RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High Hallway~


    Roxas came back once Kairi went to talk with her parents. "What's going on?" Roxas asked. "Kairi wants to sleep over at our place, because, I guess she feels safer at someone else's place, after what just happened today," Sora replied. "Well, if her parents are ok with it, then I'm sure Mom and Dad will be too," Roxas said.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "Yes Alice... these are dark days indeed," Yang said, hoping that the sanctuary they were in would keep them safe from any harm that threatened Tokyo.


    ~Hospital - Sarah Jane Smith's Room~


    John Smith was sitting by his mother's side, waiting for her to open her eyes. After waiting for an hour or so, she finally opened them, waking up. "John?" Sarah wondered aloud when she saw her son. "Mother!" John Smith happily yelled as he hugged his mother tight, "You don't know how relieved I am to see you alive." Sarah, being the loving mother she is, hugged her son back, Looking around, Sarah noticed that she was in a hospital room. However, she was confused as to what she was doing here. "I don't understand. What happened? I remember shopping for a new vase, then the rest was blank," Sarah Jane Smith said. John Smith wanted to explain, but didn't know how to properly explain it to her, so he turned on the TV to CNN. "This is CNN breaking news" said a voice from the TV. CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer then appeared onscreen, with footage of what happened in Tokyo being shown behind him...


    "Good evening. I'm Wolf Blitzer. We wanna take you to the horrible events taking place in Tokyo today. At about 11:58 a.m. local Tokyo time, seven ships appearing to be from a foreign planet appeared in the Tokyo skyline. They then proceeded to kidnap female citizens in the Tokyo area. We don't have the full numbers yet, but we are getting information that at least one in ten female citizens in Tokyo are not accounted for. And in addition to that, at about 12:40 p.m. local time, an attempt was made by the Japanese military to stabilize one of the ships that carried many females inside. Unfortunately, the ship exploded and crashed at a local diner, killing many inside the diner and around the area, as well as injuring countless individuals. We're getting numbers of about 30 dead, and 100 injured, not including the female citizens who were already inside the ship. This has been called a huge failure for the Harriet Jones government, and is increasing tensions even more ahead of the prime minister elections this November. Regardless, the next three days have been declared to be national days of mourning throughout the country by the Japanese Interior Ministry. Also, we're getting word from the Prime Minister's office that the crash site has just been declared hollowed ground. We expect a memorial to be held there within the next three days for the victims of this tragedy. We'll try to get back to you with more details on these events, so please stay tuned." Sarah Jane Smith was shocked by the news she just heard. Once the commercial break started, Sarah looked at her son, and asked, "Was I almost kidnapped by one of these ships?" John simply nodded. "Then, how did I avoid getting kidnapped?" Sarah asked again. Not wanting to let her know that a member of the Crystal Order saved her, John said, "I was told that one of the ships was malfunctioning, so it wasn't able to capture you as expected." Believing what her son said, Sarah commented, "I guess I should consider myself lucky. But still, all those people. It certainly is a sad day for Japan."


    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    The members of the Crystal Order who had no missions at the moment, as well as Vanitas and the top three individuals in the order, went to a large dark room. Al Mualim clapped his hands, and the lights turned on...


    ... revealing a huge steel cage, with Xion locked inside, just sitting there and staring at the ground. "Xion?!" a shocked Vanitas wondered aloud. Xion looked up and saw her former boyfriend among a group of thugs. "Vanitas?!" a surprised Xion wondered aloud. Al Mualim turned his head towards Vanitas, and began to speak, "Now that you are one of us, Vanitas, I must explain to you what is going on. I realize that my S-type friend revealed himself to you and a couple of other students, Xion being one of them, as well as asking you to get rid of Peppy. However, it seems Xion wanted to be a good citizen, and tried to report to someone about the danger Peppy was going to face, as well as the S-type, and me. Thankfully, the person she reported to was Saix, a valued member of the Crystal Order, who made sure she didn't tell anyone else." "Crystal Order? You mean the terrorists I keep hearing about in the news?" Xion asked. "Yes my dear, the same group that the media and governments of the world have falsely labeled as 'terrorists' when they themselves are the real perpetrators of terror around the world," Al Mualim answered. "Vanitas, how could you?!" Xion yelled, realizing that just when she thought Vanitas couldn't be a bigger jerk, he has now allied himself with the most dangerous group in the world. Vanitas walked forward, observed the cage Xion was trapped in. Smiling, he said, "Well, looks like I get my payback sooner." Xion was shaking her head slowly, not believing the words that came out of Vanitas's mouth. He wasn't just a bad seed anymore, he was evil. "Now then," Al Mualim commented, "I realize that I can't keep you locked away like this forever. So I'll be generous, and let you leave. However, I'll need something from you in return..." Xion wasn't looking forward to what Al Mualim was planning...


