RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Noire quietly sighed as she started to explain "You see, we're looking for some information on what Vert over there calls the Kuruizaki-Hime or simply the Madly Blooming Princess. You see we found Gust here with a few of them and we were told that you would have some information about her" as she and her sisters sat down on the couch before Vert added in "If it helps in any way she was around two female vampires and one boy that was loyal to them" just as Ram walked out of the bedroom obviously with her sleepy head down as she went into the kitchen while the CPUs talked with Izaya. Blanc then calmly replied "So what is the price for the information on them." as she adjusted her hat not realizing that Ram and Rom were here.​
  2. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    "Kill?! There's gotta be a reaso-!"
    Janus simply punched Romero in the face, shutting him up as Dario grimaced. "And what is the reward?"
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Orihara's Apartment:


    Izaya focused his gaze on Noire first, "I know who you're talking about. It's ironic really...just a few years ago I would've said you were insane asking about a vampire." Vert's sapphire gaze narrowed, "So they were vampires." He nodded, his expression turned serious and he stood, "Yes...what you met was a vampire. You mentioned another girl..." He wandered over to his desk and then to the shelf to the right of his desk and pulled down a large file labeled appropriately: "Kuruizaki-hime". "The girl you saw was Maria Kurenai. A long standing, loyal servant and distant relative of the Hio family. Kururizaki-hime...Madly Blooming you know why she's called that?" Noire growled and opened her mouth but a sharp nudge from Vert's elbow made her shut it. "Hehe...I suppose not. It's because...centuries of years ago, from the moment she was born, she was caged like a vicious beast by her fiance, Rido Kuran. The Hi in Hio means "scarlet" and the o means "cherry blossoms". Once...she took a human that was meant as her food as a lover and turned him into a vampire. Now...I know plenty of what happened to him...but you asked about Shizuka." He sat back down with the file in his lap, "Six hundred thousand yen." Noire blanched, "What?! Are you insane?! We don't have that kind of--" "Six hundred thousand yen...previously collected, counted and now paid in full." Gust set the thick stack of bills on the table and Izaya scooped it up and chucked it over his shoulder, "Paid in full. Arigatou, Gust-chan~! Now...what kind of information are you looking for? How to kill her? Where she came from? Who her family is? How to BECOME a vampire like her?" "How do we kill her." "Where did she come from?" "Gust wants to be a vampire like her!"

    Tokyo Streets:


    Shizuka hardly registered Romero's statement. "Reward..." A slight smile fluttered over her lips, "I can give you the gift of eternal life." Ichiru flinched, "Shizuka!" "Hush, Ichiru...if what these pitiful beings want is money...they've found themselves in the presence of the wrong woman. If they decide to further their vision...they'll accept." "Shizuka..." Maria smiled as she danced around Janus and his gang, "They don't look like they can kill a vampire. Are you sure we picked the right people, Lady Hio?" Shizuka turned her gaze from Ichiru to Maria, "Shhh, Maria, dear." Turning fully to the group, Shizuka's already pink colored eyes glowed a vibrant crimson, "Kill Kaname Kuran and I will reward you with eternal life and the riches that accompany it. Do you accept?"
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~The Beloved Fez's Unfortnate Destruction Number whaterver-

    Tidus blinked at the scene before them, well coupeld with that fact there was a huge lizard-like creature, everything seemed normal, after all,, you had Bowser studying here, crazed card game fanatics witha obession for morortcycles being another, girls in Sailor Uniforms, Riders, and whatever else, name something that was out of the ordinary, nothing would surprise you before Clara bid the Trainers farewell and in the flow, he followed after them looking at the Madamn, or the Doctor.

    "What's so cool about a fez?" He asked and if one could hear a pin drop, silence had fallen uoon the group, it was perhaps a question you should never ask the Doctor or even attempt to discover.

