RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    "And when shall we strike, Lord Shinnok?" Quan Chi asked, looking up at his master. "Soon. We shall bide our time until it is right." Shinnok replied. "My time will come soon."

    ~ Kai's House ~

    Rushing to find Amy, Sammy found her sister stumbling around drunkenly. "Amy! Did you drink?!" She asked, appalled. "Uncle Murphy's going to be so disappointed! Come on, we have to go!" "What's th' matter, Saaaaaaaammy?" Amy slurred. "I was jus' about to..." Before she could finish, Amy passed out. Sighing, Sammy picked her up and carried her home.

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Two men stood under a streetlamp in the darkened streets, seemingly wrapped in a dispute.

    "Wh-what do you mean you won't help me?!" The distressed voice of Florent L'Belle cried out. "Surely you can sympathize with my situation, Redd?!" The other man, Redd White, replied. "Oh, I do! I do! Undoubta-lutely! But I simply cannot lend you anymore money! I have plans with that wealth! Ingenious plans! And they don't involve you! I'm sorry! Perhaps I could 'gather' some information on a few well-known sorts. I'm sure I could have you enough by the end of next year!"

    "NO! I can't wait until next year!" Florent shouted, as he approached Redd. "I need the money NOW!" "Hmph! My patience is at an end with you, Florent!" Redd scoffed. "I thought you were above such patheticness. Clearly I was wrong. Now go away! I don't waste time with people like you!"

    Florent watched in defeat as Redd began to walk off. Defeat slowly turned to anger, and anger to rage.

    Without thinking over his actions, Florent reached into his jacket and pulled out a fancy knife. Lunging at Redd, Florent began to stab the man multiple times. A struggle insued, but Florent was able to overpower Redd and gave one last lethal stab.

    Standing over the murdered Redd, Florent gasped and looked around. His eyes fell on a young girl sleeping on a nearby bench, and he smirked before approaching her.
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Vermilion City Gym~

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    'This scientist... could he have been with the Crystal Order?' Aveline pondered to herself as she watched the others leave. "See you soon, sis," Finnick told his sister as the two shared a hug. "We'll keep in touch," Surge added. Once the others left, a confused Grant asked, "But I still don't understand... what are S-types?" Sighing, Adéwalé replied, "Nephew... perhaps it is time I told you what Lt. Surge and I have done during our time in the army." Lt. Surge, Adéwalé, and Aveline then sat down with Grant and Viola, explaining to them what S-types were, and what they went through during their military days.


    ~Tokyo's Hell's Kitchen District - Fogwell's Gym~


    (From 0:00 to 0:58)

    Entering the dark and empty gym that Matt's father would visit on a regular basis years ago, Matt (carrying a duffel bag and wearing a fitness hoodie) and Foggy passed by a certain old poster on the wall, and headed towards a punching bag. Dropping his duffel bag on the floor, Matt unzipped it, and took out his boxing gloves, putting them on, while Foggy switched on the lights. The Pokemon then climbed up to the top of the punching bag, ready to help Matt work out. "Osha!" Foggy cried, signaling to Matt to start. The blind demon then started to repeatedly punch the punching bag. "Osha! Osha! Osha!" Foggy repeated, signaling to Matt to hit harder and harder. And while Matt worked out, in other parts of the world, evil plans were taking place...

    *Cue Montage Sequence!*

    (From 0:59 to 1:16)

    ~Back of Bar~


    As Jazz and the others inspected the purse Madame Gao supposedly forgot, they were horrified to learn there were explosives inside. But it was too late, as the purse exploded, killing Jazz and everyone else in the bar. Meanwhile, outside the bar...


    Madame Gao watched from inside her car as the bar she visited blew up, with nothing of it left but debris and flames. Grinning, she then signaled the driver to drive away, satisfied with the work she has accomplished.

    (From 1:17 to 1:34)

    ~The King's Palace - Kuwait City, Kuwait~


    Turbo, continuing to rule the oil-rich Middle Eastern country of Kuwait under the guise of King Candy, sits in a dark room in the palace in front of a computer, grinning as he secretly transfers mass amounts of money to Crystal Order-affiliated offshore accounts, further funding the group he is part of, while repeating a lie to those around him that the money is being used for foreign business investments.

    (From 1:35 to 1:52)

    ~The British Ministry of Magic HQ - London, U.K.~


    Dolores Umbridge, the current Minister of Magic in the U.K., watched from the window in her office at all the witches and wizards in the ministry's building conducting their business as usual, while she was drinking a cup of tea. Placing her cup on her desk, Umbridge opened a nearby drawer, and pulled out an old photograph of herself and Al Mualim, reminiscing to when she and him would spend much time together in Japan when they were younger...

    (From 1:53 to 2:10)

    ~Copenhagen, Denmark - Building Rooftop near Japanese Embassy~


    While controlling a mecha provided to him by the Crystal Order, Vince McMahon reluctantly raised the mecha's right arm, and turned his face away as sent missiles flying straight towards the Japanese embassy, blowing it up in an instant, and killing all those inside. Elsewhere in Copenhagen...


    The Danish prince, Demande, rushed to his balcony to see where the noise came from. Noticing it was from an attack on the Japanese embassy, the prince started to grin, mouthing the words 'Hail the Crystal Order.'

    (From 2:11 to 2:27)

    ~Al Mualim's Home~


    As Harold was sitting in a chair in his adopted father's home, a shadowy figure in front of him handed Saxon a file labelled 'Protocol 66'. Opening it, Harold smirked, liking what he was reading.

    (From 2:28 to 2:44)

    ~A.I.M. Building - Secret Laboratory~


    As Aldrich Killian was examining test tubes filled with a substance to be used for the Extremis project, his son, Max, handed him a certain helmet. Looking at the helmet, Aldrich grinned and nodded his head, now having a clear picture of how to move the Extremis project further.

    (From 2:45 to 3:01)

    ~Crystal Order HQ: John Lumic's Lab~


    As Haytham Kenway continued examining the Cybermen that Lumic showed him, Lumic marched towards a wall, and pressed a button on the wall. The wall then opened to reveal the T-800 Terminator he showed Kenway days ago, only it was now covered in living tissue...


    (From 3:02 to 3:18)

    ~Tokyo's District 12 - Outside Marco Diaz's Home~


    As Marco and Star were talking with each other, and getting to know the other a little more, little did the duo know that they were being watched...


    Across the street from them, a lizard who goes by the name of Toffee watched Star Butterfly from the shadows with vengeful eyes. Clenching his right fist, where one finger seems to have been cut off, Toffee headed off silently...

    (From 3:19 to 3:53)

    ~Tokyo Tower~


    Standing on the tip of the Tokyo Tower, Xehanort had been pondering about the things that Dr. Souichi Tomoe told him, such as the Keyblade, darkness in the heart, and Sauron. Taking a deep breath, Xehanort raised his right hand, as though he were summoning something. And once he focused hard enough, a key-shaped weapon suddenly appeared in his hand, causing Xehanort to gasp. 'A Keyblade!' Xehanort thought to himself as he examined his weapon, 'Tomoe was right. It's true... all of it...'


    Two months later...

    "Re: Mario's High School Days" Current Day is now: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 (a.k.a. Election Day)


    ~Nintendo High School: Cafeteria~


    Instead of having breakfast at their dorm, Xehanort and Hiccup decided to eat breakfast at the relatively empty school cafeteria. As they ate, the two were playing a game of chess with a rather unique chess set.

    "Have you heard of 'The Moon Kingdom'?" Xehanort asked Hiccup. "Yeah," Hiccup replied, "It was my favorite story growing up." "So, then you know of the Ancient Keyblade War," Xehanort said as he moved his knight to capture a pawn belonging to Hiccup, "It was the conflict that resulted from the death of the Earth prince in the story." "Never heard of it," Hiccup replied as he made a move in the game. "You can drop the facade," Xehanort said, "I've seen what you browse online. Conspiracy theories are an interest to you, no?" "Okay, maybe I might've come across it," Hiccup replied, "But what about it?" "Well, after the death of the Earth prince from the story, a power vacuum occurred," Xehanort explained, "And a war then followed, fought by warriors who crafted a unique kind of weapon, called a Keyblade... a blade shaped like a key that can unlock any lock. Hence the name, 'Ancient Keyblade War'. But as every side fought for itself, there existed a lone faction that was interested in something more than just seizing control of the Earth. This faction was known as the Seekers of Darkness, led by a man named Sauron, and they sought something much more valuable than control of the world." "What was it?" Hiccup asked. "The heart of everything in existence... Kingdom Hearts," Xehanort replied, "Anyway, the Seekers of Darkness were very close to achieving their goals, but they were stopped by a Keyblade wielder named Yoda, a Guardian of Light. Following the defeat of Sauron and his Seekers of Darkness, the world then began to rebuild itself after the massive destruction that resulted from the Keyblade War, eventually dividing up into different countries... sound familiar?" "Well, it does... in a creepy way," Hiccup responded, "But... I still think it's nothing more than an old wives' tale. Nevertheless, do go on, it's kinda interesting." "Well, as far as Keyblades go, it's said that descendants of those who took part in the Keyblade War are able to wield Keybaldes, as it is an ability passed down from generation to generation," Xehanort continued, "But there was a certain prophecy relating to Sauron and the Seekers of Darkness. It is said that one day, Sauron's descendant shall start a new group of Seekers of Darkness, and that the descendant shall start another war in order to finish what Sauron failed to do... claim Kingdom Hearts for the side of darkness. As the prophecy goes... 'On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire.' The future... it's already been written." As Xehanort moved his queen to take a bishop from Hiccup, Hiccup responded, "Well, who's to say I can't change it. And maybe light will prevail. Unlike darkness, there is more to light than meets the eye. You might be surprised." As Hiccup moved his knight to take a knight from Xehanort, Xehanort grinned, replying, "Oh I hope so..."


    ~Watterson Household~


    After waking up, Gumball and Darwin decided to have little pillow fight with each other before getting ready for school, with the following happening:


    "Now come on, I'm gonna be late for school," Anais told her mother as she went down for breakfast. "Yes, Anais," Nicole responded as she followed her.


    ~Old Castle in Scotland~


    "I don't understand, Snape... we've searched this castle over and over again for the past two months," Fergus complained to Snape as the two were searching through a castle, "There's nothing here, I'm telling ya." "Trust me Fergus, I am sure there is something we have missed," Snape replied. Sighing, Fergus continued walking through the castle with Snape.

    Once the two reached a dead end, Fergus said, "There, ye see? Dead end... again!" But as Fergus spoke, Snape ignored him, noticing something high on the wall in front of them, but was obscured from the lack of light. Taking out his wand, Snape pointed it to the wall, saying, "Lumos." The tip of Snape's wand then illuminated with a bright light, revealing what he noticed earlier was actually a keyhole. "A keyhole?" Snape wondered out loud. "Ah yeah, that," Fergus commented, "Some people would mention seeing a keyhole, but good luck trying to find a key to open it. Whatever that keyhole opens... we may never know. And I don't think yer magic will open it either." "Then perhaps I need something other than magic," Snape replied as he lowered his wand and put it away. Snape then raised his hand, and in an instant, a Keyblade appeared, surprising Fergus, who said, "What the..." Snape then pointed his Keybalde towards the keyhole, with the Keyblade sending a ray of light straight towards it. Once the ray of light reached the keyhole, the markings on the walls around them, plus the keyhole itself, began to glow with a bright yellow color, completely illuminating the part of the castle they were in. "Unbelievable..." Fergus commented, amazed by what he was seeing. Once Snape and Fergus heard what sounded like a lock unlocking, the glowing around them ceased, with the wall where the keyhole was opening to reveal a pathway leading underground. "Now THAT is new," Fergus told Snape, "I didn' know magic people like ye can summon big oversized keys like that." "It's not exclusively the trait of someone with magic," Snape replied as his Keyblade disappeared from his hand. "Then, how did ye summon that thing?" Fergus asked. "It's a family matter," Snape mysteriously answered as he headed down the pathway. Scratching his head, Fergus shrugged and decided to follow Snape, not fully understanding Snape's explanation on being able to summon his Keyblade.


    ~Retirement Center~


    "So, how are things?" Dr. Pym asked his old friend Peggy Carter, visiting her for a while in the retirement home she resided in before leaving to go back to Tokyo University for his classes. "Well, I can't complain," Peggy replied, "Everyone is friendly. If I need anything, I get it an instant. Yes, it's perfect... perhaps too perfect." "You miss the days you spent at the J.I.A.?" Pym asked. "Definitely," Peggy replied, "The rush, the excitement, the danger... it was fun. The closest this place comes to being like my J.I.A. days is winning a game of Bingo." The two then chuckled, with Pym telling Peggy, "Dammit Peggy, you're making retirement a lot more scarier for me. But at least it won't be a huge change of pace from teaching classes at TU." "How many years have you been teaching there?" Peggy asked. "Three years so far," Pym replied, "Did it right after selling Pym Tech to A.I.M." "Do you regret doing that?" Peggy asked. "Well, I look at it the same way I look at how I resigned from the J.I.A. It was time to move on to something new," Dr. Pym replied. "Hank... about what happened all those years ago..." Peggy told Pym, "With Janet and the Pym Particles... I want to apolo-" "Don't. It's not your fault," Pym interrupted Peggy, "It was just a bunch unfortunate events happening all at once. Anyway, change of subject... how's Lydia?" "Still exploring the world," Peggy replied as she thought of her daughter, "And your daughter?" "Still hates me," Pym replied.


    ~Shalour City, Kalos Region, France - Monastary~


    As Korrina and her Lucario were on the floor, meditating with their eyes closed, the two sensed a presence enter the monastery. Opening their eyes, the two noticed it was a hooded woman...


    "Take a seat," Korrina told Lydia, who nodded and sat in a similar position as Korrina and Lucario, "What brings you here, Grasshopper?" "My name is Lydia. I've searched far and wide," Lydia responded, "And I am told... that you can train those who... have the power." "Show me," Korrina ordered Lydia. Lydia then raised her hand, and in an instant, a Keyblade appeared, with Lydia's fingers holding on to the weapon's hilt. Smiling, Korrina got up, saying, "So you wanna become a Keyblade master, huh? Well you've come to the right place." Summoning a Keyblade of her own, Korrina continued, "But first, a quick battle. Just to see if you're worthy, Lydia." Smiling, Lydia replied, "Challenge accepted."


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Nick Fury's Office~


    As Darien entered Nick Fury's office, Fury greeted him, "Chiba. Just the man I wanted to see." "You have a mission for me, sir?" Darien asked. "Not exactly," Nick replied, "Just wanted to show you something. Something that the J.I.A.'s been working for a while that I think you'll find very interesting." Darien then followed Fury to the elevator, wondering what it is that he'll show him.


    ~Nintendo High School Dorms: Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm~


    In the weeks since joining the Crystal Order, Sunset Shimmer had ironically become more and more nicer with those around her, smiling more often. Today was no different, having gotten up earlier than usual to prepare breakfast for her roommate, Akiza. "Akiza, I made some waffles," Sunset Shimmer called out to her roommate.


