RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sammy smiled and her eyes began tearing up over the group's words. "That...that's really beautiful. You described perfectly the sisterly bond I want with Amy. I'm glad I asked you guys, and I'll be sure mention this to her after school. Thank you two so much. Really. This means so much to me."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    Sam and Dean finished their lunches and got up to leave. "Anyway, we got our homework done." Sam said. "Wanna hang out in the dorms until class?" Dean nodded. "Yeah, sure."

    ~ Movie Studio ~

    Johnny was now in his regular clothes, having finished practicing when his phone rang. "Hello, Johnny Cage here." He answered. It was his wife, Sonya Blade. "Hey, Johnny." She greeted. "Listen, the JIA's sending me and a few of my men on an important mission later. Could you pick Cassie up after school?" "No prob, babe." Johnny answered with a grin. "I'm free. Filming won't be 'til later, so I got the time."

    ~ Nintendo High: Cafeteria ~

    "Anyway." Myriam said, stretching. She finished her lunch and got up. "I better get going! Gotta get things ready before next class! Sss sss sss sss. Those devices aren't going to find themselves!"
  2. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Jumpman Residence~

    "Like I said before, the man was a good man filled with honor. I owe a lot to him...especially since he saved both my wife and my sons. Even then...he died the way he always wanted to...without being in a hospital bed." Jumpman explained calmly before looking away from Lee. "If you will excuse us, we need to start to clean up downstairs. It is a mess down there after all." Fujiko calmly nodded. "I will go get the stuff needed to fix the wind..." Fujiko froze in place as she heard something odd. "Excuse me for a moment..." She walked towards Mario and Luigi's bedroom unsure of what that sound was. "Mario, I swear if you left the television on again then you won't get dinner tonight.

    She opened the door and stepped inside to an empty room with the television still off. This got Fujiko on edge. "Odd, my sons aren't here..neither is my daughter...something's fishy." The door slowly shut behind her as Psychos Green and White grabbed her wrists, Pink and Yellow grabbed her ankles and legs, and Psycho Black forcibly holding her waist. Fujiko glared at all of the Psychos with her eyes slowly glowing orange asking. "Do you realize who I am...I am Lady Jumpman, Fujiko Yamaguchi...your worst nightmare..." Her eyes began to glow blue with electrical fiery energy emitting off her body in an attempt to burn the S-Types off of her..until she felt a hard punch to her stomach immediatly disabling her transformation as she fell unconcious. The man in the purple armor being the last thing she seen. Psychos Red and Blue appeared beside the man as the other Psychos took Fujiko away. Psycho Blue started to imitate Fujiko's voice perfectly. "Oh honey! Can you come here for a moment? I think I'm stuck under the bed again!"

    Jumpman blinked before running over to the room and opened it quickly entering...only to smacked on the back of the head by the armored man knocking him onto the floor before ordering Psycho Blue and Red to carry Jumpman off, with a solumn tone he spoke up. "Sorry about" Before quickly leaving discretly after being sure there was not any noise.

    ~Tokyo Backalley~

    "Of course, I could feel something was off with Noob Saibot ever since I met him. It's as if...something resonating from his past still remained with his heart even when becoming an S-Type." Astral pointed out before ten colored spheres of light descended upon Astral and Golden Freddy's location. After landing one of the figures...a green haired being in blue armor walked up to Astral, his black eyes with white irises looking at Astral before bowing down to it. "Lord Astral, we have come to assist you in your mission. All of the Space Rulers are under your direct command." Astral gently patted the male on the back. "Welcome to Tokyo, Terra. I assume the others were examining the other planetary kingdoms in regards to connections to the Moon Kingdom." Terra nodded. "Of course, and we are aware of the issue with the Rangers, Riders, Senshi, and Sentai that are on this planet affiliated with the Harbinger." Astral looked up at the sky. "We are dealing with more than them now, a whole family has been a thorn in my side for a long time." Terra nodded and turned towards eight more sets of eyes in the shadows ordering. "You all know what to do, eliminate the Senshi, their Princess Serenity and everyone else. If you spot those that Lord Astral was talking referring to...then kill them on sight." Astral looked back at the group. "Their names are Mario and Luigi, thy're running around with a woman from the Star Road named Rosalina..." The eight sets of eyes formed into orbs and flew off into the sky leaving Astral, Terra, and Golden Freddy before splitting off in different directions.​
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Nintendo High: End of the School Day-

    With the final bell rang, signalling the end of the school day, Harry sighed as he headed out, with his Riolu on his shoulder. He wondered what happened to Ron since he seemed to have disappeared for the rest of the day. Remus and Sirius waved at Harry, standing with Lily. The two men did wondered where James disappeared and were also concerned about Ron. Lily watched as Hiccup, Fang, and Masaru walk out of the school, waiting until not so many people were around. Lily smiled as she watched Harry and Fang disappeared in a flash of brown, Sirius vanished in a light of purple, Masaru disappeared a light of orange, Hiccup vanished in a yellow, and finally her and Remus in a white light.


    -Command Center-

    James, Nala, Dante, and Simba saw the teleport beams with the new arrivals, looking closely, James's eyes widened at seeing Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Harry. "Padfoot?! Moony?! Lily?! Harry?!!" He said, surprised to see them. Sirius and Remus looked at him, equally surprised, Sirius shouted, "Prongs?!" "What are you doing here?" Remus said, Harry was speechless while Lily said, "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise." "You sound like you knew this would happen!" The four shouted together, looking at her. Fang rubbed her head and looked around, "What the? Dante?"

    Dante didn't hear her as he was eyeing Lily and her beauty but she ignored him and walked up to Simba, she whispered, "You can trust me. I have the same one." She gently removed his Lockseed and his armor disappeared. Nala gasped as she recognized him, "S-Simba?!" "Uh, hey, Nala......" Simba looked at her, embarrassed. Meanwhile, James grabbed Dante and said, "Watch it, Dante. That's my wife." "Quite a lucky catch, man." Dante said, smiling sly. James sweatdropped and groaned, rubbing his hair.


    -Moon Palace-

    "Go now, Ronald!" Rita ordered as she observed the Earth. "Go and show the Earth the true power of a Kamen Rider is meant to be!" "And destroy the other Riders to prove your power!" Zedd said, waving his staff. Ron bowed and teleported away in a dark red.



    Fetch was laying on one of the rooftops when she heard a sound that caught her attention. Using her Neon powers, she ran to the area and found Ron still dressed as Bujin Gaim, she said, "Hey, buddy. Need some help or something?" Ron just looked at her and slashed at her.


    -Flower Shop/Trunk-

    While arranging flowers in a vase, Aerith listened to a radio boardcast of the attack, praying for no fatal injuries to those who would be involved. Lenne and chaos listened as well, and wondered who would cause the attack.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Masaru was on his way back to home before a light blinded his eyes and he found himself somewhere really out of place, confused and didn't know what to say, it wasn't everyday you get teleported on your way back home.


    Harold heard the news, apparently some armoured warrior was attacking and he blinked. "Huh, I would of thought he's be taken down by the law." Harold thought as he finished his food and wiped his hands down with the sink's water. "Then again, this is Japan." Harold noted before deciding to ascend the stairs and tapped his trunk to shrink it in size thought the innards would remain the same size and headed back down. "Hey Aerith, I'm going to head out for a bit, I'll be back possibly by sunset, need to get a feel for the town if I'm going to live here." Harold said with a wave and Aerith asked him almost motherly not to get in trouble with the recent attacks.

    "I'll be fine, I don't go looking for danger." Harold said and headed out down the street. "Now, let's see fi we can locate Diagon Alley, last I recall, I need to find a pub called the Lekay Cauldron, too bad this whole town doesn't have a map on hand." Harold thought and decided to wander around until he came to a pause as maybe about ten or fifteen steps away, his eyes came upon two pre-schoolers, but that wasn't the strangest part, there was a magical aura coming from them "Well, isn't the world full of surprises today." Harold thought as he approached them.

    ~Li and Sakura~

    Sakura and Li were heading on their way back until Li felt a magical presence and looked around before seeing a young black hair male approach them and the male bent his knees down slightly to eye level. "Hiya, you two know I can find Diagon Alley?" He asked rather politely and Syaoran was sceptical of him. "Are you a Mage?" He asked a bit hesitantly and lowly so the conversation wasn't heard by bypassers.

    "Not...exactly, I'm a wizard, similar term but you get the idea, I can sense magic around you and this young lady here, so I figured you might know where to go? If not, I imagine your parents might?" The male asked and Syaoran asked. "Who are you?"

    "Oh right, the stranger danger thing, well, I'm Harold Flamel." Harold said and Syaoran almost gasped. "You are related to Niclolas Flamel?" He asked and the girl looked confused. "How about we take our conversation somewhere more privately, I can't set up privacy wards with this many people about." Harold stated.
  5. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Nintendo High: End Of School Day ~

    The bell rang, announcing the end of the school day. Mike and Jeremy began letting students out, waving as they passed by. Amy and Sammy found each other and began walking home, Sammy reminding herself to talk to Amy when they got home.

    Vaughn, Fey, Crunch, Eris and Tiny all planned to meet at Vaughn's place to go to the concert. With their parents' permissions (save for Eris), the five climbed into his van to get to their destination.

    Myriam watched with intrigue from her box as a few students, teachers and other adults disappeared in flashes of colored light. "Kek kek kek kek! Interesting. Could this tie in to the rumors I've heard?" She whispered, running to her dorm room.

    Johnny Cage pulled up to the school parking lot and, after signing a few autographs, approached Cassie. "Dad? I thought Mom was picking me up." She asked, somewhat confused. "Nah. She's off preserving national security somewhere, leaving me to play the doting, and super-handsome, dad to the rescue." Johnny answered with his usual brand of humor. His daughter smirked. "Yeah. That sounds about right."

    ~ Skies Of Tibet: Inside Chopper ~

    Sonya took a look at the soldiers seated together, exchanging looks of worry or confidence. "Alright, men." She spoke after a moment of silence. "My name is Commander Sonya Blade, and I am your Commanding Officer to this mission into Tibet. My job is to get this mission done with as little casualties as possible." After looking over the troops, she continued. "Massive S-Type activity has been reported, and we've been called in to deal with it. I want you all to help clear them out while saving as many civilians as we can." She walked over to where B. Orchid and Castiel were standing. "These are JIA Agents B. Orchid and Jimmy Novak. They'll be aiding us on our mission using minor JIA resources. These two have experience with S-Types, so if you need to know what you're getting into, ask them now. We arrive at our destination in thirty minutes."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Entering the Grandmaster's Chamber, Kitana smiled upon seeing her old ally. "Sub-Zero. It has been far too long."

    ~ Back Alley ~

    "Seems we are all going to be busy in the coming days." Golden Freddy mused. "I do hope Noob completes his task. Once the last of his ties with his past life have been cut down, his loyalty will be less likely to waver."

    ~ Black Dragon Hideout ~

    Kano returned from his delivery to find his only two recruits, Bloody Mary and Barty Crouch Jr., engaged in the same card game as when he left. "Really? You two still playin' that game?" He snapped, amazed that it was still going. "There's no rush, is there?" Crouch Jr. answered. "So how did the dropoff go." "As good as it could go. JIA got their weapons, we got immunity." Kano replied with a laugh.

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    From the top of the large stone tower overlooking the streets below, Kotal Kahn and Erron Black watched Tokyo's citizens go about their daily lives. "Look upon them, Erron." Kotal spoke, gesturing toward the people. "Even under the duress of war, they somehow manage to live as usual. Humanity is full of surprises." Erron nodded. "You never expect these things." He said in agreement, adjusting his hat. "A pity that their development is being halted by such a paltry engagement. The Japanese Intelligence Agency...The Crystal Order...Hmph. Fools, all of them." Sighing in disappointment, the sun being looked around. "Strange. Where are D'Vorah and Ferra? Do they not take moments to enjoy this view?" "D'Vorah's tending to her bugs as always." Erron replied. "And Ferra is with Torr, preparing for her infiltration mission tomorrow. Speaking of which, I have some things to handle." Smiling, Kotal gave a nod to excuse him, and turned back to oversee the city as the gunslinger left.

    ~ Yacht ~

    "Hmph! I don't need to discuss my private life with some strangers." Mr. Green said rudely. "But if you must know, I too was invited by Mr. Grey." Miss Scarlett nodded. "Me too. And from the looks of things, we are almost at our destination." She said, pointing out a window. Everyone looked out and saw an island come into view. A large white manor was nestled at the center.

    ~ Vector Industries ~

    Fulgore approached Shadow Mario and T-Elos, his eyes glowing a fierce red. "I was informed there were intruders. Have they been dealt with?"

    ~ Café ~

    "So, the Flamels dabbled in Alchemy..." Elise mused. "That's right. They are one of the few alchemic families with living relatives. The Belli family also practiced, although the current descendant doesn't posses knowledge of her family's art." Arno explained. "It's said that both families developed the key to eternal life itself. The Bellis studied carriers of the Azoth, or life force, that could be forcibly taken by someone to restore their youth, although that knowledge has since been lost. The Flamels, on the other hand, produced a less sinister result: The Philosopher's Stone."
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tsukino Household: Guest Room~


    "And this is where you'll be staying," Ikuko said as she opened a door, and entered a room with Rini following her. The room was usually used by the Tsukino family for guests, containing a bed, closet, drawer, and a desk. Climbing up to the bed, Rini said, "Wow, sure is comfy." "It sure is, dear," Ikuko replied, "We usually use this room for guests. But now that Kenji and I are making you a part of the family, might as well make it your room." "Thanks, Auntie Ikuko," Rini replied.
    "No problem, Rini," Ikuko told Rini, "Make yourself at home. If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen. Won't be long before Kenji, Sammy, and Serena get here." Once Ikuko left the room, Rini lied on the bed, and stared at the ceiling, happy that she finally got a place to stay in the past.

