RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    Sirius smiled and gently took Rhyme's hand, he told Ron and Applejack, "I'll take care of Rhyme for now, Ron, Applejack. You better head to your History class." "Right, we'll see you later, Rhyme." Ron said, heading to his class, Applejack nodded and said, "That's mighty nice of you, Mr. Black. Now you take good care of her." She and Fluttershy headed to class.

    With his arm around her shoulders, Sirius guided Rhyme to his French class. Rhyme smiled at Sirius and headed to her seat, Fang watched with a Pocky stick in her mouth and smiled, heading for the Gym to do her Gym class. Harry sighed in relief, "Finally, one of the rare times Sirius doesn't come in and hugs me to death." "He knows you have class right now, he'll wait until his class." Hermione said, Aqua and Belle smiled while Kyo and Yuki went to their seats.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    Tsukasa gave a sigh. "FIgures, oh well, nothing exciting happens much here." he said and returned to class with Gentaro. "Not true Tsukasa-san, School can a lifeitme of adventure!" he said to his friend as Tsukasa shrugged his shoulders. "It's just school, nothing special about it Kisaragi, I'd rather leave class and do my own thing without being bothered, btut he mandatory rules states a student must attend or else, your future will be lost."

    "Hai, i'll becoem Buddies with everyone here and learn how to become an Astronaut so I can see Space!" He cried otu and tsukasa sighed, why didn't anyone else put up with this kid?

    "You do that, I'm not interested anyway." he finished.
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    History Class​
    Vanitas, Riku, Xion and Gaara hustled to History class. Vanitas plopping himself down in the back and Riku and Gaara near the windows. "Gaara...come sit in front of me." Obliging his friend, he sat ridged in his seat and stared around the class. "I keep forgetting you're used to threatening everyone you meet. Why don't you try saying hello for once." Shooting Riku a nervous look, he swallowed hard and opened his mouth to speak when Vanitas' voice sounded over his. "Wow, what a great day. I got my boy, Gaara in my first class! And also Italy and...well, well...looks like Peppridge Farm is here too!" Xion sat somehow in the middle of the large distance between Riku and Vanitas. "Shhh, please, shouldn't call people names. I'm so sorry." She said to Mario and Luigi.

    Third Years: Government Class
    Larxene, Tobi, Nagato and oddly Neji took their seats spread far away from each other in the class. Minato smiled at them warmly and then at Shisui as he entered the class. Immediatly frowning, the Uchiha groaned his way to his little desk. "I never get a break from the idiots around here.... Really, sensei...Larxene and Tobi in our first class? This year is going to be a nightmare." Laughing at Shisui's despairing expression, MInato went back to drawing an intricate diagram on the board.

    Music Class
    Sai and Repliku glowered at each other as they entered the classroom, taking firm seats on opposite ends of the room. "Stupid Sai...he's the girly one...and yet I'm called a girl by some moron on the first day... I'm gonna beat the crap outta that kid during break." Sai flipped to a new page and sketched their teacher, quietly mumbling. "This isn't going to be a good day."
  4. Itachilives Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 20, 2011
    "Setsuna F. Seiei, nice to meet you." Setsuna moved his eyes to the clock. It would be forever until he could leave and get back to his Gundam, Exia. He remebered what Lock-on said about making friends. "This is my first time in a school I was .... home schooled." That was of course a lie him being a gorilla solider during his child hood. Now he was a gundam miester for celesta being. A organization that used armed interventions and the gundams to stop war. He still couldn't believe Miss Sumeragi and Lock-on both insisted he should go to school.

    William walked next to the schools garden, for a old man he moved pretty fast. He had a hour to kill or at least until a teacher asked for him. He knew Vanille would probably pop out somewhere. "You do such a good job keeping this garden beautiful Vanille, if only I could do the same with the school." The janitor let out a laugh.

    Roku let out a sign and then turned to Shisui Uchiha. "Thank you Shisui, but we will let them off with a warning... this time. I still have so much paper work to do, It never ends." He moved past the students that were still in the hallway. "That Vanitas I will need to have a word with him."
    He moved back to his office and left the door opened. Sitting at his deck he began checking off students names. "Did she sleep in again...?" Roku thought thinking of his granddaughter. (who I need to make).