    ~CNN Live Broadcast~


    "Good morning, this is Wolf Blitzer, and you're watching CNN," Blitzer announced to the audience as he faced the camera, "After many months on the campaign trail, the big day has finally come. Today is Election Day in Japan, and polls have opened less than half an hour ago, with huge lines already forming. Experts are saying this election could have some of the highest voter turnout in Japanese history. We'll have updates around the clock for what could be a historic election for prime minister of Japan. Elsewhere in Japanese politics, the king of Wakanda, T'Chaka, will be arriving in Tokyo later in the day on a diplomatic tour, where he is scheduled to speak with Prime Minister Jones, both candidates for prime minster, and possibly some members of parliament. Topics he is expected to discuss include strengthening ties between Japan and Wakanda, global issues like the threat of the Crystal Order, and the U.N. summit scheduled for Thursday, where all world leaders would be meeting to discuss world affairs and how to move forward. We'll have more in a little while, so stay tuned."


    ~Banks Residence - Will Smith's Room~


    "Come on, Will. Get up!" Carlton told his cousin, trying to wake him up from bed, "We're gonna be late for school." "Oh, what's the point?" Smith replied as he slowly got up, sounding a bit depressed. "Will, it's been two months since Jazz died. Time to get over it already!" Carlton berated his cousin. Upon hearing Jazz's name, Will started to weep (in a rather comedic way). "Hey hey, come on, I didn't mean it like that, Will," Carlton said before taking out some cash from his wallet, "If I give you 2,000 yen, will you stop?" Upon noticing the money, Will instantly stopped weeping, grabbed the cash and got up, replying, "Done." As Will left his room to get ready for school, Carlton was appalled by what he just saw, saying, "Why that no good trickster..."


    ~The Star Road Dimension - Knowhere~


    Over in the mining colony known as Knowhere, Thrax had arrived for a visit to his old acquaintance, Taneleer the Collector. "So what brings you to my humble abode, Thrax?" Taneleer asked. "I simply wish to visit my home dimension every now and then," Thrax replied, "I'm not sure why Palkia would keep the path between Earth and the Star Road open for so long, but I can't really complain." "Yes... if there's one thing that is constant about Palkia, he is full of surprises," Taneleer said, "Oh, what I'd give to have his head a part of my collection. But, that can never happen." "Well, how is Malekith? Ronan? Nehellenia?" Thrax asked. "Poor Malekith remains in hibernation," Taneleer responded, "And as you know, Ronan and Nehellenia are facing trouble in Xandar." "Yes, I tried offering assistance in their fight against the Xandar rebels, but they refused, preferring to fight alone," Thrax said. "Quite right. Amazing how Xandar transformed, and all because of this man..." Taneleer commented as he walked over to a machine and pressed a few buttons, and a hologram appeared of a certain individual, "Captian EO... the man who convinced Xandar to rebel against Ronan and Nehelennia." "Bah, if it weren't for Ronan and Nehelennia denying my assistance, I'd kill him in an instant!" Thrax exclaimed, disgusted by the sight of Captain EO. "Perhaps," Taneleer replied as he switched off the hologram, "Now what about you? How is the Earth dimension? And what is that scar on your chest?" "This?" Thrax asked, pointing to the scar on his chest he got from his battle with Sailor Mini Moon, "Given to me by an annoying little brat named Sailor Mini Moon. Almost killed me." "Oh my..." Taneleer replied, "Well at least you're in good health now." "Yes, but the Earth dimension remains a filthy place," Thrax said, "But at least the moon where I reside with my parents is an interesting place. There are mysterious ruins over there that an Earth fairy tale says was caused by a witch who was after the light of the moon." "Wait, did you say moon ruins caused by a witch?" Taneleer asked. "Yes," Thrax replied, "Why do you ask?" Grinning, Taneleer asked, "Tell me Thrax... what do you know of Queen Beryl's past?" "Admittedly, I do not know much... if at all," Thrax replied, "All I know about her was how she formed her empire and took over many worlds here in the Star Road dimension. Nothing before that." "Hmm, come..." Taneleer told Thrax as he walked away, "Let me tell you the story of Queen Beryl... and her connection to the Earth dimension." "Earth?" a confused Thrax wondered out loud as he followed Taneleer.


    ~Tsukino Household - Rini's Room~


    "Argh.... no, no, NO!" Rini complained as she crumpled paper after paper, throwing them in the trash bin, all full of potential ideas to find Mewtwo, but Rini figured wouldn't work, "It's been two months, Mewtwo, and I'm still no closer to finding you. What do I do?" Hearing a knock on her door, Rini replied, "Uhh, come in." As the door opened, Rini noticed it was Sammy...


    "Morning, Rini," Sammy greeted her, "Just to let you know that breakfast is ready." Sighing, Rini replied, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming." "Oh, and don't forget, my class is going with your class on a field trip today," Sammy added. "Yeah, I remember," Rini replied as Sammy left. Just as he left, Rini suddenly had a light-bulb moment, thinking of a perfect way to find Mewtwo. 'Wait a sec... I can ask Ms. Frizzle to take us to the Pokemon Village in Kalos! Gosh, why didn't I think of it before?!' Rini pondered to herself as she got her backpack ready.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2016
  3. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom Number 2 ~

    Chris and Elise didn't really know why they were at the courthouse. One thing they DID know was that it was Dan's fault. Dan sat at the defendant's table with his lawyer, who really wasn't trying anyway. The judge glared at Dan with pure anger. "Once again, I find you in my courtroom!" The judge snapped. "This time, you drove your car into the side of a daycare center! You you VERY lucky no one was hurt!" "It's not my fault, Your Honor." Dan replied, shrugging. "There was some idiot dad coming to pick up his brat, and I was gonna run him over!" The judge eyed Dan warily. "And you swerved out of the way so you wouldn't hit him?"

    Realizing the judge took his excuse out of context, Dan grinned slyly and nodded. "Uhh...yeah!" The judge thought for a bit. "Hmm, very well. I suppose I can be a bit lenient on you, then. You still will be punished for destroying the daycare, however. I have many trials to oversee today, so we'll reconviene in this courtroom tonight to discuss your punishment. Court is adjourned. Don't. Be. Late!"

    ~ Courthouse: Defendant Lobby 4 ~

    'Sweating...shaking...oh man, I am so nervous right now.' Phoenix Wright, young budding defense attorney, though to himself as he prepared for his first ever trial. 'Uughh...Why? WHY did I take a murder case as my first trial?! Why?! ...No. I-I have to put on a brave face for my client! Speaking of which, I think that's her right now!' His eyes fell on a young girl in old-timey clothing, looking annoyed at the adults around her. "Um, excuse me." Phoenix spoke to her, catching her attention. "M-Miss Gina Lestrade is it?" She shrugged. "Yeah?"

    "I'm your defense attorney for this trial. Uh, pleased to meet you!" Phoenix greeted, extending his hand. Gina looked at it for a bit before shaking it quickly. Phoenix continued to speak. "Um, may I ask why they waited so long to give you a trial? The murder you're accused of happened two months ago, right?" Immediately, Gina frowned. "Thing is, I'm pretty 'famous' in this town. The police have been after me for a while, so I guess when they arrested me for murder, they figured I didn't deserve a trial." She crossed her arms. "Typical grown-ups. Always jumping the gun. And today is Election Day! That means a bunch of pickable pockets in one place! And I'm stuck here! Bah!"

    "Err, what do you mean by famous-"

    A bailiff approached Phoenix. "Mr. Wright! Report to the courtroom immediately!" Phoenix jumped. "AAH!! Y-yes, right away!" He turned to Gina. "Shall we, Miss Lestrade?"

    ~ Nintendo High Entrance ~

    Eris and Tiny looked shocked as Myriam sped up to them, laughing triumphantly. "Why dear Myriam!" Eris spoke up. "You seem very happy today!" "Sss sss sss sss! I am!" Myriam replied, grinning behind her cardboard box. "I'm getting some great leads on these Riders! I suspect a few of our own students may be among them!"

    Stan Pines lazily parked his car into the parking lot. "Grunkle Stan, this is a high school." Dipper said. "We're in middle school." "Correction!" Stand exclaimed with a grin. "You're in middle school in America! I have some errands to run, so I'm leaving you here for a while 'cuz there's no way I'm leaving you alone at the Mystery Shack!" "But who's going to watch us?" Mabel asked. "Ah, come on! You're in a big building with a bunch of older people! Who WON'T be watching you?!" With a shove, Stan shoved the twins out of the car and sped off. Dipper looked at Nintendo High and sighed.

    Dick parked the bus, letting Crunch, Fay, Max, Amy, Sammy and a few other students off.

    Sam and Dean ran toward the entrance, covered in strange blood. "Excuse me! Sorry!" Sam called out as he dodged students left and right. Dean growled. "Our washing machine just HAD to break today, didn't it?!" "I know, right?" Sam added. "Why does Wendigo blood have to be so hard to wash out?"

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    "Good morning, Chloe." Max smiled and greeted as she sat down next to Chloe and Kate. "Same to you, 'Max to the Future'!" Chloe joked. "So how are things going with 'you-know-what'?" "It's going okay, I guess." Max replied, looking at her hands. "I'm starting to get used to it." "Do you know how much you can rewind?" Kate asked. Max shrugged. "I'm not sure. I've been able to rewind back to certain points. Then my head hurts. It's been great though. I've been helping a few people out with my powers." She sighed. "To be honest, I kinda wish I could tell others. It's pretty tough having to keep it a secret between us."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    Kotal Kahn's glare intensified as he called his followers. Erron, Dean, D'Vorah, Ermac, Reptile and many recent recruits gathered before him. "Crystal Order activity has been on the rise these past months." He spoke. "Clearly our efforts are not enough. Please do not misinterpret my words. You have all done a great service to our group. However, we cannot take on the Crystal Order with out numbers and resources." "What do you propose?" D'Vorah asked.

    "I believe..." Kotal said, pausing for a bit in thought. " is in our best interest to swallow our pride and join forces with the JIA."

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    "The Order has been quite busy as of late." Tanya mused, smirking. "The destruction of Denmark's Japanese Embassy. A few casualties here and there. Quite a productive two months we've had, hmm?"
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith hummed as she opened the flower shop for the day. She, Elsa, and Anna had become good friends since the day of the trial that they decided to talk with each other via video chat. Lenne and chaos came, getting ready for work.


    -Kiriko's Apartment-

    Kiriko slept soundly in her room while Go sneaked up on her and hopped, saying, "Time to get up, nee-chan! Or you'll be late!" Kiriko shouted, falling out of bed. She looked sleepy as she gazed at her clock and gasped, rushing to get ready. "Go! Why didn't you wake me earlier?!" She said, Go just laughed.


    -Harry & Draco's Dorm Room-

    Harry made breakfast for him and Riolu while Draco sipped his tea. Harry felt lucky that Draco rarely included him in his 'hero truth hunts' as he dubbed them so he could go and help if there was a attack. As he ate, Harry thought about some of the fights. He smiled as he remembered Ron opting to use the Fresh Orange Lockseed rather than the Blood Orange.


    -Tsukino Home-

    Serena was sitting at the table, eating her breakfast while Luna was drinking from her saucer. "Good morning, Sammy, Rini," Serena said, smiling.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    While Philiip was getting ready, Hermione came in, saying, "Shotaro, Philip, morning!" "Morning, Mione-chan," Philip said, looking at his chief. "I'm almost ready, make yourself something to drink while you wait." Hermione nodded, headed to the coffee maker.


    -Akiza and Sunset's Dorm Room-

    "Thanks, Sunset," Akiza said, finishing putting on her uniform with her deck case on last. She took some of the waffles and sat down, taking a bite. "They're pretty good." She said, thinking about the past two months.


    -Hikaru's Home-

    Finishing up a design in her notebook, Hikaru closed the notebook and put it in her bag. She picked up Mr. Belt, put on the Shift Brace, and went out to the strange car that she had gotten since becoming Drive. Putting Belt in the space on the dashboard, he had a smiley face on his screen as she buckled up, saying, "Your teacher will love your designs." 'I have to thank the Shift Cars for letting me use their motifs for the designs.' Hikaru wrote before starting the car and driving to Tokyo University.
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold for the past two months, let more magic be known now he had no reason to hide it, the first month was spent doing community service and he also decided to delve some time into the Beast's curse, with a begrudgingly Beast allowing him to examine the rose, from what he had gathered, it was somewhat an Animagus curse with conditions, he didn't know the counter curse for the spell at all since it was a personally created one by some sorceress, it also seemed to be on a timer as Beast was somewhat cooperative, only to despair at the fact Harold could not lift it.

    "Sorry Beast, but this is the first time I even seen something like this being made, heck, the curse itself is something I never heard anyone accomplish before." Harold said rubbing his messy black hair, the girls of the Flower Shop asked what an Animagus since they didn't understand well, the babble Wizards had. "You know how you get quizzes of like what your spirit animal would be or something, well, we magical actually make it a reality through Animagus, so we can turn into any creature you could imagine... within certain types, but we have to register ourselves with our Ministry of what animal we become because if you are unregistered, well, you'd get a fine.." Harold explained and rubbed his temple.

    "It's more being in touch with your inner animal than anything, there are two ways, one, you drink a potion to discover what you are or learn from someone else, it's very... hard to get it done, same with Apparition which some of the magicals use to get around, miscalculate and well, you might end up leaving soemthign behind or getting trapped somewhere." Harold finished.


    Aoi laid his head upon his desk as of course the ever so mandatory paperwork in stacks were on the desk, every day it seemed the pile was growing bit by bit with no end in sight, he was just about ready to lose his sanity with this job. "It's times like this I wish I was in Neptune's shoes." Aoi groaned and sighed. "I really need a secretary or someone to cut this workload down... perhaps I'll see if we can hire some efficient people..." Aoi mumbled, he was going to bet that he'll see paperwork in his dreams.


    Vergil was browsing a library in Tokyo, it was his day off and he wanted to sue it to study somewhere without Dnate or Nero around, last month, Dante broke some furniture during a demon fight again and all eh complained about was his pizza was ruined. "I'm surprised he hasn't got sick of that junk."

    ~Ruby and Yang~

    Ruby and Yang were in their shared room, today was their first day after being properly transferred into the school, Ruby bounced like a girl at a candy store. "Yay, I hoep we get see some cool stuff, oh maybe, that Demon teacher Vergil might know about Grimm sis!" Ruby said with excitement as Yang looked her. "Slow down Ruby, I'm just as excited as you, maybe there's some martial arts club here for me to get into,."


    Shotaro typed in the typewriter, nodding a greeting to Hermione.
  6. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Sara; Random street
    She had managed to talk one of the hotel managers to letting her sleep on the couch that night. Perhaps it was her bedraggled appearance, her eyes full of sadness and pity, or her age, but whatever the reason, she had a warm night inside and a blanket with a soft bed. The next morning, the hunt was on for food. She managed to persuade several teenagers to share their coffee and doughnuts with her, and once she was full, took to wandering a little more.

    Tessa; Kai's House?
    Tessa couldn't stop staring at her hands; had been for what seemed like hours. Her vision kept swaying, she was sure her irises changed color every time they did it. She couldn't quite catch her reflection when it happened, but that didn't stop her from trying. Bobbing her head up and down, from hands to mirror every five seconds was starting to create a crick in her neck.

    She must be coming down, that must be what it was. But the thing was, she wanted to come down. If she had this, she shouldn't need that. But it did explain why she couldn't seem to recall her actions for the last several hours, or minutes. Or maybe it had been seconds. She wasn't sure. And right now, she couldn't be bothered. Because there went that blip again! Her gaze darted up to the mirror, and she frowned. Nope, eyes were the same color. Gross. Back her gaze went to her hands.

  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    "Hello, Vergil," Mother Talzin greeted Vergil as she teleported right behind him, "I have returned for your assistance, just as I promised when we last met. And I hope that you are ready for the challenge you are about to face."


