RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; turn.” Tuki Shinema went through the steps involved with her dance number with tender and determined care. Her hands were laid one on top of the other as she made a pencil turn in costume. Lights were on, the space was reserved and clear, and her Flapper outfit was tailored and ready for her next big picture “Songwise”, but nobody was there to watch. It was just her in retro clothing, as a girl of sixteen perfected her lead dance number. “Swipe left foot, heel, toe, heel, flap, toe; swipe right foot, heel, toe, heel, spin-Woop!” She miscalculated and landed flat on her rear. “And that: is why you practice out of sight.” She told herself as she blew a drooping black feather out of her face. Physically, the young starlet was trim, pretty, and radiant in youth; her raven hair and her icy blue eyes were mere accents to the sheer beauty of her personage. He stepped up back onto her feet and walked briskly over to the CD player to restart the track, but was impede by the peculiar feeling she as being watched. Her eye narrowed sharply. “It’s quiet… too quite…” She stated with biting emphasis as she turned with lightning speed just in time to catch the arm of an assailant as they tried to pounce on her. Tuki Shinema bore a look of contempt and surprise in one as she faced her masked pursuer. “Yamasko!”

    “Yes, it is I, Yamasko, poacher of wandering souls. I have found you at last, Noibatgirl.” He was a phantom cloaked in a black cloud of cloth; a mystery behind a blank-faced, golden mask.

    Tuki audibly gasped. “How did you know?!” She made a swift kick to the side of Yamasko’s head; an attempt to dislodge the mask that kept his identity a secret.

    “You will soon find out soon enough, Noibat…wait…” Yamasko succeeded in catching her kick in mid-air, proving her attempt a folly before his folly prompted a reaction from a nearby third-party.

    “CUUUUUUUUUT!!” Director Noel Shoecarver waved his arms from his chair, bringing the scene to a close. “You will find out soon enough, Noibatgirl.” He read directly from the script as Yamasko willingly removed his on mask.

    Veteran actor Jack Kennedy shook his head in his shrouded costume, holding his golden mask in hand. “Sorry, Noel. Just lost my motivation for a moment.”

    “Well hold onto it! Because “Noivernman & Noibatgirl is going to smash hit.” Noel proclaimed from the Director’s chair. “Positions. Roll film, Action!” The scene progressed until the end of the days shoot, thus concluding Tuki Shinema’s required scenes for the picture. Essentially, as she left the sound stage to catch a quick bite and a can of lemonade from the vending machine upstairs in the movie theater. She took her lemonade and BLT back to her private dressing room and crashed onto her couch after changing out of her Noibatgirl-as-a-flapper costume and into a pink tank-top with a silhouette of an Audino on the front and grey shorts. She had not had her feet up for five minutes before a rapping sounded from her door. She moaned her discontent and opened the door to find the owner of Pokéstar Studios, Mr. Stu Deeoh.

    “Tuki, Dahling, name ya price and you’ll get it. It’s tha last time I’ll ask, I promise.” His curly blond hair seemed to be missing save for a ring of it circling his cranium and his purple suit was finely pressed, but the look of pitiable sadness on his face led Tuki to believe that he was ten seconds from kneeling to beg for Tuki to stay at the Studio that had employed her for years. It was the third “last” time he swore to stop asking for the young actress to not go on a performance hiatus to attend Nintendo High. Tuki shook her head.

    “Tutors may be enough for Pokemon, but not for me. I want to live a normal life, in a normal school for change.” She tried to reason with the sobbing studio manager.

    Stu Deeoh’s mood improved, but from sad to pointedly concerned. “Have you seen the news recently, dahling? If you want “normal”, then Nintendo High is the last place you should go.”

    Tuki responded by giving a cold, blank stare and said with sarcasm in no short supply, “I am Yamasko… Poacher of Wandering Souls…”

    Deeoh rolled his eyes. “Alright, so no one in writin’ is tryin’ anymah. You still gotta stay at the studio!”

    “No one’s trying in directing either. Or acting. Or anything. It’s not a challenge anymore. I need to get away for a little while.”

    “The problem is: I can’ let you do that though!” Deeoh tried to contend, but wound up a sobbing wreck on the red interior carpet. “Please. I’m beggin’ here.” Deeoh pleaded emphatically.
    Tuki bowed her head in grief. “I didn’t want it to come to this, but you leave me no choice.” She lifted a stashed chocolate bar, hidden in the armrest of her couch, to her lips, ready to take the first calorie-ridden bite in front of Deeoh.

    “Wait, you think this is about marketing?” Stu Deeoh’s head lifted up, his sobs ceasing before he burst out laughing. “Eat a dozen, dahling. We have an army of other size zeroes like you and thinner ones besides them. The reason I’m here though, is that out of all them, you’re the only one with heart in this broken town.”

    “Zubat drops, Mr. Deeoh, it’s all marketing here.”

    “And what is wrong with keepin’ a good image, might I ask?” Stu stood, his shiny dome glistening in the light as his paunch pressed against his purple waistcoat. “Well, for the images that actually get seen anyway.” He sighed. “Okay, so Noivernman and Noibatgirl is a studio sell out. What do you expect? Elite Four member Grimsley, as the rich tycoon slash crime fighter, the buddin’ stahlet, Tuki Shinema, as his daring young ward, and Brycen the Icirris city Gym leader, as the frozen villain who teams up with the plant-based villain, played by Gym Leader Erika from Kanto no less. It’s flashy and inexpensive because half the cast make enough money not being actors and want to see their names in lights, and it is going to make everyone involved very rich whether or not it even sells. Hey, you’re talkin’ to the man who’d never have signed this at all if not for-”

    “Spare the warning not to ever play cards with Noel Shoecarver; I’ve heard it too many times Mr. Deeoh.”

    “Point taken. Okay, fine, Tuki. I get it. I can’t get you to not leave, but at least take me on my offer of a gift from the studios for years of excellent service to the arts. After all, it’s dangerous to go alone.”

    Tuki was exasperated. “Fine.” She gave it some thought, and came to conclusion that Stu Deeoh was actually being sincere… maybe even about all the fluff about heart. She put her heart into the work, but was getting tired of it always being the money and not the craft that had the spotlight.

    TUKI received EGGS from MR. DEEOH…

    “We’ll have you flown ovah straight away. Tokyo, awaits, dahling, and you’ll want to get your affaihs in ordah befah school resumes. Good luck, kid. Tokyo’s a tough town. And that’s me sayin’ dat.” Mr. Deeoh chuckled before leaving the room, allowing for Tuki to pack in solitude.

    A part of her was glad she was able to go in peace, but another part of her was dealing with the fact that she had viewed the situation of her passing wrong. As she zipper up her bag, ready for her journey, she felt guilty for not realizing she wasn’t just viewed as bait for audiences like she thought. She contended by leaving a note on her dressing room door as she left for what could easily be the last time through its portal.

    “Dear, Mr. Deeoh
    Looking forward to working with you again.
    Tuki Shinema, Pokémon Trainer”

    She looked from the note paper to her bag containing the eggs she had received. They were no ordinary eggs; they were Pokémon eggs. She was getting her own Pokémon, instead of rentals. She didn’t quite know why, but the thought of the potential life made her smile from ear to ear as she headed outside.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Empty Area-

    After Sailor Jupiter fell to her knees, gasping for air. Fourze looked at himself in surprise, due enduring the force of Jupiter's attack by holding out the rob to absorb it, his suit had turned gold with small images of lighting bolts. Kengo was surprised and asked, "How?" "What? Oh! I guess I realized when I befriended Makoto-chan, I needed to try and befriend the element she represents in her Sailor form." Gentaro said, trying to explain as he detransformed. Kengo remembered that the attack Jupiter kept using was both a lighting and thunder attack and gave a small smile. Gentaro smiled and said, "Well, we have someone else to see. So, see you later, Makoto-chan!"

    Makoto waved as she walked away to her apartment, as soon as she was out of sight, Kengo and Gentaro used their teleporters to head to Kimberly's apartment after going to a flower shop.


    -Kimberly's Apartment-

    Kimberly began to relax when she heard a knock on her door and saw Gentaro with a bouquet of various flowers while Kengo had a single flower. "Oh, thank you, you guys, for coming over like this." she said, letting them in. Gentaro said, "We wanted to make sure you were doing okay.""I'm fine, but thank you, Gentaro." Kimberly said. Kengo gave her the flower, saying, "Here. I know it won't change what Tsukasa said, but I thought you would like it." Kimberly smiled, holding it before having a brief look of regret which Kengo noticed.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    "I hope you two like them. I worked really hard to make them look that." Hermione said, looking a little embarrassed. Philip looked through the rest he had in his hand, and smiled, putting the Luna one around her neck, much to her surprise. Hiding a smile, Hermione took a breath and told them what they had figured, "There haven't been any costumers today. I guess the new sign hasn't been attracting a lot of people. Philip and I worked so hard on it, too."


    -Ramen Stand-

    Teddie sat down and ordered his bowl, licking his lips as he smelled the sweet aroma. He listened to the conversation between Minato, Naoto, and Yu while sitting and waiting. When he got his bowl, Teddie immediately began to eat. smiling as he slurped the noodles through the chopsticks. Enjoying the delicious flavor, he immediately ordered another bowl.


    -Abandoned Shop-

    Kazari looked out the window and kept quiet, his reflection being his true Greeed form. He wondered how his new Yummy was doing.


