RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    ~Tokyo Outskirts~
    Kamina and Simon found themselves walking through an area just outside Tokyo, with the intention of finding...Something. Anything. Kamina was bored, man.​
    "Bro, do you really think it's safe to be out here? There were a lot of 'Danger' and 'Keep Out' signs when we got here...And I could have sworn one of them said 'Beware of Rancor Pits'..."
    "Keep Out signs are the best welcome, Simon! We're here to find something awesome. Something that'll change our lives forever!"
    "...And you think we'll find it out here where there's absolutely nothing?"
    "You gotta look deeper than that, Simon. What you see as nothin' but dirt could actually be full of treasures-OHSHIT!"
    Kamina's deep speech was cut off when he and Simon fell into a huge-ass hole that they failed to notice.
    After a short fall, Kamina and Simon landed butt-first onto the ground. They seemed to have landed in some kind of cave.
    "O-Oh no, OH GOD, please tell me this isn't one of the rancor pits!"
    "What the hell's a rancor?"
    "I DON'T KNOW!!"
    Kamina looked around the area a bit, straightening his shades as they had gone crooked during the fall.
    In the distance, he noticed another person, who was digging deeper into the underground.
    "Hey! You!" Kamina called, trying to get the person's attention.
    "B-Bro! Don't do that! It might be a rancor!"
    Ignoring Simon's odd fear, Kamina stood up and approached the digger in the distance.

    OOC: From now on I'm gonna be using my Cove banner style. My original style would have taken up too much space in one post if there were a lot of characters.
  2. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Vert took a quick look at Shizuo quickly with a sapphire gaze before she commented "Well he does look pretty, that is agreeable" shortly before both Blanc and Noire pushed Vert out of the apartment "Don't you get any bright ideas, Vert" "There is no way in hell I will let you go out with someone that dangerous" causing Vert to make a pouty face as she said "If you insist, Mom" shortly before Blanc shouted "I'M NOT YOUR MOM!" shortly before Noire slammed the door behind them, meanwhile Ram and Rom quietly went back to sleep on the futons trying to ignore the racket outside.​
    "Yes! And My brother and I will sell free tickets to the show and advertise entering the first annual Tokyo Battle of the Bands!" Wario explained before he shoved his fist into the air and started to laugh loudly in excitement, Waluigi then laughed in glee as he added "Yes, and to help with that we advertise on facebook, televisision, the radio, magazines, and..." shortly before Wario smacked him on the back yelling "Idiot! We can't do all of we'll use Facebook!"
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Tokyo Streets:

    Vert, Noire, Gust and Shizuo exited the building feeling no more enlightened to their enemy than they were before. "So...what do we do now? Are those vampires going to come back for Gust?" Gust shrugged, "I guess I'll just have to hang out with you guys until morning." Shizuo pulled out another cigarette from the pack, discarding the one he had before, and lit it up. "I'm guessing she means me too." Noire sighed, "Well...I guess we should head back to your house. You are our sisters...and Histoire is our mom too. Didn't she say she had something to tell us? No? Well I just have that feeling." Vert wrapped her arms around Shizuo's arm, "We should hit the town with Shizuo! Doesn't that sound fun? Much funner than going home. C'mon Noire...sis...we just got here. Tokyo's a lot different than Leanbox and Lastation and Lowee." Afraid of the mischevious glitter in Vert's sapphire eyes, Noire slid her crimson gaze up to Shizuo's face and found his expression just as nervous as hers. "I dunno, Vert..." Batting long lashes at her ebony haired sister, Vert pleaded, "Please...?"
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    Noire looked confused as she tilted her head her head before she took Vert and Blanc off to the side leaving Blanc's twin with the others, the three then huddled together before Vert spoke up "I say we should go out and have some fun, after all we have no school tommorow and it would be a fun experience for all of us" "Vert, Mom's gonna be sore at us for coming home late, after all we left Nepgear and Uni there to help her and they can't do everything" "But remember what she said, Tokyo is different from Lastation, Leanbox, and even would be worth it to do some exploring around here" "Again, Mom will be mad at us" "Then simply call her and tell her where we're going so she doesn't worry"
    While the trio of CPUs were discussing what to do a black car could be seen speeding down the street with it's blinding white lights illuminating the front of it before it skidded to a halt near the building and the group in question before the driver's side door opened up and a black heeled foot stepped out of it with an all too familiar voice spoke up "I see you girls are needing a ride to a good place" shortly before the figure stood up to reveal a woman with long purple hair, glowing pink eyes, a rather revealing outfit with tones of black and neon pink with a pair of black sunglasses on her face. Blanc then responded loudly "Dammit! Stop appearing like that Pururut! It's ****ing wierd!"
    "Now Blanny, she's not here...instead you are speaking to Madam Goddess Iris Heart" Pururut explained gently as she leaned down and gently lifted Blanc's chin with a single finger before she added "Do I have to make you understand exactly who you are dealing with?" shortly before Blanc stammered yelling "NO! I'm not having you torture me again!" shortly before the trio of CPUs returned and stared at Iris Heart in awe before Iris Heart said "C'mon, get in...we're going for a ride"
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007