    I made it, Mewtwo," Rini said to herself as she took out the star locket Mewtwo gave her in the future, gazing at it, "I found a place to stay, with a nice lady. I really hope her family's just as nice as well." Looking at a calendar on the wall, Rini noticed it was September 3, 2013. "September 3rd..." Rini thought out loud, "To think, one year from now... the universe won't be as peaceful as it is today... unless you and I stop it, Mewtwo. I'll find you, I promise... then we'll stop all the bad things from happening. And then, we'll be one happy family... you, me, Mommy, Daddy... and all their friends. And... Auntie Ikuko of course." Looking up at the ceiling once more, Rini commented, "I really hope I can save everyone..."


    ~Hino Family Shrine~


    "Come on, Chad! We're going to be late!" Grandpa told Chad as the two were getting ready to go to the bus stop to take a bus to Tokyo University, where they planned to take part in a match against Diantha and her Gardevoir. "Piplup, piplup!" Chad replied as he and Grandpa exited the shrine. Before reaching the stairs leading to the sidewalk, Chad remembered that Grandpa forgot to leave a note for Rei, noticing that he was still holding it in his hand. "PIPLUP!" Chad cried, trying to warn Grandpa Hino. "What is it Chad?" Grandpa replied as he stopped. Noticing Chad pointing towards his hand, Grandpa realized he was still holding on to the note he was supposed to leave back at the shrine for Rei. "Woops... can't believe I forgot to leave this note for Rei," Grandpa commented as he sweatdropped, and hurried back to the shrine, and left the note on Rei's desk. The note read:

    Hey Rei,

    As you probably know, Chad and I are on our way to Tokyo University to challenge Diantha herself to a Pokemon match. I probably won't be back till around sunset, so don't worry about me. By the way, I forgot to cook since I was busy with Chad all day. Order pizza for yourself if you want. Anyway, I'll see ya later. Wish me and Chad good luck!

    -Love, Grandpa
    "Phew, that was close," Grandpa said as he rushed back outside, where Chad was waiting for him. "Thanks for reminding me, buddy," Grandpa Hino told Chad, "Now, to the bus stop!" "Piplup!" Chad cheered as he and Grandpa went down the stairs to the sidewalk, on their way to Tokyo University.


    ~Nintendo High School: Outside~


    Walking outside Nintendo High School after the school day was over, Hiccup whistled as he juggled around with the Driver and padlock he had, not knowing of their true importance. Suddenly, Hiccup noticed himself surrounded by a yellow light. "What the-" a confused Hiccup said before he disappeared from the area...


    ~Vermilion City Gym~


    While Lt. Surge and Adéwalé were talking with Viola and Grant, joking and discussing various topics, Finnick was sitting in the corner with his laptop, and his father's Raichu on his shoulder, watching Finnick browse through Facebook. "Raichu..." Surge's Raichu pondered, wondering what Finnick was doing.
    "Yes! Found her," Finnick happily said once he found the profile page of his long lost sister, IF. Checking to see if his dad was still talking with the others, Finnick told Raichu, "This is it, Raichu. No turning back. I'm gonna send my sister a message, and ask if I can see her sometime this week. Preferably Friday." Sending a message to IF, Finnick mentioned that he was from the Vermilion City Gym, and that he was the one she talked to when she called the gym days ago, promising to answer any question she had, but not revealing to her that he was her brother. "Raichu?" Surge's Raichu asked, wondering why Finnick didn't mention that he was IF's brother in the message. "I can't just tell her that she has a brother she never knew of on a Facebook message, Raichu," Finnick replied, "That's something she has to find out face-to-face. By the way, promise you don't mention this to Dad?" Sighing, Raichu nodded, and said, "Rai." "Thanks, bud." Finnick replied as he sent the message to IF.


    ~Porta Vista Police Department~


    After arriving in Porta Vista and visiting the city's police department for information, Yzma was yet again disappointed, having been told by the police that the llama she was looking for left with a man named Pacha, with no idea on where they were headed. "Well that was a waste of time," Yzma complained as she and Kronk exited from the building, "Guess we're going back to Tokyo." "Well it's not a total loss, at least we know he's not in Porta Vista... maybe," Kronk replied as he and Yzma were on their way back to Tokyo.


    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance~


    Parking her motorcycle next to the entrance, Officer Jenny figured it was time to ask Yen Sid for help after not getting any updates from Philip regarding the search for Queen Elsa. "I sure hope the doc was right about Yen Sid being able to help find Elsa... fingers crossed," Officer Jenny said to herself as she texted Yen Sid, asking for help and if he was willing to meet her. About a minute later, Jenny received a reply, with Yen Sid saying that she was more than welcome to meet him at the Music classroom. Relieved that Yen Sid agreed to help, Officer Jenny got off her motorcycle, and entered Nintendo High School, looking for the Music classroom.


    ~Jumpman Residence~


    "B-but..." Lee said before Jumpman left to check on his wife, wanting to offer something to him. When it seemed that Jumpman wasn't going to check up on him soon, Lee noticed a blank sheet of paper and a pen next to where he was standing. Grabbing the pen, Inspector Lee wrote a note on the sheet of paper. Taking the piece of paper with him, Lee headed outside to where James was in his car, waiting for him...


    "Hey man, come on... we gotta find Shan-Yu," Carter told Lee, who seemed to be ignoring him, and instead, grabbed the lotus flower he bought from Aerith earlier. "Lee... LEE!!!" Carter yelled as Lee rushed back inside, "What the hell is that man doin'?" Back inside, Lee walked over to the spot where Galuf was killed. Placing the note and the lotus flower on the spot, Lee rushed back outside to Carter, saying, "Sorry I'm late." "Yeah, you better be sorry," Carter replied as Lee got into his car, "Let's go." Carter then started the car, and drove off to see someone he believed might have information on Shan-Yu. As for the note left by Lee, it read:

    It seems this man you have lost today was heroic and willing to sacrifice his life for you. The flower you see is a lotus flower... a flower that reminds me so much of my home in China. Seeing the flower gives me hope, and reassures me that life will always go on, no matter what. Place it on your friend's grave. Consider it my way of honoring his life.


    ~Moon Palace~


    "Heh, now all he needs to do is get their attention, then those pesky warriors will come running towards their own doom," Thrax commented as soon as Ron teleported back to Earth, "And once they're taken care of, I'll go down to Earth myself, and find any remaining Spandex-wearing warriors and deal with them personally." "Hehe, I like the way you think," Goldar replied.


    ~Nintendo High School: Principal's Office~


    "Yes... I see... Thank you," Al Mualim said as he was speaking on the phone, being informed of Galuf's death. As he hung up the phone, the principal was disappointed that Galuf was killed instead of Jumpman. Hearing a knock on his door, Al Mualim replied, "Come in." Opening the door, Xehanort entered Al Mualim's office, and closed the door behind him...


    "Master, you seem troubled," Xehanort commented, "Are you alright?" "Yes... a mission to eliminate the father of Mario and Luigi didn't go as planned. I just hope the backup would do the job," Al Mualim replied, "So, why are you here, Xehanort?" "I believe I may have found another student to recruit to our brotherhood," Xehanort asked. "I see..." Al Mualim said, "And who is this student?" "Her name is Sunset Shimmer. She's only been a student at Nintendo High for a week," Xehanort answered. "Sunset Shimmer?" Al Mualim thought out loud, recognizing the girl Xehanort mentioned, "Now how exactly would she be a worthy addition to our cause, Xehanort?" "She's a demon," Xehanort replied, "Her kind have faced unjust prejudice, and they still do to this day... all because of the actions of a few demons. The Crystal Order is fighting for a future where such prejudice no longer exists, and I know Sunset Shimmer would certainly be willing to fight so that she is viewed no differently than others." Sighing, Al Mualim said, "Very well, Xehanort. I'll trust your judgment. Bring her to our headquarters tonight." "Thank you, Master," Xehanort replied, "But, there is one other thing I must tell you." "What is it?" Al Mualim asked. "She discovered my allegiance to the Crystal Order earlier today," Xehanort replied. After nearly a minute of silence, Al Mualim said, "Either she joins us, or she dies. Do I make myself clear, Xehanort?" "I understand, Master," Xehanort replied as he bowed, and exited Al Mualim's office.


    ~Nintendo High School: Entrance (Again)~


    Once school was over, Thor, Vanellope, Xion, Luna, and Loki were on their way to get sea-salt ice-cream from Scrooge McDuck's Ice Cream Shoppe, and hang out at the roof of the A.I.M. building, something they started doing since Friday. However, Thor was still feeling sick from what happened earlier, and stopped walking. As the others noticed Thor stop, Xion asked, "Is everything alright, Thor?"
    "Actually... not really," Thor replied, "You guys go ahead without me. I think I'll go home instead." "Do you need someone to walk you home?" Luna asked with a worried look on her face. "No, that won't be necessary. I'll be fine, promise," Thor replied. "You sure?" Loki asked his brother.
    "Of course," Thor replied, "Enjoy the ice-cream without me." Thor then started walking the other way, headed home while the others watched. "Am I the only one who's worried about him?" Vanellope asked her friends, who all shook their heads in response. "Good. Thought it was just me," Vanellope said.


    ~Nintendo High School: Bus Parking~


    Sitting in a bus headed to Tokyo University were a bunch of senior students (which included Clemont, Connor, and Dick) who were about to tour the campus, and get an idea of college life. "So Connor, think TU's gonna be anything like you imagined?" Dick asked Connor. "I can't imagine it being drastically different than any other university out there," Connor replied, "So, I guess so?" "Yeah, you're probably right," Dick said, "Though part of me is thinking of going to community college first. Just to get a feel for things before aiming for a Bachelor's Degree." "Well, that's not a bad plan actually," Connor replied to his friend. Connor and Dick suddenly noticed Katniss and her Pikachu, Haymitch, rushing to the bus...


    "Phew, made it," Katniss said, relieved that she arrived to the bus on time. "Pika," Haymitch replied, just as relieved as Katniss was. Noticing Connor and Dick sitting in the back of the bus, Katniss and Haymitch silently waved at them, with Connor waving back. "You two really gotta go on a date some time," Dick told Connor.
    "Shut up, Dick," Connor replied back to him. Once the bus was full, the driver started the bus, and began driving towards Tokyo University.


    ~Nintendo High School: Cooking Club Meeting~


    Hellu," the Swedish Chef said as he and Gordon Ramsay entered the classroom where the Cooking Club was meeting, with members of the Cooking Club already there, waiting. "Good afternoon, everyone," Gordon Ramsay added, "Now for today, we're going to be changing things up a bit, and focusing solely on French cuisine. And to help you all with French cooking, I've brought over a special guest all over from France to help out. He's the head chef of my restaurant in Lumiose City, and he's also a member of the Elite Four in the Kalos Pokemon League. Please welcome my good friend, Siebold." Opening the door and entering the classroom was Siebold, who was at one time a student of Chef Gordon Ramsay...


    Bonjour, everyone," Siebold greeted the Cooking Club, speaking with a French accent, "As my old mentor, Chef Ramsay, said, I am indeed an expert of the culinary dishes of my home country, France. So, should any of you need any help with what to cook, do not hesitate to ask me, Chef Ramsay, or the Swedish Chef." "Uny qooesshuns?" the Swedish Chef asked, wondering if anyone had any questions.


    ~Inside the Bus~


    After exiting the interrogation room (with Skye still inside it), and walking towards another room inside the Bus, General Shining Armor asked Alan, "Alan... Is it the girl? She getting under your skin?" "Sir?" Alan replied, not understanding what Shining Armor was implying. "Or is it the assignment? Are you so anxious to get out of this that you'd deliberately blow an interrogation?" General Shining Armor asked once more. "Give me a minute alone with her, you'll have your answers," Alan replied. "She's an asset," Shining Armor said. "She is such an a... wait... 'asset'?" Alan asked, confused by the fact Shining Armor referred to Sky as an asset. "We don't know anything about her," Shining Armor replied, taking out a metal case from a closet and placing it on a table nearby, "Do you appreciate how often that happens? That NEVER happens." "We need... what she knows," General Shining Armor added as he opened the metal case, revealing a syringe that contained a green liquid inside its tube.


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    As Emma and her Espurr, Mimi, were walking through Tokyo, trying to find a place with good food to steal, they heard what sounded like someone speaking through a megaphone, saying, "Now I'm only going to ask one more time... stand down!" Curious, Emma and Mimi rushed towards the place where they could hear a commotion, and found the police surrounding Bujin Gaim, who had just slashed Fetch. Looking at the police officers, Emma recognized them as the same police officers that tried to arrest her in the morning for stealing a loaf of bread. "Looks like trouble, Mimi," Emma whispered to Mimi, "I know it's none of our business... but who cares." "Panyah!" Mimi replied as she nodded, agreeing with Emma. Rushing towards a small building behind Bujin Gaim, Emma climbed up to the roof of the building, overlooking the police and Bujin Gaim from above. "Hey, Spandex Boy!" Emma called out to Bujin Gaim, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Looking up, the police officers recognized Emma from earlier in the day, when they tried to arrest her. "Hey, it's the street rat!" one of the officers yelled. "Well EXCUUSE me for trying to help," Emma replied, "Mimi, attack that guy with your Confusion attack!" "NYAPAHH!!" Mimi yelled as the Pokemon attacked Bujin Gaim with a Confusion attack...