    Shinji ended up outside the teachers lounge. "Alright I am .... lost" He let out a grown. "What did I do to deserve this? High school stinks......
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -French Class-

    "Sirius-senpai!" Eiji Hino said, looking at his mentor as the French Class. Sirius smiled and said, "Morning, Eiji. It's time to begin the lesson. Morning, class." The class said good morning and Sirius took attendance. Rhyme was a little concerned about the encounter in the hallway, Eiji smiled and watched the lesson.



    During her first Gym of the day, Fang was playing a game of volleyball with her class. She joined in the game and everyone knew that she always played tough, which she did. But she was waiting for her later classes to play against the jocks and knock them down a peg.


    -History Class-

    Namine put her sketchbook away and Harry stretched, Kyo sighed and said, "I wish Aqua and I could have fought against those jerks." "And get in trouble, no thank you." Hermione said, looking at him, concerned as did Belle. Aqua kept quiet and looked at Lordgenome. Ron sighed while Applejack and Fluttershy took onto their seats.



    Within the school's library, Philip sat at the checkout, bored out of his mind as he waited for a student or Vanille with a pot of new flowers. He looked at the green USB stick he carried with him and thought to himself, 'I wonder how my half-boiled detective partner is doing. Hope he's alright.'



    "Thank you, William. I try my hardest to make them bloom beautifully." Vanille said, smiling at William as she appeared up behind him. She knelt down and watered the flowers.
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Once Sora entered the Biology classroom, he took a seat while Phil Coulson sat on desk drinking coffee, waiting for the bell to ring. Two more students then entered the class. Thor and his friend Luna. The two sat close to Sora. Once the bell rang, Professor Coulson got up and began to speak, "All right class. Welcome to another school year at Nintendo High. My name is Phil Coulson. I'll be teaching you all basic biology. On your desks is sheet with all the safety rules." The students in the class looked at the sheets on their desks, outlining typical lab safety instructions. "Now when I call out your name, raise your hand," Coulson said as he was about to take roll call, "Sora?" Sora raised his hand and said "Here." "Thor?" Coulson continued. Thor raised his hand and replied "Present." Coulson once again called out a student's name, "Luna?" "Here Professor," the pony replied. Phil Coulson kept doing this for the rest of the students, then started his lecture.



    Before Yen Sid could begin the class, Loki entered the classroom, apologizing for being late, "I'm really sorry about this Professor Yen Sid. Traffic, what can you do?" "Very well Loki. Just try not to make a habit out of it," the music teacher responded. Once Loki took a seat, Yen Sid began to speak, "Now that everyone's here, it's time to get started. My name is Yen Sid. I will be instructing you all in the art of music this semester. Unlike previous years, this year, a new school policy states that instruments will be provided to you, while paying a fee to the school which I see you have all done in the summer. Our focus will be on four musical pieces I expect you all to master in. And as my musical students, each one of you will have to take part in a mandatory orchestral performance many schools are taking part in this December at the Imperial Palace. Consider it an honor. Not many get the chance of performing in front of diplomats and officials during the Festival of Snowflakes." "And what musical pieces are we going to perform professor?" Loki asked. "They are as follows: 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' by Paul Dukas, 'Night on Bald Mountain' by Modest Mussorgsky, 'Symphony No. 6' by Beethoven, and 'The Nutcracker Suite' by Tchaikovsky," Professor Yen Sid answered, "We will practice them, as well as perform them, in that order. Now lets begin." Yen Sid went on to instruct students on which instruments to use and how to use them, as well as giving a basic lesson on reading musical notes.



    Al Mualim passed by Roku's office and noticed he was troubled. "Is something troubling you Roku?" the principal asked.



    "Home schooled you say?" Joshua commented on what Setsuna said, "That's something you and I both have in common my friend. You see, I was home schooled a while myself." "So does that mean youse just as smart as Joshua?" Beat asked Setsuna. Kirby then walked into the classroom, catching the attention of John Smith. "Hello there! Be sure to take a seat. We'll be starting shortly," said the English professor.



    Once Yoshi entered the Mathematical Sciences classroom, Rainbow Dash welcomed her fellow classmate, "What up Yoshi!!"



