RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School: Demonology Classroom~


    Listening to Vergil discuss Demonology was music to Sunset Shimmer's ears. After Vergil gave the class their first lesson and asked how far were they willing to go, Sunset Shimmer smiled and raised her hand, saying, "Whatever it takes to get an A. And thank you for making this class so very interesting for a demon like me."


    ~Inside Government Building~

    "And now, it is time to sign this document, and finally make it official," Harriet Jones said as she left the podium and went to the table where the document was. Grabbing the pen that was next to it, the prime minister signed in the line reserved for her signature. Next, she gave the pen to Harold Saxon, who signed below Jones's signature. After that, Saxon gave the pen to Hans, who also signed on a line reserved for him. All that remained was line to be signed by Queen Elsa. "Alright your highness," Harriet Jones said, facing Elsa while Hans handed her the pen, "All we need now is your signature, and then this free trade agreement will officially become law."


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Outside Counselor's Office~


    My, this sure is gonna be one busy day," Jessebelle commented with her high class southern accent as she came out of her office and found students sitting outside, "Alright then... which one of y'all is next?"


    ~The Banks Residence~


    Geoffrey the butler was busy cleaning around the house while being assisted by Vivian Banks. They were both preparing for a very special guest that was coming by later tonight. "Geoffrey, I have to say, it is so good that we'll
    finally meet a friend of yours tonight," Vivian said. "Thank you Madam," Geoffrey replied, "I'm just as ecstatic as you are. It's been years since I've seen Eugene." Smiling, Vivian asked, "How long have you known each other?" "Oh, Eugene and I go back many years," Geoffrey replied, "We've known each since our days at Oxford University. However, ever since I moved here, we haven't talked much." "Oh, sorry about that," Vivian replied, "By the way, what's he doing in Japan?" "Well, Eugene has some work to attend to in the British embassy. All part of his job working for the British government," Geoffrey answered.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Inside Government Building-

    Elsa nodded, gently taking the pen and signing her name. Anna noticed how calm she was and smiled, knowing if she was nervous or scared, her ice powers would appear and that would possibly ruin this important deal for Arendelle. When Elsa finished, she put the pen down and took a deep breath, smiling at Anna and at the others.


    -Outside Government Building-

    "We came to help you girls." Don said, gasping when he saw that Gia and Emma had the same ability to change as they did. Taking out the Green Shinkenger Key and changing into the Green Shinkenger, Don ran and joined them. Basco changed into the black Megaranger and joined the girls as well. Kira looked, with her teammates as well as Marvelous's teammates fighting the X-Borgs and Bruisers, she asked, "Hey, Marvelous. Are you willing to team up with me and go after the spoiled prince?"

    Ahim and Luka watched the fight from the ship, the two of them cheering for their teammates and saw the powers that Gia and Emma had. Ahim guessed that Marvelous would bring them back to the ship to ask about their powers.


    -Children's Card Game 101-

    Akiza calmly entered the classroom and found Isizhu there. "Isizhu, where are you doing here?" She asked, walking up to her. Isizhu smiled at her and said,"Well, I know the teacher who teaches this class. He and I are good friends, and I know his son. I came by to say hello and wish him good luck on this year." Akiza nodded and went to her seat.


    -Flower Shop-

    Lenne was helping at the flower shop ever since she came and gave Yuna a surprise visit. Aerith was in the back, arranging some flowers when chaos came to water, he heard Aerith sigh and asked, "What's wrong, Aerith?" "Well, to be honest, it seems a lot more quiet and lonely without Bartz. But I couldn't ask him to stay, he had a promise to keep and I need to respect that." She said, chaos smiled and rubbed her back.


    -The Gullwings-

    Yuna and her friends were in the drama class as the teacher, Kuja, appeared and prepared his lesson. Yuna still couldn't believe that Lenne came to visit her and tried to calm down. Rikku cuddled her cousin, helping her calm down while Paine just sat quiet. Belle was also in the classroom, reading a book while waiting.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Inside Government Building~


    "And with that, this free trade agreement is now officially law," Harriet Jones said, smiling while the other guests clapped and several photographers from different news outlets took pictures of the four leaders who signed the document. "Now that's over, please, let us enjoy ourselves. We've got food and drinks. Mingle with each other, or don't, it's up to you. Cheers!" Harriet Jones said, holding up her drink. On his way back to the table where Anna and Olaf sat, Hans grabbed two drinks. Offering Anna one of the drinks, Hans asked,
    "Care for another drink princess?" Meanwhile, member of the Japanese parliament, Kuzco, approached Queen Elsa, intending to flirt with her, saying, "Heyheyhey... Queen Elsa of Arendelle... allow me to welcome you to our beautiful country. Who am I? The name's Kuzco, MP representing the groovy coastal city of Porta Vista. If you're staying long enough, I would just love for you to come check it out. Our beach has been voted best in the country." Elsewhere in the hall, the Japanese Interior Minister, Harold Saxon, approached King Candy of Kuwait. "King Candy, Salam Alaikum, it's good to see you once again." Harold said as he greeted the Middle Eastern monarch. "Ohhohoho, Harold, good to see you too. And congratulations to your country on this free trade agreement," King Candy replied.


    ~Nintendo High School: Accounting Classroom~


    The school bell rang, signaling the end of first period. Grabbing his backpack, Ritchie got up from his desk, and while leaving waved at Rue and said, "Alright Rue, gotta go to my next class. Later." "Pikachu!" Sparky added while on Ritchie's shoulder, waving goodbye to Rue.
    "See ya!" Rue replied, packing her stuff.


    ~Nintendo High School: Gym Class~

    After the bell rang, the basketball match was over, with the boys losing to the girls. Bulk Biceps was furious, and glared at Will Smith, considering him to be the reason they lost. "Hey man, what're are you lookin' at me for? You're the one who jumped over me and knocked me out," Will Smith told the muscular pony. Glaring at Will even more, it looked as though Bulk Biceps was about to hit Will at any moment, scaring Will Smith once again. "W-which I completely deserved," Will added after feeling threatened by Bulk Biceps. "Umm, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go change. See ya!" Will Smith then rushed to the boy's locker room, not wanting to look at Bulk Biceps in the eyes. Meanwhile, Katniss went to the girl's locker room to change back to her uniform, with Haymitch waiting for her in the bleachers.


    ~Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling~


    Eddy stormed out of the Pokemon Battling classroom after the bell rang, with a furious look on his face.
    "Oh that idiot brother of mine really did it," Eddy yelled, angry at the fact that the 'rare' Pokemon his brother sent him for class was just a useless Magikarp, "Rare? Oh it's rare alright, a rare pain in the butt!"


    ~Nintendo High School: Astronomy Class~


    Giggling, Ed left the Astronomy classroom, pretending to be a hero flying through space while battling evil aliens. "
    Whoosh, whoosh. Take that you evil space mutants!" Ed said as he continued playing with his imagination, continuing on his way to his 2nd period class.


    ~Nintendo High School: Algebra 2 Classroom~


    "And that's that," Sho commented as the bell rang, "Ok, make sure you read the lesson for next class, and be sure to have your first homework ready next time I see you, else you'll all be so zetta sorry." Double D wrote a list of things he needs to do for next class on his planner, got his backpack, and left the classroom.


    ~Nintendo High School: Shop Classroom~


    After an easy first class of Shop, Hiccup left the Shop classroom, and headed towards his History class. Hiccup wondered what kind of history he would study about, guessing that it was going to be either local Japanese history, or world history.


    ~Nintendo High School: Philosophy Classroom~


    Exiting the Philosophy classroom, Carlton Banks was now very afraid to even step back into that classroom in the future. The Philosophy professor, Ghetsis, sent chills down Carlton's spines simply by his appearance. Trying to forget Philosophy class, Carlton was on his way to his next class.


    ~Nintendo High School: Advanced Calculus Classroom~


    Once the bell rang, Sully closed his book, and said,
    "Alright class, that's it for today. I'll see you all tomorrow." "Thank you professor. See you tomorrow," Clemont told Sully as he left the classroom, wondering where the Robotics classroom was.


    ~Nintendo High School: Martial Arts Class~


    "Class dismissed," Bruce Wayne said after the bell rang. Dick and Connor both nodded, grabbed their backpacks, and left. "So what do you have next?" Dick asked Connor. "Chemistry. Shouldn't be too hard. Plus, I personally know the professor and TA," Connor replied.


    ~Nintendo High School: English Classroom~


    "And that concludes another class with you all. See you tomorrow," John Smith commented after the bell rang. Beat and Joshua then left the English classroom, with the two of them going separate ways. "Good luck with Algebra," Joshua said as Beat left to go to his 2nd period class. "Thanks Josh," Beat replied.


    ~Nintendo High School: Music Classroom~

    After the bell rang, the students left the classroom with Yen Sid reminding them to continue practicing, while Yen Sid's broomsticks gathered the students' musical instruments. However, Yen Sid realized that Kira still hasn't returned yet, wondering where she might be.