    Suddenly, Al Mualim's eyes and hands began to glow. This surprised Vanitas, who thought Al Mualim was just a regular human being with no powers. Al Mualim waved his hand towards Xion, causing her to rise up into the air. Xion was holding her neck as though someone was choking her. Al Mualim then waved his hand around, sending Xion flying and crashing through every corner of the cage as though she were a toy. Finally, Al Mualim positioned Xion in a position close to the front of the cage. Walking towards the cage, Al Mualim grinned, and place two fingers on Xion's forehead. Her eyes started to glow, and Xion felt a severe pain in her head, causing her to scream in agony. A few seconds later, Al Mualim let go, and Xion fell to the ground, unconscious, and Al Mualim's eyes and hand were no longer glowing. "What happened?" Vanitas asked. "Xion is lucky that we will be letting her go alive. However, to do that, I had to take something important from her. Her memory. When she wakes up, she won't remember the S-type, your allegiance with us, or my true identity," Al Mualim answered.

    OOC: plot twist...
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu quietly watched a sthe news reporter declared the victims and the fall came upon Harriet Jones, it was no surpruse there, the goverment did plan this and had to eb prepared to face the consequences should such a attempt fail, but he was concerned for the hostages, he had to wonder if Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, Marie and other fmeales he knew from Yasogami were alright but Marie would proabaly be because of what her power was most likelly, but the others, but the Investigation Team couldn't summon their Personas in the real world, perhaps he should try and contact the Team.

    "Sorry Nanako-chan, can you lower the volume down for a minute?" He asked her as he got out his phone and looked through the list of contacts, if he knew someone who would know to get infomation from the police or what's currently going on, it would be Naoto Shirogane and pressed call, putting the cell phone to his ear. "How long has it been I wonder? A couple of months since the case was closed?" He thought to himself, waiting for a answer

    -School Gates-

    Gentaro firmly grasped Ami's hand ad gently fist bumped it before tapping over her knuckled hand and underneath. "Yosh, we're Buddies now!" he said before Kengo asked him about another scout seeing what the problem was with the new Switch. "it's worth a try, I mean, what have we got to lose?" he asked his friend.


    Tsukasa raised an eyebrow slightly at that thought, of the old and new generations coming together. "Well, we'll just have to wait and see what happens, after all, I doubt the goverment is taking this invasion and abducting women easily, no doubt, there's some backlash already." He said to her.

    -Crystal Order~

    A young gentleman wearing a top hat and holding a cane emrged from the shadows, he did seem very british but his eyes cast itself upon the area. "Oh my, it seems I missed a quite interesting show." he said in a rather saddened tone. "I see you've recruited another to our cause, a splendid idea, but as you say Mister Mualim, our existence must be kept secret, I shall see to it this young lady is escorted to the infirmary of your school and ensure her memories are as you say, forgotten." he said to the man and looked to Haytham. "Ah, Master Kenway, I believe I may have a mission for your fellow associate, Charles Lee was it? I need him to track down a young woman, a Miss Alice Elliot and bring her to me alive, she has... shall we say, a power that may help our Order even further?" he asked him.

    ~Streets of Tokyo~

    A youth with brown hair walked through the streets, his attire being very strange, especially witha white cross on the back on his brown jacket and wore no undershirt, this was Yuri Hyuga, a traveller, following some annoying voice's directions and that lead him to Tokyo, he swore when he finds the cause of all this, they better be ready for a fight for dragging him literally everywhere.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    SHotaro looked at Phillip, mouth dropped. "Well excuse me for wanting good material aibou sicne I can't access everything in the Library!" He said to him and sighed. "Least we have a sponsor, but we can't rely on him all the time." He noted.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Weasley House-

    Ron smiled at Ion who was impressed with his type of magic and looked around. He went to the stone cutting board and set the stone on the board. "Hey, Ion. Think you could listen for my mom when she calls for a snack or something? I sometimes don't hear her because I am so focused on working out here. If it's not too much?" Ron asked, looking at Ion before starting his work.


    -Dojima House-

    Nanako nodded and muted the volume on the TV, wondering how Yu was calling and if it was something really important. She got up and walked to the window, looking outside and keeping as quiet as she could for Yu to talk to the person he was calling and hoped that her father was going to okay with his work.


    -School Gates-

    "Tell her to meet at my house. Here's the address." Kengo said, giving her his address and Ami called Makoto, telling her where to meet and went with Kengo and Gentaro to his house. Ami noticed they were wearing the same watch, Kengo kept quiet. As they reached his house, Kengo noticed someone standing out the gate of his house. He whispered to Gentaro, "That must be Makoto."


