I think I speak for all of Denmark when I say relations with Arendelle have never been better. And despite not being part of it, that free trade agreement signed in Japan greatly benefited Denmark in the long run, and continues to do so." "And so, because of the strong relations between Denmark and Arendelle, my brother and I figured it would be a good idea to ask you, Queen Elsa and Princess Anna, to come with us to the United Nations on Thursday for the world summit," Prince Demande added as he turned to face Hans, "And since you are now Anna's fiancee, you might as well be part of our group too, Hans." "Thanks," Hans responded, "For a second there, I thought I was forgotten." "Not at all, old friend," Demande said, "Every world leader will be in attendance at the summit. There's now way I could forget about you, even if I wanted to." "Heh, same old Demande," Hans smirked.


    ~Nintendo Elementary - Playground~


    "Hey guys!" Rini greeted her friends as she approached them, "Sorry for rushing off earlier. Had to talk with Ms. Frizzle about something." "Was it important?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Nah," Rini replied, "It was nothing." "Well, in that case, I'm gonna go see my friends," Sammy said as he left to talk to Riley and other students in his class, "I'll see you during the field trip, Rini." "Okay," Rini replied. "So, where do you think we're going for our field trip today?" Pipsqueak asked. "Oh, I have a feeling it's gonna be fun," Rini replied.


    ~Nintendo High School - Shop Class~


    As the students in Shop class were waiting for the bell to ring, Marco asked Star, "So, what did you do for your project?" "Ta-da!" Star replied as she took out a rather detailed wooden replica of her wand from her backpack, "It looks exactly like my wand... only wooden." "Hmm, not bad. Not bad at all," Marco replied as he took out what looked like a wooden object resembling a fanny pack from his backpack, "And this is mine." "Heh, what is it with you and fanny packs, Marco?" Star asked. "Hey, fanny packs are one of the most important inventions ever," Marco replied, "These things can hold whatever you need in a dangerous nature trek, like a dilemma whistle, non-drowsy antihistamine, or even a space blanket made for two!"


    ~Nintendo High School - Philosophy Class~


    "Hey, Mr. Ghetsis! How ya doin'?" Carlton Banks greeted his Philosophy instructor, continuing a strategy he has been doing for two months in trying to stay on Ghetsis's good side. "I think today's gonna be a great day," Carlton added as he gave his teacher the wink and the gun before sitting down at his desk.


    ~Nintendo High School - Astronomy Class~


    As Neku was sitting in his desk, waiting for class to start while he read through his textbook, he noticed Ed giggling as he entered the classroom...


    A Ed reached his desk, he tripped on it, only to continue giggling as he got up and sat down. 'Ugh, what an idiot,' Neku thought to himself.


    ~Nintendo High School - Creative Arts Class~


    As she entered her Creative Arts classroom, Manon told her Pokémon, "Hey Harry, look what I did last night in the spirit of Election Day." Taking out a printout from her backpack and showing it to Harry, the Pokémon gazed at it, saying, "Leemo..." "I'm glad you like it," Manon responded, "I'll also get to do one for Cosmos during class."


    ~Nintendo High School - History Class~


    As Xion entered her History class and took a seat, she wondered about the test that the class was getting back today, remembering how hard it was. Elsewhere in the classroom was Vanitas, who wasn't even thinking about the test, but rather, about a way to get rid of Hiccup, Katniss, or really any one of Zordon's warriors.


    ~Nintendo High School - Accounting Class~


    "Hey, Rue, I have a question," Ritchie told Rue as they entered the Accounting classroom with Sparky, "You don't think Connor tried to get into Tokyo University just because Katniss got accepted there... do you?" Smiling, Rue replied, "I wouldn't doubt it. People will do anything if they're in love." "Pikachu..." Sparky laughed as Ritchie and Rue took a seat. "Heh, I guess so," Ritchie said, "But... they're not dating or anything." "No," Rue replied, "But just looking at them, you could tell. Remember how they acted at Gaston's party?" "Oh, yeah... can't forget that," Ritchie said as he took out his textbook from his backpack.


    ~Nintendo High School - Demonology Class~


    "Good morning, Sunset," Anais greeted Sunset Shimmer as she entered the Demonology classroom. "Morning, Anais," Sunset Shimmer responded as she took a seat, "Any idea who our substitute is?" "Sorry. No idea," Anais said, shrugging.


    ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~


    "Good morning everyone," Yen Sid greeted his students as they arrived, waiting for class to start, "Only one more day until we perform in front of an audience." "I certainly can't wait for that, sir," Loki replied as he took a seat. "How are things with you?" Xehanort asked Gaston as he sat next to him. "Well, I think I finally got the hang of 'The Nutcracker Suite'," Gaston replied. "That's good," Xehanort said, "I'm sure you'll be ready by tomorrow night."


    ~Nintendo High School - Pokémon Battling Class~


    "Good morning, everybody," Professor Oak greeted his classmates as they were waiting for the bell to ring, "Once class starts we'll start right away with our first lesson on Mega Evolution." 'Mega Evolution... another thing I can't do with my useless Magikarp,' Eddy thought to himself.


    ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~


    "Good morning, sir," Clemont greeted Sully as he took a seat next to him, noticing the stickers on his shirt that indicated he voted, "Voted already?" "Yup," Sully replied, "What about you? Aren't you 18?" "Well, I turned 18 last month, yes," Clemont answered, "But... I'm not officially a Japanese citizen yet." "Oh, well... there's always the next election. Hopefully you'll be a citizen by then," Sully said, with Clemont nodding in reply.


    ~Nintendo High School - Martial Arts Class~


    "Good morning, Mr. Wayne," Connor greeted his Martial Arts instructor as he and Dick arrived at their Martial Arts class. "Hey, Connor," Wayne replied, "So... Dick just texted me that you got accepted into TU. Congratulations." "Thank you," Connor thanked Bruce. "Does Achilles know?" Bruce asked. Shaking his head, Connor replied, "I want to surprise him with the news later today." "Not a bad idea," Bruce said, "Oh, if only Dick was a serious as you are with trying to apply to colleges." "Oh come on, Bruce!" Dick complained, "I told ya that I'll apply eventually." "Suit yourself, Dick," Wayne replied, "But don't come crying to me when you're not doing anything with your life after you graduate from high school." "Can't wait to prove you wrong," Grayson said as he smirked.


    ~Nintendo High School - Algebra 2 Class~


    While Sho Minamimoto was listening to music and waiting for class to start, Riku approached Double D, asking him, "Hey, Double D... did you know how to do number 37 in the homework?" "I sure did," Edd replied, "If you want, I can show you how." "Thanks," Riku thanked Double D as he showed Riku how to do the problem he was stuck at.


    ~Nintendo High School - Chemistry Class~


    "Good morning, class," Eraqus greeted the students in his class, "While we wait for the bell and the morning announcements, I want each of you to find a lab partner." "Once class starts, we'll get started with the lab immediately," Axel added. 'Ugh, great... now I have to partner with some annoying idiot,' Trixie thought to herself.


    ~Nintendo High School - Algebra Class~


    "Morning, Max," Roxas greeted Max Goof as the two entered their Algebra classroom. "Morning to you as well," Max replied as they both sat down at their desks. "Good morning, class," Moody greeted the students who had arrived, "I'll be handing out your graded tests as soon as class starts."


    ~Nintendo High School - English Class~


    "Morning, boys," John Smith greeted Joshua and Beat as they entered the classroom. "Good morning, Mr. Smith," Joshua replied, "So we're starting with 'To Kill a Mockingbird' today?" "That's right," Smith replied, "Just as soon as the principal's done with morning announcements, I'll be passing around the books." "'To Kill a Mockingbird'... wat's dat?" Beat asked Joshua as the two sat down. "One of my favorite books ever," Joshua replied, "Having already read it a few times already, I'm probably ahead than most, if not, the whole class. And lucky for you, I could help should you need." "Aight... sounds good to me," Beat said.


    ~Nintendo High School - Gym~


    After changing to his gym uniform, Will Smith was bragging to others about how he duped his cousin, Carlton, into paying him 2,000 yen. Elsewhere, Katniss was stretching as she was waiting for the bell and morning announcements so that class can start.


