RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Hospital: Minako's Room~
    Akihiko turned doubtful gray eyes away from Officer Jenny's fleeing form. He stared long and hard at Minako's face before cradling her cheek in one black gloved hand. "I will be right back. I need to call..." he glanced at Saix, "A friend. If Minato wakes up, tell him I'm coming back. We really need to talk about what happened that year." Minako nodded and Akhiko stood, leaving her room.
    Flipping out his cell phone, Akhiko speed dialed Fuuka. Her voice came through the speaker after the second ring. " something wrong?" "I'm sorry to call...or maybe not so sorry. Fuuka, Minato and Minako are back." "Wh-what?! They're back? Wh...where, Senpai?! Are they okay?" Smiling at Fuuka's excited tone, Akhiko cleared his throat, "They're somewhat alright. Minato was hurt...but the doctors here say he'll pull through. There's something I need you to do. There's someone I need you to track down. The person who did this to the Arisato siblings."

    CPU's House:

    Virus paced for a moment. "This...isn't exactly a game, Histoire." Pushing up his glasses, Virus glanced out the door, checking to make sure the girls weren't scrambling to evesdrop on their conversation. "I have something I want you to help me with, Histoire." Pulling out his cell, he flipped it open and showed Histoire the photo that had been pulled up. A picture of a black haired boy lying in a hospital bed. Purple and blue showed under transparently white skin. Despite the terrible state of the boy, black eyes were open and looking directly at the camera. "This is Sei... You didn't meet him at your time working for Toue, but he's one of the boys we created. After Sei united all the consciousness' he'd created to destroy the Oval Tower and Platinum Jail, it was highly believe he died because of Aoba... Fortunately, something else happened and Trip and I were able to retrieve Sei's collective consciousness. I require a place to keep Sei so he's not found by anyone who either knows about Toue's research or the events that day. Sei is a very valuable person." A smile spread across Virus' lips, "I want you to formally adopt him and keep him with your girls during the day. At night, I will take him back." Handing her the phone to flip through several pictures, more of the same, Virus waited patiently for her answer.

    Tokyo Streets:
    Komura hesitated. Golden eyes switched from Yu's face to Teddie's and then to Naoto. "I'm nothing special. Honestly, whatever you're thinking...that's probably not it." Naoto scowled, "Then what are you?" "I am the descendant of the Nine-Tailed Fox. A beast that lent its power to the Tamayori Princess to kill the God of the Underworld." Naoto stared at him, unblinking, and his smile turned sad, "But you don't know what that means at expected. I used to be the Guardian of someone extraordinary. The events of that time are over and I am a free and normal person now. But that does not mean my powers have vanished along with my duty." He held out one hand, palm up and blue fire sprang to life just above the skin of his palm. "I create spirit fire and illusions. We....Ryou Kutani...and myself are very sensitive to spiritual power. You, your boyfriend and your animal-like friend possess much more spiritual power than normal humans." His gaze trailed after Ryou and Naoto filed away everything he'd said. She and Yu had seen more than enough crazy to at least believe he was telling the truth. "Ryou Kutani...he's like you then?" Komura nodded, "Yes, he is the descendant of the Wolf. His senses, like mine, are enhanced. Though I'm not going to walk around sniffing people. apologies, my name is Yuuichi Komura. O-chan was travelling with me, but I'm glad she's found someone else to protect. The Osaki Fox is a type of ghost. Her power is the same as mine, but her level of power is determined by...well I suppose it doesn't matter now." Naoto watched as Yuuichi snuffed out the flame as quickly as he'd created it, " don't possess a Persona." Tilting his head, Yuuichi questioned, "Persona? A facade... No, I don't. I imagine you have other questions...but I can't allow Kutani-san to roam too far out of my vision. We'll meet again." Yuuichi smiled and gave chase to Ryou, leaving Naoto, Yu and Teddie alone again. "That's...interesting. It makes sense. The Persona is a part of our selves...our souls. Those who have spiritual sensitivity would be able to sense something."

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Liara's voice came back over the speakers, "Um, Shepard...please try to refrain from killing him. Izaya may be severely limiting my information network but he's still someone I need. Someone you'll need. Izaya Orihara has a lot of information about things that's not written down and so far my attempts to hack into his hard-drive remotely have been unsuccessful." Tali whistled, "Something the Shadow Broker can't hack into, I'm surprised." "As am I. He has many, ever-changing firewalls at every turn and I'm sure much of what isn't on any of the computers in his apartment are in files. Just...refrain from shooting him, if you can." Nihlus frowned, "Shadow Broker...?" He gave Shepard a surprised look and shook his head. Thane and Mordin stood along with Tali, ready to follow Shepard out to Shinjuku.

    Shinjuku District: Izaya Orihara's Apartment~
    "So... The odd crystal provides other pawns. What will you do when the side you've placed yourself on suddenly becomes the one with too many players?" Heterochromia red and gold eyes stared intently at a Shogi board before moving one piece and lifting up to Izaya sitting at his desk. "Then I simply condition the other side to even the odds. This is my war...I'm not about to let key pieces be kicked out of the game before we hit the climax." Izaya's red eyes shifted from the email he was writing to the red-headed high schooler sitting on his couch playing Shogi. The kid was smart...but that was why he was here in the first place. "And Kuroko? You said you wanted information. Do you still want it?" "Of course I do. Tetsuya is very important to me. I promised I'd see him and the others again. But I can wait until our practice match in a few months." Arching one brow, Izaya leaned back into his chair and angled it towards him, "The file to your right is Kuroko and if you want the others...I'll need payment up front." "You don't trust me, Izaya?'s not as fun knowing I'm right when there's no game to it." Izaya glowered, "Akashi-kun..." "You don't play basketball. You're not the type. You don't know what it's like to be able to see, predict and understand everything that's going on." "Akashi..." "I hate to say I might've been wrong...really, it would imply I can be wrong--" "Seijuro!" Red and gold eyes and a smile met Izaya's annoyed gaze, "Yes, Izaya?" Breaking into laughter, Izaya set his feet on top of his desk, "Seijuro Akashi...the Captain of the Generation of Miracles. They don't give that title to just anyone. And now I see why. But I'm not playing with just a few people. I've been playing with all of Japan as my board and its people as my pieces. Of course, I haven't moved a single one of them...without them knowing it. Life is a funner game to play than basketball." Ignoring him, Akashi picked up the folder and started reading.
  2. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~CPUs' House: Histoire~​
    Histoire looked at Virus with teal eyes before she said "Alright, I'll adopt Sei. I don't know how well he'll get along with the girls though. Personally I think they'll get along just right if he's a good kid.". She proceeded to stand up on the white carpet as she asked "Is there anything else I need to know about? Things like allergies, diseases, or anything else important?"
    ~Shepard's Apartment~​
    "It's a long story Nihlus. I'll tell you on the way there" Shepard said calmly before she walked out the door with Wrex and Garrus following. After a minute or two Shepard arrived in the parking garage and walked over to her convertable. Garrus ran over and vaulted himself over the cherry-red door landing on the black leather seat as he said "I call shotgun!". Wrex arrived next and calmly got into the backseat of the car quietly keeping to himself​
    ~Wolverine and Yukio's Home~​
    "Well then" Peppy simply said in surprise as he sipped his tea. He then looked at Yukio sternly as he theorized aloud "Apparently our enemies tried to knock out and capture us. Once captured they would be able to get the combination to the relic". Peppy then finished his tea and set the cup down on the table as he introduced himself "My name is Peppy Hare, I am a teacher down at Nintendo High."
    ~Gamindustri Graveyard: Basilicom~​
    After what seemed like a few minutes the S-Type and mouse duo arrived outside a large imposing building. The mouse proceeded to open the two large doors and walked inside with the S-Type following behind him commenting "A large cathedral, reminds me of Tokyo". Pirachu eventually lead the S-Type to a smaller door before opening it annoucing "Hey middle-aged goddess! You have a foriegn visitor!" loudly. This caused a chair to turn around as a single eye met with a lilac-skinned woman.​
    "Why did you bring that thing into my Basilicom for!" the woman asked rather irritated at the presence of the S-Type. Pirachu was shaking in fear only for the S-Type to raise its arm in his defense saying "He brought me here on my orders. Now then Arfoire...let's have a chat". The sheer knowledge the S-Type had caused Arfoire's red eyes to widen as she asked in confusion "How do you know who I am?".
    "It's simple, you see I am a member of the Crystal Order and I have a proposition for you" The S-Type started before it pulled out a picture and showed it to Arfoire. Arfoire leaned in to look at the picture before reconizing a familiar face as she shouted "She's still alive!?". The S-Type nodded and explained "Yes, she is alive in Tokyo and has kids of her own. The deal I am proposing is this, you join the Crystal Order and help my friends out. And in exchange Histoire and her family are all yours to kill"
    Arfoire took a moment to think as she placed a hand on her chin as she said "Normally I wouldn't bother to work with others since I rule all of Gamindustri. But I will make an exception just this once.". She proceeded to stand up and adjust her hat saying "I have a few followers in Japan anyway". "Good, I will proceed to drop you two off where they are at then." the S-Type said as it raised its arrms out causing a swirling blue and black mass to appear floating in midair "Step through". Arfoire quietly stepped through the floating mass calmly witth Pirachu following. Eventually the S-Type simply sunk through the tiled floor muttering "Not going over the Pacific again..."
    ~Toshima District: ASIC~​