    ~Nintendo High School: Biology Classroom~


    "Alright class, make sure you go over the lab safety rules. You may be quizzed on them tomorrow," Phil Coulson said once the bell rang. Sora quickly grabbed his backpack and rushed towards the exit. Luna, Thor, and Vanellope, on the other hand, took their time to pack up and leave classroom. "So, wanna study for this during lunch?" Vanellope asked her friends.
    "Sure. And since the material isn't that hard, it shouldn't take long to memorize the safety rules," Luna replied. "You're right Luna, this is easy," Thor added as the three left the classroom.


    ~Nintendo High School: Algebra Classroom~


    Once class was over, Roxas packed his things and left the Algebra classroom, hoping that Sora isn't getting himself into trouble. Meanwhile, Max put on his headphones and started listening to a Powerline song while leaving the classroom to go to his 2nd period class.


    ~Nintendo High School: Chemistry Classroom~

    Just like Biology class, students taking Chemistry had a quiz next class on lab safety. Annoyed by this, Trixie stormed off the class once 1st period ended. 'Gaston is so lucky he's not taking Chemistry. Too bad Xehanort and myself have to go through that stupid quiz tomorrow,' Trixie thought to herself.


    ~Nintendo High School: History Classroom~


    Xion took her time while packing her things in hopes that Vanitas would leave earlier than her. After about a minute, Xion noticed Vanitas leaving the History classroom. Breathing a sigh of relief, Xion grabbed her backpack and left the classroom.


    ~Nintendo High School: Demonology Classroom~

    When the bell rang, Sunset Shimmer actually felt sad that she couldn't continue Demonology class, and she highly doubted that any other class of hers would be as good as this one. "Alright Mr. Vergil. See you tomorrow," Sunset Shimmer said as she left the classroom despite not wanting to leave.


    ~Nintendo High School: Creative Arts Classroom~


    Rushing out of the Creative Arts classroom, Manon started to run towards her Algebra classroom, while her Chespin, Harry, struggled to hang on to her. "Come on Harry, we're gonna be late. I don't wanna get a tardy slip!" Manon yelled as she continued running. "LEEMOLEEMO!" Harry yelled as he tried hard not to fall down, tightening his grip on Manon.
    Last edited: May 1, 2014
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Mario Bros. House~

    Lady quietly nodded and bowed before her guests. "If you will excuse me, there's something I need to get." "Go ahead dear, we won't mind one bit." Lady nodded and quietly ran off upstairs. Kamek looked over at Jumpman grinning. "Looks like you caught a good one there, Jumpman." Jumpman raised his hands blushing in embaressment. "Come on Kamek, she's a good wife." Shepard then casually poked Jumpman with a questioned look on her face. "About your sons, did you know anything about their powers?" Jumpman turned to face the redhead with his arms behind his head. "Actually, I did know about their powers. I just didn't expect them to come out like this." Lady eventually returned carrying a large red suitcase and placed it on the counter. The words "Property of Lady Jumpman, Forever the culinary mistress of Tokyo" written in gold cursive. "We had thought that moving to Italy would have protected our boys from the S-Types and Astral in particular..." Jumpman adjusted his gloves looking at everyone else. "...Unfortunately we were wrong, dead wrong. Astral just kept hounding us." Toadsworth crossed his arms looking at the couple. "Probably because Astral thought you posed a threat to its plans."

    "So the 1996 incident in Italy...was because of you two and Astral?" Shepard asked as her green eyes watched Lady Jumpman closely. "Yes, I was almost eight months pregnant at the time with Mario and Luigi. My husband and I had managed to beat Astral away." Lady then pulled out a key and inserted it on the lock of the suitcase as Histoire interjected, her expression looking forlorn. "But, every time we would beat Astral it would come back stronger than before and having learnt from the previous battles." Donald interjected afterwards almost immediately. "Astral is not someone you would expect to go down instantly Shepard." Lady unlocked the suitcase and opened it up. "I figured I would need to use this again." Jumpman's eyes widened as the former Nintendo High students, Toadsworth, and Cranky all walked over. They were all staring a grayish-blue culinary uniform that had two large black stars in the breast region. Goofy jumped with a surprised expression on his face. "Garwsh! You were a student at Honnouiji Academy!?" Lady Jumpman smiled happily. "I wasn't just any student. I was the reputated captain of the school's cooking club, the Culinary Mistress of Tokyo." She then took the uniform and went back upstairs, Jumpman grinned. "Yeah...we used to be deadly rivals cause we were both heading Cooking Clubs in our time. Eventually it turned into romance, her stealing her uniform during graduation, and everything up to now." Histoire simply smiled with her eyes shut. "That was in the past, we've seen her do well with you." It was then that the old friends had a laugh together.

    Outside the building Geno stood on the roof looking down as he heard the story and smiled. However his brown eyes jolted towards the ground as Astral, Inferno Obitus, E. Tempura Wizard, and a whole squadron of Astral-S started to appear outside the restaurant/home. They all stood there in wait unmoving with Astral having its' arms crossed staring dead-on at the building with a single seering red eye.

    ~Nintendo Elem.: Outside Office~

    Nepgear calmly stood up and looked at the redheaded woman that had asked them the question before looking down. "If you wouldn't mind, we would all like to come inside. All of us are being bothered by the same feeling." Uni and the White Sisters nodded before the four candidates stood up and walked inside the office managing to find seats for themselves as they sat down. It was then that Nepgear started to speak up again. "Miss? Have you ever had a near-death experience and felt like you were powerless against an enemy you couldn't beat at all?"

    ~Nintendo High: Mario and Company~

    Mario, Luigi, Neptune, and the rest all stood up from their seats and quietly left the classroom, none of them speaking to each other as the thoughts about what had happened a few days ago was going through their minds. They all entered the biology classroom together and quietly sat in their respective seats. Mario then stood up in his seat looking at Luigi with a worried grin. "Oh come on Luigi! Get your step back in you nerd!" Luigi looked at his brother with the same worried look before his face went *thud* against the desk as Mario facepalmed.​
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
  5. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    ~Honnouji Academy; Japan's #1 Ninja Arrives!~
    Entering through Honnouji Academy's front gates for his first day of school was a young man with spikey blonde hair. Despite the horrendous distance from the bottom of Honnou to the Academy at the top, the young man's spirit was never broken. This young man was none other than...
    "Naruto Uzumaki, Shinobi Supreme, has arrived!"

    Naruto ran excitedly into the school's grounds. He'd heard about Honnouji's reputation from his father, a previous student at the school, but he didn't let that sway his enthusiasm. Speaking of Naruto's father...
    "8 seconds too slow, Naruto. If you're gonna take up my mantle someday, you've gotta pick up the pace a little."

    Naruto's father, Minato Namikaze, had been timing Naruto on how fast he could reach Honnouji Academy from the bottom using a stopwatch.
    Naruto groaned.
    "Uuughh...Why does speed have to be the Yellow Flash's strong suit..." Naruto complained.
    "The title of "Yellow Flash" means you are able to strike in an instant. It means that when there's a cry for help, you're there to assist before the cry is even over. That title belonged to my father before being passed down to me, and it belonged to his father before being passed to him." Minato explained, a serious tone in his voice. A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on his face suddenly. "But if I'm completely honest...I had a bit of trouble with this exercise too when I was your age."
    "Really?" Naruto asked, surprised.
    "Yep. 8 seconds too slow, just like you. But look at me now. I can get from the bottom of Honnou to the top in an instant. So keep at it, Naruto. I know you'll succeed, because you're my son."
    A confident smile grew on Naruto's face.
    "Alright, that's enough exercising for now. I've gotta go set up." Minato said before turning away.
    Naruto's eyebrows raised.
    "Wait, set up? For what?" He asked.
    Minato turned back to his son.
    "I didn't tell you? I'm teaching an Advanced Ninjutsu class here at Honnouji Academy."
    Most students would dread the thought of their parent teaching a class at the school they attend, but Naruto had a different kind of relationship with his father. He was pleasantly surprised to hear that his dad was teaching a Ninjutsu class at the school.
    "Alright! Sign me up for that class!" Naruto said, pointing to himself with his thumb.
    "Already done." Minato said with a smile, taking out a piece of paper from his coat's pocket that listed all of the students he was going to have. Naruto's name was at the top.
    "Heh. Thanks."
    "No problem. See you in class, Naruto!" Minato said before disappearing in a yellow flash of light. Several other flashes could be seen going toward the school building, showing that Minato was going in that direction.
    Naruto began to walk toward the entrance to the building itself, when he suddenly heard loud booming footsteps approaching from behind.
    He turned toward the sound, and was met with the massive, hulking form of one of Honnouji's Elite Four.