    ~Nintendo High School - Biology Class~


    "Good morning class," Phil Coulson greeted his class as Thor, Luna, Sora, Vanellope, and other students arrived to the Biology classroom, "Get yourselves ready. We'll be having a quick five minute pop quiz as soon as class starts." The class then instantly responded with unenthusiastic groans.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
  7. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    "Indeed!" The judge exclaimed. "If what the defense says is true, then the defendant did NOT steal the wallet at all! And that means she would have no motive for the murder!"

    "Exactly, Your Honor!" Phoenix said, nodding. "Now that you mention it, it is a little weird that we didn't find prints on the wallet." Don added. "Along with the other evidence we found, we didn't think to much of it."

    "Wait. Other evidence?" Phoenix asked. Don nodded. "Yeah, we found two other things at the scene besides the knife and the wallet." He pulled out a piece of paper and a small tuft of blonde hair. "We found some hair that looked like the defendant's, and a note that mentions having to meet the victim about money."

    'Huh. That's odd...' Phoenix thought. "Officer Eppes, why would that note be there?"

    Payne cut in. "Hee hee hee! Well, isn't it obvious?" He asked, much to Phoenix's confusion. "What are you getting at?" Phoenix asked, warily.

    "I believe that is something that the man who witnessed the very crime can answer. The prosecution calls our next witness to the stand!"

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    Dan entered the classroom, with a spring in his step. Getting out of court early was a great victory for him. "Ah, time for another dull, yet fufilling day of-" He stopped when he reached his seat. Sitting at his desk was another guy who looked faintly like himself, but not unkempt like he was. The other Dan also had bright blue eyes, unlike Dan's toxic green ones. "Who the heck are you?!" Dan snapped.

    The other Dan looked at him, before smiling. "Wow, this is embarassing. Who are you, now?" "I'm Dan!"

    The imposter grinned and shook his head. "No, I'M Dan."

    ~ Martial Arts Classroom ~

    Jaqcui and Takeda entered the room. "Hey, Takeda. You seen Cassie today?" Jacqui asked him, getting a shake of the head in reply. "She's staying home." He answered. "Her dad went missing a few weeks ago, so she's staying out today to look for him." "Oh. Well, hope she finds him."

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Shinnok waited for a few minutes, before a portal appeared and Quan Chi emerged, dragging Cassie behind him. "Hey!" She shouted in rage. "Let go of me you son of a..." Her eyes fell on her captured and bruised father. "DAD!!" She called out, running over to him.

    "I have brought the girl as you asked." Quan Chi said, bowing. Shinnok nodded. "Good. Good. Now we may begin with freeing Lavos!" He paused a bit and looked around. "Hmm. It seems we may be having a few...'guests' soon."

    ~ Nintendo High School - Principal's Office ~

    "Yay!" Mabel cheered! "Looks like we're in, Dipper!" "Yeah...great." Dipper responded, a bit unenthusiastic. 'Elementary school?! This is gonna be so embarassing...'

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Sammy just stared in shock at C.C.'s suggestion. "That sounds sneaky and totally deceptive!" Then she smiled and giggled a bit. "I think you girls are becoming a bad influence on me. I'm in!" She jokingly said.

    She turned to look at her sister, who was already stumbling around, surrounded by empty bottles and with the cigars in her mouth. "Pssh! That's eaaaaaasyyy!" She boasted, hearing what C.C. told her to do.

    As soon as Sammy began to say 'Chugga Chugga' Amy began taking quick, clumsy laps around the room.

    ~ Triskelion: Main Entrance ~

    Kotal nodded and took the clipboard. "Thank you, miss." He said, before sitting down. He stared at the papers attached to it a bit, before looking at Erron Black. "Erron, do you know what an...erm, 'e-mail' is?"
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo University-

    While walking to her fashion class, Hikaru saw one of the Shift Cars hop on her shoulder and tried to say something. She heard Mr. Belt's voice from the Speed Shift Car, "I see. Shadow says that he and Flare believed they found some villains. They'll stay around and alert you if they make a move." Hikaru nodded and continued to her class.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith hummed while she pushed some of the flowers into the sunlight, Lenne was in the back, planting some new flowers and filling some of the pots with dirt and seeds. She looked at the flowers and thought about Shuyin.


    -Music Class-

    Kira came in while Mina followed Michiru and Kagura shyly came in. Mina smiled, while Mirchiru just looked calm. The four girls went to their respective seats, Kira just hummed the song she was working, she thought, 'It's coming along, but there's still something I'm missing.' Kagura just happily hummed while she waited.



    "Are you sure you want to stay, Kim?"
    Tommy asked, looking at her. Kimberly looked at her, "I'll be fine, I'll just be watching the lesson from the sideline." "Okay." Tommy said, Fang stretched, waiting for the morning announcement. Go watched, pondering if he should make a appearance. In the locker room, Gia changed into her gym uniform and tied her hair up, covering her morpher so one would hear it if it went after.

    In the boys' locker room, Right just hummed as he changed into his gym uniform, Michal looked a bit worried about the lesson for the day as he got changed and Hikari kept quiet.


    -French Classroom-

    Sirius sat at his desk while Eiji prepared the lesson with the students came in. "Why, miss Goodall." Draco said, smiling as he tried to act charming to get her to like him. Emma looked at him, "H-hey, Draco." She went to her seat and waited for class to start.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    Dante was asleep at his desk while Billy set everything out for the students while the students came in. Gai stretched as he sat in his desk and Troy went to his desk. Luka yawned, laying her head on the desk. Billy greeted the students as they came in before hitting the desk to wake Dante up. Troy laughed as did Gai, Luka looked up as she waited.


    -Advanced Calculus Classroom-

    Setsuna waved at everyone as they came in, Haru waved and went to his seat. Noah nodded at the teacher and the teacher assistant as he came in and went to his desk, Ami smiled, waving as she came in and went to her desk.


    -Demonology Classroom-

    "Morning, Sunset, Anais." Hermione said, coming in with Harry, having recalled Riolu into his Pokeball. Hermione went to her desk while Harry went to his desk. He waved at the two girls and sat at his desk, waiting for the bell to ring.


    -Children's Card Games 101-

    Akiza entered her first class of the day, waiting for Yami to come in and the lesson to start. She brought out her notebook and pencil case, stretching and wondered if Kaze was gonna come.


    -Shop Class-

    "Morning, Haruka." Don said, entering the Shop classroom. Haruka waved, "Hey, Don. How's your project coming?" "Okay," Don said, showing his project as it was something that resembled the Gokai Galleon. "It's missing something and Gai said that he had seen something like it before." "Huh, I see." Haruka said, taking out her project which was a assortment of rings for the Scouts.


    -Martial Arts Classroom-

    Having put Mew in its Pokeball, Ron stretched, stepping into the martial arts classroom. He had decided to take the class to get stronger as his role as Bujin Gaim and one of Zordon's warriors. Lita stretched, making sure her hair was tied tightly.


    -Creative Arts Classroom-

    Namine entered the Creative Arts classroom and went to her desk, sitting down and brought out her sketchbook. She kept quiet and wondered what she would sketch this time.


    -Nintendo Elementary: Playground-

    WilyKat hummed a song that he had been listening to recently while WilyKit sat on the swing, looking at the sky and pondering the train that she had been seeing. Hotaru looked at them and said, "Have fun, then."



    "Hmm, okay." Elsa said, listening to the plan. "I will be honored to go with Anna and my future brother-in-law. I promise not to do something similar as in Japan." Anna laughed.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Courthouse: Courtroom 4~


    "Osha?" Foggy wondered out loud as Payne called a witness who apparently saw the crime happen. 'Hmm... now this I wanna hear,' Murdock thought to himself, wondering who the witness was and what he would say.