    The floating mass of a portal swirled into existance as Pirachu ran out noticing the trashed enviroment before him commenting "Japan sure does look like total ****. Chuuu~". CFW Judge then broke tthrough a wall infuriated as he yelled aloud angrily "This dump is the home of the Arfoire Syndicate of International Crime punk!". "You idiot, I am a member!" Pirachu shouted aloud as CFW Trick and CFW Brave walked in upon the argument. Brave looked down at Pirachu and said calmly "Hey there, I don't remember you coming to Japan at all" "Just tell me where that chump Underling is...". Eventually Arfoire stepped out onto the dusty floor and stared face to face with Judge, Brave and Trick before yelling "Will my followers please come forward!"
    ~Minato District: Outside Peach's House~​

    Kairi looked out the window and watched the buildings fly by before spotting a large white house that had a red roof on it. She then yelled aloud "Pull over! That's Peach's house over there. The white house witth a red roof!" while pointed at the house.​
    ~Hospital Room~​
    The boy put the ice pack on the back of his head before turning his blue gaze towards Doctor Hu. He then said quietly "My name is Mito Yoshinbou, I live in Minato.". His gaze turned over to Pino feeling sorry for her as he said "I'm sorry that your parents died"
    ~Orihara Apartment~​

    Ram and Rom stood in watch near the Shogi game that was being played. Neither sister could understand the exact context of what was being said. Eventually Rom broke the silence and started to speak quietly to Ram "Generation of Miracles? They're that fabled basketball team that was on TV right?" "Yeah, the same team that exists in our siblings' school". Rom quietly walked over to Akashi and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil before speaking in a quiet tone "Excuse me sir, can I have your autograph for my siblings?"
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Yu nodded in agreement about the spiritual senses, there were so many things people don't know about humans or their abilities, plus if Komura-san keeps the outher one, Kutani in check, there might be something to gain from it, well, less creepier ways to put it simply. "I guess so, I think he could tell my powers were stronger than you both." he duly noted and remembered Igor's words, that he was a Wild Card, able to house up to thirteen different Persona's at one time or maybe because of the power of the World Arcana and the power Izanagi-no-Okami held, being able to destroy Izanami's true form.

    "Then again, I shouldn't be surprised, Marie is one of those people." he thought, she was called Mariko on the local news channel of Inaba and had complete control over the weather in that regard, not to mention being Izanami-no-Mikoto, a beign who wished to protect humanity and grant it's wish and not to mention being able to cast lightning in the real world as a testament to that when Yosuke and Teddie tried to peep in the girls after they rescued Marie from the Hollow Forest.


    Kazu smiled and soon the game was on, the two of them trading blows with every move they made, he had to admit though. "She certainly has talent in this game, but judging by her Deck's monsters and abilities, it seems focused around giving effect damage as well filling up the field with tokens but her Black Rose Dragon allows her to wipe the field clean, if I didn't know any better, it's based on devastation tactics or stalling for enough time, especially with her monster's second effect." His thoughts wandered, but from her reactions, she was being almost like she had a scared projection of spirit everytime she played a card based on either destruction or attacking.

    "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's frightened of something, or she's just plain nervous like Syrus." he thought as the game continued, with Akiza gaining a victory.

    -Riders/Sentai and Rangers-

    Marvelous stared and spoke. "If you say we are the start of Sentai, then why are there Keys pertaining to other groups? If we count all the Keys, that's a total of 34 Sentai Teams."

    "Then the Kamen Riders before myself are the same, but instead, Sakura's generation are known as Showa while from Kuuga's then on, it's Heisei to Kiva then Neo-Heisei for me and the oncoming Riders, such as Double, OOO, Fourze and now Wizard." Tsukasa pointed out.
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Orihara Apartment:

    Akashi let the folder drop slightly and stared at the piece of paper Rom held out to him. "An autograph...? I could spare the time for it...I suppose." Izaya leaned further than necessary over his desk and stared wide-eyed as Akashi took the pencil and paper from Rom and scrawled his name in neat, elegant cursive: "Seijuro Akashi". "Ohhhh, you can write in English. Very impressive...Kiseki no Sedai Taichou." Akashi gave him a smile that held back careful violence, "Arigatou, Izaya." Stifling his laughter, Izaya's gaze was drawn back to his computer as a beep alerted him to something Akashi couldn't see on the screen. Handing the paper back to Rom, Akashi snatched a lock of her hair, letting the brown strands slip through his fingers, "For your siblings? They go to school at Nintendo High? Hmm, what are your names? You know me...but I don't know you." Gently he let go of Rom's hair and lifted a Shogi piece from the board without looking and placed it in the little girl's hand, "Keep this until we meet again, okay?" Intense red and gold eyes bore into Rom. Rolling his eyes, Izaya slid his chair over to his own odd game and slowly moved a few pieces around. His fingers moved swiftly over the pieces as if he knew exactly what he was doing and why.

    CPU's Residence:

    Virus sighed and gave her a lazy smile, "Not really... Ah, there is one thing. Sei doesn't make eye contact for a reason. Don't force'll regret it." He pursed his lips, blue eyes sliding away from Histoire's gaze, "And any odd happenings with computers, TV's, consoles, tablets, iPods and other things with a screen are beyond my control so don't come whining to me. Sei's a very shy boy...he'll take time to adjust at his own pace." Turning on his heel with his back facing Histoire, Virus twirled his finger in the air, "Things will get rather odd around here during those days." Sliding his phone back into his pocket, Virus headed for the door, "I'll take care of the paperwork...but from now on, Sei is apart of your family. He'll be listed as your, specifically your, adopted son. Birth certificate, vaccinations and all medical information will be sent to you in the mail. Of course, they'll only be copies." Virus turned his head, looking over his shoulder at Histoire, a possessive look in his blue eyes, "You're only a cover. Sei is mine."

    Tokyo Streets:

    Rubbing her eyes, Naoto shook off the funny feeling she got from Yuuichi Komura and Ryou Kutani and gestured down the street to where the memorial was being held. "We should get going, Senpai. It would be wise to be able to locate Yamagishi-san before the memorial starts. Hopefully she can answer some questions for us. She's one of the more sure leads to finding out what that incident was at Tatsumi Port Island and finding Shinjiro Aragaki." Her blue eyes darkened as she set off for the memorial.

    Shepard's Apartment:

    Thane frowned at the sight of Shepard's convertible. "Is this safe? You humans don't make a lot of your vehicles able to withstand heavy artillery." Turning her face away, Tali tried to hold back her snickering at Nihlus' comment. "Quite safe. For Earth that is. Encountering heavy artillery highly unlikely. Convertible built for optimal speed, not safety. Common theme with Shepard." Thane eyed the backseat. It would be cramped trying to fit everyone inside. Opening his mouth to comment, Tali lifted a set of keys, "I've never been on Earth before...I thought I should get one too. Don't worry, it's quite safe." Behind Tali sat a slick black pickup truck. Mordin scanned it over and shrugged, "Prefer to ride with Tali. Higher chance of survival." Nihlus sighed heavily and climbed into the truck with Mordin and Tali, leaving Thane to slid into the backseat with Wrex.

    Toshima District: ASIC~

    Shoving roughly past Trick and Brave, CFW Magic stared with starry eyes at the woman before them. "Arfoire-sama~!" Linda slinked out behind her, tip-toeing to stand in a corner somewhere. "Arfoire-sama~!" Magic squealed with delight, the sound making Linda cringe and cast a disgusted glance her way. Magic straighted immediately and cast an icy glare at the others, "Stand at attention, you idiots! Arfoire-sama has returned to us to give divine orders! We must listen with our hearts open and take in her heavenly beauty." "Yuck, what beauty...?" "What was that?!" Startled, Linda slid down to sit in her corner and listen, unwilling to provoke Magic further.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo Street-

    "Oh, yes. Coming, Nao-chan! Come on, Sensei." Teddie said, smiling as he followed Naoto to the memorial. He just smiled, forgetting the strange event that had recently happened and just enjoyed being with his teammates, remembering to grab his bear suit in case he needed it at the memorial. He hum happily as he walked with them.



    "Thank you so much for the match. I hope we can play again sometime." Akiza said, smiling before heading to her dorm room and surprised to find it empty. Akiza set her stuff on the right side of the room and relaxed on the floor, thinking about the duel she had with Kazu and smiled, happy she had finally found a friend.