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Alice nodded and sighed, she said, "I hope that those who were captured who will be returned somehow, by the grace of the Lord." She was hesitant to say anything about Frollo and hoped that she would be able to not to see him, Edward was trying to keep Edge from flirting with Alice while Cecil knelt in a pew and prayed for safety for everyone as well.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Philip smiled and put the money somewhere that Shotaro won't be able to reach it. Hermione just blinked and said, "Uh.... okay. That's interesting. So, uh, Shotaro? What is it exactly that you and Philip do here? What kind of cases do you take on?" Philip would have answered but respected that Hermione asked Shotaro specifically and went to read his book.


    -Tsukasa and Sakura-

    "Yes, I could imagine that, but the whole invasion was rather unusual. I just hope that those young ladies will be returned here safely and unharmed from whatever happened to them." Sakura said, sighing. "Would you like to come over to my place? I could call your family to let them know." Hinako smiled big while Seki just kept a straight face.
  4. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010

    Outside of Nintendo High, a whooshing noise could be heard. Appearing right there, was an old 1963 Police Box. Quietly, a man stepped out. He was wearing a fez, a large coat, and a bowtie.

    Inside , two women had been conversing when they heard the noise. The couldn't believe their ears! They rushed out and greeted the man, who smiled.

    "Hello there."

    "Doctor!" Said the ginger one.
    The brunette next to her was in awe. It had been so long since they had last seen him.

    "Amy," he said to the ginger, "Clara," he said to the brunette. "Let's go save the world."
    Clara smiled. "Yeah."
    Amy nodded. "Still hauling around this box, eh?"
    "Yes," the man said, "After all," he opened the doors to reveal a very different interior to the time machine than the one seen before.

    "I am the Doctor."
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Tokyo's District 12~


    Katniss walked home after the Abductor ships disappeared, making it safe for her to go outside. She reached District 12, one of Tokyo's poorest districts, where her home was. Once she found her house, she went inside, and noticed her sister and mother were sleeping. Katniss was relieved nothing happened to them after the Abductor invasion. As she was unpacking, she was startled by a noise she heard. "Pika pika" Katniss turned around...


    It was Haymitch, Katniss's pet Pikachu, who startled her. "Haymitch, you scared me," Katniss said. As she picked up her Pikachu, Katniss commented, "Haymitch, wanna come to school with me on Friday? I'm sure my Mythology teacher would like to meet you." "Pika Pika" Haymitch replied as Katniss patted his head.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    "Amen sister, amen," Yang replied to Alice, "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to check on Frollo." Yang walked over to a room in the cathedral and knocked...


    "Yes?" Frollo answered. Yang opened the door and entered Frollo's room. "Master Frollo, I've changed every candle in this church as you've asked me to," Yang said. "Very good Yang," Frollo replied, "But, now that you're here, I wish to tell you something." "What is it Frollo?" Yang asked. "I've been asked to speak at a memorial tomorrow for the victims of today's events. It'll be held at the spot where the ship crashed. So I'll need you to take care of things in the cathedral while I'm away tomorrow," Frollo said. "Of course, Frollo," Yang replied.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    Hearing Albert's proposal to deal with Xion, Al Mualim shook his head, saying, "No, Albert. Xion is a special case. No one is to touch her but me." Al Mualim then snapped his fingers, and the cage holding Xion was opened. Al Mualim walked towards the cage, and picked up the unconscious Xion. "Maul," Al Mualim said, indicating to Darth Maul to get his ride ready. "Lets go Vanitas," Al Mualim ordered Vanitas, who nodded and followed Darth Maul and Al Mualim, who was carrying Xion with him. Once the four left the room, Haytham heard Albert's proposal. "Oh, and what's so important about this Alice person, Albert?" Haytham Kenway asked.




    Doctor Hu walked over to the waiting room to look for Peppy, Shepherd, and Garrus. "Excuse me, but are you three friends of Phil Coulson?" the doctor asked once he found Peppy and his friends.


    ~Driving Home~


    John Smith was driving home with his mother sitting next to him. The two hadn't talked much since they left the hospital. But whenever they did, Sarah would try to discuss something that didn't involve what happened to her today or the events that rocked Tokyo. "So, how was your first day teaching?" Sarah Jane Smith asked. "It certainly was lovely Mother," John Smith replied, "While I was only able to teach two periods today, the students were all amazing. I can't wait to get to get to know each one." Smiling, Sarah responded, "That's brilliant John. Also, what about your friends? Are they still there?" "Oh yes! Alastar's still teaching. Axel is assisting Eraqus with his Chemistry class. Though sadly, Eraqus said that this'll be his last year of studying, and that he'll retire next year," John Smith responded. "He is? Wow, time sure does fly by quick," Sarah Jane Smith replied, reminiscing the days she taught at Nintendo High along with other veterans, which include Alastar Moody and Eraqus. "John, how come you still haven't found yourself a girl yet?" Sarah Jane asked her son, changing the subject. Sighing, John Smith answered, "Mother, you know you're the only girl for me." Laughing, Sarah Jane Smith replied, "Yes dear, that may be true. But you need to find someone you can spend the rest of your life with. A soulmate. It's not difficult. Just be a little romantic. I know for sure you've inherited that trait from your father, God rest his soul. How else did I fall for him?" John simply smiled at his mother's comments and continued driving.