    ~Crystal Order HQ: Warren Vidic's Office~


    As Dr. Warren Vidic was working on the Driver he found days ago, he was watching CNN on his TV, which had a breaking news alert. "This is CNN Breaking News," a voice said as the the screen was now showing Wolf Blitzer in the newsroom with the headline 'Rogue Rider in Tokyo'.


    Good afternoon, I'm Wolf Blitzer. If you're just joining us, we have reports of a Rider causing some commotion in Tokyo. Police are trying to get him to stand down peacefully, but that method doesn't seem to be working. There are no signs of any other Riders in the area, possibly confirming that this Rider is acting alone. We'll have more details once we get them, so stay tuned," Wolf Blitzer said as the camera switched to live footage of where Bujin Gaim was. "I wonder if Rita, Zedd, or even Vekar are doing this to draw out the Riders. Not a bad idea, if i do say so myself," Vidic commented as he continued working on the Driver he had, "But soon, one of our own will certainly give those Spandex-wearing freaks a hard time."


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 30: Flashback 9 Years Ago (January 1, 2005) / Japanese Military Base in Tikrit, Iraq~


    Having survived the explosion Mario caused, Shay got up from under the table he hid in, and looked around, but found no sign of his old friend-turned-enemy. Entering the now destroyed building, Jadeite found Shay looking around, wondering what was going on...


    "What happened?" Jadeite asked. "The guy I was supposed to kill got away," Shay replied. "If he makes it to another base, or even an outpost, he could call for reinforcements, and then we lose this battle," Jadeite said, "We have to find and kill him before it's too late. He couldn't have gone too far. That Humvee that almost killed us... I took care of the soldiers in it. We can use it to catch up to this man." "Sounds like a plan," Shay told Jadeite. "Perfect," Jadeite replied, "I'll go get Romulus to join us." As Shay nodded in reply, Jadeite rushed back outside to get Romulus to go with them to chase down Mario Auditore. Sighing, Cormac was feeling sad that he was going to have to kill his old friend. "Mario... why did it have to be like this?" Shay said to himself as he walked out and headed towards the Humvee.


    ~Command Center~


    "Oh good, everyone's here," Alpha said as everyone arrived. Meanwhile, Hiccup, who landed face-flat on the floor of the Command Center, slowly got up, still feeling pain from falling on the floor hard.
    "Ughh... what happened," Hiccup said as he slowly opened his eyes. Once his eyes were open, Hiccup noticed Zordon, Alpha 5, and Navi. "Woah, what the-!" Hiccup shouted as he backed away, shocked to wake up and find a floating head with two robots. Turning around, Hiccup saw the others conversing with one another, recognizing some of them from Nintendo High. "Umm, hey, excuse me... but can someone tell me what the heck's going on here?" Hiccup asked, hoping to get an answer. "Allow me to explain, Rider," Zordon told Hiccup. Turning around to face Zordon, Hiccup was confused by Zordon calling him a Rider. "R-Rider? Uh, is this some kind of prank?" Hiccup asked. "Nope, no tricks here," Alpha replied as he showed Hiccup one of the Drivers Lily left with Zordon, "If you've got one of these, then you've come to the right place." "Wait a sec-..." Hiccup said, taking out his Driver and padlock he found back on Friday, "You mean these? But, I thought they-" "They're not something to play around, if that's what you thought," Alpha interrupted Hiccup. "Okay..." Hiccup said before shifting his focus back to Zordon, "Hey, Mr. Big Head... you said you can explain... well please do, because I am so confused." "Of course," Zordon replied, "My name is Zordon. I have resided on Earth for 50 years. And in that time, my influence has resulted in the teams you hear about, such as the Power Rangers and Kamen Riders. What you hold in your hand is a Driver. Together with the padlock, you can unlock a great power within you, and become a Rider." "Rider, huh..." Hiccup said, "So... was it you who gave me this Driver and padlock?" "No," Zordon replied. "Thing is, we noticed Drivers like these popping up recently, and we needed to make sure that their users were good guys," Alpha 5 added. "Alpha is correct," Zordon said, "So long as your heart is pure, and you are willing to fight on the side of good, then you have my full trust." "F-fight? No, no, no," Hiccup said as he shook his head, "I'm not a fighter. I don't do that kind of stuff. I mean, sure, I root for the good guys like the Power Rangers. But I'm not them, Zordon. This has got to be a mistake. I'm just a... kid from Norway whose Dad sent him here for a good education. I'm physically weaker than everyone who's my age back home... even my own girlfriend! I'm not a Rider, Zordon, there's nothing special about me. I'm just a random nobody called Hiccup." "That is not true, Hiccup," Zordon replied, "The Driver appeared to you for a reason. You may not see it now, but I can see that you have a strong heart, and you are someone who will never succumb to the forces of evil. You are more than special, Hiccup. You truly are, a Rider. It is your destiny." Sighing, Hiccup gazed at the Driver and padlock he was carrying, and said, "Alright, Zordon. You win. I'll give this whole Rider business a try." "I am happy to hear that, Hiccup," Zordon replied. "Welcome to the team!" Alpha added. "Thanks," Hiccup replied as he turned around to face the crowd behind him, "So, you guys wear spandex as well?"
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Command Center-

    "Wait, what about you, Dad, as well Professor Dante and Miss Nala?" Harry asked, James rubbed his hair and shyly smiled, "Well, we're Power Rangers. Yeah, the spandex is a bit tight, but after a while, you get used to it." "Huh, I see." Sirius said, looking at the Power Coins that they showed. Remus examined the Power Coin and looked at his friend, surprised. "A mastodon?" "I don't mind it." James said, Lily looked at the others and said, "You all do realize that if you accept being a Rider, you will need to keep it secret from those you know. And Harry, that means we can't tell the Wilys." "Right." Harry said, knowing that they would be in danger if they knew.

    Suddenly the alarm went off, Navi shouted, "Oh no, seems like Rita and Zedd have sent down a evil Rider!" "Well, looks like we gathered at the right time." Lily said, as she and the others watched the events on the Viewing Globe. "Wait, you guys sure you want to go? You just found out that you're Riders." James said, Sirius and Remus looked at him and nodded, Sirius said, "I'm sure that we'll be fine. Watch us as we try to rein in this bad Rider." After they teleported to the area, Dante asked, "So, James, who did someone like you get someone like her?" "Shut it." James said, red faced. Nala kept her eyes on the Viewing Globe to watch the fight.


    -Tokyo Street-

    Ron slashed at Fetch and Emma, as well as avoided the confusion attack. When Ron sent energy slashes, they were caught and disappeared, seeing their rescuers, it was Sakura, Hinako, and Seki, already transformed in their respective Rider forms. Ron looked at them and said, "The first three, huh?" "Yes, sides, who starts the first three had to be male?" Sakura said, before Seki began to battle him with Hinako then Sakura joined. However, Ron sent her flying to the ground. As she stood up, two pairs of scars appeared on her cheeks.

    "Sakura-chan, wait!" Hinako said, running to her and tried to calm her down. Sakura gasped for air, trying to control her anger. Seki continued to fight, keeping her calm. At that moment, the others appeared, Sirius asked, "So, uh, how exactly do we transform?" "Just follow our example." Lily said, as she and Simba took their Drivers out and put them on, with them wrapping around their waists. The others did the same then took out their Lockseeds, activating them.





    "Melon Energy!"

    "Cherry Energy!"

    They put them on their Drivers and pushed the sword down, opening the Padlock and changed into their respective forms. Sirius looked at his weapon and sighed before looking at Remus in his transformed state, saying, "Moony! You look like a knight!" "Well, um, lets focus on what we're for." Remus said, running out with them and facing the evil Rider. Harry kept quiet as he looked at Bujin Gaim, feeling something familiar about him. Seeing his targets, Ron began to attack them, especially going after Harry.

    Remus defended Harry with his shield and pushed Ron while Lily and Simba shot at him. Harry wasn't sure what to do as he watched, the familiar feeling growing stronger.


    -Harold and Cardcaptors-

    Sakura was surprised to meet a relative of Nicholas Flamel and felt Kero poke his head out to listen to the conversation. Elsa sat in the trunk and wondered if Harold was doing alright.
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Streets~


    As Carter parked his car next to a bar and exited the vehicle, Lee was confused as to why Carter was headed to a bar during their investigation. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Lee asked Carter.
    "Trust me, man. I've known Jazz for years," Carter replied, "And if anyone in Tokyo has the slightest idea of where Shan-Yu is, Jazz is our man. Now come on." Deciding to go along with Carter's plan, Lee enters the bar with Carter, then the following happened:

    Hey man, is Jazz here?" Carter asked the bartender, who signaled to Carter that Jazz was in the back. "Lee, you wait here. I'll take care of everything,
    " Carter instructed Lee. "You sure?" Lee asked.
    "I'm sure," Carter replied, "Now behave yourself." Lee nodded as Carter walked to the back of the bar to question Jazz.


    ~Porta Vista Harbor~


    "And here we are," Silver told Don as he docked his boat in the Porta Vista Harbor, "Welcome to Porta Vista, Japan. Voted as having the best beach in the country. If you've got any questions, you can talk to the city's police department, which is only about a mile away from here. Hope you enjoyed your little trip here. And if you need to contact me, you've got my number." Getting off his boat with Chikorita, Silver said, "Now if you'll excuse me, lunch awaits."
    "Chika!" Silver's Chikorita added, as the two left Don.


    ~Tokyo University: Bus Parking~


    Misty (along with her Togepi in her backpack) arrived to the bus parking of Tokyo University while carrying a megaphone and lanyards, waiting for the bus full of Nintendo High School seniors to arrive and give them a tour of the campus. "Oh, this is going to be so exciting, Togepi," Misty told Togepi as she sat on a bench, "Meeting with possible future TU students." "TogiTogi," Togepi said, appearing to be excited as well. "And nothing could possibly rui-" Misty said before being interrupted by the sound of a Pokemon coming out of a Pokeball in Misty's backpack, which turned out to be her Psyduck...


    "Psyduck," Psyduck said as it appeared. Sighing, Misty commented, "
    I spoke too soon." Taking out Psyduck's Pokeball, Misty summoned Psyduck back to its Pokeball, and went back to waiting for the students to arrive.


    ~Command Center~


    "Wait, we're gonna fight already?!" a shocked Hiccup asked as the others teleported, "And who's this Rita and Ze- oh forget it. Umm, any help with teleporting?" "Right on it, Hiccup," Alpha replied as he pressed a couple of buttons next to the Viewing Globe. "Thanks, Alpha," Hiccup thanked Alpha. "Good luck, Hiccup," Zordon told Hiccup, "And remember what I told you." Smiling, Hiccup nodded in reply, although he was nervous as he was about to take part in his first fight as a Rider. A few seconds later, Hiccup was teleported away from the Command Center...


    ~Inside the Bus - Interrogation Room~


    Back inside the interrogation room with Skye, it seemed that Alan and General Shining Armor were about to interrogate Skye once more.
    "This is QNB-T16," Shining Armor told Skye as he showed her the syringe he retrieved from the metal case earlier, "It's a brand-new and extremely potent truth drug. Don't worry. The effects only last about an hour." Seeing the syringe made Skye feel nervous, worried that they were about to get whatever they wanted from her.
    "And you'll have a nice little nap. And we'll have all the answers to ou-" Alan added before Shining Armor suddenly injected him with the syringe instead, "Hey! What the hell?!" "I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" Shining Armor asked Alan. Skye, meanwhile, was shocked to see what just happened. "No. But you've lost your mind. You should never do that to a member of your team. And, yes, it did hurt a little bit. But I always try and mask my pain in front of beautiful women 'cause I think it makes me seem more masculine," Alan answered Shining Armor before realizing what he just said, "My God, this stuff works fast!" Skye was enjoying what she was seeing, never expecting someone from the JIA to use a truth drug on his own team member, and sort of flattered that Alan referred to her as 'beautiful'. "Don't trust us? Ask him whatever you'd like," Shining Armor told Skye as he headed towards the door. "Wait a minute. Wait. You can't just... this is definitely not protoco-" Alan complained as Shining Armor exited the interrogation room and closed the door behind him, leaving Alan alone with Skye. Sighing, Alan sat in front of Skye, worried about what she might ask him. "You seem nervous, Agent Alan," Skye said as she took off her sweater, hoping to use seduction to make Alan talk. "I'm calling to mind my training," Alan replied as he noticed what Skye was trying to do, "There's no way I'm gonna reveal classified secrets to a girl who's hell-bent on taking us down." Getting up from her seat, Skye walked over to Alan, and asked, "Have you ever killed anyone?" "Yes, a few," Alan answered, "High-risk targets. But they were terrible people... who were trying to murder NICE people. And I didn't feel good afterwards." "And does your grandmother know about these things?" Skye asked once more. "Gramzy?" Alan replied with a broken voice.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "So you're the little girl, Ikuko's told me about," Kenji told Rini after he and Sammy arrived at home, "Well, nice to meet you, Rini. I'm Kenji, you already met my wife, Ikuko, and this here's my son, Sammy." "I'm glad to meet you all," Rini happily replied, "And I'm also happy to be a part of your family." "Rini, huh? So, do you play video games?" Sammy asked Rini. "Umm, no, but I can try," Rini replied. "Sounds good enough to me. Welcome to the family, Rini," Sammy said. "Thanks," Rini replied. "By the way, has anyone heard from Serena?" Ikuko asked, "It's almost lunch time." "Probably distracted by something lame," Sammy replied, "Can't say I'm surprised." "Huh, how come?" Rini asked. "Well, Serena's a major airhead," Sammy answered Rini. "Now now, I'm sure she's just busy with something at school," Kenji said, "She'll be here any minute, you'll see." "I suppose you're right," Ikuko replied to Kenji, "Besides, I want Rini to be a big surprise for her when she comes."