    -Riders and Sentai/Rangers-

    "If there were Riders after me until all you were chosen, there must have Sentai teams after AkaRed up until the Gokaigers were picked." Sakura said, messing with her cup. Billy said, "That would make a lot of sense for 34 teams that the Gokaigers can change into." "Billy is right, it does make a lot of sense." Don said, Dante just belched, interrupting the serious moment and receiving a punch from Seki. Billy just covered his face.
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Tokyo Street~

    Yu nodded at Naoto's suggestion and walked alongside her and Teddie to the memorial, it was truly the best place to find someone they needed to find, but of course it served to pay respect to those who lost their lives, he knew how those families must feel, losing someone they loved as he experienced a similar situation with Nanako, thankfully, she was strong despite her heart stopping for those few minutes.

    "It feels like that day again." Yu said quietly within earshot of his friends, the subject was rather a touchy and very personal one to the Investigation Team.


    Kazu watched as Akiza departed from the room after thanking him for playing with her and placed his deck back within it's box and picked up his backpack. "I hope the headmaster is available now." he muttered and went back to the office, knocking on the door.

    ~Riders and Sentai/Rangers~

    Tsukasa nodded at Sakura's answer and he laid back in his chair as the other Gokaigers did so.


    Syaoran and Sakura sat in their seat, watching the empty stage.

    ~Fang and Vanille~

    The announcement of the funeral starting in ten minutes was plenty of tiem for vanilla or prepare some tea for everyone in Sirius's house, after all, they weren't going to attend, but it paid to have some respect for those passed away and she closed her eyes in the kitchen. "All those families... mourning for their loved ones." She said solemnly and brought her fingers together to form her signature prayer, that those who died would find peace.


    Tidus watched on TV with Yuna and the others along with Bartz, it did remind him of his mother a bit.
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Minato District: Outside Peach's House~

    Thor parked his car close to Peach's house. He, along with Vanellope, Luna, and Loki, got out of the car, and observed the area. "Nice place," Vanellope commented. "So, how exactly can Peach help us Kairi?" Thor asked Kairi.


    ~Crystal Order HQ: Rassilon's Office~


    Rassilon was continuing to read the article on Blanka, learning more about this creature of interest. Just then, Mewtwo teleported to his office, holding a container...


    "Master Rassilon, I have liberated Lord Chilled, just as you've asked," Mewtwo said while bowing down Rassilon. "Excellent," Rassilon replied. Mewtwo handed over the container to Rassilon, who observed it, noticing the strange protrusions. "You are dismissed Mewtwo," Rassilon said. Mewtwo nodded, and teleported away.



    Misty (along with her Togepi) and Brock met up at the local Wal-Mart to do some grocery shopping together, just as they would every week, discussing certain topics, and reminiscing on the old days they spent together. "So, how are your classes going?" Misty asked Brock. "Well, I got this project I'm working on. Though I'm not sure if the professor's gonna change the due date, since classes have been cancelled till Friday," Brock replied. "Oh yeah, that," Misty commented, thinking back to what happened with the Abductor attack the previous day, "That was just awful." Brock nodded in agreement, and added, "Marius has been talking about it all day. He keeps blaming it all on Prime Minister Jones." "Well, what do you think Brock?" Misty asked. "Well, I do think Harriet Jones certainly did an awful job of handling what happened yesterday," Brock answered, "Still, I'm not sure if anyone else would've handled it better." "You do have a point," Misty said, "Ugh, so many things to consider... I have a feeling this election's going to be one of the most brutal ones yet. I'm not sure if I even want to vote." "Yeah," Brock added, "And I doubt that even Marius, with his expertise on the issues, can even convince me to vote. But hey, you never know." Meanwhile, Togepi, sitting on the child seat of Misty's shopping cart, noticed mangoes nearby, wanting some. "TogiTogi," Togepi said, reaching out it's hands. Misty noticed, smiled, and said, "Ok Togepi, but just this once." Misty went and grabbed a mango for Togepi. While she made her way back to her shopping cart, one of her Pokeballs accidentally dropped to the ground, and out came Psyduck...


    "Psyduck," Psyduck said as it appeared. "Huh?" Misty said, noticing that her Psyduck was out of the Pokeball. Looking around, it noticed a bunch of apples a few feet away. Psyduck rushed to the apples, grabbed one, and ate it. "PSYDUCK YOU IDIOT! NOW I'M GONNA HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT!" Misty yelled at Psyduck. "Psyyiyi..." Psyduck said as it fell on the floor, holding it's head with its hands.


    ~Shinjiku District: Building Close to Crash Site~


    'Stay cool Discord, stay cool' Discord thought to himself. Trying to ignore the fact that Celestia was there (as well as put the past behind him), Discord got up, and went back to spying on Alice Elliot. 'When will this memorial start?' he thought to himself. Meanwhile...


    Javert was in a building neighboring the one Discord was in, spying on Discord for Rassilon. He wondered what was troubling Discord for a while there.


    ~Nintendo High: Al Mualim's Office~


    While taking care of more paperwork, Al Mualim heard a knock on the door, wondering whether it was Kazu. "Come in," Al Mualim said.


    ~Hospital Room~


    "Nice to meet you Mito," Doctor Hu replied to the boy. He heard a knock on the door, and found Officer Jenny standing there, wanting to talk with the doctor about something...


    "Doctor, I also came to the hospital to discuss Xion," Officer Jenny said. "Right... Alright kids, let Officer Jenny here take care of you from here. And Mito, make sure you don't bump your head again like that," Doctor Hu said as he left the room. "Okay little Mito, let me call your mother to come and pick you and your friends up," Jenny said, "What's her phone number?"


    ~Wolverin'e and Yukio's Home~


    "Relic?" Yukio asked. "Nintendo High's prized possession, it's a 118-karat diamond Peppy's father found in Australia. Thieves have been constantly trying to steal it for years. None have been successful so far," Phil Coulson replied, purposely lying to Yukio about the details of the Relic. "I see... so the two of you teach at Nintendo High School?" Yukio questioned. Phil nodded and said, "I teach Biology, and Peppy teaches Astrology." "That's nice... I've heard so many good things about the school," Yukio commented.
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~CPUs' House: Histoire~​
    "Excuse me? Last I recall the boy is apart of my family, not yourrs" Histoire said as she looked at a clock on her nightstand. She then said "But for right now though we need to get our kids to the Memorial, there's only ten minutes until it starts" quietly leaving the room. Histoire then walked into the living room to see her daughters dressed up formally for the occasion. Nepgear looked to her mother with a purple gaze as she explained "We kinda got dressed while you were away, so that way we wouldn't be slacking"
    "Alright girls, let's get in and go. And maybe after this we'll go stop for lunch" Histoire explained before Neptune yelled a loud "WOOOOOOOOO!". Histoire just blinked as the girls went outside slightly confused. Vert got into the driver's seat of Histoire's minivan and proceeded to start it up as the girls started to get in. "Hey Vert, why don't you come back here with us!" Neptune chirped between Blanc and Noire in the back. "Alright, hang on" Vert said as she started to crawl from the front seat and into the back with her siblings, however it was diffucult to squeeze in for the large-breasted female. Her chest slammed facefirst into Blanc's face "Sorry about that!"
    Eventually after some swearing from Blanc, Vert managed to squeeze in between Noire and Blanc smiling. "Hey, um...who do we go with?" Pururut asked looking from outside as there wasn't much room in the white and gold minivan.​
    ~Shepard's Apartment~​
    Shepard simply laughed as she started her car up, she looked at the back and said "Hey Tali, try to keep up with me.". Shepard then quietly drove out of the garage and into the streets of Tokyo. As she drove she put on a pair of sunglasses with Garrus quietly looking around. However unknown to Shepard a familiar black and yellow robot was flying high in the air looking down. 3.0 quietly started to scan Shepard with glowing red eyes.​
    ~Orihara Apartment~​
    Rom quietly looked up at Akashi with pale blue eyes explaining "Okay, my name is Rom, and the other girl is my twin sister Ram" as she took both the paper and the Shogi piece. Ram looked at the clock before she said aloud "Hey Rom, we need to get going. The memorial service starts soon and mom would probably want us there". Rom gasped as she said "You're right! Um sorry Akashi sir..we have to go now". The White Sisters quickly left the room and started towards the door.​
    ~Toshima District: ASIC~​
    "She said and I quote 'Yuck, what beauty' because of the middle aged goddess. Chuuu~" Pirachu explained only for Arfoire to glare at him with red eyes. "Silence!" Arfoire shouted as she slammed her foot into the mouse sending him flying about comedicly before landing on Linda's lap. "Now then, according to what I've heard from the grapevine it seems as though she is alive" Arfoire explained sternly as she looked at everyone. "Oh yes she is, she's now a mother of twelve girls" Brave explained only for Judge to violently push him out of the way yelling "AND TWO OF THOSE SKANKS KICKED MY ****ING ASS!"
    "That will be enough out of you" Arfoire said calmly as the S-Type rose up from the ground beside Arfoire with arms crossed. It looked at everyone before annoucing "Hello and welcome to the Crystal Order!". Judge shouted aloud "Crystal Order! Do you mean that stupid worldwide terrorist group!" raising a fist. "Well well, seems someone's been watching too much TV. But yes..the same one. My friends and I shall be assisting you" The S-Type calmly explained. Pirachu pulled out a diamond-shaped rock and handed it to the S-Type asking "Think you could do something about this? The middle-aged one has the other pieces".
    The S-Type took the rock and gazed at it for a moment before closing its eye closed. The rock hovered out of his hand for a moment before transforming in a flash of black light. The thing that landed in its hand now resembled a black diamond with four odd slots. "Here you go little mouse" The S-Type said handing Pirachu the odd diamond. "Now then, we need to...." Arfoire started as she explained her plan.​
    ~Nintendo High: Roof~​
    "Well, well. Look at what we have here." a familiar female voice said with emerald eyes staring directly at Sunset Shimmer. "Oh? Do you mean the tall, firey, seven foot demon?" another familiar voice asked with a ruby gaze. "Why yes I do, seems as though they never taught her about behavior if she's firey like that" Morrigan commented as her green hair blew in the wind. "Now, I wouldn't quite say that. I think she is promising us some excitement" Lilith said as she placed a hand on the side of her head. "A hot, firey demonic woman...that sounds exciting when you think of it " Morrigan said as she stood up from behind Sunset Shimmer.​
    ~Minato District: Outside Peach's House~​
    "Well, Peach's guardian is actually a member of the Japanese Parliment. But instead of having an office he simply works from home and only attends the meetings when needed. Either way she has access to the records and other details of Tokyo." Kairi explained as she walked up to the door and pressed the doorbell.​
    The door opened a second later with Peach standing at the entrance. She smiled and said happily "Hello Kairi". "Hey Peach, is Toadsworth around? We need help with something." Kairi asked explaining the situation to Peach. Peach nodded and said "He's inside working on business. But I'm sure he could spare a moment. Follow me" leading Kairi into the house.​
    ~Wolverine and Yukio's Home~​
    "Indeed, it is a good school to go to. It's one of the top high-schools in Japan because we cater to any type of student." Peppy explained before looking at his watch. His eyes raised up as he politely said "I'm sorry miss, but I need to get going if I'm going to make it to the service in ten minutes."
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Wolverine's and Yukio's Home~
    "We can take you there if you want," Wolverine commented as he entered the room, "The name's Logan by the way." "I'm Phil Coulson, and this here's Peppy," Phil said, introducing himself and Peppy to Wolverine, "Again, thanks for saving us." "No problem," Logan replied.