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Elevator~


    As Nick Fury and Darien Chiba entered an elevator, Fury told the elevator's computer their destination, saying, "'Insight' bay." "Agent Chiba does not have clearance for Project Insight," the elevator's computer responded. "Level 10 override, Fury, Nicholas J." Nick said. "Confirmed," the elevator's computer responded as the elevator began to descend. "Hey Nick, is it true elevators used to play music?" Darien asked. "Yeah," Fury replied, "My grandfather operated one of these things for forty years. My granddad worked in a nice building, he got good tips. He'd walk home every night, roll of tens stuffed in his lunch bag. He'd say 'hi', people would say hi back. Time went on, neighborhood got rougher. He'd say 'hi', they'd say, 'Keep on steppin'.' Granddad got to grippin' that lunch bag a little tighter." "Did he ever get mugged?" Darien asked. "Every week some punk would say, 'What's in the bag?'" Fury replied. "Well, what did he do?" Darien asked. "He'd show 'em. A bunch of crumpled tens and loaded 0.22 Magnum," Fury replied as he smiled, "Granddad loved people. But he didn't trust them very much." The elevator then arrived at a very large hangar bay underground, with what was inside shocking Darien. "Yeah, I know. They're a little bit bigger than a 0.22," Fury commented as Darien watched a couple of large airships (called Helicarriers) going through maintenance...

    "This is Project Insight. Next generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites, set to be launched from the Lemurian Star in the Mediterranean Sea," Fury explained to Darien as he gave him a tour of the hangar bay, "So far, we only have three, but we're planning to make at least a dozen of them. Once we get them in the air they never need to come down. Continuous suborbital flight courtesy of our new repulser engines." "Stark?" Darien asked. "Well, he had a few suggestions once he got an up close look at our old turbines," Nick replied, "These new long range precision guns can eliminate a thousand hostiles a minute. The satellites can read a terrorist's DNA before he or she steps outside his spider hole. Plus, we expect a shipment next week from Skaro of about a hundred TIE fighters and thousands of plasma blasters. That's right... we're advancing our capabilities more than ever now. We gonna neutralize a lot of threats before they even happen. For the first time since the invasion of Afghanistan, we're gonna be way ahead of the Crystal Order." "I thought the punishment usually came after the crime," Darien commented. "We can't afford to wait that long," Nick Fury replied. "Who's 'we'?" Darien asked. "After the disaster in Iraq, Stewart convinced the World Security Council we needed a quantum surgeon threat analysis. For once we're way ahead of the curve." "By holding a gun at everyone on Earth and calling it protection," Darien scoffed. "What? You really think the guys in charge during Captain Japan's time would've handled things better?" Fury questioned, "You know, I read those old J.I.A. files. Greatest generation? Those guys did some nasty stuff." "Yeah, they compromised. Sometimes in ways that probably made them not sleep so well," Darien replied, "But they did it so the people could be free. This isn't freedom, this is fear." "The J.I.A. takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be. It's getting damn near past time for you to get with that program, Chiba," Fury retorted. Without saying a word, Darien walked away, feeling a bit troubled by learning of Project Insight.


    ~Outside Tokyo Cathedral~


    As Yang Fang Leiden was taking a stroll outside the Tokyo Cathedral, he noticed Matt Murdock and Foggy sitting in a nearby bench...


    "Matthew," Yang greeted the blind demon as he approached him and Foggy, "What brings you here?" "I have to get to work," Matt responded. "Osha," Foggy concurred. "Yes, me, too," Yang said, "Wouldn't mind a cup of coffee first, though. Someone donated one of those... fancy espresso machines for meetings and stuff. I make a heck of a latte, if you're interested." "Some other time, maybe," Murdock replied as he got up while Foggy climbed up his shoulder. "It's been a while since I saw you. Seemed you had a lot on your mind last time you were here," Yang said, "Sure you don't want that latte?" "Take care of yourself, Yang," Murdock replied as he walked away with the assistance of his cane.


    ~Nintendo High School Dorms: Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm~


    "Aww, thanks," Sunset Shimmer responded, blushing. As she sat down to eat some of her waffles, she asked, "So... how are classes treating you? I'm supposed to be getting back my History test today, and I don't think I did that great on it."




    Humming to himself as he watched the first snowflakes of the year fall from the sky, Olaf heard someone call out to him, "Well well well, if it isn't my favorite snowman..." Looking around, Olaf noticed that it was Hans who called out to him...


    "Hans!" Olaf replied as he hurried to him, with the two shaking hands, "Haven't seen you since we came back from Japan." "Well what can I say? Being a prince has kept me busy," Hans said, "So, how are things in Arendelle?" "Oh, everything's great," Olaf replied as the two headed to the castle, "Thanks to that free trade agreement you signed with Elsa in Tokyo, the economy here has been getting better and better." But as they walked, the two heard loud noises from an excavator and bulldozer digging up a part of land near the castle. "Only thing I can complain about is that loud noise!" Olaf yelled as he and Hans covered their ears and passed by the excavator and bulldozer, "They're from a Japanese company, and we were told that they're drilling for minerals underground." Just then, the noise came to an end, with the workers going for a lunch break. "Phew, that noise is ANNOYING!" Olaf complained. "But hey, it's good for the local economy, right?" Hans asked. "Yeah, I guess," Olaf replied. "So, uh, how are Anna and Elsa?" Hans asked. "Oh they've been great ever since our trip," Olaf answered, "Right now, they're either talking with Aerith, their new friend from Japan... or doing something else." "I see," Hans said. "So, any particular reason for your visit?" Olaf asked. "Well... there was something I wanted to do that unfortunately got sidetracked after Elsa went missing," Hans replied. "Wait... you don't mean..." Olaf questioned, wondering if he correctly guessed what Hans wanted to do. "That's right," Hans replied. "Well... then I better get you to Anna right now!" Olaf said as the two entered the castle.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    "You can certainly say it was productive, yes," Jadeite replied to Tanya. "But nevertheless, we still don't have Lavos," Starlight Glimmer added, "Quan Chi and Shinnok tricked us into helping them for nothing." "Good news," Shay's voice told the group as he approached them...


    "I was able to get some information from a demon informant," Shay said, "I know where to find Shinnok's hideout. Master Rassilon has given me permission to lead this mission. The objective... retrieve Lavos once and for all."


    ~Triskelion (aka The J.I.A. Headquarters) - Archives Room~


    "You sure about this, Shining Armor?" Bon Bon asked as she, General Shining Armor, and Melinda May were looking through a room full of old files. "I made a promise to her," Shining Armor replied, "And I know what she wants is here somewhere." Sighing, Bon Bon opened a cabinet, and sifted through a couple of files, saying, "No, no, no, no... oh, here it is." Taking out a file, Agent Sweetie Drops handed it to May, who asked, "So this will tell us more about Skye's parents?" "I really have no idea," Bon Bon replied, "If files are sent here, it's probably because they're in the past, and should stay in the past. You may not be satisfied with what you read." "Thank you," both Shining Armor and May told Bon Bon as she left. "Well, moment of truth... are you ready?" May asked Shining Armor. "For Skye," Shining Armor replied as he nodded and opened the file, reading the contents of it with May.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Morning," Sammy and Rini both replied to Serena as they sat down and ate their breakfast. "Need a ride to school?" Kenji asked. "Nah, we'll just walk," Sammy responded, with Rini nodding in agreement. "Alright, suit yourself," Kenji said as he went back to drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper. Hearing a knock on the door, Ikuko said, "Oh, that must be Claire." Walking over to the door and opening it, Ikuko saw that it was indeed her neighbor, Claire Temple, having invited her over for a cup of coffee after hearing that her shift at the hospital doesn't start till noon...


    "Morning, Ikuko," Temple greeted Ikuko. "Claire! Come in," Ikuko replied to her neighbor as she entered. "Morning, everyone," Claire greeted the rest of the family. "Morning, Claire," Kenji, Sammy, and Rini replied. "I got the coffee," Ikuko told Claire while carrying a pair of coffee mugs as the two sat in the couch in the living room, and started watching 'The View' on TV while drinking their coffee.


    ~Old Castle in Scotland - Underground Lair~


    Arriving at an underground lair after following the passage revealed by Snape unlocking the keyhole above, Fergus and Snape gazed at the area around them. The walls and ceiling throughout the lair were covered in markings that were glowing bright yellow. Examining the markings, Snape could make out drawings of what appeared to be the moon, a young man and woman holding each other's hands, a wicked sorceress, several Keyblades, and a large door. "I've seen many crazy things in me life, Snape," Fergus told Snape, "But this has to be the craziest. To think this lair existed the whole time... unbelievable. Although, what are those drawings supposed to mean?" "They're telling a story," Snape replied, "Or perhaps... a recollection of actual events." The two then started to hear voices in the lair. Quickly turning around, Snape and Fergus notice that there was no one else, but the voices seemed to be originating from a glowing orb floating on top of a pedestal on the other side of the lair.

    They're dead, all of them.

    War is the only way to settle this.

    The Keyblade, a truly marvelous weapon...

    As the cryptic voices continued, Snape approached the orb, and grabbed it, causing the voices to stop. "What is it?" Fergus asked Snape. "I don't know," Severus responded, "But I have a feeling it is what I came here to look for."


    ~Nintendo High School - English Classroom~


    As he was busy planning for his classes today, John Smith heard a knock on the door. Turning to see who it was, Smith noticed that it was none other than his cousin, Matt Smith...


    "Hello, cos," Matt greeted John, "So... I guess this used to be Aunt Sarah's classroom?" "Cousin Matthew... what a surprise..." John replied, wondering why his cousin was at Nintendo High, "Still sticking to the bow-tie and fez I see." "Oi, bow-ties and fezzes are cool," Matt retorted, "They stay." "Fine," John replied, "What are you doing here?" "Well, the Demonology teacher is taking the day off, and I got a call to come in and substitute that class for the day," Matt answered. "Since when were you a substitute teacher?" John asked. "Since last week," Matt replied, "Well, part-time." "I see..." John said, "And I suppose this has absolutely nothing to do with trying to impress your girlfriend, Clara, who happens to be a teacher." "Maybe..." Matt replied, giving his cousin a wink on the eye. "Right... wonder how this'll turn out," John commented. "Hey, John," Rose Tyler said as she was walking in the hallway, waving to him as she passed by the English classroom...


    John silently waved back as Rose disappeared from view. "Was that Rose? As in... THE Rose Tyler I've heard you talking so much about?" Matt asked. "Yup," John replied. Smiling, Matt said, "Wow... I am proud of you." As he exited the classroom, Matt said, "See you later, cos!" "Good luck," John told Matt as he left, wondering how he'll handle substituting Vergil's Demonology class.


    ~Porta Vista, Japan - Café~


    Having been on the run for two months, Élise de la Serre had been hiding in the coastal city of Porta Vista. Élise was in a local café, drinking coffee as she watched a long line of voters outside, waiting for their turn to vote at the nearby polling station. Hearing the door open, Élise's heart sank upon noticing a familiar face that she hadn't seen since being on the run...


    "Élise," Arno Dorian greeted her as he took a seat in front of her, "You would not believe how hard it was to find you since I last saw you." "How did you do it?" Élise asked. "Kept asking reliable sources," Arno replied, "I have a friend in the Porta Vista police department who noticed you yesterday." "I see..." Élise said as she sipped her coffee, "So what are you going to do with me?" "Nothing," Arno replied, surprising Élise. "What?" Élise questioned. "I don't want to force you into helping me get information on the Crystal Order, Élise," Arno replied as he took out a pen and notepad, writing a phone number on a sheet of paper, and handing it to Élise, "But... should you feel like talking... just call me, and I'll make sure to help you out in any way I can." Looking at the phone number Arno wrote, Élise said, "I'll... think about it." "Thank you, Élise. And... it's great to see you again," Arno replied as he got up and left, leaving Élise alone to ponder what to do.


    ~Shalour City, Kalos Region, France - Monastery~


    "Show me what you've got, Grasshopper!" Korrina ordered Lydia as she got into her battle stance, holding her Keyblade tight. "It'll be my pleasure," Lydia replied as she too got into her battle stance, but unlike Korrina, was holding her Keyblade in reverse. Raising his right paw, Korrina's Lucario signaled for the battle between the two to start. Korrina and Lydia then rushed to each other, with Korrina swinging her Keyblade at Lydia, who in turn swung her own Keyblade to block the attack and push her away. Lydia then went in for an attack herself, trying to hit Korrina with a Quick Blitz attack. Korrina, however, was able to cartwheel away from the attack, then focused her Keyblade in Lydia's direction, sending out a Bubble Blaster attack. Noticing Korrina's attack, Lydia was able to quickly block every bubble sent her way. "Huh, not bad at all," Korrina commented as she rushed towards Lydia, and the two started to swing their Keyblades at each other, blocking and dodging each other's attacks. Once both weapons were locked with each other, Lydia took advantage of the moment, and used an Aero attack, sending Korrina flying a couple of feet away, landing on the floor on her face. Walking towards Korrina, Lydia extended her hand to help her get up, asking, "Are you alright?" Smiling, Korrina took her hand and got up, replying, "Yeah. Though I gotta say, you were really good. I think you may indeed be Keyblade master material, dontcha agree, Lucario?" Smiling, Lucario nodded in reply, while Lydia replied, "Thank you, ummm..." "Korrina's the name," Korrina said, "Now come on. I think it's time I show you the Tower of Mastery." Nodding, Lydia followed Korrina and her Lucario as the three exited the monastery they were in.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2016
  8. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Shinnok's Spire ~

    Shinnok stood before his prisonor, Johnny Cage, grasped tightly by a large skeletal hand. "For too long you have eluded us, Johnny Cage!" Shinnok spoke, approaching him. "Now that we have you, you will remove the seal keeping Lavos contained." Bruised and battered, Johnny still kept up a snarky air. "Lavos? That some kind of fancy drink?" He joked, grinning.

    "Do not test me, boy!" Shinnok shouted, striking him across the face. "The seal can only be removed by the freshest blood of your line. NOW DO IT!!" The room became silent. But soon, Johnny began laughing! Laughing loudly in amusement, much to Shinnok's confusion. "Hate to break it to you, but I'm not the youngest Cage anymore! That'd be my kid, Cassie." Johnny boasted. "Sorry, Shinnok. Looks like Lavos is still grounded!"

    "Fine! Then we will find your brat!" Shinnok replied, trying to hide his outrage. "Yeah, right." Johnny retorted. "Cass is staying at home today, and she..."

    At that moment, Quan Chi burst into the room. "Lord Shinnok! I have urgent news!" He exclaimed. "A source of mine tells me the Crystal Order has been looking for our stronghold!" "What?!" Shinnok asked, outraged! "Indeed! Perhaps the Crystal Order have betrayed us, Lord Shinnok. And have come to claim Lavos themselves!"

    Shinnok growled. "Quan Chi! Fetch Cassie Cage! She is currently at the Cage Residence! Bring her back immediately!"

    Nodding, Quan Chi created a portal and stepped through it.

    ~ Nintendo High Entrance ~

    "I can't believe you dragged me and Elise to the courthouse, Dan!" Chris snapped at his friend. "And you ARE going to your hearing this evening, right?" Dan rolled his eyes. "As if! I skipped a lot of court hearings in the past." "WHAT?! Dan, that's illegal!" Chris yelled. "Do you know how unethical this is?"

