RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Outside: Hospital Room 358~​
    "Hey there Thane, it's Shepard, I called to see if you wanted to join Garrus and myself in guarding Nintendo High's secret...I can't exactly tell you what it is because Peppy doesn't want public word on it" Shepard explained as she placed her back against the wall looking into the room before she turned back and added "It's going to be a 24/7 job but food and sleep will be provided by Peppy, so don't worry about it"
    ~Gadd Science: Boardroom~​
    Shion slammed her hands onto the desk before she started to explain "Second-rate scientist!? Listen here Asplund, your toys are bigger and usually require a single pilot who could easily get killed if the back side was attacked or compromised, in addition carrying around a ton of weapons across the body along with bulky armor would simply weigh and slow her down...but I will agree to help you in making a float system compatible with KOS-MOS, understand?" with E. Gadd paying attention to the discussion before he said aloud "Well, we might need to have a field-test for your new toys soon, Dr. Crygor please take over the discussion please" with Dr. Crygor stepping up to the front with his arms behind his back as he started to explain "As you may recall...Gadd Science found a robot awhile back that had washed up onto the shores of Japan with ahold of a small sphere in his hand" as he placed on the table a small white and dark-blue sphere.​
    "Vexen and myself took a good long look at the sphere and its contents within before we found that this sphere is actually a sort of Black Box" Dr. Crygor continued before E. Gadd asked "What kind of Black Box is that supposed to be?" shortly before Vexen said aloud "Our research has found this to belong to that of the G.P.S. Absolution which..." as he brought up a map of Japan and pointed to the Pacific Ocean "...crashlanded right somewhere in the Pacfic" "We sent some probes down to look into the wreck and we managed to find something of interest" Dr. Crygor explained as he brought up a photo of what appeared to be a large spaceship that had been underwater with the engines strewn about and pieces here and there.​
    Dr. Crygor pointed at what appeared to be some small black spots located near the middle "Our probes found these robots circling around the middle of the ship, they were unarmed cameras that looked into our probe, at this time we also received an unknown staticy message that we couldn't make heads or tails of" with Vexen adding in "We believe it may possibly be a distress signal coming from the ship itself, we couldn't get an idea on where within the ship because our probes was then destroyed by S-Types resembling fish"
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Unknown Location:


    Thane Krios frowned slightly into the phone, "I'm not worried, siha...I mean...Shepard. I've already told you I trust you. I'll take the job. Haven't gotten much work here on Earth. Seems like my skills just aren't as needed here. It must be because of your human nature to handle issues on your own. The diplomats here don't ask for assassins...they simply do it themselves...or end up arguing about it for hours." Leaning back in his chair, he crossed his legs, setting one foot on top of his knee,"We haven't heard from you for a while, siha. I was getting worried. You should give Tali a call. I'm sure she'd be pleased to have something to do other than worry constantly. Earth is...peaceful and we're not used to it yet." With his answer given, he waited for Shepard's response and hung up. It was true he hadn't quite settled into his new home on Earth...and the humid air of Tokyo was driving his illness up a wall.

    Gadd Science: Board room

    Lloyd simply lifted his hands as Shion ranted about his comment. "Inspirational words...coming from the second-rate scientist. As if I'd need your permission... I've already hacked your security system several times now...but since my own alterations to the float device aren't complete...I haven't been able to run any tests with KOS-MOS." He frowned, decisively angry and stood, "What's that supposed to mean?! Easily get killed if the back side was attacked or compromised?! That's ridiculous! The Lancelot is top grade. It's metal armor is impenetrable from either side, especially the back! Do you really think I'd allow an important piece of my invention be destroyed so easily? Not that I'd be worried if one of the pilots died...they are merely the tools that pilot the Knightmares. I can't run the Lancelot without Suzaku Kururugi. The Lancelot's weapons are made with specific metal alloys designed to be light and durable. You insult my invention if you believe anything I've created would be destroyed so easily by a few bullets or anything these S-Types can throw at me." He opened his mouth to say more when Cecile clamped a hand over his mouth, "I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Uzuki. Please forgive Lloyd. Professor...I'll set up a field test right away." Lloyd and Cecile listened closely to what the others said. Smiling, Lloyd folded his fingers together, "Sounds like my invention came at just the right time. Cecile...the field test will be sending the Knightmares down into the ocean to take care of our problem. Ready the Lancelot and radio Kururugi." Cecile hesitated and frowned, "Suzaku is on leave at the moment. The only pilot we have remaining at our direct disposal are the Knights of Round. Miss Alstreim is the only one we've been in direct contact with recently." Lloyd shrugged and waved her off to contact the pilot.

    Tokyo Building Rooftop:

    "Not bad...But can you do more?"

    "That's what I was going to ask." A male voice responded to a question the boy had asked himself. Deep, dark and seductive...the embodiment of something you didn't want to meet in a dark alley....or rooftop. A black haired man with deep red eyes wearing all black leather dropped down from a nearby building. The drop from roof to roof was nearly four stories high and yet the man landed without breaking a bone in his leg. He carried a long katana with him, that despite not being attached to his clothes in any way, didn't seem to stray very far out of his grip. Stepping out of the indent in the roof he'd made when he dropped down, he lifted his chin and looked down on the boy, "IS that all you can do?" His tone was curious but his body language was threatening. It seemed almost natural for him to stand like he was superior to everyone in every way.


    Tokyo Street:


    Kuro walked, ignoring Neptune screaming for her to wait until she spotted something odd. A man wearing mostly green, a fuzzy winter hat and a belt covered in little cubed rabbits fighting a silver haired man wearing what looked like a school uniform and black gloves. "What the...? Hey, knock it off!" Although unsure why she was intervening, Kuro hurried towards them. Her ruby gaze caught on something metallic in the silver haired man's left hand as she approached. He lifted it and Kuro's eyes went wide. A handgun?! Why did a student have a handgun? Was he going to shoot the other man. But the man in green didn't look armed at all. A look of determination settled on the silver haired man's face as he lifted it to his own forehead. A suicide in the middle of the street?! Over a petty fight?! "No, wait...!" Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled the trigger... Kuro squeezed her eyes shut and waited. But instead of the telltale sound of a lifeless body falling to the ground, she heard a solid punch connecting with someone's face and then a fall. Peeking from under her lashes, she saw the man in green lying on the ground in front of her, wiping blood from his nose even as he smiled at the other man. Her gaze fixed on the silver haired man. He still held the gun in his hand but there was no bullet brains splattered over the pavement. Why wasn't he dead? "You're pretty good, I'll give you that. If I hadn't used my power I'm sure I'd have lost. My wasn't fair for me to use my power when you haven't used yours." The silver haired man reached a hand out for his fallen combat partner and Kuro's mind simply quit on her. He knocked him flat on his back and he was apologizing? Men were strange. "You promised you wouldn't use that. There's no way I can stand one of those kinds of punches. Worthless..." the man in green muttered quietly before he clicked his tongue and spat blood on the ground, "You owe me a Rhyme match then. I'll make the modifications to the system and it should be good for your abilities." Finally the man in green noticed Kuro's presence, "Hm? Tsk...a passer-by. Hey, why don't you get outta here, girly." "Girly?! The hell?! What was that? I saw that guy shoot himself in the head. I must still be dreaming...dammit..." The silver haired man looked behind her at Neptune and sighed, "I don't mind explaining. It's not a gun...I didn't shoot myself in the head. Technically. It's called an Evoker. It just looks cooler this way...Mitsuru made it so don't look at me for why it looks like this. It allows me to summon my Persona." Kuro resisted the urge to smack both of them, "I don't follow you." Sighing, he stuffed the gun away and crossed his arms, "Look...I'm not good at explaining it. Just...take my word for it...I'm not dead, you're not dreaming and there's nothing going on here that involves you. So run along."
  3. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    He heard the male voice and would of, instinctively, turned around to punch him, but he managed to control the impulse. After getting over the fact that there was a man behind him, he turned to see him. He saw the small indent he made, and realized he must of jumped from the building too. He looked at his eyes first, and noticed they were bright red. It didn't help that he was dressed in entirely black leather. He didn't like this guy, not because of the creepy feeling emanating from him, but only from his appearance. He looked like a human version of...