    ~Gullwing's Apartment~

    Yuri turned over on the bed and heaved himself up, place a arm onver hsi knnecap, staring at Aerith a she listened to the explatnation. "A pop group? the hell is that?" he thought to hismelf, he never was one to stay in one place for too long, not since a damned voice was guiding him from place to place. "Well, I suppose I oughta thank you then." He said ebfore a rumble was heard, it was his stomach.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Albert decided to take a stroll through the quiet serene town since most people would be boarded up in their hoses, humming a little self-made tune as his cane tapped the concrete, of course he wasn't fragile or old, but as they say, first impressions can be decieving, a good metaphor. "What a wonderful night of silence, it's very...soothing." He thought to himself.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Dalmasca House: Vaan's room balcony-

    Vaan stood on the balcony of his room and looked out at the horzion, thinking about something. Ashe walked up and said, "Thinking about your brother, Vaan?" "Yeah, I miss him so much. He was part of the Japanese military and was killed while defending a group of soldiers during a attack from the S-Types. I guess if those he died to protect think he was a biggest fool in the world."Vaan said, leaning against the railing. Ashe patted his back and said, "I think he was the greatest soldier and whoever he died to save probably thank him to risking his life. Lets get some sleep for tomorrow." Vaan was surprised that she wanted to sleep with him and nodded, as they went to his bed and went to sleep.


    -Tokyo Streets-

    The three Riders rode through the streets and stopped, Hinako spoke from her communicator, "I can't find any bad guys or anything like that on my part of town, Sakura-chan!" "Nothing on my end, either. And it's getting late, lets head back to your house and get some sleep." Seki said from her communicator, Sakura nodded and sighed, saying, "After that brief encounter with the Crystal Order member, I haven't found anything either. Lets head back and call it a night." The three Riders rode back to Sakura's house and detransformed, before heading to bed.


    -Gullwing Apartment-

    Aerith smiled, "It's alright. I would have asked Yuna to bring you anyway. Here's some food and please get some rest, there is a memorial happening tomorrow and Yuna is singing at it." She set a plate of food and a cup of water by the desk next to the bed, she said, "You're welcome to stay as longer as you like and leave when you feel better." Aerith yawned and left the room, helping Yuna to her room.
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    "We would simply like to know where she came from and possibly how to kill her as well" Blanc said as she crossed her arms and sighed just as Ram came out of the kitchen carrying a glass of cold milk and stopped as she looked at the girls on the couch and rubbed one of her eyes while Blanc was about to say something only for Noire to nudge Blanc with her elbow stopping the brunette from speaking shortly before Ram ran into the bedroom quickly while carrying the glass of milk.​
    Ram quickly snuck over to Rom and gently shook her before she whispered "Rom....Rom, wake up here's your milk" shortly before the short-haired twin woke up and took the glass of milk as she started to drink it before Ram whispered "You won't believe this, but our sisters and their dopplegangers are outside speaking to that creepy pervert" causing Rom's eyes to widen as she stopped drinking for a moment.​
  7. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Orihara Apartment:


    Izaya scanned through the folder, even though he didn't need to. "I've asked that very question a few times before. You know...I've never gotten a real answer." He shrugged like it was no big deal before chucking the folder onto the table. Folding his legs on top of the folder, Izaya started to spill out information, as per his job. "Shizuka I said, she's a vampire, but not just any vampire. She's a Pureblood vampire, which means she's got abilities other vampires don't have..." He ignored Ram completely as she held zero interest for him, "Shizuka is from a feudal era Japan...she's lived that long, isn't that amazing? Unfortunately, she's been moving around a lot since she killed a vampire Hunter's family...I've no idea where she lives or currently is." Yawning, Izaya sleepily folded his hands on his stomach. " to kill her?" He sniffed, roaming his eyes over Vert and her twin, "Unfortunately, that's impossible. It's a crime to their kind to kill a Pureblood. Though...if you really want to kill one...I recommend the old movie version." Noire jumped up, "A stake to the heart and cutting off her head?! That's it!? Next thing you're going to tell me she's allergic to garlic and sunlight will set her on fire." Laughing, Izaya set his feet on the ground and stretched, "No...that would be interesting, wouldn't it? As far as I know...garlic is still just a nice seasoning for her and the sun is the least threatening thing in the world." It was then that Izaya's full attention diverted from the ladies sitting in his living room to the explosion knocking down his door. Izaya perked up like a cat spotting his favorite toy that's going off making squeaking and bell noises. Vert stared at him, she could nearly see little black cat ears stand up and a thin black tail start to wave about. Noire and Gust turned around to see what had made the noise and found a blond haired man wearing a bartender uniform storm into Izaya's apartment.