    ~Prime Minster's Office~


    Michael Scott entered Harriet Jones's office, about two hours after she asked to be alone. Michael was hoping to finally tell her that Discord escaped, hoping that she has already cooled off after the whole accident with the Abductor. Before he could say a word though, Harriet Jones began to speak, "If you're here about Discord, don't bother. I already got a fax informing me of his escape. Anything else you want to add Michael?" Her secretary cleared his throat and began to speak, "Well, umm... all foreign planetary nations are denying involvement, condemning the acts that happened, blah, blah, blah. In short, they're all playing innocent, meaning the U.N. can't do a thing about it. And on the domestic side, Harold just declared that the next three days will be national days of mourning for the country. And there'll be a memorial tomorrow for the people who died from the... thing that you approved of. So, I wouldn't recommend going there, even if you are the prime minister. Not to mention, you-know-who's going to be there." "Frollo," Harriet Jones commented, recognizing who her secretary meant by you-know-who. If there was one thing Frollo hated more than people with powers, it was Harriet Jones, who gave more and more rights to citizens of Japan who had powers. Without having something else to add, Michael left the room. Staring into thin air as though he were being interviewed on camera, Michael Scott said, "Frollo is umm, an interesting guy. I mean, sure he's hated the prime ministers before Harriet, but Harriet was a person he could never stand. And what's weird is, despite the fact he has great influence on the minds of people in this country, Harriet still has one of the best approval ratings for a Japanese prime minister. Although, I expect that to stop after today. You know... I think Frollo would make a great Disney villain. Yeah... now if only Disney can be listening to me right now." Michael then turned around and noticed several people, looking at him with a weird look after his "interview." Confused by what they were intrigued by, Michael Scott simply walked away.
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Crystal Order HQ~​
    3.0 stepped out of the shadows and started to explain "I do apologize for my tardiness to the induction ceremony but I was side-tracked by a student, a teacher, and my loathesome copy before I was thrown into jail...of course I broke out of jail and killed the guard but they wouldn't expect a thing..also I have a note from Gray saying that he won't be here on account of having to update the logic circuit on his robots because some of them exploded due to the sheer ridiculousness of the Ginyu Force"
    ~Nintendo High Hallway~​
    After what seemed like a few minutes of hush whispering Kairi eventually finished the phone call and hung up, she then turned around to face Sora and Roxas again with her sapphire eyes before she smiled and said to them happily "I spoke with my parents, they said that I could come and stay with you guys"
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Ram squeed in delight before she focused on the TV again while Rom quietly watched it before she started to wonder exactly one thing "Excuse me, but do you guys have any sort of candy around here, or any kind of popcorn to eat?" shortly before Ram replied "If they have popcorn then it needs some salt and butter to make it sweet, that and some soda" "Yeah we would need soda too, just not the diet or the caffene-free stuff...yuck"
    ~Yoshi's House~​
    Yoshi came back into the living room with Kirby following behind him before the two sat down with the others to watch the WVBA preshow, Neptune's purple gaze started to wonder about the room before she noticed the half-coconut bowl on the table that was full of candy with a Grape-flavored piece of Jolly Rancher hard candy on it. Her hand quickly swiped the hard purple treat before she unwrapped it and threw it into her mouth sucking on it. Mario then called the phone number before he spoke into it asking "Excuse me, am I on the show? If so I would like to make a shout-out to Little Mac telling him to knock that Mr. Sandman out and win for the little people!"
    Peppy looked up at Doctor Hu before he asked "Yes, we're friends of Mr. Phil Coulson. But will he be alright Doctor?" shortly before Sheperd added in on Peppy's behalf "Would it be alright to go and see him for ourselves?" as she stood up with emerald-green eyes staring at Doctor Hu.​
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011


    "Oh, don't worry about Phil. He's making an absolutely fantastic recovery. At this rate, he should be out of the hospital by tomorrow," Doctor Hu replied, "Apparently he inhaled too many contaminants into his lungs after that crash happened. And while you three may not feel it, it's best to check your lungs too, just in case. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got other patients to check up on. You can visit your friend in room 1963. But if he's sleeping, don't wake him up." The doctor then left the three to check on other patients.


    ~Nintendo High Hallway~


    "Alright then, lets go," Sora said. "Our home's just ten minutes away by walking. We'll be there in no time," Roxas added.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    While Haytham Kenway was waiting for an answer from Albert, 3.0 arrived. "You just missed our leader leaving," the Crystal Order's No. 3, Rassilon, told Metal Sonic 3.0, "Take the night off. I'll give you a new assignment tomorrow."