    "All I can do..." He pondered on that. He looked at the building he jumped from, and then at the one they were both standing on. Looking behind him, there were many more buildings, all shaped perfectly for his freerunning. He turned back towards the stranger, and smiled. "Of course I can!" He run towards the edge of the building, jumped, and landed on the next building, which was quite far away. He called out, "C'mon! Let me see what you can do!" He said, laughing, then turned back and started running and jumping again.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Flower Shop~

    Yuri had followed in pursuit and was walking behind Alice. "Someone told me to come and find you, some damned voice, so like it or not princess, you're struck with me." he said casually. "And no, I'm not here to kill you or anything, so tell Snowball there to keep his paws back." He said calmly, his arms crossed.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro looked at the change Hermione underwent thanks to Phillip. "Looks good partner, I suppose we ought to get moving." he said and picke dup his fedora hat and placed it on his head with Windscale outline din grey on the side.

    ~Wajima Resdience~

    Haruto was biting into a plain sugar donut before Koyomi spoke out her feelings, mid-bite, he stared at her and removed his donut. "I see... well, now's a good as time as any, I'll be transferring into Nintendo High starting today, so, I can keep an eye out on you and other occurrences while being close by." He told her, he was planning on making this a surprise for her.
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Connor's and Dick's Homes~


    "Yo, Connor! It's Dick!" Dick Gray son replied. "O hey, what's bro?" Connor asked. "Eh, not much really," Dick said, "Wanna do something later today?" "Well, I was thinking of going to Flynn's for some arcade games. You up for that?" Connor asked. "Cool! See you there in an hour!" Dick replied. "Alright, later man," Connor said before hanging up.


    ~Shinjiku District: Crash Site~


    Cosmos and Celestia arrived to the area where the memorial was to take place. It was set to start in about an hour or so. Rows of seats were lined up in the street, facing a podium that was merely a few feet from the crash site, which was filled with flowers, religious symbols, and candles. the front two rows of seats were reserved for VIPs. Celestia and Cosmos went ahead and sat in two of them. driving Celestia and herself towards the crash site in the Shinjuku district of Tokyo, which was where the memorial was to take place. "I wonder when Eddard will arrive," Celestia commented. Just then, she received a text message. Opening her phone, she read the message, from Eddard, saying "I'm here". Celestia and Cosmos looked around and found Eddard walking towards them.


    "Ah Eddard, so nice of you to join us," Cosmos said, greeting he fellow MP. "Celestia, Cosmos. It's good to see you both," Eddard said, "I only wish it were under better circumstances." "Yes, I agree," Celestia replied as Eddard took a seat next to them. "You don't suppose Harriet Jones will make an appearance, do you?" Eddard asked. "I'm not so sure," Cosmos replied, "I tried calling her, but she wouldn't answer. I don't blame her though. After yesterday, it will certainly take time for her to face a crowd of people again."

    OOC: will post more later. Had to take care of Aragorns's characters that I temporarily took control of before it became Saturday in my timezone
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Outside: Hospital Room 358~​
    "Alright then, just meet me over at the Nintendo High building and I'll explain everything to you, I've got to go" Shepard responded before she quickly hung up the call and began to call Tali, as she waited for an answer Shepard poked her head in and asked Peppy "Hey, could you come over here a second?" causing the hare to turn his head and walked out of the room asking "Yes. did you need me?" before Shepard asked "How do you get to the you-know-what?". Peppy stepped back and started to explain "There is a simple way to get there, behind one of the walls within the Principal's Office is a secret elevator that is accessed through a secret panel in the wall, take that elevator to the top and you'll find the vault, as a failsafe precaution the vault requires not only the code to open it...but it has identity, retinal, and vocal scanners installed that will only open the vault door if I am present...I had Gadd Science install those six years ago just in case"
    "Thank you, we have to get going so...we will see you later" Shepard said calmly before she poked her head in and said aloud "Hey Garrus, you and I need to get moving!" shortly before the turian stood up stretching as he asked "So, what kind of crazy thing have you done now" causing Shepard to blink as she said awkwardly "Uh Garrus, I didn't actually do anything yet..." as the two ran off with Garrus commenting "Seems like every time I run around with you something tends to happen and then we get into a run-in with someone or something trying to kill us" "C'mon Garrus, you're over-reacting" as they left.​
    ~Shibuya District: Somewhere outside the 109 Building~​
    In one of the alleyways near the 109 Building laid a bunch of unconcious men, women, and kids with Inferno Obitus looking over them as he cursed "Dammit! You'd think a job that sounds simple would turn out easy" as he paced out trying to formulate an idea, he snapped his finger as he figured out a plan. His dark arms procceded to form a small swirling orb of blue and black energy before it floated out from between them and started to form into a creature resembling a small turtle with a black shell and blue spikes riding on a black cloud with blue shades and a grin on it, a small black crown with blue gems appeared on his head.​
    "You, King Lakitu-S...we hereby order you to take to the sky and try to locate the Harbinger" Inferno Obitus ordered before King Lakitu-S simply nodded and quickly flew into the sky around the 109 building looking closely at the people below. Meanwhile Compa and IF were quietly approaching the building and looked up at the large screen closely unaware that an S-Type was floating above their heads.​
    ~Gadd Science: Boardroom~​
    "Okay calm down everyone, I can see where both are of you are getting at..." E. Gadd started before Dr. Crygor interrupted him and said "I believe I have a machine that will help us out" as he brought up an image of what strangely looked to be a simple submarine with wings and jet-boosters on it as he explained "Originally I made this to try and fly into the sky..until I forgot to put the landing gear on it and crashed it into my lab, I suppose it could be used for underwater exploration" "I've seen your little creation Crygor and there's no weapons on it, how are we expected it to take it down there without a fight" Vexen asked pointing out the flaw in Dr. Crygor's logic only for Shion to quickly explain "We're going to have security around the submarine, I'm sure Asplund knows some more people from Britannia who could assist, if that idea doesn't work we go to Plan B"
    "Plan B, and what exactly is Plan B?" Vexen asked perplexed by the woman's thought before Shion brought up sternly "We use KOS-MOS..." causing nearly everyone to freak out "ARE YOU DAFT!?" "She's a liability towards us if she goes berserk and attacks us!" except for Gordon and E. Gadd. "Now I know what you're all thinking, you're thinking Shion's completely nuts" E. Gadd pointed out before he added "But it would be a chance to get in another field-test..Shion go kindly wake her up please" "Of course" Shion nodded before she ran out of the room.​
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    After a few minutes of running Neptune finally managed to catch up to Kuro panting as she placed her hands on her knees mumbling " run way too fast..." shortly before her purple gaze looked upon the boys, the Evoker, and what had happened before she said rather stunned by the events "Woah...looks like something happened while I wasn't looking involving a fight" shortly before looking at her sister blinking quietly and not saying anything else.​
    Meanwhile at the airport some people started to get out of the plane, the first three were a trio of odd-looking fellows, one was wearing a light-blue shirt, dark-blue overalls, brown boots, goggles, a yellow hardhat, and a single yellow rubber glove on his right hand, another looked to be a soldier with a blue hardhat on his head. long brown boots, dark-blue pants, and a light-blue jacket that had two grenades painted to look like pineapples, the last of the trio had on a red fire-******ant rubber jumpsuit with black boots, an oxygen tank on his back, and a black gasmask covering his head.​
    "So explain it to me again, how did you get past the dog-gone security with your grenades and your rocket launcher" the man in the hard-hat asked in a texan accent with a face that looked confusing before the Solider started to explain "Well I wasn't going to let that fancy-pants american airport take away my weapons because of 9/11, so I painted my grenades to look like pineapples, and I tried using the Pyro to sneak the rocket launcher past...but when that security man tried to look inside the jumpsuit Pyro over here snapped and chopped his head off...the pansies just ran away"
    The Engineer simply facepalmed before the Soldier explained "And they didn't call the cops because they knew I'd kick the crap out of every last one of them and send them back to their mamas crying, now that we're in Japan I can do what I've always wanted to do..kill those bastards that bombed Pearl Harbor!" with Pyro mumbling lowly about Soldier's intelligence in the background. "Now, let's just get to the Mann Co. branch in Tokyo please" the Engineer said calmly before the three left the airport.​
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gullwing Apartment-

    "We should get going. The memorial starts in a while." Yuna realized the time and took Tidus' hand, running out of the room. Rikku and Paine followed them, chaos and Aerith smiled, Aerith closed up the shop and got changed into the suitable attire. She looked at Beast and asked, "Beast, you sure you'll be alright here on your own?" "I'll be fine, Aerith. You go with the others before the memorial starts." Beast told her as chaos gently took her hands and led her to the others.


