RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Sidewalk~


    "Yes, I'm perfectly fine, thank you for asking," Discord replied, trying to think of a friendly thing to do, "Umm, so, this is gonna sound weird, but... is it alright if I got you some coffee? My treat, for bumping into you like that. Oh, by the way, my name's Di..." Before giving out his real name, Discord remembered that he wasn't supposed to reveal his real name. Quickly noticing a nearby store called 'Lance's Antiques,' Discord continued with his introduction, saying, "Lancie. Yup, de Lancie, that's my last name." Noticing a small restaurant closeby called 'John's Hamburgers,' Discord continued, "And my first name's John. John de Lancie... that's who I am."


    ~Nintendo High School: Principal's Office~


    As he was putting away Riku's folders, Al Mualim notices Murabito entering his office, and signaled for him to have a seat. Once Riku's folders were taken care of, Al Mualim was checking the list of students on his computer. "And what might your name be young man?" the principal asked Murabito.


    ~Nintendo High School: Auditorium~


    "Oh don't worry about it," Vanellope von Schweetz told Sammy when she asked if it was alright to take the empty seat next to them, "We don't mind, right guys?" "Yeah, I don't mind either," Xion added, "The seat wasn't even taken anyway." Luna, Thor, and Loki all nodded in agreement with Vanellope and Xion.


    ~Outside Celadon Gym~


    Exiting the Celadon Gym after winning the Rainbow Badge, Anthony was very excited to continue on with his Pokemon adventure. 'Oh wow, I finally got the Rainbow Badge,' Anthony happily thought to himself as he walked away from the gym, 'Now to continue my journey to become the ultimate Pokemon master. But first, I ha-' Suddenly, a familiar figure caught Anthony's attention...


    It was Anthony's arch nemesis... the Metrosexual Hipster, standing silently, waiting for someone to pass in front of him to challenge the person to a Pokemon battle.
    "Oh God! Not that guy again!" Anthony cried once he noticed that passing in front of the Metrosexual Hipster was the only way continue on his journey, "Ok, you know what? I'm pretty sure he's gonna leave soon. I'll just sit here, and wait." Sitting down on the ground, Anthony stared at the Metrosexual Hipster (who was still standing silently), figuring he'll eventually leave...


    ~Nintendo High School: Auditorium Stage~


    "Thank you for all that you are doing," Cosmos told Mike, "We truly appreciate your service." "But a kid yelling about joining the Crystal Order..." Saxon commented as he sighed in disbelief, "Is everything a game to these kids?" "Go easy on them Harold," Cosmos replied, "They weren't old enough when 9/11 happened to understand the danger of the issue." Cosmos then began to remember the terrible day many Japanese regretfully remember... September 11, 2001, a day that devastated the nation of Japan. The Crystal Order bombed four airplanes at Tokyo Narita International Airport, killing close to 3,000 civilians, and injuring more than 6,000. It was cited as being the Crystal Order's deadliest attack, with the group claiming full responsibility for the attack, saying it was a retaliation against Japan for refusing to accept its demands to end all intervention overseas and to let the Crystal Order take control of all governments worldwide. The entire world and other planets stood with Japan when the terrible event happened, pledging to help Japan fight the Crystal Order. Snapping out of it, Cosmos shook her head, and said, "Well, anyway... just a few more minutes to go till the debate."


    ~Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna~


    "Ooh, very good choice," Oaken replied to Luigi, "That particular motorcycle vill cost you one and a half million yen, charged to Jumpan's restaurant as you requested. And as a special offer, I'll throw in a lifetime pass to Oaken's sauna. Hoohoo, hi family." Oaken waved at his family at the sauna, who waved at him with a greeting of their own:





    "Awesome!" Olaf happily cried as he, Hans, and Anna headed to the hotel's tennis courtyard for a game of tennis. Once they were in the courtyard, Olaf was practicing swinging with his racquet while Hans took a sip of water from a bottle. "Fair warning Olaf... I am the best tennis player in my family," Hans told Olaf. "Well, your family clearly hasn't seen me in action," Olaf replied, "Prepare to be mindblown, Hans." "Heh, you're on!" Hans said as he and Olaf took their positions in the courtyard, with Hans serving the ball first. Swinging his racquet, Hans sends the tennis ball flying straight to Olaf's stomach, causing the ball to be stuck inside the snowman, surprising Olaf. "15-love!" Hans said, as Olaf took out the tennis ball from inside him, and said, "Alright Hans, I'll let you have that point. But don't expect me to go easy on you from now on." Taking a deep breath, Olaf serves the tennis ball, sending it flying over the net and to a spot in the court a bit far from where Hans was standing. "Woah!" Hans cried as he rushed to the tennis ball, and sent it flying back to Olaf's side with a fore-hand swing. Grinning, Olaf easily sends the ball back with a back-hand swing, only this time, Hans misses it, with the point going to Olaf. "Oh yeah! 15-15!" Olaf cheered. "Wow, not bad Olaf, not bad at all," Hans congratulated his opponent. "Yeah, well I do have my moments," Olaf replied as the two continued playing.


    ~Crystal Order HQ: Rassilon's Office~


    "Thank you, Daniella," Rassilon replied as he watched Bagular leave his office. Taking a sip of his tea, Rassilon wondered if Discord would be doing as he was instructed. Other topics on his mind included current operations the Crystal Order planned for today in places like Cuba, Germany, and Osaka.


    ~Abandoned Shop~


    Gastly happily nodded when Hermione asked it to help her escape. After Hermione ordered Gastly to use Lick on Kazari, Gastly charged straight at Kazari, yelling "GASTLY!!" Using his Lick attack on Kazari, Gastly was able to distract him for a while to allow Hermione to escape. But Kazari quickly followed Hermione outside, with Gastly following as well. Meanwhile...


    As Officer Jenny was driving through the streets of Tokyo on her motorcycle, looking for Hermione Granger, she heard a racket from closeby. Wondering what it was, Jenny took the next turn, and headed for the noise's direction. Upon reaching the source, she found Hermione, Gastly, OOO, and Kazari outside an abandoned shop. "Miss Granger, thank goodness you're safe," Officer Jenny told Hermione before shifting her focus to her Gastly, "Gastly, make sure no harm comes to Hermione!" "Gastly," Gastly replied while nodding, floating right in front of Hermione to protect her. Getting up from her motorcycle, Officer Jenny stood next to OOO, and told Kazari, "Whoever you are, you're under arrest for kidnapping Hermione Granger. Turn yourself in, and this won't have to be so difficult."


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    "Busy huh," Carter commented, "Still, I suppose dat's good for business. Well, at least you're having a better day than me. You see dat guy wit' me? He's from China, an' I'm supposed to babysit him while he looks for some dude who tried killing the Chinese leader last week. Working for the police department for years an' they give me a babysitting assignment. An' the worst part is dat he only speaks Chinese. I can't even understand him." Sighing, Carter says, "Maybe I'm just rantin' too much. Too many stuff in mah head." Showing Aerith the rose he grabbed, saying, "Anyway... I'd like to buy dis beautiful rose." Meanwhile, as Lee was looking through the flowers, he found a beautiful lotus flower that reminded him of his home country, China.


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 10: Flashback 10 Years Ago (October 18, 2003) / Streets of Baghdad, Iraq~


    Shay Patrick Cormac, stand down!" Heimdall's voice yelled from one of the helicopters chasing after Shay as he was running for his life from the very military he was a part of. Dodging bullets and rockets aimed at him, Cormac didn't think he could survive much longer. After running for so long, Cormac finally reached a bridge that was on top of the Tigris River. As Cormac kept running, he was forced to stop, as armored vehicles surrounded him from both sides of the bridge, as well as Heimdall's helicopter landing close to where Shay stopped...


    Stepping out of the armored vehicles were many individuals from the Japanese Army Shay was familiar with, including his friends Liam and Mario, General Odin, and Chevalier (the man he had just knocked out a short while ago). "That's enough!" Liam yelled. "Won't you listen to reason Shay?" Mario asked Shay, "Have you gone mad?!" "Easy everyone," Odin said, trying to calm everyone, "Shay, it doesn't have to be this way. You and I can stop this before there's further bloodshed." Extending his hand to Shay, Odin hoped that Shay would accept so that everything would go back to normal. Shaking his head, Cormac replied, "I'm sorry Odin, but I don't trust you. I cannot trust you or my own country ever again. All those souls from Fallujah lost. I refuse to be a part of it any longer. And if it means killing me, well, one more soul hardly matters." Sorrow then filled the faces of Odin, Mario and Liam, saddened that Cormac must now be treated as a traitor. "Shay... why?" Mario sadly asked. Growling, Chevalier yelled, "That's it! I'm taking you out right now, traitor!" Pointing his gun at Shay, Chevalier was about to pull the trigger before Liam, Odin, and Mario all tried to stop Chevalier, each of them yelling, "NO!" Because of the intervention, Chevalier shot Shay in his shoulder, rather than the head as he originally aimed. After being shot, Cormac fell from the bridge to the Tigris River, with the river dragging him in the direction of its flow...


    OOC: Happy 2nd Anniversary HSD!
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2015
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Courtyard, Hotel~

    Harold was grateful they moved to play tennis, this meant distraction for the guards to stand around so no-one interferes with the game, but he was certain they weren't used to Wizards, he silently cast a Notice-Me-Not charm upon himself as well as a disillusionment one to make himself seemingly invisible and took slow careful steps as not cause too much sound and managed to by the guards and silently moved to where Anna was sitting, only question left now was how to make Anna take the parchment, Hans and Olaf as they were called, were too into their game of Tennis with Anna watching on a bench. "I know..." Harold steadily went to the bench and when he had the right moment, placed the parchment with a written letter attached beside her, "Now to get out of here." Harold snuck back the way he came and into an alleyway to dispel his charms.

    "Now to get back to the Flower Shop before some people get overworked." Harold noted, taking his time walking.


    Shotaro was promptly ignored by Inspector Lee and he mentally thought. "How rude! This is why I never work with others except Phillip!" Shotaro cried out in his mind and heard Carter's words about the guy being Chinese. "Or maybe that's why he didn't talk to me." Shotaro suspected and wondered who he was referring to and thought back on newspaper articles, but he didn't have time for that now.

    ~Yuri and Alice~

    "Sorry pal, but she's with me." Yuri stated, walking towards John. "And much as I'm sure your offer is tempting, she has places to go." Yuri crossed his arms, his red eyes staring at John.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Abandoned Shop-

    "Heh, a mere human is no match for a member of the Crystal Order," Kazari said, using his speed to run to her, briefly showing the symbol on his hand before attempting to slash at Jenny but Eiji pushed her out of the way to block his claws. He pushed Kazari back, but he sent a whirlwind to them and went after Hermione, saying, "I'm going to take you to the dungeon at HQ." "No....... I won't go with you!" Hermione said, struggling through his grip. When Gastly attacked him, Kazari felt a attack from behind and saw Kira and her team, transformed.

    "Who are you?" Kazari asked, looking at them. Kira gripped her Ptera Grips, saying, "None of your business." "Hermione, find a place to hide or head to a hospital," Emma said, looking at her. "We'll take care of this thing." Noah shot his Shark Bowgun at Kazari while Gia used a Rocksmash and Troy used a Twistorando on him, Kazari fought back with a whirlwind. Hermione ran off to find a hopsital, gripping the Luna memory in her hand, she looked back to see some of the fight as Kazari used his Greeed powers.


    -Hotel, Courtyard-

    Anna smiled, watching the match and wasn't sure who to cheer for. She felt the parchment and wondered how it came from, she hid it in a pocket of her dress and watched the match.



    Akira reached the door to the entrance of the hospital when Hermione came running, now barely managing to stand and fell to her knees, collapsing. Akira caught her before she fell to the ground, checking her pulse. 'It's faint, but she's still alive.' Akira thought, looking at her. 'Either way, she needs some help.' Picking her up, Akira entered the hospital, asking for help from the doctors and nurses. "Let me help." He said. "I may not look it, but I am a doctor. Name's Akira Date." He looked at Hermione, who was resting in his arms. He said, "She needs rest and food, as well as bandages on her wounds."



    "Actually, coffee sounds great." Alice said, smiling at John. "I was just planning on walking around the city, really. So, I would love to join you for coffee." She ignored Yuri's rude comments and looked at John.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith smiled at Carter wanting to buy one of the roses, she said, "Of course, sir. That will be 58.40 yen, please." Looking at Lee, chaos walked to him and saw he was admiring the lotus flower, clearing his throat, chaos spoke in Chinese, quite well, "Beautiful, isn't it? Aerith tried to make sure every flower in the shop can make everyone, no matter their nationality, smile and feel peace."