    ~Nintendo High School - Principal's Office~


    As Al Mualim watched Mabel and Dipper leave with X, he heard the school bell ring. "Time for announcements," Al Mualim said to himself as he switched his speaker on to make school announcements, "Good morning Nintendo High School. Today is Tuesday, November 5th, 2013, Election Day across Japan. Not many announcements for today. First off, for any student who is 18 years of age and has registered to vote, but has not yet done so, I strongly urge you to go out and vote after school. The right to vote is a right many throughout Japan's history have fought hard and died to achieve, and by voting, you are making sure that Japan's democracy will continue to be stronger than ever. So be sure to vote, and may the best candidate for prime minister win. Next up in morning announcements... tickets are still available at the front office for the Festival of Snowflakes scheduled for tomorrow night at the Imperial Palace. Remember, tickets are free, and will be your chance to show your support for our own school's Music students as they perform in front of many important people. Thank you all, and have a wonderful day."


    ~Nintendo High School - Biology Class~


    "Will BOTH Dans please be quiet and sit down," Phil told Dan and the imposter as the bell rang and morning announcements were made. Once the announcements were done, Coulson handed Thor a stack of quizzes, telling him, "Pass it." Nodding, Thor took one quiz, and passed it to Luna behind him, who did the same as he did as the quizzes were being passed throughout the class. "You've got five minutes for this quiz," Coulson told the class, "Once you get a quiz, start immediately." Phil then sat down, taking attendance as he noticed who was here and who wasn't, and also trying to see if there was a second Dan on his list.


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Main Entrance~


    Arriving to the main entrance, John Garret approached Roz, asking her as he noticed Kotal and the others, "Is that them?" "Yup," Roz replied. Walking over to Kotal, Garret said, "So, you'd like to form some sort of alliance, huh? Come on... let's go for a little walk outside, then we can talk."


    ~Nintendo High School - Martial Arts Class~


    After the bell and morning announcements, Wayne told the class, "Okay everyone, first thing to do is for all of you to get into groups of three." "That's easy," Dick replied, "I'll be with Connor and someo-" "Actually, Dick, I'd like you to partner with someone else for a change," Bruce interrupted Dick, much to his dismay. "You really are trying to make me miserable today, aren't you?" Dick responded. "Well, it's my job as your legal guardian," Bruce told Dick, chuckling, "Why don't you join Jaqcui and Takeda?" Sighing as he walked to wards them, Dick replied, "Yes, sir." "As for you, Connor, I'd like you to join Ron and Lita," Bruce told Connor, who nodded in reply as he went to join Ron and Lita. As the rest of the class was forming groups of three, Bruce quietly took attendance.




    "Splendid," Demande commented, "I believe this calls for a feast to celebrate." "Couldn't agree more," Hans replied. "I'll be sure to tell Nephrite to assist the chefs in this castle," Saphir added. "Very well," Demande said, "But while we wait for the time to feast, I'd like to have a word with my friend, and his fiancee. Hans, Anna, would you two please join me for a stroll in the courtyard?" "Umm, sure," Hans replied, "Anna, you coming?"


    ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~


    "Aaaand... class has officially started," Sully told the class after the morning announcements were done. As he was taking attendance, the Advanced Calculus teacher said, "First thing to do... I want each of you to take out last night's homework, trade it with someone else's homework, and grade the other student's homework as I go over the answers." Looking around as he took out his homework, Clemont looked, and noticed Ami close to where he was. "Ami, wanna trade?" Clemont asked her as he held out his homework.


    ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~


    After the bell and morning announcements, Yen Sid knocked on on his desk twice, and his brooms came walking out of his closet, carrying instruments for each of his students while he was silently taking roll call...


    "Now then, everyone, we'll be continuing to practice on the four musical pieces we'll be performing tomorrow night," Yen Sid told his class, "Once you get your instruments, get ready to play 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice.'"


    ~CNN Live Broadcast~


    "The lines are long, but the voters say they will wait for as long as it takes to cast their vote," Alexa said as she was reporting in front of a polling station in Pewter City, Japan, where an elderly man stepped out of a polling station, raising his hands in a V-sign...


    "Experts have said that the voter turnout for this election may indeed be one of the highest ever in Japan's history, and the line behind me seems to indicate that this may indeed be the case," Alexa continued, "Whether this will benefit Cosmos, or her opponent, Harold Saxon, we shall find out tonight once the results are released. Reporting from Pewter City, I'm Alexa."


    ~Nintendo High School - Demonology Class~


    "Morning," both Sunset Shimmer and Anais replied to Hermione. After the bell rang and morning announcements were made, Matt Smith, the class's substitute teacher, entered the classroom...


    "Good morning everyone," Matt greeted the class, "Sorry I'm late. Now, let me introduce myself." As he turned around to face the board, Smith began writing his name, saying, "My name is Matt Smith. And I will be your substitute teacher." Once he turned around once more to face the class, Smith continued, "And for those of you who take English... yes, I actually am related to the English teacher, John Smith. He happens to be my cousin. The resemblance is uncanny, isn't it? Now then... any questions?" Raising her hand, Anais asked, "What's with the fez on your head?" "Good question," Matt replied, "What is your name, by the way?" "Anais," Anais answered. "Anais, nice name," Smith replied, "Now then, to answer your question, the reason I wear this fez is simply for the fact that... fezzes are cool. It's true." Some students, including Sunset Shimmer, giggled upon hearing Matt's response, who continued, "Now then... Demonology... Demonology... hmm... I can't seem to find what Mr. Vergil wanted me to do with you kids today. Hmm... well, admittedly... I never even took a demonology course before in my life. So... let's just start off fresh. Any demons in the classroom?" Sunset Shimmer then raised her hand, with Matt asking, "Yes, what's your name, dear?" "Sunset Shimmer," Sunset responded. "Sunset Shimmer... now then... would you mind telling the class things about demons?" Matt requested, "Anything really... customs, traditional clothing or food, or anything at all about the culture of your kind?" "Wow, well... there's a lot to talk about," Sunset Shimmer replied. "Then how about one thing," Matt said, "Let's just say... food." "Hmm, well... demons have come up with many delicious dishes over the years," Sunset Shimmer replied. "Good, good," Matt said, "Now do you have a favorite?" "Well... hehe, there is this one dessert that demons came up with during the time of the Vikings," Sunset Shimmer replied, "They're called Sperhüven Krispies." "Hmm, I see," Matt commented, "Then in that case, that's what we're going to do today."

    "What?" Anais asked. "For class, we are going to make the Sperhüven Krispies that Sunset Shimmer discussed," Matt replied before turning his attention back to Sunset Shimmer, "You do know the ingredients and how to prepare them, right?" "Well, yeah, bu-" Sunset Shimmer replied before being interrupted by Smith. "Excellent!" Matt interrupted the demon, turning his attention to two random students, "You two, go on to the Home Economics class, and ask if we can borrow a mini oven and some ingredients. And while you're at it, ask if they've got some Jammie Dodgers. I'm really craving a Jammie Dodger right now." As the two students left, Matt told Sunset, "So for today, Miss Shimmer, you will be in charge of telling everyone what to do." "Umm, okay..." Sunset Shimmer replied, surprised by Matt's unconventional way of teaching a class.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Harold had a book out and was scribbling some things and rubbed his hair in a bit of annoyance. "Okay, creating a new spell, not exactly the easiest part to do." Harold said with a grumble, he could apply runes to any part of the shop for protection, cast the normal spells that everyone would likely know but creating a counter spell for the Beast? That was a tall order even for him and he just threw his notebook over his shoulder as it landed on the bed and he leant back into his chair. "I give up, I'm not a spellweaver." Harold said and heard a knocking. "It's open."

    (OOC; Small yes but that was all I could figure out to do)
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  11. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    Within a few minutes, Florent had taken the stand. He adjusted the carnation on his suit as he regarded the courtroom with a disgusted look.

    "Witness. Your name and occupation, please." Payne spoke.

    "My name is Florent L'Belle." Florent answered. "I'm a political aide for Harold Saxon. But MORE importantly than THAT, I run a VERY luxurious and high-class cosmetics and beauty products company on the side." Payne nodded. "Good. And you were the one who witnessed the incident two months ago?"

    Florent smiled. "That IS correct! I also CALLED the police on that DREADFUL little girl!"

    Phoenix groaned. 'I have to cross-examine THIS guy? Man, this is GOING to be a pain....Ack! He's got me doing it now!'

    'Could you tell us what you saw that night?" Payne asked, prompting Florent to let out an arrogant laugh! "Why, I'd be DELIGHTED!"