    -City Street-

    "His name is not Snowball, it's Blanca. I took him in when I found him injured as a pup. But I suppose I'll take your word on what you said." Alice said, looking at the strange young man she had met in the flower shop. She wasn't entirely sure if she could trust him but she supposed that she could try and see what happens from it. Blanca gave a small growl, 'My name is Blanca the Whirlwind. And you will treat my master with respect!'


    -Outside the Hongo House-

    Dressed for the memorial, Sakura and her companions headed for their motorcycles. "Sure we should trust that Tsukasa boy? Even if he is a Rider of this generation, he may blow the secret that we're the Showa Riders." Seki asked, mounting her Hurricane. Getting on the Cyclone, Sakura looked at her and said, "Tsukasa is a alright and nice boy, I know him quite well even before he knew this little secret. I would like to see him convince his companions though." "One of these days, you're gonna have to tell us how you and Tsukasa met, Sakura." Hinako said, sitting on the Cyclone 2. Sakura nodded as they revved the engines of their motorcycles.


    -Date/Minato Home-

    Michal looked at himself in his room mirror and sighed, knowing how sad today was going to be due to what had happened the previous day. Not liking violence, Michal wished that no one had suffered in the crash but knew things like that occured within Akira's line of work. Akira appeared in his suit, a seldom look on his usually cheery and smiling face. The two roommates looked at each other and nodded, heading for the memorial.


    -Kengo's House-

    Dressed in a simple grey suit, Kengo knelt before his father's shrine, praying for strength and a successful experiment with the Sailor Scouts. He also prayed for help on the future missions that he and the others would receive from Zordon and they would be successful and completed without fail, though with Gentaro and Dante, he kinda doubt that part.


    -Shinjiku District: Crash Site-

    Reaching the crash site, Sakura looked in awe at what was setup for the memorial. She looked around and wondered how Syaoran was doing and began to find a spot for her to sit at the memorial. Kero was struggling to breath within her bag, Rinoa and Lenne appeared at the crash site. Lenne looked at the crash site and sighed, gripping her engagement ring and hoping she would be alright. Rinoa had a seldom look on her face and went to find a seat


    -Fang & Vanille's House-

    Leaving some breakfast for Vanille, Fang went to her room and got dressed. Fang wore a black suit with a white shirt and somehow managed to tame her hair enough to get it into a ponytail. Looking at herself in the mirror, Fang smiled and stretched before heading into the living room to wait for Vanille and turned on the TV, watching the news.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    "Sirius, Harry. You go on ahead with Riolu, I need to take care a few things here with Ankh. We'll meet you there." Eiji said to them as they were about to leave. Neither Sirius or Eiji seem to noticed that Harry's hair had grown to his shoulders and that there was now a light green dyed strain in his hair, but Riolu seemed to notice. Eiji checked himself in his room mirror, and looked at Ankh, "You do think.... maybe some Yummies were created because of what happened, Ankh?"


    -Detective Agency-

    Hermione and Philip nodded, following the detective out to the site. Philip told Hermione that he had called her parents yesterday and Hermione sighed in relief. Philip smiled and walked by his partner, calmly holding his book. Hermione looked at them and thought about their partnership, she still wondered if she was ready for the work that they do.


    -Gokaiger House-

    Luka, Ahim, Don, and Basco stood in the living room, waiting for Marvelous, Joe, and Gai. Ahim was wearing a simple white dress with her hair in a ponytail and a light pink shawl over her shoulders, Luka was in a dark yellow dress with her yellow coat over her shoulders while Don wore his green coat over a white shirt and a black tie. Basco stood against the wall in a black suit, his hair in a ponytail.


    -Wajima Residence-

    Koyomi looked at Haruto in surprised and wiped her eyes, giving him a soft smile. "Haruto...... Thank you......" She said, before realizing the time and that she would be leaving the only person who showed her kindness. Koyomi pushed the thought out of her mind and took Haruto's hand, telling Wajima that they were heading for the memorial and stepped outside.


    -Abandoned Mansion-

    Putting on a dress more suited for the event with the addition of a cream white shawl, Namine took one last look at her sketches then headed for the foyer and saw a man standing there, waiting for her. She wasn't sure if she knew who he was when she noticed the ring on his finger and nodded. Taking his arm, Namine and the man headed for the memorial.
  8. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010

    Along the streets of Tokyo, near Amy and Cream's apartment, walked a young girl with bright pink hair and skyblue eyes. In her backpack was a mammalian stuffed animal that was bright red. At least, it appeared to be a stuffed animal.
    "You sure we're not lost, Lillian? Let's ask for help!"
    "Quiet Elecmon!" Lillian said a bit quietly herself. "I don't want people asking questions about where I got you!"
    "Seriously, you came here from America and you have no idea where your apartment is! What's with that? Ask somebody at the least."
    Lillian was shy and Elecmon knew it. She was glad he at least tried to get her to shed her shy coat and pull on her game face. "Fine. I'll ask the next person that comes out of there."

    As she said that, Amy and Cream came out of the building. "Come on Cream!" Amy said, "We have to go!"

    Lillian gave a loud yelp of surprise. "Look Elecmon! Digimon!" She felt better now that Elecmon could do the talking for her since there were Digimon here. "Could you... Ask them please?" Lillian pleaded quietly.
    "Yeah, sure..." Elecmon said, rather irritated. "Hey! You two!" He called to Amy and Cream.
    Amy turned. "Me?" She asked. "What do you need?"
    "This is my friend Lillian. She's looking for apartment 36B, on the Fukinawa Building. Do you know where that is?"
    "Yeah! That's right next door to Cream and I! Come on, we'll show you." She took Lillian's wrist and dragged the shy young girl upstairs.
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Gadd Science: Boardrooom~


    Kate Stewart was enjoying herself, amused by the internal politics of Gad Science. She was certainly interested in joining the others in a submarine to see what had crashed underwater.


    ~Hospital: Room 358~


    Phil Coulson, along with Sora, Roxas, and Kairi, were at Xion's hospital room, who remained unconscious. Phil noticed something in Xion's hand. It was the medal that Vanellope left for Xion. Phil picked it up, and glanced at it. "What is it?" Roxas asked. "Must be hers," Phil commented placed it back in Xion's hand. "I gotta go. I'll see you guys on Friday," Coulson said as he left the room.


    ~Nintendo High: Principal's Office~


    "As you wish," Al Mualim said as he left his office to go to the kitchen. While he was walking through the hallway, he noticed Xehanort walking the other way in front of him...


    Once Xehanort passed by Al Mualim, the principal felt a strong energy emanating from the boy. Too strong, perhaps. But this didn't make sense, Al Mualim thought to himself as he stopped and turned around to watch Xehanort continue walking down the hall. He knew that Xehanort had no powers. Did something happen? There was one thing that could've happened, but Al Mualim decided to get the S-type some food before checking out if what he was thinking was true.