    OOC: The italics is chaos speaking Chinese.
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Sidewalk~


    Discord, now going by the name of John de Lancie, was delighted to hear that Alice accepted his offer for coffee, replying, "That's great! I know a small but excellent coffee place around the corner." As for Yuri, while annoyed by his attitude, Discord decided to keep his cool, and politely asked him, "Oh, and who might you be sir? Are you her boyfriend?"




    Hearing Akira asking for help, Doctor Hu headed towards the entrance, and noticed Akira with the injured Hermione. "My God... what happened to her?" Doctor Hu thought out loud as he noticed Hermione's injuries. After Akira introduced himself as a doctor, Hu replied, "Well, it is a bit unorthodox, but I'll let you help out. Follow me, we're taking her to the emergency room."


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    As Carter was paying for the rose, Inspector Lee was surprised when he heard Chaos speaking Chinese.
    "Oh, you speak Chinese too?" Lee replied to Chaos in Chinese, "Anyway, yes, it certainly is beautiful. This lotus flower, specifically, reminds me of the lotus flowers I would pick out everyday as a child growing up in China. Aerith must be very talented to put such special care into each flower. And to make me feel quite nostalgic, she has my utmost thanks. I think I'll go ahead and buy it. By the way, you see that man over there... the one buying the rose? He thinks I only speak Chinese, but he'll be surprised in a moment to see that I do in fact speak the same language as he does. Watch as I surprise him."


    ~Hotel: Tennis Courtyard~


    "YES!!! I win, I win!!!" Olaf happily cheered after beating Hans at a very close game of tennis. After a deuce (when both tennis players are tied), Hans and Olaf both tried their hardest to come out victorious, with Olaf emerging the victor. "Wow, I gotta admit Olaf, didn't think you'd beat me," Hans said, congratulating Olaf as he shook hands with him, "Good game, my friend." "I had fun too, Hans," Olaf replied as he looked at Anna, and asked, "Hey Anna, wanna play?"


    ~Outside Abandoned Shop~


    Officer Jenny gasped when noticing that Kazari was a member of the Crystal Order, recognizing the symbol of the Crystal Order on his hand...


    'The Crystal Order?! This is more serious than I thought!' Jenny thought to herself. Noticing Power Rangers appear, Officer Jenny commented,
    "Not what I had in mind, but I'll take it." As she got up, Officer Jenny ordered Gastly, "Be careful Gastly, he's a Crystal Order member. Bombard him with Shadow Balls!" Nodding, Gastly started attacking Kazari with Shadow Balls, yelling, "GASTLY!!!!" Taking out one of her Pokeballs, Officer Jenny throws it in the air, saying, "Manectric, come out!" Out from the Pokeball came a Manectric...


    Manectric growled at Kazari once it came out of its Pokeball. Looking at a certain stone embedded in her watch, Officer Jenny tapped on it, releasing a certain energy reaching Manectric. "Manectric... Mega Evolve!" Jenny yelled, with Manectric howling as it began to change appearance, mega evolving into Mega Manectric....


    "Alright Manectric... attack with your Thunder attack!" Officer Jenny ordered. Summoning a massive amount of electric energy, Mega Manectric unleashed its Thunder attack, sending a powerful electric bolt heading straight for Kazari...
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Harold was humming to himself before pausing for a moment, magic was bristling in the air and it felt unique. "What could this be?" Harold thought and followed it's trail, noticing he nearby an Elementary School of Nintendo High. "There's a witch here? No, if that were the case, their magic wouldn't be sensed, maybe it's a different kind?" Harold thought, Nicoloas told him there were many forms magic can take and this was one of them as Harold crossed his arms. "It doesn't feel dangerous at least, maybe they are underdeveloped in their skills?" Harold concluded and decided to leave it be, heading immediately back to the shop.


    Kazu found himself bumping into Akiza, it seemed to be a daily occurrence nowadays, but she was certainly improving on her social skills and found herself comfortable with him as he didn't run away form her or look at her with distain, plus her powers have been under control and he wondered what to do until Akiza suggested something.


    Vanille flowered the garden, humming to herself and smiling, the one named Cosmos who was in an election praised the flowers being taken off in the manner that they are and vanilla embarrassingly acknowledged she was the one who did it, day in, day out to keep any weeds out as well.


    Masaru looked to the student board to see the map, obviously confused and it was so expansive within it, it could of been a shopping mall for he knew.


    Vergil closed his eyes as he leaned back into his desk, his class was finally dismissed. "I doubt I'm on anyone's Christmas list." Vergil thought without much care, only thing that happens on Christmas is the same old, Dante orders Pizza and no presents are exchanged, it'd be a waste to as last time Dante wanted something, the rabbit died of shock by a mere touch, animals were probably aware of the demonic blood they had, maybe Vergil will hit a bar and drink something strong without his irritating brother.

    "An election of who'd be the next big boss in the country in the school... ludicrous, it's just to pull more votes to their side like trying to find a date." Vergil thought in his comments
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    Enduring the attacks of Jenny's Poekmon, Kira and her team, as well as Eiji as OOO, Kazari scoffed as he took the attack of Jenny's Mega Manectric, sliding back as he dug his claws into the ground. When Emma and Troy did a double Twistornado with a Megaquake from Gia, he countered with his own whirlwind. He used the distract to get away, when Emma used a Windrive to clear the whirlwind, she sighed as they saw that he was gone. "Dang it! He got away!" Jake said, angered. Kira sighed, "Well, that was the first Crystal Order member we fought it."

    "Um, thank you for helping me." Eiji said, not speaking their true names to keep their identities safe from Officer Jenny. "I hope that we will have the chance to fight together again." "We'll see, OOO." Kira said, before her and her team left, Eiji looked at Officer Jenny, he said, "Sorry that he got away, but you should check to see that girl is alright." He went to his motorcycle and rode off, when he was out of Jenny's sight, Eiji leveled the Driver and detransformed.



    Akira nodded, carrying Hermione to the emergency room, he looked at her and said, "You're going to be alright, miss." Hermione just rested in his arms, breathing steadily. He touched her hand and found the Luna Memory, Akira smiled as he thought that this must have kept her going through whatever she went through, putting it in his pocket. He entered the emergency room and laid her on the table. However, Hermione's breathing quickened with a worried look. "We need something to stabilize her condition!" Akira asked. 'What did happen to her?' He thought, looking at her.



    Fang smirked and sneaked up behind Vanille, hugging her from behind. "Hello, Vanille, making sure all the flowers are pretty?" She asked, Tommy watched, sweatdropping as Sirius came up, asking, "What are you doing?" "With no first period class, I came to adore and watch my dear childhood friend make a lovely garden to rival all the flower shops in the city." Fang said, Tommy laughed while Sirius sighed and noticed the Pine Lockseed hanging from Fang's belt, he gripped his Grape Lockseed.



    Philip sat in the library, going through the Planet Bookshelf to find out anything about Elsa and the reason why she could have disappeared. Kimberly came in and watched him. Philip looked through the book he had found during his research and looked interested at what he found. He sighed as he wondered where Hermione could be and if she was alright, not knowing she was at the hospital.


    -Hotel, Courtyard-

    "Oh, sure. I can't say I'm a good player though." Anna said, smiling in embarrassment. She tried to remember the rules of tennis and stretched, getting ready to play.


    -Akiza & Kazu-

    "Lets walk around until the debate is over." Akiza said, looking at Kazu, stretching. She smiled at him, hoping he would agree since she wasn't that interested in politics.


    -Flower Shop-

    Smiling, chaos watched Lee about to surprise Carter when Lenne came out with some flowers. As she set them down, she looked at Shotaro and asked, "Excuse me, sir, is there something you're looking for?"
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  7. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    ~Outside Abandoned Shop~

    NinjaBlueBanner.png NinjaRedBanner.png NinjaYellowBanner.png

    "Hyaaaaaaah!" Came a cry from an indistinguishable location as three Power Rangers jumped down from the rooftop. The yellow one looked around. "...Where are the monsters? And the chaos? I'm ready to kick some monster butt!"

    "Isn't it obvious, Dustin? We missed it! We got here late because you wanted to show off for Marah!" said the blue one, crossing her arms.

    "Hey, back off Tori! I'm not a little kid anymore!" Dustin argued back, "She likes what I do!"

    "Hey, keep it down you two! The people here are staring." said Red, indicating to the people around them. They all assumed their battle stances, Ninja Swords ready to be drawn. "Who are you? There can't be two sets of rangers!"

    "Oh man, the evil clone thing is happening again, isn't it?" Dustin groaned. "I bet Tori isn't even the real one!"

    "Hey! It is me! Honestly, a girl gets into trouble once... Let's just deal with these posers and go back to the base."
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School: Auditorium~


    With everyone in the audience seated, Cosmos and Harold Saxon walked towards their podium in the stage as they were applauded by the audience, ready for their debate. As the debate was about to start, an announcer on the speaker said, "Welcome to the first debate between the candidates for prime minster of Japan, hosted by CNN. Please remain silent for the presentation of the colors by the members of Nintendo High School's ROTC program!" Entering the auditorium were the members of the ROTC (which included Bulk Biceps), marching to the stage as they carried flags, while led by their leader, Max Goof...


    "Ten-hut!" Max shouted, with the members of the ROTC coming to a complete stop, and raising their flags, with Max approaching the microphone, ready to sing the national anthem. "Please rise for the national anthem," the voice on the speaker said, with everyone in the auditorium standing up for the national anthem....

    One Singing of the National Anthem Later...

    Everyone in the auditorium applauded after Max sang the national anthem, and went back to sitting in their seats. In front of Cosmos's and Saxon's podiums was a table where Wolf Blitzer sat to ask the two candidates questions relating to the issues that matter to Japan in the upcoming election. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to first debate between the candidates for prime minister of Japan held at the auditorium of Nintendo High School, one of Tokyo's most prestigious schools. Introducing the opposing candidates... Cosmos, and Harold Saxon," Wolf Blitzer spoke through his microphone in the table, with the audience applauding as he introduced the two candidates, "Now, as we're all aware, there was originally a third candidate who was supposed to be with us today, but tragically, he won't be part of the election anymore. And because of the sensitive nature of his death, both Cosmos and Harold Saxon have agreed not to involve him in any of their arguments. Now then, the first set of questions will be dealing with the economy. Mr. Saxon, the first question goes to you. If you were to become prime minister, what would you do to lower the unemployment rate of recent college graduates?" And the debate went on...




    "Right," Doctor Hu replied to Akira asking for something to stabilize her condition, shifting his focus to the nurses, "I need anesthetics, now!" One of the nurses quickly brought over a syringe containing an anesthetic that would put a person to sleep. As the nurse handed it to Doctor Hu, the doctor injected Hermione with the syringe, hoping it would stop the heavy breathing and put her to sleep for a bit. "Stay with me dear, stay with me," Doctor Hu told Hermione after injecting her.


    ~Tokyo Sidewalk~


    Not getting a response from either Yuri or Alice after asking Yuri if he was Alice's girlfriend, Discord commented, "I'm gonna talk this awkward moment of silence as a 'yes.' But hey, that's cool. I had a girlfriend once when I was younger, I know how it feels." Shifting his focus back to Alice, Discord said, "Oh, and I don't think I quite got your name yet my dear."


    ~Outside Abandoned Shop~


    As Kazari escaped, Mega Manectric reverted back to its original form, with Officer Jenny disappointed that they couldn't get him. "We were so close..." Officer Jenny said to herself as she recalled Manectric and Gastly back into their Pokeballs, sighing. After OOO told Jenny that she should check on Hermione in the hospital, Officer Jenny nodded, and said, "Yeah, I'll do that. And thank you." As OOO rode off on his motorcycle, Officer Jenny too got on her motorcycle, and headed towards the hospital, hoping that hermione would be alright.


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    "Thank you Aerith," Carter told Aerith after buying the rose, "And I'll mos' definitely come back soon." Walking towards Carter and Aerith, Inspector Lee asks, "Excuse me Aerith, but how much is this lotus flower?" Carter was shocked when he heard Lee actually not speak Chinese for once, thinking to himself, 'What da hell??'


    ~Hotel: Tennis Courtyard~


    "Ok, same rules apply," Hans told Anna and Olaf as he sat down on the bleachers, drinking from his water bottle, "You can use my racquet if you want, Anna." "Alright Anna... hope you're ready, 'cause I'm not gonna go easy on ya," Olaf said as he was stretching, and grabbed a nearby tennis ball, ready to serve.