    Florent smirked. "I happened to be taking a walk that night, and I stumbled across the scene!"

    "The little twerpy girl and that gaudy man were arguing."

    "Suddenly, she pulled out a knife and threatened him!" He exclaimed, beginning to wipe away (obviously fake) tears.

    "He turned and ran, but she rushed him and stabbed him right in the back! Oh, it was frightening!"

    ~ Biology Classroom ~

    The imposter gave a small nod. "I apologize, Mr. Coulson." He said. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have instigated anything." He smiled as he received his test. The real Dan scowled and sat angrily in his seat, glaring at his duplicate.

    ~ Triskelion - Main Entrance ~

    "Very well." Kotal nodded, just as Erron Black stood next to him. "Nothin' personal, but I'm going with you two." The gunslinger spoke. "Can't be too trusting these days."

    Kotal turned to D'Vorah and the others. "The rest of you stay here and do not do anything foolish." D'Vorah stood up. "Pardon, but this one has some important business to attend to. I will be heading out for a bit, if it is no trouble." "Of course. If it is that important." Kotal replied, before turning toward Ermac. "Ermac, please watch over the others." The glowing green being nodded. "We shall do as you ask."

    Turning to Garret, Kotal approached. "Then I suppose it is time for talk."

    ~ Martial Arts Class ~

    As Jacqui and Takeda continued talking, the former noticed Dick approaching. "Uh, do you need something?" She asked, frowning. Takeda shook his head. "Jacqui, be polite, please." He turned to Dick and smiled. "I'm sorry, is there something you needed?"

    ~ Modern History Classroom ~

    Hearing the mention of elections in the morning announcements, Chloe groaned and leaned back in her chair. "Ughh...Why did I have to turn 18 last month?" She asked, exasperated. "I don't know who to vote for. I haven't been following this election thing."

    ~ Gym ~

    Crunch grinned as he burst into the gym. "Aww, yeah!" He shouted. "I'm feeling pumped today!"

    ~ Creative Arts Classroom ~

    Kate smiled and sat down. She opened her sketchbook and began to draw.
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kai's House [September 7th 2013]~

    "See, this is the nature of siblings in action. Determined to do things like this." C.C said with her arms crossed as she watched Amy stumble about the room. Her golden eyes turning towards the others. "This is a good lesson you should learn."

    ~Kai's House~

    Kai sat on her couch laughing her ass off on the floor at the TV yelling. "He got hit on the head with a coconut!" However her dumbfounded laughter was interrupted when the door flew open and Neru ran in yelling. "Miss Kai-chan, I need a word with you..." Kai was on her back looking at the blonde girl as she was absolutely still. With quick movement the red-head got back on the couch and casually said. "Proceed." Neru blinked before sitting down. "Riiiight. So Lilith sent me this picture as her and Morrigan were on their way to school. You might want to see this." Tapping quickly on her phone Neru quickly pulled up an image on her screen and showed it to Kai. Kai looked at the image. "It's Honnouiji Academy, it was merged with Nintendo High..." Neru soon pushed the screen into Kai's face shouting. "Look closer!" Kai blinked at the sight of small dots on the grounds, small colored dots. Moving her fingers to zoom the image in Kai explained. "You're right...something definitely is going on here, but because of the image quality I can't make it out worth crap. Oi! C.C...get in here!" C.C. soon waltzed into the room with a smirk. "You called?" Kai soon showed the green-haired woman the image. "Something's up at Honnouiji you think you could lead a team to investigate?" C.C. nodded. "Of course...I assume you want us to simply find out what is going on and not get involved, right?" Kai nodded. "Yup, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of jumping the gun. We'll make a plan and try to figure out more before this evening comes." C.C. placed a hand on her hip. "Well, I will be out for a bit..."​
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flower Shop-

    Entering his room with a cup of tea, Lenne looked at him and asked, "Is everything alright? You seem frustrated." She set the cup on the desk and went to sit on his bed.


    -Tokyo University: Fashion Class-

    Entering her fashion class, Hikaru found her notebook in her bag and handed it to her teacher. She went to her seat and laid her head on the desk, wondering if the small Shift Cars were going to be okay on their own.


    -Music Classroom-

    Taking their selected instruments, the four girls tuned their instruments and got ready to play, Michiru smiled at Kira and she nodded at her. Kagura was nervous but Mina patted her shoulder.



    "Alright, lets get this game of volleyball going!"
    Fang said, smiling as everyone entered the gym. "Pick the team you want to be on and we'll start." She blew her whistle, once everyone picked their teams, Right served the ball over to the other side of the net, then Gia spiked the ball back over. Tommy sat with Kimberly, keeping score while Fang oversaw the game. Go looked at the game being played and smiled, holding his camera.


    -French Classroom-

    After the announcement, Sirius began his lesson while Emma listened and Draco just yawned. Emma wrote down notes as Sirius spoke, while he spoke, Eiji wrote down the basic verison on the board and Draco tried to pay attention.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    Trying to wake himself up after the announcement played, Dante started the lesson and tried not to sound bored. Troy and Gai wrote notes as he spoke, while Luka laid her head on the desk, listening.


    -Advanced Calculus Classroom-

    "Sure, Clement."
    Ami said, giving him her homework as she was given his. Noah traded his homework with someone and looked over theirs to see if they had the correct answers and Haru did the same, keeping quiet.


    -Demonology Classroom-

    Harry and Hermione looked at each other, confused, Harry whispered, 'He looks like a walking target.' Hermione had a nervous chuckle, thinking, 'Well, his teaching method is certainly unique so far.'


    -Children's Card Games 101-

    Yami entered the class and began the class about Trap Cards. Akiza wrote down her notes on the information that he gave, listening to how he spoke of Trap Cards in a duel.


    -Shop Class-

    Doc worked on his project, working diligently while Haruka worked on engraving designs to the jewelry she had with her. Doc tried to figure what Gai meant by having seen the design before.


    -Martial Arts Classroom-

    Stretching, Ron and Lita looked at Connor as he joined them. Lita stretched, "Alright, what should we work on first?" "Don't know." Ron said, looking at the thunder-elemental Scout. Snow stretched and watched the students group and practice.


    -Creative Arts Classroom-

    Namine began to sketch a rough sketch of the two new heroes that had appeared, Drive and Ghost. She didn't know much of their powers, but she knew that their powers were as unique as the other heroes.



    Anna said, joining them. She looked at her sister, "Elsa?" "You all have fun, I'm going to go and think a bit on my own about some stuff." Elsa said, getting up and going out to another room in the castle. She touched her chest, 'I'm happy for Anna, but what was that strange feeling that made me feel uneasy about Hans?'
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    ~Nintendo Elem: Jessebelle's Office~

    After a few minutes X arrived at Nintendo Elem. with Dipper and Mabel in tow. The blue robot calmly stepped in front of the door to the consulor's office and gently started to knock on it.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Before KOS-MOS could explain her thoughts on Sara's situation, a dark blur had rammed itself into the blue-haired woman forcing her down the street and away from the people. Shion gasped before she ran after her creation just wondering what in the hell was going on. KOS-MOS opened her orange eyes noticing the dark-skinned woman with silver hair and equipment similar to her own before grabbing her and throwing her into the wall. Quickly KOS-MOS pulled out a gun at the woman's head asking. "Who are you and why do you mimic my design? The woman looked at her for a moment before standing up. "You could say we have the same design...the same creator even." KOS-MOS was a little shocked. "Impossible, you were not created by Shion nor the people she works with. You are merely a bootleg design." The woman seemingly started to freak out. "Bootleg!? Did you just call me a bootleg!?" She soon kicked the gun out of KOS-MOS' hand and began to beat her down yelling. "I am not some bootleg! My name is T-Elos and I was conceived to be a much superior version of you...and as they say...out with the old..." Shion soon ran in, her expression that of a angry mother before she ran in and kicked T-Elos off of KOS-MOS.