    ~Celestia's Office~


    Cosmos, a member of the Japanese Parliament, and candidate for Prime Minister, walked over to Celestia's office, to meet her fellow MP, who happens to be helping her with her campaign. When Cosmos arrived, she found Celestia looking depressed...


    "Celestia, what's wrong?" Cosmos asked her friend. "It seems today has been nothing but bad news," Celestia responded. "I know. I wonder how Harriet will be able to manage all this trouble," Cosmos replied, "Also, I suppose you heard of Discord escaping." Once Celestia was reminded of Discord, she began to cry. "Celestia dear, I didn't mean to make you cry," Cosmos said, trying to comfort her friend while hugging her. "It's all my fault. The only reason he joined them was because of me," cried Celestia. "Celestia, don't say that. What happened in the past happened. There's nothing anyone can do to change it. You need to learn to let go, and start thinking for the future," Cosmos said. After a few minutes, Celestia calmed down, and said, "Perhaps you're right Cosmos. I really need to focus on things that matter most right now. And that includes making sure you win in the elections."





    Discord was being driven to the middle of the African savannah by a truck driver he paid. According to the driver, he knew where the changelings usually gathered. Had Discord knew, he would've simply teleported to the area. The truck then stopped in the middle of nowhere. "You sure this is it?" Discord asked as he got off the truck. The driver simply nodded and started speaking in a language Discord didn't understand. "Alright, alright, I believe you," Discord replied, trying to make the driver stop talking. The driver then left, leaving Discord alone in the middle of nowhere. "Well this is just great," Discord said as he started walking forward, not knowing where to start looking for the changelings.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    Albert smiled naturally at Haytham's purposal. "She has this gift, a 'Demon-Eyes' who can sense evil or other emotions that us normal humans cannot even fathom to obtain, she also seems to be able to wield the power of the Light and healing abilites at her disposal as well, it could benefit us greatly if she were to be an ally of this order." He gave a sigh.

    "Her whereabouts are currently unknown after I killed her father who worked for the Vatican, This is the young lady in which I speak of." He produced a picture of Alice by putting a hand into a pocket and shown it to Haytham. "Unfortnately, I cannot pursue her at this time due to my other commitments in the Order, but if Charles isn't available for the task, then I'll apologize for taking up your time and his and simply find someone else who may undertake the task."

    ~Kengo's Home~

    Gentaro looked at the girl in question. "So, she's the one who'll get the Elec Switch working properly?" He asked his two friends.

    ~Tokyo Catherdal~

    Ryotaro somehow ended up here, more than likely, he lost his sense of direction and well, here he was, he gently pushed the door open and pekked inside before shutting it.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro gave a grin. "We're a detctive agency, we find any and all things lost and try to return them to the people, Phillip's the brains of the two of us and I'm well, the fighter and since Phillip can look up the Gaia Library for any infomation provided there are Keywords supplied, we'd have our suspect." he explained to her.

    ~Tsukasa and Sakura~

    Tsukasa raised yet another eyebrow at Sakura's suggestion, he was being invited over to a girl's place without any well... nervousness like the others who asked before her, but she mentioned his family, his expressed darkened. "Good luck trying to contact them, not even I know if my family's on this world anymore, I just get by fine on my own." he said to her rather casually. "Because I don't remember them or anything related to them, if there was any cause for conern, they'd would of called or attempted to get in contact with me, I looked up the phonebook as well, there's no Kadoya's available." he stated calmly.
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Weasley House:


    Ion nodded at Ron's request. He was glad he could be of use. Standing near the door as he watched Ron begin to work, Ion thought hard about Ron's magic, his own and the other kinds of magic Sync had mentioned. "I wonder if...the information I received was wrong. Ron...your friends...and you, I guess, have been tied to magic for a long time, yes? Do you believe your magic is the strongest kind?"

    Shirogane Estate:


    Naoto had finally gotten off the phone with the local police. She let her hand drop to her lap with a disappointed sigh. "There's just something... Huh?" Her phone started to ring again....that ringtone was familiar. Glancing at the Caller I.D, Naoto smiled and quickly lifted it to her ear as she answered the call, "I figured you'd call sooner or later. It's been a long time since I've heard anything from you. I guess you've heard about the recent events, huh? I bet I can guess exactly what you're thinking." Crossing her legs, Naoto shut her eyes and waited for Narukami to say what he was going to say anyway. He always did.
    Orihara's Apartment:


    Izaya returned to the living room balancing five cups of coffee in his hands. He kept a casual smile on his face as he set four of them in front of his sisters and their guests and kept the last for himself. He spent a half a minute watching the program, listening to people call in to the show and practically scream adoring things at Yuuhei and other fans of the WVBA shout rather foolish things for their favorite side to win. Regarding Ram and Rom's request for popcorn and soda, Izaya's smile dropped from his face. "Excuse me~? But...who's house are you in? If you want something sickeningly sweet that will rot your teeth...I suggest going to your own home for that." He turned on his heel and padded away towards a table off to the right hand side of his desk that held a Chinese Go board with chess, Shoji and Othello pieces on it. It looked like a messed up game. Izaya stared at it happily for a few moments, sipping his coffee before he picked up an Othello piece and set it down somewhere else. The reason completely unknown except to Izaya himself. "Ignore him...we do." "Niisan doesn't keep sweets in his house because he doesn't like them. We're just going to have to make due without it until dinner." Kururi and Mairu made no attempt to apologize for their brother's actions or words. They hardly looked at him as he chuckled to himself and set down his cup of coffee and reached for his jacket. He simply waved to his sisters' turned heads as he walked out the door. 'Time for a very interesting appointment. Heh...I haven't been this excited in a while.'
    Nintendo High:


    Neji and Shikamaru followed Peach around and it was getting boring. Shikamaru nudged Neji, "Have you heard?" Frowning instantly, Neji reluctantly responded to Shikamaru's bait, "Heard what?" "There's a guy that came up from Ikebukuro looking for Izaya Orihara." Neji's white eyes narrowed and slid in Shikamaru's direction, "Isn't that the guy you've been playing Shoji with every week?" "Yeah, that's him alright. Though it's kinda a drag...we always end in a tie." "How the hell do you end a game of Shoji in a tie?" Shikamaru shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck, "It's either him or online with Anya. I'd rather have the challenge. Anyway..." he continued, "This guy's been tearing apart the city...throwing guys twice his size clear across city blocks and chucking vending machines at anyone who pisses him off."
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Weasley House-

    Ron thought about what Ion asked him and said, cutting the stone, "I never thought much that magic me and my friends use is strong. I mean, we don't use it that much in public for fear of the non-magical people. In truth, the jobs that my brothers have are really cover-ups for their actual jobs. Bill's a curse breaker in the national bank, Charlie is studying dragons in Romania, Percy is the assistant of the Minster of Magic in London, Fred and George are the owners of the joke shop."


    -Kengo's House-

    Ami walked up to her while Kengo wondered how her powers would contribute, when they would done talking, Kengo led them inside his house. "Great place you got here, Kengo. Where are your parents?" Makoto asked, Kengo's expression saddened and he said, "They're dead. My mom died after I was born and my dad died in a accident." He went to the room where the equipment was to develop the Switches, Ami followed him after asking Makoto for a unusual pen. The bottom was green while the top had the symbol of Jupiter on it.

    After thinking for a moment, Makoto said, "Hey, Gentaro. Lets make a really great meal for Kengo. Something to cheer him up over living alone like this all these years."


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    "Yuna, I was wondering if you wanted to sing a song at the memorial tomorrow?" Aerith asked as they relaxed in the living room. Yuna didn't look so sure, Rikku said, "You should totally do it, Yunie!!! It should be amazing!" "If anything, the only concern would be Frollo, I suppose. But I'm sure he won't say anything to you." Paine said, Yuna nodded and sighed, she said, "I'll do it, with chaos." "I will be honored, Yuna." chaos said, smiling. Bartz began to look for a song for them to sing.


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Seeing Ryotaro come into the cathedral, Alice smiled and walked up to him, she said, "Welcome to the cathedral. I'm glad that you chose to seek shelter here and hope you will be protected by the grace of the Lord." "Such kindness, she is almost like a angel in many ways." Edward said, watching her, Edge smiled and nodded. Cecil watched her and smiled, hoping he will find someone like that one day.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Listening, Hermione thought for a moment and nodded, "Than, keep doing what you're doing, Shotaro. As your chief, I will help in any way. Just teach me anything that you feel I should know about this and I will be there to help you two." Philip smiled, nodding, "Then we will teach you everything we know, but there are somethings that must be kept secret. Right, Shotaro?"