    ~Limousine Outside Hotel in Havana, Cuba~


    Laureano de Torres y Ayala had been waiting inside his limousine for a while for Butch and Cassidy to arrive, wondering why Butch and Cassiy were taking so long to arrive. "Buenos días Señor Presidente," a female voice said behind Torres. Turning around, the Cuban dictator found Butch and Cassidy entering his limo, all ready to go with him to the place known as the Observatory...


    "Sorry we're late," Butch told Torres. "No matter. There won't be any more delays now. We best hurry to the Observatory. It wouldn't be wise keeping Davy Jones waiting for us," Torres replied as he signaled the limo's driver to start the vehicle, and head towards their destination, "While I don't anticipate anything to happen there, I think it would be best to prepare for any danger. Understood Cassidy, Botch?" "AAH... the name is BUTCH!!" Butch cried, annoyed by the fact Torres got his name wrong. Punching Butch, Cassidy angrily told him, "Just let it go!" Shifting her focus back to Torres, Cassidy replied, "Of course, sir, we'll be ready for anything."


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 11: Flashback 9 Years Ago (March 4, 2004) / Coffee Shop in Tehran, Iran~


    As he was sitting in front of a table, alone, in a coffee shop, Shay Cormac began to wonder when the person he was going to meet would be arriving. "Here you go, Shay," the coffee shop's owner, Ali, told Shay as he placed a cup of coffee on Cormac's table, "Will you be needing anything else?" "No, that will be all. Thank you Ali," Cormac replied, with Ali nodding, who left to take care of other customers. As Shay slowly drank his coffee, he noticed a massive protest taking place in the streets of Tehran outside the coffee shop's window. Shay just watched as the protesters were yelling angry slogans directed at Japan. The protesters were chanting things like, "Death to Japan!", "Japan is the Great Satan!", "Japan is the enemy of God!". Shay then noticed the protesters burning flags of Japan, and an effigy of the current Japanese prime minister, while yelling "Allahu Akbar!" "That is some sight, isn't it?" a voice behind Cormac asked. Turning around, Shay found a mysterious young man standing behind him...


    My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you Mr. Cormac," the man said, "My name is Jadeite. I promised I'd meet you here today." "Oh, right... have a seat," Shay told Jadeite, with Jadeite nodding and taking a seat, facing Shay Cormac. "So... are you really with the Crystal Order?" Shay asked. Grinning, Jadeite removed his right glove, and revealed to Shay the Crystal Order logo imprinted on the palm of his right hand. "I see... so you really are with them," Cormac commented. "Indeed,
    " Jadeite replied as he put his glove back on, "By the way, you look rather familiar. Have you been on TV before?" "Hmm, I don't think so," Shay answered, "Oh wait, I remember being filmed when I was in Firdos Square." "Ah yes, now I remember," Jadeite remarked, "You were the soldier who wrapped the Japanese flag around the head of that Saddam Hussein statue about a year ago." "Aye, that was definitely me," Cormac replied, "Though... has it really been a year since the invasion? My, how much has changed in that time." "Yes, I can actually relate," Jadeite said, "When the invasion started, I was a senior student at Tokyo's Nintendo High School. Some of us students would usually go to the streets after school, protesting the war, trying to convince the government to give peace a chance. When the war started, I began to hear of the many atrocities committed by the Japanese army on Iraqi civilians. It was then that I lost every little faith I had in my country, and realized just how evil Japan really was. Some time after graduation, the leader of the Crystal Order found me. He showed me the truth, and why the Crystal Order kept fighting. It was then that I devoted myself to the brotherhood, and to keep fighting until we finally achieve what the Crystal Order has been trying to achieve for years... a new world order... an Earth that can be perfect. And within a few months, it'll be my first anniversary of joining the Crystal Order, and I have no regrets about my decision whatsoever. What about you, Shay Patrick Cormac... what's your story?" "You could say... I was responsible for one of those atrocities you mentioned," Shay replied, "When we went in, I was under the assumption that it was all just to remove Saddam Hussein from power, and give freedom to the Iraqis. But then, the mission became about defeating the Crystal Order in the country while also trying to look for Saddam Hussein. It's as though the military expected victory against the Crystal Order to be just as easy as it was in Afghanistan. But they were wrong... Iraq was a completely different battlefield. For months, we'd been trying to attack their strongholds, but it seemed they only got stronger and stronger. And to make it worse, Saddam still wasn't found. Of course, that's not true anymore, as I heard how they found him about three months ago. Still, it doesn't even look like the Japanese are leaving anytime soon, as they want to keep blowing up a few more neighborhoods they claim are Crystal Order strongholds. I know, because I was forced into doing that. There was this one day, where I was put in charge of giving the OK on an airstrike in a neighborhood in Fallujah that was thought to be a Crystal Order hideout. So, I gave the OK, but at a closer glance, I realized that there were innocents hiding inside their homes. I tried to stop the airstrike, but it was too late. I had to witness so many innocent people die, all because I listened to orders. Then a few days later, as I watched a soldier who was accompanying me on a mission about to kill a man in front of his own family... it was that moment that I had enough. I saved the man, but I was then declared a traitor... having gone AWOL. I was chased by the Japanese military to a bridge on top of the Tigris River." Interested by Shay's story, Jadeite asked, "Then what happened?" Pulling his shirt down a bit to show Jadeite his left shoulder, Shay revealed to Jadeite a scar on his left shoulder. "I was shot," Cormac replied, "By the same soldier who was about to kill the man in front of his family. After I was shot, I fell into the river, and I thought I was dead. But some time later, I woke up and found myself in the second floor of this building. The owner of this coffee shop, Ali, and his wife, found me drifting through the Tigris River, and they rescued me. The couple were in Iraq for a pilgrimage, and were on their way back to Iran. Noticing my Japanese military uniform, they realized they couldn't easily take me across the border. Still, they managed to sneak me into Iran, and take me to a local doctor urgently. One month later, I wake up and find myself in Iran." "I see," Jadeite commented, "They must be very good people to have taken care of you like this." Nodding, Shay replied, "I owe my life to them. And I'm very thankful to them for letting me stay this long. And while I was here, I began to think... about what happened in Iraq." Looking out the window, Shay notices the protest against Japan still happening. "I may not believe in the things those protesters believe in. But still, I can't help but feel like I want to join them, like I... belong with them, spitting at Japan, my own country, for what it's doing in Iraq," Shay said as he shifted his focus back to Jadeite, "That's why I tried so hard to get in contact with the Crystal Order. I realize now that there is only one solution to this conflict. I want to fight back against Japan. I want... to join you, the Crystal Order." "I completely understand, Mr. Cormac," Jadeite replied, "And I do look forward to seeing you be a part of our brotherhood. But, and don't take this the wrong way, we do have trouble trusting someone who was recently part of the Japanese military." "I completely understand," Shay Cormac said, "Just... let me prove that I am indeed willing to fight for the cause. You name it... anything. And I'll do it." "My superiors have said that they are willing to give you a chance to prove yourself," Jadeite replied, "They said that you are to do whatever you feel will catch our attention. It doesn't matter what... or how long it'll take. Make us happy, then you'll earn our trust, upon which we'll certainly make you a part of our brotherhood." Shay nodded without saying a word, accepting the Crystal Order's request. "Very well," Jadeite said as he got up from his seat, "I bid you farewell, Mr. Cormac. And I do hope that when we meet again, it'll be to invite you to join our brotherhood." Smiling, Shay replied, "I look forward to the day that happens, Jadeite." Nodding, Jadeite exited the coffee shop, while Shay finally finished the cup of coffee Ali gave him.
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Vanille almost lost her balance had she not regained it in time as Fang was complimenting her. "You give me too much credit Fang, I doubt my flowers can rival all the best shops." Vanille said with a faint blush of red from her childhood friend.


    Syaoran stood on the top floor of the Elementary School, hand on the face to stop nay people going over, he couldn't help but worry about Sakura, but he knew she was capable with her Clow Cards and turned his head, The Lasin Board was useless in the city as there were quite a few magical energies around and it'd be hard to discern who Roger Bacon truly was.


    Shotaro looked at lenne and gave a small tilt of his hat as he took on the sight of Carter being shocked by his partner's revelation of English, it was moments like these one could sue a camera and He coughed a bit. "My apologies, I'm sure you probably had an officer around, but I'm looking for Queen Elsa of Arendelle, it's already been a few days sicne the search warrant and even the police are having to reach out to us detectives, is there anything you can provide me with, even the tiniest things can help." Shotaro asked politely.


    Yuri crossed his arms, this man thought he was this girl's boyfriend? "Hardly, I only known her for a few days." Yuri thought as Blanca stood patiently nearby, quite well behaved for a dog.


    Vergil unfortunately had to attend the debate as all teachers were required to be there and he just stood with his back against a wall, Yamato ready as he surveyed the room for any threats, while it may be a school, with so many students in the auditorium, someone could sneak in and pass off as someone they aren't, he did give the candidates a look over, Saxon's posture and eyes portrayed ambition while Cosmos's portrayed protection, Vergil had to concede, he liked the ambition more, some students as he notice,d weren't around but he chalked it down to not being interested in politics, as that was what youths were like.


    Haruto knew it'd take a while to meet their headmaster so, with AL Mualim's secretary, they asked to eb called whenever it was convenient and wnet with Koyomi to the cafeteria to get something to eat.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    Kira and the others were surprised to see more Rangers, Jake asked, "Who are you all?!" "I don't remember seeing them when we received our powers." Gia whispered to Kira and Emma. Noah looked away and said, "Actually, there are three groups of Rangers, you three, us, and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers." Kira kept quiet, gripping her daggers, looking at the red one. Troy looked at Kira and held his Dragon Sword, ready to fight if needed.



    When he was by himself, Kazari changed into his human form and hit a wall hard, angered that OOO and Rangers appeared. He sighed and leaned against the wall, gripping himself and knowing next time, he'll get OOO and complete his mission.



    Akira watcheed as the anesthetic did its job and Hermione fell asleep, he smiled, rubbing her hair, "Atta girl. Now lets get you healed up." He rolled up his sleeves and pulled up one of Hermione's sleeves to see the damage. He thought to himself, 'Hope Goto-chan and Michal-kun won't be mad with me about this.'



    "Aw, I think you're the best gardener in the world." Fang said, smiling and holding her childhood friend from behind. Tommy smiled, wishing that he was that close with his brother. Sirius smiled as well and gripped his Lockseed.


    -Koyomi & Haruto-

    Koyomi followed Haruto to the cafeteria to get something to eat while waiting to meet with Ali Maulim. She picked some light food and sat down, eating the food she picked.



    Knowing Ankh wasn't interested in the debate, Eiji quietly walked into the area where he knew the red Greeed would be. He tried to keep quiet until he heard Ankh and said, "Hey, Ankh. Sorry, I couldn't get any Cell Medals or Cores from Kazari."


    -Hotel, Courtyard-

    "Alright." Anna said, smiling as she took Hans' racket and took her place on the field. "I won't go easy on you, Olaf!" She smiled, looking ready for the match.



    "Name's Alice. Alice Elliot." Alice said, introducing herself. Blanca looked and wagged his tail, Alice smiled and petted his head. "Blanca, stay at the apartment and be a good dog until I get back." Blanca barked, panting happily and wagging his tail.


    -Nintendo Elementary-

    Sakura sat in her class, paying attention to the lesson. She tried to keep the thought of Roger Bacon in the back of her mind and save it for when she was with Syaoran and Kero.


    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, I'm happy you like that lotus flower." Aerith smiled at Lee's choice. "I worked really hard to make sure it grew nice and beautiful. That will be 33.22 yen." When she did the business with Lee, Aerith listened to Shotaro. "I will let you know if I learn anything, detective." Lenne and chaos looked at each other, wondering why people thought Elsa might be here, not knowing that she was.
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School: Auditorium~


    After the two candidates discussed the economy, the topic now moved on to national security, with Wolf Blitzer telling Cosmos, "Cosmos, next question goes to you. What do you feel is the appropriate way to combat the threats facing the nation of Japan?" "Well Mr. Blitzer, as a leader chosen by the people, the most important duty of the elected official is to look after citizens, as well as to make sure they're safe from any threat. Whether it be Abductor ships, or a rogue nation like North Korea repeatedly threatening to use it's nuclear arsenal against Japan. But one of the biggest threats facing not only the people of Japan, but the rest of the world, is the Crystal Order. For over two decades, that group has done nothing but spread terror to innocent civilians, demanding they accept their way of life. From their repeated attacks against our armed forces, to their heinous atrocities such as 9/11. And while they grow stronger everyday, we too must grow stronger as a nation with our allies. Only then will the Crystal Order finally be thwarted, and we can finally end this long war," Cosmos answered. Shifting his focus to Harold Saxon, Wolf asked, "Mr. Saxon, do you have a rebuttal?" "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do actually..." Saxon replied, "Now, I noticed that while Cosmos has brought up good points about the threats facing our nation, and how we must be able to stop them... I really would've liked to hear more details as to what she plans to do. Is it simply continuing Harriet Jones's policies for another four years? Because if that's what she means, then I, as the Interior Minister chosen by Harriet Jones herself, can guarantee that you won't see much change in fighting Japan's threats. As for me, I would make sure that none of the actions I take jeopardize the lives of citizens, as well as making sure to attack the enemy first before they attack us, making sure the people of Japan don't have to worry about any potential threats. And, if I become prime minister, I promise that I will find out who is number one in command of the Crystal Order, and I will follow him or her all the way to the gates of hell to capture and punish them for the crimes the terrorist organization has committed for many years."