    -Ankh and Eiji-

    "Is everything okay with Ankh?" Hina asked, as she munched on her ice cream. Eiji sighed and said, "Apparently, there is a Yummy out there but we don't know who the host is or where it is. I'm just hoping that is no one we know." Hina kept quiet as she munched on her ice cream, Eiji was worried that whoever it was that had the Yummy, unaware that it was someone that he knew.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    "Frollo, good to see you again. I am sorry that Vaan and I were not able to attend the memorial and hear that interesting speech you made." Ashe said, standing to talk with the archdeacon. Vaan stood and said, "Yeah, we heard it caused such a uproar, you were pretty much asking everyone to join the church." "It did seem like you had that ability to know what the people were thinking and helped them let it out, archdeacon." Larsa said, smiling as he stood with them. Karin just listened, surprised that they were pretending to be glad to see him when she had been told they each had their own hate for him.
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets [Mario Bros.]~​
    Mario placed his hand up and looked at Dan with a serious expression. "Look, it's kinda gonna be impossible if those who were involved in the battle knew the truth about the S-Types." He calmly started to roll down the window with his blue gaze focused on Dan. "I mean we won't tell anyone of course, but eventually the truth will come clearly, come on Luigi...let's go! This will be our stop now so thanks for the chat." Mario then grabbed his brother's shirt collar and jumped out the window of the moving vehicle before landing on a sidewalk about two miles away from their home. Luigi shook his head repeatedly with a shocked expression on his face shouting loudly. "Mario! You could have just killed us by pulling that stunt!" Mario sighed and placed his hands on his stomach. "Luigi, I'm getting hungry...I hope Mama made us lots of pasta!" Luigi immediatly facepalmed before the two started to walk home together, neither brother having no idea what would happen next as they saw a twinkle in the sky. Mario and Luigi started to quickly run towards their home with smiles on their faces...that was until that twinkle in the sky landed smackdab on top of Luigi knocking him to the ground. Hearing the thud and Luigi groaning Mario quickly turned around with his eyes spotting the small crater where Luigi laid. Luigi opened his sapphire gaze only to see a blurry and blobby mess of light-blonde hair, his eyes slowly started to focus in before he noticed that the blobby mess was infact a girl. Luigi's eyes slowly looked down before he noticed that her lips was touching his, this was met with the girl opening her light-blue eyes and noticing the same thing. The two then screamed in panic as they jumped away from each other with confusion on their faces.​
    "Well, I didn't see this coming at all!" Mario said with a shocked expression as he blinked. Luigi stood up with his fists raised at the sky. "OH COME ON! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" It was then that the girl blinked and spoke up in a soft and caring tone as she floated off the ground. "Excuse me, but...can you two help me?" This simple question made the brothers blink in shock. "Mario?" "Yeah Luigi?" "Did that girl just fall from the sky and float off the ground?" "Luigi, considering the fact that we live in a area where powers and talking animals are normal. You of all people are shocked at that sight." "Mario, people don't fall out of the sky and act like that." The girl calmly blinked before she made a small smile as the brothers continued before turning to face her. "Alright, we'll help you" Luigi then scratched the back of his head looking confused. "It's name is Rosalina." "Oh well my name is Luigi and that is my brother Mario" Mario looked at Rosalina and raised his hand out to her. "If you need somewhere to stay then I'm sure our parents would let you stay at our place." Gently grabbing Mario's hand Rosalina smiled. "Thank you both..." "Um, are we going to explain this to Mama and Papa?" "Leave that to me Luigi." With that out of the way the two brothers started to walk down the street with Rosalina following them silently from the rear.​
    ~Coffee Shop [Noire]~​
    "It's because even though we are goddesses we are not primped or pampered, all of us are just like regular people and enjoy some of the mundane things. One of the things we enjoy is video games, I on the other hand also have a liking in music." Noire explained as she pursed her lips and blushed slightly in embaressment. "I know you probably get this alot from your fans but...I really love your music. Your music speaks to me and helps me deal with my stress." Receiving her coffee Noire started to calmly drink it, relief going through her body as it started to loosen up from the battle. "That was hell on my body. Thank you for the coffee."
    Metal Sonic 3.0 stood within the crowded train with glowing red eyes watching the people crowd onto the train. His gaze immediatly spotted Reiko's familiar shape, hair, and even body. 3.0 pulled out a small black device and attached it to his ears. "Hey, can you hear me? It's Metal 3.0, That strange girl from Akita's just boarded the train. What do you want me to do?" A male voice then started to speak up through the device on 3.0's head. "I will be there shortly, Wait until I get there and do not do anything to disturb her. I need to see her power for myself." "Of course, I will wait for further instructions. Although what is with you and power anyway."
    ~Gadd Science~​
    E. Gadd facepalmed before Peppy quickly explained to Jack. "Oh nothing, we were just discussing the recent Pokemon found and fought within Toshima a moment ago." Peppy turned and signaled to Phil to not say a word as E. Gadd smiled and placed his hands together. "Yes, it's nothing real important so why don't you go on ahead and get out of here. Nothing to see here." Vexen facepalmed at Peppy and E. Gadd's attempt at lying to Jack before pursing his lips. "Yes, and then we were about to watch a game on TV once Miss Uzuki returns with the pizza!"
    ~Hospital: Room 358~​
    Peach and Kairi had already entered the hospital and had arrived at Room 358 again. Gently opening the door the two girls walked inside and looked at Xion. Peach smiled and clasped her hands together. "It seems like you're feeling better. I'm sorry for what has happened though." Kairi calmly sat down in a chair with her sapphire eyes staring at Xion with a smile on her face. "I'm really happy that you're awake Xion." Kairi's smile dropped though as her head slumped down. "Xion....I've been through a lot, and I found out about what happened to you." Looking at Kairi in concern Peach frowned. "Kairi, we can't tell her about what happened in Toshima. They could send someone after all of us." Kairi sighed placing a hand on her forehead. "We have already went too far down the rabbit hole, might as well explain it to Xion and get it done with."
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Gadd Science~


    "Well, there you go. Just Pokemon," Phil told Jack, "Lets leave." Phil then proceeded towards the exit, assuming Peppy and Jack were following him as well.


    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Ed, Edd, and Eddy were on their way to Scrooge McDuck's Ice Cream Shoppe, intending to buy sea-salt ice-ceam with the money they made by selling low quality pitchforks and torches to the rioters earlier in the day. "Do not adjust your television set," Ed told to the KHV members reading this post."Umm, Ed, we're not on TV this time. This is actually an RP post," Double D corrected Ed. "Oh, right Double D," Ed replied, turning his attention back to the KHV members to say what he really meant to say, "In case of an emergency landing, locate the exit closest to you." Double D simply rolled his eyes at Ed's stupidity. Meanwhile, Eddy was carrying around a jar of coins, staring at it as though it were a holy grail. "Guys, we sure hit the jackpot today! I think we've got enough money to buy ourselves ice-cream till we go back to school on Friday. And it was all thanks to those suckers!" Eddy happily commented. "Don't you mean 'customers' Eddy?" Double D said. "'Customers', 'Suckers.' 'Tomato', 'Tomato,' is there really a difference?" Eddy answered. "I still can't believe you took advantage of those rioters' feelings for profit," Double D replied. "Sheesh Double D, no one was killed," Eddy said. "But people were hur-" Double D said before being cut off by Ed. "Look guys, we're here!" Ed shouted, pointing to Scrooge McDuck's shop. "Sea-salt ice-cream, here I come!" Eddy yelled as he ran towards the shop...


    Scrooge McDuck's Ice Cream Shoppe was a rather small ice-cream shop close to Taco Bell and Nintendo High School. Many varieties of ice-cream were sold there, like Royalberry, Rockin' Crunch, and Double Crunch. But the most popular one sold was sea-salt ice-cream, a favorite among the many customers who regularly come to McDuck's shop. "Ach, well if it isn't the Ed boys. Ed, Edd, and Eddy. What can I get for ye boys today?" Scrooge McDuck asked. "Three sea-salt ice-creams Mr. McDuck," Eddy replied. "Alright. That'll be 75 yen. Moogles, three sea-salts!" McDuck said, ordering the three Moogles that work for him to get the ice-cream. "On the way, kupo!" one of the Moogles responded. Within two minutes, the sea-salt ice-creams were ready. After paying 75 yen to Scrooge McDuck, the Eds continued walking through the streets of Tokyo, enjoying their ice-cream. "This sure is the life, isn't it boys?" Eddy commented. "If you say so Eddy," Double D replied, consuming his ice-cream at a modest pace. Ed, on the other hand, quickly gobbled up his ice-cream (even swallowing the stick!), and continued licking his hand with his rather long tongue, simply saying "Yum!"


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "Yes, I do believe I was rather speaking on behalf of the people upset with what happened yesterday," Frollo commented, "But I assure you, I truly did not expect the people would start acting the way they did. However, I wasn't surprised the slightest by what happened. People were killed yesterday. The leader of this country failed to protect her own people. History is simply repeating itself. It happened with the revolutions in America, France, and more recently, Egypt and other Arab countries. Never underestimate the power of the people. By the way, I wasn't inviting anyone to join the church with my speech. I was merely returning a personal favor from the Interior Minister himself. He told me to simply let out all my thoughts at the memorial. Granted, I don't trust him either, but I he invited me, and I had to respect his wishes." Listening to what Frollo said, Aldrich Killian smirked, realizing the cleverness of Harold Saxon and Al Mualim. Noticing the time on his watch, he noticed that he was getting late for the initiation of new members into the Crystal Order tonight. So he rushed towards the exit of the cathedral, but intending to come here more often.


    ~Toshima District: Battle Site~

    While inspecting the perimeter, Fitz's drone was able to pick up a couple of items that could be valuable. Fitz and Simmons then received a call from Osgood, who was in the JIA headquarters...


    "Fitz, Simmons, have you been able to locate anything?" Osgood asked. "Well, Bashful did pick up quite a few things. Most of it is probably useless debris, but there is some sort of round item that it found," Fitz said. "Oh, and we also picked up some traces of S-type skin," Simmons added. "Perfect, we'll see if we can ID some potential suspects from the remains," Osgood said before hanging up.


    ~Hospital: Room 358~

    "Kairi, good to see you! You too Peach," Xion said as the two girls entered Xion's hospital room, "Your parents were here not too long ago with my parents. They all had to leave to take care of some things." Xion was alone in the room when Kairi and Peach entered. It was just Xion, in her hospital bed, watching CNN coverage of the events in Toshima. When her cousin mentioned that she knew what happened to her, while mentioning Toshima, a confused Xion said, "Wait a sec... Me? Toshima?" Before Kairi could answer, the door opened, and Xion's four friends all appeared in a joyous manner....