    -Tsukasa & Sakura-

    "Then you're coming to stay with me! I will not take 'no' for a answer." Sakura said, looking at Tsukasa with a stern face. "I will not take to see a good student like you living on your own with no family. Besides, it gets rather lonely in my home when Hinako and Seki aren't there. I would like the company." "That was..... rather direct, I think." Seki said, watching in surprise, Hinako was just surprised at Sakura's comment.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Crystal Order HQ~​
    "Oh..." 3.0 said in a low tone as he noticed some of the members were indeed not present, he then added "Well, I shall see you tommorow brothers" shortly before he started out of the room.​
    Peppy stood up and started off towards Room 1963 with Sheperd and Garrus following right behind him, after a few minutes of walking around the large hospital grounds the trio managed to find room 1963 and went inside. "Hello Phil, it's us...I thought we would come down and check up on you." Peppy explained as he sat down in the nearest chair while Sheperd and Garrus stood off against a corner and a wall respectively.​
    ~Near the Gates~​
    Peach eventually walked out the door and started towards the gates as she listened in on Neji and Shikamaru's conversation before she asked "A man who could throw people twice his own size and throws vending machines at people, just who is this guy and why would he do such a thing" just as she crossed the front gate and directly onto the sidewalk outside Nintendo High.​
    ~Nintendo High Hallway~​
    "Good, now then why don't you two lead the way and I will follow you" Kairi explained happily before she smiled and gently nudged Sora with her elbow to get him moving along.​
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Ram and Rom looked at the cups of coffee that were set before them before Ram took her cup in stride and started to drink it, Rom's eyes widened before she said "Ram? I'm not so sure if you should be drinking that stuff...I mean that's the same stuff that keeps Vert up playing video games during her weekend all-nighters" only for Ram to start jittering as her head jerked to face her sister before she replied "This coffee tastes so good, I'm feeling all perky and bubbly now"
    ~WVBA: World Circuit Title Bout!!~​
    The TVs in Japan and all across the world that were tuned in for the fight started to show the following on screen.​
    Little Mac VS. Mr. Sandman
    Challenger :Rank: Champion
    12-0 [12 KO] :Record: 31-0 [31 KO]​
    5'7" :Height: 6'5"​
    107 lbs. :Weight: 284 lbs.​
    17 :Age: 31​
    Bronx, NY, USA :From: Philedelphia, PA, USA​
    ~Arena Ring~​
    In the large arena NPCs cheered and waved on while the red ornamental banners hung proudly from the cieling displaying the logo for the WVBA World Circuit and over the blue floored ring. Sitting in one corner of the ring was a young boy with black hair, black tanktop shirt, green shorts, black shoes, and finally green boxing gloves over his hands. this was the challenger and it seemed as though he looked rather determined as he gently tapped his gloves together. standing outside near the corner was a large black man with black hair, black moustache, red shirt with a white stripe on the sleeve, blue jeans, and white shoes.​
    "Now listen, Mac. Sandman didn't get all the way to the top for nothing, he has speed, power, and endurance. Now just remember what Doc Louis taught you boy and you will become the champion of the World Circuit. Understand?" Doc Louis explained calmly as he looked at Little Mac who just nodded in agreement.​
    It was then that a whole bunch of green lights could be seen coming from the ramp as a black man with black flat-top hair stomped out with a thud, he had black shoes, yellow pants with orange lines on them, and green boxing gloves, this was the Champion and he was rather large and imposing to where Doc Louis' mouth hung open trying to say something before Mr. Sandman entered the ring and Little Mac tapped his gloves together again standing up.​
    The Ref the walked up to the side of both figures as they faced each other down before he spoke up "Alright, you two know the rules, three rounds, three minutes, three knockdowns per round equals TKO, 10 count without moving is KO, now let's keep it clean, fight!" and then walked away from the two as the bell rung.​
    ~Round 1~​
    Mr. Sandman started off the fight as he swung his left arm high up and slammed it into Mac's head making him reel from the blow before trying to do it once more only for Little Mac to dodge and immediatly slam his fist directly into Sandman's head stunning him before Sandman raised his gloves to his face while Little Mac proceeded to send some jabs directly into Sandman's stomach.​
    Sandman eventually started to fight back as he raised his right arm up saying in a deep tone "Stand still" only for Little Mac to send a punch directly into Sandman's face just before he threw the punch sending the champ back before the champ ducked and sent a quick right jab at Mac only for Little Mac to swerve out of the way and send another punch into Sandman's face stunning the giant before sending more jabs directly into his stomach.​
    The champ then shouted "BOO!" shortly before sending another left overheadat Little Mac only for Mac to punch him in the face again and sent him back, Sandman then tried it once more only for the exact same thing to happen. Doc Louis then shouted out "DO IT MAC BABY! USE THE STAR PUNCH AND TAKE THIS SUCKA DOWN!" as he grabbed the ropes. Little Mac nodded before Sandman started to laugh as he said "You think your little Star Punch can knock me out?" only for Little Mac to duck as his fists started to crackle with electricity, it was then that Mac performed a quick uppercut and slammed his fist into Sandman's jaw sending the giant off of the ground and onto his back.​
    The crowd started to cheer and woo loudly at the spectacle before them, the ref walked up and started to count Sandman....​
    "1, 2, 3...."
    Only for the champ to stand up growling in anger as he slammed his fists together, it was then that Sandman asked "Afraid?" shortly before he sent three uppercuts directly into Little Mac forcing him to the ground as Sandman started to laugh, once again the countdown was started by the Ref.​
    "1, 2, 3, 4, 5...."
    Little Mac then grasped the ropes and got back onto his feet just as the bell rung ending Round 1.​
    The two boxers went into their respective corners before Mr. Sandman proclaimed loudly "This title's mine Mac, and you ain't ever gonna take it!" while his face looked bruised from the Star Punch. Little Mac's face was just as bruised as Sandman's before Doc Louis came over and told Mac "Listen Son, do you hear that? The fans want a new champion, so it's time to end the nightmare"
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Crystal Order HQ~