    ~Other Tokyo Arena: Mario vs. Elite Four [Part 1] [September 13, 2013]~

    Mario slowly walked out onto the arena floor to a loud roar from the Nintendo High side of the arena just as the Honnouiji side cheered for Gamagori asthe Elite Four member came out. As soon as the two met in the middle, Bonnie jumped into the middle of the floor holding a microphone before speaking up. "Okay everyone, calm down..we got to go over some things before this fight starts. As a reminder..if Mario loses then all Nintendo High students will be stripped of their titles and positions and reduced to Zero-Stars under Satsuki Kiryuin's rule like the pigs they are..." This lead to Bonnie getting boos before shouting. "I'm trying to be impartial here! Also as stated...Mario is not allowed any outside help, not even from his brother. Meanwhile one member of the Elite Four will be fighting at a time. Whoever loses conciousness is out of the fight!" Bonnie looked at Mario asking. "Are you ready, Mario?" Mario nodded. "Duh! Fighting these guys will be easy." Bonnie looked up at Gamagori asking. "What about you?" Gamagori looked down at Mario with arms crossed. "Of course, this student will be remolded to be better behaved." Bonnie swallowed. "Okay then...well...start!" Bonnie soon ran away quickly.

    Then this happened...

    ~Nintendo High: Philosophy Classroom~

    The teacher of the classroom looked over at Carlton with seemingly one eye before turning back towards the board and began to draw a diagram of what appeared to be a circle that was half full of water. He soon turned to face the class and asked. "I have just drawn a picture that will relate to the lesson you will be learning today. Can anyone in here guess the meaning of it?"

    ~Jumpman Family Origins: The Birth of Brothers [Last Part] [September 1997]~

    Jumpman had been sitting alone in the waiting room looking up at the cieling fan as he waited. Fujiko's water had broken and he had been in wait and worry on if his wife and his child would come out okay. He looked at the TV and sighed with the setting sun outside. Before Jumpman could grab a book to read a familiar voice made him jump out of his seat. "Oh good, we're not late!" Jumpman looked over to see Peppy run in panting. Surprised Jumpman blinked. "Peppy, I'm surprised you came all the way to Italy." Peppy smiled. "We couldn't just sit over in Tokyo and wait to see the children be born. Now couldn't we?" Jumpman blinked before Felix ran over and pulled Jumpman's hat down. "All of us came just to see our friend." Cranky walked over and glared at Felix. "Let's just hope they're not as worthless as my son..." Kamek adjusted his hat and glasses as he walked over. "Oh come on, I doubt they would be like your son." Goofy tumbled into a chair with Donald on top of him with Donald explaining. "I've seen worse." however a black rabbit in blue walked in. "Hey, just because I have a lot of kids doesn't mean you can call me out Donald." Mickey soon ran in holding the rabbit back. "Now hold on Oswald. We're here to see Jumpman's kids..not argue." Goofy raised a finger. "Yes, what Mickey said." Compile soon bounced forward with a smile on her face. "Now now, Fujiko's probably in intense pain right don''t freak Jumpman out." Deco soon waltzed in and plopped in one of the chairs. "Yeah yeah, we know how pregnant women are. We all learned that in school." Ralph walked in caarrying two bags with pink and blue balloons asking. "Anyone know what gender the child is gonna be?" a voice from outside shouted. "I believe it's a boy, Ralph old pal." Ralph stepped out of the way letting a large dog? something in. Jumpman sighed. "Silly Pete..." Mickey on the other hand glared at Pete for a moment before smiling. "Welcome Pete!" Pete smiled and sat down before Histoire came running in with a camera. "Are the little ones ready?" Jumpman sighed before a nurse came in. "Mr....Jumpman?" Jumpman jumped out of his seat concerned. "Please tell me my wife is alright and she didn't die..." The nurse looked down at him. "Your wife is okay and your children came out safely." Histoire blinked. "Wait, children? Jumpman...what is she going on about?" The nurse looked at everyone with a smile. "Just follow me."

    Minutes later Jumpman and his friends stepped into one of the hospital rooms where Fujiko gently laid in the bed holding not one..but two bundles of blue blankets in her arms. Jumpman ran over and took a good look at the blankets before meeting eye to eye with a blue-eyed baby boy with a big nose and brown hair. Fujiko looked at her husband before she replied with a faint laugh. "They're both boys, they look cute too." However Jumpman Sr. came pushing his way into the room yelling. "Let me through! I need to see my grand-kid!" Jumpman blinked. "Dad, I have twin boys. Histoire flew over and took a look at the babies. "Yeah, they certainly look like twins alright..what will you name them?" Fujiko looked at them for a moment before Jumpman Sr. spoke up. "They're gonna be hard to identify...hang on." The father quickly dug through his pockets before looking at the others asking. "Anyone got any hats?" Felix soon pulled out a red hat from his pocket before Histoire pulled out a green hat. Jumpman Sr. placed the hats on the babies before a spark came into Fujiko's mind giving her renewed energy at the sight of her baby in a red hat. "Mario! I'm naming him Mario!" Jumpman soon whispered. "She liked the name Mario after she met Mario Auditore." Jumpman soon looked at the baby in a green hat before asking. "What about this one?" Jumpman Sr. raised a gloved hand. "Well, along the way here I stopped at a resturant called Mario & Luigi's...maybe...hmm.." Fujiko's blue eyes looked at them. "Mario....and Luigi." A big grin came across her face. "I love it!" She leaned down towards them speaking in a soft tone. "Welcome to the new world...Mario and Luigi. I am your mommy...can either of you say mommy?" The babies looked at each other, then at Fujiko...then at Jumpman before Mario pulled Jumpman's nose and Luigi laughed. Fujiko also laughed. Mickey soon started to leave. "Hold on a moment guys, I will be right back." Oswald soon stopepd him. "Let me handle this, I'm much faster..." The black rabbit soon ran out of the room in a rush leaving everyone blinking. Minutes later Oswald returned carrying a small bag and sat it on the table. "Felix, if you don't mind using your hammer." Felix nodded and ran over as the rabbit pulled out two with a red M and the other with a green L, he soon grabbed the hats. Felix pulled out his hammer shouting with a smile. "I can fix it!" and started to hammer the buttons onto their respective hats. After making sure the buttons were welded on there the hats were once more placed on the brothers heads with Fujiko and even Jumpman teary-eyed at how cute their kids were. Jumpman kissed his wife commenting. "To think that you driving up to Nintendo High would have led all the way to this...I am very proud of myself."

    Outside both Ruiji and the Puppet were floating near a window looking inside before Ruiji flew off. "I hope they turn out well...big bro."

  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School - Government Class~


    After the bell and morning announcements, Rose Tyler was discussing the election for Prime Minister taking place in Japan today with her students. "... now then, how many of you are 18?" Rose asked, with a couple of students raising their hands. "And how many of you registered and voted, or plan to vote later today?" Rose asked once again. A few of the hands that were raised were lowered, but there were still quite a few that still had their hand up. "Good," Rose said, "Then it looks like a majority of new voters will be taking part in this year's election. Which really does concur with what many experts are saying about this election having one of the highest voter turnout in many years."


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Counselor's Office~


    As she was checking her Twitter feed on her phone, Jessebelle heard a knock on the door. "Huh, I wonder who that could be..." Jessebelle said to herself as she got up form her seat and opened the door, noticing X with Mabel and Dipper. "Oh, why hello there," Jessebelle greeted them, "May I help you?"


    ~Courthouse: Courtroom 4~


    While Florent L'Belle gave his testimony, Matt used his enhanced sense of hearing to listen to Florent's heartbeat while he spoke about what had happened. However, as he listened to Florent's heartbeat, Matt's face looked dissatisfied. "Osha?" Foggy quietly asked Matt, wondering what was wrong. "He's lying," Murdock whispered to his Pokemon.


    ~Nintendo High School - Philosophy Class~


    "Umm, it can be looked at two ways, sir," Carlton responded, "To the pessimist, it can be a glass half empty, and to the optimist, it could be a glass half full. Kinda like that scene from 'Finding Nemo' inside the whale, where Marlin was freaking out about the water in the whale's mouth being half empty, while Dory, on the other hand, said it was half full."


    ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~


    Once the students were ready, Yen Sid conducted them as they played the following musical piece:

    "Very good, very good indeed," Yen Sid said once the students finished playing 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice', "Michiru, Mina, you both did terrific. Gaston, you are getting better. And Loki, you performed admirably, though try to work a bit on the very last part." "Of course, sir," Loki responded. "Now then, let's move on to our next musical piece, the 'Pastoral Symphony,'" Yen Sid told his class.