    "IIIIIIIIZZAAAAAAAAYAAAAAAAA!" Izaya hopped up, spreading his hands in front of him with a huge grin on his face, "Shizu-chan~ how nice of you to drop by."
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Ram and Rom started to hear the racket coming from outside the bedroom before the two stood up and walked outside just as Rom was sipping on the milk causing Ram to ask aloud "What's going on in here, some of us are trying to sleep" shortly before Blanc's eyes widened as she asked "Ram? Rom? What are you two doing here?" shortly before Vert and Noire looked over noticing the White Sisters before Ram explained "We were invited here by the Orihara twins to watch Yuuhei in the morning, what are you guys doing here?" shortly before Vert calmly explained "We came here in order to use Izaya information to deal with some vampires that were harassing poor little Gust here" shortly before Rom stopped drinking her milk and quietly asked "Did anyone try to use holy water?" shortly before Noire facepalmed and explained "I doubt we could just walk into a church to ask for Holy Water, besides if the sun and garlic can't kill them then I doubt Holy Water could" just as the White Sisters sat between both Blancs.​
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Orihara Apartment:


    Noire swallowed nervously, "Who's this guy?" Vert clapped her hands, excitedly, "Shizuo Heiwajima! There was an entire page in Vogue Magazine on him. I'm getting excited, aren't you?" Izaya hopped over the coffee table and rested his arm around Vert's shoulders, "I am very excited." Shizuo growled and picked up the door from the ground, "IZAYA!" Throwing the door like a spear, Izaya ducked, Pulling Vert down with him by chance and straightened to look at the door as it embedded itself into the wall. "Ooooh, violence, how scary~ What can I do for you, Shizu-chan?" Shizuo glared at him, "You set this up! You nearly killed Kasuka!" Vert and Izaya touched their cheeks together and smiled at Shizuo, "Oh my..." "Shizu-chan's so scary!" Noire herded Gust away from the crazy bunch and out of Shizuo's line of fire to stand on the stairs. "Uh...Vert...?" Izaya's smile lessened to some degree, "I never laid one finger on Kasuka Heiwajima's head." "You've never had to! What was that at the WVBA!? Who are those people? Yakuza?! Outcasted police?! Who?!" Izaya shrugged, "People you don't want to meet, Shizu-chan. Not even I've met them in person. All I got..." he dug in his pocket and pulled out a black star-shaped gem and held it between his fingers, "Was this thing. You wanna meet them, Shizu-chan? Too bad." He turned to the Goddesses, " got what you wanted...I have my payment and...well, plenty of other things to do. Feel free to leave when you want....I'm going to just...pretend none of you are here. Oh, and sure not to destroy anything else as you go die?" Waving good bye to Shizuo, Izaya hopped up each stair up to the second level and shut himself in his room.
  10. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    -Tokyo Streets-

    Janus thought about this. Who would have thought that vampires existed, if these people were not lying? But what was the consequence for losing? He'd hate to do it, but he was going to rely on his new employers. "Fine then. Let's see if you hold up to your word."

    "B-Boss, are you kidding?! We just got here!"

    Janus just eyed Dario. "You blokes looking for the coward's way out? Think about it: This is new stuff for us, even if it involves our usual activities. You'd better get used to it!"