    ~Nintendo High Rooftop~


    Sunset Shimmer was wondering when Cammy would arrive. After all, she was the one who wanted to this fight. When Morrigan and Lilith appeared, Sunset Shimmer turned to look at them. "You here to watch the show?" Sunset asked the two.


    ~Hospital: Room 358~


    Xion was in her hospital bed, gazing at Vanellope's medal. Doctor Hu then entered the room, surprised to see Xion awake...


    "Xion! Thank God you're awake," Doctor Hu said. "What am I doing here doctor?" Xion asked. "Don't you remember?" Doctor Hu asked. Xion shook her head, indicting she didn't remember how she got hurt in the first place. "I see..." Doctor Hu commented as he began to check on Xion's injuries, "Guess Officer Jenny's going to be disappointed."


    ~Xehanort's and Hiccup's Dorm~

    Hiccup couldn't even beat Xehanort at Gran Turismo 5, constantly losing to his roommate. "Wow, and I thought I was an expert at this game by getting that platinum trophy. Guess I need more practice," Hiccup commented, "Congrats Xehanort, never thought I'd meet someone better than me at Gran Turismo." "Thank you Hiccup," Xehanort replied.
    "So, how 'bout we play some Call of Duty online multiplayer?" Hiccup proposed. "I don't even like Call of Duty," Xehanort said. "Yeah, not a huge fan of it myself either," Hiccup added, "So Battlefield instead?" "I'm okay with that," Xehanort said, and the two started playing Battlefield 3 while Toothless continued watching them.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Memorial Site:
    Naoto couldn't bring herself to say anything to Yu. She remembered Nanako's incident with perfect clarity. It was her fault Nanako had been least it was what she believed. Stepping onto the grass, her eyes landed on the mass of chairs set up and people already sitting for the memorial. A stage was set up, probably for a tribute to those who had died, and Naoto's eyes scanned over the people sitting for Fuuka. Spotting familiar aqua hair, Naoto guided Teddie and Yu to sit in the empty seats behind the girl. Fuuka turned in her seat and stared wide-eyed at Yu. "You' me, did you go to Gekkoukan High?" Surprised, Naoto breathed, "I was right..." "Wh-what?" Determined, Naoto leaned forwards, "You are Fuuka Yamagishi-san, correct?" "Um...yes." "Yamagishi-san, you were involved in the incident at Tatsumi Port Island...or am I mistaken." "I-Incident? Oh..." She didn't confirm nor deny Naoto's statement which spurred the detective in Naoto. "Yamagishi-san, may I ask you a few questions? There are a lot of pieces missing from the stories about Tatsumi Port Island and your school....furthermore, I'd like to ask about Shinjiro Aragaki-san." Under Naoto's stare and questions, Fuuka paled to the point where she looked like she was about to faint.

    CPU Residence:

    Virus twirled a set of keys around his finger and gestured to the polished black Impala parked on the side of the road. "You ladies may ride with me." Belle and Kuro exchanged suspicious looks and silently, if not reluctantly, climbed into the backseat of the Impala. "If I may look lovely." Kuro glared at him, "Quiet you!"

    Orihara Apartment:

    As the girls headed to the door, Akashi stood, tucking the folder of information under his arm and grabbed his jacket off the coat hanger by the door and slid into his shoes. Patting Ram's head, he plopped their hats on their heads and held their jackets out for them to put on after their shoes. "Oh? Are you going to the memorial too, Akashi?" Nodding, Akashi spared a side-long glance for the owner of the apartment, "I am. It would be unpleasant if my family wasn't present at a major event like this. You may be able to escape the public eye, Izaya, but the Akashi family cannot." Akashi's face darkened as he spoke and Izaya's skilled gaze didn't miss a single emotion that crossed through red and gold eyes. "Yes, I'm sure your father will be delighted to know you've at least shown up in public for a viewing of the dead people." Instead of an equally sarcastic remark or the typical rolling of the eyes, Akashi ignored him and herded the girls outside. Izaya waved dramatically, grinning, "Bye-bye!" Mairu and Kururi exited their room and stared at the empty apartment, except for their brother, and frowned, "Did the Captain of the Generation of Miracles leave already? I kinda wanted to see what he was like." Kururi nodded along with Mairu. Glowering up at his sisters, Izaya flicked his fingers towards the door, "You can still catch him if you leave now." "Nah, sounds like a pain." "Yuuhei would be a different story..." Tuning them out, Izaya went back to work on his email.
    Memorial Site:

    Three boys quietly took seats near the back of the memorial site, though everything about them stood out. Tall with vibrant green hair and glasses. Tall and dark red hair. Tall, blond and a personality that shown like the sun. "Kise...why are we sitting so far at the back?" "We're showing respect. I figured with all the news coverage, we should stay on the down-low, right, Midorimacchi?" The green haired man pushed up his glasses with taped fingers, "For once, Kise has had a rather intelligent thought. Though it was expected. Gemini's horoscope placed above Cancer today." Pulling out a small iPod, he pressed play and a woman's cheerful voice came on, "Today's Oha-Asa horoscope ranking: Third place Cancer, Second: Gemini, and First: Pisces! Gemini will have an exceptionally creative and intelligent day! Today's Lucky Item is--" "Cafe au lait." The two leaned over and indeed, a to-go plastic cup of cafe au lait sat in his right hand. "Superstitious as always, Midorimacchi. Hm...?" The blond glanced past their glasses wearing friend and landed on a familiar blue head, "AH, Kurokocchi! When did you get here?" "I've been here the whole time, Kise-kun." "Ehhhh?! No way... Ah, I was too focused on not getting seen that I wasn't able to see Kurokocchi!" The blond ruffled his own hair and grinned at the blue haired boy quietly waiting for the memorial to start.
  11. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010


    The door to the roof slammed open, revealing Cammy. "I'm here now. If you're sure you want to take me on still, then so be it." Cammy told Sunset Shimmer. "But I warn you, I'm no weakling." Cammy noticed the other two here. "Oh, you brought friends. Shame that won't help anything." She taunted.

    ~~Shibuya: Scramble Crossing~~


    Neku ran. He had no idea where he was going, but all he knew was that the Noise were after him. He had lost Shiki, and there was no sign of Joshua, Rhyme, or Beat. "Gah! Where are those losers when you need them?!" He could hold them off on his own, sure, but if he didn't find someone to make a pact with, or one of his partners, the Noise wouldn't give up. There weren't any people around here either, which was eerie because it was the Scramble Crossing, so there would usually be an annoying amount of them around. What a waste.