    ~Nintendo High School: Hallway~


    Searching through the hallways of Nintendo High School for the Music classroom, Officer Jenny eventually found the classroom she was looking for, with the door open. Entering the classroom, Jenny found Yen Sid sitting on his desk...


    "Umm... Yen Sid?" Officer Jenny called out to the Music instructor.
    "Ah, you must be Officer Jenny," Yen Sid replied once he noticed her, "Please, come in. Have a seat. I'll make you some tea." "Thank you, Yen Sid." Officer Jenny said as she took a seat next Yen Sid's desk while Yen Sid got up to make a cup of tea for himself and Jenny.


    ~Thor's and Loki's Home~


    Upon reaching his home, Thor noticed his mother, Frigga, sitting outside, enjoying the fresh air while reading a magazine...


    "Thor, where's Loki?" Frigga asked her son once she noticed he arrived alone. "With the others," Thor replied, "I don't feel so well. Thought I might come home early today. Maybe work on my car a bit." "Well, don't make a racket. Your father's sleeping," Frigga said as she got up from her seat and walked over to her son, "And if you don't feel so well. Lie down for a bit. Wouldn't want you to get sick." "I understand, Mother," Thor replied as he opened the garage. Smiling, Frigga kissed her son on the cheek, and went back inside. Looking around the garage, Thor was looking for his hammer (which he calls Mjölnir) to start working with his car. Once he found it, Thor grabbed the hammer, but suddenly felt an electric surge with the hand he just grabbed the hammer with. Instantly dropping the hammer to the ground, Thor shook his hand, wondering what just happened, and how he could even be electrocuted with his hammer. However, Thor began to feel less sick, and much better than he has ever since touching that safe from Nintendo High. Looking down at his hammer, Thor picked it up, and was relieved to not feel any electrical surge this time. "Strange," Thor thought out loud, wondering what had just happened, and why he suddenly felt better after touching his hammer.


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 31: Flashback 9 Years Ago (January 1, 2005) / Road Close to Japanese Military Base in Tikrit, Iraq~


    With Romulus driving the Humvee captured earlier by Jadeite, behind him were Shay and Jadeite, who were busy looking for the vehicle Mario Auditore would be driving.
    Guys, I think I found it!" Romulus yelled to Shay and Jadeite. Looking towards the direction Romulus was pointing, Shay and Jadeite found Mario Auditore driving an armored vehicle, with two Japanese soldiers accompanying him in the vehicle...


    Speeding towards the vehicle, Romulus was able to catch up to Mario's vehicle, but the soldiers with him began to fire at the Humvee Romulus was driving. "Jadeite, cover us!" Shay ordered Jadeite, who nodded and summoned a protective barrier around the Humvee, preventing it or either himself, Shay, or Romulus from getting hit from the bullets the soldiers were shooting with. Taking out his rifle, Shay began firing at the soldiers, killing both of them easily, and leaving Mario alone in his vehicle.
    "Get us closer, Romulus! I'll take care of the rest!" Shay ordered Romulus, who nodded and accelerated the Humvee. Once Mario's vehicle was to the Humvee's right, Mario tried to get rid of the Humvee by turning left a bit, and pushing the Humvee away. While that caused the Humvee to veer off the road a bit, Romulus was able to quickly get the Humvee back on the road, and continue chasing Mario Auditore. Once Mario's vehicle was a short distance in front of the Humvee, Shay climbed out of the Humvee, and jumped at Mario's vehicle, struggling to hang on as Mario tried making him fall by turning the vehicle left and right between lanes. Slowly climbing across to a position where Shay can see Mario driving, Shay took out a pistol, and pointed it at Mario, knowing he wasn't going to like what he was going to do. Pulling the trigger, Shay shot Mario, and fell on the road, watching as Mario's vehicle began to flip, until ending up upside down a couple of yards off the road. Rushing towards Mario's vehicle, Shay opened the driver's seat, and pulled out Mario, who was bleeding badly in his neck, where Shay shot him.

    "Mario, I didn't want to do this," Shay sadly told his former friend. Smiling, Mario replied, "I a-trained you to do this, Shay. I expected nothing a-less. Pity... you had so much... potential..." Shay watched as his old friend breathed his last breath, devastated that he was the one who ended Mario's life. Closing Mario's lifeless eyes, Shay began to sob a bit before hearing the Humvee he was in arrive close to the scene. Exiting the Humvee, Romulus and Jadeite noticed Mario dead, and Shay saddened by Auditore's death. "You knew him?" Jadeite asked. Nodding, Shay replied, "He was my friend." "I'm so sorry, Shay," Jadeite said. "It's never easy to have to do something like this," Romulus added, "Jadeite and I can leave you alone with him. We'll be at the base." Shay nodded in reply as Romulus and Jadeite got back into the Humvee, and drove off while Shay remained with Mario's corpse.


    ~Tokyo Streets (Again)~


    Emma and Mimi screamed as Bujin Gaim was about to slash them, but suddenly felt someone grab them and get them out of harm's way. Looking up, they both found the boy they saw earlier in the day who complimented them on their escape from the police...


    "You okay?" Riku asked, with both Mimi and Emma (who was blushing) nodding in reply. "Good. Let's get out of here. It's too dangerous," Riku added, "Follow me." Emma and Mimi then proceeded to follow Riku down the building they were in to his motorcycle. Meanwhile...


    Hiccup teleported a bit away from the others, noticing Bujin Gaim. "Woah, I gotta fight HIM?!" Hiccup said to himself. Noticing the way the others transformed, Hiccup took out his Driver and lockseed, saying, "Well, here goes nothing..." Doing the exact same thing the other did, Hiccup heard the lockseed yell, "Banana!" Putting the lockseed on his Driver and pushing the sword down, the padlock opened, and Hiccup changed form...


    Looking at himself, Hiccup was both shocked and amazed, not believing that he was actually a Rider. "OH MY... I-I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING.... I'M ACTUALLY A RIDER! HECK YEAH!!" Hiccup screamed out of joy. Noticing Bujin Gaim attacking the others, Hiccup said, "Oh no, I gotta help 'em. Now, let's see what this baby can do." Hiccup then noticed the Banaspear appear in his hand. "Hmm, not what I was expecting... but it'll have to do," Hiccup commented. Jumping right into the battle, Hiccup pointed the Banaspear towards Bujin Gaim, sending out a spear-shaped beam of energy straight towards him, yelling, "Take this evildoer!"
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Vs: Buijin Gaim~

    Masaru saw the fight and hesitantly put his Drive ron and opened his Lockseed "Orange! Lock On! Orange Arms: Hanamichi on Stage!" The suit came upon him as he become an exact duplicate of Bujin Gaim with a few exceptions, being orange for one and not looking so evil and he gulped. "Hope I can do this!" Masaru thought to himself and he charge din alongside Hiccup with the Daidamaru to aid him.


    Harold was lead by Syaoran to a more remote area of the city and took note of the small creature that had poked his head out and waited "How can we be sure you are a related to that man?" Syaoran asked him and Harold had a thoughtful pose. "You're right on that, well, I can use my magic without a need for a wand as it just channels it." Harold said and Syaoran was surprised, magic without a channelling conduit was difficult to amster yet the youth befor ehim looked no older than fifteen or sixteen. "I can also sense magic coming from you both, though I'm not familiar with it, but your little teddy bear there certainly looks alive if it's moving about like that, and some old magic surrounding the young girl." Harold said and he gotten another gasp from her.

    "You can sense the Cards?" Syaoran asked and Harold tilted his head slightly. "Cards? Nope, I was just taught to feel magic freely, I don't have to worry about the Statute of Secrecy in effect so I can do this." Harold simply pointed to Sakura and she had found herself levitating off the ground a few centimetres above the ground. "Don't be alarmed, it's just a levitation spell, first year material funnily enough." Harold said.

    "You did it without an incantation?" Syaoran said surprised and Harold set the girl down on her feet. "Well, it's true words have power and empowers the spell in question, but I'm not exactly a master at wordless incantations for the higher tiers, more practice needed on that front." Harold admitted.
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo Street-

    Trying to think, Remus tossed his shield, Melon Defender, to Ron though he blocked with his version of the Daidamaru, as the Melon Defender returned to Remus like a boomerang. Using her weapon, the Kagematsu, as a pole volt, Fang jumped up and when gravity brought her down, she brought the Kagematsu down and was blocked by Ron's Daidamaru, but she managed to push him back a bit. Deciding it was his turn, Sirius pulled the pull hammer on his weapon, Budou Ryuhou, and shot at him, Ron jumped out of the way and went to slash at it.

    However, Harry got in the way by using his Donkachi to block and pushed him. "I will defeat you for my masters, Emperor Zedd and his empress, Rita!" Ron shouted as he got the Musou Saber and connected it to his Daidamaru, Harry gasped as he heard the voice, "Ron?! Ron, is that you?!" Ron kept quiet and attempted to slash but Remus blocked with the Melon Defender, using it to fight it. Calming down, Sakura rejoined the fight, with her friends by her side. Lily and Simba kept as archers, using their Sonic Arrows to shoot at him.


    -Command Center-

    Watching the fight on the Viewing Globe, James tried to cheer his wife, son, and his friends when the reveal the evil Rider was his son's best friend occured, he was surprised as well. "Wait, why would Zedd and Rita take control of Ron? Unless they took control of his mind?" James asked, Nala thought for a moment, "That's likely the reason, so he could be torn from the friendship of Harry." "Uh, okay?" Dante said, rubbing his hair.


    -Harold & the Cardcaptors-

    Sakura was surprised at the display of magic but Kero flew out of Sakura's bag and shouted, "I'm no teddy bear, you kid! I'll have you know that I'm Keroberos, Guardian of the Clow! And I never imagined that Flamel would live so long and have a kid like you." "Flamel is that alchemist who created the legendary item, the Philosopher's Stone, right?" Sakura said, grabbing Kero and holding him in her arms.



    Philip went to the hospital and visited Hermione in her hospital room, telling her about the happenings at the school. They watched the news about the attack, like Harry, Hermione felt something familiar about Bujin Gaim, but since she didn't know Harry was a Rider, she felt something familiar about Harry in his Rider form. Philip opened his Stag Phone and had the speaker on for Shotaro to listen.



    On his way to Cous Coussier, Eiji heard the news about the attacks, surprised that there was a evil Rider running around and there were new Riders fighting it.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2015
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Highway between Porta Vista and Tokyo~


    "Low blood sugar, huh?" Pacha commented as he took the nearest highway exit, intending to take Kuzco to a restaurant after he said he was hungry. "
    Yeah. It's a curse," Kuzco replied. "
    Okay, but only a quick bite, and then we're back on the road," Pacha said as he drove to the nearest restaurant's parking lot, parking his car. "I totally agree," Kuzco replied as he and Pacha got out of the car and headed towards the restaurant, which was a Peruvian restaurant called Mudka's Meat Hut.


    ~Outside Celadon City Gym~


    After dozing off for a while, Anthony woke up, yawning as he wondered how long he slept. 'Hmm, must've slept for hours,' Anthony thought to himself as he got up from the ground, 'I'm pretty sure that guy's gone by n-' Suddenly, Anthony noticed the very person he was trying to avoid still standing exactly the same position he remembers seeing him...


    "DAMMIT!!" Anthony cried as he noticed that he had no choice to to walk in front of the Metrosexual Hipster and have a Pokemon match with him in order to continue with his journey, "That's it! I'm finishing this right now!" Walking to wards the Metrosexual Hipster, Anthony jumped right in front of him, and the following happened:

    'Oh wow, I get the Rainbow Badge and the Cut technique! This day cannot get any better than this,' Anthony thought to himself as he happily walked away after beating the Metrosexual Hipster, continuing his Pokemon journey.


    ~Back of Bar~


    Walking to the back of the bar, Officer Carter found Jazz playing poker with a couple of guys...


    "Yo Carter, what's happening, man?" Jazz greeted Carter. "Where's Shan-Yu?" Carter asked. "Who?" Jazz asked. "I'm serious, Jazz!" Carter replied as he took out his gun and pointed it at Jazz, "Where is he?" Upon noticing Carter take out his gun, the men that Jazz was playing poker with took out their own guns and pointed them at Carter, leading to a Mexican standoff. "Carter, put the gun down," Jazz calmly told Carter as he got up form his seat. "Don't act like you know me," Carter replied, "I know your buddy's uncle is a judge, Jazz. How would you like to go to court with him?" "I see what's going on here. You trying to play me like a fool," Jazz said. After a couple seconds of absolute silence, everyone in the room began to laugh and put their guns away, with the whole situation having just been played out for fun. "You know I was just playing," Carter told Jazz, "Man, give me a hug." "Heh, come here you a**hole," Jazz replied as he and Carter shared a friendly hug, "Why you didn't come to church Sunday?" "I had some things to take care of," Carter answered, "But I made the night service. Anyway, heard anythin' 'bout some Chinese dude called Shan-Yu?" "I don't know nothing about that," Jazz replied. "Jazz, I know what you do. The only reason why I ain't busted your ass... 'cause you my cousin, and it'd kill Aunt Bootsy," James told Jazz. "Why you put Aunt Bootsy in this?" Jazz asked. "I ain't playing. I know she got a bad heart, but I will bust your ass," Carter replied, "Tell me something." Sighing, Jazz said, "The word down in the Chinese district is there's this new dude in town. Bad-ass dude outta China, gathering loads of cash from years of drug dealing."