    Eraqus was still waiting for his teacher assistant to arrive, as it was almost time for class to begin. Just then, a car raced towards the parking area, and parked in the last space available. Out of the car came Axel. "You're late," Eraqus commented. "So sorry about that professor. You know how it is, what with today being my first day on the job. Makes me nervous," said Axel. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again," Eraqus demanded. "Don't worry professor. I got it memorized," Axel replied. The two then proceeded towards the Chemistry classroom.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~ENglish Classroom~~

    Tsukasa looked bored and yawned, hand covering his mouth as Gentaro seemed eager to start the lesson, Tsukasa wondered they btohered to learn English in the first place, but it was teh Japanese's second base langauge for any visitors to their home.

    ~Headmaster's Office~

    Yu sat waiting by the Headmaster's offic,e eh was a transfter student to this school and the recptionist said he'll call for him when teh HEadmaster is ready.

    ~In Town~

    In Narumi Detective AGceny, SHotaro was sat at hsi desk, typing on a typewriters with paper inside and took a paused break, his aprtner was having a part-time job as the resdiental school's librarian. "Honestly, he'd take a job that requires knowledge... oh well, it helps with that bills." he thought to himself, he hadn't had a customer yet.
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    [​IMG] Leaf Banner.PNG
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    As Black and his friends entered the classroom where Mr. Lordgenome was, one of his Pokemon popped out of its Pokeball.

    Victini Banner.PNG

    "Victini!" said the Pokemon, obviously wanting to play.
    "No Victini!" Black hissed. "Get back in the Pokeball!" he took it off his belt and attempted to recall Victini, who jumped out of the way multiple times.
    "Dawww... don't be a party-pooper Black!" White said. "Victini's just a baby and wants to play!" she picked up Victini. "Isn't that right Victini? :3" White cooed.
    "Vict! Victini!" Victini said excitedly.
    Leaf stood there, giggling. "Victini's so cute." she turned to Red and smiled slyly. "Maybe we should get a Pokemon and spoil it like it's our baby."
    Red blushed. "I, uh, maybe..." he gave a nervous laugh.
    "Come on White! Let me get him back! We'll get in trouble!"
    "In a minute! He wants to play. When was the last time you played with him?" White scolded.
    Black gave a defeated sigh and sat down next to Kamina, Simon, and Nia.
    "Well, well, if it isn't Red and Leaf." said a voice from the front of the room.
    Crystal Banner.PNG
    Leaf turned. "Crys!" she said.
    "Long time no see eh?" said Crystal.
    Red nodded. "Yeah."
    Crystal smiled. "Well, I better take my seat." she turned and sat behind Black. Crystal turned to Kamina, Simon, and Nia. "Hiya! I'm Crys." she introduced herself to them.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007


    While they were waiting, Namine continued to sketch in her sketchbook. Harry, who was seated behind Tsukasa, sighed and hit his head on his desk, thinking the French class and how 'affectionate' Sirius will be when he enters the classroom. Hermione read one of her books, the Phantom of the Opera, while Ron and Kyo were discussing how to deal with Gaston and Trixie while Belle and Aqua were looking their notes as was Yuki. Applejack was humming while Fluttershy just sat quiet.



    "Philip!!!!" The two voices said, entering the library, Philip looked up at them and smiled, "Hello there, you two. What's up?" "I need to check out these books on French lanuage." Eiji said, placing the small stack of books he had picked. Philip began to check out the books as Vanille placed a pot of lilies on the desk, "I thought you could use some flowers to brighten up the library." Philip smiled and thought to himself, 'These will be great......'


    -Dante's classroom-

    The new Modern History teacher, Dante, was fast asleep. He didn't have a class going on at the moment, so he could catch up on his sleep. He still couldn't believe he managed to get a good job while his partner became a student at the school.