    The three devil hunters had decided to residence in a hotel, a fancy one at that due to Vergil's refined tastes. Dante had decided to take a shower and thought what had happened to him during the day. He still couldn't believe that he had become a Power Ranger as well as the official pilot of the robot he had seen Kengo pilot briefly. He wondered if he should even tell Nero and Vergil about the Power Ranger bit at least. Stepping out of the shower and drying himself off, Dante stepped into the room and gasped at seeing Vergil holding his Power Morpher.

    "Vergil, what the hell?! You went through my stuff?! That's low, even for you, brother!" Dante shouted, running to his twin. Vergil effortlessly dodged his brother's punches with a emotionless face and stopped one of his fist, saying, "I'll give it back if you tell me what it is, Dante." "Like hell I will!" Dante said, grabbing the morpher and turning his back to his brother. "And I'm not telling you where I got it either. So!" He turned his head and stuck out his tounge at his brother before heading to his room.


    -Fang's Home-

    Taking a deep breath, Fang began to practice her Gymnastics skills in a large unused room of her room. She began to gasp for air after a few minutes and took a sip of her bottle of water and wiping her face. Looking out a window, she thought to herself, 'I wonder how dog boy and Vanille are doing right now. Today has been a crazy day.' She thought back to the day she and Vanille met Sirius and smiled, laughing a bit before returning to her training.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Tokyo Street:


    Sighing, Shizuo pulled out his sunglasses and put them on, "Somebody get me when something sane happens.." Vert latched onto Shizuo's arm, "Oh, c'mon Shizuo...let's go have some fun." He stared at her for a moment when Gust held up several sheets of papers, "As per our agreement, Shizuo-san...I gave you Mr. Orihara's new address here in Tokyo for your services." Taking the documents from Gust, Shizuo exhaled smoke out the side of his mouth and promptly tore the documents to shreds, "Sorry, but I don't do bodyguard." Rustling around in her pockets, Gust pulled out another identical document of their transaction. "You signed it. This is a non-refundable agreement, Shizuo-san." Shizuo clenched his jaw, "You little..." "Shizuo?" "Hey, take it easy buddy." Taking a long drag off his cigarette, Shizuo shrugged inwardly and hung his arm over Vert's shoulders, "Fine..." Vert blushed, "Yay!" Noire rolled her eyes and Gust poked her head into Pururut's car, "How are we all going to fit into this tiny car? I could sell you a bigger one, if you want. Of course, just because we're friends, doesn't mean I can give you a discount. How about the new line of Lexas? Only sixty million yen a month." Noire's jaw dropped, "Too much money! What are we made of bills here? We'll squeeze, okay?"
  7. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    "So, how are all of us going to squeeze into that car?" Noire asked as she titled her head only for Blanc to start getting the back explaining "Like this, twin sister you get in on top of me" shortly before her twin got into the car and onto Blanc's lap as she wrapped her arms around her twins waist to keep her steady before she continued "Okay and then Vert gets in followed by Shizuo and then the other Vert before Noire takes the other side with her twin on top of her, meaning that Gust will get shotgun"
    "That actually makes perfect sense, it's like Tetris except with a smaller field of play" Vert explained as she got in and pressed herself against the Blancs tightly to make room, "Yeah, it's exactly that...and can you get your frickin' body off of me, I don't want to get suffocated by your giant mammaries woman!" Blanc explained as she was being crushed by Vert's body while Pururut laguhed as she got back into the car and turned on the radio to the following and sat there waiting.​
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gullwings Apartment~

    Yuri paused eating for a moment and placed it down. "Guess I'll have to bunk down here tonight and restart my search my search tomorrow." He thought to himself, arms cross in thought as as well as his legs. "A memorial? Oh yeah..." he muttered, he remembered the devatation and News Channels in passing by electronic stores airing the unfortnate events, he wasn't heartless enough to not respect the dead, not since his mom passed away back home.