    ~Tokyo University: Bus Parking~


    Noticing a bus with the words 'Nintendo High' on the side park near her, Misty figured that it was the bus she was waiting for her. "Look, Togepi. They're here!" Misty told Togepi. "Togi!" Togepi replied, feeling just as happy as Misty. Watching the senior students from Nintendo High School exit the bus, Misty switched on her megaphone, and began speaking through it, welcoming the Nintendo High students...


    "Good afternoon Nintendo High Class of 2014!" Misty greeted the students, who cheered in reply to Misty referring to them as Class of 2014, "My name's Misty, and I hope you're all excited to check out Tokyo University. If you are, then let me hear you make some noise!" "YEEAAH!!!" the Nintendo High School students cheered. "Awesome," Misty said as she took out the lanyards she was holding on to, "Now before we get to the tour, I'd like each of you to take a lanyard, and write your name on the label so I can know who's who. Once you all do that, we'll get started on this tour right away." Taking out a pen from her backpack, Misty handed the lanyards and her pen to Clemont, who wrote his name on the label for one of the lanyards, and passed the pen and the other lanyards to the student next to him, and the pattern continued until everyone was accounted for. "Okay, now does everyone have a lanyard?" Misty asked, with all the senior students nodding and showing Misty the lanyards around their necks. "Perfect! So, without further ado, I welcome you all to Tokyo University! Follow me, and stay close," Misty said as she began walking to the main campus while being followed by the Nintendo High School students. "TogiTogi," Togepi said, happy for the tour to start.


    ~Goofy's Home~


    Entering his home, Max Goof walked straight to his room while saying, "Dad, I'm home." Not sure if his father was home yet, Max added, "Umm, if you're here, then we really gotta talk. And yes, it is about that fire you caused today. I don't know if you realize this, but I was the laughing stock of the school after that incident."


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 32: Flashback 8 Years Ago (April 11, 2005) / Crystal Order Hideout in Iraq: Shay Cormac's Room~


    After having breakfast, Shay was reading through the day's newspaper, with a section focused on the upcoming elections in Japan for prime minister. One of the candidates was Harriet Jones, who promised to end all Japanese military involvement in Iraq if elected, believing the war to have been a fiasco. "It really took her two years to realize that," Shay said to himself as he shook his head, feeling rather indifferent on whether or not she wins the election, because as far as Shay was concerned, all he wanted to do was make sure that all Japanese soldiers are out of Iraq, no matter how it happens. Hearing a knock on the door, Cormac replied, "Come in." Opening the door and entering Shay's Room was Jadeite...


    "Shay, Master Kenway requests your presence," Jadeite said. "Right," Shay replied as he put the newspaper away and left his room with Jadeite.


    ~Nintendo High School: Music Classroom~


    "Thank you for this lovely tea, Yen Sid," Officer Jenny said as she and Yen Sid drank tea. "No problem at all, Officer. Anything for a friend of Doctor Hu," Yen Sid replied, "Speaking of which, how is the good doctor?" "He's doing fine. Always busy with patients," Officer Jenny answered. "That's good to hear," Yen Sid replied as he finished his tea, "Now then, what sort of help will you be needing from me?" "Well, as I'm sure you heard... Elsa, queen of Arendelle, has gone missing since Friday, and the police has been trying so hard to look for her. But no luck so far," Officer Jenny answered, "Someone then suggested using the help of someone with magic to try and locate her. So, think you can help?" "Hmm..." Yen Sid said, thinking as he stroked his beard until he had an idea, "I think I may know of a way to help. Wait right here." Nodding, Officer Jenny watched as Yen Sid got up and went to get something from the closet.




    "Ah, Philip, what a surprise," Doctor Hu said as he entered Hermione's room, "Hermione's doing absolutely fantastic. Too bad the one who did this to her still hasn't been caught. Which reminds me, Officer Jenny just messaged me. She said that she's asking for help in finding Queen Elsa from a friend of mine at Nintendo High who can use magic."


    ~Inside the Bus~


    Standing in front of a table with a touchscreen, and a screen on the wall showing live footage of the interrogation room, General Shining Armor watched footage of Alan in a deep sleep (which was a side-effect of the truth drug he injected him with) in the interrogation room. Noticing Skye walking towards him, Shining Armor asked, "Did Agent Alan give you anything?" "He told me he's been to Dubai, but he never spent much time there," Skye replied, "And he wishes you stayed as a consultant for Prime Minister Harriet Jones. Alan doesn't like your style. But... I kind of think I do." As Skye and Shining Armor smiled at each other, Shining typed something on the table touchscreen, and the screen on the wall began to show footage from Greece of a woman yelling 'Where's the Relic?!' and 'The Relic must be destroyed!' while killing bystanders. Seeing the footage, Skye recognized the woman. "Pyrrha?" Skye thought out loud, "What's going on?" "
    Pyrrha Alexandra... status... deceased," Shining Armor said as he typed something into the table touchscreen, and a death certificate turned up on the wall screen, "Skye... if your friend Pyrrha really is alive... then I'm afraid she could be in grave danger. I want to help, but you have to trust me."


    ~Thor's and Loki's Home: Garage~


    As Thor started working on his car, he heard a woman screaming outside. Running outside while still carrying his hammer to see what all the commotion was about, Thor noticed an old lady was being mugged by a robber. "Hey, stop it!" Thor yelled. Once the robber heard Thor, he began running away, but Thor wanted to catch him and teach him a lesson. "Oh no you don't!" Thor said as he started running after the robber. Hoping to stop the robber, Thor threw his hammer straight towards him, but was shocked by the way the hammer moved, flying in a straight line towards the robber and hitting him hard. The hammer then, much to Thor's surprise, began flying back to him. "What the-?!" a confused Thor said to himself as he quickly caught his hammer as it flew to him. Once he caught it, Thor could feel jolts of electricity all around him, and yet didn't feel any harm. "What's going on?" Thor thought out loud, confused by the fact the his hammer flew around freely, and that electricity isn't even harming him. Once the jolts of electricity were gone, Thor noticed the robber had gotten up, and had reached a nearby bridge. "Hey! I'm not finished with you yet!" Thor yelled as he followed the robber to the bridge. As the robber tripped, Thor was able to catch up too him, intending to smash him with his hammer and knock him out. "Take this!" Thor yelled as he was about to hit the robber with his hammer. The robber, however, quickly dodged, and Thor's hammer hit the ground instead. What happened when the hammer hit the ground shocked Thor even more, with jolts of electricity stemming from the hammer's impact on the ground, as well as some damage to the area where the hammer hit. 'I'm not... THAT strong... am I?' Thor thought to himself as he noticed the damage he caused on the ground. Turning around, Thor was suddenly kicked in the face by the robber, causing him to trip on the bridge rail and fall towards the river below. "Aaaahhhh!!!!" Thor screamed as he fell. Suddenly, Thor felt his falling stop immediately. Looking down, Thor noticed that he was literally hovering above the river. "Am I... flying?" Thor asked himself. Looking up towards the bridge, with the feeling of wanting to get back up there, Thor felt himself ascend straight towards the bridge rail. Grabbing the rail, and climbing back up to the bridge, Thor was still in shock as to what has been happening to him. But upon noticing the robber running away in the other direction, Thor decided to take advantage of what ever was happening to and ran towards the robber. Once he was close enough, Thor pointed his hammer towards the robber, and was semi-surprised to see a bolt of electricity from his hammer strike the robber, causing him to collapse to the ground. "Okay okay, I give up!" the robber cried as Thor approached him. Grabbing the robber, Thor held him up high, and said, "Don't ever let me catch you stealing from others again, understand?!" "Yes, yes, I promise!" the robber cried. Dropping the robber on the ground Thor gazed at the hammer in his hand, wondering if this was what it felt like to be a Conduit.


    ~Command Center~


    "Aye-yi-yi! That Rider's a friend?!" Alpha thought out loud after it was revealed Bujin Gaim was Ron. "Rita and Zedd must have known that Ron was a friend of a Harry," Zordon commented, "The Riders must find a way to save Ron and make him good again without harming him."


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    Continuing to send spear-shaped beams of energy towards Bujin Gaim, Hiccup suddenly heard Harry refer to Bujin Gaim as Ron. 'What a sec... THAT's Ron, Harry's friend??!!' Hiccup thought to himself, 'If that really is Ron... then something weird is going on... better find a way to make him stop attacking.' Swinging his Banaspear, banana projections appeared in front of Ron, able to absorb Ron's attacks. "That should slow him down... hopefully," Hiccup said to himself.
  12. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Skies Of Tibet ~

    While Sonya was giving her soldiers instructions, B. Orchid gave Castiel a look of concern. "You gonna be alright, Cas?" The S-Type nodded slightly. "I'm still not used to riding these flying machines." "I understand. My first helicopter ride was pretty shaky." Orchid smiled. "So, I take I they don't know about your...situation?" Castiel shook his head. "No. For the time being, they believe me to be this Agent Novak. It might be best if we kept the truth to ourselves. We S-Types are not exactly well-accepted these days, and it's possible my true identity may cause...tensions."

    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    "So, kiddo. How was school today?" Johnny asked Cassie. "Meh. It was okay. Teachers were pretty cool. And I'll be applying for ROTC tomorrow." She replied. "ROTC, huh? Taking after your mom, eh? Good on you. We need some tough ladies in the military. You know, Kenshi's son Takeda is wanting to join himself. Actually, he's going to be starting school here next month. I hear he's grown sweet on you and Jacqui! Just like your pops, everyone falling head over heels for ya!" Johnny laughed and ruffled an annoyed Cassie's hair. "Changing the subject. How'd your movie go, dad?" Johnny chuckled. "Well, they're casting the Pink Ranger right now, but we'll be filming later today once they get an actress for her."

    Erron tucked himself in an alley and began making a call. "This is Erron. Let the others know the Followers Of the Sun will be meeting this weekend. Tell Dean and Reptile we will be doing their inductions then."

    Amy and Sammy were walking home when Sammy spoke up. "Amy. We need to talk." Amy stopped and turned toward her. "About what?" She snapped. "Okay, look Amy. It's about this whole 'Samey' thing..." Sammy hesitated a bit, but Thor and Loki's words rang through her mind and gave her the courage to continue. She wanted to know what caused Amy's attitude. She needed to know. "What is your problem with me? When we were kids, we got along great! What happened? What did I do to get you to start harassing me?" Hearing her sister start to raise her voice, Amy tried to speak. "I'm not-" However, Sammy held up her hand to stop her. "Amy, let me finish, please."

    Passing by them, Mayhem was feeling very good about his latest exploit. Deciding he was really done for the day, he made his way back home.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    Max sat at his station. "Excellent. Soon these fools will feel the wrath of my delicious French fare!" Eagerly, he put on an apron, before noticing the student next to him giving him a strange look. "What? Even evil mustn't forget proper preparation!"

    ~ Sam & Dean's Dorm Room: Meeting Of the Unofficial Paranormal Investigation Club ~

    Sam, Dean and an unknown girl sat in the room. "So, uh." Sam began. "I guess I call this meeting of the unofficial Paranormal Investigation Club to order. Today we induct our newest, and only new, member." He and Dean looked at the girl. "Um, I'm, like, Ini Miney. I'm totally into ghosts and possession and things like that." She introduced herself. "So, Ini." Dean began. "Have you ever dealt with demonic possession before?" "Well, one time I got, like, chased by a vacuum cleaner."

    ~ Porta Vista Harbor ~

    Don nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate it." Watching the two leave, he began heading toward the direction of the police department, hoping to get some insight.

    ~ Private Island ~

    Scarlett, Green, Mustard, White, Plum and Peacock all approached the mansion, where a well-dressed old man was waiting at the gate. "Ah!" He exclaimed, seeing the six. "Mr. Grey's honored guests! I am his humble butler. The Master has been expecting you, and is very keen to begin the business for which you six have been sought. Please follow me." He lead the six guests inside and into a fancy room. A charming, young man waited for them. Greeting the six with a smile, he spoke. "I'm glad to see you all came by as asked."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    From his spot, Kotal watched the battle between the mysterious Rider and the others. "Seems to be some discord amongst the Riders." He thought, shaking his head. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see one of his followers. "Ah, D'Vorah. Decided to come enjoy the view? Although the only thing there really is to see is a fight between the Riders and other strange folk, and it is not an enjoyable situation if I may say." D'Vorah nodded. "It felt appropriate to take a rest." She answered, reaching into the pouch in her stomach and holding up a sizable larvae. "These ones were restless, so I was occupied with calming them down." "I see. And Ferra?" "She and Torr are going to be preparing for tomorrow's mission. I've tried to have a moment with them, but Ferra insisted I not bother her."
  13. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Mario Bros. Residence~

    It had been a bit since both Jumpman and his wife were kidnapped, the home and resturant was in an errie silence as the front door on the first floor slowly opened. Histoire, Compile, Deco, Goofy, Donald, Mickey, Cranky, and Kamek slowly walked into the abandoned dining area. Histoire had a stern look on her face as she noticed the window was still broken. "Just as I thought...someone tried to murder Jumpman and failed to hit him, thus explaining why I saw seven to eight S-Types here." She then turned her gaze towards the duck, dog, and mouse that was with them. "You three, go upstairs and check things out. Make sure their kids didn't get caught or captured..." The three nodded before running up the stairs that lead to the living area. Mickey slowly opened the door which was still unlocked. The eerie silence slowly got to the three as they entered with Mickey slowly speaking up. "Jumpman? Fujiko? Anyone home?" There was no response before the mouse spoke up. "Gosh...this is starting to get really strange. No response, not even the television was on." Goofy took a large whiff of the air before starting to scramble towards Mario and Luigi's room. He opened the door and looked within the room making note that things seemed to be ordinary...until he noticed the slight footprint shape made on the soft carpet." Goofy shouted. "Everyone! Come quick! I found something!"