    Gamagoori towered over Naruto, casting an intimidating shadow over the shinobi.
    Naruto was ever so slightly terrified by the large Disciplinary Bureau Chairman.
    "W-What's the problem, sir?" Naruto asked in a sad attempt at sounding polite.
    "You're violating Honnouji Academy's dress code by wearing that deplorable outfit. Put on this one-star uniform like everyone else and you'll get off with just a warning." Gamagoori said incredibly loudly, pulling a neatly-folded one-star Goku Uniform from his pants pocket.
    Naruto saw the ugly grey uniform and scoffed.
    "There's no way I'm putting that ugly thing on!" He exclaimed, arms crossed.
    "Pff, yeah, like you're allowed to shove something down a student's throa-ACK!" Naruto's retort was cut off when Gamagoori had in fact shoved the uniform into Naruto's mouth, but not quite into his throat.
    "You're lucky I'm feeling generous today. NOW PUT IT ON!" Gamagoori demanded.
    "hophay i'll phut iph onm...(okay i'll put it on)" Naruto responded, the uniform lodged tightly in his pie-hole. He slowly made his way into the school building to find a private area to change into the uniform.
    Gamagoori smiled proudly.
    "Another job well done, Ira. Now to go sharpen my spike whips." Gamagoori said to himself before making his way to the whip sharpener in his office, also inside the school building.

    ~Nintendo High; Children's Card Games 101~
    Yami was finishing his preparations for the day's lesson, which was a lesson on just how freaking cool the Dark Magician card is, when he noticed a good friend of his had been in the room.
    "Ishizu! It's good to see you!" Yami said, stepping out from behind his desk to greet his good friend. "It's nice to finally be able to talk to someone without the conversation starting with 'Mr. Moto, you're talking too fast' or 'Mr. Moto, we don't haaave any Egyptian God Cards' or 'Mr. Moto, your son is bleeding to death in the school parking lot'. That gets extremely tiresome." Yami said, mimicking the conversation starters with an annoying schoolgirl voice.
    Just then, Yami's son, Yugi, entered the classroom. His left arm and right leg were in casts, his torso was covered in burn marks under his shirt, and his entire face save for his mouth was covered in bandages.
    "Yugi!...Say hi to Ishizu! It's been a while since we've seen her!" Yami said, completely oblivious to his son's horrible injuries.
    "...It might be a little while more, dad. In case you haven't noticed, I CAN'T F*bleep*ING SEE!" Yugi retorted rather loudly.
    "You can't see? Strange. You look just fine to me."
    "Ooooh, those are bandages? I thought it was some stupid new fashion thing you kids are doing these days."
    "...I'm gonna go sit down now." Yugi said before walking toward his desk, only to trip on a pencil and fall. "Why me?"
    "Anyway, Ishizu, is there anything I can do for you before class starts? Anything at all. There isn't anything more important going on at the moment that I could be doing." Yami asked, completely ignoring his son's face-plant.
    "I taste pennies..."
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Mario Bros. House: Cold Fury, Burning Awakening~

    Geno jumped off of the roof and landed in front of all the S-Types looking on at them with his cape flowing in the wind, stern brown eyes staring right at Astral. "Astral, you have NO IDEA what you're doing to the people of this world. Stand down and maybe I will spare your life!" Astral stood unphased by the doll in front of it, its' eye turning towards the doll. "...♥♪!?...what is your business here?" Geno started to walk forward with confidence in his stride, he was still staring at Astral. "My boss sent me down from should know why already." "To stop all S-Types from finding and destroying the relic. Either way you're not going to stop me so..." Astral's arm quickly shot out with its' mind focusing. Geno was wrapped in blue light and was slowly lifting off of the ground, he struggled to break free as Astral immediately blasted Geno through the glass window of the building and sent him skidding against the tiles right into Jumpman's feet. "...Goodbye!"

    This little moment sent shocking chills through the entire building as Jumpman and the others looked through the broken window and stared directly at the cold-hearted S-Type that stood at the forefront just as Lady Jumpman strolled down the stairs and stopped, her blue eyes directly staring at Astral. Her face frozen in fear as Astral loudly spoke up. "Come on out, Jumpman! We can see you and your friends in there!" Inferno Obitus looked down at Astral as Jumpman, Lady Jumpman, and their friends and allies slowly shuffled out of the shop and onto the empty Tokyo road. Astral, Jumpman, and his wife stood at the front walking close to one another, eyes staring at each other. "So, you tried to kill our sons..." Astral looked at Jumpman coldly. "Your sons interfered in my plans....just like the boy and girl from two different schools from before. Oh wait...that's you two." Lady Jumpman smirked as her sapphire eyes darted towards Astral's chest. "Funny, you were beaten by a single boy, a single girl, a loving couple, a soon to be father and his very pregnant wife, and now their sons. Must say a lot about you don't it Astral." It was then that Astral felt something sharp go through his body, its eye looked down to see a large glowing red and black cutting knife had went through its' chest. Astral's eye slowly followed the blade directly to the handle where Lady Jumpman's delicate hand held it tightly. Her other arm holding her husband tightly against her body as she stood a defensive stand, cold fury showing in her eyes. "Listen to me now Praenunitus. As long as we still will never touch our sons. At this point I don't even care if Kiryuin herself comes and kills me for stealing my old!"

    Astral simply laughed as it slid backwards freeing itself from the blade and clapped slowly. "Such bravado coming from a mother like yourself. Unfortunately however that's not where my heart is." The hole from the knife instantly refilled itself as Jumpman broke away from his wife standing beside her with a determined look in his eyes as they turned golden-yellow transforming immediately in a flash. Lady Jumpman spread her legs apart, gritting her teeth as her own blue eyes turned a firey-red. The red and black stars on her uniform turned a firey-orange and started to crackle as embers flew out, the gray parts however changed into a brilliant white. Astral looked over at the rest of the S-Types as it calmly ordered. "You all are to deal with their friends, these two are mine..." It was then that Astral transformed into its' boosted form and slowly stared down the transformed mother and father with electricity and fury in the air.​
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Demonology Class~

    Vergil watched as his student dispersed after the bell rang, he was interested to see the terrified looks upon their faces of the most foulest creatures to roam the underworld. "If someone's parents complain, I won't care about it, it's my lesson and they can't evict me from here, not if the old man has anything to say about it." A smile left his face, or rather a corner-like smirk as he left the classroom to grab something to eat.

    ~Chidlren's Card Games 101~

    Kazu walked in surprise of the strange scene, the King of Games was this well... odd? "So what? You had crazier things happen, this shouldn't be too surprising." Kazu thought to himself in resignation, Anyone would jump at a chance to be taught by the King of Games himself with the tournaments he had under his belt and owning the only existing copies of the Egyptian God Cards.

    ~Outside Government Building~

    Gokai Red stood side by the Dino thunder Yellow Ranger as he fired upon the X-Borgs. "Sounds interesting! Just try and keep up." Gokai Red then charged forth, slcing any oncoming X-Borgs and running for Vekar.

    ~Tokyo Airport~

    A youth stepped outside the airport looking very strikingly similar to a certain Potter except for a few things, he wore no huge spectacles and had red eyes instead of the usual green Potter had, he wore a black jacket that reached down to his waist and ared shirt showing underneath and some black jeans with white trainers, if one looked at his shirt, they could make out some muscles as he ehaved his backpack.

    "Okay Uncle Nick, I'm here, now to find a place to live then go on from there." Harold muttered and decided to walk into the city, he could fo taken a cab or something, but it gave hima chance to stretch his legs out. "Hmmm." He walked, viewing the sights before being caught in a crowded area of people, probably coming out from work or something.

    "Just my luck..." He said sarcastically low and saw a high wall and climbed upon it, balancing himself when he got there and just walked casually, ignoring any stares he received and silently cast a Notice-Me-not charm upon himself with a single ahnd motion, no wand pulled out and when he reached the end of the wall to another which was a small leap and clambered down, pausing for a moment.

    "There's some magic in the air..." he said thoughtfully and dispelled the charm passing by a certain flower shop.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Inside Government Building-

    "Thank you, Hans. I would love one." Anna said, taking the drink when Hans offered her a drink. Elsa was approached by Kuzco, asking her to go and see Porta Vista's beaches. She smiled and said, "Thank you for the offer, sir. I'll think about it." She bowed and went to get a drink.


    -Outside Government Building-

    Kira slashed through a X-Borg and ran alongside Marvelous, gripping her Ptera grips and jumped, ready to slash at Vekar. But he teleported out, fighting the remaining X-Borg, Gia said, "Figured he'd chicken out and run. Kira, lets finish off those remaining X-Borgs and Bruisers then head back to school." Kira nodded and used her Ptera Scream to help out, Emma and Gia helped by using the abilities of Mystic Force and Tubro, fighting alongside Don and Basco.


    -Modern History Classroom-

    Dante woke up at the sound of the bell and yawned, stretching. He wiped his mouth of the drool and stood up, stretching. Billy sweatdropped as he finished reworking the communicators and Dante walked out to grab a bite. He still rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched, cracking his neck. Dante yawned and looked at his communicator, smiling.



    "Man, I can't believe that Gia missed my awesome game play to help the girls wins." Fang said, bumped that Gia had to leave suddenly. Tommy set up her next class, saying, "It's not too bad, Fang. Sides, there will be other times. There, you're all set for your next class. I need to head out for a bit." He stood up and headed out while Fang admired his work of a volleyball net and balls.


    -Nurse's Office-

    Koyomi sat in the nurse's office and gasped for air, feeling weak. She waited for Haruto to appear and refill her mana, Koyomi wondered how he was doing in his classes.