    -Somewhere else on the streets-

    As the blue knight held Gramzanber in his right hand, he looked around for any sign of Philip. "It seems the target is hiding somewhere if he is not here..."
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo Streets-

    Kazari landed in front of Siegfried, still in his human form, his mind on the encounter with Kamen Rider Ichigo and how ticked off he made him that she was a tough fighter. He thought he felt a familiar presence when he passed a billiard shop, but he ignored it and said to Siegfried, "Siegfried, lets keep looking. Whatever that Philip is hiding, he wouldn't hiding there very long." He then turned on his heel and walked in a direction, watching from a rooftop was Ankh and he left back to Sirius' apartment.
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Blanc just blinked before she whispered to Vert quickly "Let's get the hell out of this crazy place before I lose my head" shortly before Noire quickly moved Ram and Rom back into the Orihara twins' bedroom and explained quickly "Listen, you two stay here and we'll be back for you in the morning, Blanc will kill me if either of you get turned into Vampires because you came along with offense but good night you two" followed by shutting the door in their faces just as they were about to say something, Noire turned on her heel and then walked over to her twin before she stood waiting.​
    There was a bit of loud, obnoxious laughter as Wario and his cohort/brother Waluigi came strolling into the auditorium after the practice was over with Wario clapping his hands in awe...or rather clapping them with a greedy smirk on his face as he said aloud "Bravo! You girls are excellent!" shortly before the lanky Waluigi asked with a hand on his chin "What is the name of your band, you could get famous with our help you know"
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Orihara Building:

    Noire nodded with Blanc's suggestion. Gust wandered over to Shizuo and patted his leg, "Don't worry, Shizuo...I've been in contact with Kasuka. They fled the building shortly after those guys busted the joint up." Vert shrugged and shook her head, Gust never did make much sense when she was working with strange people. Pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his vest pocket, Shizuo placed one in his mouth and lit it, "Dammit... Gust, what're you doing here so late? Don't you have school tomorrow?" Gust shook her head, "Mr. Orihara placed an overnight delivery for me. I came...and delivered. My friends had a few questions for Mr. Orihara. And school is out for three days. Don't you watch enough TV lately?" Shizuo sighed, moving out of the way for Gust and her friends to leave, and followed after them. "I've been busy. I'm moving up here soon...and Kasuka's going to attend a few classes at the high school. Some punks have been claiming he doesn't have the right credits or somethin'." Vert and Noire peered over their shoulders at Shizuo, "He's an unrestrained, kill you in your sleep kind of way." Noire shot her a disbelieving look, "Oh, no...I'm finding you a boyfriend that isn't possibly the most dangerous man in Tokyo. That eliminates, Shizuo Heiwajima and Izaya Orihara from that list." Vert pouted, "How mean, Noire."

    Izaya chuckled, setting the small gem on a replicated game board like the one on the table downstairs. He placed the black star-shaped gem on one side, behind several other pieces. "And then...there was one more. Your Harbringers aren't going to know what hit them. Of course...this doesn't limit my skills to just your side, you know." A long, drawn out silence followed his words and he laughed again, "Promises, promises."
  14. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Flashback Pt. 7: 7 Years Ago (Mt. Fuji)~