    ~Nintendo High School - Gym~


    "I got it! I got it!" Will (who was on Right's team) yelled as he spiked the ball to the other side of the net, where Bulk Biceps (who was on Gia's team) quickly reached it, passing it to fellow team member, Katniss. Katniss then spiked the ball back across the net, where Will tried but hilariously failed to block it. "I don't got it..." Will said as the ball landed on his team's side of the court, giving Gia's team a score. "YEAH!!" Bulk Biceps cheered as Katniss fistbumped his hoof. "We make a great team!" Katniss told the pony. "Pika! Pika!" Haymitch cheered for Katniss from the bleachers as the game continued.


    ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~


    After Sully went over the answers to the homework questions in detail, he said, "Alright, now give the homework assignments back to the student you traded with. Look over them a bit, then pass it forward. After that, we'll start with today's lesson." Handing Ami back her homework assignment, Clemont said, "Nice work, Ami. Perfect score."


    ~Nintendo High School - Martial Arts Class~


    "Well, I'm supposed to team up with you two," Dick replied to Jacqui and Takeda, "Mr. Wayne's orders." "Alright everyone, here's what's gonna happen. For today and tomorrow, we are going to have ourselves a little tournament of sorts between the different teams that you all set up," Bruce told the class, "When challenging a team, there will be three matches, one for each member. Use everything you have been taught in this class, and use them wisely. Teams will move up the bracket not on whether they win or lose, but on the overall score of all three members combined. So if you mess up a move or decide to play dirty, you will lose some points. Practice a bit as I get everything ready." While Bruce was preparing the mats, Dick and Connor looked at each other, both grinning at the thought of challenging each other. 'May the best team win,' Dick mouthed before turning his attention to his team members, "Alright, you heard the man. Let's practice." As for Connor, he turned to face Ron and Lita, telling them, "We don't have much time to practice, so let us just try to focus on as many offensive and defensive moves as we can before time runs out."


    ~Military Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A.~


    It was almost the end of the day for classes at the prestigious military academy in Annapolis. Finn, one of the many cadets who take classes in the academy but didn't have any at the moment, was busy mopping the floor of a hallway, a task he must do for being a part-time janitor at the academy. The final bell of the day then rang, with many cadets exiting classrooms, socializing with one another while avoiding the area around Finn after noticing the 'Wet Floor' sign he placed. And as Finn continued to mop, his close friend, Kanan Jarrus, exited from a nearby classroom, and noticed Finn mopping...


    "Finn! Whatcha doing man?" Kanan asked his friend as he walked over to him, careful to not slip in the wet floor. "What does it look like? I'm working," Finn replied, "'Sides, shouldn't you go do your homework?" "Heh, homework can wait," Kanan answered, "Hey, how 'bout we go over to Cid's place for the night?" "In case you haven't noticed, I'm busy," Finn told Kanan. "Aww come on, Finn! Don't be such a buzzkill," Kanan replied as he playfully punched Finn's shoulder, "You can't spend your whole time at the academy as just a cadet and a janitor. I mean, is this what you'll be doing for Thanksgiving or on Christmas? Life's too short man, and we're still young. Have some fun for a change." Sighing, Finn said, "I'll meet you at my car in half an hour." "Sweet! You're the man, Finn! You're the man!" Kanan happily replied as he walked away while Finn smiled and shook his head.


    ~Outside the Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters)~


    As Garret was taking a small walk outside with Kotal and Erron, he was explaining to them a brief history of the J.I.A., saying, "Founded in 1947, two years after the end of World War II, the Japanese Intelligence Agency, or J.I.A if you prefer, has been Japan's answer to any potential threats around the globe, helping maintain worldwide security. While the Japanese Army just goes in and bombs places, we at the J.I.A. actually take a more 'behind-the-scenes' approach, making sure threats are dealt with before things get ugly. Doesn't mean things won't get ugly. Hence why it's always best to be prepared. Yeah, the J.I.A. has been busy for many decades. And we still are as busy as ever. As a matter of fact, right now we're getting involved in the civil war in Syria, helping out the rebels over there in whatever way we can. And with being busy sometimes comes the need of requiring assistance from other allies. While we already have several foreign intelligence agencies as our allies, such as the American CIA and the British MI6, we also get some help from smaller groups, such as the Black Dragon gang and the Rising Tide. And I'm told that you and your posse want in. So tell me... what do you have to offer? And why do you wanna even help out?"


    ~Nintendo High School - Biology Class~


    Once the five minute time limit for the quizzes came to an end, Coulson told the class, "Alright everyone. Pencils down. Pass the quizzes to the front." "And done!" Vanellope said with a relief, glad that she finished on time as she passed her quiz forward.




    Knocking on the door of the room where Elsa was, Saphir said, "Your highness, just wanted to let you know that I've instructed Nephrite on what to do, and that he's now helping your chefs as we speak." However, upon noticing her troubled face, Saphir walked towards her, asking, "Is something troubling you?"


    ~Arendelle - Courtyard~


    As Demande was taking a stroll with Hans and Anna, he continued explaining to Anna of his friendship with Hans, saying, "I believe I first met Hans even before I first met you and your late parents, may their souls rest in peace. But anyway, Hans, being the youngest in his family, was the one Saphir and myself got along with the most, unlike his twelve snobby older brothers... no offense Hans." "None taken," Hans replied, "I actually agree with you on that." "Hehe," Demande chuckled, "Ah yes, Hans and I were very close. He was like a second brother to me. And to find out that he is engaged to you, I almost feel like a parent watching their child graduate."


    ~Nintendo High School - Demonology Class~


    "Ah good, you got the things I asked for," Smith said as the two students he sent to the Home Economics classroom returned with a mini oven, ingredients to use for baking, and surprisingly, a Jammie Dodger, "Including the Jammie Dodger! Thank you so much!" As Matt took a bite out of the Jammie Dodger, Sunset Shimmer observed what the students brought over. "So, think these ingredients would suffice?" Anais asked Sunset. "Hmm... yes. I think they're just right," Sunset Shimmer replied as she turned her attention to Smith, "Sir, would you mind pre-heating the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit?" "Of course!" Matt Smith said as he walked over to the mini oven, plugging it to a nearby electric outlet, and setting it at 375° F. Taking out some pans along with butter and flour, Sunset Shimmer handed them to Anais, asking her, "Anais, know how to grease and flour these pans?" "Of course," Anais responded as she started doing her task. "Good," Sunset Shimmer said, "And if anyone can help her out, I'd appreciate it." Sunset Shimmer then grabbed some more flour, as well as some salt, couple of spices, a bowl, and measuring spoons, handing them to Harry and Hermione, telling them, "Okay guys, I'll need you to mix the dry ingredients. Just keep adding one cup of flour and one teaspoon of salt until I say so. Oh, and just a pinch of each spice." Grabbing a bowl of her own, Sunset Shimmer said, "And I'll take care of the wet ingredients." Sunset Shimmer then grabbed nearby eggs, milk, and sugar, and starting mixing them while other students helped her out.


    ~Tokyo University~


    "Yoohoo! Come and vote for the next prime minister of Japan right here!" Jessie called out to people passing by. She, along with James, disguised themselves as they set up what appeared to be a polling place in the middle of Tokyo University. "Have your voice be heard!" James added. Meanwhile, observing them was Gary and Tracey who all felt something was off about the polling place...


    "Hey guys," Misty greeted the two as she and Brock arrived...


    "What's up?" Misty asked. "There's something fishy going on with that polling place," Gary replied. "I don't know what it is, but something about it definitely doesn't seem right," Tracey added. "Really? Hmm, I guess Marius would probably know better than I do," Brock said.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Nintendo Elem: Jessebelle's Office~

    "Yes, I was wondering if you could get these children here into school as foriegn exchange students. See they came from America and their great uncle accidently dropped them off on Nintendo High grounds and thus I have come to rectify the situation." X calmly explained before he introduced Mabel and Dipper to the red-haired conselor.