    -Animal Center-

    Eiji was still thinking about how to fight what kind of Yummy Kimberly will have when it comes out when he saw Tommy enter. "Tommy, what are you doing here?" He asked, closing the O Holder. Tommy reached into his pocket and pulled out three ice creams, he said, "I need to talk with Ankh." Eiji sweatdropped, thinking, 'He came, prepared.'


    -Children's Card Games 101-

    "Yami, Yugi, it's great to see you again." Ishizu said, smiling at them. "I came by to say hi and wish you luck on this new school year. Also, you have a new student, Akiza Izinski." Akiza turned light red and bowed, "It's a pleasure to be in this class, sir. I hope to have a great time in this class." "I'll come by once in a while to say hi. Yugi, you'll heal up in no time, I'm sure." Isizhu said, patting her head and went to hug Yugi. She headed to the door and waved at them, leaving. Akiza always thought about how mysterious Isizhu was but she was also so friendly.


    -Flower Shop-

    Aerith saw Harold walk by the shop, and smiled, running out to him. "Excuse me, sir. Would you like to buy a flower in memory of the departed on Tuesday? They're not cheap, only 5 yen." chaos smiled at Aerith hiding her excitement for a new costumer.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Inside Government Building~

    "I think I'm gonna go and mingle with the others. Catch you guys later," Olaf told Hans and Anna as he got up and walked over to the other guests. Hans nodded, and sat close to Anna, asking her, "So, how do you like it here? Personally, it sure beats having to sit with my 12 older brothers back in Norway." "Alright, don't keep me hangin' baby," Kuzco replied to Queen Elsa, winking at her. Noticing Kuzco's actions, Coriolanus Snow, speaker of the Japanese Parliament, walked over to Kuzco, and angrily whispered to him, "For the love of God, show some dignity around Kuzco! You're embarrassing yourself!" After that, Snow went to get another drink for himself, while Kuzco made faces, mocking Snow and what he just told him. Meanwhile, Harriet Jones went towards the leader of Skaro, Davros, and shook hands with him, saying, "Davros, it's an honor to finally meet you in person. Harriet Jones, Japanese Prime Minister, at your service." Harriet then flashed her ID card to show Davros, identifying herself. "Yes, I know exactly who you are Harriet Jones," Davros replied, "First of all, I congratulate you on your treaty today. And I also offer my utmost condolences for what happened with those Abductors. I assure you, my Dalek fleet continues to search for answers as to who is responsible for this even as we speak. Once we discover the villains who committed this act, you will be the first to know." Harriet Jones smiled and nodded, showing gratitude for Davros's offer to help, and said, "Thank you."


    ~Nintendo High School: French Classroom~


    Arriving in French class before other students, Rue sat at a desk close to the teacher's desk, and got her French textbook out. She was hoping that Sirius, the French teacher, would be able to teach her a foreign language easily, for Rue had always wanted to graduate with French being the language counting towards her foreign language credits. Meanwhile, after splitting with Connor for 2nd period, Dick Grayson entered French classroom as well, kind of regretting that he didn't take a foreign language class earlier.


    ~Nintendo High School: Pokemon Battling Classroom~


    Ritchie and Sparky arrived at the Pokemon Battling classroom, a class that basically taught something that Ritchie used to do a lot before. "Pokemon battling... wow, never thought I'd be doing this again," Ritchie commented, "Still, it's for a grade. Think you'd be ok with battling for one semester Sparky?" "Pikachu!" Sparky happily replied, implying that his willingness to return to battling Pokemon under his trainer, Ritchie. Ritchie smiled in return, and patted Sparky on his head.


    ~Nintendo High School: Shop Class~


    Entering Shop class, Bulk Biceps and glanced around, noticing the tools all around him. While still angry at Will Smith for costing him a basketball match at Gym class against the girl's team, Bulk was relieved that Will Smith wasn't anywhere in sight, otherwise he would be using some of these tools on Will...


    ~Nintendo High School: Mythology Classroom~


    Standing in front of the door to her Mythology class, Katniss just stood there, staring at it, determined to fight back if Clair decides to do something funny like on Monday. "This is it Haymitch, ready?" Katniss asked Haymitch. "Pika!" Haymitch replied with a determined look on his face. Smiling at Haymitch's loyalty to her, Katniss stepped inside the Mythology classroom, ready for whatever Clair plans.


    ~Nintendo High School: Music Classroom~

    Yen Sid heard the door slam open, and in came Will Smith and his cousin, Carlton Banks. "Yo teach, long time no see," Will said as he entered, greeting the Music teacher while Carlton quietly mouthed the words 'I'm so sorry' to Yen Sid, apologizing for his cousin's behavior. "Ah yes, you two..." Yen Sid replied, remembering the moment Will Smith and his cousin burst into his class back on Monday, "Have a seat."


    ~Nintendo High School: Gym Class~


    Entering the school gym, Eddy waited for his friend, Ed, to meet him before they both go to the boys' locker room to change to their gym uniforms. a few seconds later, Eddy heard a familiar laugh coming closer...


    It was Ed, running towards the locker rooms, laughing as usual. However, Eddy noticed that Ed was actually headed towards the girls' locker room instead. Grabbing one of Ed's legs, Eddy stopped Ed, causing him to fall flat on the ground. "Wrong locker room blockhead," Eddy told Ed, as he picked him up, and literally stretched him as though he were a slingshot, aiming for the boys' locker room. Eddy then let go, and Ed was sent flying straight towards the boys' locker room, with Ed saying, "Alley-oop!" Eddy rolled his eyes at Ed's stupidity, and entered the boys' locker room to change to his gym uniform.


    ~Nintendo High School: Philosophy Classroom~


    Entering the classroom, Double D found a few students already inside, including Vanitas. While choosing a seat, Double D wondered how Ed and Eddy were doing with there classrooms. Nevertheless, Double D's number one focus was his studies, and so, he quickly chose a seat, and got out his planner and a notebook, wondering what kind of a Philosophy teacher Ghetsis was.


    ~Nintendo High School: History Classroom~


    Wanting to enter the history classroom, Hiccup bumped into Thor, who was headed in the same direction.
    "Oh, I'm really sorry about that Mr... um..." Hiccup said. "It's Thor," Thor replied, "And don't worry about it." "Heh, thanks," Hiccup replied, relieved that despite his appearances, Thor was no bully, "Wait a sec... 'Thor' is a Norwegian name... are you Norwegian by any chance?" "Well my ancestors were. So I suppose that's a yes," Thor answered Hiccup's question. "Aww sweet, that's awesome!" Hiccup said, "Name's Hiccup by the way. I happen to be a Norwegian myself. Little town called Berk to be more specific. My dad sent me here so I can get a good education and stuff, you know, all those cliched things. But anyway, I'm just glad that I'm not the only Norwegian in this school." Smiling, Thor said, "Interesting... well, welcome to Nintendo High Hiccup, and I hope you enjoy it." Once Thor finally entered the History classroom, Hiccup replied, "Thanks Thor. See ya around." As Hiccup was about to enter the classroom as well, he was pushed aside by a girl who wanted to cut in front of him. "Hey, what's the big idea?" Hiccup asked the girl. The girl stopped and turned around, looking at Hiccup with a threatening look. Hic
    cup then remembered the girl from Tuesday, when she threatened him...

    "Oh, y-you," Hiccup said, with his legs shaking at the sight of Sunset Shimmer, "Hehe, just disregard what I just said, I had no idea it was you. Ladies first, right? Hehe..." The demon then entered the classroom. Hiccup meanwhile breathed a sigh of relief, glad that Sunset Shimmer didn't do anything to him, for now. Making sure there weren't any other students intending to go in, Hiccup finally went inside the History classroom, noticing that, to no surprise, the class was almost completely full, with almost every student, including Sora, sitting on their desks waiting for the class to begin.


    Choosing a desk that was as far away from where Sunset Shimmer was sitting as possible, Hiccup sat down, hoping not to have to look at Shimmer in the eyes again.


    ~Nintendo High School: Robotics Classroom~


    Entering the Robotics classroom, Xehanort sat on a desk, and looked around. He noticed the student from France, Clemont, who Xehanort has heard always ends up with a failure whenever trying to design a device. 'This should certainly be interesting,' Xehanort thought to himself.


    ~Nintendo High School: Advanced Calculus Classroom~


    Sully noticed Luna and Loki entering his classroom together. Sully was very aware of Luna being the sister of Celestia, who was helping out Cosmos, the candidate he did not intend to vote for in the November election for Prime Minister. Nevertheless, Sully was determined to keep politics out of the classroom, and treat everyone fairly.
    "Have a seat, class'll start in a little while," Sully told Luna, Loki, and any other student in the classroom.


    ~Nintendo High School: Chemistry Class~


    Entering Chemistry class, Connor found Axel and Eraqus, who waved at him happily once they saw him enter. Connor smiled and waved back, though he hoped that they wouldn't treat him differently than any other student despite the circumstances he has come to know them.