    Al Mualim picked up the crystal, which was his S-type friend transformed as a crystal, and placed him inside his pocket. He then got out his cell phone from his pocket, and called someone. "I'm ready," he said before hanging up. The Nintendo High principal walked a couple of yards, and noticed his staff facing off against S-types. He hasn't seen a battle with the S-types this big for many years. Al Mualim then heard a truck approach right behind him. Once the truck came to a full stop, two men wearing protective suits got out of the truck. They opened the back of the truck, and pulled out the safe from Nintendo High that held the Relic inside. "This way gentlemen," Al Mualim said as he instructed his men to move the safe closer to the battlefield. Once he had a clear view of the S-types, the two men placed the safe on the ground. Al Mualim, getting ready to place his hand on the safe, whispered, "Fear not my friends. One day, our work will be completed." Once he placed his hand on the safe, Al Mualim's eyes began to glow. He turned his attention towards the S-types, while still keeping his hand on the safe. Suddenly, a surge of energy was directed towards the sky, originating from the safe. A gateway to another dimension was opened. The S-types in the battlefield were being pulled right into it. Once every S-type was transported to the other dimension, the gateway closed, and Al Mualim took his hand away from the safe, with his eyes going back to normal. However, the principal began to feel a bit woozy. The two men attended to Al Mualim, making sure he was alright. "I'm fine. Just return the Relic to the school, and take me home," Al Mualim instructed. The two men did as he told, taking both Al Mualim and the Relic with them to the truck, and drove off.
  15. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011


    The girls all looked over. They saw a man in yellow and purple clothes who was a tad over weight. His nose was large and he had a very wide smile to him. The other was a tall man with purple and a dark blue overalls. It seemed they new a little bit about music if they saw talent within the girls.
    "We are good, but we could be better." Iwasawa said smiling at the two men.
    "We need some more instuments and players for our band." Azusa sighed.
    "Azasa, we might be able to get more members, if these two men are willing to help us locate some."
    "Yeah. You are probably right."
    "You know what would be fun, if we seperated into two bands and held a competition."
    "You mean like a battle of the bands?"
    "Yeah. Battle of the bands sounds like fun. We can invite all the students and teachers to perform or watch."
  16. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012

    Jack turned towards the door. "Gotta have some time outside."

    -Outside the Hospital-

    As soon as he walked outside, a man in a red jacket stopped fiercely on a large futuristic motorcycle before getting off, whistling a small tune.


    The otaku walked up to the apparent biker. "What a dump. I thought I could at least get some quiet time, then aliens screw it up."
    "I'm used to it."
    Travis eyed Jack weirdly. "Say what?"

    (OOC: If anyone would like to join in on the conversation, go ahead.)
  17. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    ~~Outside the Dorms~~

    In an unexpectedly friendly response, the Komodiver completely allowed Luna to pet it, even seeming to rub its head against her hand back.
    In fact, it almost seemed as though the Pokémon knew her. It was certainly acting very familiar for such a strong creature. Contrarily, when Black attempted to come closer for a good look at it, it turned towards and stared at him in a manner that was somewhat intimidating. No, it was definitely only Luna that it liked...
    "Komodiver, there you are!" came a female voice from a short distance away, as the sound of quick footsteps approached. A young girl was revealed as the source of the voice as she got closer, looking probably a couple of years older than Luna at most.


    As she finished catching her breath from the running, she kneeled down and petted the creature, which looked at her very happily, before seeming to indicate towards Luna.
    "Yes, I know, Komodiver, I will." she answered it, seemingly understanding its meaning as she looked up at the girl before her.
    "Thank you for looking after Komodi--" she had began, before she recognised the features of her face.
    "Luna?" she asked, standing up and looking her in the face properly. "Luna!"
    She suddenly embraced the girl, with Komodiver looking satisfied at the results of his apparent mischief.
    "What on earth are you doing here, Luna? I thought you were going to travel in Moru?"
  18. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    ~Outside the Dorms~


    "S-Sis..?" Luna said with tears in her eyes. Was it really her? after so long? Her warm embrace certainly felt like it, but Luna was just in total disbelief. She wrapped her arms around her sister, when the question was asked and silence fell.

    Oh, not that question. THIS question;

    "What on earth are you doing here, Luna? I thought you were going to travel in Moru?"

    Luna stopped short. "I-I-I..." she didn't want to tell her, but she had to. "I gave up... Burbear and I... we just... we just couldn't do it anymore! We kept losing and... I'm sorry Selene I've failed..." sthe young girl hugged her sister tighter. Luna was afraid at what Selene would think.