    ~Command Center~


    Zordon once again heard a voice that made him uneasy. Only this time, he also had a vision of the 109 building in Shibuya. "Zordon, what is it?" Alpha asked. "Alpha, scan the area around the 109 building in Shibuya," Zordon ordered. As Alpha scanned the area for anything out of the ordinary, he picked up a reading. It was the S-type King Lakitu-S. "Aye-yi-yi! It's an S-type!" Alpha yelled. "Alpha, summon whoever is available from the Rangers, Gokaigers, and Riders," Zordon ordered. Alpha then pressed a button, hoping at least one of the warriors Zordon chose would answer the distress signal.
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Command Center-

    At that moment, Navi shouted, hitting her head on a pillar and began her new prediction, "In the city of scrambles crossing, within the building of hundred and nine, beware the king of Lakitu who will bring the bringer of doom." After her prediction, Navi promptly fainted and fell to the floor, unconscious as she always does after her predictions.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    Eiji heard his communicator began to beep and looked at Ankh in worry, he told the Greeed, "Ankh, lets head for the Command Center. There must be trouble if Zordon is calling him like this. I just hope that it's nothing too bad or serious." Recalling something from his past, Eiji shook his head and pressed the button on his communicator, disappearing in a light of purple, flying to the Command Center.


    -Kengo's House-

    Hearing his communicator go off, Kengo shouted out to Gentaro, "Kisaragi, head for the Command Center! Zordon must have found another S-Type!" Kengo grabbed the suitcase and stood ready to teleport to the Command Center. He looked at his father's shrine and whispered softly, looking at his father's picture, 'Wish me luck on this mission, Father.....' Pressing the button on his communicator, Kengo disappeared in a flash of blue.


    -Shotaro, Philip, & Hermione-

    Hermione heard a strange beeping sound and looked around, she asked, "What's that weird sound and where is it coming from?" "Oh, that must be both mine and Shotaro's phones going off. He and I will answer them right now. You go on and head for the memorial, Mione-chan. We'll meet you there and save seats for us." Philip said, pushing Shotaro to a private spot. Confused, Hermione nodded and continued to the Shinjiku District. When she was out of sight, Philip said, "Zordon must be found something, that's why he's summoning us. Lets go, Shotaro." He pressed the button on his communicator, disappearing in a green light.


    -Gokaiger House-

    Ahim, Luka, Basco, and Don heard their communicators go off and nodded at each other, deciding to head for the Command Center to see what news Zordon had for them now. Ahim touched the button, disappearing in a pink light, Luka pressed hers, vanishing in a light of yellow, Don pressed the button on his, fading in a light of green and Basco pressed the button on his, disappearing in a black light.


    -Wajima Residence-

    Koyomi heard a strange beeping sound and looked at Haruto, "Haruto, what is that beeping sound? Do you know where it's coming from?" She didn't know he was the source of the beeping.



    The four Rangers were enjoying themselves at a open air cafe, Tommy listening to his brother talk about when their old martial arts teacher, James, went crazy happy about his infant son one day, Kimberly enjoyed her iced tea while she listened and Billy was working on the communicators for Harry, Ron, and Hermione when their own went off. Paying the bill, the four Rangers went to private spot and teleported to the Center.


    -Milky Dipper-

    Busy taking the order of one of the costumers, Ryotaro heard his communicator go off, and said to his sister, "I'm going to head for a while, sis. I'll be back later." Grabbing the Rider pass, Ryotaro ran out the door and down the street, pressing on the button on his communicator, disappearing in a red light.



    Dante was beginning to grow bored while Vergil read a novel of some sort and Nero practiced his swordsman when he heard his communicator go off. Quickly hiding it before Vergil could notice, Dante grabbed his Morpher and pressed the button on his communicator, vanishing in a light of red. Nero seemed to noticed that Dante was gone but Vergil didn't care less.


    -City Street-

    Fueki watched as the various colors of the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers flew into the direction of the Commend Center and silently wished them all good luck on whatever mission they would receive from Zordon. Namine looked at him and he assured that he was fine, just admiring the scenery.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Unknown Location:

    Tali picked up the phone...for a while all Shepard would hear was chatter before Tali's voice cut through the noise. "Shepard, I'm glad you called. Listen to this..." The chatter returned but with one voice more distinct and clear than the rest. "Your job is to protect everyone. This recent attack is not the only one. They will come again and it's time we met them head on. You think these attacks were just chance? Don't be foolish!" "We've got a real problem here Shepard. This stupid turian is messing with the civilian mindset. Though...he doesn't look good. I'm not too sure what an exhausted turian looks like but I'm pretty sure this is it." Tali's voice conflicted with the male voice before and turned into garble. "There is nothing.....Minato....will return....over here....He....Something....I can't...the turian...the Council........gibberish....don't believe... Stop pushing....people...suit....calm yourselves...back off!" The call cut off, leaving Shepard with a dial tone. But not for long. Almost as soon as Tali's call ended, another number popped up on Shepard's screen: Mordin Solus.

    Tokyo Streets:


    Kuro shot her sister a flustered look, "I...I didn't do anything!" She glared at the two boys and set her hands on her hips, "Now tell me who you two are." The boys exchanged defeated expressions. The silver haired man spoke first as he picked up his jacket from the ground, "My name is Akihiko Sanada. I'm a third year at Nintendo High." Kuro pointed at the gun now holstered at his waist in front of his left hip, "And that gun?" He sighed, "It's not a gun. It's an Evoker. I use it to summon my Persona." Kuro huffed, not believing him, "And what on Earth is a Persona." Akihiko turned his face away, "That's a little harder to explain. It's like a--" his phone started to chime and before he could finish his sentence he glanced at the screen, frowning. Turning away from the girls, he picked up and lowered his voice. Kuro's gaze turned to the man in green, "And you?" he gave her a less than pleasant glare before he forced out one word, "Noiz." She frowned, "Noise? Is that your name?" "Yeah...but loose the 'se'.. It's Noiz with a 'z'. I'd rather not give you my surname...or any other information." Kuro jabbed an accusing finger into his chest, "Now listen to me buster..." "You're the Goddess of Lastation, CPU Black Heart or just Noire." She took a step back in surprise, "How did you know all that?" "I also know your birthday, height, weight, hobbies, personality flaws and the method in which you turn into that CPU form of yours. HDD isn't it called?" Kuro growled, "Are you a stalker...?" Noiz rolled his eyes and mumbled out, "Don't flatter yourself, princess. I'm the head of Seregaki Inc. ....I made a multi-million MMOF game even better and you want to accuse me of being a stalker?" Kuro tilted her head to the side. Seregaki Inc. didn't sound like something she knew about. "Seregaki Inc.?" "Yeah...the original name lost a lot of backing so I changed it when I took over. Tsk...why am I telling you this? Aki...I'm leaving." Akihiko turned slightly when Noiz spoke to him and nodded, watching his battle partner leave. [DOUBLEPOST=1375159078][/DOUBLEPOST]Tokyo Rooftops:

    Shiki, the man who'd chosen to observe the boy napping on the roof of a building, watched the boy run off after practically repeating his own question to him. Following after the boy, Shiki took a moment to assess him. He didn't have excessive there was no way he was on Line... Shiki nearly left right then. But he wanted to know what made this boy able to laugh in his presence. No one could do that...not even... Shaking away the memory, Shiki matched the boy's pace, not allowing himself to run faster or jump farther than the average human. Giving away his secrets so early would lead to a problematic situation. "What's your name boy? Or should I just call you 'Dog'?"
  12. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    "Dog?" He asked, thinking about it. "Well...It wouldn't be uncommon, I guess, but I got a name. My name's Enerjak. And what about you?" He asked, starting to gain speed at a very slow rate. His movements were starting to become faster, too. If there was an obstacle in front of him, he would just parkour past it no problem. If there was a high jump, he'd jump. If it was a low jump, he'd land in to a roll then continue his run.