    "Ungh!" He cried out when a Noise attacked him. "Crap... looks like I've got no choice. I'll have to hold them back as best as I can alone." He took out some pins, and clipped them onto his shirt. He had Thunder, Fire, and Slash. He'd have to give it his best effort. "Here I go." Neku switched his music player to a different song. He tapped his foot to the beat. "Ready to die?" he said to the Noise.

    "You're mine!" He said. He slashed across three of them, then proceeded to rain lightning on them. Still not enough. These were clearly stronger and for the purpose of erasing soloers. "Gah!" He got hit by one. "Damn you..." He snapped his fingers and traced a path with his hand. The line he made blazed up with fire, burning the one that had just attacked him. "Hm, fire seems like it works." Neku traced another path and lit it. The Noise were erased. "Alright, now I have to get the hell out of here!" He turned and ran toward the Hachiko Statue. He and Shiki had first met, so she would probably be hanging around there.
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~CPUs' House~​
    Shiro quietly got into the Impala beside Kuro and sternly looked at Virus explaining "Just because you're our father doesn't give you the right to say anything to make us forgive you, *******" with a look of anger in her face. Pururut quietly sat down beside Belle and looked at Shiro seemingly worried about her. She asked Belle "Hey Belle-chan, why does Shiro-chan look so angry for? She's starting to worry me.". Histoire turned her head to face her children smiling as she said "Hey, make sure you girls behave alright?"
    Blanc turned to face Vert with her eyes halfclosed as she quietly whispered "If you ever, and I repeat ever slam those large melons of yours in my face again I will kick your ass, understand Vert?". Vert turned to face Blanc with a smile saying "Oh Blanc-Chan. You're just jealous of my looks" as her breasts bounced. Blanc just silently muttered to herself with a string of unintelligible and foul words as Histoire started to drive off toward Shinjuku.​

    ~Outside Orihara Apartment~​

    "Um, arigatou Akashi-san. Our mother will be happy that we made it on time for the memorial" Rom quietly said as she bowed in front of Akashi. Ram however had already started to run for it at a brisk pace. Rom turned her head and screamed "Ram come back here! We don't know where we're even supposed to go to!" running after her twin down the street.​
    ~Nintendo High: Roof~​
    Morrigan rolled her eyes and simply laughed pointing at Sunset Shimmer commenting "That's funny, you really think that I'm her friend? Actually we're not affiliated with her at all and came to watch.". Lilith looked over at Cammy staring dead-on as she said "I'm really surprised that you can't tell the difference between a seven foot tall demon creature and two beautiful succubi. Then again your opponent is a monsterous demonic ***** so I'll let that one slide". "Now Lilith, you shouldn't go about calling other female demons names..that is unless you want a fight on your hands. Then that is perfectly acceptable" Morrigan explained looking at Lilith with a rather caring smile​
    ~Peach's House~​
    Peach lead the group past her living room and up a flight of stairs leading to a set of fancy double doors, she gently knocked on it asking "Toadsworth, can my friends and I come in to see you?". An elderly voice spoke up "Of course! Come in Princess! Come in with your friends!" rather happily. Peach opened the door and lead Kairi and the others inside the room.​
    The room looked like a fancy office with things that were in colors of brown, cream, and gold. Sitting at the desk was a rather short elderly man with a mushroom for a head typing away on a computer. He looked up through his glasses and said happily "Welcome to our home, my name is Toadsworth. It's nice to meet you all". Kairi bowed and said "Nice to meet you as well. Say could you help us out with something". Toadsworth nodded and said "I don't see why not, you seem like nice kids. What do you need?"
    "You see, it's about my cousin Xion. You see she was found in an alleyway and taken to a hospital. I want to try and find out what happened. Do you think you could get her hospital file up and possible video footage from the alley where she was found" Kairi asked explaining the story to Toadsworth. Toadworth looked over and silently nodded typing on his computer quickly. After a minute Toadsworth looked at them and explained "Here's her hospital file, but it seems as though the camera near the alleyway she was in got knocked offline. Let me try and see if I can get any archived footage"
    ~Wolverine and Yukio's Home~​
    "Arigatou, Logan-san. I have some business to attend to down at the memorial site. Infact both myself and Mr. Coulson were both at the site in question when it was attacked. I'm lucky that I survived of course" Peppy explained as he walked towards the door.​
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Shibuya District: CAT Headquarters-Dining Room~

    Joshua and Megumi Kitaniji were in the dining room, eating their lunch at the dinner table without saying a word to the other, as they were both focusing on the TV on the wall, which was turned on to CNN. CNN was doing a constant coverage of the memorial, which, according to the headlines, was scheduled to begin shortly. Suddenly, the door was slammed open, and in came Megumi's nephew, Sho Minamimoto...


    "Uncle Megumi! Joshua! Having lunch without me?! Man, you guys are so zetta fast!" Sho said as he grabbed a seat and sat down at the dinner table. He then signaled a butler to bring him some food. "Sho," Joshua said, greeting his guardian's nephew. "So, I guess teachers don't have to go to school as well either for today?" Kitaniji asked his nephew. "Nah, it's just Al Mualim there, along with a few security guards I believe," Minamimoto replied.


    ~A.I.M. Building: Aldrich Killian's Office~


    While Aldrich Killian was taking care of some paperwork, his spoiled son, Maximillion Killian, stormed into his office, back from his trip to Montana...


    "Hey Pops! I'm back!" Max yelled as he entered the room. "Welcome back Max. How was your trip?" Aldrich asked his son. "Great! I got to shoot a bunch of Pokemon, dragons, and even Noise! I got to keep a few of their heads as trophies. So don't be surprised if you see new faces in the walls at our home," Max replied. "That's great son. Now that you're here, I have a gift for you," Aldrich Killian said as he reached into a package and grabbed something. Walking over to his son, Aldrich opened his hand, revealing three CAT pins in the palm of his hand. "CAT pins? Really dad?" a disappointed Max said. "These aren't ordinary pins Max," Aldrich said as he handed his son the three pins, "They're part of the Extremis project." "Extremis? You mean you actually got a breakthrough this time?" Max asked. "I hope so," Aldrich replied, "But it's still in the experimental stage. Even if these pins give the expected result, Extremis still needs to be perfected." Max stared at the three pins he had, and asked, "So, how do they exactly work?" "Just look at the image on the pin, focus, and while holding the pin, you'll gain the ability of whatever element is represented on the image," Aldrich Killian answered his son. Max decided to try out the pin with the picture of a flame. He focused, and suddenly felt his body feeling a lot more warmer. Max reached his left hand, and a flame appeared. "Awesome," Max commented. He then focused on the pin with what appeared to be a star. Focusing, Max started to feel his body become a lot cooler. Now instead of a flame coming out of his hand, it was an icicle. "Cool," Max said as he prepared to test the third pin. However, looking at it, he was confused by the smiley face image on it. "Uhh dad, what's this supposed to do?" Max asked. "That pin gives you the ability to heal yourself in case you are hurt," Aldrich replied. "Well that's lame," Max said, "So, got anymore?" "There were a dozen in the package I got from the lab. However, there was supposed to be another package full of pins that got lost in the way. Not sure what happened to it," Aldrich answered. "But can I take some with me to school on Friday?" Maximillion asked his father. "Absolutely not," Aldrich replied with a stern voice, "You have any idea what the Order would do to me if they found out I let you take them to school!" Max sighed, and said, "Fine." "Anyway, there's a meeting at the Crystal Order HQ this evening. I hear a new member's going to be initiated. So I'm gonna be a little late today," Aldrich commented. "Can I come too? I mean, I'm gonna join the Order when I get older, so I might as well see the headquarters first," Max suggested. After thinking for a minute, Aldrich said, "Okay, you can come along. But stay with me at all times."


    ~Nintendo High Rooftop~


    Sunset Shimmer was about to snap when she heard Lilith call her a b***. When Morrigan told her not to call her that, Sunset Shimmer gave Lilith a threat, saying, "You better listen to your sister here if you know what's best for you you insignificant little w****!"


    ~Wolverine's and Yukio's Home~
    Yukio went outside to start the car. Hearing what Peppy said about the incident yesterday surprised Wolverine. "You two were there?" a surprised Wolverine asked. "Yeah, and I had to go to the hospital afterwards. Luckily, it wasn't anything serious. Still, what happened there does affect me personally, so I feel that I should be going to the memorial," Phil replied. "Well, glad to see you two made it," Wolverine said, "Anyway, Yukio's outside with the car. She knows the way."