    Elise sighed, looking at Dan. "You realize you're going to end up being locked up, right Dan?" She added. "All those missed court dates could add up to some serious time." "'All those missed court dates muh muh buh wuh'!" Dan mocked her. "Can it, Elise! I just want to get to class already!"

    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    "The trial of Gina Lestrade will now commence!" The judge spoke. "Is the prosecution ready?"

    Winston Payne felt more confident than usual. His opponent was a first-timer, so this would be a quick trial for sure! "The prosecution is ready, Your Honor!" Nodding, the judge turned to Phoenix. "And the defense?"

    "Ah! U-Uh! Th-the defense is ready!" Phoenix stuttered. "...I think!" "Very good!" The judge cut in, ignoring Phoenix's clear nervousness. "Then we shall begin!"

    ~ Crystal Order HQ ~

    "Well then." Tanya replied. "Perhaps I should come with. I've not been there before, and there is a first time for everything."
  9. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    ~Mario Bros. House~

    As per usual the family and Rosalina had assembled around the table to have breakfast. The Puppet eyeing Fredbear and Bon-Bon suspiciously. Jumpman being the first to actually speak up. "Well, this has certainly been a chaotic few months. I still do not believe that Honnouiji Academy got bought out..." Fujiko glared at her husband as she shouted. "Which is absolute bullshit because of the Kiryuin Family has too much pride to sell off their school, also they're rich as all hell meaning it doesn't add up at all." Ruiji sighed. "You said that when the ceremony at Nintendo High happened two months ago." Fujiko nodded with a grin. "Yup, I certainly did!" Ruiji soon placed his hand on his face. "And I don't even want to know what happened next after that..." Mario on the other hand was eating quickly as usual ignoring the conversation as Luigi said. "Well, it's been months...hopefully despite the bitter rivalry that both schools are getting along." Mario stopped eating and looked at Luigi mentioning bluntly. "Dude! Yoshi nearly got murdered by his own family AND the president of Honnouiji's Cooking Club! Let me say that again...YOSHI...WAS...NEARLY...KILLED!" Rosalina soon slapped Mario on the back of his head sending him flying into it calmly responding. "Mario, be quiet. Yoshi's okay..he didn't get murdered." Jumpman Sr. watched the antics of his grandson before responding politely with a chuckle. "Seems like my Sons and my Grandsons are just alike..." This caused Mario and his father to look at the old man asking loudly. "What's that supposed to mean!?" Fujiko soon promptly slapped both men on the backs of their heads. "Don't shout. Mario you need to get ready for school. Honey you need to get ready for the first order...knowing our usual customers, most likely Shion will be the first one to come in and order and then we will get that call in." With that the two darted off in different directions as Luigi and Rosalina followed Mario.

    ~Kai's House~

    Pyrrha had boldly walked into the Living Room where Kai was sitting and placed two folders in front of her color-coded Red and Green. "Hey, Kai...I had the girls and I compile the information we had gathered so far on Mario and Luigi into two distinct folders for you to read." Kai soon picked up the red folder guessing. "Lemme guess, this one is Mario's while the other's is Luigi's" The blonde nodded with a smile. "Yes, luckily it was easy to blend in because of the hibernation and merger of Honnouiji Academy with our own Nintendo High...but anyway go on ahead and look at the folders." Kai looked at Mario's folder and all of the information and photos within before looking at Luigi's folder. "Interesting, both of them exhibit similar qualities and abilities." Pyrrha looked at Kai with a deadpan expression. "They're brothers..." Kai nodded. "I know that, I'm just making note of their abilities and mental thoughts. Mario is clearly the stubborn one while Luigi is the sane brother. Pyrrha, thank you but you might want to head on to school." The blonde blinked. "Um, my transport isn't here yet." Kai stopped looking at the files in awkward silence. "Oh, wow....heh I did not expect that. Sorry about that." Pyrrha simply laughed. "You're fine! You were just focused on the files."

    ~Jumpman Family Origins: Purple [Part 8] [July 1987]~

    Phantom Security Guard Murderer
    The Purple Guy

    Purple Guy's Persona
    Shadow Freddy

    Shadow Freddy flew in and grabbed Toy Bonnie, his glowing gaze staring at the blue rabbit before proceeding to wail on hos face with a series of lightning-fast punches. The Purple Guy on the other hand pulled out a knife and ran at Toy Freddy and attempted to attack him with the knife as though it was a sword, however he soon met with a gloved fist sending him tumbling across the room and right into the wall.

    The Puppet was flying down the hall before arriving within the Parts and Services room. His gaze falling upon four older Animatronics. A white light appeared in the spot where his eyes would be as he focused with his hands out. White energy started to overtake the four inactive Animatronics before their forms started to change.

    Back with Ruiji, Toy Freddy, and Toy Bonnie. The Purple Guy stood up, cracked his neck, and got back into a fighting stance. Toy Bonnie however was exchanging punches with Shadow Freddy before knocking him off. Shadow Freddy soon hovered in the air roaring loudly and sounding clearly pissed as he was charging an attack in his hands. Shadow Freddy laughed before firing a violet beam of electricity that sent the trio flying out of the room and right down the hall tumbling into the Show Stage. The Purple Guy casually walked into the room with Shadow Freddy following. "You know? I think I should just kill you all in this place where you stand...Shadow Freddy, do it!" Shadow Freddy nodded before focusing causing blue spheres of fire to form hovering in the air and to jet off in different directions slamming into things and setting the place ablaze in blue fire. The Purple Guy seemingly laughed as Ruiji paniced. "My brother and his wife are still in the bathroom!" Toy Freddy adjuswted his hat and stood firm before shouting. "Get him and his wife out of here, this place is falling apart!" The Purple Guy raised his knife at Toy Freddy only for Mangle's head to rise up from behind him and bite him right on the front of his head causing him to scream in pain. The Puppet had also returned noticing the fiery blue inferno before explaining. "Okay, this isn't going to work...we have to leave!" Toy Chica stood beside him explaining. "Well, you did send them out of a hole you made." The Puppet nodded with a hand on his chin. "Yes, but now we need to leave." Toy Freddy heard the Puppet and nodded before pointing at the bathroom, however in a drill of a fiery golden-orange. Jumpman and Fujiko came blazing out of the women's bathroom slamming their feet into Shadow Freddy and knocking him into the Purple Guy sending Mangle flying. The Puppet turned towards the Jumpman family explaining quickly. "You three have to get out of here while he's stunned! If you don't. You will die!" Jumpman noded and began to drag Fujiko and his brother out of the building...however Shadow Freddy flew in and ripped Ruiji away from them forcing the two outside with no way in as the flames began to block the way. Shadow Freddy seemingly was about to kill Ruini on sight only for the Puppet to grab his face and pull his head back. Shadow Freddy soon released the man in purple just before Shadow Freddy was thrown to the side with the roof starting to collapse around them. The Purple Guy slowly stood up clutching his head laughing. "It doesn't matter two will die in flames....good bye." The Purple Guy along with Shadow Freddy sunk through the floor escaping. Ruiji ran towards the door before it was blocked with fire and debris. He looked at the Puppet seemingly in distress asking. "Please, I don't know you...but can you save my life? My family is worried sick and...I don't want to die...." Tears started to form in Ruiji's eyes before the Puppet placed a gentle hand on Ruiji's head. "I can save your life, must be willing to do me a favor that might involve being away from your family for a while and unable to communicate with you accept?" Ruiji looked at the growing flames around them before nodding. "Yes, I will accept if it means that my family remains safe and I stay alive." The Puppet seemingly started to have his body go into his mask before slamming into Ruiji knocking him out.

    Back outside Jumpman was crying as the building fully collapsed. In his mind he knew that his brother didn't make out out of the building due to Shadow Freddy and he had no way in. He fell to his knees and looked up at the sky yelling. "Why! Why did you do this to me and my family!" Fujiko tried to keep a calm, cool expression as she leaned down and patted her husband on the head. "Dear, think about it. I mean...he might be dead, but he died a hero and saved our lives. If it wasn't for him...." She too soon broke down into tears. "We'd be dead as well!"

    ~Nintendo High Cafeteria~

    The lights in the room darkened with spotlights on the stage that somehow appeared in the cafeteria. A single spotlight shined as Bonnie started to strum out a badass electric guitar solo, he fell to his knees and raised his guitar as his fingers darted about on the strings. A second spotlight shined on Toy Bonnie as he too was strumming a badass guitar solo trying to outdo Bonnie. Bonnie glared at his Toy counterpart before trying to once again outdo him. This went on for a bit before Foxy ran into the room with a spotlight pointed on him as he carried a banner reading. "Go! Go! Nintendo High!" on it and pumping his hooked hand up in the air as he went around the room. He soon arrived at a booth located in the corner of the room with Freddy, Toy Freddy, Chica, Toy Chica, and Mangle before joining them and placed his headset on. The Bonnies eventually finished their solo and walked over to the booth joining their fellow Animatronics.

    "WELCOME to the Nintendo High Morning Breakfast Show! I'm Freddy Fazbear and I'm joined all around me by all my colleagues! Today's Election Day in our country and I'm sure the fires will be rolling when our students who are of age start the voting that will change history!" Foxy looked over at Freddy. "Now personally I have no clue about politics considering I only know what I know from television, but I do believe that all of the candidates do make good points." Bonnie soon pulled out a stack of papers and a pair of glasses. "Also Today we have Lessons, Club Activities, and all of your standard Nintendo High antics coming right at you live on Channel 5!" Chica looked at Bonnie seemingly poking him as she whispered. "Bonnie, we're not on television. We're just rambling on in a cafeteria over loudspeakers!"

    ~Outside Nintendo High~

    Metal Sonic was standing atop the entryway to Nintendo High staring at the people who were coming in like a hawk. His objective clear as his red eyes were on the hunt for a blue hedgehog. However something was off as his visual sensors noticed Dipper and Mabel being dropped off right in their parking lot. Metal jumped off and went around the building before coming in contact with another blue robot and poked his shoulder. The robot turned his head meeting Metal with a hair of human-like green eye and a red gem that shined on his helmet in the light asking. "Yeah, something you need Metal?" Metal soon motioned for the taller robot to follow him before the duo walked back to the front of the building with Metal leading right into the parking lot before arriving at where the twins were dropped off. Metal soon pointed at them before the taller robot was surprised. "Okay, I did not expect this at the start of the day...but let's get all of this straightened out." The blye robot soon walked up to the twins and got on one of his knees to be level with them. He soon calmly spoke up. "Don't be afraid. I'm simply here to help you. My name is X. If you do not mind...could you tell me your names?"

    ~Kai's House [September 7th 2013]~

    Kai, C.C, and Pyrrha stood in the middle of the dance floor each in some sort of formal dress waiting for something. The main door opened as the members of the group came in also wearing some kind of formal dress. The first to speak up was Ryoko as she looked at Kai asking. "So, why did you call all of us here in formal attire when we don't usually do it?" Kai soon pointed at C.C. "Actually, she was the one who called everyone here and in formal dresses." C.C. smiled and slowly nodded. "Yes, I wanted to thank each and every one of you along with the J.I.A in getting me out of that place. So I called all of you over here to celebrate it." Kai nodded in agreement with a smirk. "I took some liberty in closing the place for a special Girls Night In. The dance floor and everything within is open to all of you, drinks included." C.C. soon walked over to the girls before pulling out a box and opened it calmly explaining. "This is my personal stash of cigars, imported from Cuba. I want each of you to take one as a reward. Also..Dawn take your hat off." With that Dawn quickly removed her hat. Kai meanwhile walked over to a DJ booth with Kairi following behind her. Kai put on a pair of headphones and started to play some music as Kairi asked. "So, how did you get all of these people to join you?" Kai looked at the redhead with a smile. "Well, it began with just me and C.C. This was soon followed by Skye, then Pyrrha, then Kallen, Dawn soon joined us next, We recruited Samus around the same time as Dawn. Meiko was soon found along with Neru and Haku, Morrigan and Lilith were found in a similar fashion, and Tessa was the one before you and Sammy came." Kairi looked at Ryoko, Hikaru, and Izumi asking. "What about them?" Kai looked at the trio. "All three of them came after Kallen joined." Kairi sat near the wall looking out as everyone either started to dance or drink. "Hey there's something else I was wondering....why do you find people like them and me?" Kai stopped manning the booth for a moment, surprise on her face before she sat down beside Kairi. "Well, that's actually an interesting question. See...some people tend to exhibit unique things when either stimulated or they're drunk or some other thing...sort of like natural talent although some of us do infact have powers and brilliant minds." Kairi looked at everyone curiously. "So, what you're saying is that even Meiko and Haku when drunk..are actually good at what they do?" Kai blinked. "Um, actually that is true...Meiko can actually be pretty rough when she's drunk...sort of like a drunken master vibe. You know my views on why I do and allow such thyings in my place of business...that and my standards, but you also know that we're a family in a way too. Skye...the woman you met yesterday is also a part of the family too...but she is a rare case where she's naturally gifted with her talents. I think though I've learned too much from C.C. though so I'm not fully sure if what I am saying is infact true...but hey, ignorance is bliss."

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Shalour City, Kalos Region, France - The Tower of Mastery~


    "Welcome to the Tower of Mastery!" Korrina told Lydia as they arrived at a large tower situated in the middle of the English Channel. "It's amazing..." Lydia commented as she gazed at the large building. "The Tower of Mastery is one of many similar temples hidden throughout the world, having existed since the end of the Ancient Keyblade War centuries ago. But as you can see, the Tower of Mastery has received some upgrades over the years, making it seem not so old, hehe," Korrina explained, "Keyblade wielders young and old have come far and wide in search of these temples to train hard, take the Mark of Mastery exam, and become true Keyblade masters. I myself was trained in this very building by my grandfather, Luke Skywalker. After I became a Keyblade master, my grandfather retired, handing me his own Keyblade, and put me in charge of the place while he left to an area where he can keep a close eye on the tides of light and darkness. So Lydia, tell me... what brought you here?" "Well, for most of my life, I always wondered about the Keyblade," Lydia responded, "My grandmother and her brother had the power, and so does my mother. But they never did find out the truth behind the very weapon they could summon, so I made it my duty to finish what they started. And if becoming a Keyblade master brings me closer to the truth, then I'm ready." Smiling, Korrina and her Lucario looked at each other, and nodded, and then Korrina told Lydia, "Then may this be the first step in getting your answers, Grasshopper." Lydia then followed Korrina and Lucario as they entered the Tower of Mastery.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    "Neither have I," Shay responded to Tanya mentioning that she never went to Shinnok's hideout before. "So, where is it, Shay?" Jadeite asked. "Just teleport us out of here, then I'll lead the way," Cormac replied. Nodding, Jadeite, Starlight Glimmer, and Shay held hands so that Jadeite can teleport them out. Once Shay held Tanya's hand, Jadeite teleported them all away from the Crystal Order HQ.


    ~Courthouse: Courtroom 4~


    Murdock and Foggy quietly entered the courtroom as the trial was commencing, taking a nearby seat to observe how Lestrade's trial was going. While Matt had no involvement whatsoever in this case, he was very curious about it, having doubts that Gina was guilty.


    ~Porta Vista, Japan - Polling Station~


    Having just finished casting his ballot to vote for the next prime minister, Kuzco stepped out of the polling station, passing by the long line of voters waiting for their turn, many of whom applauded the member of parliament. "Thank you everybody! I love you all!" Kuzco thanked the voters, smiling and waving at them as he headed towards his ride, only to be surprised by the sight of Pacha sitting on a bench on the sidewalk...