    "This is pretty fun!" He commented.[​IMG]
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High Dorms: Room 13~


    Once Xehanort left, Hiccup and Toothless entered the dorm room. The room was filled with typical things one may find in a dorm room. A bunk bed, a desk, a bathroom, a television connected to a PS3, and posters, lots of posters. Hiccup noticed a bunch of WWE posters, with most of the posters including Triple H. There was also a sledgehammer in the corner of the room. Turning around, Hiccup noticed a picture of Japanese prime minster Harriet Jones on the wall, but her face was full of darts. "Xehanort is certainly an interesting guy," Hiccup commented as he opened the balcony door for Toothless. The balcony provided just the right amount of space for Toothless whenever he would need to rest or sleep. "Perfect," Hiccup said as he began to unpack.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    Rassilon was sitting in his office, waiting for Javert to arrive...


    "Master Rassilon. You called?" Javert said once he entered Rassilon's office. "Yes. Please, have a seat," Rassilon said. Javert took a seat, and asked, "Is something wrong?" Rassilon cleared his throat and began to speak, "I have a feeling Discord is not the recruit he once was. I fear he's becoming a bit... soft. I just sent him to spy on a girl named Alice Elliot a few minutes ago, but I'm not sure he's going to do exactly as I asked. So I need you to spy on him, and make sure he is doing as he was instructed. Do you accept this mission Javert?" Without even hesitating, Javert nodded, and replied, "Of course master. After all, it is for the benefit of the Order." Javert got up and left the office, intending to start his mission of spying on a fellow Crystal Order member.


    ~Nintendo High: Principal's Office~


    Without even saying a word, Al Mualim entered his office, placing the food that the S-type requested on the desk. The principal then accessed his computer, hoping to view footage from security cameras monitoring the room holding the vault. Checking footage from yesterday, he saw exactly what he thought happened. It appears Xehanort did enter the room, and he apparently touched the vault. Checking footage of today, Al Mualim noticed Xehanort on the roof of the school, summoning a creature that changed forms, and then disappeared. Perhaps it was time Al Mualim directly spoke with Xehanort...


    ~Taco Bell~

    At the Taco Bell close to Nintendo High, Gaston and Trixie were having lunch while discussing the upcoming party at Gaston's place on Friday. ".. Gotta make sure all the cool kids come. And of course, the weaklings, because no party is complete without entertainment!" Gaston said. "You got that right Gaston! I'm sure Bowser will wipe all the nerds who actually show up with his bare claws," Trixie replied. Xehanort then entered the restaurant, waving towards Gaston and Trixie...


    "Xehanort, perfect timing!" Gaston said, greeting his new friend. "So how are you on this cancelled school day?" Trixie asked Xehanort. "I am feeling great, but hungry," Xehanort replied as he went to order food. Once he sat down in the same table with Gaston and Trixie, Gaston said, "Just wanted to remind you that there's a party at my place on Friday. You gotta make it!" Xehanort smiled and said, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."


    ~Command Center~


    Once the Rangers, Gokaigers, and Riders appeared, Zordon began to speak, "Rangers, Gokaigers, Riders, an S-type has appeared in Shibuya. It seems to be after a figure known as the Harbinger." "WHAT?! But Zordon, that means it's after you!" Alpha yelled. "Either that, or someone I have yet to meet to pass on the title of Harbinger. And if that's the case, I cannot allow someone else to be eradicated because of me," Zordon replied, "I will explain everything later my friends, but this is an emergency that must be addressed immediately."


    ~Connor's Home~


    Connor went to door, about to leave to Flynn's to meet up with Dick Grayson. "I'm going to the arcade to meet Dick," Connor said to Achilles. "Alright, but don't be late," Achilles replied as he was siting on a reclining chair, watching CNN coverage of the upcoming memorial.


    ~Dick's and Bruce's Home~


    "Alright Bruce, I'm going to the arcade to meet Connor," Dick Grayson said as he left. "Take care," Bruce Wayne replied. He was thinking about Connor, and how the boy has to live with the burden of being the son of the Crystal Order's No. 2 in command. Bruce tried to do some research on Haytham, but he couldn't get much info. All he got was information on Haytham's father, Edward, records of when Haytham graduated from Nintendo High School, as well as college records. But nothing else that could help him hunt down the Crystal Order. The Crystal Order... Bruce remembers how he had to deal with them a lot back in Gotham. But this is Japan, their stronghold. And yet, it is still hard to pinpoint members of the group. Each member would usually wear gloves, covering the mark left on their right palm, indicating their allegiance to the Order. Nevertheless, Bruce Wayne would still continue trying to look for them here, no matter how long it took.
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Narumi Detective Agnecy~

    Shotaro heard the communicator beep and he nodded at Phillip and pressed the button, vanishing in a purple light out of the agency.

    ~Wajima Resideince~

    Haruto heard the communicator beep as well, looking at it, it was form his own phone, telling him to arrive at Zordon's base, obicously he hadn't met the others or Zordon for that matter, courtesy of the White Wizard's mysterious ways. "Looks like I got some work to do, you head on to the Memorial and I'll catch up Koyomi." he said to her and vanished in a flash of red.

    ~EIji & ANkh~

    Anhk gave a an bored sigh. "That idiot should be fine without us, he's got those pirates and Rangers." but alas, his words fell on deaf ears as Eiji vanishied. "Idiot, I'll just scout out on this memorial, they'll be some desire to harvest." he said and headed for the designated area.

    ~Kengo & Gentarou~

    Gentaro gave a nod. "Yosh, let's go!" he said as he vanished in a flash of white for his teleportation colour.


    Marvellous, Joe and Gai too, teleported to the Commander in Red, blue and Grey respectively, Navi's prediction on their minds~

    ~Yuri, ALice and Blanca~

    Yuri shrugged at Blanca's growling. "Easy boy, it's not like I'm going to do naughty things with her." he said offhandedly.


    Li was scouting through the many people coming to attend and bumped into someone rather...familiar? He'd spot that hair anywhere and that magical power. "Sakura?" He asked in surprise.


    vanilla soon came down for breakfast, dressed in her usual attire, seeing as it the most comfortable form of clothes she likes. "Oh hey Fang, what's on?" She asked her long-time friend.

    ~Command Centre~

    Tsukasa crossed his arms, having answered the call immediately when everyone had arrived and Zordon talk of explanations later. "Not before you explain to us what we're supposed to accomplish here, right now, everyone's grieving because of the damage caused by these Abductors, despite the fact we allowed the government to attempt to do things and look at where we're at now, I'm not taking orders from anyone, I'll simply destroy what will stand in my way and while we're at it, when were you going to tell us of your previous Riders?" he asked him as Gentarou blinked.

    "Previous Riders? You mean, there's some who came before us?" the youth asked as Tsukasa nodded slightly. "Ichigo, Nigo and V3, the first three Riders, oh I met them and we discovered each other's little secret, and who are you?" he asked Haruto.

    "Haruto Souma, the White Wizard sent me." he said, holding up his Wizard Ring of Flame Style to show everyone. "I suppose I am Wizard, Kamen Rider Wizard." he introduced himself.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Command Center-

    "I don't think Zordon would know about our predecessors, but I'll refresh your memory, Tsukasa, on why we're here." Philip said, not looking at the maganta colored Rider while Eiji was surprised that he was so blunt about the Riders who came before them. "A year ago, we were picked by Zordon to become who we are today, to protect the city and keep it from shedding any tears. Dante and Haruto just came recently. Also, I'm the leader of the Riders, so you should listen to me." "Now is not the time for a history lesson, you two!" Navi shouted at them.

    "No worries, Bird. We'll defeat this new S-Type and protect our huge floating mentor from any danger." Dante said, smiling with a thumbs up. Kengo facepalmed, knowing that would not be a easy piece of cake as he thought it would be. Ahim spoke, "Shall we go in groups to avoid being seen transforming by others?" "Ahim's right. I'll take the Rangers first and find a place to morph, then Philip's group come followed by Marvelous and his group." Tommy said, Thomas nodded as they disappeared.