    ~Peach's House~

    While Toadsworth was searching through archived footage, Vanellope felt a bit uneasy that they were getting help from a politician, because one thing Vanellope despises a lot is politicians. The fact that Toadsworth had access to security footage gave Vanellope an uneasy feeling. 'Have the Japanese people really reached the point of giving up personal liberties to be safer?' Vanellope thought to herself. She felt someone patting her on her shoulder. Vanellope turned around and saw that it was Luna, whose face gave her the message that everything was going to be alright. Vanellope smiled, reassured by Luna that it was okay to trust Toadsworth.
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Memorial, with Persona Users~

    Yu followed Naoto's direction and they had managed to grab three seats behind Fuuka Yamagishi and she asked him a question, if he went to Gekkoukan High, he did nod at that question, it was only for a social studies trip provided by the school as Naoto asked her questions, the girl turned pale and looked about ready to faint until he spoke. "Naoto, give her some room to breathe." he said and watched her lean back and he looked at Fuuka.

    "As my friend said, we're looking into the incidents that are mentioned but there's something else I want to tell you if I may." he was using his maximum efficiently understanding of the girl and spoke one word. "Persona." he said in a whisper, loud enough for her to hear, if she understood the meaning behind that specfic one word.

    ~Headmasters sOffice~

    Kazu stepped inside after the invitation and set his bag down beside him as he stood, staring at Al Mualim who sat behind his desk, arms at his sides, he knew the Headmaster was bound to have a file on him about his time at Duel Academy and the various incidents it went though in the last few years, what with Shadow Riders, a religious cult of the Society of Light, Duel Academy being sent to another dimension for a week and finally the incident of Trueman or rather more directly, Nightshroud removing every Duelist in the world except himself and Jaden Yuki by bringing everyone back and beating him, saving the world from his desire to rule..

    "I hope to Silfer the Sky Dragon, there won't be anymore saving the world from power-hungry people who want to control the world, I could do with one year without putting my life on the line." he thought to himself, but if it happened that many times in a row, he somehow had a feeling it'd happen again.
  15. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    ~~Demolition Yard~~


    "K-Kari!" Tai yelled out, as his sister was plucked from the ground by a huge lizard-bird Digimon - Diatrymon. Taking his Digivice in his palm, he looked over to his partner, Agumon, and nodded.
    "I'm on it, Tai." the dinosaur-like Digimon said, nodding back, and beginning to glow along with the Digivice...
    Both Digivice and Digimon were enveloped in a white light, as Agumon's shape began to change.
    "Agumon digivolve to..." the yellow dinosaur said, before a quick flash changed him entirely. "Greymon!"


    Having evolved to his Champion-level form, Agumon, now known as Greymon, let out a roar as he leaned back, his chest thrusted forwards as though in a show of animalistic dominance.
    "Nova Blast!" he called out, as a large fireball formed and was fired from his mouth at the Diatrymon, narrowly missing it as the Diatrymon moved to one side, dropping Kari in the process, where Tai caught her safely.
    "Kari, are you alright?" he said, protectively, as Greymon stared down the enemy Digimon. "Don't let up, pal! Teach those guys a lesson!"
    Before Greymon could let off another fireball, however, he was smacked across the face, staggering him backwards, by a Scissor Claw from the Kuwagamon.
    "There's a lot of them..." Tai said, taking a step back now that Kari was stood on her own two feet. "I don't get it. We beat Myotismon so how come so many Digimon still want to kill us?"
    "It's not just here either, Tai. Look!" Izzy said, turning his laptop to face the taller boy, showing that several Digimon signals were being picked up all over the city.
    "They're in pretty isolated spots, so nobody is in any immediate danger, but even so this could be really dangerous. If there's this many Digimon being sent after us even after Myotismon's death, then I can only reach one conclussion."
    "So there's another threat now." Tai said, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked up at the Digimon surrounding them, each of them seeming as though they were enjoying this.
    "Yeah, it's the only thing that makes sense. What's worse is most of them are Ultimate level. We'd better take care of these Champions quickly."
    "Alright, we each pick a target that matches what we're capable of. Biyomon, you and Sora should take Diatrymon. Izzy, you and Tentomon can take Kuwagamon, while Mimi takes on Woodmon using Togemon. Joe, you can take Ebidramon in the sea if Gomemon Digivolves, and that leaves me and Matt to--"
    "Oh no!" Izzy interupted. "Guys, there's a Mega here! A Mega-level Digimon just bio-emerged in the real world North of here!"
    "Alright, change of plans. Matt, you're with me. Let's head that guy off and show him who's boss!"
    As Agumon devolved back to his Rookie form, Tai looked over to Henry, Rika, and Takato, who until now had only just been fighting Champions and won.
    "Listen, we don't know how many more are on their way, so you guys get ready for a fight too. I know you guys haven't been Digidestined for as long as us, but we're a team now, so we're counting on you."
    "Right." Takato said in response with a nod. "Go do what you have to. We can do this, right Guilmon?"
    "If it means protecting the bread, I'll fight anyone who comes!" Guilmon said cheerfully.
    With this reassurance, Tai gave a nod towards Matt, and the pair of them took off down the street, followed closely by their Digimon partners.

    "Alright, let's handle the Champions here, and then we'll split up and take out the Ultimates before they can do any real damage, right?" Izzy said, taking the lead in Tai's absence due to there being nobody else. "Tentomon, you're up."
    "I'm on it, Izzy." Tentomon acknowledged, as his Digivice began to glow.
    "Tentomon digivolve to... Kabuterimon!" he called out, as his body flashed and became the much larger, stronger, Kabuterimon, his helmeted head looking far more intimidating than the near-harmless Tentomon would have suggested.
    "You and me, pal." the insectlike Digimon said to its counterpart, Kuwagamon, as the two locked horns and arms in an attempt to wrestle each other to the ground.
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Fuuka's skin color came back and she handed her purse to Naoto. Confused, she opened the bag. Without even having to dig, Naoto found a silver hand gun lying on top of everything else in the bag. Ejecting the clip, Naoto found no bullets inside, "What is this?" Fuuka cast a nervous glance around at the people gathering for the memorial, "It's my lucky, an Evoker we use to summon our Persona." Naoto stared at the gun, "Where did you get this?" "Um, lets see...Akihiko-senpai gave to me when he found me in Tartarus." "Tartarus...?" Fuuka's phone buzzed and she scrambled to check it, "I-It used to exist in the Dark Hour. Please, don't worry about that...all of that is over now," she made several taps on her phone, "I had a feeling you'd come find me. Your Persona', it's you. You feel just like a few people I know. M-Maybe you know them. Minato Arisato? Minako Arisato? Aigis? Any of those names ring any bells?" Naoto handed her back her purse, "I read those names in the list of deceased. Save for that another person involved in what happened?" Fuuka nodded quietly, "Minato and Minako are alive. Whatever happened...only lasted for a while. Maybe it's because Aigis and everyone agreed to help...we've been trying to convince people's not okay to wish for death." Naoto turned to Yu, "We should get the full story later. Yamagishi-san..." Fuuka smiled, "I understand. After what happened in Inaba...I understand your line of thinking and the questions you want to ask. I think it's best to say we're on the same side."

    Virus arrived at the memorial first. Belle had explained the entire story down to the most painful detail about Virus' betrayal of their family and the sending away of the four identical twins. Exiting the car, Belle's eyes caught on a group of the most vibrant hair colors she'd ever seen...other than her own sisters'. "It's like a rainbow in that row over there..." She pointed to a back row filled with boys and Kuro frowned at her sister, "We're at a memorial and all you can think about are boys?" She smiled anyway.