    Black looked a bit sad. Why had Luna given up? She showed massive promise as a Pokemon Trainer. He remembered all the times he had felt like giving up. He easily would have, I mean, he wasn't exactly as important as White, who had been chosen by Reshiram as the holder of the Light Stone. Black turned to White. "Should we... let them talk alone, for a bit? This seems like a family matter..."

    White nodded. "Good idea. Let's go see Crys, Leaf, and Red." She turned and started walking into the building.

    Black looked at Luna. "We'll uh... see you inside, Lu." Before going, he tipped his hat to Selene, then followed White.


    ElevenBanner.png AmeliaWilliamsBanner.png
    ClaraOswinOswaldBanner.PNG MelodyMaloneBanner.png
    The Doctor looked at his group. "Alright, we're done out here. I feel that we should all take jobs here at the school so we can be around." He smiled. "Now then, codenames. I'll be the Doctor, Clara can be Souffle Girl, Amy can be the Legs," he turned to Melody, "and Melody... can be Mrs. Robinson."

    "I hate you..." Melody said in a quiet rage.

    "Actually Doctor, we don't need to do that. Amy and I already work here. I manage the kitchen and the Elementary School's After-Class Homework Program. The little ones come here in the afternoons, and I supervise them and assist them with homework until their family picks them up." Clara said, "Except... not today because of the invasion."

    "And I help her. We can't sit around doing nothing while we wait for you, Raggedy Man." Amy added.

    "I suppose you're right! Now then," he turned to Tidus, "Thank you for your help, but I don't see why Clara dragged you along, very badly done Clara, and would you like a ride to wherever you're going?"

    Clara sighed. "I'm sorry! I was trying to be nice!" she said quietly, but with emotion.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kabukicho District, Tokyo, Japan:

    Exiting a noisy nightclub with the purple neon sign flashing above the door, an obviously underage boy with black hair sighed, "No fun..." Bouncing beside him stood a little girl wearing a pink bunny outift. She smiled up at him, "Where to now?" "Eh? Don't you want to go home yet?" The little girl shook her head, "Vince isn't there and Re-l isn't either." Wondering who they were, the boy sighed again and looked around. Spotting another club with the steadily glowing sign of "Glitter" on the top of the building and in several other places, the boy's golden eyes lit up, "How about there? Looks way less trashy than the places we've been to so far." She stared at the name, "Glitter...? Ah! Is everything sparkly inside?" Shrugging, the boy grabbed her hand, "Let's find out."


    The boy and little girl marched directly for the club, feeling the pulse of loud, intense music beating through the walls directly into their bodies. The music held a strange beat to it that with each boom of the bass, the pair felt even more drawn to it. At least...the boy did.

    " this place?" "Crow...I don't wanna go in there anymore." Ignoring the little girls' tugging on his arm, Crow shivered. Drawing attention from several people hanging outside, the girl nervously looked at them, "Crow..." "What's this...? Looks like a lost little lamb. Hey, Greed...look at this!" A black haired man wearing what the young girl could only describe as women's clothing of a pair of shorts with a skirt over them and a skin tight tank top, waved to a man leaning against the wall of an alley.


    "I don't have time to deal with your flippant interests... Hm?" Apparently the young girl and Crow was apart of his interests as well. Pushing off the wall, Greed, as the other one called him, came to stand in front of Crow, blocking the club from his view, "You lost, or somethin'?" Crow lifted bright green eyes to Greed's cold grey eyes and flicked his gaze over to the other man, noting his wild green hair. "Heh...lost? No way. We came here to have some fun for once. Now get lost, geezer." Greed exchanged surprised looks with his companion and grinned, "Kid's got guts." "Technically..." Crow started but was cut off when the green haired man snatched the young girl from his grip. "Pino!" Greed nudged his partner who was dangling the little girl hap-hazardly by her arm, "Take it easy..." "Why should I?! I haven't had this much fun in years." "Envy..." Greed growled earning himself a carefree smile from Envy. "Put me down! Down! DOWN!" Pino screamed.
    "Is there a problem here?" Both Envy and Greed froze, their faces twisting into looks of disgust before turning slightly, their gazes settling on a pair of pale faces with spiked blond hair and sharp blue eyes staring at them. "I'm sure we can work something out here that doesn't involve beating up small children."