    Moments later the entire group had arrived in the room shared by the brothers as they looked at the shape closely. Compile noticed the two shapes made towards the door commenting calmly. "Those are Jumpman and Fujiko's footprints, Jumpman has a distinct round boot shape and Fujiko is smaller with a heel..." Deco shrugged before pointing at a near identical boot shape. "If that was Jumpman's shoe, then explain this set of footprints." Kamek's eyes widened in a panic before he pulled out his wand and waved it over the second set of footprints. "That can't be right, he was presumed dead..." Histoire walked out of the room and went to the nearest phone before calling a single number.

    ~Nintendo High: Cooking Club~

    Mario blinked for a moment slightly confused. "Uh...French Food? I feel stupid for admitting this but all I know about French Cusine is that Crossiants are funny-shaped bread." Bowser, Yoshi, Kirby, and Neptune all facepalmed before slowly realizing that Mario only knew Italian and Japanese because of his parents. Before Bowser could explain to the brunette about French Cuisine Mario's phone started to ring. Mario pulled out a red phone before looking at the ID, he then looked at Gordon Ramsay. "Excuse me, I need to take this's family." Mario then stepped out of the room for a moment and answered the phone. "Hello, It's-a me, Mario." Histoire's voice interrupted Mario's opening. "Mario, this is Histoire. Where are you at right now?" Mario blinked before asking suspiciously. "Why are you using my house phone?" Histoire sighed before calmly trying to explain. "Mario, I don't know how to explain this properly but...your parents have gone missing and someone tried to kill your father. We're all worried about you, your brother, and your sister." Mario froze in place, he felt as though he was empty inside and lacked any of his usual energy and passion. "Mario? Are you okay?" Mario looked down and spoke quietly. "Thank you...Histoire..." he then hung up and went back into the room. The change in Mario's mood was clearly noticable as Bowser and Yoshi walked up to him, the latter looking at Mario asking. "Mario...what happened?" Mario looked up at the green dinosaur with the big nose before explaining. "I got a call from my house...except it was Histoire." Neptune blinked before running up to Mario. "My mom called from your house? That's...odd." Mario looked down. "She said my parents were missing..." Kirby was in shock. "Oh my....that's horrible Mario..." Mario sighed before resuming his position. "But for the sake of the Cooking Club I will keep going..."

    ~Nintendo High: Outside~

    Luigi and Rosalina sat on the steps of the building patiently waiting for Mario to come out. Both of them remained quiet before the sound of a cell phone ringing interrupted the silence. Luigi pulled out a green phone from his pocket making note that it was from home and answered it. "Hello, Luigi here." Histoire spoke up immediatly. "Luigi, where are you and your sister at?" "Sitting outside school waiting on Mario to come out, why do you ask?" Histoire sighed before relaying the information about the kidnapping and attempted assassination before Luigi gasped in shock, his body frozen in fear as he stared to panic. "Oh no, oh no, oh no. Astral's kidnapped them in an attempt to get revenge on us in a mental battle by capturing our parents." It was then that Histoire shouted. "Do not come to conclusions just yet Luigi! We don't know what exactly happened or where they went...but rest assured we will keep you three safe and out of harm's way. Just stay put until Mario comes out." Luigi slowly nodded before slowly speaking up. "O-okay." He slowly hung the phone up and looked down at the ground. Rosalina blinked and tried to lift Luigi's saddened face. "Luigi, you alright? You don't seem" it took Luigi a moment before he spoke up. Mom and Dad were captured after someone tried to kill Dad right in the middle of our home." Before the blonde could even try to comfort Luigi there was a loud frog-like laughter with a large frog kid wearing a brown robe laughing and pointing at Luigi. "Look at that wimpy boy, crying out for his mother." However Rosalina stood up and marched over to the frog boy, her normal happy demeanor replaced with that of sheer anger as she sent a hard punch right into the frog boy's face knocking him down to the ground shouting. "He is not a wimpy mama's boy! Luigi's a lot more braver than what you damned scumbag! Leave my Luigi alone or else you will end up in a condition far worse than that!" The frog boy started to run off scared of Rosalina's wrath. Luigi stopped and looked at her surprised by her actions.

    ~Abandoned Building: Interrogation~

    Jumpman slowly woke up in a large room with white tiles and black walls, he seemed groggy as the room was unfamiliar to him. "Geez, this place is wierd..." He looked up and noticed he was hanging from the cieling by his wrists. "Hey, honey? Where are you?" It was then that Fujiko spoke up slowly. "I'm behind you...we're being hung by the same cuff by out wrists, where are we anyway?" "I have no idea...but I don't like this place." A door opened as Astral, E. Tempura Wizard, King Cold, Inferno Obitus, and the Psychos all walked in followed by a strange purple entity resembling a guard and the man in the purple armor. Jumpman turned around glaring at Astral. "So this was your little scheme to send one of your S-Types to try and kill me, and when that failed you sent more of your friends to kidnap my wife and I so you could get revenge on my whole family." If Astral had a mouth it would have smirked. "Dearest Jumpman, as usual and like the stupid son of yours, you've come to the wrong conclusion. First of all that wasn't an S-Type that tried to kill you...that was a flesh and blood human being. Second, if I had wanted to get my revenge on your whole family then I would try to kill you and not keep you alive for interrogation from my friends." Lady Jumpman turned to face Astral looking angry. "Well why don't you shut up because there's no way in hell we would reveal anything to you or your friends!"
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Harold nodded to the young girl and how the plush doll referred to himself. "Some secrets were meant to happen with our lives, but the reason why I'm here is because I'm the last living Flamel because Nicoloas and his wife happily passed away after attending to all affairs that lasted a long time." Harold said and Syaoran spoke. "So you're the one to inherit everything that he made?" Syaoran asked curiously and Harold nodded. "Yes but I'm keeping what I inherited from my family a secret, because of who could want such things."

    Harold turned his head and put a finger in his mouth and stuck it up. "There's some of harmful magic in the air nearby, feels unusual." Harold trailed off and Syaoran tried to sense it. "I don't sense anything." Syaoran said and Harold looked at him. "Well, I been taught to feel magic freely and keep an open mind, you'd be surprised how much of a world opens up when you see it in that view." Harold said.


    Masaru was easily pushed back by Buijin gaim and almost lost his footing had he not regained it in time, it was certainly difficult as he never wielded a weapon in his life.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo Street: vs. Bujin Gaim-

    Harry just froze at the fact that he was fighting his friend, pulling the hammer on his Budou Ryudou again, Sirius fired at Ron, despite knowing who it is. Remus tossed his Melon Defender again. Of course, Ron deflected both attacks and was about to head for Harry when a pink bubble appeared and a certain pink Pokemon appeared. Harry gasped when it appeared, snapping out of his daze. "Mew?" He asked, looking at the Pokemon. Mew happily nodded, Ron stopped for a moment and seemed to return back to his normal self.

    But after a brief moment, he gripped the combined form of his Daidamaru and Musou Saber, slashing at Remus who defended with the Melon Defender and slashed back. Mew watched the fight, tilting its head and curious about what was going on. Sakura gently touched Harry's shoulder, she told him, "Don't let your emotions fog your reason to fight." "Right." Harry said, gripping his Donkachi.

    Running to Ron, Harry swung his Donkachi. But Ron used his Daidamaru to block it and pushed him back. "Ron, please! Don't do this! I know this isn't you!" Harry said, trying to plead to his friend. Ron pointed his weapon at him, "You aren't my friend, you lied to me and Hermione all these years!" "What?" Harry said. "I never lied to you or Hermione!" "Enough!" Ron shouted, taking his Lockseed and putting it on his weapon, locking it in place. "Lock On! 1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000: Blood Orange Charge!" The blade charged up with energy and Ron sent a wave of energy to him.


    -Command Center-

    "Man, Rita and Zedd are awful to tear apart the friendship of my son and his best friend." James said, a fire in his eyes. "That's it, I'm gonna try and stop Harry free Ron from their control." Dante and Nala sweatdropped, Dante crossed his arms and said, "One problem, how are you going to do it?" "It doesn't seem like there's a object he has that is controlling him." Nala said. James sighed and gasped when he watched Ron perform his powered attack.


    -Den-Liner, Somewhere in Time-

    Sitting on the Den-Liner, which had gotten upgraded to include a TV to watch the other Riders, Rangers, or the Gokaigers so Ryotaro could see when he could run in to help, he watched scared as Ron performed his final attack to Harry. The five Taros watched but weren't sure if they would be able to make it in time to save Harry.


    -Flamel & Cardcaptors-

    "Well, kiddo, what should we do?" Kero said, thinking for a moment, Sakura took out the Sealing Key, changing it into its wand form. She brought the Fly Card out and chanted the spell, having wings sprout from the beak on the end and she hopped on the wand, getting Syaoran on it as well while Kero changed into a winged lion, letting Harold get on his back before following Sakura.



    Philip nodded, he said, "The only person I know at the school who is really very magical is Yen Sid, the professor of Classical Music." Hermione looked surprised, she knew that he had the magic broomsticks, but she didn't know that he was that magical.
  16. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Sammy looked my straight in the eyes and spoke firmly. "Was it something I did? Someone else?" She asked. "If it's something I did to you, you need to tell me. I want us to be close like sisters should be, Amy. I really do, but these things make it almost impossible! I wish we were more like those brothers Thor and Loki! They get along great! But we're always at each other's throats!" Sammy's voice shook a bit as she was surprised she was actually confronting her sister. "Ever since Cousin Charlie died, you've been pushing me. Why? What could I have done to..." She took a pause, her heart sinking. "Oh my" Before Sammy could finish, Amy snapped. "Of course I don't blame you! You know what!? You wanna know WHY I put you through hell every day?! I'll TELL you why! It's because you're TOO spineless!"

    "So Takeda, huh?" Cassie spoke. "Yep. Him and his dad just finished some training thingy in the mountains. Actually, Jin and Jacqui are supposed to be starting around the same time Takeda is." Hearing the name Jin, Cassie groaned. "Great. Just what I need, him giving me a hard time at school."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    Kotal and D'Vorah continued to spectate the battle between the Riders. "It seems those two were close." He noted, speaking of Harry and Ron. "Something strange is pitting that boy against his friend." "Shall we go down and assist?" D'Vorah asked, but Kotal shook his head. "No. This is between them."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple: Grandmaster's Chamber ~

    Noticing the Edenian princess, Kuai Liang smiled warmly. "Princess Kitana. You look well." He greeted, then addressed her company. "And I see Jade and Heishiro have accompanied you." Then, his eyes fell on Mileena, and his smile faded. "You've brought your clone?" He asked, causing Mileena to wince slightly. "Mileena has been put under my care, and I intend to help her find redemption, Sub-Zero." Kitana answered. "But for now, there are things you and I must discuss." "Very well. We may talk here. Your company is welcome to the temple's halls." Jade nodded, and took Mileena's hand. "Come along, Mileena." She said gently. The two and Mitsurugi left the room, leaving Kitana and Kuai alone.

    ~ Outskirts of Japan ~

    Noob Saibot glared to the horizon, where he saw the Lin Kuei temple in the distance. As he began progressing, he was suddenly blinded by a bright green light. Two men appeared before him. Both were very pale, but one was bald and the other wore a decorate horned crown. Both approached Noob as the bald one spoke. "We have found you, Bi-Han."

    ~ Private Island ~

    "You all look well." Grey spoke. "I trust you all know why you are here?" "Well, yes." Mrs. White answered. "There's going to be a dinner to show appreciation for our service to the family, yes?" Grey chuckled and nodded. "Ah, so my butler did NOT inform you. No, no. There has been a change of plans. Please follow me to the Lounge, if you will." As the group were led to the Lounge, Miss Peacock scowled. "Of course, leave it to him to change his mind at the last second."

    ~ Skies Above Tibet ~

    "Alright, boys and girls." Sonya spoke. "We're gonna be landing in a bit. The second we go out there, I want Orchid and Novak to go first. You two are to get every civilian in the area to safety. Some of our troopa will aid you. The rest of you, I want you to start shooting every hostile you see. Keep your fire away from citizens. I don't want any casualties. We clear?" The troops saluted and replied in unison. "Yes, Commander Blade!" Sonya nodded as the chopper landed on the ground. "Wits about you. And..." The chopper doors open, and the troops flooded out. "Go, go, go. go!" Sonya barked as they were met with swarms of S-Types. Meanwhile, Orchid and Castiel rushed for the nearest civilians.