    "Hey Pacha... been a while, huh?" Kuzco asked. "Heh, sure has," Pacha replied, "So you voted?" "Yup," Kuzco replied, "You?" "I did. Sent my absentee ballot last week," Pacha replied, "By the way, you missed the opening of the Kuzcotopia Conservation Center last week at my island." "Well what can I say? I had an important diplomatic trip to Thailand," Kuzco said, "But anyway, how is it so far?" "Pretty great," Pacha replied, "About a dozen Tentacool have already been saved. And they're spreading the message about the importance of keeping our waters clean and safe from pollution." "I'm glad to hear that," Kuzco said, "Certainly beats the crummy mega-mall idea I originally had. You keep your home. Tentacool are being saved. It's a win-win situation." "It sure is," Pacha replied, "And thanks for promoting it in parliament." "Hey, it's my job as a member of parliament," Kuzco said as he sat down next to Pacha, "Guess you're stuck on that boring island for the rest of your life, pal." Chuckling a bit, Pacha said, "You know... there's gonna be pool party at the island later today... in case you were interested."


    ~Outskirts of Aleppo, Syria - Free Syrian Army Base~


    Over at a base in the outskirts of the Syrian city of Aleppo belonging to the Free Syrian Army, the main rebel group supported by Japan and many other countries in their fight in the ongoing Syrian Civil War, a J.I.A. helicopter arrived and began descending as Riad Mousa al-Asaad, leader of the Free Syrian Army, and Yusuf Tazim, an agent from Turkey's own intelligence agency, watched. Once the helicopter landed, out from it came several J.I.A. agents, including Sam Wilson and Juhani Otso Berg...


    "Mr. al-Asaad, it's a real pleasure, sir," Wilson greeted the rebel leader, "The name's Sam Wilson. And this here's Juhani Otso Berg." "Pleased to meet you," Riad responded as he shook hands with the both of them, "I only wish you could've come to my country without this war." "Well, that is why we're here," Berg said. "Yusuf Tazim, Turkish Intelligence," Yusuf introduced himself as he shook hands with Wilson and Berg, "Come, we must talk." "Sure thing, Yusuf," Sam replied as he and Berg followed Yusuf and Riad. As the four arrived at a table, Berg asked, "So, how's the situation?" "Well, as you foreigners say, 'We win some, lose some,'" Riad replied as he placed a map of the area on the table. "Government forces keep trying to break into the city from the west," Yusuf explained, pointing at the map to indicate which part of the area he was talking about, "And that's just ground offensive. But every night, they always bomb Aleppo." As he observed the map, Berg asked, "What about from the south? Surely it would've been easier for the government to break through the city from there." "There comes the other problem," Tazim replied. "The Crystal Order..." Riad added, "The group occupies a large portion of land between Aleppo and Damascus, constantly battling the government forces." "With the government or not, the Crystal Order is just as big of a threat to you guys as Bashar al-Assad," Sam Wilson said, "If you guys are gonna win this war, both of 'em have gotta be dealt with." "Of course," Riad concurred. A rebel soldier then rushed into the meeting, telling Riad something in Arabic. "What is it?" Berg asked. "Government forces," Riad replied as he and the others rushed to where they can see a battlefield. Looking through his binoculars, Riad could see tanks and helicopters belonging to the government forces making their way to the base. "It seems like you two came just in time for a battle," Tazim told Wilson and Berg. As the sirens sounded throughout the base, the rebel soldiers grabbed their weapons and artillery to fight off the attack. "Time for a little warm-up," Sam said as he started running towards the battlefield. "Wilson? What the hell?" Berg questioned, not expecting Sam to already get into battle. As he ran and joined the rebel soldiers, mechanical wings extended from the right and left of the harness on Sam's back, allowing Sam to fly towards the incoming government forces. As he flew, Sam took out his guns, and started shooting at some of the pilots of the helicopters, yelling, "YEAH! YOU LIKE THAT PUNK?!" Watching Sam from a distance as he battled government forces and giving the rebels an early advantage, Juhani Otso berg shook his head, scoffing, "That man is arrogant..." "But he is good," Yusuf replied with a satisfied look on his face, while Riad silently concurred with Yusuf by nodding.


    ~Hino Family Shrine~


    "Lucky charms! Get your lucky charms! Election Day special!" Grandpa Hino announced as he was doing his usual routine of selling lucky charms in the morning to people who pass by the Hino Family shrine. "Piplup Piplup!" Chad added as he held out charms for others to check out.
  11. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Nintendo High Entrance ~

    "Wooooooww!!" Mabel exclaimed, poking and eyeing X with a big grin! "Dipper! A robot!" "Be careful!" Her brother called out. "We don't know what that thing is capable of!"

    "Oh, don't be a worrywart!" She replied, before turning back to X. "I'm Mabel! He's Dipper! Our Grunkle Stan has stuff to do, so he dropped us off here!"

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    "I still don't know why you brought me over here, Samey." Amy muttered, somewhat annoyed. Sammy sighed. "I just thought you should meet my friends. I mean, you're going to end up bumping into them a lot from now on, so..." "Yeah, yeah. I get it. Come on, let's just do this already."

    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    "Will the prosecution give their opening statement?" The Judge asked, turning to Payne, who nodded.

    "Of course." Payne answered, as he began to read from a police report. "The incident happened two months ago. A wealthy businessman by the name of Redd White was murdered late that night. He had apparently been stabbed to death multiple times to the stomach and chest. A witness saw the defendant commit the heinous deed!" The judge gasped. "A witness, you say?! Well, this does not bode well for the defendant!" "Furthermore, Your Honor." Payne added. "Not only were the defendant's fingerprints found on the knife, but we have a clear motive for the crime!" "A motive?!" The judge exclaimed. "Well now, this case is becoming more and more clear! But what was the motive, if I may ask?" Payne smirked. "That is something our first witness may be able to answer."

    "The prosecution calls the officer that made the arrest that night, Officer Don Eppes, to the stand!"

    ~ JIA Prison Facility ~

    Patricia Roland walked through every hall and block of the prison, waking up the prisoners. "Good morning, everyone!" She greeted cheerfully. "It's time for another wonderful day! Oh, don't give me those sour looks! Come on! Up and at 'em!"
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Remus' Home-

    While James and Remus got the Wilys ready for the day, Lily was finishing up her latest letter to Severus as she had been exchanging letters with him when he wasn't busy with what he had been doing in Scotland for the past two months. She included various photos of Harry with his Riolu, the Wilys, the antics between James, Sirius, and a unwilling Remus. She looked over the letter to make sure she had included everything she needed to tell him in the letter before sending it.

    Dear Sevy (hope you don't mind that)

    How have you been? I've been busy, helping Prongs trying to raise our kids. I'm not sure if I told you, but when he and I were in the UK to see my sister, Petunia (who didn't want to see me TT_TT), we found two orphaned children abandoned on the street and my motherly instincts took over, so we adopted them. Now Harry is a older brother, imagine that. Oh, he also has a Pokemon, a very special Riolu. I'd imagine it won't be long before he gets it to evolve into a Lucario.

    How have things been where you are? I hope we can meet again somehow, I want to see you again and reminisce about our time together. I'll make sure that James, Sirius, Remus, and the children are behaved.

    Forever your best friend, Lily Evans-Potter


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith put some flowers in the window display and hummed softly. Lenne wondered if Harold could find Shuyin but didn't want to bother him about it and kept quiet. Looking at the young man who was staying in the shop with them, chaos said, "Hope we can learn more about what you can teach us of your knowledge, Harold."


    -Kiriko's Apartment-

    After calming down and finishing getting ready, Kiriko nodded, looking ready at herself in the mirror. Go just laughed and finished getting dressed himself, grabbing his camera. "Go, can you behave yourself and try not to get in trouble?" "Yes, yes, onee-chan." Go said, putting on his jacket. Kiriko nodded, looking at her brother and went out to her car.


    -Harry and Draco's Dorm Room-

    As he finished getting ready, Harry smiled as Riolu hopped on his shoulder, also ready for the day. He put his Donguri Lockseed where he could find it on his person, hiding his Driver in his bag. "Well, Malfoy, I'm ready. Lock the door when you leave the room." "I know, Potter." Draco said, waving his hand. Harry sighed, facepalming and leaving the room.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione sipped some of the tea she made while waiting for Philip to finish get ready. She took out the Pokeball that held her Vulpix, smiling at the fond memories she made with it. Philip came out, wearing his hair clips with the rest of his outfit. "Well, Shotaro, we're off." Philip said, waving. "If a case comes in, just call." "We'll see you after school, Shotaro!" Hermione said, smiling as she waved with Philip and they headed off.


    -Sunset and Akiza's Dorm Room-

    "Well, the only class I'm doing well is Children's Card Games 101."
    Akiza said, thinking. "I'm trying hard to study in History, honestly though French is a little hard to understand at times. And Demonology is a bit difficult to focus with Professor Vergil teaches." She rubbed her hair, nervously smiling. "But I'm trying."


    -Tokyo Street-

    Hikaru waited at a stop light on the way to the university, she looked at Mr. Belt who had turned his screen off. Hikaru thought all the fights she had been in as Drive so far. Steadily starting to go, Hikaru calmly drove the car that was part of her power as Drive, it seemed. Still, she thought it was strange that Mr. Belt picked her, a student in fashion, to use the power.


    -Tsukino Household-

    Luna hopped on the back of the couch, falling asleep when there was another knock on the door. Serena said, running to the door. "I got it!" She opened it to reveal her friends with Hotaru. "Guys, hi!" She said, smiling. Ami bowed, "Hello." "We came to get you, Serena." Rei said, looking at her. Serena grabbed her bag, "Right!" "Oh, Rini, would you like to come with us?" Michiru said. "We were going to drop off Hotaru at the elementary on the way to high school." Hotaru blushed, embarrassed and nodded.


    -Daitenku Temple-

    Takeru yawned as he went to the kitchen and made himself some breakfast. In the two months, he had become Kamen Rider Ghost who used items called Eyecons based on various legendary heroes of the past. So far he had Musashi, Edison, Newton, Robin Hood, and Beethoven. 'How am I going to find the rest of the Eyecons?' He thought.


    -Akira and Michal's Home-

    Shintaro finished sipping his coffee that he enjoyed as it was brewed by Akira. Michal finished getting himself ready for school, "Date-san, I'm ready." "Okay!" Akira said, smiling. "Hey, Goto-chan. Mind locking up when you head to work?" "No problem," Shintaro said, looking calm. Akira smiled, giving a thumbs up and took Michal to school.



    Ahim calmly slipped her tea while everyone finished up eating breakfast. Luka yawned, still looking sleepy. Gai hopped into the room, dressed for school. "Everyone, morning!" He shouted. "Lets have a great day and hope someone great is elected today!" Don sweatdropped as he looked at the silver colored member of the team.


    -Rainbow Line-

    Right happily ate his breakfast while the rest of ToQgers ate and got ready for school. Mio stretched while Hikaru just messed with his toy. Haru wondered who would be elected today and Kagura just enjoyed her food.



    Kira and her team walked to the school, talking about the various enemies that they had faced recently. Kira just stretched, breathing and hoping that nothing big would happen,


    -Tokyo Street-

    Kazari stayed hidden in the crowded sidewalks of the city, being on the lookout for new victims to host Yummies. He looked around, feeling so much desire about.


    -Moon Palace-

    Watching the citizens of the city get eager for the upcoming election, Rita was excited to ask Finister to make a monster so the people of the world would elect her and Zedd as the rulers of the world. Zedd looked at his wife and kept quiet, his face having a smile if he could make one.


    -Teachers' Lounge-

    Dante yawned as he sat at his desk, he looked at his TA, asking, "What are you doing, Billy?" "Making something to see if we can find those two new Riders we heard, Ghost and Drive, I believe." Billy said, working on a device on his desk. Tommy sipped a cup of water, Thomas stood against the wall, the two brothers keeping quiet. "Hey, bro, what do you think Zedd might be planning?" Thomas asked. Tommy looked at his brother. "Not sure, can't never figure out what villains like him are thinking, aside from world control."

    Setsuna sat at her desk, looking out the window and thinking about the fights recently. Lockon spoke with Tieria as they stood at his desk, Yami was overlooking his lessons for the day. Kimberly came in and stretched while Fang sat at her desk, leaning back in her chair.



    Elsa was working on the ever-so-wonderful workload of paperwork and sighed, stretching. Anna smiled, guessing as well as Elsa that Aerith was busy at the moment with the shop. She finished with the current document and sat back, breathing.
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School - Hallway~


    As he leaned against a wall while waiting for classes to start, Neku Sakuraba was repeatedly flipping a certain CAT pin, one of several he found around the time of the great riots throughout Japan caused by Frollo's speech at a memorial. Unlike regular CAT pins, the ones he found actually gave him powers despite not being a Conduit. And months after finding them, Neku couldn't really explain how they do what they do. And yet, he really couldn't care less about their origin. All that mattered to him was that he found them with his friend, Shiki, and the pins belonged to them. "Yo, Phones!" Beat greeted Neku as he passed by him...


    "Hey, Beat," Neku replied.




    "Anna! Elsa! Look who's here!" Olaf cried as he rushed to the area where Anna and Elsa were, only to be followed by Hans, who walked slowly towards them...


    "Hey there! Hope I'm not interrupting anything," Hans greeted the two sisters, "Sure has been a while since Japan."


    ~Nintendo High School Dorms: Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm~


    "Well, good thing you got a demon friend like me to help you with Demonology," Sunset Shimmer replied, "But yeah, classes are getting tougher, especially with the mid-terms coming up. Heh, that's high school for ya."


    ~Outside Moon Palace~


    As he was walking back and forth, guarding Zedd and Rita's palace, Goldar was wondering when Thrax would be returning from his trip. However, upon hearing a loud thud, Goldar turned to face the direction of the noise, noticing it was Thrax landing on the moon's surface...


    "Lord Thrax! How was your trip?" Goldar asked as he rushed to Thrax. Ignoring Goldar, Thrax simply turned to face the direction towards the ruins he and his father have visited before, slowly walking over there. "Lord Thrax! Where are you going?" a confused Goldar questioned as he followed Thrax.


    ~Nintendo High School - Entrance~


    "Ah, looks like it's gonna be another great day at school!" Star Butterfly enthusiastically said as she and Marco arrived. Marco, however, wasn't showing the same kind of enthusiasm, and was instead yawning while struggling trying to keep his eyes open, saying, "Three more days till Friday..."


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility~


    Tirek, who was chained by a special chain inhibiting his powers, rolled his eyes as Patricia woke him and the other prisoners up. Next to Tirek's cell was Bellatrix Lestrange, also chained by a chain that would inhibit her magical abilities. Lestrange simply stared at Patricia, grinning as she imagined killing her with a thousand cuts to her body, while creepily singing, "Tick tock, goes the clock..."


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Well, I was actually gonna go with Samm-" Rini replied to Michiru before Sammy interrupted and surprised her. "She'd love to," Sammy interrupted before whispering to Rini's ear, "Don't worry. You go ahead. Hang out with them. I'll just go with Dad." "You sure?" Rini asked, with Sammy nodding in reply. Grabbing her bag, Rini rushed to the front door to join Serena and the others, saying, "Bye Auntie Ikuko, Bye Uncle Kenji. Bye Luna. Bye Miss Claire." "Bye Rini," Kenji, Ikuko, and Claire replied as they went back to doing what they were doing. "So Dad, about that ride to school..." Sammy told his father. "Way ahead of you son," Kenji replied as he finished his coffee and put his newspaper away, getting and and grabbing his car keys, "We're leaving too, honey." "Later, Mom," Sammy added as he and his father left outside to go to the car. "Have a nice day," Ikuko replied as they left.