    ~Tsukasa's Room~

    Tsukasa took a moment to ponder on his situation. "We'll just have to wait and see what occurs in the following days." he muttered and parted teh curtains, staring out into the night sky, he just hoped nothing happens during the mourning days.

    ~Detective Agency~

    SHotaro leant back in his chair behind the desk, typing on a old typewriter to record todays event's, he had to admit, he didn't feel all that great, thsi city would be weeping it's tears throughout the mourning. "We'll just have to pull through, but next time a attack comes,we can't hesitate." He thought to himself, sighing, looking at the Joker Memory laid out on the table.

    ~Gokaiger's House~

    Marvelous was digging into his food and spoke. "We're going to take those S-types down next time we see them, I don't care what the miltary or this called government says, whenever we see something we don't like..." He trailed off for hsi crewmates to finish it.

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu looked out the window, it wasn't that hard to stay up, he been staying up until Midnight regularly during the case, so old habits did die hard, but it was irritating he and the others couldn't do anything much, especially since this wasn't the TV World, but it was meant to be left to teh Government and whoever else was in charge, it would be mourning session for the next few days, but gave a small smile, he'd be meeting Naoto to discuss matters with her, it always helped when she was around and kept them on the path of their journey to find the Truth.

    "Perhaps it would be too much to ask to summon Persona..." he muttered to himself, he would feel safer if Izanagi was around and he reached out and tighten his it, as if to crush something and he gave a smile at that, it did make him feel more confident.

    ~Li Residence~

    Syoaran took his time in his room, being deep in thought, he only had to hope Sakura was alright, but she did have that stuffed animal, Kero with her, but this was a force from beyond their imagination, and it didn't revovle around the world of magic, first chance he got, he'd have to find her with the Raishin Board and check on her.

    ~Wajima Shop~

    Haruto stepped inside the shop on the streets, his thoughts on the girl he passed before, but he had no time to think on that as he heard greetings of welcome home from Koyomi and Mr. Wajima and he gave a smile and headed upstairs to his room. "Who was she? Did she...have magic?" he thought to himself, it wasn't entirely impossible, but someone at her age holding in a Phantom? "I just have to hope and find her tomorrow." He muttered to himself.

    ~Fang's House~

    Vanille was caring his small little garden on the verdana, giving a smile at the bursting life, it was truly a wonderful thing, seeing such a thing being born from your hard work, but he knew there was a mourning to come, and she'd pray for those who passed on to fidn their way, after all, no-one should die so quickly, the nicest way possibel was to on natural terms. "I just sure hope nothing bad happens..." She said rather solemnly.

    ~Sirius's Apartment~

    Ankh sat atop a counch suspended by a table, being high up and he was silent, he didn't care much for what occured but, Eiji did insist it was to respect teh dead they all shoudl do it, if not, there'd be no ice cream, he ahd to internally curse at his fondness for such a creation. "In the end, my own desire's doing me in, heh, crafy Eiji."
    ~Kengo's House~

    Gentaro laid in his bed, staring up at teh cieling, how could he sleep when so much has happened? he sat up and and gave a sigh, Kengo was msot liekly asleep most likely.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Albert stood still in the misty surroundings of the streets, eh was nearby the ocea, he rather enjoyed the peaceful silent night and took a bench to occupy, tomorrow, all would mourn for those who passed away, it was a good moment to use to the Order's advantage but in respect, it was a truly sad moment, he knew he killed before and felt not much remorse for his actions, killing Mr. Elliot was one of them, hwo foolosh he was that his daughter escaped. "I must say... life here is sure interesting for a old man like me..." He gave a small laugh, his fellow members of teh Order were intersting fellows in their own ways, he rather much liked Haytham Kenway, perhaps because of being able to hold a rather intelligent conversation and make it enjoyable, his surborindate, Charles was young and a little impulsive, but it did show youth and arrogance in it's form, but their new recruit, Vanitas was a surprise.