    ~ Cafe ~

    Elise looked confused. "The Philosopher's Stone? My father told me of that when I was a child. He said it was mentioned in a few books." "Yeah, it's quite the creation." Arno mused. "It was considered one of the Flamels' greatest creations. Said to be able to turn lead into gold. Many people sought it out." "I can see why." Elise nodded. "Limitless wealth would be tempting to many. I wonder, though, if it has any other uses." Arno shrugged. "Who knows? The Stone's been thought lost for a long time. I'm afraid I'm not the guy you need to be asking this sort of thing. You want more information? I suggest you ask Harold Flamel. I can direct you to where you can find him. He's often seen at the Flower Shop." Nodding, Elise smiled. "Thank you, Arno. You've helped me a great deal. This break was...nice and well-needed." "I'm glad to hear it. We must do this again someday. Perhaps after you've found what you wanted?" Elise smiled. "I'd like that, Arno. It's a date then." She left the Cafe, and Arno began speaking into his transmitter once she was gone. "This is Dorian. The Order member asked about Flamel, but doesn't seem to be seeking the Stone."

    ~ Scum Labs: DeMonic's Office ~

    Eustace DeMonic heard his phone ring and answered it. Dr. Veronica was on the other end, sounding very irate. "About time I got good reception." He heard her snap. "Mr. DeMonic! Where are you?!" "I'm here, Elizabeth." He answered. "Is something wrong?" "Of course there is! I've just been kidnapped by giant monsters! Giant monsters which look eerily like the three people reported missing yesterday!" DeMonic opened his mouth to speak, but Dr. Veronica continued. "Mr. DeMonic, I know about the mutagenic experiments. You'd better find a way to return these three to normal, or I will go to the authorities!" She hung up, leaving DeMonic stunned. Without a word, he got up and headed to the secret lab.
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    While waiting for Carter to get some info, Inspector Lee had a seat next to the counter, and then the following happened:


    ~Goofy's Home~


    "Dad?" Max called out, not getting an answer from his father. Exiting his room, Max looked all over his home, but didn't find Goofy. "Guess he's not home," Max said to himself, "Well, time to start on my homework." Walking back to his room, Max sat on his desk and started his homework while listening to a Powerline song, excited to hear the Powerline/Daft Punk concert later tonight on Pandora.




    "Fantastic guess, Philip," Doctor Hu replied, "Yes, Yen Sid is the friend I mentioned who can use magic. I've known him ever since I went to Nintendo High School myself. Great man. Really good with magic. And not too shabby with the art of music. I have no doubt he'll help Officer Jenny get a lead on the ice queen's location."


    ~Mudka's Meat hut~


    After being seated in the restaurant, Kuzco and Pacha were approached by a waitress to take their order. "
    Welcome to Mudka's Meat Hut...home of the mug of meat," the elderly waitress said, "What'll it be?" "Uhh, I think we'll go ahead with two specials," Pacha replied as he turned to face Kuzco in on the other side of the table, "Any objections?" Kuzco shook his head in reply, curious as to what the specials were. "So that's two specials," the waitress said as she wrote down Pacha's and Kuzco's orders. "And an onion log... to split," Kuzco said, with the waitress adding that to the order. Leaving Kuzco and Pacha, the waitress walked towards the kitchen, yelling to the chef, "Ordering! I need two heartburns and a deep-fried doorstop on table 12!" "Hmm, not a a bad restaurant," Pacha commented, "Okay, so I'll admit this was a good idea." "Heh, when will you learn that all my ideas are good ones?" Kuzco asked Pacha. "That's funny, because I thought that you trying to leave Porta Vista alone without a vehicle, being chased by Luxrays, and lying to me to take you back to Tokyo were all really bad ideas," Pacha replied. "Oh, yeah. Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude," Kuzco said.


    ~Tokyo District 12: Katniss's Home~


    Entering Katniss's home using a spare key Katniss lent her earlier at school, Rue walked towards Katniss's room, and sat on a chair next to Katniss's desk. "Well, better get started," Rue said to herself as she took out her Accounting textbook and a notebook, starting with her Accounting homework while she waited for Katniss to get back from the tour of Tokyo University and help her with Biology.


    ~Building Rooftop~


    Still shocked by what happened to him earlier with the robber, Thor sat on the edge of a rooftop while holding on to his hammer, gazing at the buildings around him, trying to make sense of the earlier events. "Am I a... Conduit?" Thor wondered out loud as he stared at his hammer. Wanting to test out his new powers, Thor got up from the edge of the rooftop, and walked to a spot he felt comfortable to see what he can do. Making sure nothing was in front of him, Thor threw his hammer straight ahead, with the hammer flying across the edge of the rooftop. "No!" Thor cried, fearing the hammer was gonna fall to the ground and cause some damage, or worse, hurt someone. But much to Thor's relief, the hammer stopped in midair, floating as though someone was holding on to it. Still not sure how it was doing that, Thor held out his right hand, hoping he can summon the hammer back to him. The trick worked, with the hammer rushing back to Thor, who caught the hammer's hilt. "Ok... so I can do that..." Thor said to himself as he thought of another power to test out. Remembering the jolts of electricity, Thor tried pointing his hammer to the sky, hoping to summon electricity. Once he did that, storm-like clouds appeared in the sky above where Thor was standing. Lightning then began striking Thor's hammer. While Thor could feel the lightning strikes, they didn't even harm him. Rather, Thor felt as though the electricity going through his body was now part of him. Lowering his hammer down, Thor watched as the storm-like clouds vanished instantly. "So I've got a magic hammer... and can summon lightning," Thor said to himself, "What else am I missing?" Thor then remembered there was one more power he experienced... the ability to fly. Looking around to make sure nothing was above him, Thor took a deep breath, and got ready to jump, hoping he would then fly. "Here goes," Thor said to himself as he began to countdown, "3... 2... 1!"

    Jumping high while having the thought of flying high in his mind, Thor took off from the rooftop, flying high towards a close building. "
    Aaaahhhh!!!!" Thor screamed as he was headed straight for the building. Tilting to his right, Thor avoided the building, still flying fast. "I'm... I'm FLYING!!" Thor joyously yelled, "Hahah... I CAN FLY!!" Flying between the buildings of Tokyo, Thor cannot believe that he was essentially a Conduit, and how easy it was to master flying. Wanting to have a little fun, Thor threw his hammer across as he flew, watching as the hammer circled around buildings before returning to him. Once his hammer returned to him, Thor flew straight up until he was at a higher elevation than all the buildings in Tokyo. "Wow..." Thor said to himself, admiring the sight below him. Pointing his hammer to the sky, storm-like clouds appeared in the sky once more, with lightning strikes hitting Thor's hammer. Waving his hammer around, Thor enjoyed summoning lightning strikes from different directions. "Heh, this is amazing," Thor said to himself, "The others won't ever believe this." Suddenly, Thor remembered that Loki and the others were having ice-cream. 'Better surprise them,' Thor thought to himself as he lowered his hammer (causing the storm-like clouds to disappear), and flew towards the A.I.M. tower.


    ~Command Center~


    "Wait, what just happened?" Alpha thought out loud after witnessing Mew distract Ron for a bit. "It appears that the creature knows Ron," Zordon commented, "James, if you wish to help, try to make sure Ron focuses on both Harry and the Pokemon. The sight of both of them together will surely remove whatever evil Rita and Zedd have infused in him."


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    'Wow he's tough,' Hiccup thought to himself as he noticed the banana projections not slowing Ron down much. "Oh no, HARRY!" Hiccup cried as he noticed Ron send a wave of energy towards Harry. Swinging his Banaspear Hiccup made a banana projection appear in front of Harry to protect him from the impact of the wave of energy. "That's it, looks like we have no choice but to take him down," Hiccup said as he rushed towards Ron, swinging his Banaspear towards Ron, hitting him with a Banana Au Lait attack.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    Rini, Ikuko, Kenji, and Sammy were all sitting at the dining table, waiting for Serena to come so they can all dine together. After a few minutes of silence and looking at the clock, Kenji commented, "Okay, she's late." Sighing, Ikuko replied, "I'll call her. Where could she be?" As Ikuko got up and from her chair and walked towards the phone to call Serena on her cell phone, Sammy whispered to Rini, "See? Total airhead. You can't expect her to be on time for anything." "Hmm..." Rini said, wondering if Sammy's sister, Serena, was really as bad as he described her.


    ~Abandoned Building~


    Opening the door and entering the room where Astral and Jumpman were, Romulus Thread looked at Jumpman and Fujiko, saying, "So... these are the Jumpman and Fujiko people that Astral's been talking a lot about." Slowly approaching the two captives and walking around them, inspecting them up close, Romulus commented, "To be honest, I don't exactly see what all the hype was about. Eh, whatever. If Astral thinks you guys can kick some serious ass, then who am I to judge?" Taking a seat on a nearby chair, Romulus stared at Jumpman and Fujiko silently for about a minute. "You know something, Jumpman... I know it's hard to tell, but we're a lot more closer than you think," Romulus said, "Because, there was a time when I was technically considered an enemy of Astral and the S-types as well. But then, something happened, and I realized I was fighting for the wrong side. No brainwashing, no hypnotizing, no... I realized my mistake on my own. You wanna know what happened?"


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 33: Flashback 8 Years Ago (April 11, 2005) / Crystal Order Hideout in Iraq~


    Entering a room, Shay found Haytham Kenway standing in front of a table with a map of Iraq on it...


    "Master Kenway, you wished to see me?" Shay asked.
    Yes... have a look at the map... specifically, the country's oil fields," Haytham replied. Taking a look at the map of Iraq as instructed, Cormac noticed that not a single oil field in the country was under Japanese control anymore. "All the oil fields are finally liberated from the Japanese?" Shay happily asked. "Indeed," Kenway replied, "I just got word from Muqtada al-Sadr that Baba Gurgur, the last remaining oil field controlled by the Japanese, has been captured earlier. The battle for the oil fields is over, Shay. And the S-type crystals in the oil is now ours." "That's great news," Shay said, "But the war is not over yet. Sure we've captured three bases from the Japanese military. But there's still many more left." "True, attempting to capture Japanese bases has proven much more difficult than capturing the oil fields," Haytham commented, "But now that the oil fields are all captured, we can focus all our effort on the bases. It won't be easy, but if can capture three of them, we surely can capture all of them." "Heh, look forward to continuing the fight," Shay said, "By the way, if it's alright... when they're down to their last base, could I be the one to lead the attack?" Grinning, Haytham nodded, and replied, "Request granted."


    ~Nintendo High School: Music Classroom~


    Having brought something from the closet, Yen Sid walked over to his desk, and placed a human skull on it. "Is... that skull going to help?" Officer Jenny asked. Nodding, Yen Sid said, "Now, I cannot simply reveal Elsa's location with my magic. However, what I can do is allow us the ability to communicate with her. Ask her whatever you wish. However, whether Elsa wishes to reply to what any of us has to say is entirely her choice." "I see," Jenny replied, "Well at least it'll be something. Certainly better than not getting any leads on where she is." "Very well, Officer. I shall proceed with my attempt to contact the queen," Yen Sid said. Pointing his hands towards the skull, Yen Sid waved his arms as Officer Jenny watched. Suddenly, smoke began to rise from the skull, forming into a cloud with the shape of a bat. Continuing to wave his arms, Yen Sid watched as the bat-shaped smoke cloud above him and Jenny transformed into the shape of a butterfly. Soon, the butterfly-shaped smoke cloud then changed shape to reveal a vision of Queen Elsa in an unknown location. "It's her... it's Queen Elsa! You did it, Yen Sid!" Officer Jenny happily said. "Queen Elsa... can you hear me?" Yen Sid called out to Elsa, hoping she would reply.


    ~Inside the Bus~


    "Pyrrha Alexandra... from Greece," General Shining Armor said as he, Skye, May, Fitz, and Simmons looked at the screen on the wall, where an image of her along with her death certificate and footage of Pyrrha attacking bystanders in Greece was shown, "Legally speaking, she's dead. But in reality, it may appear otherwise. Fitz, Simmons, mind showing us what you guys found."
    Yes," Fitz replied, "I was able to track this footage from local security cameras in Greece. But, once you zoom in and enhance the image, you notice something very interesting about this Pyrrha girl." Pointing towards the enlarged image of Pyrrha in the footage, Jemma adds, "Notice the diamond-shaped object in her lower body. General, I know an S-type crystal when I see one, and this here is definitely one." "Wait, I'm confused... S-type crystal?" Skye asked, confused about what Simmons meant by an S-type crystal. "I'll explain later, Skye," Shining Armor replied, "But I can assure you that what you saw in that footage wasn't your friend doing it. She was controlled. And we have to make sure that crystal isn't still in her. If it is, she could possibly be controlled into doing what she did in Greece all over again." "Okay, I'll try calling her and ask to meet somewhere," Skye said. "Good. Agent May will escort you to a safe spot in Tokyo," General Shining Armor replied. Both Skye and May nodded as they headed towards the exit. "And on your way out, wake up Alan," Shining Armor instructed May, who nodded once more as she left.


    ~Nintendo High School: Cooking Club Meeting~


    "Ah, don't worry young man," Siebold replied to Mario after he said all he knew about French food was croissants, "I don't expect any of you to be experts. My role here is to teach you in the art of my country's cuisine. And as long as you can cook different kinds of food, I know you can cook French cuisine as well." Once Mario asked to speak on the phone with family, Gordon Ramsay replied, "Two minutes only." Once Mario was outside, Gordon Ramsay began speaking to the Cooking Club, "Right... there are three things we'll be making today. First off, ratatouille, a personal favorite of mine. Next, we'll be moving on to quiche au fromage. Finally, you'll all be making crêpe for dessert. What kind... that'll be up to you. The Swedish Chef will be passing around recipes for each of you to use. And remember to do your best, and please, don't f*** up and make a mockery of French cuisine in front of one of the best chefs from France." "And... begin!" Siebold announced, signalling the Cooking Club members to get ready to cook. The Swedish Chef then began passing around recipes. While he placed a recipe next to Mario, he overheard what he said about his parents. Gasping, the Swedish Chef felt bad for Mario, hoping there was a way he could help him.