    ~Nintendo High School Hallway~


    "...and so Thor Luna and myself have a quiz in our next Biology class, but it shouldn't be too hard," Vanellope said, finishing her discussion on her Biology class as she and Xion were walking towards their English classroom. "I see," Xion replied, "Well History class was ok, but Vanitas was there." Hearing the name Vanitas, Vanellope instantly asked, "Did he do or say anything?" "Not exactly," Xion replied, "It doesn't look like he was out to get me. I just hope it stays that way." Vanellope smiled and nodded, but was halted by Xion as they were close to the door to their English classroom. "What is it?" Vanellope asked. Xion simply pointed at two students who were entering the classroom...


    "That's Trixie and Gaston, two of the biggest bullies in school. You get on their bad side and they'll do whatever it takes to make your life a living hell," Xion told Vanellope. "Wait, Gaston... isn't he the one holding a party tonight?" Vanellope asked. Xion nodded in response. Vanellope was now determined to avoid those two at all costs. The two friends then entered the classroom, noticing Gaston and Trixie sitting close together, along with a few other students, and John Smith in the classroom...


    "Morning girls," the English teacher greeted them, "Have a seat." Xion and Vanellope nodded, choosing desks that were far from where Gaston and Trixie sat.


    ~Nintendo High School: Biology Classroom~


    While taking care of some paperwork, Phil Coulson noticed Luigi's head hit the desk hard. The biology teacher quickly got up and went straight to Luigi. "Sir... sir, are you alright," Coulson asked Luigi before turning his attention to Mario, "What happened to him?"


    ~Nintendo High School: Biochemistry Classroom~


    Entering Albert Wesker's Biochemistry class, Roxas picked a seat and got out his textbook and notebook, glad that so far, things are going well with his classes. However, he kept thinking about Sora, always worrying that his brother would pick a fight with someone.


    ~Nintendo High School: Drama Classroom~


    While dancing to the beat of one of Powerline's songs, Max Goof entered Kuja's Drama class while winking at some of the girls in the classroom. Max was actually had a good feeling that Drama class would turn out well, as many people told him he did some of the best impersonations of famous movie characters, and that he should be an actor. Max figured that as long as he doesn't do his father's infamous 'A-hyuck', Drama class should be an easy A for him.


    ~Nintendo High School: Algebra Classroom~


    As Beat was entering the Algebra classroom, a girl with a Chespin rushed past him as though she was late for class.


    "Sorry about that!" Manon told Beat as she was choosing a seat. "Leemo!" Manon's Chespin, Harry, added, apologizing as well. Confused at what just happened, Beat simply shrugged it off and entered the Algebra classroom. Professor Moody, on the other hand, giggled at Manon's extreme punctuality.


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Counselor's Office~


    When asked by Nepgear if all of them could talk with, Jessebelle replied, "Well, it's a bit unorthodox, but I don't see why not. Come in." Once inside, Jessebelle was asked a question once again by Nepgear, this time on near-death experiences and whether she was powerless against an enemy she couldn't beat.

    Remembering her past, Jessebelle began to speak, "There was one enemy. That enemy... was love. You see, when I was just lil' girl like y'all, I was promised that I would be married to a very handsome gentleman. That gentleman's name... was James. During my childhood, I would spend many days playing with James. But for some reason, James was scared from me, and ran away from home. I wondered for the longest time, was love evil, trying to kill me by making me helpless? I can't remember how much I cried ever since James left. It really did feel like love crushed me. But in the end, I figured that in order to defeat love, I have to be the one in control of my feelings. And that is when I finally defeated love, and saved myself from a terrible death. It's why you see me as an elementary school counselor. I want to spread my love to all the beautiful children who come to this here fine establishment. Never again will I be defeated from my worst enemy, I guarantee that. Oh sorry, went a bit off topic there. Now then, what does that have to do with why y'all were sent to my office?"
  10. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Nintendo High: Biology Class~

    Mario gently poked Luigi who just groaned. "Hang on Mr. Coulson. He's fine...but..." Mario immediately stood on top of his desk and pointed at Luigi boldly speaking aloud. "Luigi, did you forget what Captain Blue taught us when we were kids!" Luigi rose his head up as Noire looked at Mario unamused by his antics frowning. "You watch Captain Blue? That old relic of a show isn't even real!" Mario turned his head at Noire and shouted aloud. "SHUT UP! I'm trying to give my brother a pep-talk here!" Mario coughed again and continued his speech. "Captain Blue told us to always fight for justice! To defeat any evil that stands in your way! And to do the right thing to protect the innocent and defend those unable to fight for themselves! And what we did in Toshima was just that, we were all heroes fighting together to protect the city, even though we all came from different families we all had a common goal, to stop Astral and that Crystal Order thingy. You're even a hero too Luigi!" Luigi smiled and spoke up. "Mario, that might be the corniest speech I ever heard. But that was spoken from the heart of a true hero." Rosalina looked over at Mario and smiled as well. "Hopefully one day I can be just as much of a hero as you."

    ~Nintendo Elem.: Councillor's Office~

    The four girls blinked in confusion as they listened to the explanation before looking at each other. Nepgear coughed as she looked at Jessebelle awkwardly. "Um, our situation didn't involve love at all. I simply asked to come and see you about what had been bothering me." Uni was the next to speak up with her head down and a frown on her face. "I simply followed Nepgear after she told me to come with her. My mind was bothered with the same issue she had." Rom was the next one to speak as she looked up at Jessebelle while still holding Ram tightly. "We came together after Ram swore at Charmy and took responsibility for it and our teacher sent her here. I followed her." "Either way...we were all thinking about what had happened in the heart of Toshima."
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School: Biology Classroom~


    "Mario... this is biology class, not a military recruitment center. Please have a seat. Class is going to start in a minute," Phil Coulson told Mario as he went back to his desk to make final preparations for class, "Oh, and I'd like to talk to you and Luigi after class for a bit."


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Counselor's Office~


    After realizing why the girls came to her, Jessebelle said, "Oh, I see what the problem is here. Girls, y'all shouldn't let the news scare you. Why, when I was a lil' girl, everyday the news made it sound as though dem Russian Commies were gonna nuke us all, and I spent many sleepless nights worrying about it. But look where we are now. We're all still alive, aren't we? All that worrying ended up being for nothin' after all. Nowadays, I see this sort of thing in children who have a parent in the military fighting overseas. But the point I'm saying is don't worry about some silly thing that happened in Toshima worry your lil' minds. You're children. All ya gotta worry about are school and friends, not crazy ole politics and stuff. Let the grownups worry about that. Everything'll be fine, I promise. Now, will y'all promise me to be good lil' girls and forget about all this Toshima stuff?"


    ~Route Leading to Vermilion City~


    'Oh wow, Vermilion City, I can't wait to get there and challenge the gym leader there, and get my first Kanto badge,' Anthony thought to himself as he was on his way to Vermilion City, 'And once I get eight badges, I'll challenge the Pokemon League here, win it!' "HEEY, YOU THERE!" a familiar voice called out to Anthony. Stopping to turn around and see who was calling him, Anthony realized it was the same old man who always stops him to give him advice...


    You again, what is it this time? In case you haven't noticed, I'm on my way to challenge the Vermilion City Gym," Anthony told the old man. "Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about," the old man replied, "Are you even carrying important items like potions and antidotes before going to the gym?" "No... why would I need any?" Anthony replied. "Because items like that can be the difference between winning and losing a Gym match. Without them, Gym matches would be like suicide!" the old man yelled. "Suicide, are you serious?" Anthony asked. "Well of course I'm serious you freakin' jackass. God..." the old man answered Anthony as he walked away annoyed by the Pokemon trainer. Thinking about what the old man said, Anthony looked around to see if there was a store to buy potions and antidotes. To Anthony's luck, there was a store in the distance. Walking towards it, Anthony analyzed the store, which was called 'Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna'. 'Hmm, looks like a good place to check out' Anthony commented as he entered the store.
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Nintendo High: Biology Class~

    Mario calmly got off of the top of his desk and quietly sat back in his seat. It seemed his little speech had done something as the people in the room started to lighten up and loosen their minds eagerly awaiting the lesson that was going to be taught to them. Luigi blinked however as he looked at Mario. "Uh, Mr. Coulson? Are we in trouble for what my brother did? Cause I had nothing to do with what he did."

    ~Nintendo Elem.: Councilor's Office~

    The four girls looked at one another closely with all eyes met on one another. The fear of what happened in Toshima slowly being washed away from their hearts as they looked towards Jessebelle with reassurance in their eyes and faces, Ram finally spoke up. "Yeah, you're right. We're still alive and everything is basically alright. Come on everyone, let's gets back to our classes and have some fun. Thanks for the talk." The other three candidates nodded in approval as they all stood up and quietly left the room and started to head back to their respective classes.