    "Put the girl down, Envy." Envy glared at the pair, "I'm not even going to try to reason with idiots like you. Thinking you can come here and run us ragged like we're your playthings," he spat, openly displaying his disgust. The blond with glasses shifted his weight from one foot to another and sighed, "I really wanted to work things out like civilized beings... You're leaving me very little choice here, Envy." he motioned to his brother, a much more well built man than himself, "See...when we said Morphine was taking over the yakuza of this city...we meant all of them. This includes you." The other half of the one speaking, cracked his knuckles and glared hard at Envy and Greed. Envy dropped the little girl, his interest in her evaporating, "We're you really think you can kill us?" The blond with glasses nodded, sniffing as he visibly noted Envy's words, "True...we can't kill you, but you feel pain, yes?" Envy frowned, "What does that have to do with anything?" "Trip..." Trip promptly punched Envy in the face, splitting his lip and cracking several bones in Envy's face. Envy fell to the ground, curling into a ball as his face reconstructed itself. Stepping on Envy's arm, Trip stepped on the other and they held him down. Pulling out a gun, the brother smiled sweetly, "My name is Virus...not 'you'. Please try to remember it next time. Unless you want a bullet in your precious Philosopher's Stone." Greed frowned at the sight of his unfortunate brother being manhandled, "Don't you think you're being a bit unecessary?" He immediately regretted opening his mouth as Virus and Trip's twin blue gaze flicked up to him. "Just leave." Nodding, Greed pointed down at Envy, "I'm going to need that." Removing their feet, Virus and Trip watched Envy be hauled up by Greed and dragged away spitting curses and threats as they left. Crow and Pino stared up at Virus and Trip, "You guys are...yakuza." Virus knelt to their level and smiled gently, "You should know that by now. Now scurry along before someone else tries to nab you up for breakfast. It might even be us." Eyes wide, Crow grabbed Pino's tiny hand and fled down the street lit up by all the neon signs.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    (invisible Tidus banner)

    -With the Doctor-

    "Oh! Uh, it's okay. If it's alright, do you think that you get me to this flower shop? The Guwllings Flower Shop?" Tidus said, rubbing his neck in embarrassment and wondering what he had just been through, he also kept thinking, 'Oh man, Yuna is so going to hurt me for being late. I hope she will at least be merciful.'


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    While Yuri ate to fill his stomach, he remembered when Aerith said about Yuna and looked at the girl who was sleeping in the chair next to the bed. 'So she has a boyfriend, huh? Lucky girl. And beautiful.' He thought to himself and sighed, wishing that he would get himself a beautiful girlfriend if it wasn't that weird voice in his head telling him where to go and what to do. Aerith was busy making the costumes that chaos and Yuna would at the memorial the next days while chaos practiced his part of the song with Bartz.


    -Hongo House-

    While the three Riders were talking in Sakura's room, Tsukasa sat on the bed of the guest room and thought about what he had seen. He had watched them detransform and was a bit surprised who the three Riders really were. He held his camera and thought to himself, 'I wonder if I should tell the others. No, they probably won't believe me. But still, Miss Hongo is a Kamen Rider. I.... can't believe it.' He decided to keep that information to himself and let Sakura, Hinako, and Seki reveal themselves to the others when they felt ready.


    -Gokai House-

    Don and Basco came out of the kitchen with food prepared, Marvelous immediately went to the table and smiled at the delicious meal that had been made. Joe stood up and walked to the table, sitting down at the table. Ahim brought out a tray with a variety of drinks for everyone to have. Luka smiled as she set the table and sat down as Gai and Basco put the food n the table.
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