    ~Tokyo University: Bus Parking~


    "Tokyo University, formerly known as Japan Tech when it first opened in 1963, is the largest university in not only Japan, but all of Asia, with attendance increasing in every year," Misty spoke through her megaphone while leading the group of Nintendo High School seniors on a tour of the campus, "Over there is the biology building, which is where I spend most of my time, being a Marine Biology major. Inside the Biology building is the largest indoor aquarium in Japan, containing many different kinds of underwater creatures. And right next to the Biology building over there are the fraternities and sororities. Individual popularity of each varies year by year, but recently, the Oozma Kappa fraternity has been quite popular around the campus." As the group walked past the fraternity and sorority houses, they noticed a table set up by the Oozma Kappa house, with a student handing out flyers for new members to join...


    "Be sure to check out our website," Squishy, the head of the Oozma Kappa fraternity, said as he handed out flyers to students passing by. Just then, Squishy's mother, Sheri, joined Squishy while holding a tray of cookies...


    Join Oozma Kappa today!" Sheri told the students passing by, "We've got cookies!" "Mom!" Squishy cried, embarrassed by his mother trying to help him recruit new members into the fraternity. Misty and the Nintendo high School seniors sweatdropped as they saw what happened.
    "Well... that's definitely a rare sight on campus. Parents don't usually stick around with their college kids," Misty told the group as they continued with their tour, "And over there is the Arts and Humanities building, formerly known as the College of Communication. Majors involved with that building include anything related to the arts such as film, music, and theater. Speaking of which, if you all see that big building there, that happens to be a new theater built just recently, used for different kinds of plays and concerts. Next on the list to our left are the three main Engineering buildings. Yes folks, you heard me, THREE Engineering buildings. Engineering has always been an important field for TU, which was named one of the top engineering schools in Asia. All the different engineering fields are taught throughout these three buildings. So if you'll be majoring in Engineering, just know you'll have a lot of walking to do between these buildings. And over there is the Business Administration building, where classes relating to business-related majors are taught. Fun fact, majority of new students consider a business-related major because they think it's easy. However, half of them eventually change majors within a year after noticing how tough the curriculum for those classes are. And that fancy-looking building over there is the Psychology building, which is where my roommate has most of her classes in. To be honest, I'm kinda jealous the Psychology-related majors have a prettier building than the rest of us. But hey, at least it's free to just walk in and admire the beauty of it." After walking for a bit, Misty and the others found themselves in an area full of stores and restaurants. "And this is the Student Union, a place where students can just hang out, study, buy something, or have lunch," Misty said.


    Over at one of the tables in the area were Hiro Hamada and Baymax, who were playing a game of chess, with Hiro thinking hard at how to win the game while Baymax simply stared at the chess board silently. "
    We can grab something to eat in a little bit,
    " Misty told the group of Nintendo high School seniors, "But first, I'd like to show you guys my favorite place on campus. Follow me!" "TogiTogi," Togepi happily said from Misty's backpack as Misty led the group to the Student Union exit, heading to a spot Misty really enjoyed.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2015
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Minato Ward: Outside Eggman's Residence~

    Eggman quietly drove his Eggmobile into the driveway of his home where two large wooden crates sat in front of his front door with a red and black spherical robot and a black and yellow cubed robot attempting poorly to push the crates into the house with their stubby, little arms. Eggman facepalmed before jumping out and pushed the crates and the two robots into the house with ease. He quickly grabbed a nearby crowbar and forced one of the crates open. After that Eggman pulled out a robotic head with a distinct green dome that had a crack near the right eye. Eggman smirked. "Looks like I have some work to do tonight boys!"

    ~Outside the Vector Building~

    Darth Vader stepped out of the building to face the three before responding to Fulgore. "The S-Type nuances have been removed from the premises." He then looked at Shadow Mario with his breathing clearly audiable. "The master would like to have a word with you Newcomer." Shadow Mario quietly walked into the building and onto the elevator before heading up.

    ~Inside the Vector Building~

    Shadow Mario appeared on the top floor as he came out into Wilhelm's office, his red eyes looking around as odd music started to play in the room, his mind thinking. "Geez, this is wierd." He then noticed the Compass of Order and Chaos before Wilhelm turned around in his chair calmly speaking to the S-Type. "So, you're the S-Type based on one of the wild cards...the Blue Testament...Shadow Mario." Shadow Mario blinked and bowed. "Of course, why did you call for me?" Wilhelm slowly blinked before asking. "Tell me, have you ever heard of the Helheim fruits of Star Road?" Shadow Mario stood up blinking. "Uh, no I haven't...why?" Wilhelm opened a drawer on his desk and brought out a strange red lockseed with an apple motif on it, a code reading "LS-TABOO" on it. Shadow Mario looked at it for a moment. "They say that the fruit grew on Azarath before maturing and eventually transforming into what you see in front of you. However in a specific part coexists an area with Gold, Silver, and these apples forbidden to be touched by normal hands. Considering you're not normal, I want you to have it and use it for your own purposes." Shadow Mario blinked as he looked at the Lockseed for a moment curiously before forcibly having his core encase the Lockseed into a ball of red light and flew right inside it. Soon Shadow Mario felt more power surging through him.

    ~Abandoned Warehouse~

    Fujiko's anger had slowly started to subside as Jumpman listened to what Romulus had to say, Jumpman didn't seem as angry as before and sternly spoke up. "I don't know how you sided with them, but it goes against my judgement to help my enemies." Astral casually looked at Jumpman before remarking. "Of course...just as expected from Jumpman." Fujiko yelled from behind. "Just shut up Astral!"

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    "Wow, I must admit. You certainly aren't as spineless as your sister claimed....really surprises me." A familiar feminine voice spoke up before Kai and Pyrrha stood behind Sammy, the former smirking with her arms crossed commenting in a playful tone. "I mean really, I don't see how you're spineless if you managed to talk to her like that, infact she might be a little crazy." The blonde looked at Kai blinking inquizitively. "I thought we were heading down to Shibuya?" Kai looked at her friend before ruuffling the blonde hair about. "Don't worry, most of the time things get sidetracked anyway. We're in no hurry..."

    ~Tokyo Streets: Model O~

    After the strange events at school, Kairi had slowly started to walk home as she crossed one of the streets. She stopped however when she saw a blue light coming from within her bag. For a moment the redhead tilted her head as the light moved only for the hidden Model O to start pushing against the bag forcing the teenage girl along its unknown path...until Kairi tried to move against it in the opposite direction speaking low. "Come on, just settle down until we get home, please?" Eventually Model O just kept pushing forward towards Sora's house and inturn feeling the heat of a battle nearby.​
  19. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    ~ Tokyo Streets ~

    Hearing Kai's comment, Amy glared at her to retort, but only angered sputtering came out. Screaming in frustration, she jabbed a finger at Sammy. "We're gonna finish this conversation later, SPARE-MEY!!" She shouted, stomping off to go home. Once she left, Sammy sighed. "That was scary. I can't believe I stood up to her." She gasped. "It...actually felt kinda refreshing. I feel a little more confident." She turned toward Pyrrha and Kai. "Oh! S-Sorry you two had to see that."

    As he finished his call, Erron looked up as Thor flew overhead. The gunslinger let out a small laugh and shook his head. "The things you see everyday." He said with a chuckle.

    Elise smiled as she made her way to the Flower Shop, hoping she could find what she was looking for.

    Hanging up, Dr. Veronica sighed in annoyance as she was currently being held by Lizzie. Occasionally, Ralph tried to make a grab for her, only to get slapped by the giant lizard. "Well, I suppose if this is where I'll be all day..." Dr. Veronica mused. " least I have some entertainment."

    ~ Vector Industries ~

    Fulgore shook his head, turning to T-Elos. "A shame I was not there." He said. "I could have forced them through my assimilation process. They would have been excellent assets for us."

    ~ Tower Of the Sun ~

    "Today is quite an interesting day, D'Vorah." Kotal said, gesturing towards the town. "A fight between Riders, flying children. Many strange occurences this evening." "Indeed." D'Vorah replied. "Now then, if you'll excuse this one, we have our own affairs to attend to in town." Dismissed, D'Vorah sprouted wings from her back and flew toward the city.

    ~ Ice Cream Shop ~

    Jacqueline Briggs was enjoying her favorite ice cream: mint and chocolate-chip. Suddenly, her phone rang and, answering it, she heard her father on the other end. "Hey, dad." She said. After a few minutes, she nodded. "Yeah, I've been wearing the gloves. What? Tomorrow? Thought I was starting next month...well, if you say so. What? Takeda and Jin, too? What's going on? ...You can't tell me? That big of a deal? Alright, I love you too." Hanging up, Jacqueline was left confused by her father's call.

    ~ Tokyo Outskirts ~

    Noob glared at the two strangers. "My name is not Bi-Han! I am Noob Saibot, assassin of the S-Types!" He hissed. "Speak your names, strangers!" The bald man bowed politely and obliged. "I am Quan Chi. And this..." He said, gesturing to the crowned one. " Lord Shinnok. We have been searching a long time for you." "To what end?" Noob asked. "Tell me, have you recently come into any...strange powers?" Quan Chi asked with amusement, as if knowing what Noob's answer was.

    ~ Grandmaster's Chamber ~

    Once they were alone, Kuai and Kitana sat down to talk. "How have things been, Sub-Zero?" Kitana asked. "I've had worse days. The Grandmaster's seat is quite a lot to live up to. If I could give it away, I would." Kuai answered with a sigh. "I wish my brother were here to guide me." Kitana nodded, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Yes. Your brother, Bi-Han. His loss was a great tragedy for Earthrealm." "And for the Lin Kuei." Kuai added, glancing at Kitana. "I am sure Liu Kang's passing weighed heavily on you as well." "In some ways, it still does. But for my kingdom and my family, I mustn't let it consume me. It is what Liu would want, for me to be happy." Kuai nodded in agreement, and the two sat silently, dwelling on their lost friends before Kuai spoke up. "So, may I ask what is going on with Mileena? You two once hated each other with no quarter." Kitana laughed and patted his hand. "It is quite a long story, but it began with..."

    ~ Lin Kuei Temple ~

    Jade, Mileena and Mitsurugi walked through the temple halls, watching the Lin Kuei go about their training. "So, Mileena." Jade said. "It must be nice, being out of that damp prison." The pink-clad ninja nodded. "I suppose it is." She answered. "I did not expect Kitana to spare me any charity to be honest. Perhaps I still do not deserve it." "Yet she spared it anyway." Mitsurugi spoke up. "Clearly she felt you deserved it, even if you don't."

    ~ Tibet: Warzone ~

    The soldiers began taking on the S-Types, though the creatures were holding their own. Sonya was fending off a few with ease, sending them flying with a strong kick. Orchid and Castiel, meanwhile, had grabbed up a few children and were carrying them to one of the evacuation choppers, before quickly heading back for more. On the way, Orchid heard a familiar voice fending S-Types away from the citizens.

    ~ Cooking Club ~

    "Excellent!" Max said with an evil cackle as he got his recipes. "I happen to make a mean quiche au fromage! Or as I call it, a quiche au FEAR-mage!" The purple-haired boy sat down and began heavily scrutinizing the recipes, memorizing the steps.

    ~ Grey Mansion: Lounge ~

    "Ah, here we are. Drink, anyone?" Mr. Grey asked, but was only met with impatient glares. "For goodness sake, old boy!" Mustard exclaimed. "Will you please get on with this?" "Yes, because if you don't have anything to say, I'm leaving." Scarlett said with a scowl as she turned to leave. "Miss Scarlett, please. I apologize." Mr. Grey said. "Very well. I have called all six of you here, because you all have something in common. You are all associates of mine I have spent countless time with." He smiled as he approached an envelope and picked it up. "My years with you all have given me plenty of time to get to know you. Many years, I've learned many things from and about you. And-" "Well?! Spit it out, man!" Plum blurted out, annoyed. "You see, my friends. For years, I have gathered information on you six. I, Mr. Grant Gray, am blackmailing you all."
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~

    "Hey, you're fine. Nothing went wrong...but seriously though...your sister's a total ***** in sheep's clothing if she just decides to treat you like garbage." Kai retorted stating her honest opnion to make Pyrrha slightly freak out. "You...don't need to call people that, you know?" Kai looked ay her blonde friend. "It's fine Ayame, I just don't like it when people treat good people like they're nothing." She then looked back at Sammy with concern on her face, the smirk vanishing as she went into an analysis. "However, considering the way her twin ran off in an angry mood like that makes me consider the fact that it could become worse unless she either cools down or changes her attitude." She then casually ruffled Sammy's head with a smile on her face. "I got an idea, how would you like to come with us on a little trip to Shibuya, buddy of mine." Pyrrha blinked again. "But we don't know her name..." Kai's eyes shot open in realization before shrugging it off. "Well I know she's cool in my book so I consider her a friend I can trust. Besides...someone has to give her twin some time to cool off...and considering what seems to usually trigger it, I think it would be a good idea...maybe even help her out." Pyrrha nodded slowly. "If you say so Kai. If you believe so."​
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