    "Recruiting children... I suppose I should not be surprised at such a thing." he said a bit solemnly, he rather enjoyed children's endless bundls of energy to do whatever they want without any concern to conequences, such a drive can be helpful or damaging for their cause. "Still, who am I to decide to other people's future's?" he asked himself, staring out to the ocean, listening to the waves.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gullwings Apartment-

    Rikku sat in her room, wondering why Tidus was so late to come and visit Yuna. She hoped that nothing bad happened to him and sighed, Aerith passed her room and sighed, entering and smoothing Rikku's hair, "Rikku, you and Yuna are both too young and beautiful to get wrinkles and grey hairs now." "Sorry, Aerith, but Yunie was so worried about Tidus and so was I. What happened that he was so late?" Rikku said, Aerith smiled and sat wit her, saying, "I'm sure he would tell us when we see him. Who know, he may have found a big box like Bartz said, but lets wait and see."


    -Hongo House-

    Sakura sat on her bed and tried to ignore the feeling that someone had seen either her, Hinako, and Seki transform or detransform and now knew who they really were, but she didn't know who and sighed. She thought back to that silver haired young man who she fought against during the partol and recalled a cat-like figure when she, Hinako, and Seki went to the the Crystal Order headquarters and helped those two young men, she pondered what happened to them.


    -Gokaiger House-

    Luka smiled and said, "We'll take care of it and defeat it by our own hands." "With the occasional help from the Power Rangers and the Kamen Riders." Ahim said, taking a sip of her tea. Don smiled and nodded, Basco kept quiet and ate his food. Ahim did wonder what would happen to the females who were captured and sighed.


    -Detective Agency-

    Hermione slept soundly on the bed, audibly breathing as her chest moved up and down in tandem before turning in her sleep with her back to Shotaro. Philip sat in the research room, looking up all the books in the Gaia Library during mourning and death. While he was researching, Philip suddenly found himself crying and wondered why as he began to think of his family and the friends he had made.


    -Kengo's House-

    Kengo sat in front of the shrine he had for her father, lighting the incense candles and praying to his descended father. Kengo sent his prayers to his father and went to his bed, laying on it and looking the window. He wiped his eyes of the tears that appeared and hoping that nothing bad would happen during the experiment the next day and pulled his covers over him.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    Eiji smiled, watching over the sleeping Harry and his new Pokemon, Riolu, in his room. Leaning back, Eiji sighed and looked out the window, thinking about the memorial that was going to happen the next day and wish there was more he and the others could have done to prevent all that destruction from happening. Sirius stood outside the apartment, with a stick of ice cream in his mouth, leaning against the railing and thinking about Vanille and Fang, wondering if they were doing alright.


    -Fang's House-

    Stepping out of the shower and dressing in her sweat clothes, Fang grabbed a pocky and put it in her mouth. She sighed and looked out the window, before pulling the curtains over the window and went to her room. Laying on her bed, Fang munched on her pocky and wondered what to do for the week with school being cancelled til Friday.
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Pururut's Car:


    Vert pushed Shizuo into the car, against his will, and stuffed in after him with Noire cramming beside her and opening her arms for her twin. "This is fun, right Shizuo?" He'd shut his eyes and suppressed a growl in his throat. Hurting women wasn't his thing, especially when they weren't intending to harm him. Hopping in shotgun, Gust wiggled her feet. Since they didn't even come close to touching the ground, Gust giggled as she peered back at the smushed group of girls around Shizuo. "Very nice, Shizu-chan. I could sell you a nice body pillow that looks just like Vert if you want. Only ten thousand yen." Shizuo sighed, meeting her eyes, a light pink blush spread across his cheeks, "We'll talk about that later, Gust. Where are we going?" Noire prodded Pururut's seat with her foot, "Hopefully someplace fun."

    Tokyo~ Midnight Assault:


    Gliding through the night, three figures cloaked in black wearing masks landed in the middle of an empty street lit by lamp posts. "Is everyone here?" "Three of us...we couldn't get more to come?" "No...any more and we'd be suspicious. This isn't the village anymore. Big cities like these require a measure of stealth that we're not used to. Just keep to the shadows. Right...huh? Where'd he go?" "Over here..." Turning the two found their third member glued to a wall in the darkness, only the faint outline of his pure white mask, which oddly had thin eyebrows and whiskers drawn on it, could be seen. " that. Okay?" Even through the masks, a little emotion shown through. The apparent leader of the group wore a mask with red markings around the eyes, on the forehead and nose.
    "We even had to change our masks...this would be confusing for anyone else." Nodding, the one standing closest to their leader wore a plain white mask with a green triangle over the left eye pulled on the long sleeves of his cloak, "I'm not used to Root's uniforms. Wearing this is going to slow us down." The pair looked at each other and hung their heads, "Senpai...what was the point of this?" "We can't let him get a look at our faces. It would endanger the school. Alright...we'll keep numbers and try to stay out of the light for too long." Nodding the other two lifted two fingers up in front of their faces. "Scatter!" Vanishing, the three hurried along through the brightly lit Tokyo streets. They moved fast enough that they appeared as only black blurs.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Pururut's Car~​