    -Classic Music-

    "Sorry I'm late! This is Classical Music with Professor Yen Sid, right? I'm Nero, the new transfer student." Nero said, entering the classroom. He went to the teacher and handed him the note of his transfer with his bandaged right hand. 'If only Dante wasn't so lazy, I would have made on time.'
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    History Class:

    Riku glanced over to the other students, Kyo and Ron, listening to them talk about the pair that had momentarily stopped at the fight earlier. It wasn't like those two had done anything...but school bullies were bullies. Before he'd realized it, he laughed at their concern.
    Gaara held fast in his glare-down with Vanitas. The boy was a menace and everyone knew it. One day...I'll get him to mess up big...and then it's game over.Xion sat as close to her desk as possible to avoid the hateful turquoise eyes throwing daggers at Vanitas behind her while Vanitas received them with obvious relish. He enjoyed Gaara's displeasure towards him and wished the red-head would snap a little more often. He was always so calm and cool towards everyone...except for him. Made him feel special to see such a violent side to the young Sabakuno.

    Teacher's Lounge:

    Kakashi listened to the voice outside the door....since the TV was still broken and Sasori was on his way, it was horribly quiet. Sighing, he stood and slid open the door. "If you're don't have to take it out on the school... Sure it's big...but it's not that easy to get lost." "You get lost daily." "Uh..." Kakashi smiled painfully as Kakuzu loomed above him. "W-Well...that's..." slumping over where he stood, he rubbed a hand in his fluffy silver hair. "Either way...I'm a teacher and I do know my way around. So," he settled his onyx gaze on the boy, "What's your name and class?"

    Music Class:

    Sai glanced up when Nero entered and his pencil paused for a while. "Your arm looks like a mess...did you punch the wall by accident when stealing lunch money from grade schoolers?" Of course, Sai had absolutely no idea what he'd just asked was wrong and cruel. Stifling a laugh, Repliku slapped a hand over his mouth and dropped his head onto his desk. Sai really had no clue about what was correct to say to people.

    English Class:

    Nero the Sable, or second night guard, wandered the halls and deftly slid open a classroom door. Poking his head inside, he took a long look at the children and the new english teacher, Professor Smith. Without saying a word, Nero hovered in the doorway and gave a satisfied smirk before the door slid closed. How it slid closed was a complete mystery. Nero's arms were strapped to his chest rather tightly and his feet barely moved even when he walked. Shuffling along, Nero did the exact same thing to several other classes. He paused longer than normal in the doorway of the Mathematical Sciences class, waiting for the one the blue pony had called Yoshi to respond. Despite his lax posture and zero presence, he gave off an aura of absolute terror. Nero the Sable equaled scary guy to those who wanted to break into the Private Nintendo High.


    Yawning at the sounds of voices, Ikuto slid out of his chair near the back and rubbed his eyes as he made his way forwards. Seeing Philip, Eiji and Vanille, he sighed. Eiji was in the french class he had right about now... "Yo! It's Eiji, nya! Hey, Ikuto, let's go play, nya!" Ignoring his little Guardian Chara, he stretched, his full intention on skipping the class.
  11. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Tsukasa heard Harry's head-desking and turned his head. "Get used to it Potter, we're gonna have to hang in there for the year." He duly noted, seemed the teacher was late.

    "I swear if he doesn't show up, I'm going to have to take over this class and the downside is, I don't get paid for it." He mumbled to himself.

    ~Outside Teacher's Lounge~

    "Yu Narukami, Second Year, I just transfered." He said to the cyclops teacher politely, he came to this school due to his parent's working constantly and his Uncle decided to put up with him for a year with his own daughter a day ago and will actually remain for the whole year rather a few months, never having proper time to become friends at school due to this.
  12. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    ~~History Class with Mr. Lordgenome~~


    "If you don't shut up about your Pokémon, I'll come over there and shut you up myself!" a voice barked at the Pokémon trainers angrily.
    "Now now, Dearche, you mustn't threaten your fellow students." came a second voice from behind her; Yuri Eberwein, her adopted mother.
    "Yuri?! W-WHY ARE YOU HERE?! THIS ISN'T YOUR CLASS!" the girl roared suddenly, standing up and pointing a finger at her accusingly.
    Giving a sweet smile, Yuri looked at her adoptive child and replied;
    "I was free this period, and Steve's lesson's are always so interesting~."
    "You didn't know? Mr. Lordgenome's name is Steve. He's really quite an interesting man~."
    "Please stop. Just, stop. You're... ugh." she muttered, sitting back down.
    "By the way, you should stop with Stern or Levi for dinner tonight. Steve is taking me out to see a movie after work, so I won't be around until later~."
    After a long moment's silence, Dearche slowly stood up again and looked at her two friends, Stern and Levi.
    "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go drown myself in the nearest toilet."
    "That doesn't seem sanitary." Stern said quietly, not having looked up once from her textbook during the entire event.
    As Dearche walked out of the classroom, Levi stood up and walked after her, turning to wave at everyone before reaching the door.
    "Be back soon everyone! I'm just going to make sure she flushes properly!" the blue-haired girl announced, before following her friend out of the door and into the hallways of Nintendo High.