    ~Outside Mario Bros. House~

    Astral raised its' arms to both sides as its' hands crackled with electricity, with swift and fluid motion Astral started to fire off waves of electricity that arc'd all over the place. However Jumpman was on the immediate defense countering every electrical wave thrown at him with some precisely thrown golden-yellow fireballs. For each wave that met fire it exploded with a loud boom that sent Astral backwards slightly. Astral looked through the thick smoke left by the explosions trying to see where its' targets had gone. Its' red eye caught a glimpse of a large speeding yellow/orange firey phoenix that had been speeding right at Astral itself. Astral grinned and stood firm before stepping to the side and letting the phoenix pass right beside it before jamming its' hands right now into the back of it and grabbed both Jumpman and his wife surprising them both as it spoke up. "Your sons pulled the same stunt. I will not fall for that again!" Astral then threw the two into the road rather forcibly and began to beat then senseless with punches and quickly-casted spells​
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High School: Biology Classroom~


    "Oh no, no trouble at all Luigi," Phil Coulson replied, "Just wanted to have a short friendly chat with you and your brother, that's all." The school bell then rang, officially starting second period. "And with that, class has officially started," Phil said, "Ok, please pass these around." The biology teacher then handed Mario a stack of handouts listing rules involving lab safety to be passed around the class.


    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Counselor's Office~


    Waving towards Ram and the others, Jessebelle smiled and said, "Bye girls." 'My, what sweet lil' angels those girls are,' Jessebelle thought to herself, 'Why, they kind of remind me of myself when I was their age.'


    ~Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna~

    Entering the store, Anthony was greeted by the store's owner, Oaken...


    "Hoohoo," Oaken said with his thick Scandinavian accent, "Big summer blow out. Half off swimming suits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?" "Uh, no thanks," Anthony replied, "Got any Potions or Antidotes?" "That would be in our Pokemon department," Oaken answered, pointing to a corner filled with Potions and Antidotes. "Sweet!" Anthony said as he went to pick a couple of items he needed, "So, any idea how far it is to Vermilion City?" "Assuming you don't get distracted by Team Rocket or other people, hmm, probably by tonight," Oaken replied. "Alright, how much for these?" Anthony asked as he placed a Potion, Antidote, and two Max Potions in front of Oaken. "That'll be 5,400 yen," Oaken answered. "WHAT?!" Anthony yelled in disbelief, "No, no, it's gotta be 1000." "Oh dear, that's no good," Oaken said, "See, these two Max Potions are 2500 yen a piece, the most expensive kind of potion." "Come on, give a Pokemon trainer a break will ya? I'm gonna challenge the vermilion City Gym Leader, and I really need these items," Anthony pleaded. "Still 5400. But, I vill throw in a lifetime pass to Oaken's sauna. Hoohoo, hi family!" Oaken said, waving at his family in the sauna, who replied to Oaken with a greeting of their own:


    1000 yen's all I got! help me out!" Anthony pleaded once more. "Ok, 1000 vill get you these two, and no more," Oaken said, moving the two Max Potions away, indicating all Anthony could afford were the regular Potion and Antidote. "You know what, I don't need this. I can beat the Vermilion City Gym without your stupid items you lousy crook," Anthony angrily said. Insulted, Oaken got up, revealing his incredibly tall stature, and asked Anthony, "Vhat did you call me?" A few seconds later, Anthony was being carried outside by Oaken's arm, who threw Anthony several feet away. "Bye bye!" Oaken said as he went back inside.

    ~Tokyo University: Biology Lecture Hall~

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    ...And that concludes today's little intro lecture. I'll see you all next time," Professor Sycamore said, concluding the day's Biology class. As Tracey and Gary packed their bags and got up, they noticed Misty was still in her seat. "Are you gonna ask the professor about interning?" Tracey asked. Misty nodded, and Gary said, "Well, good luck with that. Smell ya later." As Gary, Tracey, and the other students left the lecture hall, Misty and Togepi were
    alone in the lecture hall with Professor Sycamore, who was taking care of a few things in his laptop with Fennekin and Espurr on his shoulder watching him work. "Alright Togepi, make sure you don't go running off where I can't find you. It'll only be a few minutes," Misty told Togepi as she walked towards Sycamore. "TogiTogi," Togepi said as it started walking around the lecture hall. Noticing Togepi, Espurr and Fennekin left professor Sycamore's shoulders, and went towards Togepi to play with it. "Nyapa!" Espurr said as it surprised Togepi, playing with it. "Fokka!" Fennekin added, joining Espurr and Fennekin. "TogiTogi!" Togepi said once more, enjoying the company of Sycamore's Pokemon. "Heh, looks like your Togepi is enjoying it here," Sycamore told Misty after noticing Togepi, Espurr, and Fennekin playing together, "Umm, Misty, correct?" "That's right," Misty replied, blushing, "Umm, professor, I was wondering if you knew a good place I can intern for my major in Marine Biology." "Hmm, well Misty, we do have our very own aquarium here at Tokyo University," Professor Sycamore replied, "I have a few friends who work there. Tell you what, I'll tell them about you, and then hopefully they'll allow you to intern there." Happy to hear how Sycamore was willing to help, Misty said, "Oh thank you so much for this professor." Smiling, Professor Sycamore replied, "No problem at all Misty. Have a good weekend." Misty nodded and went back to her seat, packing her things, and leaving, telling Togepi, "Come on Togepi, time to go." "Togi," Togepi replied, waving goodbye to Espurr and Fennekin, and followed Misty to the exit, "Togi!" Panyapanya!" Espurr added, waving back at Togepi. Fennekin was waving goodbye as well, saying "Fokka!" Looking down towards Fennekin and Espurr, Professor Sycamore asked, "So, I take it you girls enjoyed Togepi's company?" Fennekin and Espurr both happily nodded, and Sycamore said, "Heh, glad to hear that. Anyway, we gotta go. Lead the way ladies." Fennekin and Espurr then went towards the exit while being followed by Professor Sycamore, on their way to Sycamore's office.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  14. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    Flip. Flip. Flip. A single playing card rubbed against Luxord's leather glove. His disguise was perfect. Hiding out for sometime as a department store manager oddly suited him. Suit. He loved the suit. Trim, clean, and formal, Luxord's black suit complimented checkered black and white cuffs with Nobody sigil cuff-links. But no one under his employ knew who he was. He was dealing with his lying low quite well, and had been doing so for quite some time. He held his feet below his desk, which fit the decor of the slightly Nobodic design he kept around. He tapped his fine Italian leather boots. A clothing depot in Downtown Tokyo was indefinitely his true new home, complete with a penthouse view of the city below.

    A city below, where in the sewers below, a limousine was crashed and steaming inside a large pipe. Mud, or something that looked like mud, made the tires sink, and further landlocked the the limousine in its place. Outside the vehicle, face down in the ... let's just call it mud for now, oh! Forget it! Suffice to say, a red, furry face pulled itself out of the,

    "Aww, what the?" Conker the Red squirrel wiped the brown substance off his furry cheeks. "Aw, Poo. Just great." Conker hopped out of the muddy brown murk and back onto his feet. "Well, at least I'm fair on tai-" He looked up to his left. One tail danced about by the number 1 before fading away. "Even better... I've got a hangover... a helluva one too..." He found it an effort to walk straight as he took off his Limousine driver's hat haphazardly. "Wait a minute... Ah, no."

    His pounding headache wasn't aided as fair fists pounded at the glass in the back seat of the Limousine. "HELP!" Tuki Shinema screamed from the backseat.

    "Hang on, I'll get you out." Conker tried to fumble for a pair of keys, but found an utter lack. "Well, I guess I can't get you out. Uh, Hmmm... what to do...?" Only by some odd mix of fate did Conker suddenly have an idea. Well, actually, when he scuffed his feet in the AHEM "Mud", he was greeted by a very large green "B" printed on the inside of pipe. "You find those things in the darndest places. Anyhow... how do these things work? Oh. Right. "Context sensitive" things." Out of his blue hoodie pocket, Conker thus pulled out, "A giant roll of toilet paper? Huh. I wonder what that's for."

    Down the pipe, a baritone singing three progressively higher notes ominously erupted without so much as a hint to the producer of the sound.

    "Sorry, but could you sound just a little less ominous yourself, please?" Conker asked the Narrator. The Narrator apologized by writing it out in the third-person past tense form, and Conker politely footnoted, "Thank you. Much better. Now then, let's see what's happening down that pipe." Conker added as he made his way onward, sober, and caring a giant roll of two-ply.
  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Outside Mario Bros. House~

    Astral was still beating on Jumpman and Lady Jumpman without remorse and with unrelenting fury leaving those on the sides watching in sheer horror at the sight before them...well everyone except for Hades who looked to be amused at the sight before him. "Well, this is a lovely sight. An S-Type beating the everloving joy out of those two humans! Now this is quality entertainment!" Palutena turned to face the Lord of the Underworld looking unamused with her eyes half closed somewhat looking smug. "Well Hades, you do realize that if the S-Types conquer this world then they will storm the Underworld and easily take you out of the picture since you won't have any souls to make an army with, and even if that happens I'm not going to let you loiter around on Skyworld like a penniless bum." However Hades slightly jumped in surprise before chuckling as he stared down at the Goddess of Light. "Oh please, atleast we can put up a fight compared to your little centurions up above. The S-Types would most likely overthrow you before they even stepped into my domain...especially after observing your little Pitty Pat-Pat's performance against them." The two deities began to argue loudly with each other while the others looked on, even the other S-Types were watching the scene with interest.