    "SURPRISE!!!!" they all yelled. Luna was carrying a flower bouquet, and gave it to Xion, saying "These are for you." "There so lovely, thank you Luna, thank you everyone," Xion said, smelling the flowers, and putting the bouquet beside her. Once she did that, Vanellope ran towards Xion and hugged her tight. Smiling, Xion hugged Vanellope as well, and said,"Vanellope, don't worry, I'm fine. And it's all thanks to you after all. You were the one who found me in that alley." "HIt's just, when I found you, I thought you were..." Vanellope said, not being able to say the dreadful last word. "Vanellope, I'm still here, and you are all. That's all that matters," Xion replied. She then grabbed the medal that Vanellope left with Xion when she was unconscious. "By the way, I believe this is yours," Xion said, handing Vanellope her medal. Vanellope shook her head, and gave it back to Xion, saying, "No, it's yours. I don't need it anymore." Glancing at the medal, Xion smiled and nodded, and wore the medal around her neck. "I think it looks good on you," Loki commented. "Thanks Loki," Xion replied, "By the way, what were you guys up to while I was sleeping?" Trying to think of a good way to tell Xion about Toshima, Thor noticed that the TV was showing CNN coverage of what happened in Toshima. "Would you believe me if I said there?" Thor said, pointing to the television screen. Realizing that this was what Kairi meant by Toshima, Xion was stunned. "Oh my God! What were you guys thinking?" Xion yelled. "Xion, it's not exactly what you think," Luna said, "We found out what attacked you thanks to MP Toadsworth. Then those things kidnapped Kairi and Peach. And then we followed them to Toshima, and the-" "Woah, woah, woah," Xion said, cutting off Luna, "So I was attacked by some new Pokemon species?" Reading the main headline on CNN 'Pokemon Attack', Thor guessed that those creatures really were Pokemon, and said, "It looks like it, but don't you remember what happened?" Xion shook her head, and said, "No. All I remember was meeting you guys at school yesterday. Then everything up to the point I woke up is a complete blank. Which was why I was surprised when I found myself waking up in a hospital. But I gotta ask, how were Kairi and Peach kidnapped by those Pokemon?" "It happened when we all were investigating the same alley you were found in," Loki answered. Sighing, Xion said, "Guys, I'm glad you all care for me deeply, I really appreciate it. But you can't go risking your lives for me. This should've been a job for the police, not you." "Did someone say police?" a female voice asked. Turning their attention to the entrance to the room, Xion and her friends noticed Officer Jenny standing there with Doctor Hu.


    "Hello Xion. Good to see all your friends again," Doctor Hu said, greeting everyone inside. "Hello Doctor Hu. Is something wrong," Xion asked. "I just need to ask you a few questions, but I need to do it privately," Officer Jenny answered. "Can it wait just a little bit more?" Xion asked. Smiling Officer Jenny said, "Ok Xion, but five minutes only. After that, I need everyone but yourself out of the room. Just a few questions. Won't take long, I promise." "Thanks," Xion replied as Officer Jenny and Doctor Hu left the room.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    "Amazing," Xehanort commented, gazing at the massive secret underground facility that was the headquarters of the Crystal Order. "Welcome to our sanctuary Xehanort. There are many smaller Crystal Order cells found all over the world. But this is location is our heart, the very center of the Order. It is here new members are initiated into our brotherhood," Al Mualim said. "Master!" a voice called out to Al Mualim...


    It was Rassilon, who had a rather troubled look. "Rassilon, what is it?" Al Mualim asked. "I'm sure you heard about Astral," Rassilon commented. "Yes, of course... show me," Al Mualim replied before turning his attention back to Xehanort, "Now then Xehanort, I need to check up on something. Make yourself at home. I'll be back shortly." Xehanort nodded, and Al Mualim then followed Rassilon to see how Astral was doing after the Toshima battle.


    ~Skye's Aprtment~


    With CNN still covering the 'Pokemon Incident' in Toshima, Skye decided to give a little present to the citizens of Japan, and the world. She began to hack into the Japanese government, the JIA, and any other institution that might have valuable information related to Toshima. Even for some of the best hackers in the world, doing such a thing would be almost impossible. Not for Skye though. After retrieving a bunch of documents, Skye decided to upload them throughout many different places on the internet. Reddit, 4chan, YouTube, and the list goes on and on. Pretty soon, the world would then find out the truth about Toshima. Little did she know, it was more than just Toshima the world was going to find out about...


    ~CNN Broadcast~

    "This is CNN Breaking News" a voice said as the broadcast went back to Wolf Blitzer...


    "Good evening, I'm Wolf Blitzer. We want to make a massive correction to a recent news event. According to government sources, the creatures that appeared in Toshima were supposedly a new Pokemon species. Now, we're getting reports of massive leaks of government documents revealing that those creatures were actually called S-types. We'll have more on this developing story once we get more information. Stay tuned," Wolf said as CNN cut to a commercial break.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ramen Place:

    Minato and Minako devoured bowl after bowl of ramen like they were glasses of water. Naoto's face creased in displeasure as she watched the pair eat. "This is worse than watching Senpai eat that beef bowl." Pharos chuckled lightly at Yu's mutterings, "But eventually they do." He poked at his food with disinterest, "You said something that I feel like I should've remembered before....but I can't recall anything like it. A Shadow named Izanami gave you your power?" he lifted his hand and stared at it, "So there are Shadows that weren't man-made. Hmm...I wonder what that means my purpose is now." That serene smile returned to his face, "After all, I was only created to bring about the End." Blue eyes stared at Yu the more he spoke, "Are you sure your friends will make it in time for the End?"

    Tokyo Cathedral:

    Satomi Rio looked up when Yang spoke to him, but his attention lie on Frollo. Yatsufusa growled low as Aldrich passed him, "The stench of evil is not something that washes off with a few minutes spent inside Holy grounds." Though his words were directed at Aldrich, he spoke loud enough that his voice filled the cathedral. Turning to Yang, Satomi folded his arms and stood, "Actually, I was intending to send someone from the Church to do some hard labor around here. There's an old building not far from the High School that was used as a criminals' hideout recently. I have a favor to ask of you, Yang Fang Leiden." He pulled out a picture from his pocket and held it up, "This is the boy. Inue Shinobu," the picture showed a white haired, blue eyed boy no older than twelve, "He will be alone. If I could acquire you to look after him during his job...." He let his words hang as their meaning was quite clear. "I can pay you, if that's what's holding you back."

    Toshima District:

    Crunching over broken pieces of rubble from the battle, a brunette eyed the pair of scientists chattering away. Setting a briefcase down on the ground, the brunette tucked his hands into his pockets, "You two don't belong here. Being so close to the Igra Tournament is dangerous. Especially to those not entered." Nudging the briefcase with his foot, he settled brown eyes on the pair, "Toshima's not like it used to be. Igra's taint spreads, day by day...and there are things like what happened here. S-Type...there's a word I haven't heard in a while."

    Coffee shop:

    Ranmaru scowled at Noire, turning his face away as she spouted praises. "I don't talk to girls this much. They're annoying." Flustered by her flattery, Ranmaru took a drink of his coffee, burning his tongue on the hot liquid. "Listen, I didn't bring you here to chat about my music or whatever else you do in your free time. That Goddess crap better not be a lie, young lady. I owe a favor to a demon named Sly Blue. He's been calling in that favor recently and I tracked down the person he's been asking about. Someone named Sei is living with you. I need you to give him this message or find a way for me to get in your house without being seen to give it to him myself."


    Reiko half turned, feeling a stare on her back and located the source of her discomfort. 'That would be 3.0. Because it's here and obviously staring at me, it has to be here to take me out of the picture. I would do the same thing if I were in its position,' she allowed a small smile to spread across her lips, 'You picked the wrong girl to follow home, 3.0. All I need is the head...don't damage the head.'
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Flynn's Arcade~


    Kevin Flynn was alone in his arcade, watching nonstop CNN coverage of the events in Toshima. Once the news broke out of a leak of government documents that revealed the name of the creatures in Toshima, Kevin began to pay very close attention to what was being said...


    "Welcome back to CNN," Wolf Blitzer said as the commercial break ended, "If you're just joining us, we have now come across many leaked government documents that are naming the creatures that appeared in Toshima as S-types. We've tried contacting government sources on this matter, and we were told that the creatures are indeed a new species of Pokemon, and that the name 'S-type' is indeed what they are being officially named. And when asked about the nature of the government leaks and who might've done it, we simply received a 'no comment,' reply." There could only be one person who would've been able to leak all those government documents anonymously, Flynn thought to himself. He decided to go right to her straight away. Kevin then turned off all the lights in the arcade. Going outside, he locked the doors while leaving a 'Back in 30 minutes' sign, and proceeded on his way to Skye.


    ~Tokyo International Airport: Arrivals Area~


    Getting off his plane, Anthony started walking gleefully through the Tokyo airport, thinking rather silly thoughts. "Oh wow, I can't believe I finally made it to Japan, the perfect place to start my Pokemon journey. I can start with the Kanto region. After that, Johto, then Hoenn, and finally Sinnoh. Then I go back to good ole USA and start a new journey in the Unova region on the east coast.," he thought to himself, "Then I go to the Kalos region in Europe, and after that-

    OOC: At this point, Roxam was about to reveal the name of the Gen VII region that was supposed to be kept a secret for a few years. But before he could finish writing Anthony's thoughts, thugs working for Nintendo and GameFreak broke into Roxam's home, and threatened to force him to sit through post-2006 English dub episodes of the Pokemon anime unless he kept his mouth shut about the Gen VII region. Not wanting to go through the torture of watching those episodes, Roxam signed a contract, promising not to reveal the Gen VII region name. And Roxam then continued to rp happily ever after. Now back to the adventures of Anthony...

    Continuing on his trek through Tokyo International Airport, Anthony noticed a familiar face from Northern California, a face that he had hoped he wouldn't have to see again...


    It was the Metrosexual Hipster, Anthony's arch nemesis from back home, standing still as always, waiting for someone to pass in front of him so he can challenge that person to a Pokemon match. "I don't believe it," a distraught Anthony commented. "Don't believe what?" a familiar voice asked. Turning around, Anthony noticed yet another person he remember from home...


    "What the... What are you doing here?" Anthony asked the old man from his neighborhood. "Well for your information, I'm here collecting inheritance money left by my deceased third cousin's brother's wife's step-niece's great aunt, twice removed. She died yesterday during the Abductor incident," the old man said. "Oh yeah, heard about that. Sorry for your loss," Anthony said. "Sorry? For what? I hated that b***!" the old man replied, "And now I'm rich! I couldn't be more happier!" "Umm okay... So could you tell me what to do with that freak standing over there," Anthony asked. "Isn't obvious by now? You gotta face him in a Pokemon match. What else does it look like you freakin' jackass," the old man replied as he walked away. Sighing, Anthony guessed that he had no other choice but to go through the same old process with the Metrosexual Hipster. Walking in front of him, the Metrosexual Hipster went from standing motionless to jumping around and pointing his fingers at Anthony.

    "You looked at m-" the Metrosexual Hipster said before being cut off by Anthony. "Look, just cut the crap. I know exactly what you were going say. Lets just get this over with," Anthony said. "Alrighty then. LETS BATTLE!!!" the Metrosexual Hispter yelled.