    ~Tokyo Streets~


    After buying the lotus flower from Aerith, Inspector Lee exited the flower shop with Carter, who was looking at him with an annoyed look. "All of a sudden you speaking more than Chinese?" Carter asked Lee. "Well, I speak your language a little," Lee replied. "A little my ass. You lied to me," Carter said, mad that Lee didn't bother saying a word he can understand ever since he picked him up from the airport. "I didn't say I didn't. You assumed so," Lee replied. "Assume I kick yo little Beijing ass right now. I know you know dat tricky s***,
    " Carter told Lee as he got in a fighting pose. "I'm not responsible for your assumptions," Lee replied, not wanting to fight Carter. "You full of s***, you understand that? You full of s***," Carter said. "Not being able to speak is not the same as not speaking," Lee replied, "You seem as if you like to talk. I let people talk who like to talk. It makes it easier to find out how full of s*** they are." As Inspector Lee smiled at his comeback, Carter was rather surprised, but still wasn't liking Lee. "What the hell did you just say?" Carter asked as he got back into his convertible while still holding the rose he bought, "So I'm the one full of s***?" "We both full of s***," Lee replied as he joined Carter in his convertible while still holding the lotus flower he bought. "You full of s***," Carter said as he started his car, and drove towards the street.


    ~Tokyo Sidewalk~


    "Alice Elliot huh... I happen to have always loved the name Alice ever since I was a young boy," Discord responded, "You see, I was quite the 'Alice in Wonderland' fan when I was a kid." Noticing Blanca, Discord commented, "Oh, if you want, your dog can come along to the coffee shop too. They don't have a no-pets policy, thankfully."




    Misty (along with her Togepi, who was eating banana chips) and Brock met up at the local Wal-Mart to do some grocery shopping together, just as they would every Tuesday. "So, what's Marius doing?" Misty asked Brock, wondering about his roommate. "Watching the debate between Cosmos and Harold Saxon with his fellow Saxon supporters. I'd join... but I think I made it clear to him that I've lost all interest in the election. Plus, can't miss grocery day with you," Brock replied, "Anyway, what're you up to today?" "Well, I'm gonna be leading a tour of senior students from Nintendo High School interested in checking out Tokyo University," Misty answered, "Should be fun." "That's nice," Brock commented, "And what about Professor McDreamy? You keep dreaming about him?" Annoyed by Brock asking her about her crush on Professor Sycamore, Misty instantly punches Brock on his head. "OW, that hurt!" Brock cried. "Well you're gonna get more than hurt if you keep asking me about my personal feelings," Misty replied as she looked at Brock with a threatening look. "TogiTogi," Togepi laughed, enjoying what it just saw Misty do to Brock.


    ~Hotel: Tennis Courtyard~


    "Alright guys, time to start the match. On your marks... get set... SERVE!" Hans said, indicating to Olaf that he could serve the ball now. "Hope you're ready for this, Anna!" Olaf yelled in a competitive tone as he threw the tennis ball to the air, and swung his racquet, sending the ball over the net and towards the right side of the courtyard, slightly away from where Anna was standing.




    After arriving at the hospital, Officer Jenny was heading straight for the emergency room after being told by a receptionist where Hermione was. Entering the emergency room, she found Akira and Doctor Hu attending to Hermione's injuries...


    "Doctor Hu," Officer Jenny greeted the doctor. "Oh, Officer Jenny, fantastic of you to drop by," Doctor Hu replied, "Do you know her?" "Yeah," Officer Jenny answered. "I see. We must be making a habit out of this," Doctor Hu said, referring to how Officer Jenny came to the hospital last week to ask Xion questions about how she got her injuries, "So, do you need to ask her questions like you did with Xion?" "No," Officer Jenny replied, "I actually know who did this to her. It was the Crystal Order." Freezing upon hearing Jenny mention the Crystal Order, Doctor Hu looked at Officer Jenny, and asked, "Really?" Jenny simply nodded, and Doctor Hu said, "Then thank God Almighty she's still alive." "Though the culprit's still out there," Officer Jenny added, "I think it's best she stay here until it's safe for her to go out." "I agree," Doctor Hu replied.


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 12: Flashback 9 Years Ago (March 31, 2004) / Coffee Shop in Abu Ghraib, Iraq~


    Having arrived a week ago to Iraq, Shay Cormac was ready to go ahead with what he had planned to get the Crystal Order to trust him. It was currently nighttime, and he was sitting in a coffee shop, drinking tea while noticing other customers watching the news on TV in Arabic, reporting on a recent scandal the Japanese Army was facing involving the nearby Abu Ghraib prison currently being used by the Japanese to imprison suspects accused of having ties to the Crystal Order. The scandal was basically a bunch of leaked photos showing Japanese soldiers torturing the prisoners and sexually harassing them. The customers who were watching the news were angry by what was happening, with all of them cursing at Japan in Arabic. Instead of focusing on them, Shay Cormac peeked at the inside of a bag he was carrying. Inside was a homemade C4 explosive he made himself upon arriving to Iraq. 'It's now or never,' Shay thought to himself as he finished his tea, and got up. As he left the coffee shop, Shay Patrick Cormac headed towards the Abu Ghraib prison...


    ~Outside Abandoned Factory in Osaka, Japan~


    As Eugene was taking part in a stakeout, hiding behind a broken wall while spying on an abandoned factory, he felt a presence approach him from behind. Turning around, he found the JIA agent who'd be joining him in his mission...


    Agent Tuxedo Mask of the J.I.A. I presume?" Eugene asked Tuxedo Mask. "Yes," Tuxedo Mask replied, "And you're Agent GS of the MI6?" "Yes, but you can just call me Eugene," Eugene answered as he shook Tuxedo Mask's hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Tuxedo Mask." "What's the situation?" Tuxedo Mask asked. "As expected, two heavily armed men from the black market have arrived at the factory, carrying a box I would safely assume contains crystals from Toshima," Eugene replied, "Now I believe they're waiting for their Crystal Order customers to arrive." Looking up and pointing at the sky, Tuxedo Mask commented, "Looks like they just did." Looking at the direction Tuxedo Mask was pointing, Eugene noticed two members of the Crystal Order fly towards the factory, and land next to the entrance, ready to meet with the individuals from the black market...


    Right on schedule," Eugene whispered to Tuxedo Mask, "Let's get a closer look." Tuxedo Mask nodded, and followed Eugene as they quietly made their way to the factory while avoiding being detected by Mewtwo or Syndrome.


    ~Tokyo University: Lecture Hall~


    "The word 'engineer' stems from the Latin word 'ingenium' which means a talent, natural capacity, or clever invention," Professor Robert Callaghan lectured his morning engineering class. Meanwhile, slowly entering the lecture hall were Hiro (who was late for class), and his companion, Baymax...


    Quietly taking empty seats, Hiro and Baymax continued listening to Callaghan's lecture to his class. "
    While the roots of engineering are said to date even earlier than the Ancient Romans, it wasn't until 1716, when Louis XV of France formed a civilian engineering corps to oversee the design and construction of bridges and roads. That was when the engineering profession really started to take off," Callaghan said as he continued with his lecture, "Later, in 1747, Louis XV founded the first ever engineering school to train the members of the engineering corps, called 'Ecole des Ponts et Chausées.'"
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2015
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    "Great, it's just the last known reports indicated she might have come this way, though, how she managed to stay in hiding for these past couple of days is nothing short of a miracle, if she doesn't come forth soon, I imagine whoever's next in line will have to rule over Arendelle." Shotaro acknowledged and tilted his hate. "Thant you for your time, hopefully I can come here when it isn't just business/" Shotaro went to open the front door as Harold came stepping through and SHotaro left the building.

    "They certainly weren't hiding anything, it's probably because Officer Jenny and that partner of hers have investigated this place already, time to break out some help" Shotaro pulled out the Bat Memory and inserted into the Camera he had on hand, as it transformed and Shotaro gave it instruction to fly around the area and see what he could locate.


    Harold wondered what to do now, he thought back to the party at Gaston's it was fun, but he never expected to have a few dances with Yuna, Lenne and that tall woman, he suspected he was quite the eye of jealously with other males, considering the one called Tidus being there, he wondered where that tall woman was, Makoto he believed her name was.


    Tsukasa was somewhere within the city, skipping school, he didn't fancy the events that were going on in the place, nothing much has happened, though he suspected the old bickering couple of Rita and Zedd were plotting something crazy, it had been some peaceful days, well except for people talking about who will be in charge after the debate, he didn't care really as it didn't affect him.


    Ankh gave a mere grunt, annoyed EIji didn't get anything. "He's more than likely hightailed by now anyways, he's a slippery one, I wouldn't be surprised if he's gone to lick his wounds, so, who was his latest victim?" Ankh asked him.


    Kazu agreed with a nod to Akiza, politics had nothing to do with being a Duelist, well, unless you happen to be one of those famously rich people like Kaiba or the Princetons. "You lead Aki-chan." Kazu offered her, he could still remember the party and of AKiza's attire, he admitted, she was a beautiful young lady, considering her abilities, of course Alexis back at DUel Academy was as well, except he believed that right now, she was pursuing a career as a Teacher at Duel Academy.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Flower Shop-

    "Oh, Harold, thank goodness you're back." Aerith smiled, seeing the recent resident come back. "Do you think you can watch the shop with chaos? Lenne and I will be in the back, planting some new flowers." With a small smile, chaos went to the register when the women headed into the back room to make some new flowers for the shop. While she filled one flower pot, Aerith wondered if she should teach Harold how to grow flowers or ask him if he knew a few things about gardening. She accepted that chaos was mysterious and won't say anything about himself, but she was curious about Harold.


    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    "What do you want from me and my team?" Kira asked, gripping her Ptera grips. "If you want to fight, you got it. But not if, then please leave, we really need to get going." Her team mates had their weapons, ready to fight with her.



    "One of the students, Hermione Granger." Eiji said, hands in his pockets. "Strangely, though, she didn't have a Yummy in her. Guess she didn't have a strong desire for him to use against her." He rubbed his hair and said, "I still should thank Kira-san and her team for helping me during the fight."



    Philip and Kimberly sat in the library, talking about what Rita and Zedd might be planning since they hadn't sent any monsters in the past few days. Finally deciding to ask him, Kimberly asked what was wrong and Philip just hid his face, not saying anything. Kimberly touched his hand and assured him that she would be there for him. Philip looked at her and sighed, wondering how to tell her.



    Leaving Sirius and Fang to themselves, Tommy headed to the gym so the second period class would be ready for the lesson. Getting the equipment out and tying his hair up, Tommy began to set everything up for the lesson. While wondering why Rita and Zedd had been so quiet lately, he only hoped that they weren't planning something big and continue to set up. As he finished, Tommy sighed in relief and leaned against the wall, wondering what will happen now.



    Listening to them, Akira looked at Hermione and stroked her hair, thinking to himself, 'What's a pretty little lady like you doing with those nasty Crystal Order baddies?' Hermione just slept soundly, laying on the table.



    "Will you like to come along, Blanca?" Alice asked, looking at him. Blanca barked happily, panting. She knelt down and put his leash around his neck, patting his head. Blanca barked happily, wagging his tail.



    Nodding, Akiza walked with Kazu around the area, looking around the city and enjoying being with Kazu. Akiza just smiled and walked with the first person who had become her friend in her new school.
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    "Well, better let the guys at Narumi know that she's safe," Officer Jenny said as she took out her cellphone to text Philip. "Who?" Doctor Hu asked. "The Narumi Detective Agency," Officer Jenny replied, "Miss Hermione Granger here happens to be their landlord, and has been missing since Friday." "Oh, I see," Doctor Hu said, "Then yeah, you'd better let them know right away."