    Cranky was irritated at the scene before him with a vein popping out of his forehead. He walked over towards the arguing deities and jumped into the air smacking both Hades and Palutena with his cane. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES AND FOCUS!" He quickly ran over towards Toadsworth and slowly picked his fellow elder up off the ground and started to run away from the battle. "Come on, let's get you out of there Toadsworth." As soon as Cranky left everyone else focused in on the battle before them with renewed vigor. Inferno Obitus, E.Tempura Wizard, and the whole Astral-S squadron stepped in front of the group of people with intentions to stop them on their faces, Inferno Obitus spoke up boldly. "What do you humans think you're going to do?"

    Histoire calmly lowered herself to the ground and slowly stepped off of the book she was on, once her feet were on the ground she looked up at the S-Types with a defiant smirk on her face speaking up calmly. "It's actually really simple..." It was then that she quickly flew along the ground towards E. Tempura Wizard and slammed her feet into his stomach knocking the S-Type back quite a distance past the battle with Astral as she spoke loud and clear. "We're going to kick your ass!" Inferno Obitus was pissed off now at his boiling point only for two flying fists to come rocketing out of the building and slammed into Inferno Obitus' head knocking him back a great distance as the fists flew back to their owner. Geno casually walked out of the building as the fists reattached to his body. "Did you really think I would go down that easily?"

    ~Nintendo High: Biology Class~

    Luigi nodded as Mario took the papers and passed them around to everyone. However neither brother knew of what was currently going on back at their own house with their parents and the S-Type entity they had fought before.

    ~Nintendo Elem.: Halls~

    As they left the office more refreshed and calm the candidates all quietly went back to their separate classrooms. Ram and Rom in particular had returned to Ms. Frizzle's class feeling vastly different from before as they sat back down in their seats quietly.​
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Flower SHop~

    Harold turned his attention to the young woman offering 5 yen for the departed, granted he didn't have time to change his currency from Knuts, Sickles or Galleons to Yen yet, besides wizarding currency doesn't work out much for Muggles, he gave a small smile. "Sorry, I can't buy anything, I just arrived in the country." Harold apologized, it was better to answer than be rude and pass the offering, plus he doubted she'd believe magical money anyway, especially if the Ministry of Magic along with the Statue of Secrecy being in effect, he did take a moment to examine the woman, there seemed to be something radiating about her, not in a magical sense but something else.

    "It could be puberty." Harold thought to himself, he sweat dropped at the memory of discovering the birds and the bees and how hormones and puberty worked ever so annoyingly.

    ~Government Building~

    Marvelous looked at Kira. "Tell us where you got those, Zordon never mentioned you." he asked or rather demanded from her.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Outside Government Building-

    After finishing the X-Borgs and Bruisers, Kira and her teammates took their helmets off then looked at Marvelous and the others. Kira was the first to speak, "I don't know who this Zordon is, but I guess you guy deserve to know how we got our morphers. It was about a year ago, I still don't get it but Gia was having us take a alternate route to her house and we ended up near some kind of scientist lab." Gia and Emma kept quiet, remembering that day as Kira explained the origin of their powers to the Gokaiger males.


    -Flashback: A year ago, Unknown Scientist Lab-

    While Gia, Kira, and Emma were walking outside the lab, discussing their classes that they had that day, inside the lab, the four test subjects, Troy Burrows, Noah Craver, Jake Holling, and Orion sat in their conjoined room, wondering when they would ever be free. Noah looked at Troy, who was looking out of the window, he was going to ask him something when the guard said they needed to return to testing. Troy sighed and left the window, leading his companions to the lab. The scientists smiled, hoping to make the four into a team stronger than the Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, and Gokaigers.

    Before they could begin the testing, there was a explosion, sending some of the morphers flying. A strange figure appeared, saying that he would make the four his slaves to rule the world. Kira, Gia, and Emma who had been close by and seen the invaders attack, hid behind a wall and watched the events. Gia took notice of the morphers that had flew in their directions, she whispered to Kira, "Kira, we need to do something. Lets use those weird devices." Kira looked at them, and grabbed the yellow stone which became a silver bracelet around her waist while Gia and Emma grabbed the other devices, the trio suddenly felt a surge of power flow through their bodies and their outfits changed.

    Without thinking, they ran toward the figure and began to attack while Troy and his companions grabbed their devices then managed to flee the scene, though Jake looked starry eyed at watching Gia. Watching the events was a mysterious cloaked figure.

    -Present Day: English Class-

    Troy shook his head as he walked into his English class. He wanted to forget what happened a year ago, he and his companions were free from that strange lab and Kira, Gia, and Emma were using their powers to protect the city with the other teams. Troy wished that Jake didn't want to use his powers just to impress Gia, that wasn't the right reason to use them.

    -Advanced Calculus-

    Noah and Orion walked in the Advanced Calculus classroom, also wanting to forget the events of a year ago.Noah looked at Orion who still didn't say anything about his past before the lab. But he was thankful that Orion and Troy found a place for them to live and stretched.


    Jake ran to the boys locker room, ready to get stronger to impress Gia. Though his companions doubted that would ever happen, Jake just smiled and was ready to train for that dream.


    -Drama Classroom-

    "Welcome, everyone." Kuja said, stepping from the mini-stage that was in the classroom. "I am Kuja and I hope you will abide by the rules of my class. Or you will exile from this class like Romeo was exiled from Verona." There was a awkward silence, not only for his little speech but also for his rather unique outfit. Hinako wondered how she got the job of teacher assistant to this class in the first place.

    -French Classroom-

    Sirius was looking over his class, smiling and wondered where Eiji was when he saw Philip enter the class. "What are you doing here, Philip?" He asked, confused. Philip said,"Eiji is busy with something else, so I decided to volunteer instead. I have read many books on the French languages. Hello, everyone. I am Philip, the school librarian." Sirius sighed and took roll call of everyone.


    -Flower Shop-

    "If you're looking for a place to stay, the apartments just above the shop have a spare room." Aerith said, smiling. "If you're willing to help in the shop, than no rent is required."


    -Inisde Government Building-

    "Japan is very beautiful. I'm so happy to be here with you, Olaf, and Elsa." Anna said to Hans, smiling at him. Elsa turned to Kuzco and smiled, giving a small laugh before wondering about things back at Arendelle and Marina.
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo Elementary School: Class 94~

    As Ram and Rom came back into the classroom, Ms. Frizzle was discussing how she visited the Muppets Japan Theater during summer break. "...And the best part were the props from actual shows that you could play around with!" Ms. Frizzle concluded.
    "Wow, that must've been really nice Ms. Frizzle," Pipsqueak replied. "You're so lucky! I wish I could go there," Bonnie added, "I think I watched every Muppet episode and movie with my brother back in France." "Sounds like you're a big fan Bonnie," Sweetie Belle commented. "That's right. I think the Muppets are the one thing that make me feel like I'm back home," Bonnie replied. "Welllll, you're in luck Mademoiselle Bonnie," Ms. Frizzle said, "Because we're going on a field trip to the Muppet Japan Theater!" "Are you serious??!!" Bonnie asked her teacher excitingly. Ms. Frizzle smiled and nodded. "That's so cool! First actual school day and we're already going on a field trip!" Sweetie Belle commented happily. "Did you hear that Dedenne? We're going to a Muppet theater!" Bonnie told her Dedenne. "Deden!" Bonnie's Dedenne happily replied to her. "Awesome! I wonder if any of the Muppets are there," Pipsqueak commented. "Well, you never know little Pipsqueak," Ms. Frizzle replied, winking at the little pony, "Now then class... to the bus!" Pipsqueak, Sweetie Belle, and Bonnie with her Dedenne quickly left their desks and quickly exited the classroom. Max Killian rolled his eyes, and sighed, hoping this field trip wouldn't be boring. He then got up and slowly walked out of the classroom.


    ~Nintendo High School: Drama Classroom~


    "No worries teach," Max told Kuja, "You won't see any rule-breaking from me, a-hyuck." Max quickly covered his mouth when he imitated his father's infamous 'a-hyuck' laugh. 'Me and my big mouth,' an embarrassed Max thought to himself.


    ~Inside Government Building~

    As Judge Philip Banks was looking at the food that was being handed out, Olaf walked over to him. "Hi, I'm Olaf, and I love warm hugs," Olaf said, introducing himself to the judge. "Umm, hello there... Olaf," Banks replied while shaking Olaf's hand, not exactly sure why someone like Olaf was in this event, "And you are here how exactly?" "Oh, I came here with my friends, Elsa, Anna and Hans. Japan's really great!" Olaf replied. "Oh, well, I'm glad you like it here Mr. Olaf," Phillip said. "Yeah, I mean, it's only my first day here, and I'm already loving it a lot more than I thought I would," Olaf added. Meanwhile, back at the table with Prince Hans and Princess Anna, Hans commented, "Yeah, you're right. Japan certainly has a unique beauty not found anywhere else in the world. You know, some call it the land of second chances. Funnily enough, that perfectly describes what happened to me a few years ago here. You see, being the youngest out of thirteen siblings doesn't really give you much authority. It was like one massive door was shut right in front of me. But during a visit to Japan a few years ago, I met people who gave me an opportunity to be a part of something greater. They would eventually become one of my best business partners, and the very reason we've been able to sign this trade agreement today." Elsewhere, Harold Saxon continued his discussions with King Candy. "Your highness, would you mind if we discussed something in private. Perhaps in a room down the hallway?" Harold asked the Middle Eastern monarch. "Ohhohoho, of course Harold, no problem at all," King Candy replied.