    -Yuri, Alice, and Blanca-

    Alice sighed, figuring that he was going to true his word and knowing she couldn't refuse him, "Alright, lets head for the memorial." Blanca kept a glaring eye on Yuri as they turned and continued to the memorial site. Alice calmed him down and wondered why or who sent him to her, she sighed and smiled at the flower in her hand.


    -Crash Site-

    Sakura bumped into something, looking at the person and gasped, seeing it was Li and smiled, "Li!" "That brat is here?!!" Kero shouted, flying out of her bag in anger. Gasping in shock, Sakura grabbed him and stuffed him back into her bag. "Li, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Hong Kong." Esmeralda went to the crash site and stopped by a staff worker who told her a dancer for the memorial had fallen ill and she was going to take her place. Esmeralda tried to talk out but to no avail and sighed.


    -Wajima Residence-

    Koyomi looked at him, worried and did as he told her, heading for the memorial with Wajima and hoped that Haruto would be alright with what he was going to do.


    -Taco Bell-

    Near the Taco Bell was two young women, the older one said, "Akiza, I will go and talk with the principal about your transfer to this school. Here's some money, get something to calm yourself down." "Alright, Isizhu..." Akiza said, entering the Taco Bell and ordering herself a salad with a medium pop. Isizhu continued to the high school and went to the principal, she bowed, "Excuse me, Mr. Maulim. My name is Isizhu Ishtar. I'm here to discuss the transfer of Akiza Izinski to this school." Another transfer, Draco, sat outside.


    -Fang & Vanille-

    "Oh, Vanille. I was thinking about us heading to that memorial thing going on today. You know, to pay our respects to the departed and all." Fang said, her hands in her pockets and looked at her friend, wondering what she wanted to do about today.
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    "Oooooookay, that man is a creepy stalker regardless of where he works at" Neptune commented as she crossed her arms looking at Noiz closely before she added "You should call the police or something for that kind of thing" while looking at Kuro with big purple eyes as she waited.​

    ~Command Center~​
    A single male voice echoed throughout the entire Command Center "Yo!" shortly before Geno quietly walked out of the shadows and towards Zordon as he nonchalantly said aloud "That S-Type is not actually after you even though you're the current Harbinger, instead they are searching for the next Harbinger of looking through the minds of the people for the Awakening Call"

    ~Outside the hospital~​
    Shepard blinked in confusion before she said to herself "Okay..." shortly before answering the call as she said "Oh hey there Mordin, are things alright over there?" calmly with Garrus following right behind her stuck in his own thoughts about Tali's call a moment ago.​

    ~Hospital Room 358~​
    Peppy looked over at the kids and said calmly "I also have to go too, but I do send my regards and hope she gets better, see you on Friday" as he quickly left the room, Kairi looked down at Xion's body just wondering one thing as she said quietly "What happened to her and how did she get here?" while being unsure of what was going on.​

    ~Nintendo High: Principal's Office~​
    "I thank you my friend" the S-Type said as it picked up the food in both of its hands only to hear a door opening as it said to itself "Oh shi-..." and immediatly sunk through the floor carrying the food, after a moment it reappeared in the Teacher's Lounge and sighed as it said "That was a close one.." before looking at the food...however instead of eating it the S-Type started to focus causing the food it had to be enveloped in a blue and black liquid before slamming its hands together forming a sphere. The sphere floated out of its hands before transforming into a puddle on the floor, a few minutes later the puddle began to take shape.​
    The shape in question was somewhat human with a head shaped like an eggplant that had a single red eye and pink pink lips, a grayish-blue robe with brown and a purple sash, legs that looked like big poofy pants made out of fried shrimp, prayer beads around his neck, two large fried shrimp on his shoulders, and a wooden staff with a combination Eggplant/Fried Shrimp hanging from it.​
    "Yes, Yes, Eggplant-Tempura Wizard reporting for duty sir" the newly created S-Type spoke as he bowed before the nameless S-Type, the S-Type pointed at a picture Al Mualim and said aloud "You are to follow the orders of my friend here or any other member of the Crystal Order until I return" with the E. Tempura Wizard nodding as he said "Yes, yes" shortly before the S-Type sunk through the floor and left.​

    ~Taco Bell~​
    As if it was sudden coincidence Bowser could be heard stomping into the resturant yelling aloud "Of course those nerds will be wiped out, It's their destiny to be Bowsertized into the hospital!" in cheer and excitement as he came over and joined Gaston and the others at the table managing to squeeze himself in adding to that "Maybe I might be lucky as well"

    ~Shibuya 109 Building: This Lakitu isn't normal (VS. King Lakitu-S & Tanooki Dogoos-S)~​
    King Lakitu-S quietly looked through the windows on the building before swooping inside as he flew towards the cieling following Compa and IF. He placed his hands into his cloud and pulled out something that resembled the mixture of a blue teardrop with black button eyes, a brown and black bushy tanooki tail, tan tanooki ears, and a green leaf on top of its head, King Lakitu-S immediatly threw the thing at Compa before it knocked Compa onto the floor facefirst.​
    "Compa!?" IF shouted as her emerald gaze spotted the Tanooki Dogoo-S flying about the air with his tail along with King Lakitu-S as he threw more Tanooki Dogoo-S at IF who dodged the thrown creatures while helping Compa back onto her feet. "Alright, what the hell are you supposed to be?" IF asked staring dead on at King Lakitu-S who simply kept on throwing out more Tanooki Dogoos-S in order to surround the two girls before hiding in his spiked shell.​
    Compa and IF stood back to back with IF asking "Hey Compa, ready for a fight?" while pulling out a pair of silver Quatars from her large jacket before the pink-haied girl responded "I guess we have no choice..." as she pulled out a large pink syringe filled with an unknown pink liquid before she said again "No, this won't do..." as she put away the larger syringe and pulled out a pair of modified handguns that seemingly could fire syringes before she said "Now this is better" just as the Tanooki Dogoos-S all started to swoop in to attack them.​

    ~Shinjuku District: Crash Site~​
    The Astrobeat made a quiet and soft landing as Ulala walked towards it with a cone of cherry vanilia ice cream in one hand and a large cup of coffee in the other hand before gently tapping the front of the Astrobeat saying aloud "Hey, got you some coffee Fuse" shortly before the door opened and Fuse's arm came out grabbing the coffee with Ulala commenting "You know, you should come out of the Astrobeat so everyone can see you" while licking on the ice cream only for Fuse to point out "If people knew who I was then it wouldn't be a mystery" "Yet Noize sees who you are all the time" "Good point Ulala..." shortly before the pink-haired reporter calmly walked away and saw down in a seat with the other people quietly waiting.​

    ~Gadd Science: Boardroom~​
    After a few minutes the doors re-opened againand Shion came walking in with the blue-haired gynoid called KOS-MOS walking in behind her with glowing orange eyes that stared directly at Vexen as the Chilly Academic summoned a small blue shield around his arm as he said threateningly "If you try to harm anyone I will not hesitate to freeze you solid" shortly before KOS-MOS spoke up "The likelihood of that happening is a probability of 99.99998%, on the other hand if you ever try to do it to Shion then I will not hesitate to kill you" with Shion interrupting "That will be enough" "Of course Shion"