    The door re-opened a moment later, with a boy around Black and White's age entering, his long green hair standing out significantly against his blue uniform as he sat down in the empty seat beside White.
    "I'm sorry I'm late." he said to Mr. Lordgenome as he took his place. "I'm afraid Zekrom needed to use the bathroom."
    "I was unaware that legendary dragons required such things." Stern said, finally looking up from her books.
    "Unfortunately, so was he. Apparently one-thousand years doing nothing doesn't do much for intestinal health."
  13. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Mathamatical Sciences: The Cooking President's Thoughts!~​
    Yoshi was lost in thought before he noticed that the blue pony had spoken to him, he turned his head and cheerfully said aloud "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there. My mind was thinking about two and those two boys Kirby and I saw earlier, something about the two of them was those two were special, Mario seems to know and fight for the tasty delicacies of food...or something" while slightly drooling over food.​
    ~History Class: Mario's Confusion, Who is the Hair-Gel Boy!~​
    Luigi turned his head to face the black-haired Xion as he said happily "Don't worry about it little girl, I'm just glad I got my brother out of there before he did something else" only for Mario to turn his head towards Vanitas and asked curiously "Say, that Bowser guy said that you were in a gang along with those other guys, does that mean you're a deliquent Hair-Gel boy?" not really knowing Vanitas' name. Luigi facepalmed as he whispered to Xion "My name is Luigi and that over there is my brother Mario..he's not"
    "I mean seriously, it's like you took a whole bottle of hairgel just to spike your hair up that the ladies like bad boys with spiky hair or something?" Mario asked in confusion at the strange concept that was going through his mind. Bowser who was on the other side of the room turned to face Mario as he thought "He really seems unfazed by the possible threat of that deliquent and his little gang, I will admit that he either has courage..or is just stupid" while Mario commented "No wait, it seems deliquent girls like to use hairgel to make their hair shaped like hornets" only for Luigi to cover Mario's mouth shutting up the chubby Italian​
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Everyone was shocked by Sai's choice of words. Loki was shaking his head. "Sai! Where are your manners?" Yen Sid asked with a very stern tone. Turning towards Nero after reading the letter from Al Mualim, the music professor said, "Very well Nero. You are excused. Have a seat next to Loki. He'll explain what you've missed." Yen Sid pointed Nero towards Loki, who waving his hand towards Nero.



    Axel and Eraqus reached the Chemistry classroom and many students, including Trixie, sitting on their desks. "Good morning class. I am Professor Eraqus, and this here will be my teacher assistant for the year. Axel," Eraqus said, greeting the class. Axel simply waved at the students, while Eraqus continued, "Now I'll be teaching you all basic Chemistry. On your desks is a handout with all the lab safety instructions. I trust that you all read them carefully. Now lets begin today's lecture." The lecture involved basic Chemistry stuff, like chemical vs. physical properties, etc.



    Before Setsuna could answer Beat's question, the bell rang, meaning it was time for class to start. "Alright then. Morning everyone. My name is John Smith. You can all refer to me as Professor Smith. Or simply John, I really don't care. I will be teaching you English this year. And now, first thing's first, roll call," John Smith said as he got the list of students, "Right then. Yoshiya Kiryu." "Here," Joshua answered, "But you can call me Joshua for short." "As you wish Joshua," Professor Smith replied, "Daisukenojo Bito." "BWAHHHH!!!" Beat yelled when the English professor used his real name, "Don't call me that! Just call me Beat yo!" "Very well Beat," John said, "So is there anyone else who wants to be referred by a nickname instead of their real name?"