    ~Tokyo Streets: Robot vs. Robot~

    T-Elos soon got onto her feet after being forcibly kicked off by Shion, the robot's eyes lookig dead center at the brunette before standing up. Her arm formed into a blade as she said coldly. "You shouldn't have done that...Uzuki Shion." Shion glared at the silver-haired woman before yelling. "How do you even know my name when I never even created you?" T-Elos soon tilted her head with a grin. "Of course you didn't create me...but lets just say you were placed in my databanks..." She was about to attack Shion with the arm blade before a hand stopped the blade in place. T-Elos turned her head only to see KOS-MOS stnding there, fully-armored, and with piercing blue eyes as she said. "You will not lay a hand on Shion..." and promptly threw T-Elos into a car wrecking it as they continued to fight.

    ~Tokyo Streets: Reunion~

    After leaving her house C.C. had been walking down the street, her golden eyes carefully looking around for anyone suspicious. Eventually the green-haired woman arrived on a street corner and stood in wait. She soon felt a gentle tap on the back of her head before turning around and noticing Cynthia right behind her. The blonde commented with a smile. "It's been a while...old friend." C.C. blinked in surprise asking. "How did you know it was me?" Cynthia lifted up a portion of green hair explaining. "I only know one female with that distinct hair color...that and I was looking for you anyway." C.C. soon wrapped an arm around the blonde's shoulder. "Well you found me, what's up?" Cynthia blinked before explaining. "Let's take this to my place...what I want to talk about isn't for public eyes." The two started down the street before seeing KOS-MOS and T-Elos still fighting each other causing the women to laugh as they both said. "There's always some kind of fight going on around the world between bitches." and continued on.

    ~Nintendo High: Philosophy Classroom~

    Ghetsis was rather surprised at the answer that he heard before addressing. "Yes, what you said could be interpreted as one way of explaining it. However it can also be a representation of the mind of an intelligent lifeform." He soon started to draw a representation of Yin and Yang. "The minds of intelligent life can vary, but it can be boiled down to what they see and how they interpret the picture. This leads to such things as war, knowledge, love, and most importantly will.." He turned to face the class again. "Will is the drive that usually leads to the half full/half empty mentality. Those with strong wills can either be the ones to control the weaker masses or even develop skills and abilities that are possibly connected to the Conduit Gene."

    ~Vector Building~

    Various scientists were keeping a watch between the fight of T-Elos vs. KOS-MOS with all three Testaments watching the screens. Shadow Mario looked at Vader before asking. "Why are we watching a fight between two robots for?" Vader looked at the screen before explaining. "Both are similar models with the same type of systems and designs..just different manufacturers." Shadow Mario blinked. "Yet the blue one is an Anti S-Type weapon made by the government." Before the conversation could go any further the Red Testament in the middle spoke up. "It's best that you two do not go into too much detail. Master Wilhelm should be here soon to get a glance of both Project Blacklight and our little pet project that will finally deal with that green-haired woman. For now we have to make sure Ms. Uzuki stays alive."​
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Harold's Room~

    Harold gave a sigh. "It's trying to counter Beast's curse, it's complicated as it's got criteria and a combination of Transfigurations and Animagus woven into it and layered by well, many protective charms, not o mention tied to a countdown with his rose, if I knew the reason behind Beast's change, then I maybe have to leave it alone as messing with magic can be dangerous, it's like... how to put it in simple terms, it's like playing with fire, a small amount can increased to a huge flame if givne enough time." Harold leant back in his chair.

    "And whoever cast it must be at least have a Master's Degree in Transfiguration, Curses and Charms." Harold said and Lenne asked what an Animagus was. "An Animagus is an animal magus or in modern terms, witch or wizard, it allows us the ability to transform into the creature that represents us, sort of like how tribes worship animals and there's an animal spirit, it can range form many creatures, however, the Ministry created a law that all Animagus must be registered so they can keep track of criminals or such if they should become one, an unregistered one may have to pay affine or something should they be caught, ti takes a lot of practice to become an Animagus."

    Harold picked up some crumpled paper and it changed into a glass for him to use. "This is what Transfiguration is, you can turn something into something different and you can change it back." He brought out his wand to cast some fresh water into the empty glass to drink. "But the principle is that Transfiguration will eventually revert back to what it was before because the magic sued has a duration time of how long you intended to cast it." Harold explained and lenne said something about Alchemy.

    "Alchemy works slightly different but functions the same as Transfiguration, for example, this water in the glass, I can change into something that has the properties of water by giving up something of the water in exchange to make it possible, but Alchemy can leave traces of how it was restructured much like Magic, everything can leave a trace if you know where to look, all Witches and Wizards have a trace placed on their wands from childhood to the beginnings of adulthood, this is because accidental magic can occur as well as ensure they are not doing bad stuff."


    Vergil stood ready and he had felt somewhat a shiver down his spine. "Why do I get the feeling that the replacement for my class is someone who is an utter moron and thinks that that the best combination is fish fingers and custard... no, that sounds more like Dant- no, not even he would think up that combination, he loves pizza too much, the fool." Vergil thought with a hint of distaste.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flower Shop: Harold's Room-

    "I wish there was something that I could do to help, but I'm not that knowledgeable about magic."
    Lenne said, looking at her feet. "If there is anything you think I can do, don't hesitate to ask." She looked at him and smiled.


    -Tokyo University: Fashion Class-

    Hikaru sat in her fashion class, writing notes on her assignment in a spare notebook, finding a model to try on her designs and teaming up with another student to combine their designs. Hikaru thought about who else was taking this class that she could team up with and combine as well as finding a model to try on her designs up. She twirled her pencil on her finger and got up when class ended, putting her bag over her shoulder after putting it away. The teacher gave her back her notebook and she walked through the hall.

    As she walked in a hallway, a small police car hopped on her shoulder and Belt spoke, "Justice Hunter says there's a strange stand for voting on the campus. Shall we investigate?" Hikaru thought for a moment, taking Justice Hunter in her hand and tapped in Morse Code to stay hidden and she would join it somehow. Hopping off her hand, it rode off and tried to stay hidden.


    -Music Classroom-

    Kagura took a breath as they got ready to play the next song, Kira stretched and took a moment to change her music sheet. She tuned her bass violin and readied herself. Mina and Michiru smiled at each other, nodding at each other.



    Kimberly helped Tommy score points as they were given. Hikari (being on Gia's team) watched as Jake (on Right's team) hit it over the net, in a attempt to impress Gia, but accidentally hit Michal in the face. "Michal, you okay?" Gia shouted, Michal gave a thumbs up though his face had a imprint of the volleyball on his face. Fang blew her whistle, Tommy and Kimberly laughed, Tommy said, "Fang certainly is something." "Yeah." Kimberly said, smiling.


    -Advanced Calculus Classroom-

    "You didn't do so bad yourself,"
    Ami said, giving him back his homework. Noah and Haru gave back the homework to those who they traded with. Setsuna stood by the board, watching the students and smiled seeing them talk about the answers they may or may not have gotten correct.


    -Demonology Classroom-

    "When did this become cooking?"
    Harry asked, confused. Hermione laughed and said, "Lets just go along with it." So she began to measure with Harry and add the dry ingredients.


    -Martial Arts Classroom-

    Lita said, stretching before sending a punch to Ron but he quickly managed to block it. "Not too bad." "Thanks." Ron said, before sending a kick to Connor. Snow watched everyone practice. "Everyone's doing great."


    -Creative Arts Classroom-

    Namine finished the sketch of Drive, adding some small toy cars around the car themed hero. She did admit that Drive had a unique power then began to sketch Ghost, from what she read, Ghost used abilities based on historical figures, like Beethoven, Edison, Robin Hood. She began to lightly sketch one of the figures, Newton, behind Ghost.


    -Arendelle: Courtyard-

    Anna listened to the stories, and smiled. "Wow, you two sound like you had a lot of fun. I wish Elsa wasn't trapped in her room so we could have the same kind of fun when we were younger."



    "Oh, Saphir."
    Elsa said, looking at Demande's younger brother. "Sorry, I was just thinking about when they asked me about the blessing back in Japan. I was worried that Anna was rushing into things and I caused such a mess for her, everyone, and those who became our new friends."
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School - Music Class~


    The class proceeded to play the following song:

    "Wonderful!" Yen Sid said once the students finished playing the 'Pastoral Symphony', "Take a quick two minute break, then we'll be moving on to my personal favorite, the winter-themed 'Nutcracker Suite.'"