    ~Tokyo Sidewalk~


    "That certainly sounds like an affirmative 'yes' to me," Discord said after Blanca barked happily, "Well Ms. Elliot, feel free to follow me to the coffee shop." Turning around, Discord remembered Yuri, and figured he'd have to invite him too, even though he was rude to him earlier. "You too, Casanova," Discord told Yuri as he walked towards the coffee shop.


    ~Tokyo Streets: Officer Carter's Convertible~


    There was an awkward moment of silence between Lee an Carter. Ever since Carter started driving, neither one said a word to the other. Noticing the rose Carter bought, Inspector Lee curiously asked, "What's the rose for?" "None of yo damn business," Carter rudely replied, "Why don't you tell me what your flower's for?" "None of your damn business," Lee replied back, mimicking what James said. "Hmph, fine,
    " Carter said as he went back to focusing on driving, leading to another moment of silence between the two. After thinking about it for a bit, Lee decided to tell Carter what his flower was for, saying, "This lotus flower resembles the same flowers I would pick up everyday going to school when I was a child. They remind me of my home in China." After listening to Lee, Carter added, "I'm buyin' a couple different roses everyday to surprise Aerith with a bouquet I'm makin' myself." "Is she your girlfriend?" Lee asked. "Shut up," Carter replied. "You shut up," Lee replied back, laughing. Carter smirked, shaking his head, and thinking that Lee might not be a bad partner after all.


    ~Abandoned Factory in Osaka, Japan~


    As Eugene and Tuxedo Mask reached the factory building, the two peeked through a broken window, and noticed Mewtwo and Syndrome greeting the two individuals from the black market...


    "Ah, if it isn't Syndrome," Eugene commented, recognizing one of the Crystal Order members, "Real name... Buddy Pine. Has a tendency to hold a grudge for a very long time. As for the one next to him wearing a cape..." "
    It's Mewtwo," Tuxedo Mask said, recognizing the Pokemon, "The very Pokemon the J.I.A. tried to create... only to have him stolen from us by the Crystal Order." "You don't say," Eugene replied, "Well, it seems to me like he's a full-fledged member of theirs now." "I'm not interested in bringing him back to the J.I.A.," Tuxedo Mask said, "As far as I'm concerned, he's an enemy now." "I see," Eugene commented as he and Tuxedo Mask continued eavesdropping on the conversation inside the factory.


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 13: Flashback 9 Years Ago (March 31, 2004) / Near Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq~


    Walking on an empty sidewalk close to the prison he had set his eyes on while carrying the bag of C4, Cormac was waiting for a Japanese military vehicle heading to the Abu Ghraib prison to pass by him. After noticing nothing but civilian cars passing by, Shay finally noticed an armored vehicle heading in the direction of the prison. Pretending to want to cross the street, Shay waited for the military vehicle to pass by. Once it did, Cormac immediately placed the C4 explosive in the back of the vehicle, and crossed the street. Watching the armored vehicle reach the prison checkpoint, Shay began to count down in his mind, '3... 2... 1... and...' Suddenly, the C4 explosive that Shay placed on the armored vehicle exploded, severely damaging the security checkpoint area, and killing the Japanese soldiers that were standing watch. 'Now's my chance!' Shay thought to himself as he ran towards the prison...


    ~Nintendo High School: Auditorium~


    After the two candidates discussed the the many topics that concerned citizens (which included the economy, national security, healthcare, and the environment), all that was left was for the candidates was to give closing remarks. "Cosmos, any closing remarks?" Wolf Blitzer asked the prime minister candidate. Clearing her throat, Cosmos began to speak, "Nation, I speak to you not as a member of parliament, not as someone you know from simply watching the news, but as a fellow Japanese citizen just like yourself, worried about the future of our country. Can we truly move forward, when so many events are telling us otherwise? The answer is really up to us to decide. We can sit around and do nothing, and hope that things will get better. But the harsh reality is that if we don't act, we'll the never see the changes that we wish to see. So I am stepping forward, with the intention of righting the wrongs of my country. And my question to the citizens of this great and proud nation... will you join me for a better Japan?" "And Mr. Saxon, do you have any closing remarks?" Wolf Blitzer asked Harold Saxon as he shifted his focus to him. Thinking to himself for a moment, Harold Saxon faced the audience, and began to speak, "Citizens... we stand at a crossroads. The choices we make are our own. We can choose to make good and bad choices, choices that we regret, or even choices that we're glad we chose. So I ask the proud people of Japan... what kind of choices have we made as a nation? Have they been good? Bad? Ask yourself the question. But remember one thing... making a bad choice in the past doesn't mean you can't fix it. I know... because that's what I plan to do, and to continue doing for as long as I live. And I humbly ask for you to do the same. Thank you, and may God bless this beautiful country."
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    ~Abandoned Shop~

    "This is crazy! There can't be more than one team!" Yellow commented, "But... I do remember there being other teams."

    "Well whatever the reason, we don't have any reason to distrust them, right Shane?" Blue said sweetly.

    "I guess not... Power down!" Shane said, looking at the other Rangers. "I'm Shane, leader of the Ninja Storm Rangers."

    "I'm Dustin. I'm this team's cool laid back guy." Dustin said, rather excited.

    "And I'm Tori. The babysitter basically."


    "Hime!" Said ShinkenBlue as ShinkenRed took a harsh blow.

    "Hime-San!" ShinkenYellow cried out.

    "Kaoru-chan!" ShinkenGreen said, charging the Gedoushuu that had hit ShinkenRed.

    "Chiaki! Keep back!" ShinkenRed said, standing, "Ryunosuke," she said to Blue, "Take them and go get Mako. Genta and I will handle this!"

    "Right! Chiaki, Kotoha, let's go!" Ryunosuke said, running off in the opposite direction.

    "Yeah... Okay!" Kotoha followed, with Chiaki close behind her.

    "Ah, Kaoru-Chan, always putting your team ahead of yourself." Genta said, smiling behind his helmet and helping her up.

    "Whatever. Let's take care of this Gedoushuu and go help Mako." Kaoru spun the disk in her sword's hilt. "Shinkenmaru! Rekka Daizontu!" Her sword became a large sword covered in fire.
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Abandoned Shop-

    "Oh, okay, introductions." Kira said, actually feeling relived. She and her team powered down as well, Kira said, "Name's Kira, the leader of the Megaforce Rangers, though my power is different." Gia and Emma held her hands, smiling at her. Gia told her, "But you make a great leader. I'm Gia, the second-in-command of the team." "I'm Emma, I guess you can consider me the emotional support for the team," Emma said, introducing herself to the team.

    "I'm Troy, I suppose you could call me the backup leader if something happens to Kira." Troy introduced, Noah nodded and introduced himself, "Noah, I guess I'm the brains of the team." "And I'm Jake, this team's cool laid guy." Jake said, but Gia shattered his image by saying, "You're hardly cool or laid back." "Anyway, you want to know about the other Ranger team?" Emma asked, seeing a slight nod. Kira thought for a moment and said,"Well, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are led by Tommy Oliver, also on the team with him is his twin brother, Thomas, Kimberly, Billy, and their new members, Dante, Nala, and James."

    "Most of them are on staff at Nintendo High." Noah added, pushing up his glasses. Jake put in, "You can't miss Tommy. He wears white, has long hair that he ties back, though honestly he should cut it."


    -Modern History Classroom-

    "Thank goodness that boring debate is over." Dante said, yawning as he and Billy walked to his Modern Classroom, Billy sighed and said, "You barely paid any attention to the debate, you slept through most of it." "Because politics bore me and I was doing somthing important, dreaming of beating Zedd and Rita's asses." Dante said, laying his head on his desk. Billy thought to himself, 'But we haven't fought a monster of theirs in a while. Also, I thought that Cosmos would have kept you awake.' With a sigh, Billy began to prepare the classroom.



    Tommy noticed Fang come in and stretch, he asked, "Debate over already?" "Yup, but I didn't attend, you know." Fang said, stretching as well as cracking her neck and her back, Tommy had his eyes closed as he felt a shiver go up his back, he thought to himself, 'Girls shouldn't crack their backs in front of others.' "Well, looks like the gym is ready for a exciting game of flag football." Fang said, a wild smile on her face as she looked over the gym. Tommy sweatdropped and thought again, 'With you, extreme flag football.'



    Philip heard his phone go off and he opened it, reading it. His eyes widened and he ran off, leaving the library, Kimberly ran after him, shouting, "Wait, Philip!" She was amazed at how fast he was, considering he never really took the body when he and Shotaro transformed. Gasping for air as they ran, she ran that he was running to the hospital and wondered if something was wrong.



    Akira stretched and saw Philip run into the room with Kimberly gasping behind him. He stopped Philip from running in further, he said, "Whoa, calm down there, speedy. You here to visit the little lady?" "Yes, she's the landlord of the detective agency I work at." Philip said, ignoring how tired he was. Akira smiled, "She's fine, just sleeping. How bout you and your friend wait in the lobby and we'll call you when she wakes up?" "Okay, thank you, sir." Kimberly said, bowing. As Philip left, he did a quick look-up on Akira Date.



    Alice didn't look at Yuri and said, "Well, lets go. If you're a good dog, Blanca, you'll get a nice dog treat." Blanca barked and walked with Alice and John, trying not to drag his master as she held his leash.
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Tsukasa watched the battle with a hint of curiousity. "Seems like more of us." Tsukasa took out his camera and took a picture. "I get the gist of it." Tsukasa said and found some stairs to descend down leading to the fight and pulled out the Ride Booker, firing upon some Gedoushuu which caught their attention and the Shinken and Gold. "Mind if I join in this party?" Tsukasa asked and produced the Decadriver form behind him and put it on his waist. "Henshin." Tsukasa pulled out the Decade Kamen Ride card and slid it in, hitting the sides of the belt, transforming into Decade and switched the Ride Booker into Sword Mode.

    "Now, come on." Decade beckoned some Gedoushuu with a hand gesture arrogantly as they came at him but he sliced them at first chance they were exposed and ran a hand across the blade and staring at them. "That all?" he asked.


    Vergil was glad the debate was over, it bored him as much as watching paint dry and he gave a sigh, he didn't have anymore classes to teach today and considered leaving the campus as he saw the librarian and a student run, he refrained from telling them to walk in the hallway, it wasn't like teenagers will listen, he been there, he decided to venture out in the open for some fresh air. "Maybe there's something interesting in the city." Vergil said to himself, it did seem like a valid idea which he decided to follow with.


    Harold nodded to Aerith and got behind the counter, elbow resting on it, it was certainly a but of a quiet day, he had a vague idea of what to do with customers and the register, except it wasn't all handled by Gringotts, then again, you'd be mad to try and break into it, the goblins themselves were efficient and protective of the gold as well as being warriors, time was money to them, he barely touched his Vault much but then again, Gallons, Sickles and Knuts were hardly currency in non-magical world, he might have to pay a visit and do an exchange of currency to pay for rent. "Well, I'll see if I can locate Diagon Alley at some point and do a withdrawal." Harold thought to himself.


    Yuri blanched at the title he was given, he didn't know a Casa-whatever was, he just didn't answer as he followed and shrugged. "Whatever you want old timer."
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Streets: Officer Carter's Convertible~


    As Carter continued driving through the streets of Tokyo, Lee was getting bored, and decided to turn on the car radio for some music. Turning it on, Lee was happy to hear the radio playing a Beach Boys song. "Beach Boys," Inspector Lee happily told Carter, who looked at his Chinese partner with a face indicating disgust. "Oh, hell, no," Carter said, "You didn't just touch my goddamn radio." "The Beach Boys are great music," Lee added as he continued listening to the song. "The Beach Boys will get you a great ass-whoopin'. Don't ever touch a black man's radio, boy. You can do that in China but you'll get your ass killed out here in Japan. Let me show you real music," Carter replied as he changed the radio channel, with a new song playing in the car. "That's real music. You hear that?
    " Carter asked Lee as he danced to the beat while driving, "Now can you do that to the Beach Boys? Hell no!" Instead of answering, Lee just stared at Carter as he continued dancing to the new song.


    ~Nintendo High School: Principal's Office~


    Happily whistling as he headed towards his office, Al Mualim noticed Haruto and Koyomi waiting for him outside. "Oh, I suppose you two were waiting for me," Al Mualim told the two as he unlocked the door to his office, and opened it, "Do come in. And my apologies for being late, I was busy watching my stepson win a debate. Now then, what brings you two to my office?"