    "Hmm? Not sure I caught that Yoshi. Guess I must've passed by this fight when I was racing towards here," Rainbow Dash replied, "Anyway, how was your summer Yoshi?"
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Mathematical Sciences Class -- Outside Teacher's Lounge:

    Nero the Sable tilted his head at Yoshi's voiced thoughts. They were odd people that was for sure...nothing like his beloved brother and him. Backing out the the classroom he turned and bumped into a student. Kakashi cringed a bit at the sight of the unkempt Nero. "H-Hey there, Nero... Doing some day rounds? That's unlike you." Nero sniffed and blinked at the student blankly, "Yes....but on the first day I should make sure no one's entrails from nightly exploits are still splattered amongst the halls. I'd hate to have all those good intestines and blood go to waste just because I forgot where they were located." Kakuzu shuffled Kakashi into the hall and set his arm around Nero's thin shoulders, "It's time to get you back to Saix. We wouldn't want him to worry since you're missing.... You haven't been scaring people in the classes have you?" Shaking his head, Nero looked quite satisfied, "I'm invisible during the day."

    History Class:

    Vanitas jumped up from his seat, "Ya wanna say that again, Italy?! You pickin' a fight?! If you wanna fight me, just go ahead and say it! I'll beat you so bad you'll have to eat lunch through a straw!" Xion grabbed his arm, holding him back, "Vanitas! He doesn't want to fight! I don't think he knows what he's saying!" Vanitas growled harshly, "Damn straight he doesn't! Italy's a little too stuffed full of pasta to actually have the meatballs to say somethin' like that to my face and mean it."

    Music Class:

    Sai frowned as Yen Sid scolded him. "Did I say something wrong?" He asked, genuinely confused. "Damn straight, art boy! If you're not careful, I'm pretty sure he's gonna beat you up." Sai's frown deepened, "I was only curious about why his hand was bandaged up. I thought people liked it when you inquired about their exploits..." Smacking his head against his desk, Repliku groaned. "Oh man...he's really stupid...really, really, stupid."
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -History Classroom-

    "Yeah, true. And I have to deal with it at home, since we live together." Harry said, looking at him and laughed, hearing him say he would teach. "Tsukasa, you would make a weird teacher. I still think it's weird that you are skilled at almost everything, expect for taking photos." Their two fan clubs swooned at them, Harry sighed as Yuki smiled. Kyo glared at Riku while Ron got out his book, Namine focused on her sketch, the person in her sketch was beginning to look like a boy in the classroom with two companions.



    Eiji thought he heard something and left back to his French class, Vanille left to attend the garden. Philip sniffed one of the lilies and thought to himself, 'I think they'll like this....' He smiled as he thought what Shotaro was doing.