    ~Tokyo Streets: Somewhere near Yoshi's House~​
    A pillar of faint light descended from the sky to an alleyway somewhere close to Yoshi's house before a being descended to the ground below gently touching the pavement, meanwhile Mario and Luigi were running after a speeding Yoshi who was carrying Kirby down the sidewalk with Mario yelling aloud "Hey, where are we going!" shortly before Yoshi said aloud "We're going to this resturant that I've been wanting to try out" and Luigi said quietly "You and your food, Yoshi"
    The figure stepped out from the alleyway to reveal a rather young woman in her early twenties with long tea-green hair and green eyes, a gold laurel crown, a flowing white dress adorned with various gold, brown, and other designs and trinkets all about while wearing a large gold and blue shield on her left arm and carrying a gold and blue staff in the other that had a small round blue orb on it.​
    Yoshi and Kirby first ran by the woman trying to mind their own business with Mario and Luigi running past just causing the woman to blink, Mario however came running backwards and took a look at the woman before he said "Hey, you look like one of those odd aliens I've seen on TV" shortly before the woman bonked Mario on the head with her staff as she said "Just because I came down from the sky doesn't mean that I am an alien, now go run along..." before gently pushing Mario back down the path that Luigi, Yoshi, and Kirby were on.​
    The woman sighed just as Mario was out of her distance as she said to herself "Silly human, he thought I was an alien" before looking up at the sky and said aloud "Hey Pit, you might want to be careful getting down here, it's a long fall from home for someone like you"
  17. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    ~Simon's House, Early Morning~
    The sun was rising, it's bright morning light shining into Simon's room through the window. Simon's eyes opened halfway before reacting to the bright light and closing back up tight.
    "Ngh...Sometimes I wish I just lived underground..." Simon grumbled as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
    He hopped out of bed and changed out of his pajamas into a white button-up shirt with blue pants. He put on a blue jacket with red streaks going down the left and right arms over his shirt. Finally, he took out a pair of goggles and place them on his head.
    As he left his room, he noticed that Tamamo, as usual, was still asleep. He approached her bedroom door and knocked.
    "Tamamo, are you up yet? C'mon, you don't want to sleep in too long do you-"
    There was a sudden loud crash from inside Tamamo's room.
    "What the-!?" Simon then opened Tamamo's door, and immediately stopped panicking when he saw what was on the other side.
    "You've gotta be kidding me..."
    "Simon! What the hell's this chick doing in your room!?"

    Standing in the middle of a mess of broken glass was Kamina, having kicked his way into Tamamo's room through the window.
    "Bro...This isn't my room. This is Tamamo's room."
    Kamina looked around the room for a moment, taking notice of the fact that it looked nothing like Simon's room.
    "Huh. Looks like I got the wrong window. Doesn't matter! You n' me are gonna head out and practice using Lagann today! C'mon, you're not gonna become an ace pilot just standing here!" Kamina said as he marched out of Tamamo's room, ignoring the fact that he left a mess of broken glass on the floor.
    Simon nervously looked back and forth between Kamina and Tamamo, unsure of where to go.
    "S-Sorry, Tamamo, I promise I'll pay for a new window!" Simon said as he ran after Kamina.
    Just then, something occurred to Simon: Today was the day of the memorial service.
    "Bro, wait! What about the memorial service? Shouldn't we go and pay our respects?"
    Kamina stopped for a moment before turning back to Simon.
    He thought for a moment.
    "You're right, bud. We should go. Good thinkin'."
    Simon smiled.
    "Thanks, bro."
    "BUT! You gotta bring Lagann with ya! That way we can get straight to practicing as soon as the service is over!"
    Simon sighed.
    "Fine...I just hope nobody gets the wrong idea..."
    "Whaddaya mean?"
    "Well I'm sure a teenager riding in a face-mecha isn't exactly normal."
    "Don't worry about that, little bro. I've got your back."
    "If you say so."
    Simon and Kamina then began to walk out the door, however Simon turned back inside once more.
    "Tamamo, Kamina and I are going to the memorial. You should come along too! We'll see you there if you decide to come." Simon yelled before closing the door.

    ~Tokyo, Early Afternoon~
    Mikey Kudo, a seemingly normal boy with a seemingly normal life, found himself walking the empty roads of Tokyo, thinking about something incredible a friend of his had told him about.​
    The aforementioned friend, Tai Kamiya, had told Mikey of these digital beings known as Digimon, and how those with something called a "Digivice" could bring out the true potential of a Digimon. After hearing all of that, it was all Mikey could think of. Knowing that a friend of his was chosen to have such a thing while Mikey continues on with his normal, dull life was...A bit of a bummer to say the least.​
    "Man...It'd be so cool to have my own Digivice...And even cooler to have a Digimon partner."
    Mikey sighed.
    "Well, might as well check out that memorial ceremony. Not like I've got anything else to do-"
    "I'm gonna...Die..." Said a weak, echoing voice in Mikey's head.
    Mikey turned around almost instantly.
    "Was that...Music?"
    After not hearing or seeing anything for a moment, Mikey called out.
    "Hey! Who's there!?"
    Suddenly, the sound of distorted music was heard in Mikey's head, followed by the weak voice speaking again.
    "You...You can hear me?"
    "Yeah! Who are you? Where are you?"
    "Why even bother asking...I'm gonna die...And here I was aiming to become the king..."
    "King...Like a monarch?"
    Suddenly, the environment around him turned black-and-white for a split second, and in that time he heard screams of terror.
    "Move to the right, now!" The voice strained, warning Mikey of on-coming danger.
    Mikey turned back around to see a car that seemed to have appeared out of some kind of green portal coming straight at him at full speed.
    Wasting no time, Mikey moved to the right as fast as he could, however he tripped and fell out of the way on to the sidewalk.
    He looked at the car as it sped off, breathing heavily.
    "What the..."
    Mikey heard the music again, but this time it was as if he could hear it coming from a different direction, as if it were in the direction he'd just turned to before being nearly run over. He saw an alleyway just up ahead, which he decided to check out. He ran up to the alleyway and immediately noticed something upon looking in; A small, red distortion. It looked like it was made of digital sound waves that were distorting more and more by the second.
    Mikey approached it and picked it up. Bringing it closer to his face, it looked as if he could almost make out a creature of some kind.
    "Hey, can you hear me? Hey!"
    "You're...The guy from earlier...I've reached my limit...I can't hold on anymore..."
    "Hey! C'mon, you've gotta hang in there!"
    Mikey tried to examine the creature further.
    "He's hurt...I can't turn my back on him! I..."
    Suddenly, images of a young Mikey standing in front of a soccer ball in the rain while crying began to flash through his mind.
    "I can't ignore him!"
    "Brings tears to my eyes, those words of yours...Soft-hearted bastard..."
    "The same goes for you, too. You're close to dying and you still took the time to help me."
    "Heh...We're birds of a feather, huh?"
    There was a moment of silence before a green light exploded in front of Mikey, a loud sound with it.
    The light also came with a strong-ish wind.
    In the center of the light, a small device appeared.
    Finally, the sound stopped, and what remained was a disembodied voice.
    "Boy. Do you wish to save the melody of that life?"
    Mikey was silent for a moment.
    "Y-Yeah, I do."
    "What is your name?"
    "Mikey Kudo!"
    The sound of Mikey's name echoed around him.
    Suddenly, the screen on the device brightened, as if it were turning on, and the device itself turned red.
    "Use this Xros Loader."
    The device, apparently called a "Xros Loader", slowly floated closer to Mikey, until it was finally in range for him to grab it.
    Somewhat hesitantly, Mikey reached for and took the device, which caused the green light to intensify to blinding levels before finally dissipating, leaving Mikey in the alley way he was in before.
    He looked at the Xros Loader, which had revealed a small hidden section on top. It looked no different than it did when it was hidden, aside from the golden "V".
    "Mikey...I can call you Mikey, right?" Said the voice from before, sounding much less weak.
    "Y-Yeah, sure."
    "Sweet! Just give me a few seconds to heal up and I'll give you a proper introduction."
    "Alright..." Mikey said before waiting a few moments.
    "Alright, good to go! Man, this is so awesome! I feel like I'm overflowing with power! This must be the legendary Xros Loader I've heard about!" Said the voice after a few awkward moments of silence.
    "Alright, Mikey! Let me outta here! Use Reload!"
    "Like this?"
    Mikey held the Xros Loader out in front of him.
    A red light shined before Mikey, and a small red form materialized within it, it's back to Mikey.
    The light then faded, the small red creature finally fully materialized.
    "You wanna know, don't you?"
    "I bet you wanna know...My name, that is."
    The red turned around and struck a pose.
    "I'm Shoutmon! The one who's gonna be the Digimon King one day! Carve that into your heart so you can remember it!"