    OOC: To be continued...


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    "Who was responsible?" Al Mualim asked as he and Rassilon continued on their way to see how Astral was doing. "Two young brothers," Rassilon replied, "Their names are Mario and Luigi." Hearing those names, Al Mualim suddenly halted, and shouted "WHAT?!" "You know them?" Rassilon asked. "They're new students at my school. Italian, and not very bright," Al Mualim answered, "But I was certain their files said no powers. I read them myself." "Could be an new thing for them. For some, powers may only start developing during their late teenage years. But either way, this is very interesting," Rassilon said. Al Mualim nodded, and the two continued on their way to check up on Astral.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    A few seconds ago, Davy Jones was standing in a tavern in Somalia. Now, he was standing in the Crystal Order headquarters all the way in Japan. And it was all thanks to Haytham Kenway. Kenway had the unique ability to go from one place in the world to another within a second or two. And he could even take along others who hold on to him. That was how he just transported Davy Jones, Attila, and Han, all the way from Somalia to Japan. "This is... unbelievable," Davy Jones commented, gazing at the headquarters of the world's biggest terrorist organization. "Pretty cool, isn't it Capn'," Attila commented. "Now then, I must be off. Have a few errands to finish before the initiation ceremony. Get yourself acquainted Jones," Haytham Kenway said as left. Davy replied with a nod, and continued looking around the large facility.


    ~Flashback: 30 Years Ago - The Jackdaw/Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~

    "ATTENTION!" Lt. Odin shouted. Privates Sparrow, Surge, and his recently evolved Raichu, all stood at attention, standing upright with an assertive posture with their arms fixed at their sides. For the privates, this was their first mission, and it was a big one. Every year for the past twenty years, S-types would appear at a random place around the globe and start causing trouble. This year, they were spotted in a secluded island in the Pacific Ocean. Japanese navy ships were now headed to that area to combat the S-type threat. One of those ships was the Jackdaw, which was where Sparrow and Surge were. "Gentlemen. You are about to embark on a very dangerous mission. I can't promise that you will come out of it alive. But it is a risk you swore to take the moment you pledged to protect your home country of Japan at all costs. For this mission, you will be led by our very own Captain, Edward Kenway. Be sure to show him some respect, and good luck," Lt. Odin said as he departed. "YESSIR!!" both Sparrow and Surge shouted while still in position. "RAICHU!" Raichu shouted as well, trying to join in with Sparrow and Surge. A figure wearing a hood then approached them, smiling at the new recruits he will be in charge of...


    "At ease gentlemen... and gentlemon," Captain Edward Kenway said, allowing Jack Sparrow, Surge, and Raichu to no longer stand at attention, "Now then, I'm sure you all know me. So lets start with your introductions." "Private Jack Sparrow. Joined the Navy a month ago. Willingly volunteered for this mission," Jack said. "Private Surge. Joined the military last year. Transferred to the Navy three months ago. And I also volunteered for dis mission. Found dis Raichu as a Pikachu while trainin' back in Kyoto. Had 'im evolve into a Raichu specifically for the mission," Surge said. "Raaichuu!" Surge's Raichu said. "Very well then. You three will do," Kenway said, "Now I suppose you read the mission briefing." "Yes sir," Jack replied, "We'll be fighting creatures known as S-types." "Aye, S-types..." Edward commented, "Annoying buggers those S-types are. Come out of nowhere twenty years ago, and try to cause trouble every year. Luckily, the military's always one step ahead. And with assistance from Nintendo High School, we always give them S-types hell. Heh, and I expect to find my son fighting alongside us when we reach the battle. Have you two went to Nintendo High School by any chance?" "Actually, I graduated from Playstation High, sir," Jack answered. "And I actually dropped out of school while in the 8th grade. But I did pass the GED test," Surge added. "Well, that's good enough for me gentlemen," Edward said.


    "Captain! We're getting close!" Edward's close friend, Adéwalé, yelled as he was piloting the ship. "That's great Adé!" Edward replied as the ship continued on its path.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    Looking at the picture of the boy Inue, though confused as to what exactly Satomi wanted. "Not sure I understand. Does this boy need spiritual help, or does he simply need to be watched over?" Yang asked.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Ramen Stand-

    Yu cchuckled in his thoughts at naoto's displeasure about the seemingly bottomless appetites the Arisato's had at their disposal. "Hey, it was just only one Mega Beef Bowl, that thing was a challenge in itself especially for the reward of not paying anything." he jokingly protested and heard Pharos's words. "I don't know if Izanami could be considered a Shadow or not, the Sagiri themselves were vastly different than any other Shadow we faced before, plus she existed on our side when I first came to Inaba." he drawled and took another bite.

    "Though now that I think about it, I recall on our Gekkoukan Trip, a teacher explained a story of Izanami and Izanagi and I started out with Izanagi when I unlocked my power which begs me to wonder, are Persona's incarnations of gods through our psyche or is it something more complex than that? If so, are there such things as Gods existing beyond the realm we claim to know and lend support to those who bear the power?" Yu said rather intelligently before Pharos's question of his friends coming.

    "They will, we're a Team and always look out for one another, we worked so hard to get where we were before to find the truth shrouded in fog, I believe in the bond we all share and that is something I will never part with." he said with a calm expression

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    "We never get much business anyway, only when it's cases pertaining cats or something someone lost, we get most times, besides most people seem to go to the Mouri Kogoro, The Sleeping Detective nowadays, they say he can solve any crime." Shotaro said with a sigh.

    "From what I hear about him, he lives with his daughter Ran who is a black-belt and won the championships and some kid called Conan Edogawa, but he's never come around here, since well, what's there to solve when you seen it worldwide on TV?" He asked them.

    "there was this great detective at a young age though, Shinichi Kudo before Kogoro came and he worked with the police on occasion, but strangely, no-one heard much from him since like..." he said thoughtfully. "The rollercoaster murder incident at Tropical land, a well known Theme-Park." he finished.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione sighed and looked the Luna necklace that Philip put around her neck. Philip began to do a random look-up to pass the time while Hermione went back to her seat and continue to read the novel. She was curious about where they went, but hesitant to ask. She also kept a look at the door in case of a customer, but didn't keep her hopes up. Philip stayed in his look-up mode.


    -Ramen Stand-

    Teddie ate through three more bowls while listening to Naoto, Yu, and Pharos. If the rest of the team was coming, then he couldn't wait to Yukiko, Chie, Yosuke, Kanji, and Rise again. He smiled, as he remembered when they fought in the TV world and fought Shadows. Teddie really missed them, especially Yukiko, Chie, and Rise.



    Ryotaro was resting on the DenLiner after that tough battle in Toshima, he felt bad for Kimberly since he knew she valued working together a lot and wished there was something he could have done to cheer her up. He noticed Naomi carry a tray of three coffee cups and was surprised to see Sakura, Hinako, and Seki sitting in the car. All the Imagin looked tired as it seemed they tried to control the female Riders and failed.

    "Uh......" Ryotaro tried to speak, Sakura turned to him and smiled, "Hello, Ryotaro. It seems that Hinako, Seki, and I found Rider passes. We boarded the DenLiner for old times sake." "Thank you, Naomi." Seki said as she and her two companions received their coffee cups. Hinako smiled as it's been so long since she had Naomi's brewed coffee. Sakura simply drank her coffee as did Seki.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    "If there is anything that the Dalmasca and Solidor families can do, please let us know, Frollo." Ashe said, holding Vaan's arm. Larsa said, nodding in agreement, "Yes, as sponsors, we hold a special place in our hearts to the church and would like to help in anyway, archdeacon." "And if we ever need any spiritual help, we'll come and tell you." Vaan said, blushing at Ashe's action which Ashe noticed and smiled at him.


    -Remus' Home-

    James came in with some bags of snacks and smiled to see his son and adopted children sleeping. Sirius came up behind and said, "Where did you go, Prongs? And where's Eiji and Ankh?" "Oh, my goodness! Padfoot, you startled me. I went out with Eiji and Ankh to get some snacks but they suddenly went somewhere and since it had been so long when I had been in Tokyo last, I got lost." James explained, laughing nervously. "Also, Prongs, mind if I and the Wilys stay here with Moony? I know you're busy with your job and Harry is staying at the dorms." "It's fine, James. It will be nice to spend some time with a old friend again." Remus said, smiling as he came in with some tea. James sighed, deciding not to tell his friends that he was now a Power Ranger.

    -Moon Palace-

    Watching the events from their telescope, both Rita and Zedd couldn't believe that the Power Rangers had new members to help them. While Rita went ranting about the two new members, Zedd pondered what about Tsukasa since he preferred working alone rather as a team and what to do about Kimberly's distress over it.
  9. Sebax Avatar by Xerona

    Mar 4, 2013
    Wonderful World of Disney
    Stitch twiddled his clawed thumbs. His neck-tie, a spacey blue speckled with tiny white "stars", was too tight; he loosened and straitened it ever so slightly to alleviate the pressure on his throat. To rest the pressure on his spirit, he bowed his blue, squat head to look down at his blue-flowered lei; it contrasted well with his navy blue three-piece suit. Stitch Pelekai cleared his throat by coughing into his paw, holding a sign reading "Shinema" in scrawled black letters in his other paw across his chest. The airport was a mess of people coming and going, and the more Stitch realized he was at knee-level of most of the passerby the more he realized that this complicated his mission. He was a teacher after all; Veterinary Science. Picking this one student from the airport was a singular task to him; a temporary position. Still... he wanted to keep the cool limousine driver hat that sat atop his head. Being a life form of exceptional intelligence, his mind was always thinking faster than a super computer, but he was constantly doing things a computer could not; the longer he stood there, holding his sign and a purple lei, the more he silently wondered why he had to stand there on the curb, just outside the terminal, waiting for Tuki Shinema. He'd heard that she was rich and famous, but... did that mean she was a spoiled little girl who used power to make authority bow to her? Stitch growled like a dog at the thought. "Peh...Myrtle." The thought reminded him of a person from his true home in Hawaii and he sneered; it had been ten years that had passed since he first met Lilo, and he had grown since, but not so much, as his aging process was slow. Stitch was almost too lost in thought to pay any attention to the soft flutter of wings behind him.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Stu Deeoh's Pidgeot had touched down at Narita Airport, just behind the line of sight of a small blue alien in a suit. Pidgeot and Tuki Shinema, with her Trainer Card, Pokedex, and bag stood on the roof of the Limousine parked. Tuki sneaked a giggle when she spotted the sign Stitch was holding. She stood firm on the roof, wearing her purple dress and with her turquoise bag over her shoulder. "Hey, I think you're waiting for moi?" Tuki called down in a friendly tone as the Pidgeot flew off to the skies once more.