    Noire got in and gently sat on top of her twin as she asked "Where are we even going anyway" just as she closed the car door behind her before Pururut turned her head towards the back and explained "We're going down to a little club down in Kabukicho called Glitter, it seemed promising from what I've heard off of the internet". Pururut adjusted her shades and sped off down the streets of Tokyo as the lights whizzed by them like blurs in the night. Blanc crossed her arms as she said "Our mother named us the same, so I propose to reduce confusion we call each other different names, meaning I want to be named Shiro"
    "Shiro? The japanese word for white?" Vert asked asked she looked at Blanc before the white twin commented "Yes, it was going to he Shiro-hime but nobody would possibly say the whole name, don't ask why they wouldn't call me the White Princess" "Alright, if you say so then Shiro-Chan" shortly before Shiro smiled and replied calmly "Good, now what about the Black and Green twins"
    ~Yoshi's House~​
    Pururut's car sped down the street where Yoshi's house lie, the sounds of the engine and loud music woke Neptune up from her sleep, the purple-haired girl looked outside to see the car coming down the street with her sisters inside thinking "Hey, wait for me!" as she pulled out a purple disc and ran out the door yelling "TRANSFORM!!" before she flashed white breifly as swarms of data code enveloped her body. In a few seconds Neptune has grown into a bigger body and her hair darkened.​
    "Hey, you're not running off without me" Neptune said quietly in a deeper tone before she jumped into the air and landed on top of Pururut's car with a thud as it rounded the corner. Inside the car Noire's eyes widened into big ruby orbs as she exclaimed "Did anybody hear that!" causing Pururut to ask "Hear what?" and Blanc to respond "Something just landed on the car" while Shiro rolled the window down and peeked out spotting Neptune as she said "All I see is a woman in black spandex with purple hair and glowing eyes". This cause Vert, Noire, and Blanc to shout simultainiously "NEPTUNE!"
    "Hey Shiro, tell Neptune to get her *****-ass off of Pururut's car before she does something stupid and gets hurt" Blanc explained before Shiro nodded shouting "HEY! GET YOUR *****-ASS OFF OF MY SISTER'S CAR AND GET IN BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF, DUMBASS!" causing Neptune to look at Blanc and respond calmly "Well, you look different Blanc, did you get a new hat?" as she slid in through the window and squeezed herself in beside Noire.​
    ~CPUs' Residence~​
    Nepgear walked out of the kitchen carrying a fresh batch of homemade cookies as she gently whistled "Oh mother, I made you cookies!" only for there to be no response as the purple sister started to look around the house for her mother, as she looked around she peeked into Uni's room and saw the black sister fiddling around with a revolver that had been taken apart on a table. "Uni, have you seen mom anywhere?" Nepgear asked before Uni looked up and said "Actually, I haven't seen her at all" while standing up and grabbing one of the cookies taking a bite from it adding "Did you check the bedroom?"
    "No I didn't actually, let's go check there" Nepgear exclaimed before the two girls walked down to a set of double-doors that were white with a gold finish and gilded doorknobs on it, Nepgear opened the door to see Histoire sitting ontop of a large purple bed by herself before Nepgear said aloud "Mom, I made you some cookies". Histoire turned her head and said calmly "Thank you, sit them on the bed and then leave, I'm about to make a phone call and it's not going to be a pretty one for ears like yours" just as Nepgear set the plate on the table and quickly left pushing Uni out of them. Histoire then picked up the phone and started to dial a particular number.​
    ~Kabukicho District: Outside Glitter~​
    After a few minutes Pururut drove into the parking lot of the Glitter club and turned the engine off as she spoke up "We're here, welcome to Glitter, ladies". The doors of the car opened up as it's passengers started to get out and onto the pavement while Neptune reverted back to normal. Vert eyed the club for a moment before she responded "Looks like this club is flashy, must be why it's called Glitter" just as Pururut started off towards the entrance with a sexy strut to her movement.​
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kabukicho District: Outside Glitter~


    Exiting the car, Vert, Noire, Shizuo and Gust stared at the black building before them. The neon purple lights on the outside did have a certain allure to it... Shizuo frowned, "Glitter, huh? That's where you want to go?" "Something wrong, Shizu-chan?" He didn't respond to Gust but continued to frown. Before Pururut could enter the club, a blond haired man with an exceptional build to him, stepped in front of the door, "Hold up... Do you have a membership card?" Light blue eyes pierced into Pururut, "Most of you don't even look of age," he peered behind her to Gust.