    Akashi ran beside Ram and Rom for a while before scooping up the twins and setting one on his shoulders and hanging the other underneath his arm, running with them now on his person. "You're taking'd never have made it under my training regime." He kept a hand on Rom's back, making sure she didn't fall from his shoulders. Arriving at the memorial, Akashi set down Ram, "Are your sisters here? It would be irresponsible if I left you two unsupervised in a crowd like this."
  17. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets: Time is Ticking Mario Bros! Chaotic Race to Shinjuku!~​
    "Mario, we've been standing here for a long time waiting on these two to wake up" Luigi explained before he looked at his watch and paniced. Luigi then screamed "MARIO!" "What!" "We have to get going right now, the memorial starts in five minutes!". The sheer sense of urgency snapped Yoshi and Kirby awake screaming. Mario raised a hand and said calmly "Relax, Yoshi get Wario on your back. Everyone follow my lead" Mario picked Waluigi up looking out into the busy streets, his blue gazed spotted a speeding white and gold minivan coming down the street. "NOW!!" Mario shouted as he, Yoshi [with Wario], Kirby, and hesitantly Luigi all jumped onto the top of the metallic roof.​
    Inside Histoire and her girls simply blinked at the sound of the thud. Histoire's gaze immediatly spotted Mario on the hood of her minivan. Bubbling in anger the mother shouted aloud "Hey! Get the hell off of my minivan, you dumbass!". Neptune also noticed Mario on the hood and shouted "Hey look, it's Mario!" "You mean the dumb idiot from school who tends to attract trouble?" "Yup, he's a member of the club I'm in Noire" "Of course. The club ran by that crazy Yoshi kid" "He's not crazy Noire. He's the president.". Blanc then said quietly "Well still, Mario's an idiot for car-surfing". Histoire still angry shouted "GET THE **** OFF OF THE VAN! IDIOT!" prompting Vert to say "MOTHER! Watch your language and calm down!"
    ~Shinjuku District: Memorial Site~​
    + A lot of other people in the crowd ​
    Meanwhile at the Memorial site more people had started to arrive quickly with the clock ticking. Vexen was walking around cracking his back spotting Dr. Crygor and Gordon near the midde. Dr. Crygor noticed his fellow worker and waved quickly saying aloud "Over here Vexen! It's about to start!". The Chilly Academic quickly ran over and sat himself down by Dr. Crygor saying "I'm surprised I could even find you in this crowd" "Well Vexen it is hard with all of the famous people around here. Like those two over there" Dr. Crygor explained as he pointed over to what appeared to be two humanoid robots with odd headgear "Apparently Penny thinks they're just people who are dressed like robots" "Well, I have heard of them myself, they are a techno group".
    Histoire arrived and slammed on the brake sending Mario flying forward into the crowd. Luigi, Yoshi, and Kirby jumped off with Wario and Waluigi's knocked out bodies. Neptune and her siblings got out of the van as Noire facepalmed at the sight of Yoshi, Kirby, and the others. "Oh come on! You all didn't have to jump onto our vehicle." Noire said irritated. Luigi bowed explaining "Sorry about that. We were running late and my brother insisted we jump and yeah" "No offense, but your brother is an idiot" "I know that"
    "Hey, did anyone happen to throw this guy?" A male voice spoke up before Luigi noticed his dazed brother being held by the navy-colored robot from earlier. Luigi simply said aloud "Just throw him over, he's my brother". "Alright then!" the robot said as he threw Mario at Luigi. Ram and Rom quickly ran away from Akashi as they spotted the familiar forms of their siblings and hugged Blanc tightly. Noire and Vert noticed their identical twins staring at a rainbow of hair. The two girls walked over and stared at the boys "Mmm yes. I'd like to see those boys in the shower sometime.". Noire frowned "Vert, we're at a memorial and already you're looking at boys" shortly before she smiled and whispered "I'd like to see them shirtless as well" "Indeed, they must have a chiseled body if they play that well" "Mmm, I wonder if they would tell us...". Blanc then interrupted and grabbed Vert and Noire by the ear saying "You can fantasise about those guys later" with Shiro grabbing Belle and Kuro by the ear "Come on"
    "Hello again, Ulala here coming to you live from the Shinjuku Memorial with the WVBA Champion Mr. Sandman. And also the challenger Little Mac with his trainer Doc Louis. So boys, why don't you tell Channel 5 your thoughts on the incident from last night" Ulala started as she stood beside the three men. "Well Ulala, atfirst I thought it was some publicity stunt that the WVBA was pulling without my knowledge. But when those guys placed their hands on my head I felt like my mind was being violated. But either way I am still the World Circuit champion." Mr. Sandman calmly explained. Doc Louis immediatly interjected "Now you know as well as we do that the WVBA officials are still deliberating the decision about last night's match!" pointing a finger at Mr. Sandman causing the two men to get into an argument.​
    "Excuse me, could you two hold on?" Ulala asked as she placed a hand on her headset and pushed a button "Yeah Fuse?". "Ulala, they're going to start the Memorial any minute now, go on ahead and introduce it" Fuse ordered from the intercom. Ulala turned to face the camera as she spoke up "To all of our viewers across the galaxy the Memorial will now start, enjoy" sitting down in the crowd.​
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Memorial Site-

    Esmeralda heard she would be starting the memorial and stepped onto the stage. She took a breath and began to dance, her movements graceful and delicate, her mind focusing on the movement she practiced before the memorial. Michal jumped to see Akira drooling, Esmeralda danced, revealing how flexible and agile her body was, she didn't seem to all the men staring at her because her dancing and her outfit, which was consist of a black halter top, a black veil over the stocking on her legs. Around her shoulders was a short black cape. She stopped once and looked at Frollo who was sitting in the front row and gave a small wink before continuing to dance until she finished.

    While she stepped off the stage, Yuna and chaos stepped onto the stage. Yuna shook, swallowing a lump in her throat and began to sing the song that she had chosen. She was trying to hide her nervousness as she sang until chaos joined her, grabbing her hand and holding as they sang together as Yuna's nervousness began to disappear and she sang with more confidence until the end of the song. Yuna sighed as she and chaos joined the others, Michal was surprised to see Akira now crying waterfalls of tears. Sakura smiled at Syaoran and had watched, Kero peeked and stared in awe at Esmeralda. Unlike everyone else, Kazari wasn't impressed with Esmeralda and used the desires of the men to create more Yummies.


    -Sirius' House-

    Watching the opening of the memorial, Fang closed Sirius and said, "Don't become a actual dog, dog boy, just because of a pretty girl." "I'm not becoming a dog, Fang!" Sirius shouted at Fang, Harry laughed and fed his Riolu as he watched the memorial. Eiji hid his red face and watched it, sipping his tea. The Imagin, Deneb, just hid in Hary, embarrassing by what he saw.


    -Shibuya: Hachiko Statue-

    "Neku!" Shiki shouted, using her Psych power which her stuffed toy, Mr. Mew, suddenly came alive and beat some of the Noise. Shiki gasped for air as she reached him. "I'm sorry for being late, Neku. I was absorbed in adding some things to my Nintendo High uniform." She took a breath and focused on fighting the Noise.
  19. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    ~Demolition Site~

    Matt nodded to Tai when he was told to go with him.
    "You got it! Let's go, Gabumon!"
    Matt then followed Tai to the location of the Mega-level Digimon, leaving this battle to the remaining DigiDestined.
    Eric and Henry, along with their respective Digimon, continued to fight against Targetmon, however their efforts continually were in vain, as Targetmon repeatedly revived itself using it's Anja Serenade.
    "Try all you want, but every time you take me down, I'll come back as strong as ever!" Targetmon taunted.
    "Then I suppose it's time to take drastic measures. Sealsdramon, do what you have to. Do not hold back."
    "Yes, sir."
    Eric looked back at Henry.
    "Call off your Digimon for now. Sealsdramon can handle it from here."
    "O-Okay. Gargomon! You can stop fighting now!"
    Upon hearing his DigiDestined Partner's voice, Gargomon jumped away from Targetmon, landing next to Henry.
    "What's the matter?"
    "This guy says his Digimon can handle it from here." Henry explained.
    "Okay...But if things get hairy, I'm going back in!" Gargomon said, smacking his gun-hands together.
    "Don't worry. This fight's as good as finished."
    "Alright, let's hurry this up, then. I wanna get outta here and grab myself a beer." Targetmon said, taunting Sealsdramon.
    "Hmph. Why wait?" Sealsdramon responded.
    Before Targetmon could even react, Sealsdramon had charged and punched Targetmon hard enough to send him into a nearby apartment building. Sealsdramon followed.
    Back on the ground, Eric took something out of his pocket. It was...A pack of Mentos?
    "Are those...Mentos?" Henry asked.
    "It's all a part of the plan." Eric responded, a confident smirk on his face.
    Back in the apartment building, the residents of the apartment the two Digimon had gone into watched in terror.
    While Targetmon was still down, Sealsdramon grabbed a conveniently placed beer can-shaped mini-fridge. First, he took a single can of beer out from the fridge, before taking the fridge itself and shoving it into Targetmon's mouth.
    With the monkey Digimon now choking on an oversized beer can, Sealsdramon grabbed him by the legs and tossed him back outside, in front of Eric. Sealsdramon followed, the beer can he took from the fridge in his hand.
    Sealsdramon opened the can and walked over to Eric, who put the entire pack of Menton into the can. Wasting no time, Sealsdramon ran back over to Targetmon, quickly putting the Mentos-filled beer can back into the fridge that was lodged in Targetmon's mouth, before finally kicking the mini-fridge further into Targetmon's throat.
    A few seconds passed before finally, Eric and Sealsdramon's plan came to fruition, as they had created a makeshift frag grenade out of beer, Mentos and a mini-fridge, which had exploded while in Targetmon's throat, destroying him completely.
    "Target Destroyed."
    "At ease, Sealsdramon. Your mission is complete for now." Eric said.
    Hearing this, Sealsdramon reverted back into Commandramon.
    "Whoa...That was amazing! Kinda brutal...But amazing." Henry said to Eric.
    "Yeah! You two are one in-sync team!" Gargomon said before also reverting back to it's previous stage.
    "When you've been partners for as long as we have, you can conduct plans without even speaking a word. Now, let's see what the rest of these DigiDestined can do." Eric said as he turned towards the remaining fights.
    Meanwhile, Mikey and Shoutmon, along with the rest of that team, began to unleash their best on MadLeomon and his troops.
    "Ballistamon, Starmon, Pickmonz, let's finish 'em off!"
    "Yeah!" Said Ballistamon.
    "Alright!" Shouted Starmon.
    "Let's do it!" Yelled the group of small Digimon called Pickmonz.
    Shoutmon began the assault by running straight into a group of enemy Sealsdramon before placing his microphone-staff right in front of his mouth.
    "ROCK AND ROLLERRRRR!!!" He shouted, causing the staff to extend, allowing him to beat down the surrounding enemies in one strike each.
    Ballistamon was being charged by several Sealsdramon and Pteramon. As they came close, Ballistamon held his arms upward, exposing the speaker on his abdomen.
    "Seismic Speaker!!" Ballistamon called, letting off a high-power sound wave, sending the approaching enemies flying back.
    Starmon and the Pickmonz targeted a group of Sealsdramon and Mammothmon.
    "Meteor Shower! Yeah!" Starmon yelled, pointing forward, ordering the Pickmonz to charge.
    The small guitar pick-like Digimon charged forward en masse, drilling their pointed heads into the enemy.
    Finally, Shoutmon targeted a single Pteramon.
    "Haaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Shoutmon let out a yell, holding his hand out in front of him. A small fireball grew, before turning into a flaming musical note in Shoutmon's hand.
    "FIERY FASTBAAALL!" Shoutmon yelled before throwing the flaming note like a fastball, destroying the Pteramon in a large explosion.
    MadLeomon stepped in front of Shoutmon after seeing that display of strength.
    "You annoying little maggots!"
    "I'm back and stronger than ever, MadLeomon! And it's all thanks to my new friend Mikey and the rest of the DigiDestined!" Shoutmon said confidently.
    "Grrrr....Let's see if your pathetic human friends can help you survive THIS!"
    MadLeomon began to let out a cry, when suddenly the Sealsdramon, Pteramon and Mammothmon he brought with him began to break apart and flow into MadLeomon.
    "Did he just...Eat all of his friends!?" Henry asked, somewhat freaked out.
    "It looks like he absorbed them." Eric said, arms crossed.
    MadLeomon's body changed. His torso was completely armored, and his right arm was more robotic. His left arm, however, was one big chainsaw.
    "It's Armed MadLeomon!" Shoutmon yelled.
    Armed MadLeomon slammed his chainsaw arm into the ground, causing the ground to collapse underneath Shoutmon and Ballistamon.
    The two Digimon fell, however Shoutmon grabbed the edge of the ground, while Ballistamon grabbed on to Shoutmon's staff, holding on for dear life.
    Armed MadLeomon then approached the broken ground where Shoutmon was holding himself and Ballistamon up.
    "I don't know how you survived last time...But you won't be coming back after I'm finished with you this time, rodent!"
    Mikey watched as Shoutmon and Ballistamon were hanging on.
    "I've got to do something. I didn't save him just so he could be destroyed again!" Mikey said as he ran for Shoutmon and Ballistamon.
    Henry called out to Mikey.
    "Wait a minute! Don't go!"
    "I owe this to him!" Mikey responded.
    "Tch...Stupid kid. He's going to get himself killed." Eric said.
    "Mikey, stop! Go back and take cover!" Shoutmon yelled, still holding on.
    Mikey still kept running, when suddenly, the voice he heard in that alleyway when he first found Shoutmon began to speak in his head again.
    "Use this Fusion Loader." The voice said.
    Mikey looked down at his Fusion Loader, when suddenly, as if by instinct, he knew what he had to do.