    Stitch wheeled around and looked up. "Huh?" Stitch turned around too fast and lost his balance, causing him to land on his rump.

    Tuki's mood turned from cheery to concerned on a dime. "So sorry. Hang on, I'll help you up." Tuki jumped down from the roof of the limo onto the curb. Luckily, she didn't have the eggs to worry about; they were safely in a lab where they would be sent to her PC once they had hatched. Tuki was down on the ground as swiftly as the wind to help Stitch back up to his feet.

    "Tuki...Shinema?" Stitch asked in his peculiar voice.

    Tuki raised an eyebrow at the tonal quality of the Chauffeur's voice, but giggled pleasantly. "Yes, that's me. Are you with Nintendo High?" She sat on her perfectly crafted knees in order to get more on the driver's level.

    "Eh. Yes." Stitch affirmed in two languages; his own and English. "Welcome, Tuki Shinema, to Tokyo, Japan and to the student body of Nintendo High." Stitch placed the lei over Tuki's head and around her neck gently. "We are glad to have you. My name Stitch...erm... is Stitch... Pelekai." Old habits died hard, but Stitch smiled a toothy smile.

    Tuki smiled back. The lei had been a nice gesture, but it was a bit odd to her. Why the flowers as a necklace? The custom seemed odd to her, but so did everything else that was so strange to her life in Unova.

    "Where are you from?" Stitch tried making side-talk as he opened the door to the Limo's back seat for Tuki.

    "Unova. It's a region inhabited by the oddest little creatures called "Pokemon", and I work there as an actress in the movies. Oh, the Pokemon are so wonderful. I work with them in films, but normally, people use the little creatures to batt- oh!" She caught herself as she sat down in the luxurious back seat. She suddenly came to the conclusion that maybe it wasn't best to say that "Where I come from, we capture tiny creatures in a ball and use them to fight each other" when her chauffeur was a tiny, odd creature almost like a Pokemon. But... he could talk. No, that didn't work, because she had met plenty of Pokemon that had been trained to at least imitate spoken languages and beyond for a film. She didn't know the process of how to get them to do it, but she knew it was possible. "How long should the drive be?" She asked just as Stitch shut the door. There was silence for a moment. "Stitch?"

    "The ride will not be long."

    Tuki was startled by the suddenly new voice that came from the front seat. She could not see who it was in the driver's seat, but it was definitely not the being she'd just met outside. This voice had a dark, airy sophistication to it. She wanted to go back outside, but before she knew it, the limo had already peeled out onto the street. Tuki gulped. This was not anything to do with Nintendo High at all...
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Tokyo Cathedral:

    Satomi shook his head, "He hardly needs spiritual help. Even if he did...that's what I'm around for." Handing Yang the photo of Shinobu, Satomi thoughtfully set a hand on his chin, "Protection seems more what he requires. I'd send Yatsufusa but I'll be somewhere else. Someone of your abilities should be enough. If you're not up to the task..." Satomi seemed to toss that option out a window. "My name is Satomi Rio. I represent one of the Kemonotsuki Houses affiliated with the Church. I run a special division...of course not with this church. Inue Shinobu is very special, if anything were to happen to him, the Kemonotsuki Houses would never forgive it." Turning on his heel, he shot an icy glare at Frollo before heading to the door, "Yang, Friday...the abandoned building covered in police tape. Inue Shinobu should be accompanied by two people. You'll know the enemy when you see him. Take care of Shinobu."

    Ramen Place:

    Minato spoke around his food, "I've never heard the theory that they were Gods. We saw them only as their Arcana dictated. Y'know...Chariot, Magician, Moon...that sort of thing." Pharos' face pulled into a frustrated frown, "Not...a Shadow... I don't remember," he scowled and slipped off his chair, "I don't want to remember. If they're Gods...and I... Then what am I? Just an Arcana? What's happening....?" He looked up towards Minako before he vanished into a small shadow in the corner. Minako frowned, "Pharos is upset." Swallowing his mouthful of food, Minato patted her head, "I got that," pushing aside his empty bowl, "Your theory is quite possible... After Fusing the Persona...the things they said were oddly nail on the head. I've never thought about it before, since the only Persona's we encountered were from the team...and Strega." "And Pharos," Minako chimed in. Her brother gave her an odd look and she quietly went back to eating, but Naoto caught it. "We could always ask the one who came to retrieve O-chan. Yuuichi Komura. He spoke like he knew something about deities."

    Minako leaned back, "So these friends of yours...they all have Persona's too? They fought their...uh...other selves too. I wonder what that's like. Everyone we met, already had their Persona."

    Toshima District:

    From behind the pair of scientists, Izaya's voice rang, "Bothering more people, Nano?" Nano, the man in brown with the briefcase, shrugged, "I'm not bothering them. I'm just asking a friendly question...and giving a warning." Izaya flipped his coat off his shoulders, spreading his arms with his hands still in his pockets, "You really like playing guardian angel. Is that for Shi-tan?" The corners of Nano's mouth turned up, "Yes, but that's hardly any of your business, Izaya. I'm just being helpful. Two unarmed people standing around Toshima so close to can I not want them not to get mixed up in something that doesn't concern them." A dangerous gleam entered Izaya's eyes, "I think it greatly concerns them."
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo Narita International Airport: Arrivals Area~


    "Ok, now do you remember the rules of Pokemon battles?" the Metrosexual Hipster asked. "Umm, yeah. In case you forgot, I'm a Pokemon trainer, so I think I would know," Anthony replied, "And besides, even if I wasn't, it would be stupid of me not to know how because Pokemon exist in ever single place on Earth. Any random person on this planet would have to be blind not to have noticed a single Pokemon battle in his or her lifetime." "Alrighty then. Lets get started. Pokeballs, check. Sexy appearance, check. Boombox, check," the Metrosexual Hipster said as he got ready for battle, getting out his Pokeballs, and a boombox for some reason. "A boombox... seriously? Those things are like, a hundred years old," Anthony commented, confused as to why the Metrosexual Hipster needed a boombox during their Pokemon battle. "Hey! Do NOT diss boomboxes!" the Metrosexual Hipster shouted. Anthony simply shrugged, and the Metrosexual Hipster played a song on the boombox...

    "Awesome, I love this song!" Anthony said, enjoying the Metrosexual Hipster's choice of music for their battle. "Alright, Charizard, I choose you!" the Metrosexual Hipster yelled, throwing a Pokeball, with a Charizard coming out...


    "Oh cool, a Charizard! Well, this looks like a job for you Pikachu!" Anthony yelled, throwing a Pokeball, with a rather ugly looking Pikachu coming out....


    "Pikachu!" the ugly Pikachu said. "A Pikachu, really? Charizard's gonna wipe the floor with him," the Metrosexual Hipster remarked while laughing. "Ah, but I think you've forgotten an important detail. Charizards are weak against electric-types," Anthony said. The Metrosexual Hipsters laughing stopped, and the only word that came out of his mouth was, "S***." "Alright Pikachu, use your Thunderbolt attack!" Anthony ordered his Pikachu. "PIKACHU!!!" the ugly Pikachu screamed as it directed a Thunderbolt attack towards Charizard. However, Charizard dodged the Thunderbolt attack, giving it an advantage. "WHAT?!" Anthony screamed in disbelief."Heh, my turn now," a grinning Metrosexual Hipster said, "Now, use your Scary Face attack!" "Uhh, you know Scary Face doesn't even do damage, right?" Anthony commented. Hearing what Anthony just said, the Metrosexual Hipster stopped grinning, and started to wonder if he just made a mistake by wasting this turn with a non-damaging attack. "Wait... WHAT?!" the Metrosexual Hipster screamed, watching Charizard use its Scary Face attack on the ugly Pikachu, not damaging the opponent, but simply lowering its Speed. "Oh man, I just love it when the opponent uses lame attacks like Growl, Leer, and in this case, Scary Face," Anthony said while laughing hard, "Ok Pikachu, lets finish this quick. Use your AK-47 attack!" The ugly Pikachu grabbed an AK-47 assault rifle from God knows where, and pointed it towards Charizard. "PIKACHU!!!" the ugly Pikachu yelled as it started firing at Charizard. The AK-47 attack was a very effective move, and Charizard quickly fainted, making Anthony the victor of this match. "You may have won this match. But you won't be so lucky next time. Here's 1,000 yen," the Metrosexual Hipster said, giving Anthony money for no apparent reason whatsoever. "Sweet, now I got lunch money!" Anthony said as he put the money in his pocket and continued with his Pokemon journey.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    While Xehanort continued exploring the facility, a voice called out to him from behind. "Xehanort, I presume?" the voice said. Turning around, Xehanort found himself face to face with Haytham Kenway, the Crystal Order's No. 2 in command.


    "Mhm. And you're Haytham Kenway, second in command, am I correct?" Xehanort replied. "Well, I guess my reputation precedes me," Haytham said as he shook hands with Xehanort, "I have a feeling you'll be a fine addition to our brotherhood." "Thank you. By the way, I see your son around in school," Xehanort said. "Connor? How is he?" Haytham asked. "He seems fine, I suppose. I don't really talk to him to be honest. But I do notice several students calling him 'terrorist' and 'traitor' because of his relation to you," Xehanort answered. "Bah! Us, traitors? Terrorists? Those people are very mistaken if they associate those in the Order with those words," Haytham commented. "Though, from what I hear, Connor isn't exactly proud of being your son either. He keeps trying to distance himself from you," Xehanort added. Sighing, Haytham simply said, "I see." Hayhtham then walked away, with a sorrowful look on his face.


    ~Moon Palace~


    "Heh, those puny little Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers can't even work as a team. It's no wonder Zordon couldn't save his home planet. Pretty soon, Earth will belong to us!" Goldar commented.


    ~Skye's Apartment~


    Skye was sitting on her couch and actually enjoying the news on CNN. 'GOVT.: NEW POKEMON SPECIES CALLED S-TYPES' the headline said. Skye had a sense of satisfaction that something she did made the government start talking, even if it meant more lies from them. There was then a knock on her door. Getting up, she went to the door and opened it to find an old friend (and mentor) of hers...