    Trip sighed, "Listen...we don't allow minors in here. Come back when you're older." Noire set her hands on her hips, "Well that sucks. Who the heck are you anyway?" Trip rubbed the back of his head, "My name is Trip. Now scram." Shizuo growled. He would've sent the man flying already if Vert didn't have a death grip on his arm. Vert rummaged through her pockets, but her wallet was empty and she'd never heard of Glitter before. A man looking very much like Trip walked down the street back towards them. Adjusting his black rimmed glasses, he smiled at the group of girls and Shizuo. " should've called before dropping by. Oh that's don't remember me, do you?" Shizuo gave him a violent glare and the man smirked, "Sorry...I'm not afraid of that glare anymore. Hm? No membership card? We could cut them a break... You can purchase a membership card. This offer is only for today though. You won't find one of these anywhere else. No salesman carries them. So what do you say, ladies? Care to join on the fun?" Shizuo shook off Vert and turned his back on the pair of identical men, picking up Gust, "I'm out. This is beyond stupid. Yeah, per our agreement...Gust comes with me."
    Noire frowned, "Trip and..." "Virus. Welcome to Glitter." "Right...we don't have any money though..." Virus casually opened the door a crack to let pulsing music and lights peek out, "It's not a problem. You can pay in installments." He pulled out a gold card with a large black butterfly on each side. It didn't have any words on it, but it seemed to qualify as a membership card. "Keep it close when you come by."

    Residential District:

    The phone rang and a girl with short blonde hair wearing purple and black snatched it up after glancing at the caller I.D. "The hell do you want, I'm busy." Worst greeting ever...but the girl said it with a smile before she turned her head and shrieked, "NOT OVER THERE, IDIOT! Man you're stupid." Before returning her attention to the phone.

  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo Streets-

    Still wandering the streets was Kazari with Siegfried. He sighed, bored and wondered what his target would be. Passing a group of mourners, Kazari smirked and tossed some silver coins into coin slots that on the heads of the mourners. When they appeared to be in a trance, Kazari said, "When you're fully mature, find the one named Philip. Use any method necessary to get him and bring him to me and Siegfried." He smiled as he turned and left, continuing his own search.


    -Weasley House-

    Ron laid on his bed, unable to sleep and sighed. Going over to his window and opening it, Ron looked out over the horizon and picked up the ring he made for Haruto. He heard a soft mew and came face to face with a familiar pink Pokemon, Ron was surprised and said, "Mew? Did you follow me home from school and hiding all this time?" Mew nodded, snuggling up to him. Ron sighed and stretched his head, "Alright, Mew, you can stay." Mew smiled and flew into his room, finding a place


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    When chaos finished with his part of the song, he smiled at Bartz and said, "That was great, Bartz. I can't wait to hear what song you write for Yuna to sing at her next concert. We're going to miss you when you want to go find another job." Rikku shyly entered Yuri's room and took the plate of food, smiling at her sleeping cousin. She gently stroked her hair and sighed, wishing that Tidus would appear and make her happy. Aerith was down in the shop and sorting some things.


    -Dalmasca House-

    Vaan looked at the sleeping form of Ashe and smiled, gently touching her cheek before quietly getting out of bed and walking to his balcony. Touching his brother's old necklace around his neck, Vaan sighed and asked, "Reks, what do I do now? I'm engaged to the love of my life, but there's so much I don't know about her world. Will I be able to make her happy?" Ashe, who was awake, heard him and sighed, looking at Vaan as he pondered what to do.
  14. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    Aqua's house: Late replys for the win!

    Terra immediately responded, also blushing slightly. "Sure, I'd love too" . All though it was true he was secretly hoping they'd share a bed, he highly doubted it, but hey, a man can hope can't he?

    Emiya Household.