    -Music Class-

    Nero took his seat next to Loki and looked at his bandaged hand, thinking to himself, 'What happened to my arm is personal........' He sighed, touching his arm and focusing on the lesson, despite wondering how his business was doing.
  17. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    -Lordgenome's History Class-​
    Lordgenome had just finished setting up the day's lesson. It was a lesson on the Ancient Man vs Beast War. How fun.
    As he finished, more students walked in.
    "Good day, students. Please take your seats so we can begin-"
    Just then, Lordgenome noticed that among the students was a fellow teacher; Yuri Eberwein.
    "Ms. Eberwein! What a pleasant surprise! Here, let me get you a seat." Lordgenome said, hiding the embarrassment he was feeling over his real first name being announced to some of the students.
    Meanwhile, Kamina had turned to Crys, who had just introduced herself.
    Leaning back in his seat, Kamina lowered his shades slightly to get a better look at Crys.
    "Hey there. I'm Kamina." He said before leaning forward.
    He smirked at Crys.
    "So, you a newbie here too-Ah!"
    Suddenly, Kamina's seat was pulled out from under him, causing him to fall and smack his chin on his desk.
    He looked up at the chair thief, who was none other than Lordgenome.
    "Hey, what the hell, man!?"
    "Watch your language, boy. I won't have such words being blurted out in my classroom." Lordgenome said before walking off with Kamina's chair, placing it next to his own desk and gesturing for Yuri to take a seat.
    Rubbing his chin, Kamina stood up.
    "No offense, Nia...But you're dad sucks."
    Simon jumped slightly, again embarrassed by Kamina's discourteous remark.
    "I don't know why he would do that...He only treats people he doesn't like badly."
    "Guess that answers that question..." Kamina said before turning back to Crys, his flirtatious smirk returning.
    "Anyway, where were we?"
    Back up at the front of the room, Lordgenome stood behind his desk, about to begin his lesson, when an argument broke out between Mario and Vanitas, instantly sending Lordgenome's mood downhill.
    He slammed his hands on his desk incredibly hard, a loud "SMACK" echoing through the room on impact.
    "ENOUGH BICKERING BACK THERE!" Lordgenome yelled, loud enough for it to be heard three classrooms over.
    He stared Vanitas down, as he was the last one to speak before Lordgenome stopped them.
    "If you two so much as give each other a dirty look from this point onward, it's detention for both of you! Understand!?"
    "Jeez, anger issues much?" Kamina thought.
    "I am going to die in this classroom..." Simon thought to himself.
    Nia sat silently, her hands clasped together on her desk, acting as if nothing was going on.
    She must be used to this.
    Lordgenome took a deep breath.
    "Remember your anger management classes, Lordgenome...Breathe in...*Inhale*...Breathe out...*exhale*"
    He quickly calmed himself down.
    "I apologize for that, Ms. Eberwein...Some of these students can be a bit....Rambunctious."
    -Nintendo High Halls-​
    On their way to the robotics class was Kaito *insert last name here*, and Sonic the Hedgehog.​
    "A talking hedgehog...I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to that."
    "Yeah, I've been getting that a lot lately...Frankly I don't see what's so weird about it."
    As they walked past the lockers, Kaito noticed a familiar face ahead. It was a friend of his.
    "Luka, there you are! C'mon, let me introduce you to her, Sonic."
    Luka was gathering her supplies for her next class, when she noticed Kaito approaching with a small creature.
    "H-Hi, Kaito." She mumbled before looking down at Sonic.
    "Is that your pet?"
    "Calm down, Sonic! She doesn't know."
    "Doesn't know what?"
    "Sonic is a student here. I just met him outside."
    "And I ain't nobody's pet." Sonic grumbled, crossing his arms.
    "...Anyway, which class are you heading to first, Luka?"
    "The robotics class."
    "Really? Us too! C'mon, we can go together."
    "O-Okay!" Luka said before closing her locker and walking with Kaito and Sonic.
    The four quickly reached the classroom, where Kaito opened the door, allowing Luka and Sonic to enter first.
    Luka looked around the room with interest.
    Sonic had an odd feeling about the room.
    "Huh. Looks like the kind of stuff that someone I know would be into."
    "Is that so, Sonic?" Said a voice that was all too familiar to Sonic.
    "Yes, you are correct. But don't worry, I'm only here to teach you how to build robots like mine and build an army large enough to take over the world, allowing me to create Eggmanland!"
    "Eggman, Eggman, Eggman. Resorting to teaching robotics at a high school won't get you anywhere."
    "...QUIET! Take your seat, you little rat!"
    Sonic chuckled as he took a seat in the back.
    Kaito and Luka followed, taking a seat next to Sonic.
    Kaito leaned over to Sonic.
    "Is he always this way?"
    "Most of the time, yeah. You get used to it, though."
    OOC: Robotics is open now. Enter if you want to build robits.

    -History of Children's Card Games 101 Classroom-​
    Yugi Moto had just finished assisting his father, Yami Moto, in setting up for the History of Children's Card Games 101 class.​
    Each desk had a textbook listing every existing card in Duel Monsters, strategies, and history of the game in general.​
    The walls were lined with Duel Disks that each student would use for dueling.​
    "Wow, dad, everything looks great! Can't wait for class to start!" Yugi said, standing next to his father and admiring the classroom's setup.
    "Yes, it's good to finally see everything up and running. Now we just need the students to arrive."
    As if on cue, the classroom door opened, behind it being the first student to arrive other than Yugi.
    "I came."
    "To this class."
    "But I also had an orgasm."
    "Ha! Nice."
    "Anyway, I'm excited to get started and all...But where're the motorcycles?"
    "Oh...About that...See-" Yami was cut off by Yugi.
    "No, dad. I'll tell him."
    Yugi walked up to Yusei, putting his hand on his shoulder.
    "Come with me, Yusei."
    "What? What's wrong?"
    "Just step outside."
    Yugi lead Yusei outside and closed the door. There was silence for a moment, until that silence was broken by a loud, un-manly squeal.
    The door re-opened, with Yugi leading a saddened Yusei to his seat.
    After sitting him down, Yugi walked back up to his father.
    "He didn't take the news too well."
    "Poor kid..."
    OOC: History of Children's Card Games 101 is also open.
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    -History Class-