    ~Nintendo High School - Entrance (Again)~


    "So, you voted?" Ritchie asked Dick as they, along with Rue and Katniss, were heading to school, "You are 18 years old after all." "Nah, don't really care," Dick replied. "What about you, Katniss?" Rue asked Katniss. "Yeah, voted early on Sunday," Katniss replied. "Guys..." Connor called out to the group as he ran towards them...


    "Pikapi!" Hayitch happily cried upon noticing Connor. "Hey man, why in such a rush?" Dick asked Connor. "I just came back from the post office," Connor replied as he stopped, exhausted from the running. Holding up an envelope, he continued, "This arrived." "What is it?" Rue asked as Connor handed it to Ritchie to read what was inside it. "Pika!" Sparky happily said after noticing bits of the letter inside. "Wow, Connor... you've been accepted into Tokyo University!" Ritchie said after reading the letter, "Congrats." "Not bad dude," Dick added. "You should be proud of yourself," Rue told Connor. "I'm happy for you," Katniss added. "Thank you, everyone," Connor replied, "I can't wait to tell Achilles the good news later today."


    ~Tokyo Streets - Thor's Car~


    As Thor drove himself, his brother, and their friends to school, the group was listening to the car radio, which was currently discussing the election. "...and citzens across the country are lining up to polling stations to cast their vote for the next prime minister in what some experts are saying is expected to be the election with the highest voter turnout ever. Em-" the voice on the radio said before Thor switched it off. "Thank you, Thor," Xion said. "Yeah," Vanellope added, "I can't stand another peep about the election. As if the constant attack ads on TV weren't enough." "Yes, my sister says that while elections are exciting, they can be quite stressful," Luna replied, "Especially if you're physically helping a candidate's campaign... just like my sister with Cosmos's campaign." "I imagine today must be hell for her," Loki commented. "Oh you don't know the half of it," Luna replied, "She won't be coming home till late night. I wonder how she'll even be functioning by tomorrow morning." "Goodness... Celestia really needs a week off after this is over," Thor commented as his car arrived at the Nintendo High School parking lot.


    ~Nintendo High School - Teacher's Lounge~


    "Hey Setsuna," Sully greeted Setsuna while he carried two cups of coffee. Having voted before arriving to school, there was an 'I Voted' sticker on his shirt, while another sticker on his shirt clearly indicated who he voted for. Placing one of the cups of coffee next to her, he asked, "Want some coffee?"


    ~Flashback: September 13, 2013 - Outside Nintendo High School~


    "Ladies and gentlemen. I am here to deliver great news," Al Mualim announced during an after school ceremony while standing behind a podium in front of many people who were invited, "Honnouji Academy... a school that we at Nintendo High School have had a long friendly rivalry with... will now be a part of the Nintendo family. Knowing of the many talented individuals either working or studying at Honnouji, we at Nintendo High School figured that what better way to become an even greater school then to join with Honnouji Academy. So thanks to the generosity of King Candy of Kuwait, a few hours ago, Nintendo High School has officially purchased Honnouji Academy and any assets it has. Now I am sure many students and staff in both schools would wonder what this means. Well, over the next few weeks, students and staff from Honnouji Academy shall be transferred to either Nintendo High School or Nintendo Elementary, depending on their current situation. Once all students are staff are fully transferred, the old Honnouji Academy will be closed to be renovated for a couple of months, after which it'll then be rebranded as Nintendo Community College, allowing the Nintendo family to teach and enlighten even more individuals than we ever did! And now, a word from the Honnouji Academy Student Council President." Al Mualim then left the podium, and sat next to his stepson, Harold Saxon.


    **OOC: The following segment has been written on behalf of @NutheadBros **

    ~Jumpman Family Origins Part 9 / June 1997: Jumpman Restaurant in Venice, Italy~


    It was the middle of a hot summer day in Venice, Italy. Jumpman and his six-month pregnant wife, Fujiko, were busy running their pizza business. Visiting them was Jumpman's old teacher from Nintendo High School, Galuf, who was sitting on a chair while reading a newspaper. "Hey, Jumpman, get this," Galuf told Jumpman, "James Cameron's making a 200 million dollar movie about the Titanic ship. Talk about a waste of money!" "Heh, you're absolutely right," Jumpman replied as he was preparing an order, "Who's going to watch a movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio about a ship that sinks? That there is going to be an instant bomb." The door then opened, with Mario Auditore and his nephew, Ezio, arriving to pick up their order...


    "I'm a-here to pick up an order," Mario said. "Name?" Fujiko asked. "Mario Auditore," Mario replied. "Mario... I like that name," Fujiko commented as she looked through the orders, "Mario, Mario, Mar- aha, here it is." As Fujiko grabbed a stack of pizza boxes, Mario noticed that she was pregnant, and signaled to Ezio to go and help her with them. Nodding, Ezio rushed to Fujiko, grabbing the pizzas, and telling her, "I'll take care of these, signora." "Why thank you, young man," Fujiko replied as Ezio backed away, and Mario approached her to pay for the pizza. "You're not-a Italian, are you?" Mario asked Fujiko as he handed her his credit card. "Japanese actually," Fujiko replied as she swiped the credit card, "My husband is the Italian in the family." "That's right," Jumpman added. "You're from Japan?" Ezio asked Fujiko, "My uncle Vito emigrated there months ago." "That is true," Mario added as he was signing the merchant copy of the receipt, "Who a-knows... maybe Ezio and I will emigrate there one day." "I'm sure you'll love it," Fujiko replied as she handed Mario his copy of the receipt. "Have a nice day," Jumpman said as Mario and Ezio left, "So Galuf... how is Nintendo High these days?" "Well as I told you before, we haven't heard from the S-types for years now," Galuf replied as what appeared to be a man covered in very thick clothing that no part of his body could be seen entered the restaurant. Overhearing what Galuf said, the "man" said, "Oh? You miss us? Well let me surprise you..." Jumpman, Galuf, and Fujiko all looked at the "man" with confused looks, with Fujiko asking, "What did you just say?" The "man" then removed all clothing, revealing to be Astral. "Astral?!" Jumpman cried. "Nice to see you too, Jumpman," Astral replied as it sent a blast towards Jumpman sending him flying to the wall. Galuf instantly got up, grabbing the chair he was sitting on, and smashing Astral with it. Turning around to face Galuf, Astral asked, "You really thought that would hurt me?" "Well, I wanted to get your attention... and warm up a bit," Galuf replied as he took out a gun and from his pocket, shooting at the S-type. "ENOUGH!" Astral yelled as it rushed towards Galuf, blasting him and sending him straight to a wall. Turning around, Astral came face-to-face with the pregnant Fujiko, who was in a defensive stance, ready to attack. "Pregnant with offspring I see," Astral commented as it sent a blast right in Fujiko's direction. Fujiko, despite being pregnant, was able to jump out of the way, and sent a fiery blast towards Astral's face, knocking it down a bit. "I may be pregnant Astral, but I can still fight!" Fujiko cried. Looking at Fujiko and her surroundings, Astral noticed a pipe on the wall behind her. Deciding to use it to its advantage, Astral sent a blast towards the pipe, surprising Fujiko, who expected Astral to attack her. The blast from Astral then ruptured the pipe, causing extremely hot steaming water to hit Fujiko from behind, causing her to cry in pain. Getting up, Astral slowly walked over to Fujiko, enjoying the sight of her suffering. "Now then, time for an abortion," Astral said. As he got up, Galuf saw Astral preparing to deliver a mighty blow to Fujiko. "NOOOOO!!!!" Galuf cried as he rushed to the area where Fujiko and Galuf were, quickly placing himself between the two. Astral's heavy blow then hit Galuf on his hip instead, breaking it, and causing him to cry in pain. "YOU IDIOT!" Astral yelled as it kicked Galuf to the side. "WHY DON'T YOU S-TYPES JUST DIE!!!" Jumpman yelled, surprising Astral as it looked the other way, noticing Jumpman having gotten up and rushing towards it with a flaming fist. Jumpman then delivered a powerful punch straight to Astral sending it flying straight towards the window, where it fell into the lagoon outside. Looking out the window, Jumpman watched as the spot on the lagoon where Astral fell was bubbling a bit until there were no more bubbles, which made it look as though Astral drowned. Angrily spitting towards the spot, Jumpman turned around to see how Fujiko and Galuf were. "Fujiko! Galuf!" Jumpman cried as he rushed to them, noticing that they were both very hurt, "Oh no..." Jumpman then grabbed the telephone and called the ambulance, hoping they arrive quick.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    ~Outside Mario Bros. House~

    After the trio had gotten ready for school and started to head out for Nintendo High, the three were quietly walking down the sidewalk before Mario heard a message coming into his phone. Mario pulled out his red phone and looked at the message that was on it before going. "Eh? What in the world is this?"

    Dear Mario, you are to meet me outside the city later today after school. You are to come alone without anyone else following, that includes your brother. Be ready. Signed the Blue Testament

    Mario blinked for a moment before asking himself. "Who in the hell is the Blue Testament? Also how does he have good grammar on a phone?"

    ~Kai's House~

    As a car arrived and Pyrrha left the house. C.C. was walking down the hall before noticing Tessa in the bathroom looking at her hands and then the mirror before poking her heading and observed her with her golden gaze asking. "Tessa, what are you doing standing in the bathroom and looking at the mirror?"

    ~Nintendo High: Gym~

    Bowser stood within the middle of a wrestling ring flexing and stretching his muscles about as h explained. "Thanks for deciding to help me out Murray. I feel like I needed to train up." The pink hippo was flexing on the other side of the ring adjusting his gloves. "It's no problem for The Murray! After all fellow fighters like us have to keep our skills up. Now let's go!" The Hippo and Turtle rushed at one another and started to spar against one another exchanging and blocking the other's attacks. Murray scrambled to the corner and climbed up the turnbuckle before before jumping off with a belly flop that eminated with energy only for Bowser to ctach him in mid-air stopping the attack." Bentley sat at the bench outside the ring with Sly standing beside him watching the fight play out, neither noticing E. Tempura Wizard appearing behind them with an S-Type crystal in hand that crackled with blue and black energy. He quickly threw the crystal at Bowser before retreating. The crystal slammed into Bowser's shell before going inside. Bowser seemingly set Murray down for a moment clutching his stomach. "Ugh, maybe that breakfast taco's getting to me. I feel wierd." Murray ran over and held Bowser steady. "Here, take it easy, All you need is something to drink." He looked over at Sly and Bentley before asking. "Can you guys go and get Bowser some water or something?" The two nodded before they started to run off. Sly commenting to Bentley. "I don't think Bowser's sick....I think someone tried to attack him. Didn't you see that crystal thrown at him?" Bentley started to ponder. "Well, the only conclusion I have would have to be someone who is still sore about the school merger...but that can't be right seeing as everyone is used to one another by now." Sly kept running down the hall in thought. "Either way none of this is making sense." Bentley adjusted his glasses. "Let me work on a plan and then we will figure all of this out."

    ~Nintendo High Cafeteria~

    Wario and Waluigi were as usual sitting near each other trying to plan out their complicated plans. Waluigi however noticed that something was off and poked Wario. "Hey Wario, I've just noticed something's been a bit off..." Wario who was eating looked at Waluigi curiously before adding. "Yes, a lot of students tend to go out a lot in the middle of the day. Clearly it means they're suspicious and we need to find out more." Waluigi looked at Wario and stroked his pointy chin. "Yeah! Let's find out!" With that the Wario Bros. started to sneak out of the cafeteria only for Dr. Eggman to walk up to them with excitement in his voice. "There you two are! I need to speak with you in private for a moment." Waluigi swallowed loudly as Dr. Eggman escorted them out of the cafeteria. "Don't worry boys, you're not in trouble. Think of this as extra credit."

    ~Outside Nintendo High~

    "A...Grunkle?" X asked, his green eyes confused before his brain electronic brain started to work in overdrive to look up the word. Eventually he saw Rock walking over to him before asking. "Hey, did Dr. Light program the meaning of the word Grunkle into your brain?" Rock looked up at X before starting to think. "Isn't that just Great Uncle shortened?" X shrugged. "I figured you might know since you're an older model than me." Rock simply shrugged. "Let's go with that then." X gently pushed Rock towards the building. "Okay thank you and have a good day at school." Rock waved back at X. "And you have a good day at work too" X looked back at Dipper and Mabel before explaining. "Since your Grunkle ran off and my sensors say that you're not in this school. I will have to bring you into the building and make a call over to Nintendo Elementary to see if you guys go there. If you don't mind following me inside the building we can get all of this straightened out." Metal stood there patiently as X started to guide the duo into the building only to spot Sonic on the grounds and proceeded to speed towards him.

    ~Kai's House [September 7th 2013]~

    "Oh lighten up, you can't be a grouch at a party like this." C.C. playfully commented as she danced behind Sammy and Amy and placed her arms over their shoulders. "It's not often that you get the priveledge to do something like this." Kallen turned her head from against nthe wall towards C.C. casually remarking. "Not unless you were in a nightclub for lesbians." C.C's gold eyes blinked. "Okay I doubt anyone here is interested in that anyway." Kallen walked over and playfully jabbed the green-haired woman in the shoulder. "It was just a joke."

    Haku raised her head from the bar and surprisingly managed to get herself turned around to look at Amy and Sammy before quietly explaining. "You two should sit down and have a drink or more. After only live once, so enjoy the time."

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    In the midst of the daily bustle of Tokyo. Shion was running down the street in a frantic pace muttering. "I'm late! I'm late! Gadd's going to have my neck for this!" However before she made it to the corner, KOS-MOS had grabbed Shion by the back of the collar asking. "Shion, don't you see the girl that's wandering about?" The brunette turned and adjusted her glasses to get a good look at Sara asking. "Is something wrong with her?" The blue-haired gynoid nodded. "Her body is in unsual shape, her stomach not full, her body showing lack of sleep, and various other symptoms." KOS-MOS sooned walked over to Sara and looked at her calmly asking. "Excuse me, but I saw you wandering about and was wondering if you were alright?"

    ~Tokyo Arena: Backstage~

    Triple H and HBK were asleep in a pair of green and black hammocks located in their locker room shortly before their alarm clocks rang. The two promptly woke up and went through their morning routine before HBK spoke up. "Wait a second, I just got to thinking for a moment. Something is clearly up here...especially since we moved channels. I think we're losing money." Triple H looked at HBK before correcting him. "It's Vince that would be losing money, not us." HBK with a deadpan expression mentioned. "Which also means we're losing money too because we work for Vince!" Triple H then pointed to the cieling defiantly. "Then we need to do the unthinkable and gather the band back together to find out what's going on! To the Robot!" HBK blinked in surprise yelling. "Robot!?" shortly before being dragged off.