    Shirou got a lift home from Alfred and was met at the door by Archer. "Where were you?" Archer asked, almost coldly.
    "I was just at Wayne's house, its no big deal." Shirou responded.
    "You should've been doing your homework." Shot back Archer.
    "I was, with Dick Grayson." Shirou calmly replied.
    "... fine, get back inside, dinner's almost ready. Unless you ate there as well."
    With that, he let Shirou in and they sat at the table, watching the news... which was then interrupted by a commercial from LexCorp to vote Lex Luthor Prime Minister of Japan.
    "This Lex Luthor sure has been fighting really hard to be prime minister." Observed Shirou, as Lex Luthor had been playing all the cards, even giving people who voted for him 60% off all LexCorp goods.
    "All the more reason not to vote for him." Concluded Archer.

    Meanwhile... at Lexcorp...

    Lex Luthor sat in his office, ontop of the LexCorp building in Japan, Tokyo, overlooking the entire city.
    "Soon" He mused to himself, "soon this will all belong to me... and I can finally defeat the so-called hero's." Lex chuckled to himself... but he felt as if he was being watched. He'd had this feeling for a while now. Without thinking, he got up and looked around the office. "Who'se there? Show yourself!" He was beginning to wonder if prolonged exposure to Kryptonite had any mental side-effects...
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~African Savannah~


    Discord was following the direction the strange zebra told him where he would find the changelings for many hours. The Crystal Order member was starting to think that it was perhaps a trick. Just then, he noticed dark clouds gathering in the sky. A storm was approaching. "Ughh, just great," Discord said to himself. As soon as rain began to pour, Discord snapped his fingers, and an umbrella appeared in his paws, using it to avoid getting wet. After a few minutes of walking in the rain, Discord sensed something close. As he turned around, he noticed shadows in the ground.

    Out from the shadows the creatures known as changelings appeared. "Eureka," Discord commented, happy to finally have found the creatures he was tasked to get help from. However, the changelings jumped at Discord and began to attack him. "Heh, so you wanna do this the hard way? Fine by me!" Discord yelled as he began to fight the changelings. Discord's strategy involved teleporting behind each changeling and taking it down. After taking down several changelings, Discord pinned down the last one, and asked, "Now tell me, where's your queen?" "Looking for me?" a voice asked. Discord looked up and noticed a bigger changeling race towards him and kick him in the face. Once he got up, Discord noticed the changeling that kicked him was the one he was looking for. Chrysalis, queen of the changelings...


    "For trespassing into our land, I shall have your heart for dinner!" the queen threatened. Smiling, Discord simply said , "Bring it on!" The two then battled one another. The two traded punches and kicks. But neither was getting an upper hand on the other. Discard then tripped the changeling queen, and pinned her to the ground. "Well, aren't you going to kill me?" Queen Chrysalis asked. "No," Discord replied as he let go of her. "What are you doing here outsider?" Chrysalis asked as she got up. "Well I'm here to seek your help," Discord answered. "Help? I'm not sure I understand," Chrysalis replied. "How 'bout we discuss it somewhere else?" Discord said.
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gullwing's Apartment~

    Bartz paused and looked at chaos. "Yeah well, can't spend all my time in one place for too long, I like being as free as the wind is." He said with a smile and palced the pen he was writing with behind his ear. "Besides, it's not like I'm going away forever, I'll probably come back here whenever the wind blows." He said honestly, as much he enjoyed befriending others, he loved to travel, he was just staying here in Tokyo to work some jobs to pay for his next adventure.

    Yuri took note of Rikku's rather, revealing attire, what should he say? That he's seeing heaven? Nah that'd be too unatrual even for him, plus he might receive a slap for it, then again when did he ever care about consequences? "Oh...?" he was staring.

    ~Wajima Shop~

    Haruto looked outside, staring at the night sky, he wondered if he'd meet the first few Riders he heard so much about, then again, Tokyo was fairly big, so what would be the chances of coming across them or the girl from before? It would be interesting to say the least.

    ~Fang's House~

    Vanille would peek into Fang's room, wearing his pajyamas which surprisely, was a nightgown and sat beside her long time friend. "Do you really think school would be open tomorrow?" She asked her.

    ~Tidus's whereabouts?~

    "Well, I kinda need to get to my girlfriend's apartment, else, she's gonna worry even more, especially at this time, so do you have anything to well...? get me there? Even if I break into a full run, it'll take still 30 minutes to get there and I doubt buses woudl still be in operation at this time." He explained to the Doctor and his companions.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gullwings' Apartment-

    "We will try and keep in touch with you," chaos said, putting away the song he had practiced and stretched. "Maybe we will meet again when you leave." In Yuri's room, Rikku jumped when Yuri noticed her, she said, "Oh, hey there... You scared me for a moment. I hope you're feeling better, I mean you seemed pretty worn out when we found you outside the flower shop."