    Victini started whimpering a bit after Mr. Lordgenome had yelled at those bickering idiots.
    White Angrily stood up, put Victini on Black's desk, and stomped her way up to Mr. Lordgenome. "Hey, old guy!" she said.
    "Oh lord..." Red said.
    "Here we go again..." Leaf remarked.
    Black sighed, "Please tell me she's not-"
    "Oh man..."
    "You think it's easy to care for something like Victini? Huh? He's just a baby, and he's frightened easily by dumb asses like you who have an attitude problem and yell too damn much! Now, I'd VERY much appreciated if you got this class under control, so that we could avoid more problems like this. I'd like to enjoy the class without having to mother Victini to get him to quiet down, mmkay?" With that, White went and sat down promptly picking up the whimpering Victini. "It's okay baby, mommy's here for you. Would you go back into your Pokeball for me? I have to pay attention in class, why don't we play after?"
    Victini stared at her for a few moments, then happily cried out "Veee!" to show his approval.
    White took Victini's Timer Ball from Black, recalled Victini, and handed it back to Black, proceeding to take out her books and everything. After she was done, she stood up on her desk. "Oh, one last thing." White fumbled with her bag and pulled out a blue and yellow Pokeball. A Quick Ball. "Any of you guys mess with Victini, and you'll have to answer to myself and Reshiram, my legendary dragon. He doesn't take too kindly to anyone teasing any of myself or my friends' Pokemon, got it?" she sat down.
    Leaf, Red, and Black all pretended not to know White.

    Crystal, meanwhile, was talking to Kamina. She had disregarded what White said, but when she turned to Kamina, he was kind of close. "Yeah, not there. I have a boyfriend. His name's Silver, and he doesn't go to this school." She said with a smile, pushing his face away. "But I'm flattered."
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!" Yen Sid yelled at Sai and Repliku, "I will not tolerate students verbally abusing one another in my classroom. The next student who does so will have detention!" After a moment of silence, Yen Sid turned towards Nero, telling him, "I am verry sorry you had to see this Nero. I hope it doesn't happen again. Now Loki, please explain to Nero what he missed while I continue the lecture." "Of course professor," Loki replied. Once Nero sat next to him, Loki shook hands with Nero. "Pleasure to meet you Nero. I'm Loki," Loki said, introducing himself, "Anyway, what you need to know is that unlike previous years, the school will be providing us with instruments, provided that you paid the fee associated with this class. Also, we have a mandatory performance at the Imperial Palace this December for some winter festival. We'll be learning four musical works. 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice', 'Night on Bald Mountain', 'Symphony No. 6', and 'The Nutcracker Suite'."

    OOC: Will post more tomorrow
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Music Class-

    "It's fine, Professor Yen Sid. And thank you, Loki, for telling me what I missed. I'll try and be on time, next time." Nero said, smiling at them. He believed that he might be able to have a good time here.


    -English Class-

    Quickly entering John Smith's English was a young girl. She slipped and fell, the girl looked at the others and smiled, embarrassed. Almost everyone in the room would know this was one of the Pokemon students, Latias. She stood up and bowed at John Smith before going to her seat.


    -History Class-

    Watching Lordgemone teach with Black, White and her pokemon, Harry laughed and sighed. He blinked toward the door, looking in confusion. Taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, Harry thought he saw some kind of jackal dog standing in the doorway. Namine put away her sketchbook and sighed. Ron yawned when something hit him in the back of the head. A pink cat-like creature that was floating around in front of him, upside down before turning itself right side up before flying away.
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