    ~Coffee Shop~


    And here we are," Discord told Alice, Yuri, and Blanca as they entered the coffee shop. "Hi there. I'll have a venti iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, sugar-free syrup, extra shot, light ice, and no whip," Discord told the barista. "Uhh, sure," the barista replied, scratching her head at Discord's complicated order, "Can I have a name?" "John de Lancie," Discord answered, using his fake name, "Oh, and get the orders for these fine folks as well. I'm paying for them."




    "Wow, that was quicker than I anticipated," Officer Jenny commented, "Better go talk to him." Doctor Hu nodded as Officer Jenny exited the emergency room. Going back to monitoring Hermione with Akira, Doctor Hu said, "Nice job handling the situation by the way. Akira... right?" Outside the emergency room, Officer Jenny noticed Philip and Kimberly waiting. "It was a good thing I found Hermione," Officer Jenny told Philip, "Turns out a member of the Crystal Order had her locked up in some abandoned shop not too far from here. I'm afraid to think of what would've happened to her if she remained in captivity longer. Not sure what the Crystal Order would want with her though..."


    ~Nintendo High School: Outside Modern History Classroom~


    Arriving at the entrance to the Modern History classroom, Riku checked to see if the room number on the door corresponded to the room number listed for 2nd period on his schedule. 'Looks like this is it,' Riku thought to himself as he was about to start his first class at Nintendo High School. Knocking on the door and entering, Riku found Billy and Dante, asking, "
    Excuse me, but is this the Modern History classroom? The name's Riku, I'm a new student."


    ~Nintendo High School: Drama Classroom~


    "Morning everyone," Max Goof said as he entered the Drama classroom and sat down, still wearing his ROTC uniform from the debate, "Hope you all got to see me singing the national anthem on stage. Politics or not, I do appreciate the amount of patriotism that goes with these events."


    ~Nintendo High School Entrance~


    "Owowowow!" Eddy cried as he and Ed were dragged to Nintendo High School by Double D pinching their ears. Instead of crying from pain, Ed simply laughed, enjoying having Double D pinching his ear. "I can't believe you actually did that to me!" Double D cried, shocked to find out his Ed and Eddy tried to get him to skip school, "You should consider yourselves lucky that I'm not going to tell your parents about this!" "Ok ok, I'm sorry," Eddy replied, "I just wanted to avoid that boring debate." "And I remember telling you I didn't want any part of your plan to skip school!" Doube D said as he stopped dragging Ed and Eddy, having reached the school premises, "Now I suggest you two go to your class before you're tardy. We'll talk about this at lunch." 'Pfft, whatever, sockhead,' Eddy thought to himself as Double D walked towards his classroom. "Oh Eddy, please pinch my ear, please please please," Ed begged. "Here's something better," Eddy replied as he gave Ed a wedgie. "YAY!" Ed happily cried, strangely enjoying the wedgie he was given. "Well, time to go to Gym class," Eddy commented as he dragged Ed to Gym class by pulling him with his underpants, with Ed actually enjoying the "wedgie ride."


    ~Nintendo High School: Shop Classroom~


    Still wearing his ROTC uniform, Bulk Biceps entered the Shop classroom, thinking about how thankful he was for the debate, as it meant no Gym class first period, meaning no Will Smith annoying him. Sitting down, Bulk heard other students in the class mentioning how the shop teacher Sasori was one of the teachers taking part in the strike, and how a substitute teacher would be teaching them for now.


    ~Nintendo High School: Biochemistry Classroom~


    Rushing to the Biochemistry classroom from the auditorium, Roxas was relieved to see he wasn't late to his second period class. As he took a seat, Roxas overheard students entering the classroom discussing how the Biochemistry professor, Albert Wesker, was one of the teachers taking part in the strike, and that a substitute teacher would be teaching them instead.


    ~Nintendo High School: French Classroom~


    Thank you Dick," Rue told Grayson as he opened the door to French class for her. "Don't mention it," Dick replied, "Anything for a good friend of Connor." As the two entered and sat down, Rue asked Dick, "So, finished last night's homework?" "Yup," Dick replied as he took out a completed worksheet, "Took a while, but I did it. And you?" Rue nodded in response, taking out her completed worksheet.


    ~Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Classroom~


    As Professor Oak was in his desk getting ready for class, he noticed the door open, with Ritchie, a boy he was familiar with for years, enter with his Pikachu, Sparky...


    "Morning Professor Oak!" Ritchie said as he entered. "Ah, good morning Ritchie," Professor Oak greeted Ritchie, "I hope you're ready for battling, as we'll finally get to start with those today." "Sweet!" Ritchie replied, happy to start battling for the first time in years. "Pikachu!" Sparky added, feeling just as excited as Ritchie was.


    ~Nintendo High School: Advanced Calculus Classroom~


    Entering the Advanced Calculus classroom together, Luna and Loki noticed their instructor, Sully, sitting in front of his desk, drinking coffee. "Hey guys, have a seat. Class is gonna start shortly," Sully told Luna and Loki, who nodded and sat in their desks as instructed. "Don't know about you guys, but I think that debate was something amazing," Sully commented, as he felt that Harold Saxon, the candidate he supports, won the debate. Loki's views on the debate overall were mixed, while Luna felt underwhelmed by it, feeling that neither candidate did a good job debating.


    ~Nintendo High School Hallway~


    "So the debate went along just as I expected," Vanellope commented as she and Xion were walking towards their English class, "Anyway, done with last night's homework?" "Yeah," Xion replied, "Though writing sonnets is no walk in the park." "I agree," Vanellope said, "I don't think I want to read any more sonnets after that homework assignment." "We'll be done with them soon," Xion replied, "We're supposed to be starting a new section soon." Entering the English classroom, Vanellope and Xion found the class half full, with Trixie and Gaston sitting in the corner, joking about the debate, and John Smith sitting in front of his desk while reading a newspaper...


    "Morning girls," John Smith greeted Vanellope and Xion. "Morning Mr. Smith," Vanellope and Xion greeted their English instructor back. "Have a seat, we'll be starting soon," Smith told them, with Xion and Vanellope nodding, and picking the closest seats that weren't taken.


    ~Nintendo High School: Mythology Classroom~


    Reaching her Mythology classroom, Katniss asked Haymitch, "Hey Haymitch, think you can find my homework assignment in my backpack?" Opening Katniss's backpack, Haymitch looked through the different folders and books inside until he found Katniss's completed homework assignment for Mythology class. "Pikapika," Haymitch said as he took the sheet of paper out and handed it to Katniss. "Thanks Haymitch, you're a pal," Katniss told Haymitch as she grabbed her homework assignment and sat down. "Pikachu," Haymitch replied, blushing.


    ~Nintendo High School: Chemistry Classroom~


    "Morning Eraqus, morning Axel," Connor greeted the Chemistry teacher and his TA as he took a seat. "Morning Con-man," Axel replied, "We got a little surprise for ya." "Huh?" Connor thought out loud, wondering what Axel meant by that. "We graded the quizzes from yesterday. Here's yours," Eraqus said, handing Connor a corrected quiz. looking at it, Connor was glad to see he got a perfect score on the quiz. "Nice job man. Looks like you got the material memorized," Axel commented as he tapped on his head. "Wow..." Connor said as he looked through his quiz. "Keep up the good work Connor," Eraqus told Connor as he patted him on his back.


    ~Nintendo High School: Robotics Classroom~


    Entering the Robotics classroom, Xehanort sat on a desk, and found other students, which included Joshua and Clemont, ready for class to begin. Meanwhile, Xehanort was thinking about the way Sunset Shimmer was acting earlier during the debate, as he never saw her act like this before, wondering what caused her to act this way.


    ~Nintendo High School: Music Classroom~


    Yen Sid heard the door slam open, and in came Will Smith and his cousin, Carlton Banks. "Yo teach, what's this message we got about performing waaay earlier than we were supposed to?" Will Smith asked Yen Sid. "Have a seat, I'll explain more during class," Yen Sid replied.
    "Hah, I told you that he'll eventually explain it to us," Carlton told his cousin as they sat down. "You said that? Oh, guess your height was so small that your voice couldn't even reach my ears," Will replied, laughing hysterically after poking fun at his cousin's height, with Carlton simply looking at his cousin with a disappointed look.


    ~Nintendo High School: Algebra Classroom~


    Entering the Algebra classroom, Beat found several students already inside (including Manon and her Chespin, Harry), waiting for class to begin, and the Algebra instructor, Alastar Moody, sitting in front of his desk, eating an apple. While Beat was glad the debate was over, he wondered if Algebra class would be any less boring. Noticing Beat slouching in his seat, Moody approached him, asking,
    So, I assume you enjoyed the debate, Mr. Bito?" "BWAAH!! Don't call me dat!" Beat complained after Moody used his real name. "Haha, I was just playing with ya," Moody replied, laughing as he walked back to his desk.


    ~Nintendo High School: History Classroom~


    "Good morning, Sora," Thor greeted Sora as he entered the History classroom.
    "Morning, Thor," Sora replied as they sat down, ready for History class. Meanwhile, as Hiccup was heading to his desk, a voice called out to him...


    "Uh, Hiccup?" Sunset Shimmer called out to Hiccup. Noticing Sunset Shimmer, Hiccup approached her, and asked,
    "What is it, Sunset?" "Well, it's about Xehanort," Sunset Shimmer replied, "Have you noticed something... strange about him?" "Umm, not really," Hiccup replied, "He's a cool guy to share a dorm with. Really good at video games. Only thing that is remotely weird is how he never removes his right glove... though I assume that's just some fashion statement, and I respect that. Are you... alright?" "Y-yeah, I'm fine, really," Sunset Shimmer lied. "Well, ok. If you need anything, just let me know," Hiccup said, with Sunset Shimmer nodding her head in reply. As Hiccup went to his desk, Sunset Shimmer was thinking to herself that she must confront Xehanort sooner or later about what she discovered earlier in the morning.


    ~Abandoned Factory in Osaka, Japan~


    Eugene and Tuxedo Mask continued eavesdropping on the meeting between the Crystal Order members and the men from the black market, figuring it would be best to jump in when the meeting ends. "Over here, are the two dozen crystals you asked for," one of the men from the black market said as he opened a box, with the inside containing S-type crystals, "All scattered throughout Tokyo after the incident in Toshima." As Mewtwo and Syndrome approached the box to get a closer look, the box was instantly closed by the other man from the black market, with he and his partner both taking out their guns and pointing them at Mewtwo and Syndrome, saying, "First, the money. Then, you can get your precious crystals. Otherwise, we wouldn't mind blowing your f***ing heads off." Mewtwo got in a defensive stance, but Syndrome shook his head to Mewtwo, indicating that wasn't necessary. "Now now, we don't need to use violence guys," Syndrome told the men from the black market as he raised his arms, making it look like he was surrendering, "Why don't we just sit down, and discuss this like mature adults, eh?" "Okay, then how about this... new price... twice what we asked for?" one of the men said. "Hehehehe, you guys drive a hard bargain. But, I have an even better offer," Syndrome replied as he pointed his utility gauntlets towards the two guns, and zapped them, taking control of the guns using quantum energy, and making them levitate away from the hands of the men from the black market, shocking the two of them. "Now here's the thing gentlemen, when I go buy something, I expect that I, as a customer, am to be treated nicely, especially if I am to be a repeat customer. But I gotta say, your customer service is pretty lousy," Syndrome said as he made the floating guns turn around, pointing straight at the men from the black market, causing them to fear for their lives, "But, I don't exactly have the time to write up a bad review about you guys. So, maybe I can do that blowing heads off thing you suggested. I kinda like the sound of it." "No, PLEASE!" the men pleaded, only for Syndrome to make the floating guns shoot straight at the men's heads, killing them instantly. "Well, that's that," Syndrome commented as he relinquished control of the guns, causing them to stop levitating and fall straight to the ground, right next to the dead bodies of the men from the black market. Opening the box of S-type crystals, Syndrome gazed at the crystals inside, saying, "Well Mewtwo, we sure hit the jackpot. Better take 'em back to HQ." "Right," Mewtwo replied. Having hesitated on whether to interfere or not, Eugene and Tuxedo Mask looked at each other and nodded, figuring that now was the time to make their move...