    -Fang's House-

    "I doubt it, there's that memorial tomorrow and even Maulim said school is cancelled til Friday." Fang said, sitting up and looking at her bed sheets. She looked at Vanille and said, "The question is what to do until than." There was a knock at her door and Fang went to answer, standing at her door was Sirius, smiling, Fang said, "Sirius, hey! How are you doing, dog boy?!""Don't call me that." Sirius said, a little annoyed. Fang laughed, saying, "Oh, don't be so... Sirius." "That's gonna get really old soon...." Sirius said, almost admitting defeat to Fang.


    -Aqua's House-

    Aqua smiled and showed Terra to one of the guest rooms he would be using, she told him, "If there is anything you need, just call me. My room is down the hall." She smiled and went to her room, she sighed, laying on her bed and wondering what to do for the rest of the week as if as she would be able to see Ventus sometime during the week.


    -Wajima Shop-

    Koyomi went to her room and thought about the boy who she met in her class today. She didn't tell Wajima about him, she smiled as she recalled how nice he was to her and defended her against the bullies who would often tease her. Koyomi wondered who he was and hoped to see him again when school started up again.
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~CPUs' Residence~​
    "What I want is to talk to you, I want to know why...why did you do it and scarred two of my kids for life all those years ago" Histoire asked gently and calmly as she listened to the foul-mouthed Croire, however the mother didn't realize that Nepgear and Uni had left the door open just a smidge and were quietly listening in on the conversation. "Wierd, who is she talking to?" Nepgear whispered quietly before Uni whispered "Beats me, but it sounds serious if it involves us, now shhh..." before the two remained quiet and not saying a word.​

    ~Kabukicho District: Outside Glitter~​
    Pururut's gaze lowered as she listened to the remarks made before Vert nudged her in the gut and took the card placing it in her pocket, Neptune took one look at Virus and Trip before she replied outloud "I'm having the strangest sense of Deja Vu here" shortly before Noire looked over to her sister and said "You're just thinking things, now let's go in already". Pururut smiled devilishly as she said "Out of the way, Madam Goddess coming through" while entering the club with the others following behind her​
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Croire's House:


    Croire rubbed her eyes and scowled at the phone, "The hell are you talking about? I haven't scarred anyone...." She turned her head when a young woman with long silver hair handed Croire a sheet of paper with a name scribbled on it. "Ohhhhh...that guy. Oh, why are you calling me about some old, stupid thing. I did it cause I hate your guts. What does it matter? The moron passed out really quickly." She frowned into the phone, "He had such an amazing tolerance for drugs...I'm surprised he was still alive after the amount I ended up giving him."


    Glitter was a pure black club with bright neon purple lights on the outside. Just inside the door where was a hallway where people sat on black leather cushioned benches. The uneven boom of the bass sounded through the walls. Behind the group, Virus had followed them inside, his smile urging the girls forwards. He ushered the girls down the short hall and around a corner to a door that seemed to vibrate from the intense sounds coming from behind it. His smile faltered slightly, "I issue caution when spending time here." Virus plugged his ears with ear plugs and held open the door. Behind it was a huge dance floor with several towering speakers and giant spot lights that pulsed green, purple, red, yellow and orange. The music was an array of high pitched shrieks, uneven booming bass, and several other mixtures of sounds that made the music sound less like music and more like a throb of insanity. But none of the dancing people seemed to even care as they moved and writhed with the music. Vert and Noire shivered at the sudden on-slaught of sound and bright lights. "This music...what's wrong with it?" Vert yelled over the sound so she could be heard. Virus shrugged and waved to his plugged ears. Pushing them fully inside, he smiled and shut the door.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gullwing's Apartment~

    Bartz gave a nod t his fellow male friend as Yuri looked at the revealing woman. "Well, I have been travelling almost non-stop to get here with only a few breaks on the train." he said, rubbing his brown hair. "That and I hadn't eaten much due to having to be the next place as soon as I arrived." he said with a chuckle. "And what about you? You're rather straight forward with your appearance, either your very brave or very confident." he said to her, staring at her figure.

    ~Fang's House~

    Vanille gave a little chuckle at Sirius's joke. "Um yeah Mr. Black, I know it's funny but surely you realize we'd all probably have to attend the memorial tomorrow to respect those who passed in this." he said quite seriously, even Vanille knew when to stop being playful and get straight to the point, escpecially with people involed.
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