    "Mr. Flynn! Long time no see!" Skye said, smiling and appearing to be happy at Kevin's appearance. "Skye, we need to talk," Flynn said. "Right... Come on in. I'll make you some tea," Skye replied, not sound as excited as a few seconds ago. Kevin then entered the apartment, and Skye closed and locked the door.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "I appreciate your kind words," Frollo replied to Lady Ashe and the others with her. "I'm sorry, but you must be terribly mistaken," Yang replied to Satomi, "I am not one who fights. In fact, I have never used violence against anyone in all my life. I am a monk that has devoted his life to God and spreading his message, as well as offering spiritual help whenever needed. Kindness and love is my specialty, not violence. If this boy truly is in danger, then I would suggest doing the sensible thing by letting the police know. Again, I am truly sorry, but I am not the person for this job. And no amount of money will change my mind."


    ~Toshima District: Battle Site~

    Fitz and Simmons didn't notice Nano, and proceeded to one of the cars parked in the area. "Alright then, back to HQ," Fitz commented as he got in the car. "Any idea what sort of data we'll find?" Simmons asked as she got in the car as well. Fitz shrugged, and the driver started the car, and drove off, fading away in the distance. But Nano was noticed by the mass amount of government agents that were there with Fitz and Simmons. One of the agents figured Nano wasn't dangerous since no explosives could be detected with their heat signature devices. Another car arrived to the site, and out came General Shining Armor....


    "Status update," General Shining Armor said as he began to observe the area. "A number of samples have been collected for testing," one agent said as he was walking with the general, "And clean-up is going smoothly. We're expecting two bulldozers in about an hour. At this rate, area should be back the way it was by Thursday or Friday. Also, there is the matter of that guy there." The agent pointed towards Nano in the distance. "Well, rules are rules. He can't be here," Shining Armor said, "I'll go talk to him." Shining then walked over to Nano, and said, "Hey, uh, listen... Sorry to bother you, but civilians are not allowed to be in this area at this time. Government operations, you know how it is. Now if you had some property here during that big hooha earlier in the day, rest assured, the government will compensate for any damages whatsoever. But yeah, other than that, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises sir."
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Ramen Stand~

    Yu looked at Naoto who suggested they locate Yuuchi Komura, it was a lead there but he and the Twins would probably know of someone else who can provide that information. "There's him, but I think I might know someone who can also help, well three people." he said and thought back to Igor, Margret and Marie as it seemed Marie had the power over the weather nowadays, since she made it sunny for his holiday visit.

    Perhaps he should put in a call to the others and see if they could get here. "I think Rise-chan will be a bit difficult to come over here." he said as he finished his bowl, she did get back into Idol Business after he left Inaba, Yosuke was a part-timer along with Teddie, unless Yosuke needed his paychecks and Kanji was helping sell his dolls at Tatsumi Textiles, Yukiko was going to take over the Amagi Inn and Chie wanted to be a police officer.

    "Because well, where will everyone stay if they are coming from Inaba? I know for a fact, Uncle Dojima isn't going to be able to accomdate us all, and staying at a hotel will burn a hole in their pockets before long." Yu pointed out to the others.

    Yu looked to Minako pondering on how his friends gained their Personas whiel they already had theirs and Yu sweat dropped at remembering Kanji's. "Let's just say secrets are shared that didn't need to be heard or seen... Though I didn't need to face my Shadow at all, I just called upon my Persona, my friends say I got nothing to hide or something, maybe because I kept transferring schools and never really connected with people since my family always works, in fact, we barely even have time to communicate at all, it's mainly business in the house." Yu rubbed his fingers at his temples on his forehead.

    "Trust me, if there's a family I prefer to be with, it'll be Uncle and Nanako, hell, I probably know them more than my own parents and that's saying a lot." He admitted flatly.


    Albert stepped through the doors, catching the last words between Ashe and Larsa and he clapped, his cane looped on his hand. "Lady Dalmasca and Lord Solidor, such an honour to see two families working together to help the cause." he said, gathering attention and he bowed ever so slightly. "Ah forgive my intrusion on your conversation, but I was rather moved by your speech Archdeacon and wished to compliment your choice of words." he said with a faint of a smile.

    "Now if you'll kindly excuse my presence, I look forward to our paths meeting once again Gentlemen, ladies." eh said and left through the main doors before walking down the pathway.

    "So, the rich are offering support in such dire times, what a change... hm?" Albert's eye caught a bespectacled teen playing on a handheld console and somehow avoiding collisions with people or inanimate objects, he seemed to be a student, but to know his surroundings like that. "My goodness... children these days..." he said and shook his head slightly.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Ramen Stand-

    Teddie was eating his sixth bowl and still listened to everyone. He licked his lips after finishing the bowl, despite having no stomach, Teddie began to feel full and groaned in pain. He waited til everyone was done so he could go and use the restroom. But Teddie smiled as he imagined going on a date again with Rise, Chie, and Yukiko if they ever came to Tokyo.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Ashe and Larsa looked at Albert who complemented them on working together to help with the cause. They looked at each other, but shrugged it off. Larsa bowed at Frollo, saying, "Well, then, archdeacon. We shall leave you to continue helping everyone to see the grace of the Lord." "And we will try to come on Sunday for mass. See you then." Ashe said, as she, Vaan, Larsa, and Karin left to their cars. When they entered with the limo, Karin noticed that Larsa let out a sigh of relief. Ashe did the same when she entered her car while Vaan held her in his arm. Smiling, Ashe laid against him as they rode home.


    -Alice's apartment-

    Stroking Blanca's head while he ate his food, Alice stretched and headed for her room to change. Unbuttoning her shirt and untying her ribbon, Alice let her hair fall down, revealing that it only reached her shoulders, and let her top and skirt drop to the ground, leaving her in her underwear. She opened her closest to see what clothes she had, unaware she left her door slightly open.



    The car in the DenLiner was quiet while the three Riders sipped their coffee, Ryotaro thought how badly they were losing during the battle in Toshima. Looking out the window, he said, "Maybe...... the Riders should become a team like the Rangers and the Gokaigers......" "What?! You know that jerk, Tsukasa, would never agree to that!" Momotaros said, still remembering how the battle went. Ryotaro looked at him and said, "I know, but we need to learn to fight together as a team, especially now the Rangers are a complete team."

    Sakura and her friends just kept quiet, Sakura mostly as she remembered all the fights she had go through by herself when she was Kamen Rider Ichigo.
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Skye's Apartment~


    "So Kevin, what do you wanna talk about?" Skye asked as she and Flynn were drinking tea. "Well, while watching the news on what happened in Toshima, I hear about a certain leak of government documents. And I can't help but notice that the way it was done looked... familiar," Flynn replied. "So, you figured it out," Skye said, realizing that Kevin Flynn figured out that Skye was the one behind the massive government leak. "Of course I did. After all, I am the one who taught you everything you know about hacking," Flynn responded. "And I'm grateful for that," Skye said, "So, pretty awesome right?" Sighing, Kevin said, "Skye, I'll be honest with you. What you did was absolutely reckless." "You're kidding me, right?" Skye said with a disappointed tone, "You yourself told me how Big Brother was an evil organization that was intent on hiding many things from the public. And now today, they kept insisting that those things in Toshima were Pokemon. I did something that finally made them start talking, even if it meant making up more lies. I showed that the people will not be silent as long as the government kept on lying to us." "Skye, your heart's in the right place," Flynn said, "But you gotta remember the first rule of hacking: Don't be reckless. understand who you're dealing with here. If the government finds out what you did, they will chase you all over the Earth till they catch you. Just ask Edward Snowden." Skye didn't say a word, and just sat there, thinking about what Kevin Flynn just said. "I gotta go. Thanks for the tea," Flynn said, getting up and exiting Skye's apartment.


    ~Jack Sparrow's Home~

    Little Pipsqueak walked out of his room, noticing his adoptive father staring at the television screen. It was on CNN, covering the events of Toshima, describing the creatures over there as a new species of Pokemon called S-types. "They're not Pokemon, are they?" Pipsqueak asked, remembering how Jack once told him how he fought creatures called S-types many, many years ago during his time with the military, and how Pipsqueak was to keep that information a secret. "No," Jack replied, reminiscing to the time he first fought against the S-types, with Pipsqueak sitting next to him.

    ~Flashback: 30 Years Ago - Uninhabited Island Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~

    "Captain, if you'll excuse me, I must see if the Americans arrived," Lt. Odin said. "Very well Lieutenant. Meet us at the center of the island when you find them," Captain Kenway replied, "And Adéwalé, see if our fighters from Nintendo High School arrived as well. Rendezvous back at the center of the island as well." Odnin and Adéwalé both nodded, and went their separate ways. Edward Kenway, on the other hand traversed the island with Privates Sparrow, Surge, and Surge's Raichu. "So men, any plans you've got outside of your military life?" Kenway asked. "Actually, I wish to continue riding the seas with the Navy," Jack replied, "The ocean is my life." "I certainly could relate to that," Edward commented, "And what about you Surge?" "Well, I inherited a Pokemon gym in Vermilion City. Not sure if I'm even Gym Leader material," Surge replied. "Raichu," Surge's Raichu said when hearing Surge mentioning Vermilion Gym. "Oh don't say that Surge," Kenway commented, "I'm sure you'll be a great Gym Leader. In fact, I have faith in both of you gentlemen. I can certainly see you being a Captain one day Sparrow, and I can certainly see you being a Lieutenant Mr. Surge, in addition to being a Gym Leader." "Thank you sir," Jack replied. "I'm flattered sir," Surge added. "Heh, I can see we'll make a great team for years to come," Edward said as he, Sparrow, Surge, and Raichu made their way through the island's forest.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Tokyo Cathedral:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Satomi stopped once more before the doors and sighed,
    "As you wish, but...police would not be enough to subdue the forces that Shinobu will encounter." Leaving, slightly disheartened, Satomi pondered who else he could ask for aid in such short amount of time. Yatsufusa nudged his shoulder and he waved him off, "I know, the cathedral is nothing like the Church we come from. They can't see the ayakashi that roam the streets of Tokyo."
    Toshima Battle Site:

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    Izaya and Nano ceased their glaring match and stared at General Shining Armor, bewildered. Nano's empty, blue eyes slid past the general and to the electrified, barbed wire fence that lay some miles behind the soldiers of the government. This land was his was Igura, the place where the very same government sent criminals to fight and kill other criminals for a chance to fight Il Re and leave here. The fence marked it as was why ASIC had come there. Nano lifted his hollow blue eyes to the sky,
    "Do you know what it is? What you gain more of by giving to others." Izaya laughed to himself, "Oh, man, a riddle?" he looked around at the battle site and back where the scientists had retreated, "And now I have to go. Ho, before I forget...Mr. General, if you want to know more about this portion of Toshima, you can always email me and I'll give you all the information you wanna know..for a price, of course." Waving happily, he bounced away, "Well then, bye bye!" Nano waved to the briefcase on the ground, "Give this to Shiki. what you want with this place." He remained standing still, gazing emptily up at the sky, his words held a quiet bite to them. Sliding down the hill, Levi paused for a moment, "General...what's going on here?" he asked sharply before laying eyes on Nano's silent figure. He sucked in a short hiss through his teeth, "Mr. Premier...what are you doing out here?" Nano didn't move or react to his name, prompting Levi to reach for his shoulder, "Mr. Premier..."
    Ramen Place:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Minako looked down at her food,
    "Must be have a family, I mean." Minato scowled at her, "Shush, we have each other and our friends." He side-stepped her words and offered a faint smile to Yu, "I don't think you have to worry about where they'll stay. Since we're comrades now, I'll ask Mitsuru if she can spare a few rooms at a hotel owned my the Kirijo Company for them." He nodded with Minato's recap of how they obtained their Persona's, "Must be tough...sharing your secrets like that. I only remember...we all had to face our true feelings and grow a little for our Persona's to grow with us. They changed after a while, I guess mirroring how our spirits have grown and changed too." Naoto hummed, "Yes, I remember my Persona also changing after realizing my own true power. I've only gained this state because of Senpai. I don't think I could've done it alone." Minako jumped from her seat, "We can ask Theo! Theo knows everything about the Personas! We just have to find that blue door!"
    CPU's House:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    After the battle had ended, Sei collapsed onto the table without warning and Virus jumped.
    "Sei-kun!? I told you not to use your power so carelessly!" He pulled him from the room filled with women watching Sei with concern and up to a room he'd prepared for him. Laying him on the bed, Virus fussed like a mother hen over her chick, "What am I going to do if I lose you too, Sei-kun? Aoba already doesn't like that we vanished on him. I don't like being on Aoba's bad side, Sei." Returning to the room, Kei frowned, "Is he alright?" Cold, blue eyes passed over her, "Yeah. Sei-kun's always been fragile. I think meeting so many new people today was a bit much for him."
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Mario Bros. House [Mario Bros.]~

    Mario, Luigi, and Rosalina quietly walked through the front door of what seemed to be a fusion blend of an Italian/Japanese resturant. "Hey Dad! Mom! We're home!" Mario shouted in cheer as the three stepped onto the black and white checkered tiles. The brothers soon saw their father standing before them with the familiar blue overalls, brown hair, round nose, and bushy moustache [seems like it's a family thing]. Papa ran over and gave his sons a big hug looking rather pleased. "Thank heavens you two are home. The incident in Toshima had your mother and I worried sick about the two of you." Luigi smiled with a grin. "That's our Mama alright...where is she anyway." Papa let go of the brothers and calmly explained. "Your mother had to go get some groceries for the business. We just had an order piled high up on pizzas that used up our ingrediants." In concern Mario asked with a paniced face. "But we still get our dinner, right?" Papa simply chuckled and placed a hand on Mario's shoulder. "Now why would I forget my boys! There's a fresh bowl of spaghetti with breadsticks on the dinner table." Mario jumped into the air in cheer yelling "Sweet!" "Mario!" "Oh yeah, um Papa..this lady named Rosalina fell out of the sky and on top of Luigi. She doesn't have anywhere to go nor do we know where she lives..can she stay with us?" Papa took a long look at Rosalina for a moment, Rosalina calmly just standing there unmoving. "Well, I don't see why not. She looks like a nice girl. Say maybe Luigi might finally get a girlfriend." Luigi blushed in sheer embaressment. "PAPA!" "I'm just kidding, anyways I'll go get the guest room ready for her. Mario I want you to share your food with her and not pig out like you usually do." "Okay Papa"

    Moments later the four were calmly eating dinner in peace. Rosalina calmly looked up at Papa seemingly pleased with a small smile. "You have a nice home sir, and your food is delicious." Papa chuckled with a smile. "Please, I don't expect you to be formal. Just call me Papa. Now as for the food...the secret lies within the recipe that was passed down to me from my father, which was passed down from his father. Basicly this is an old family recipe, we don't use premade sauces or anything like that." Mario immediatly interjected with a grin. "That's why Papa is known around Tokyo for having the best Italian food made. Everything is handmade and old-fashioned!" "Now Mario, don't forget..this is a japanese resturant too. Your mother can make Japanese food on par with some of the best chefs in Tokyo." Mario scratched his head. "Sorry Papa, I got a bit carried away." "Just calm down, I've heard Mr. Gordon Ramsey is in Tokyo and will be at your school. I want you to show him the Italian/Japanese fusion blend that this family is known for!" Raising a fist into the air Mario shouted cheerfully. "I won't let you guys down!" This made Rosalina slightly chuckle at the passion that the father and son were letting off. "They seem to love their food." "Yup, Papa is no slouch when it comes to food...neither is Mario." The four continued to peacefully eat until Mario spoke up again. "Dad?" Papa's blue eyes looked at his Mario with curiousity. "Yes?" "Um...Luigi and I...we were in Toshima. We went down to help the people in trouble and we beat down some thing named Astral Praenunitus using some kind of power we have never heard of before."

    Papa's eyes went into a state of shock at the words Mario was saying. "You Luigi....were right down in the middle of Toshima!?!" Luigi nodded. "What Mario's saying is true. We went down to Toshima along with our friends Yoshi, Kirby, Compa, and IF in order to rescue Neptune and some other hostages. The battle was intense out there. Even Peach was being hung in mid-air." "That Astral creep kept blabbing on about S-Types this and Crystal Order that." Papa's eyes grew even wider. "S-Types!? Crystal Order?! Astral Praenunitus!? Don't tell me you two managed to kill it with a new form." The brothers both nodded as Rosalina listened intently. "Yup, our shirts, hats, and overalls changed color and we incinerated Astral within the sky." Papa sighed and got up from his seat. "I didn't expect for this to happen. Boys I have to go and see an old friend of mine, if the guy who ordered the pizzas comes in simply give him his order and make sure he pays." Papa quickly went out of the building and started to run down the sidewalk with a hop, skip, and lots of jumping.

    ~CPUs' House~

    "Owwwwww, my body is pounding with so many ouchies." Neptune moaned as her body slumped forward feeling the pain of the battle. Blanc looked back at her gritting her teeth as she tried to tough out the pain...but seemingly failed as she started to cry. "Neptune, stop whining like a little ***** and tough it out..." Neptune went into a frown immediatly. "Um, I don't think you have the right to call me a ***** considering the fact that you're crying." "Blanny, it's okay to cry. I'm sure nobody here considers you to be a little ***** if you're hurt." The group of girls had gone silent before Blanc started to cry with a tear coming down her cheek. Slowly, the rest of the girls joined this crying family and huddled up together hugging each other. As they got to the front door of their home each one of them looked up at the sky with gentle watery eyes, after a moment of silence Nepgear finally spoke up. "Did...did we do the right thing?" Nepgear's question was met with a hand on her shoulder, looking over she saw Vert's gentle smile and big blue eyes. "Yes, although we saved the people...we ourselves had to be rescued from certain death. We should do something for our brother...something special"

    The girls quietly turned around and entered the house only to meet face to face with their teary-eyed and worried mother. "Hey, we're home mom...we're home." It was then that the girls walked over and hugged their mother tightly. "You had us all worried to death!" Vert bowed in a slow grace. "We're sorry...but we had to help save the people. Unfortunately it turned out to be a trap set by ASIC and a woman named Arfoire. We were all trapped and almost died out there...but Sei-kun saved us all." Uni then poked Vert with a small frown. "Hey, atleast give credit where credit is due." "Oh yeah. Yoshi, Kirby, Bowser, a blue hedgehog, some angel, Compa, Iffy, Falcom, Cybercon, Tekken-chan, a whole bunch of other CPUs, and some others helped out against them and those S-Type guys." Histoire's eyes widened in shock. "Did you just say S-Type?" Mina simply blinked in confusion. "S-Type? Those new Pokemon that CNN's been talking about?" "No Mina, it's a bit more complicated than that. I will explain it to you later. Please continue Neptune." "Gladly, So the star-headed guy was all casual and speaking calmly then Mario and Luigi started to piss it off by beating the crap out of it. Then Astro or whatever goes batshit insane and tries to kill everyone before they come back like phoenixes and defeated it in an epic fashion." "What was strange was that while we could handle Arfoire easily, that Astral thing beat us senseless."

    Histoire closed her eyes and started to think for a moment. "So, you're saying that Luigi and his idiot brother beat Astral up?" "Yup, they even saved Peach as well." Slipping back away from her girls Histoire began to concentrate hard before muttering a single word. "...Scan" Within a flash Histoire could see everything rendered in translucent blue. Her eyes went through the cieling and over into the Tokyo skies before finding Mario and Luigi's house and lowering down to the building going inside. She soon noticed the two brothers emitting an intense aura of red and green from their hearts. Opening her eyes and panting Histoire fell off her book and onto the carpet. "Incredible....their power isn't normal for them if they took on the S-Types and survived." Slowly Nepgear helped Histoire up while wincing in pain plopping the mother onto the couch. "Just rest...that took a lot out of you." Histoire looked over with a small smile. "Thank you, two, three...there's only eleven of you...where's Noire?" Rom blinked with confusion on her face. "U-um, we don't know...she went on ahead of us."

    ~Coffee Shop [Noire]~

    Noire simply shrugged while frowning "Yeah...getting into my place without being killed is near-impossible. Your best bet would be to follow me directly inside and don't do something stupid to expose yourself. Although..." Noire's face turned into an angry yet serious expression, her lips pursing as her ruby eyes were locked dead onto Ranmaru. "You dare even so much as harm my brother, my sisters, or even my mother then I will personally kill you myself. Now if you want to come with me then you may come but I am warning your right now...ouch!" Noire slumped down into her seat wincing in pain from her injuries with her closed eyes slightly watering. "I-it's fine...I can still move by myself."


    3.0 stared dead on at his opponent and immediatly rushed with a series of speedy punches and kicks aimed directly at Reiko's body. "So, the little girl decides to finally show up. We've been waiting a long time for this one!" "Really, you're such an arrogant fool for deciding to go attack her without restraint." "Oh shut up Seth!" It was then that a flash of light appeared from behind Reiko as a muscular chrome arm was flying towards Reiko's neck at a brisk speed.