    ~Nintendo High: Outside [September 13, 2013] [Flashback]~

    Just as Al Mualim finished his speech a whole bunch of Nintendo High students were goofing off and or sleeping right in the middle of the ceremony. However their antics would soon be interruped as a large man walked up onto the stage. Stern gray eyes staring out at the Nintendo High students with a figure that seemingly towered over most of the students. The students of Nintendo High looked closely at this man before he soon shouted at the top of his lungs. "Attention Nintendo High Students!! Your Student Council President, Satsuki Kiryuin!!" This change of pace made the students who were goofing off stop and look at the stage while the sleeping students were jolted awake not being used to all the yelling. As they were getting readjusted to what was going on a woman with long black hair and stranegly large eyebrows casually walked onto the stage and looked out at the crowd with cold blue eyes before calmly speaking up. "For the longest time all of you have been dealing with the rivalry between both this School and Honnouiji Academy. After today however the playing field will be changing..." She soon stabbed the blade of a hidden sword right on the platform and spread her legs out shouting. "From this moment forward the weakness within the structure of Nintendo High's students will be rectified! Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! Those are the facts of the world! And you will all surrender to them, you..." However this speech was soon interrupted by Mario jumping onto the stage and pointed a gloved finger yelling. "I would advise that you take your statement back about Nintendo High right now! You're not on your turf anymore miss high and mighty eyebrows!" This mere statement caused Gamagori to turn around and march right up to Mario staring him down before shouting. "How dare you disrespect the Student Council President!! You will be disciplined and executed for your actions!!" Mario stood unmoving before Luigi jumped on stage trying to plead. "Look, my brother's an idiot! I'm sure we could settle things without a need to kill him!" Mario looked at Luigi before transforming right on stage and grabbed Luigi crumpling him into a ball. Gamagori soon attempted to punch Mario only for Mario to throw Luigi like a giant ball of fire knocking Gamagori off of the platform and sending hin and Luigi flying back towards the building. This action caused Satsuki to turn her head to face Mario eye to eye. "So, you're willing to stand up to Honnouiji Academy...stubborn enough to even knock Gamagori off....wait a minute..." Her blue eyes quickly darting about Mario's body and clothing right down to his hat. "Those clothes..." Before she could some to the conclusion Mario spoke up. "What about my clothes? Look here...I am not going to let you run Nintendo High like a dictatorship! I don't even read George Orwell novels and what you're saying is just as confusing as them!" It had seemed that Mario's usual hot-blooded fire wasn't even phasing her at all. "You're her son....Fujiko Yamaguchi's son..." Mario soon corrected her. "One of them. Luigi's over there on the ground having knocked your big guy off!" Mario turned to look at Luigi shouting. "Good job Luigi!" Luigi simply groaned. After a minute or two Satsuki finally spoke up. "How about this then....if you really are her son and determined to fight for your school. Then you shall face Honnouiji's Elite Four...alone. If you win then I shall take my words back about the students." Mario seemingly lowered his guard. "And if I lose?" She looked down at Mario's stature. "If you lose, then there will be no mercy on you. Your defeat will show Nintendo High that they're foolish and ignorant." Mario thought about it for a bit before shouting. "I accept your challenge! Where and when do I fight your lackeys." The raven-haired woman looked at Mario for a moment. "In a few hours. There's an empty arena in Tokyo...everyone is invited."​
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
  15. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ JIA Prison Facility ~

    Patricia giggled at Tirek's roll of the eyes. "Oh, don't be so grumpy!" She teased. "You're all like children to me, and I just want to start your morning off on the right foot!" She said, before beaming at Bellatrix's song. "Oh, how delightful!" She praised, ignoring the creepy tone. "Your singing is getting better every day! I should have some of the higher ups come down to hear it sometime!"

    ~ Nintendo High Entrance ~

    "What? Oh, no no." Dipper responded to X's suggestion. "We, um, we actually go to school in America. Middle school. We're just staying with Stan for the year! That's why you don't recognize us as students!"

    ~ Cafeteria ~

    Now washed off, Sam and Dean smiled as they sat down next to Sammy and Amy. Right away, Dean began to flirt with the former, much to Sam and Amy's annoyance.

    Max, Kate and Chloe stayed silent after Bonnie and Freddy's antics, before Chloe spoke up. "Right. That was weird." She said with a chuckle.

    ~ Teacher's Lounge ~

    "Hey, man. You alright?" Nick asked as he and Ahmet approached Charlie. "You look upset about something." "Indeed." Ahmet added. "Is something bothering you?" Charlie sighed. "Just...a lot has happened these past two months. The merge with Honnouiji Academy, and all the crazy stuff that's been happening?" He started, before shaking his head. "I feel like I can't keep up with it all. All the other teachers and staff have been adjusting just fine, and it feels like I'm falling behind." "Just give it time." Ahmet said, smiling. "You just have to get used to all the new faces and changes."

    ~ Kai's House [September 7th 2013] ~

    Sammy laughed. "Ah, no thank you." She said. "I don't really drink." "Well, I do!" Amy exclaimed with a big grin! "Now we're talking!"

    ~ Nintendo High: Outside [September 13, 2013] [Flashback] ~

    Kung Jin walked over to Mario and gave him a strong pat on the shoulder before grinning. "Well you better tell your 'Elite Four' to get ready, because Mario here's gonna knock 'em all down!" Jacqui and Takeda gave Jin a stern look. "Jin, please don't stir things up." Takeda said.

    ~ Nightmare Hospital ~

    Bruised, bleeding and battered, Murphy watched as the giant monster before him, one he had found himself fighting with for what seemed like hours, finally fell. Fatigue overcame him, and he slowly succumbed to unconciousness.

    ~ Pendleton Apartment ~

    After months of unconciousness, Murphy Pendleton opened his eyes.

    ~ Outside JIA Headquarters ~

    Kotal and his followers looked up at the impressive facility. He had never been here before, but knew about it thanks to his late father. Taking a breath and swallowing his pride, he entered the building.

    ~ Courthouse: Courtroom 4 ~

    Don took the stand as Payne spoke to him. "Witness. Name and occupation, please!"

    "My name is Officer Don Eppes. I'm an officer for the Police Department." Don answered. "Very good." The judge replied. "Now earlier, the prosecution mentioned that the defendant had a motive. Can you elaborate?" "Yes, sir." Don said, nodding. "But before I do that, I have some evidence to present to the court. Here we have the knife used to kill Mr. White and the victim's wallet." The judge eyed the knife, before gasping. "Oh! What are these little marks here?" He asked. "They look like fingerprints!"

    Don nodded. "That's correct! We found fingerprints on the knife that belonged to Miss Lestrade." He said. "We had them marked to use as visual evidence for the case." Hearing all this, Phoenix began sweating nervously. 'Fingerprints? A motive?' He thought. 'Argh! There's no way I can defend against this!'

    "Alright, now that this evidence is in the court record, I'm ready to explain the motive." Don said. "Very well!" The judge replied. "Please explain to the court the motive behind this crime!"

    "I was the arresting officer for the incident two months ago." Don explained, arms crossed. "It was about 11 when we arrived."

    "We found Miss Lestrade standing over the victim holding a bloody knife."

    Don looked deep in thought. "She's a pretty notorious pickpocket in town, you know."

    "Money was the motive, and I figure this was one pickpocketing job gone wrong."

    He frowned. "The victim's wallet was gone, and upon searching, we found it on Miss Lestrade's person."

    "We also had a forensics expert on sight who found her fingerprints on the knife's handle."

    "The other officers felt that was all we needed to make an arrest, which I did so."

    After listening, the judge nodded. "Very decisive! I believe this case is rather open-and-shut, don't you?" Payne grinned and nodded. "Of course, Your Honor!" "Now then..." The judge said, turning toward Phoenix. "The defense will begin his cross-examination of the witness' testimony!"

    "Uh, r-right!" Phoenix blurted out, jumping a bit. He closed his eyes in an attempt to calm himself down. 'Right. Cross-examination.' He thought. 'That's when I go over the witness' statement and ask questions until I can find a contradiction: a lie or mistake in his words. Alright. Let's do this!'
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Remus' Home-

    Finishing her letter, Lily put it in the envelope and included the photos before giving it to the owl and stretched, heading downstairs and smiled at seeing James prepping the kids and heading out to school. Remus smiled as well, saying, "Seeing them like that almost reminds me of Harry when he was that young." "Yeah." Lily said, smiling. While Remus went to check the calendar and prepare for the full moon of the month, Lily went to the patio connected to his living room and thought about when she worked on Alpha and Navi.

    -Flashback: March 1996-

    Lily wiped her brow and tried to stand up with her six-month pregnant body. Though she was pregnant, she still worked on the robotic assistants to that being she had met, Zordon. While the small bird-like robot was completed, the more humanoid one was about halfway done. One of the younger workers came in and told her that she shouldn't push herself so hard because she was pregnant. Lily said, smiling, "I'll be fine. Just need to rest, could you get me some water?"

    When the worker brought her a bottle, she asked about the humanoid robotic assistant and if it was one of those Alpha robots she had worked on. "Yeah, I have a feeling this will be the right one, the other four were just disasters." Lily said, sipping before she gasped and smiled. Before her companion got worried, Lily reassured her, "I'm fine, Just felt the baby kick. It really wants to meet what I'm making. I hope that maybe one day, little one, you will be able to meet Navi and Alpha."


    -Nintendo High: Entrance-

    "Ah, Harry, Ron!"
    Hermione shouted, waving at her friends as she walked up with Philip. Philip waved at two of the young Riders who aided them in the fight. "How is Malfoy doing trying to undercover our identities." "No luck yet." Harry said, walking with them. "I'm just glad he hasn't asked his dear father he always talks about for help yet." Ron gave a little chuckle as Mew floated around, looking at them.


    -Sunset and Akiza's Dorm Room-

    "Yeah, thanks for that help on my Demonology work."
    Akiza said, smiling. She finished her waffles and stretched, she got up and poured herself a cup of milk. "Hope today wouldn't be too hard. I often wonder how Dante and Vergil are related."


    -Tokyo University-

    Approaching the parking lot to the university, Hikaru looked around for a parking space in the lot. Once she found a spot and parked the car. Mr. Belt turned on his screen and asked, "Would you like me to come with you or stay out here?" 'I'll bring you along but not sure if there'll be a attack today.' Hikaru wrote before grabbing him and putting them in her purse. Stepping out, she waved at some of the students who were used to the car's unusual appearance, including Cosette and Hina. She thought about when she first obtained the car that was called Tridoron.

    -Flashback: September 15th 2013-

    Walking home, Hikaru noticed a strange looking car stationed in her driveway. She pulled out Mr. Belt to show him and maybe get some answers, he looked at the car and smiled, having her turn him to her, "That will help you, Hikaru. It is Tridoron, the vehicle that you can use to get around the city and will give you your Tire Exchanges as Drive." Hikaru seemed surprised and looked at the Tridoron.



    As they walked to the elementary school to drop off the youngest Scout members, the girls talked about different things. Haruka mentioned getting the highest score on the riding game at Flynn's. Rei mentioned that her grandfather was having a sale because of the election today, Michiru smiled, holding Hotaru's hand as they walked. Ami smiled, listening as Lita couldn't wait for head for the flower shop she heard about after school.


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    "Ah, thanks, Sully." Setsuna said, taking the cup. She sipped it, smiling at him. "Thanks. Was it rough to pick who to vote for?"

    Fang grabbed her TA, asking, "Hey, Tommy, I can't remember. Did we get a uniform for that four-old-year pink rabbit who suddenly starting to attend here?" "Who, Anias?" Tommy said, he thought for a moment. "I think we got her a uniform for P.E. in her size. But I'm not sure about someone as young as her attending P.E. class." Fang shrugged, thinking about how weird it was to have a four-year-old attend classes in high school."

    Sirius gripped his Budou Lockseed, he had a weird feeling, but dismissed it. He thought about his cousin, Bellatrix, and when he ran away from home. Kimberly walked to him to comfort him, but Sirius assured her that he was fine.


    -Tokyo Police Station-

    Kiriko and Shintaro arrived at the station at the same time. As Kiriko stepped out of her car, Shintaro took off his helmet. "Hey, Shijima." He looked at her. Kiriko looked at him, "Same to you, Goto." The two headed to the door and entered, heading to their respective desks in the station.



    "Yeah, I remembered that Aerith said that there was a election going on right now in Japan."
    Elsa said, sitting back in her chair. "So I'd imagine that her shop will probably be busy today." Anna smiled, "Maybe so."
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Harold rubbed his hair messily. "Only things I can teach at best is how us magical travel, you kind of need a foci or something of that kind to control your magic and of course, a magical core, people who don't use them have a much more tougher time to cast a necessary spell, it's only through rigorous practice and training some may cast a few spells without a need of a wand or a staff." Harold said to chaos and rubbed his nose.

    "Only other thing I could teach is the customs of other magical races, well ones that are intelligent enough to speak our tongue, that is mostly like mythical creatures such as Elves, Giants, Goblins and so on, but I doubt you'll see an elf appear in these parts, they mostly keep to themselves in the woodlands of their realm, Giants live high in the mountains where no human civilisation could go, as for Goblins, they live in places no one would know, our magical bank is run by them, no one would dare cross a Goblin, they are proud warriors and efficiently use their time to make most profits, be it for you or them.... then there's the Imps or people in the magical world call them House-Elves, creatures who live off a person's magical energy to sustain themselves and in exchange they serve you."

    Harold rubbed his chin in thought. "There a few specialists in other languages, like Grindylows are sort of... like merpeople but not mermaids or mermen, Sphinxes who speak in riddles although they mostly guard ancient tombs." Harold continued and someone asked about the usual animals, like well snakes with the charmers.

    "That's... not communication it's more like... hypnotic to the snake and it's sort of a one way thing there, much like with most animals, after all, when you call a dog, it comes to you because it doesn't know any better and looks for affection, while a cat just does what it pleases but you can divert it's attention to using cat toys, I do have the ability to talk to snakes through a gene, in that respect I can speak to other creatures with similar families of the snakes, the most rare would probably be Dragons." Harold said and heard some surprise tones that Dragons still exist.

    "Well, of course they do, there's one in our Wizard bank deep underground to protect the more... high family vaults, there's a Dragon Reserve in Romania if I recall, dragon eggs cost a fortune though and if you do hatch one, it'll be... very difficult." Harold said after some thought.


    Vergil turned to Talzin. "What is the challenge that I am to receive?" Vergil asked Talzin, his cold aloof eyes meeting with hers.
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008

    ~Outside Nintendo High~

    "Oh, well now that you mentioned you were from America. Then you two would be foreign exchange sudents." X explained before he led them inside the building. "That would be a different case then. We would need to try and get a hold of the proper authorities and get you two in school so you won't become delinquents and still get your education." X soon walked up to Al Mualim's office and gently knocked on the door. "I'm sure our principal will be happy to help get you settled."

    ~Kai's House [September 7th 2013]~

    C.C. giggled at Amy's exclaimation. "Well, seems as though your sister has found a friend...or two." Kai soon shouted from the other side of the room in response. "Yeah, but just because she says she's a drunk doesn't mean that she has a right to puke on my floor!" Meiko who was at the bar along with Haku looked over at Kai and shouted. "Yeah, we know that!" She soon pushed down a large bottle towards Amy. Meanwhile Dawn was speaking with Pyrrha. "Hey, maybe we should recruit her too. I mean Sammy is one of us." Pyrrha simply blinked in confusion. "Yeah...but you know only Kai does the initiations." Kallen soon walked up to them and placed her arms around to two with a smile. "Actually....C.C. can do it too. I mean she was the one who came up with some of the other initiations...and pretty much we're to respect her as well as Kai."

    ~Tokyo Arena~

    As Triple H dragged his friend down the hall, he soon arrived in his own Locker Room before walking up to a picture of himself and pressed his finger on the nose causing the two to seemingly fall into a hole and started to go down a long slide that lead away from the arena.