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 14: Flashback 9 Years Ago (March 31, 2004) / Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq~


    Reaching the Abu Ghraib prison, Shay grabbed a rifle belonging to one of the Japanese soldiers killed in the C4 explosion, and reached the interior of the prison. Shay kept shooting at the Japanese soldiers that were shooting at him while taking cover to avoid getting shot. Once he reached the prison cells, Shay noticed all the prisoners looking at him, wondering if he was going to free them. Looking around, Cormac found a switch to unlock all the prison cells. Triggering the switch, the prisoners noticed their cells unlock, giving them all a chance to escape. "Yalla, ikhrojoo, ikhrojoo!" Shay yelled to the prisoners in Arabic, telling them to get out. Every single prisoner took the chance, and got out of their cell, with Shay pointing at the hallway leading to the exit, indicating where they needed to go.
    "WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON HERE?!" a familiar voice to Shay yelled from the other side of the building. Turning around, Shay found a man he never thought he'd ever see again...


    Entering the prison cell area from the other side was Chevalier, the man who shot Cormac months ago, accompanied by two Japanese soldiers. "
    Cormac... YOU LIVE?!" Chevalier yelled, shocked to see the man he thought he killed standing yards away from him. As the last prisoner escaped Shay stared at Chevalier without saying a word. "You two, kill that b*****d! I'm going to contact Odin!" Chevalier ordered the soldiers accompanying him as he left. "Yessir!" the soldiers replied.

    Shay Cormac hid behind a pillar as the soldiers started shooting their rifles at him. "Give it up traitor! You're dead!" one of the Japanese soldiers yelled as they kept shooting. Realizing his rifle didn't have anymore ammo left, Shay took out a pistol from his pocket, and waited for the right moment to attack. Hearing the shooting from the rifles stop, Cormac figured the soldiers were reloading their ammo. Leaving the pillar, Shay ran towards the soldiers, quickly shooting them on their heads for an instant kill. 'Now, time to finish off Chevalier,' Shay thought to himself as he rushed towards the hallway where he last saw Chevalier heading. Running down the hallway, Cormac found stairs leading to the top floor of the building. Quickly climbing up the stairs, Shay reached a door labelled 'Communications Room.' Kicking the door open, Cormac found Chevalier contacting the closest Japanese military base via radio. Noticing Cormac, Chevalier grinned, and said, "
    You're too late Shay, they know you're alive." "I don't care. I'm just here to send a strong message to Japan," Cormac replied. "Well too bad you'll be dead before that happens," Chevalier said as he took out his sword, "And this time, I'll kill you for good!" Taking out his sword, Shay rushes towards Chevalier, and the intense swordfight between the former allies began. Whenever one was close to landing a killing blow, the other would quickly block it with his sword. Eventually, the two blades were locked with one another, with Chevalier and Shay both trying to get the upper hand. "Give it up Shay, you'll never win!" Chevalier said as the swords of both men were locked. "We'll see about that!" Shay replied as he shoved Chevalier forward and surprised him with a high kick to his face, causing him to turn back. Quickly grabbing a knife from his pocket, Cormac stabs Chevalier on his back with his knife and sword.

    Collapsing to the floor, Chevalier looked at Shay with an angry look, saying, "
    We trained you well, traitor. You are an enemy... Odin will see you dead!" "What he and the entire Japanese army is doing in Iraq is wrong! The torture committed in this prison by b*****ds like you is ultimate proof!" Shay replied. "Who are you to judge?" Chevalier said, "You'll be surprised at the information we got by taking necessary measures to make those prisoners talk. Just like in Afghanistan, the Crystal Order... will fail. Hehehe... and you... will... also... fail..." Chevalier had breathed his last breath, and died right in front of Shay, who looked at his lifeless body silently before exiting the room.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2015
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Outside Abandoned Shop-

    "It's time for second period." Kira said, looking at her watch. She turned to the school with the other members of her team, Kira motioned for the Ninja Storm to follow them as they headed to the school. When they entered the school, Kira led the Ninja Storm team to the Gym as it was her second period class while the rest of her team went to their second period classes.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    Billy and Dante looked at Riku, Dante looked bored and said, "Yeah, this is second period Modern History, welcome." "Yes, this is Modern History." Billy said, smiling. "Welcome, please find a seat wherever you like."



    Fang stretched and made sure she was in shape for P.E class when he saw the Ninja Storm team while the students entered the gym. "Fang, start the class without me." Tommy said, going to the Ninja Storm team. Fang smiled and said with a thumbs up, "Alright. Okay, everyone, who is ready for a game of flag football?!" Sweatdropping at Fang, Tommy took the three Ninja Storm rangers to his office and sighed, "So, who are you three and why are you here?"


    -Biochemistry Classroom-

    "Everyone, please calm down and take your seats." Setsuna said, walking into the classroom. "Some of you may recongize me, I'm Setsuna Meiou, Albert's Teacher Assistant for this class. Though I don't think I'll understand why he went on strike. Also, Albert kept me in the dark about his lesson, who remembers what the lesson was?"


    -Drama Classroom-

    Kuja entered the classroom with Hinako, he said, "Welcome, class. I hope that the debate was great inspiration for your work in this class as well as think about the government in the story of Hamlet." Hinako leaned against the wall, smiling.



    "Yup, Akira Date." Akira said, smiling. "Nice to meet you. Doctor Hu, right?" He noticed movement and Hermione began to wake up, he went to Philip and Kimberly who were thinking about what the Crystal Order would want with Hermione. Philip looked up and Akira nodded, confirming his unasked question. Kimberly said, "You go ahead, I'll get us some drinks." Philip went to the room and Hermione looked at him, "Philip, hey. Didn't think I would be able to see you today."

    "Don't say that." Philip said, patting her head. Leaning against the wall, Akira spoke, "I know how he feels, I'm caring for a student at the high school and worry about him as well."



    When she heard the bell, Akiza went back to the school with Kazu and promised to meet him at lunch as she headed for her second period class. She stretched and sighed in relief.



    Blanca yawned and laid on his stomach, Alice sat calmly in her seat and smiled at Blanca. Yuri, she wasn't sure but she didn't think about it and ordered a simple honey lemon sweet tea.


    -Lily's Apartment-

    Sitting in her apartment, Lily put her case on the table and opened it, revealing a unique looking belt and a strange looking gun. Looking at her Lockseed and Genesis Driver, Lily tried to think about to deliver the items in the case to Zordon in the Command Center.



    "Still, it's weird about that he would kidnap someone without putting a Yummy in her." Eiji said, thinking about it. He tried to think about what desires Hermione would have to gain a Yummy.
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School: Biochemistry Classroom~


    "I do," Roxas replied to Setsuna as he took out his Biochemistry textbook and opened it to the second chapter, "We were supposed to start Chapter 2 today. Mostly covers carbohydrates. Oh, almost forgot, we also had homework last night." Roxas then took out a completed worksheet he completed last night for class, intending to hand it to Setsuna.


    ~Nintendo High School: Modern History Classroom~


    Nodding, Riku replied, "
    Thank you." Picking the nearest empty seat next to him, Riku watched as other students entered the classroom. "Umm, just one question," Riku told Dante and Billy, "Since I'm new and missed about a week's worth of work, is there a lot I need to catch up on?"


    ~Nintendo High School: Drama Classroom~


    "Well, you know what they say sir... politicians are the best actors," Max Goof replied to Kuja, eliciting chuckling from other students in the class, "But in all seriousness, while the monarch government in Hamlet is different than our democracy here in Japan, there is one similarity between them. Everyone wants power. In Hamlet, it's Cludius. And in Japan... it's whoever's running for an election. Of course, God forbid the day someone kills just to become prime minister like mean ol' Claudius killed his brother to be king."


    ~Tokyo University: Lecture Hall~


    As Professor Callaghan's lecture ended, all his students (including Hiro) were heading for the exit. "Mr. Hamada, a word please?" Callaghan said, requesting Hiro to speak with him. As Hiro stopped walking, he turned his head to his professor, and replied, "
    Coming!" Shifting his attention to Baymax, Hiro said, "Wait for me outside. It won't be long." Baymax nodded, and did just as Hiro ordered him to, heading to the exit while Hamada walked over to Robert Callaghan. "What is it, Professor?" Hiro asked. "I just wanted to know how you're feeling, Hiro," Callaghan replied. "I-I'm good. I think I can get used to life on campus," Hiro answered. "I see..." Callaghan replied, "Been thinking about Tadashi lately?" Hiro's heart sank at the mention of his late brother, still not believing that he was gone. When Hiro didn't even say a word, Callaghan said, "I miss him too, Hiro. Tadashi was one of my best students ever. It's truly hard for me to walk to the Senior Design lab knowing I won't be seeing him there. And believe me, I know exactly how it feels to lose someone very close to you." "You do?" Hiro asked. "Yeah," Callaghan replied, "My daughter died two years ago... and I keep thinking of her every single day... wishing I could've done something to save her life. But... we gotta learn to accept these things Hiro. This is life." Sighing, Hiro replied, "I know. And... I'm really sorry to hear about your daughter, professor." "Thank you Hiro. You really know how to warm an old man's heart," Callaghan said as he patted Hiro on his shoulder, "If there's anything you wanna talk about, don't hesitate to talk to me." "I'll remember that, Professor Callaghan," Hiro replied, smiling. "That's good," Callaghan replied as he took out a brochure from his pocket and handed it to Hiro, "I also wanted you to check this out" "What is it?" Hiro asked as he read the brochure. "The J.I.A. is coming over to Tokyo University this Friday to recruit engineering students as interns," Callaghan replied, "Students basically need to design whatever they wish and try to impress the recruiters attending. Only a few will be lucky enough to be interns at the J.I.A. Why don't you give it a try?" As Hiro read over the brochure, he said, "You know what, I think I'll give it a try." "Heh, that's the spirit!" Callaghan replied. Nodding, Hiro turned around and headed for the exit, telling his professor, "Thanks Professor Callaghan. See you later!" "Bye Hiro," Callaghan replied, "Oh, and Hiro, one more thing?" Stopping just as he reached the door, Hiro turned around to look at his professor, wondering what he was going to say. "To start college at such a young age, you've made a lot of people proud. Myself included. And of course, Tadashi, who I'm sure is smiling down on you right now," Callaghan said, with Hiro smiling back, and slowly exiting the lecture hall.


    ~Nintendo High School: Philosophy Classroom~


    Sitting in his desk and waiting for class to start, Vanitas watched as Double D rushed into the classroom, gasping for air as he muttered, "Oh good, made it on time!" Just as Double D reached his desk, the bell rang, indicating the start of their Philosophy class, with Vanitas taking out his textbook, ready for today's lesson.


    ~Shay Cormac's Origins Part 15: Flashback 9 Years Ago (March 31, 2004) / Roof of Building Close to Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq~


    Shay stood and watched from a roof, witnessing many vehicles rushing to the Abu Ghraib prison he had just infiltrated, which included police cars, ambulances, and armored vehicles belonging to the Japanese army. "That was quite a stir you caused, Mr. Cormac," a familiar voice behind Cormac commented. Turning around Shay found Jadeite accompanied by the Crystal Order's second-in-command, Haytham Kenway...


    "Jadeite... it's been a while," Shay replied as he shook hands with Jadeite before turning his attention to Haytham, "And... you're Haytham Kenway, right?"
    "That's right. Number two in command in the Crystal Order," Haytham replied as he shook hands with Cormac, "I've heard so much about you Mr. Cormac. As you may remember, Jadeite told you in Iran that once you do something that catches our attention, then we talk. And I must say... attacking that blasted prison and freeing the prisoners certainly has done that. Congratulations Shay, you are one step closer to becoming a part of our brotherhood." "Thank you... it's a great honor sir," Shay replied, smiling, "I promise, as a member of the Crystal Order, I'll fight the hypocrites who call themselves freedom fighters." "Excellent answer," Kenway replied as he shifted his attention to Jadeite, "Would you mind getting us back to headquarters?" "Of course Master," Jadeite replied as he placed his hands on the shoulders of Haytham and Shay, "Hold on." Jadeite then teleported himself, Haytham, and Shay away from the roof of the building, all the way to the Crystal Order HQ...


    ~Nintendo High School: Gym Class~


    "Ooh, ooh, I wanna play flag football!" Ed yelled as he stormed out of the locker room immediately after hearing Fang mention flag football, thought his gym shirt was worn in reverse, not bothering Ed. "Hey, Funnel Face, wait for me!" Eddy yelled at Ed as he too came out of the locker room, jumping on one foot as he tried to tie the sneaker on his other foot.




    "Yup, that's what I'm referred to," Doctor Hu replied just as Hermione began to wake up, "Oh, fantastic! She's coming around. Give her friends outside the good news." After Akira went outside, and came back in with Philip and Officer Jenny, Jenny and Hu watched as Hermione and Philip talk with each other. "Hey, Philip, wanna let Shotaro know Hermione's safe?" Officer Jenny asked Philip.