    "Wh-What? No! That human just DigiFused them!" Armed MadLeomon pointed out.
    Henry and Eric were even more surprised.
    "Whao, that didn't look like any digivolution I've ever seen!"
    "That's because they didn't digivolve. They DigiFused!" Terriermon pointed out.
    Henry looked at Terriermon, somewhat confused.
    "How did you know?"
    "Because Mikey said it out loud. Duh."
    "Amazing...All this time I thought Digivolution was the only way a Digimon could grow stronger. It must be that Digivice he has."
    The newly-fused combination of Shoutmon and Ballistamon charged forward, throwing a powerful punch at Armed MadLeomon, who attempted to block it with his chainsaw hand, only for Shoutmon's fist to break right through. Broken pieces of Armed MadLeomon's chainsaw hit the ground before disappearing in a white light.
    "Yeah! Direct hit!" Mikey called out.
    Just then, Shoutmon and Ballistamon's new form flashed brightly for a quick second, before the two Digimon were seperated into their previous forms, falling to the ground.
    "Mikey! I think we might need some reinforcements!" Shoutmon said.
    Nodding, Mikey held his Fusion Loader out in front of him.
    "Shoutmon! Starmon! Pickmonz! DigiFuse!"
    The fusion commenced quickly, as four silver Pickmonz stacked themselves on top of Starmon, while Starmon himself turned into what looked like the handguard of a sword, complete with a handle in the middle.
    Shoutmon landed and grabbed this sword, before pointing it at Armed MadLeomon.
    The blade caught fire, and Shoutmon jumped into the air.
    "Sun Sword!" Shoutmon called as he swung the blade, sending a fast and high-powered wave of flame at Armed MadLeomon, landing a direct and final hit on him, which caused a large explosion.
    Armed MadLeomon began to shrink back to his original size, while all of his armor fell off of his body and disappeared, reverting him back to MadLeomon.
    Shoutmon jumped for joy at his victory.
    "You miserable little worm..."
    Suddenly, the air behind MadLeomon's head cracked open, revealing a hole with nothing but green digital distortion in it.
    "You failed me." A voice said from inside the hole.
    A look of fear came over MadLeomon upon hearing this.
    His body began to glow and flow into the hole.
    "No, Tactimon! Wait! I'm not defeated yet! I can still fight him! I can still win!"
    The voice, apparently named "Tactimon", ignored MadLeomon's plea, as the rest of the small forces MadLeomon brought with him her sucked into the hole, leaving the remaining Digimon that the other DigiDestined were fighting.
    "You'll pay for this, Shoutmon! And that goes for your human friends too!" MadLeomon yelled before his voice faded along with the hole in the air.
    Shoutmon let go of the Sun Sword, allowing it to revert back into it's original forms of Starmon and four silver Pickmonz.
    "That was weird. Who's this "Tactimon" guy?" Shoutmon asked.
    "No idea. But whoever he is, he's probably the guy who sent MadLeomon after us. I don't know about the rest of these Digimon, though." Mikey responded.
    "Well, whatever! We beat him and that's all that matters!"
    "Mikey! There you are!"
    "Haha! My rival Mikey Kudo is finally found-WHAT THE HECK ARE THESE THINGS!?"
    Approaching the site of the battle was Mikey's two friends Angie Hinomoto and Jeremy Tsurgi.
    "Angie! Jeremy! Take cover, it's still too dangerous around here!"
    "How about explaining what those monsters are and why you're out here with them first!" Angie ordered.
    Mikey groaned.
    "They're called Digimon. Those ones are bad, these ones are good. We're trying to fight them off! Now go take cover!"
    Still as confused as they were when they arrived, Angie and Jeremy heeded Mikey's warning and took cover nearby where they could watch the battle as it progressed.

    OOC: Welp, this turned into a massive wall of text. Stopping here or else this will become too long. I'll make posts with other characters at some point.
  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Harriet Jones's Office~


    The prime minister of Japan, Harriet Jones, was in her office, watching live coverage of the memorial on CNN. Her secretary, Michael Scott, brought over a report to her sent in by Alpha 5. "Thank you Michael. Please, have a seat," Harriet said. Michael nodded and sat down in a chair, watching the memorial coverage. Harriet Jones glanced at the report she was handed. It was Alpha 5 detailing an S-type incident in Shibuya, which was dealt with by the Rangers, Rider, and Gokaigers that Zordon chose without attracting any attention by civilians. 'Thank God for those teenagers with attitude,' Harriet thought to herself.


    ~Nintendo High: Al Mualim's Office~


    "Ah, welcome to Nintendo High School Kazu," Al Mualim greeted the boy, "Though I would've hoped you've shown better manners when I was busy talking with another adult. Nevertheless, you may be wondering why you were invited to this school. Nintendo High School is a school that strives on excellence and integrity. And as such, we expect nothing less of the students that attend here. So to strengthen our standing among the top schools in the world, we seek out students with extraordinary grades to be added to our continuously growing student body. And I see you're grades have been impressive. Straight A's in all your classes. That is quite an accomplishment, and we'd be honored to have a student like you in our school. Now then, do you have any questions, or shall I just give you your dorm key and schedule form?"


    ~Shinjuku District: Crash Site (Memorial)~

    While Celestia, Cosmos and Judge Philip Banks were sitting down quietly and listening to Yuna's singing, Frollo was disgusted by the memorial so far. 'Why is a song even necessary?' he thought to himself. And then he noticed Esmeralda, who Frollo could tell was a gypsy. If there was anything Frollo despised more than people with powers, it was gypsies. Nevertheless, Frollo tried to stay patient, expecting to give a speech once the song and the dancing were over.
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