    ~Nintendo High: Outside [September 13, 2013] [Flashback]~

    In the midst of the chaos and disoriented Luigi managed to crawl back onto the platform looking at what occured before asking. "Did my brother just do something stupid?" Mario looked at Luigi and explained. "Yes, I am going to defend Nintendo High's honor by beating Honnouiji's Elite Four!" Luigi who was disoriented stated. "That's nice..." before shaking back to reality as he yelled. "Mario! Do you realize what you just did!? You basically set yourself as a target and now all of our reputation is on the line!" Mario blinked. "Yeah...and I'm going to defend Nintendo High from become a facist dictatorship." Luigi blinked before coming to the truth. "As much as I hate to admit it. You're have to win Mario!" Mario nodded. "I have a me."

    ~Other Tokyo Arena [September 13, 2013] [Flashback]~

    Later that day at another arena in Tokyo, various Nintendo High and Honnouiji Academy students were piling in droves into the massive arena that held an open roof showing the starlit sky. The lighting in the arena itself perfect enough for an event like this. Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina sat in one of the rows closest to the arena. Peach calmly saying with a bit of worry on her face. "I really hope Mario will be alright, I mean...he's kind of being crazy but with good intentions." Daisy looked over at her blonde friend with a smirk on her face. "I'm sure it will be alright. Besides those Honnouiji punks need to learn their lesson." Rosalina in a feverish pitch stood up in her seat and yelled. "KICK THEIR ASSES MARIO!" However she was soon approached by a blue Yoshi with sunglasses wearing a Goku Uniform commenting. "You best keep your mouth shut in the presence of Lady Sat-" Before the Yoshi could finish, he was gently tapped on the shoulder by a green hand. He turned around only for Yoshi to grab him with his tongue and eat him whole causing a green-spotted egg to pop out. Yoshi picked up the egg and threw it to the other side of the arena. The blue yoshi grumbled as the egg cracked with him inside of it as he was humiliated. Yoshi looked at the ladies. "Don't mind my cousin. He's just the captain of Honnouiji's Cooking Club."

    Meanwhile in the back, Luigi was standing with Mario as he stretched his limbs prepping to fight. His Nintendo High uniform replaed with his standard shirt and overalls garb. Luigi was looking around. "Just remember Mario, you have a lot on your shoulders. You're dealing with the Honnouiji's Four Heavenly Kings one right after the other. Are you sure you can handle this?" Mario looked at Luigi calmly explaining. "Luigi, I'm not going to give up on this...for everyone's sake." Luigi sighed. "I'm just saying that you can't mess this up. If you lose then her point would have been made." Mario slapped Luigi on the back. "Don't worry about it!" Luigi looked at Mario sternly. "Look, I have no idea on who these people are except they have to be powerful...or smart. Well I mean they have three star uniforms." Mario raised his glove up. "Luigi, I don't care what uniform they have. I will still win."​
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo University - Parking Lot~


    After finishing her early morning Macroeconomics class, Pinkie Pie was heading back to her dorm when she suddenly noticed Hikaru and her car. "HOLY GUACAMOLE! That's one beauty of car you got there!" Pinkie Pie told Hikaru as her eyes were popping out while observing the car, "What is it? Honda? Toyota? Volkswagen? Hyundai? Chevy? Or is it a custom?"


    ~Nintendo High School - Hallway~


    While Marco was busy getting stuff from his locker, Star Butterfly happily walked through the hallway with a big grin on her face, while other students greeted her, saying things like:

    "There she is!"
    "Hey, Star!"
    "Hi, Star Butterfly!"
    "What's goin' on, girl?"


    "Hey Star, will you be my gym partner today?" Anais asked Star as she passed by her. "You bet!" Star replied as she patted Anais on the head.


    "Star, I-uh baked you a pie!" Double D told Star while carrying a whole pie. "All right!" Star replied.


    Coming out of a nearby locker, Ed chomped on the pie Edd was holding, swallowing it all in one bite, and telling Star, "Star, I ate the pie!" "I knew you would!" Star happily replied as she high-fived both Double D and Ed. Once Star reached her locker, a girl with glasses and braces who was cosplaying as Star told her, "Star, I wallpapered my locker with pictures of you." As the girl opened her locker to show Star the pictures of her that she wallpapered her locker with, Star replied, "That's weird... 'cause I wallpapered my locker with pictures of you!" Star then opened her locker to show that she also wallpapered her locker with pictures of her cosplaying fan. "Yeah!" the two cheered as they high-fived each other. Star Butterfly then continued to walk through the hallway as she was approached by a boy telling her, "Star! Star! Oh, please zap me! Please, please, please!" "Oh, yeah," Star replied as she zapped him with her wand, turning the student into a two-headed piñata. "Gracias, Star!" one piñata head thanked Star. "No wonder everyone's your amigo!" the other head added. "Aw, thanks!" Star replied as she walked away. "Olé!" both piñata heads cheered.


    ~Courthouse: Courtroom 4~


    Using his sense of enhanced hearing, Matt was able to listen to Don's testimony while also hearing his heartbeat. Sensing no irregular heartbeats coming from Don, Murdock concluded that Eppes was certainly telling the truth. However, he sensed Phoenix's heartbeat beating faster than usual, figuring out that he was nervous.


    ~J.I.A. Prison Facility~


    "Oh yes, I'd like that. I'd like that very much," Bellatrix replied, imagining herself slaughtering the higher ups that Patricia mentioned, as she went back to her creepy singing, "And now what shall we play? Now summer's gone away..."


    ~Nintendo High School Dorms: Akiza and Sunset Shimmer's Dorm~


    "Yeah... sometimes, I really have a hard time believing that the two of them are brothers," Sunset Shimmer replied as she finished her waffles and and grabbed a nearby bottle of water, "Though I heard Vergil took the day off today. Who knows what kind of substitute we'll get."




    "Right," Hans replied. After an awkward moment of silence, Olaf said, "Anyway, I think I better go and do that... thing with the... other thing." As the snowman left, Hans turned his attention towards Queen Elsa, saying, "Your highness... when we were in Japan, I proposed something that you weren't exactly comfortable with. But I am here once again to ask for your blessing... I would like to ask for Princess Anna's hand in marriage. Please..."


    ~Nintendo High School - Teacher's Lounge~


    "Not really," Sully replied to Setsuna as he took a sip of his coffee, "I think my mind was made up after the Abductor incident. Plus, it certainly helped knowing the guy I voted for also happens to be Al Mualim's stepson."


    ~Nintendo High School - Music Classroom~


    For the past week, during both before school and after school hours, Yen Sid has been busy helping Gaston practice for the performance he and every other Music student were scheduled to take part in during the Festival of Snowflakes, taking place the day after election. While every other Music student generally was able to master each of the four musical pieces they were set to perform, Gaston had been falling behind. "Let's start over again," Yen Sid told Gaston. "Ugh, that's the third time I had to play 'The Nutcracker Suite' today," Gaston complained. "Very well, Gaston," Yen Sid replied, "Then I suppose you would prefer to give up and get a failing grade in my class." Hearing Yen Sid's response, Gaston cracked his knuckles, then said, "Alright Mr. Yen Sid... I'll show you that nobody can play 'The Nutcracker Suite' like Gaston!" Gaston then proceeded in practicing the musical piece with his instrument.




    "If you remember what I told you two months ago... I mentioned the name 'Shinnok'," Mother Talzin replied, "Shinnok is an evil man... falsely claiming to be a god. He has at his disposal a creature named Lavos, which is capable of mass destruction. But for now, Lavos is currently sealed in a crystal. What you must do, Vergil, is seize that crystal from Shinnok, and by doing so, you will prevent a terrible disaster from happening. I will be sure to dispose of the crystal once it is brought to me." Waving her hand, a portal appeared, with the other side appearing to be a dark dungeon of some sort. "Through there, you will reach Shinnok's spire." An individual carrying a pike then approached the two...


    "Ah, and this, Vergil, is my servant, Savage Opress," Talzin said, introducing Vergil to her servant, "He will accompany and assist you in this quest. Now go." Nodding, Savage headed towards the portal, telling Vergil, "Let's go."


    ~Sidewalk - En Route to Nintendo Elementary~


    While Rini was walking with the others to school (with Luna-P floating aorund her), hearing the different things being discussed, Rini tried to start a conversation herself, saying, "Well, I think Serena already knows this, but Sammy's class is gonna get to join my class on one of our crazy field trips with Ms. Frizzle."


    ~Dark Side of the Moon - Moon Ruins~


    "Lord Thrax, what's going on?" Goldar asked after finally catching up to Thrax, who stood silently as he observed the ruins he and his father visited before. "Goldar... what do you know about Queen Beryl's past?" Thrax asked. "Beryl? Uh... nothing really," Goldar mentioned, "Why do you ask?" "Do you see the beautiful destruction in front of you?" Thrax asked as he turned around to face Goldar, "It was said that the kingdom that once existed here was destroyed by a powerful witch. That powerful witch... was none other than Queen Beryl herself!" "What?!" a surprised Goldar questioned, "You're telling me Queen Beryl was from around here." "Yes," Thrax replied, "She was definitely from this dimension. And what you see around you was of her own doing. If anything, knowing this makes me respect her even more now." "Heh, and if you think about it... Beryl destroyed this kingdom here, while her son destroyed Zordon's home world," Goldar commented. "Like mother, like son," Thrax replied, "Certainly nice to finally know about Beryl's past and her connection to this moon."


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Finally, we have the place to ourselves," Ikuko commented as she and Claire clinked their coffee mugs with each other, relaxing in the couch while watching Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters, and other ladies argue about the Japanese election on television. "So you voted?" Claire asked. "Yes. Kenji and I voted early this past Friday," Ikuko replied, "You?" "Yeah," Claire answered as she drank her coffee, "Sent my absentee ballot days ago." "So... how's work at the hospital?" Ikuko asked. "Never stops being busy," Claire replied, "Which is why I cherish the days when I don't have the morning shift... don't have to wake up early for work." "And how's your demon boyfriend?" Ikuko asked. "Matt? Same as always. Always trying to chase cases," Claire replied, "How's Rini adjusted to being adopted by you guys?" "Oh it's been great," Ikuko answered, "It's as though she's been a part of the family all her life. And to think some people complain how tough it is to adopt a child. That was never the case with Rini. She's such a sweet little girl. I'm glad I met her when she was lost and alone." "Yes... and I'm not sure if I told you this, but so much about her reminds me of Serena," Claire commented, "It's almost as if... they're physically related." "I know, I get that feeling a lot sometimes," Ikuko responded.


    ~J.I.A. Airfield - The Bus~


    While the Bus, the plane that transports Shining Armor and his team around the world, was undergoing exterior maintenance in a J.I.A. airfield, Skye and Fitz were spending time inside playing the recently released 'Battlefield 4' on the PS3 against other players online. "Wow, Skye, I have to say... you're getting better and better at this," Fitz commented as he shot another player. "Well, practice makes perfect," Skye replied as she shot two other players in a row. After a minute, the game ended, with Skye and Fitz winning the online match. "YES!" both Skye and Fitz cheered as they high-fived each other. As they cheered, the two noticed Shining Armor and Melinda May arrive...


    "Oh, morning guys," Skye greeted the two. "Skye... can I have a word with you in my office," the J.I.A. general told Skye, "Don't worry. You're not in trouble. It's... something else." "Umm, yeah... sure," Skye replied as she got up and followed Shining Armor to his office inside the Bus.


    ~Nintendo High School - Principal's Office~


    As he was sitting in front of his desk, Al Mualim silently began to reminisce about his past, when he first met a certain girl...

    ~February 1974 - Tokyo University~


    Al Mualim, currently a 21 year old junior student at Tokyo University, was in a rush to get to his next class as quickly as possible, running past students and teachers alike, saying, "Excuse me! Sorry! Passing through!" Once he noticed the classroom he needed to get to at the end of the hallway he was in, a girl exited from the classroom to his right, accidentally bumping into him, causing both of them to drop their books. "Oh, I am terribly sorry," the girl responded as she and Al Mualim bent down to pick up their books from the floor. Once Al Mualim looked at her, and saw her eyes, he was instantly mesmerized. 'Those beautiful eyes,' Al Mualim thought to himself. "I-It's fine," Al Mualim responded as he picked up his books and helped the girl with her books, "It was an accident." "Thank you, by the way," the girl said as Al Mualim handed her her last book. "Don't mention it," Al Mualim said as he got up, "Umm, my name's Al Mualim." Smiling, the girl replied, "And I'm Dolores. Dolores Umbridge."


    "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dolores Umbridge," Al Mualim replied, smiling back at her as the two shook hands.

    Just then, Al Mualim snapped out of it as he heard a knock on the door. "Umm, come in," Al Mualim said.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Remus' Home-

    Lily entered the kitchen to see Remus sigh as he looked at the lunar calendar. "Only ten more days til the full moon this month." "It will be okay." Lily said, putting her hand over his. "We'll make sure that no one else discovers your secret, okay, Remus?" "Thank you, Lily," Remus said, smiling. "You're the only one I can really trust about this. Aside from James and Sirius." Lily smiled.


    -Nintendo Elementary: Entrance-

    James smiled, holding the Wilys' hands as they walked to the school entrance. Serena nodded, Hotaru looked at her, "I hope you have fun." "And be on the lookout for Mini Moon or the Scouts because who knows what will happen?" Lita said, smiling and patting her hair.


    -Tokyo University-

    Hikaru jumped when Pinkie appeared. She wrote and showed the pink pony her message, 'It looks like a custom Honda. I just found it in my drive way one day and have been using it as transport ever since.' Mr. Belt turned off his screen and kept quiet, trying not to keep a sound so Pinkie won't notice him, Hikaru knew she couldn't tell Pinkie that she was Drive and that Tridoron helped give her the power of the Shift Cars she used.


    -Teacher's Lounge-

    "Hmmm, I see." Setsuna said, looking at him. She sipped her cup. "Well, I haven't voted yet. Never really thought about who interested me the most in all those politics."

    Sirius went to his classroom with Eiji as Yami headed to his classroom. Snow gave Serah a kiss on the cheek before heading to the classroom to help his teacher. Lockon headed to his room while Tieria went to the library.



    Fang gathered the materials for her first period class while Kimberly was on a balance beam, practicing her gymantics. Tommy watched her and gasped, catching her when she tripped on the beam. The two kept quiet, looking at each other. "Tommy and Kim, sitting in a tree~" Fang teased, smiling. Tommy looked at her, flustered, "Fang!" Kimberly looked red faced and held her boyfriend. Watching them was Go, having taken a picture of the two with Tommy cradling her in his arms. He smiled.


    -Nintendo High Library-

    Philip sat at his desk, walking through the Planetary Bookshelf. Meanwhile, Hermione, Harry, and Ron along with Mew and Riolu were helping prepare the library for the day.


    -Tokyo Police Station-

    Kiriko sat at her desk, stretching. "How is Go doing?" Shintaro said, giving her a bottle of water. Kiriko sipped it, "He's being himself..... Which I can never tell is a good or a bad thing." Shintaro gave a small laugh, "I feel the same about Date-san. Maybe we should get together and compare them to see." Kiriko laughed.


    -Flower Shop-

    "Huh...." Aerith looked at Harold in awe and smiled. "Well, for now, focus on bringing these flowers out with your personal magic touch." "Yeah." Lenne said, laughing. She turned and hummed, singing the one song she had been working.



    Elsa looked at Hans, keeping quiet as she thought about the proposal. Her refusal back in Japan when they asked the first time nearly cost someone she now considers a dear friend to be mistaken for a kidnapper and she gripped her chest. Anna looked at her sister, wondering what her answer would be.
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