    ~Nintendo High School: French Classroom~


    "Umm, bonjour Monsieur Philip," Dick told the librarian, trying to show both Sirius and Philip that he did know some French. Rue simply waved at Philip, and raised her hand when her name was called for the roll call.


    ~Nintendo High School: Advanced Calculus Classroom~


    Once the bell rang, indicating the start of second period, Sully got several sheets of paper, saying, "Morning class. I thought I'd start off today's lesson with a little pop quiz. Don't worry though, they're not graded. They're only for you to see if you can figure out sample problems you'd typically encounter during future lessons. If you have no clue how to do a question, don't worry about it. Just try the best you can. Now then, please pass them around." Sully handed Luna the stack. Taking one sheet out and passing the rest to Loki, who also continued passing the stack around, Luna looked at the questions. Some she thought she could do. Others, not so much. But considering this wasn't even for a grade, Luna didn't mind, and started on the quiz.


    ~Nintendo High School: English Classroom~

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    As the second period bell rang, John Smith faced the class and said, "Morning class. Today we'll be continuing with our lesson from Monday that focuses on Shakespearean sonnets. Please turn your textbooks to page 63." Xion, Vanellope, Gaston, and Trixie all got out their textbooks and turned to the page as instructed by the English teacher.


    ~Nintendo High School: Gym Class~

    ed_by_ker21-d2yxpqi.jpg ed_edd_n_eddy_005_49936.jpg

    Coming out of the locker room with their gym uniforms, Ed and Eddy noticed Jake rushing towards the locker room. "Heh, looks like we're not late," Eddy commented, "Alright Ed, now you're gonna join my team. And make sure to do EVERYTHING I tell you to do, got it?" Ed made a quick salute (and hit himself hard in the head during the process), and told Eddy, "Got it boss."
    Last edited: May 18, 2014
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Flower Shop~

    Harold raised an eyebrow if not, mentally, that was extremely kind of the woman, only way to pay rent was to help out in the shop? it was an interesting proposal to say the least. "Should I take up her offer or just continue to find a suitable accommodation" Harold considered in his thoughts, it would be nice to have company than live in a house all alone, plus he bet the house elves kept it tidy and so, but a quiet place would be kind of boring, he decided what to do.

    "Sure, I'll take you up on that." Harold said finally after a few minutes pause before he felt the magic in the air, something was obviously lingering in this settlement, he didn't recognize the magic behind it but it was there, he stared at the woman, there was something about her that was almost like a magnet, her body wasn't saturated with magic, more like... contained, was it another Stone?

    "No, Uncle Nicolas said the he never created another stone, the one he gave Dumbledore was a fake, and I have that Stone tucked away," Harold concluded, course, he kept that knowledge a secret, after all, if anyone found out it truly existed and wasn't just a myth, he'd paint a big target on his head by all people who desire eternal youth and the ability to make anything out of gold, even royalty.

    "Well, show me around and I'll get started miss...?" Harold trailed off.

    ~Nurse's Office~

    Haruto came if not, quickly when eh heard Koyomi collapsed and recharged her mana through the Please Ring, concerned.

    ~Outside government building~

    Marvelous listened to the story. "I see... seems like there's still idiots who mess with powers that aren't of this world." Marvelosu said albeit seriously. "Zordon probably needs to know the details about this." he added in.

    ~Demonology Class, Session 2~

    Vergil had give a slight smirk as students exited looking slightly paler than when they first arrived, of course he wasn't that cruel, if students under a certain age came into his classroom, he'd tone the violence and graphical images of the book, he didn't fancy getting the Board of Directors or the headmaster on his tailcoats by scarring underage children, it would give them nightmares or something, so for the younger audiences, he begrudgingly tone them of less horrifying creatures, for the oldest students in the school year, well, they;s just say pale white children came out after seeing what the most dangerous creatures of the Netherworld had in ti's deepest depths, he quite enjoyed seeing them try and compare theirselves to Conqueror of the Fire Hell, Belial. it was amusing to say the least.
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo University: Meeting Room~


    Marius had set up a meeting with his college political group to discuss the upcoming elections in Japan for Prime Minister, and to plan with his group on convincing students on campus to register to vote, as well as encouraging others to vote for Harold Saxon. While Marius was busy speaking to his group, Marius's roommate, Brock, was busy doing Marius a favor by preparing food for the group in the room. "... And so, we must do whatever we can to ensure the reign of Harriet Jones ends this year! This November, make sure to vote for the candidate who will put Japan back on track! Vote... for Harold Saxon!" Marius said, ending his speech to his political group, which was greeted with an applause from the students attending, "Now then, I'm sure you're all hungry. Luckily, my good friend Brock had enough free time to come and prepare an appetizing meal for us all. Enjoy!" As the students walked over to tables with food, Marius approached Brock. "Brock, I just wanted to thank you once again for this, especially considering your views on politics. It really means a lot to me personally," Marius told Brock. "No problem Marius. After all, what're friends for?" Brock replied. Marius smiled in return, appreciating Brock's loyalty. Meanwhile, while noticing the many students in attendance, Brock noticed one of the students was an attractive girl around his age. Seizing the moment, Brock rushed towards the girl, held her hand, and with his face red, began to flirt, "Hi, I'm Brock. I don't usually vote in elections, but you certainly have my vote for the most beautiful eyes on campus." The girl was shocked by the way Brock was acting, and wasn't sure how to respond. Face-palming, Marius grabbed Brock's ear, and dragged him away from the girl. "My apologies for Romeo over here Miss," Marius told the girl.


    ~Inside Government Building (Private Room)~


    Once Saxon and King Candy entered an empty private room away from the banquet, Harold said, "Here we are your highness. Now then, onto business. I was hoping... oh dear, what's that on your head?" "Huh, oh dear, what is it?" Candy asked, not sure what Harold was referring to. Observing King Candy's head for a few seconds, Harold Saxon pulled a strand of hair from the monarch's head. "Oh, never mind. False alarm. It was just hair," Harold Saxon said as he walked over to a closet in the room. "Ohhohoho, what a relief," King Candy replied as he placed his drink on a table, "You can eat it if you want. My hair is made of cotton candy. Sugar-free though."

    "You don't say..." Harold commented as he slowly opened the closet, and making sure King Candy wasn't looking, gave the strand of hair to someone's hand inside. Once Harold closed the closet door, King Candy asked, "Now then Harold, what did you want to talk about?" "Ah, that's right... I almost forgot," Saxon replied, "Your highness, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, I was hoping the proud nation of Kuwait would provide supplies such as weapons, money, and oil to the Crystal Order." After a few seconds, King Candy laughed hard at what Harold asked, thinking it was a joke. "Ohhohoho, good one Mr. Saxon. Asking me to provide help to the very group your government swore to destroy. You are such a kidder, hehe," King Candy cried, still laughing. Harold Saxon, however, wasn't laughing. Instead, he silently grinned, as though there was more to what he said. "H-Harold?" King Candy said, noticing the Interior Minister's strange behavior. Suddenly, the closet door opened, and out came what appeared to be a doppelganger of King Candy...


    Harold, what's going on?" King Candy asked.
    "Surprised? I think you should be," the doppelganger said. King Candy was so shocked he didn't have the energy to speak. Walking over to King Candy, Harold Saxon said, "I told you your highness, the Crystal Order is in need of supplies from an oil-rich country such as Kuwait. Reason I'm asking you for this is because... spoiler alert... my step-daddy happens to be the leader of the Crystal Order. Oh yeah, true story. But knowing your commitment in fighting the group, you weren't the kind of person we wanted running a country like Kuwait. So that's where Turbo right here comes in. You see, Turbo has the ability to change his form to other individuals, and even retains their voices. He could run your country, and no one could even tell he's a fake. But... it comes with one itty bitty little problem. You see, in order for him to remain like this, he needs a piece of your DNA, like a strand of hair, replaced every week. Hence why we need you alive." King Candy couldn't believe the words he just heard, as well as the fact that Harold Saxon, a high ranking official in the Japanese government and candidate for Japanese Prime Minister, was associated with the Crystal Order. Noticing the door on his left, King Candy rushed towards it, and tried opening it, but it was locked. "Oh, trying to leave already your highness? I didn't even introduce you to my other friends," Harold said as he snapped his fingers, and two creatures appeared out of nowhere next to Candy, and grabbed the Middle Eastern monarch. "Allow me to introduce you to the Crystal Order's allies, our compadres, our partners in crime, whatever you want to call them... the S-types." "Y-you won't get away with this!" King Candy said before being teleported away with the S-types. Grabbing King Candy's drink, Turbo and Harold Saxon both raised their glasses, with Turbo saying, "Turbo-tastic." Turbo and Saxon then left the room, and headed back into the banquet, with the rest of the guests unaware of what had transpired inside that room.
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