    ~Gadd Science~

    Peppy had started to leave the room when a man crashed into him and made him fall to the floor. "Professor! You've got to see this, turn it to CNN!" E. Gadd quickly brought up the CNN homepage before playing the video report about the S-Types. This scene made E. Gadd's eyes widen with sheer shock. "No...." He quickly slammed his hands onto the table in an immediate panic. "Okay, we have a possible Code Red on our hands!" Vexen immediatly stepped in showing confusion. "You know we lack any sort of security guards in this place." "Yes, but we do have our own security system in place." The group was then interrupted by another voice that had entered. "Interesting, so someone tipped CNN about the S-Types." Vexen turned around before his green eyes met with familiar blonde hair with a ringed blue streak. "Damn it Colress! We have a possible situation on our hands and you're just so calm about it" Simply chuckling and adjusting his glasses Colress pulled out two Pokeballs from his pocket. "This situation will soon be under control, Magneton! Magnezone! Come forward!" Colress raised both Pokeballs forth and watched as two beams of lights shot forth forming into the two Electric/Steel types before the group's eyes.

    Colress pointed at Jack with a small smile on his face before issuing a command to his pokemon. "Use Thunder Wave on him." The two pokemon made a whirring hum of metalic noises with their magnets pointed directly at Jack. "What!? You're trying to attack him with your own Pokemon!?" "Mr. Ridgeley makes a point, what you're doing is way too much!" The two Pokemon started to fire waves of electromagnetic energy aimed directly for Jack. "Might I remind you both that we had a breach of our security and the S-Types were mentioned to the public. Next thing you know someone's going to blab out the secret pertaining to our secret weapon. Especially since the Chief ran off to get her alone. After all we can't let our secrets fall into the wrong hands. Also if you weren't paying attention I told them to use Thunder Wave, I'm not trying to kill him."

    ~Crystal Order HQ: Santcuary of S-Types~

    Astral's head floated in a dorment state within a solid tube of energy, thoughts coursed through its' head about the defeat. Its' red eye opened to see the crystal forms of both Inferno Obitus and E. Tempura Wizard sleeping in tubes. "That power....I've only seen that ability one other time." Astral thought as it floated. "Those two...they have to be related to him...that man, his girlfriend, and that damn gorilla...impossible. This cannot be true...their powers match that of...nono, I better keep my thoughts to myself. But...something about those two isn't right." Slightly making a small smile Astral chuckled to itself. "Mario and two were the ones I didn't account for, this is going to be interesting..."

    ~Hospital: Room 358~

    Kairi sighed and looked at Xion before she strenly said "Those weren't Pokemon at all. I was in the middle of it trapped in a cage of dark energy made by an S-Type named Inferno Obitus along with two other girls, Peach on the other hand was crucified in the air by those things! Meanwhile I saw Yoshi and Kirby fighting those things with some other people." Peach closed her eyes with a smile as she interrupted. "Bowser, Noire and her siblings, pretty much everyone was trying to fight them off. But those two new boys fought so hard that they turned the tide of battle when we were at our darkest hour. Mario and Luigi...they're not normal people."
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
  17. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    Gadd Science
    Jack got into fighting position as Corless had sent his Pokemon out of the pokeballs. "Got ourselves a conspiracy, eh? Sounds like the government is gonna have to clear it up." Then he was struck by Thunder Wave, paralyzed. Just when he thought no one else would barge in...

    "Well, what do we have here?"

    Travis walked in, looking around. "Can't a guy try to upgrade his beam katana? Sorry, but all of you are making a lot of noise."
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Ramen Place~

    Yu heard Mianko's option of finding the Door to the Velvet Room and he had to give a small smile at that answer. "That door can appear anywhere..." He thought n a small chckle, of course Naoto and Teddie wouldn't understand it. "No could of Nao-chan." Yu added to Naoto's words, affectionately calling her by that name. "I supposed our own reflected our hearts, it is a mysterious thing after all." Yu said whimsically. "I'll give the others a call afterwards, it'll be nice to see the team again." Yu gave a smile, reminiscing the times they spent together, the case, the fun time, the sad times, everyone he met.

    "I'm grateful for becoming what I am, without it, I most likely wouldn't of made an effort to create bonds and just seen my year at Inaba as dull and boring, doing part-time jobs and never getting a chance to know my relatives or even make friends with my school-mates, let alone a girlfriend. Sure, we've risked our lives constantly, fighting Shadows, learning secrets no-one wanted to even share, but we pulled through and became what we are, I wouldn't trade it for anything." Yu sad, closing his eyes with a smile and placed his chopsticks down.
    ~Aoi and Clair~

    Aoi gave a few joints of pain as he ad Clair were shouldering each other back to their plce. "Okay... that coulda gone better... Ow ow ow..." Aoi groaned in pain.

    ~Alice's Place~

    Yuri crossed his arms and stared out of a window, overlooking the town, the girl hadn't bothered to kick him out at all, probably because she found it rude to send someone out on a rioting country, and the voice in is head actually became silent and not bugging him, well, unless you count the monster's souls inside of him being quit as well knowing who was in charge but he noticed a door ajar and he tilted his head ever so slightly in confusion and walked towards it, peeking through and seeing quite possibly, the greatest sight man should ever witness, a cute woman wearing underwear and no bra, he could see her curves, everything and he only did the one thing all me do, grin at the sight of heaven.
    "....So worth it...!" He thought with a smile, doing his utmost to burn this image in his mind.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Ramen Stand-

    Teddie let his Sensei let Naoto by the nickname he usually called her and thought seeing the others again. He smiled, imaging to see Rise, Yukiko, and Chie again and smiled as he thought about them. When he heard about the Velvet Room, Teddie tried to think about the room he met Yu after they thought that Nanako had died and he learned he was just a Shadow. Looking at Yu, he said, "Sensei, can I go with you to see Nana-chan?" He waited to hear Yu's answer.


    -Alice's place-

    Alice didn't notice Yuri staring at her til Blanca calmly walked into her room with a leash in his mouth. Turning around, Alice smiled at him until she noticed Yuri at her room door and screamed, covering her chest. She slapped him very hard, leaving a red print on his cheek then pushed Blanca out and slammed the door shut. Dropping the leash, Blanca sat by Yuri, licking his paw and clearing his ear.


    -Remus' House-

    When Sirius, Remus, and James watched the news of the events in Toshima, James thought about the fight and how it went. He sighed, thinking how they could do future battles better and realized he needed to hide his Morpher when he was around his friends. Remus and Sirius watched, unaware of their friend's involvement in the battle while Harry and the Wilys continued to sleep.


    -Detective Agency-

    Hermione looked at the last three necklaces, wondering who she should give them to. Noticing the time, she stretched and said, looking at Philip and Shotaro, "I'll see you two tomorrow." "Yes, see you tomorrow, Mione-chan." Philip said, waving at her out the door. When she was gone, Philip looked at the Memory necklace around his neck. "Mione-chan has amazing skill and memory to detail."


    -Ankh, Eiji, & Hina-

    "Hina-chan, would you like to go with me to visit Kimberly-chan?" Eiji said, looking at Hina after standing and finishing their ice cream. Hina smiled, as she had a bit of a budding friendship with Kimberly. Eiji smiled and looked at Ankh, saying, "What about you, Ankh? Do you want to come to see Kimberly-chan?"
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Outside Gadd Science~


    Phil Coulson exited the main building of Gadd Science, unaware of what was going on inside. Rather than leave without his friend, Coulson decided to wait for Peppy outside for a few minutes, assuming he still had things to take care of inside. And so, Phil stood around, glancing at his watch to see what time it was.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    Frollo nodded and waved as Lady Ashe and the others left. Yang went back to his usual duties around the cathedral, but was approached by Frollo. "What did the man you speak with want?" Frollo asked. "He wanted me to do something against my beliefs, so I respectfully declined," Yang replied. "I see," Frollo commented before going back to taking care of his duties.


    ~Toshima District: Battle Site~


    "Umm, sure," General Shining Armor said as Izaya bounced away. When he was asked by Levi what was happening, Shining Armor said, "Well..." The general was then cut off by Levi when he noticed Nano and called out to him. Shining Was confused as to what was going on, wondering whether Nano was a friend of Levi. "Friend of yours?" Shining Armor asked Levi.


    ~Hospital: Room 358~

    Before Peach mentioned about the people who fought alongside them in Toshima, Xion told Kairi, "Not saying you're wrong Kairi, but I'm pretty sure they're Pokemon too." Xion pointed to the television screen that was on CNN. It was now reporting the creatures as a new Pokemon species called S-types. "A new Pokemon species called 'S-types.' I suppose that makes sense," Luna commented. When Peach mentioned the people who fought along, including Mario and Luigi, Xion asked, "Mario? Luigi? Who are those?" "I think they're new students like me. Saw their name on a list in the principal's office yesterday when registering for classes," Vanellope answered. "I see. Guess they must have strong powers," Xion commented, "Well then, I think I need to answer a few questions right now. You guys can wait outside. It won't be long." "Will you be ok?" Vanellope asked. Xion nodded, reassuring Vanellope that she was indeed fine. "Very well then Xion. See you in a few minutes," Loki said as he left the room while being followed by Vanellope and Luna. "Kairi, Peach, you coming?" Thor asked as he opened the door.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    "It's here," Rassilon said as he led Al Mualim to the room were Astral was, "Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have some errands to finish. I'll see you soon." Rassilon left Al Mualim alone in the entrance to Astral's room. Entering the room, Al Mualim found Astral badly hurt, resting in a tube. Walking towards it, Al Mualim sighed, and put his hand on the tube. "Rest well, old friend," Al Mualim told Astral, "You'll have your revenge, I promise."


    ~Crystal Order HQ (again)~

    "Welcome to our HQ son," Aldrich said as he parked his car inside the Crystal Order headquarters. Max was amazed at the size of the secret underground facility. "Woah... This is where they give you missions?" Max asked. "Well, if you're closeby, yes. Otherwise, missions are usually given through other methods. But yeah, this is it," Aldrich Killian replied. "Sweet! Can't wait till I'm old enough to be a Crystal Order member," Max said. "I'm sure you'll become a great one," Aldrich responded to his son, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some matters to take care of. See you in a little while." Aldrich then left his son to wander around while he searched for Haytham Kenway to report on the status of his Extremis project.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
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