    "W-Wait...Did you say...Digimon King!?"
    "Sure did."
    "So...That must make you a Digimon...Right?"
    "Sure am."
    A huge grin grew on Mikey's face.
    "YYYYYYEEEESSSS! I've got a Digivice and a Digimon partner!!"
    "Whoa, whoa, hold it...Partner? We've only just met...But seeing as this obviously ain't my home, I guess I could stick with you for a bit."
    "Awesome!" Mikey said before grabbing Shoutmon by the arm.
    "H-Hey, what the!?"
    "C'mon, I gotta show you to Tai!" Mikey said as he pulled Shoutmon along, hoping to find Tai in one of his usual spots.
    "Let go of my arm, would ya!?"

    OOC: This post is getting quite long, so I will make a separate post tomorrow with the rest of the stuff I need to write up.
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High: Outside Principal's Office~


    Sunset Shimmer arrived at the hallway where the principal's office was. Noticing that Isizhu was already inside, and that Draco Malfoy was waiting for his turn, she realized she was going to have to wait a bit to actually get to speak with Al Mualim.


    ~Nintendo High: Principal's Office~


    "It's actually pronounced 'Mualim'," Al Mualim said, trying to correct Isizhu's pronounciation of 'Maulim', "Nevertheless, let me check Ms. Izinski's file." Al Mualim went through several student files until he finally found the file he wanted. "Now then, will Akiza require a dorm to stay in?" Al Mualim asked.


    ~Command Center~


    "Aye-yi-yi! Who do you think you are, sneaking into our location?!" Alpha berated Geno. Zordon, however, was now more worried about the S-type threat knowing that someone else was the target. "Then that means the safety of the future five candidates for Harbinger are in danger. Their fate is now in the hands of the Rangers, the Gokaigers, and the Riders," Zordon commented, hoping his recruits are successful with their mission.


    ~Taco Bell~

    "Now that there is why I like you Bowser," Gaston replied. "Anything you want me to get you Bowser?" Trixie asked, "Don't worry, your meal's on me for today."


    ~Hospital: Outside of Room 358~


    Phil caught up with Peppy after leaving Xion's room, and said, "So Peppy. Anything you want to do today? I personally just feel like going home and relaxing until Friday, especially after what happened yesterday. What about you?"


    ~Flynn's Arcade~

    Connor and Dick arrived to the arcade around the same time. Upon entering, they found the owner, Kevin Flynn, sitting in the corner quietly, and watching the news on CNN, which was typical. "So, what game do you wanna play?" Grayson asked. "I don't know. Probably something where we could challenge each of our high scores," Connor replied. "I know the perfect game," Dick said as he dragged Connor towards the other side of the arcade. There, was the arcade's most popular arcade game, TRON. "TRON, huh... ok Dick, you're on!" Connor said as he inserted a coin, taking the first turn.


    ~Shinjiku District: Crash Site~

    While waiting for the memorial to begin, Celestia, Cosmos, and Eddard noticed someone making his way to the front row and taking a seat, someone they wish wouldn't have come...


    It was the highly controversial priest, Frollo, of the Tokyo Cathedral, who was scheduled to speak after the song tribute for the fallen. Cosmos wished to know who was the one who invited Frollo in the first place. Nevertheless, she willing to stay for the people who died, and the women still missing, even if it meant having to listen to Frollo.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Shibuya: 109 Building-

    Thomas appeared, already morphed as the Green Ranger, and protected Compa with the Dragon Shield that he wore on his chest. Tommy and the others appeared, already morphed as well. Kimberly had the Power Bow out, aiming at the S-Type and firing a arrow. Dante attacked, using the Power Sword, though it was a different sword, Dante wielded it as though he had the Rebellion out. Billy had the Power Lance out, splitting it in half and attacking with both halves.

    Saba floated around the S-Types and shot lasers from its eyes, Thomas followed up by sending a charged attack from the Dragon Dagger. Don changed into AbareBlack, switching the dial on his Dino Thruster to Fire Inferno. Ahim changed into MagiMother while Luka changed into MagiYellow, the two using the powers of the MagiRangers. Basco joined the Rangers by changing into the Black ZyuRanger and using the Power Ax against the S-Types. Eiji changed into the Sagozho Combo and attacked with Ryotaro who used the break-dancing moves of Kamen Rider Den-O Gun Form. Kengo hid in a safe spot with the unconscious body of Philip beside him.


    -Command Center-

    Navi shouted, flying toward the visitor to scare him away, or so she would think. "Please, leave! We're not need your advice!!!" She hit her head on something and fell to the ground, unconscious.


    -Nintendo High: Principal's Office-

    "A dorm will be fine, especially if she has a roommate. Akiza is a bit shy and needs help coming out of her shell due to a incident at her previous school." Ishizu said, thinking about what happened at her last school. "Shall I find the room she will be staying in so you may continue with your other business?" While calm, Draco was a bit surprised that she seem to know that he had other work to do.


    -Taco Bell-

    Akiza kept to herself and ate her meal, not looking at the others. She calmly ate her food and looked out the window, wondering what was taking Ishizu so long, before sighing. She touched her necklace and kept quiet.


    -Crash Site-

    Esmeralda looked at herself and sighed, adjusting her outfit and wondering when she would come out during the memorial. Hermione met with Harry and Ron, when Harry suddenly glomped by another girl. Harry didn't recognize her when he realized who she was and introduced her to his friends. Koyomi arrived with Wajima and passed Fueki and Namine. Koyomi gasped when Fueki passed her but he disappeared quickly, she didn't see him and went to her seat. Akira and Michal arrived and found their seats. Aerith placed a bouquet she made with the other flowers while Yuna and chaos prepared for the song tribute they were going to do.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Shinjuku Building 109-

    Tsukasa donned the armour of Decade as Marvelous, Joe and Gai became Gokai Red, Blue and Silver respectively as Gentarou became Fourze and Haruto with his Wizard Wing.

    "Let's make it showy, everyone!" Gokai Red declared and he changed into ShinkenRed whle Joe became GekiBlue and Gai, into Shurikenger as as ShinkenRed brought out Rekka Daizantou in firing mode and fired a barrage of red flames upon the Lakitu S-Type as GekiBlue summoned an aura-like creature. "Gekiwaza: Ten Ten Dan!" He called out as the projection took on a form of a jaguar as Shurikenger swung his sword, letting it hit the morpher he usually uses in that form. "Super Ninpou: Secret Hitting Thousand Knock!" As thousands of the ball slammed into the S-Type.

    "Connect, Please~" Wizard's belt sounded as a magical flaming circle appear beside him and stuck his hand in it and pulled it out, wielding the Wizarswordgun in gun mode as he placed hisleft hand over the hand motif as it called out. "Come on a Shooting, Shake Hands! (Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi~), Shooting Strike!~" The weapon aleld out before he pulled the trigger, shooting fireballs of magic at the Dogoo's

    "Attack Ride: Blast!" Decade's Decadriver sounded as he pulled out his the Rider Booker previously beforehand and pulled the trigger, ricocheting bulelts connected with the enemy as Fourze flipped a Switch. "Rocket On~" the ebllt called out his his right arm up his elbow became a rocket and he lauched himself at the Dogoo's as well. "Rider Rocket Punch!" he cried out as Double removed the Cyclone and Joker Memoires and switched them out for a Yellow and Blue one, respectively inserted in the left and right sdes. "LunaTrigger!" as Double's halves became the respective colours, Trigger Magnum in hand and he fired, orbs of light literally zigzagging around the allies attacks and finding their mark.
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