    ~Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Classroom~


    Soon after the bell rang, Professor Oak addressed his class, saying, "Good morning class. I hope you all read chapter 2 of your textbooks by now, as we'll start with actual Pokemon battling today, focusing on type advantages and disadvantages. Now, who'd like to help me with a little demonstration?" Raising his hand, Ritchie said, "I'll do it Professor." "Pika!" Sparky added, agreeing with Ritchie. "Perfect," Oak replied, "Stand over here Ritchie, and we'll start." Getting up from his desk, Ritchie stood a few feet from Professor Oak, with a Pokemon battle between them about to begin...


    ~Nintendo High School: Music Classroom~


    As the bell rang, Yen Sid addressed his class, intending to discuss the reasoning behind scheduling the concert they were going to perform in to a closer date than expected. "Now then, I'm sure you've all received my message about the Festival of Snowflakes concert," Yen Sid said, facing his class, "And I can understand any frustration any of you are feeling about performing earlier than expected. Truth be told, I was surprised myself when Al Mualim sent me the message about the reschedule. Nevertheless, I have faith in all of you. In a week's time, you all were able to learn what others take a month to master. So, for that reason, we will be performing on the new date for the concert without changing the way I teach you." "Woah woah woah, come on teach, you know this isn't fair," Will Smith told Yen Sid as he got up from his desk to face Yen Sid, "What if we got plans on this new day?" "You don't say... and what plans do you have for November 6th Mr. Smith?" Yen Sid asked. Trying to think of what was so special about that day, Will struggled to think of an excuse to give Yen Sid. "Oh well, you know... it is Lamar Odom's birthday," Will Smith replied, referring to the NBA player's birthday. "Oh, I see... well, then how about you invite Mr. Odom to the concert as a birthday present. And the rest of the L.A. Clippers team as well," Yen Sid sarcastically suggested. "Hahaha, I see what you're tryin' to do teach... maybe I should sit down and keep my mouth shut," Will Smith replied. "Please do, Mr. Smith," Yen Sid said as Will went back to his desk and sat down, with Carlton covering his face out of shame from the way Will acted in front of the class.


    ~J.I.A. Airbase~


    Leading a group of four individuals (Alan, Melinda May, Jemma Simmon, and Leo Fitz) through a J.I.A. airbase, General Shining Armor stopped walking once he and his group reached a parked aircraft known as 'The Bus.' "Ok guys, listen up," Shining Armor told his group as he turned around to face them, "Now you might be wondering why I brought you all here. Well, Director Stewart has personally requested I form a special task force. A team to go around the world, and deal with any dangerous situations before they get worse. I picked each and every one of you because I have faith you'll succeed in whatever jobs I'll assign you. Fitz, Simmons, you two will be our science division. May, you'll be in charge of piloting the Bus. And as for you Alan, now that you're a Level 7, you get to join me in missions that may or may not get violent. Now then... as group leader, you MUST all report to me any findings you encounter, or any actions you wish to take with the mission. Do I make myself clear?" "Yessir!" Alan, May, Simmons, and Fitz all replied. "Excellent," Shining Armor replied, "Now all of you get inside the Bus. I'll be briefing you on our first mission inside." As Alan, Fitz, and Simmons went to the aircraft, Melinda May approached General Shining Armor, telling him,
    When you say piloting, I hope you mean simply just piloting. I did what I did on Friday only to save your life, but unless there is a clear life or death situation, I will not be taking part in whatever you and Alan do on the field... got it?" Pondering for a moment, Shining Armor quietly nodded, with Melinda heading to the Bus. Sighing, Shining Armor hoped that May would just let go of whatever happened in Bahrain that caused her to hate fighting.


    ~Abandoned Factory in Osaka, Japan~


    "I'm gonna need you to use your teleportation powers, Mewtwo," Syndrome told Mewtwo as he closed the box of S-type crystals, "I'd hate to fly all the way back to HQ while carrying this heavy box." "Very well," Mewtwo replied. As he was about to teleport himself, Syndrome, and the box, Mewtwo noticed something whoosh past by him and Syndrome towards the box. Looking at the box, Mewtwo and Syndrome notice a rose implanted in the box, implying it has a very sharp stem. "What in the world?" Syndrome thought out loud, wondering what just happened.
    "Oh, are we late for the meeting?" a voice behind Mewtwo and Syndrome asked. Turning around, Mewtwo and Syndrome found Tuxedo Mask and Eugene standing at the entrance to the factory...


    "Such a shame, I would've loved to give an offer for those crystals," Eugene added, "Oh, and how rude of me to not introduce myself. I am Agent GS of the British MI6." "
    And I'm Agent Tuxedo Mask of the J.I.A.," Tuxedo Mask said, introducing himself, "The two of you are under arrest." "Oh how cute... the 'good guys' are here to arrest us... well sorry to disappoint you guys, but we're not going down without a fight," Syndrome replied as he got in a fighting stance. "I expected nothing less of a Crystal Order member," Eugene commented as he took out a Pokeball, and threw it in the air, "Alakazam, come out!" Out of the Pokeball came Eugene's Alakazam, ready to fight...


    "Alakazam!" Eugene's Alakazam said as it landed on the floor and with its Psychic power, sent Syndrome flying straight towards a wall on the other side of the building, with his back hitting the wall hard, causing him to collapse to the floor. Rushing to Syndrome, Mewtwo wanted to make sure his comrade was alright. "Oh... it... is... ON!" Syndrome yelled as he got up, "Mewtwo, you deal with the masked guy. The British guy and his Alakazam are MINE!" Nodding, Mewtwo left Syndrome's side, with Eugene and his Alakazam rushing straight at Syndrome, who was yelling to them, "BRING IT!" As the clash between Syndrome and Eugene's Alakazam began, Mewtwo landed in front of Tuxedo Mask, with the two ready to clash. Noticing the star locket around Mewtwo's neck, Tuxedo Mask couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity upon seeing it. "That locket... where did you get it?" Tuxedo Mask asked Mewtwo. "That doesn't concern you, J.I.A. agent," Mewtwo replied. However, upon hearing Tuxedo Mask's voice, Mewtwo couldn't help but feel like he heard his voice before. "Your voice... it sounds familiar... have we... met?" Mewtwo asked Tuxedo Mask. "Doubt it," Tuxedo Mask replied, "But I had a few friends who were in that facility in Antarctica when you got out." "I did not kill a single individual there," Mewtwo said, "I was simply liberated by my brothers in the Crystal Order from the evil entity known as the Japanese Intelligence Agency, which intended to use me as nothing but a weapon... a puppet to do whatever they commanded." "Well let me ask you this... how is fulfilling missions for the Crystal Order any different? Wouldn't that make you a puppet of theirs?" Tuxedo Mask asked.
    "Nonsense," Mewtwo replied, "Every single member of the brotherhood equally devotes to the cause we are fighting for. Once that cause is achieved, each one of us will be rewarded, as will the citizens of Earth." "Well, let's agree to disagree, Mewtwo," Tuxedo Mask said. "Hmph, time to end this..." Mewtwo replied....


    ~The Battle of Two Intertwined Destinies~


    The Genetic Pokémon

    Mewtwo began to levitate slightly above the floor, with his eyes glowing purple. Different scraps and debris on the floor began to levitate as well, rotating around the Pokémon. Not sure what Mewtwo was about to do, Tuxedo Mask took out his cane, ready for whatever attack he was readying. Looking straight at Tuxedo Mask, Mewtwo pointed his right paw in Tuxedo Mask's direction. Hearing something behind him break, Tuxedo turned around, and noticed Mewtwo using his psychic powers to detach a door behind him, and send it flying straight to him. Tuxedo Mask immediately dodged to the side, just barely avoiding getting hit by the door. Still controlling the door, Mewtwo sent it, along with the scraps and debris around him straight at Tuxedo Mask, who was constantly dodging what was being thrown at him while running for his life. Flying towards Tuxedo Mask, Mewtwo sent Shadow Ball after Shadow Ball straight at his enemy, who was still managing to dodge Mewtwo's attacks. Summoning a rose, Tuxedo Mask quickly turned around, and sent his rose flying straight to Mewtwo, who stopped it with his psychic powers and tore it apart before its sharp stem could hurt him. 'No more running around,' Mewtwo thought to himself, pointing his paws to where Tuxedo Mask was. Feeling the ground around him shake, Tuxedo Mask noticed the part of the floor he was standing in rise towards Mewtwo. With a Shadow Ball in his right paw, Mewtwo intended to slam it straight to Tuxedo Mask to finish him off. Jumping off just as Mewtwo smashed through the hard concrete with a Shadow Ball, Tuxedo Mask landed right on Mewtwo's back. Holding on to the Pokémon, Tuxedo Mask tried to choke Mewtwo with his cane. Mewtwo tried to struggle, flying all over the factory, trying to get Tuxedo Mask off his back. As Mewtwo was struggling for air, he flew straight to brick wall, hoping it would force Tuxedo Mask to stop his tight grip on him, even if it meant hurting himself too. Mewtwo and Tuxedo Mask then hit the wall hard, with both falling straight to the floor. Gasping for air, Mewtwo slowly got up, and noticed Tuxedo Mask getting up slowly as well. Not wanting to give Tuxedo Mask an opening, Mewtwo instantly pointed his right paw at his enemy, controlling his body. Sending him flying to the wall yet again, Mewtwo had Tuxedo Mask pinned to the wall. "It's over, Tuxedo Mask," Mewtwo told his enemy as he kept him pinned to the wall, ready to finish him off with a devastating Shadow Ball attack. As Tuxedo Mask struggled to break free of Mewtwo's hold on him, he tried to move his right arm, slowly moving it away from the wall. Summoning a rose in his right hand, Tuxedo Mask used whatever strength he could to effectively send the rose flying straight to Mewtwo, yelling, "I don't think so!" Noticing the rose flying straight to him, Mewtwo let go of his hold on Tuxedo Mask (causing him to collapse to the ground from the wall) and tried to move out of the way quickly. While the rose's sharp stem didn't hit Mewtwo, it did hit the locket around his neck, causing it to fall to the ground. Once it fell, the locket opened, and started to play the music that Mewtwo was particularly fond of. Getting up, Tuxedo Mask listened to the star locket's music. 'I... I know this music... I know it!' Tuxedo Mask thought to himself. Suddenly, random images starting popping up in Tuxedo Mask's mind, ranging from a princess he dreams about everyday, to a kingdom getting destroyed, and an evil witch killing those that opposed her. "What's... going on with me??
    " Tuxedo Mask cried as he held his head, for the images that were popping up were causing him to have a severe headache. Mewtwo, on the other hand, simply watched, confused as to what was going on with Tuxedo Mask. Just then, Syndrome crashed right next to Mewtwo after taking a heavy blow from Eugene's Alakazam. "Mewtwo, we gotta get outta here. Forget the crystals!" Syndrome told Mewtwo. Without saying a word, Mewtwo took one last look at Tuxedo Mask still crying out in pain. Making the star locket levitate back to him, Mewtwo grabbed the locket, and teleported himself and Syndrome back to the Crystal Order HQ. Rushing to Tuxedo Mask with his Alakazam, Eugene could hear his partner's cries of pain throughout the building. "Tuxedo Mask! Are you alright?" Eugene asked Tuxedo Mask. "PRINCESS!!!" Tuxedo Mask yelled as he fainted to the ground. "Tuxedo Mask!" Eugene cried as he got down by Tuxedo Mask's side, and tried to wake him up. Noticing Tuxedo Mask groan brought a sigh of relief to Eugene, who was happy that his partner was still alive. Slowly opening his eyes, Tuxedo Mask found Eugene and Alakazam looking at him. "W-what happened?" Tuxedo Mask asked. "Well, it looks like our friends from the Crystal Order got away. But the good news is that they left the box of S-type crystals behind. Guess they'd rather leave it behind than be caught," Eugene replied. "I see..." Tuxedo Mask commented as he got up, with some help from Eugene and Alakazam. "Are you... alright?" Eugene asked. "I'm fine Eugene, really," Tuxedo Mask replied. "Hmm, very well," Eugene said as he took out a Pokeball and pointed it at Alakazam, "Alakazam, return." Summoning his Alakazam back to its Pokeball, Eugene walked over to the box of S-type crystals with Tuxedo Mask, commenting, "Mission accomplished." Tuxedo Mask nodded in agreement.


    ~Roof of Building Close to Coffee Shop~


    With his binoculars, Javert watched as Discord and his new friends were ordering something to drink. Although Javert saw what appeared to be Discord talking to thin air earlier in the day just as he did days ago, he felt that Discord was doing a good job with his mission of befriending Alice Elliot.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
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