    ~Nintendo High School - Advanced Calculus Class~


    Once the homework assignments were passed to the front and Sully collected them, he told the class, "Alright class. Today, we'll be focusing on the rotation of functions around an axis, and finding their volume." Sully then turned around to the board, where he started writing notes and explaining the lesson.


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Class 63~


    "Good morning everyone!" Clara Oswald greeted her students as class started, "As you all know, we will be having a field trip today with the class of Ms. Frizzle. I don't think I need to remind you all to be on your best behavior and show some respect, especially since you all are older than her students." Raising his hand, Sammy asked, "Any idea where we're going?" "Actually, I don't," Clara replied, "That's just the way Ms. Frizzle works. Always full of surprises. Now, until it's time, how about we go over some quick math problems." As Clara was writing some math problems on the board, Gumball was writing a note on a small piece of paper. Once he finished, he poked Darwin from behind. "What?" Darwin asked as he turned to face Gumball. Giving him the note, Gumball whispered, "Throw it to Penny." Sighing, Darwin aimed the note to where Penny was seated, and threw it. The note, however, landed on Riley's desk instead. "Oops," Darwin said as Gumball covered his face, "Sorry, man." Noticing the note, Riley curiously picked it up, and opened it to read the following:

    I like your eyes
    I like your feet
    And your antlers are really neat

    Noticing the word 'antlers', Riley figured that the note was for Penny. "Hey, Penny," Riley whispered to Penny on her left. "Hmm?" Penny replied. "I think this is for you," Riley whispered back as she handed Penny the note. As she read the note, Penny smiled and blushed, wondering who it was from.


    ~Nintendo High School - Martial Arts Class~


    "Nice," Connor commented as he quickly blocked Ron's kick, "But not quick enough. Let's give it our best." Connor then proceeded in practicing with Lita and Ron, trying to land punches and kicks while also trying to block. "Alright everyone, gather around, and sit down," Bruce told his students while standing on a mat. As the students gathered around the mat and sat, Bruce said, "Eight teams of three... following a very simple tournament bracket. Today, we'll have the quarter-finals. Tomorrow, the semi-finals and the final match. Remember... give it your best, and may the best team win." Wayne then ordered two groups to start the first quarter-final, in which one team won 2-1, advancing up the bracket. For the next quarter-final, it was Dick, Jacqui, and Takeda against another group of three students. "Jacqui, you're up," Bruce told Jacqui, ordering her to start the first match against the other team. "Good luck," Dick told her.


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Counselor's Office~


    "You don't say," Jessebelle replied as she turned her attention to Dipper and Mabel, "Well how do you do? My name is Jessebelle, and I'm the counselor of this fine educational establishment. And like you, I'm an American as well. I hail from the great state of Georgia. So, where are you two from exactly?"


    ~Shinnok's Spire~


    As Savage Opress and Vergil made their way to Shinnok's Spire as Mather Talzin instructed them to, Savage pushed Vergil into the back of a column after noticing someone, telling him, "Hide!" Hiding with Vergil behind a column, Savage watched Shinnok and his servant Quan Chi with their prisoners, Johnny and Cassie Cage. "Over there is Shinnok," Savage whispered to Vergil, "But... where is the crystal holding Lavos?" Just then, Savage noticed a group of four individuals arriving in the main entrance who didn't seem to be friends of Shinnok...


    "Shinnok! You have a debt to pay us," Shay called out to Shinnok as he, Starlight Glimmer, Jadeite, and Tania arrived at Shinnok's Spire. "Who is that?" Savage wondered out loud as he watched what was happening.


    ~Nintendo High School - Demonology Class~


    After the whole class worked on the demon dessert, Sunset Shimmer placed the batter into the oven. "And now, we wait," Anais commented. "Good news, Mr. Smith. It looks like there's going to be enough for us as well as the three other demonology classes," Sunset Shimmer told Matt Smith. "Thank you very much, Miss Shimmer," Smith replied, "Have you always been good with baking?" "Well, it's always been a hobby of mine... sorta," Sunset Shimmer replied. "And demon food, such as the one we're baking, is it something your mum or dad taught you to prepare?" Matt asked. "Not really. I never knew my parents. I was an orphan my whole life," Sunset replied. "Oh... I'm so sorry," Matt remorsefully said. "It's fine," Sunset replied, "But as far as being taught on how to prepare demon dishes... it's actually something I taught myself. Being a demon, I did everything I could to learn about the culture of my kind, and what we did. Gotta keep my demon heritage alive, y'know?" "Right," Matt said as he smiled at Sunset Shimmer.


    ~Tokyo University~


    While people were going inside the closed polling station that was set up by Jessie and James, Meowth was sneaking in from underground, quietly snatching Pokeballs from people as they were voting. "One little, two little, three little Pokeballs, hehehe..." Meowth quietly sang to himself as he stealthily snatched three Pokeballs from a voter's belt, placing them in a bag, then quickly went underground through a manhole, hiding as he was waiting for the next voter to come. Meanwhile, outside the closed polling station...


    Misty and her friends continued to watch the polling place with suspicious eyes. But before anyone could say anything, Marius approached Brock...


    "Oh, Brock. There you are," Marius greeted his roommate, "I thought you were going to go to Walmart with Misty." "We were, but then that caught our attention," Brock replied as he pointed to the polling place. "That's odd," Marius commented as he saw the polling place, "This polling place was never mentioned by the supervisor of elections. I think I'll have a word with the people in charge." Marius then walked over to the polling station, hoping to have a word with Jessie and James...


    ~Arendelle - Courtyard~


    "Indeed," Demande replied to Anna, "I'm just grateful to finally have met her in person." "Hey, guys!" Olaf called out to the three as he approached them...


    "So, whatcha doin'?" Olaf asked. "Oh, you know, just talking about the old days," Hans replied.




    After hearing what Elsa said, Saphir replied, "I... actually understand where you're coming from. More than you think. Believe it or not, I actually worry about my older brother a lot. Heh, guess it works the other way around in my family. But... I learned to let go of such worries. Demande is my brother, and I love him, but in the end... he is his own person, and I cannot control him, regardless of what decisions he makes. We may not see eye-to-eye on everything. But in the end, we're brothers, no matter what."
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
  20. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Martial Arts Classroom ~

    Jaqcui grinned as she got ready. "I'll be fine." She said, slamming her fists together.

    ~ Nintendo Elementary ~

    "We're from California!" Mabel replied with a big grin.

    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    "Well." Johnny said, noticing Shay's group arrive. "I was kinda hoping for the rescue squad. Just my luck."

    "Ah, you've come just in time! I was just about to open the way to Lavos!" Shinnok said, turning toward Shay's group. "And the key is that girl over there!" He pointed at Cassie, who managed to break free from Quan Chi's grip.

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    As Sammy continued saying 'Chugga Chugga', Amy kept stumbling around the room. She groaned as she felt dizzy, her vision blurred and she felt sick. But she was determined to keep going!

    ~ Outside the Triskelion ~

    "I am well-aware of the history and purpose of your organization." Kotal replied. "Do you know of a man named Ketz? He was a soldier for the army. A proud and dutiful man who would lay down his life for his home and loved ones. Ketz was my father."

    "During a mission, his superiors made a bad call that got him killed. My father taken from me. My mother couldn't support us, and so she had chosen to abandon me to run away to a new life. I grew to hate and resent the Japanese government. I blamed them for everything bad that as ever happened to me."

    He paused. "And yet...these have been dark times as of late. The Crystal Order has been on the rise and, if not dealt with, could endanger us all. I realize the fate of my country is more important than my grudge against it's government. This is why I wish to ally myself with you. I set aside my pride for the greater good. My group and its resources are at your use. Our group consists of many individuals with unique abilities, such as healing properties, control over insects, strength..."

    Erron Black cut in. "You want someone who can shoot a dime from miles away, I'm your guy."

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post. Just woke up. I'll add more to the trial in my next post.)
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