    Haytham Kenway observed the picture of Alice after Albert explained why she may be of use. "Hmm, Rassilon, what do think? Should Charles deal with this?" Haytham Kenway asked his comrade. Observing the picture himself, Rassilon then said, "No, but I have someone else in mind. However, he's currently conducting a mission for us right now. Once he returns, I'll be sure to send him after Alice." "Very well then. Everyone else, you're dismissed," Haytham said as he and other Crystal Order members left the room.


    ~Nintendo High Hallway~


    "Alright then, lets go," Roxas said as the three left Nintendo High and walked all the way to Sora and Roxas's home. Their parents said it was alright for Kairi to stay at their home for the night.


    ~Hospital - Room 1963~


    Phil was in a hospital bed, awake, and feeling much better after what happened earlier. "Thanks guys, I really owe you one," Phil said as Peppy, Garrus, and Shepard arrived to his room.


    ~The Banks Household - Living Room~

    Will Smith and his good friend Jazz were watching the WVBA match happening right now. However, a large and frightening figure appeared before them, grabbed the remote, and turned the television off...


    "Will, what on earth are you doing?" Will's uncle Phillip Banks asked. Will turned around to face his uncle, and with an innocent looking face, said, "Hey Uncle Phil... uhh, I was just, you know-" "Let me handle this Will," Jazz said, cutting Will off, as he turned around to face Phillip Banks, "What the hell man?! We were about to reach the best part of the match!" "So this stupid match is more important than mourning for the lives lost today?" Uncle Phil asked. "I am mourning! Just look at how bad Sandman's beating up Little Mac!" Jazz replied. Sighing, Phillip called out for his butler, "Geoffrey..."


    Geoffrey then arrived, walking towards Jazz, and said, "Jazz, you know the way." "Aww man," Jazz said, not looking forward to what was going to happen next. Geoffrey escorted Jazz to the front door, then this happened.

    Back in the living room, Phillip Banks was giving his nephew a lecture. "Will, many people died today. And lots more are missing. And you're watching a boxing match full of Americans who couldn't care less about what happened in our country?" Phillip said. "Uhh, Uncle Phil, you know I'm part American, right?" Will replied. "Yes, an American who was sent here to learn to be a better person," Phillip responded. Sighing, Will then began to speak, "You know what, you're right Uncle Phil. I should be more sensitive. I'll go up and see if there's any work I can start on for school." Uncle Phil just smiled and nodded, then patted Will Smith's back as he left the living room. Once Will Smith went to his room, he opened up his laptop, and began to watch a livestream of the WVBA match. Looking at thin air as though there was an audience watching him, Will Smith put a finger on his lips, and said "Shhhhh."
  13. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Weasley House:


    Ion frowned, "I see... So...everyone you know has found a way to make magic a benefit to the world." He fell deep in thought and his phone buzzed again. Numbly pulling it out, he stared at the text blankly. "Sync..." Sighing, Ion stared at his hand for a moment. "I'm so glad, Ron. I'm happy you haven't experienced anything horrible with magic. I...erm, my brother and I haven't had the best of experiences with magic. I'm not sure what to feel about it entirely. I have a magic a good thing? If it didn't exist..." he trailed off, keeping the end of his sentence to himself. 'Would I even exist?'

    Tokyo Streets:


    Neji blanched, he really didn't want to respond. "Shizuo Heiwajima. He used to live in Ikebukuro until just recently. Apparently...the inhibitors in his brain don't function like ours so he has near super-human strength all the time. It's a real drag...but I've found a lot of information about him." Neji's eyes focused on a darkened alley they were going to pass by as Shikamaru continued, "He used to break a lot of bones doing this kind of crap and now...nothing. He drank a whole lot of milk when he was younger so his bones are reinforced. I don't trust that kind of logic...or his temper...but Neji says he's a nice guy. Right, Neji?" Pausing by the alley, Neji glared into the darkness, "Yes...Shizuo Heiwajima is a good man. He has morals and is a worthy opponent." Shikamaru frowned as Neji slowly moved away from the alley. "Somethin' up, Neji?" He shook his head, "It's nothing." Neji's cell started to ring, which he promptly pulled out, opened and hit ignore and slid back into his pocket. Shikamaru gave him a curious look but kept walking, moving Peach along towards her home.

    Orihara Apartment:


    Mairu and Kururi tuned out slightly as the fight started. "Take it easy, guys... Niisan probably gave you're not really getting any caffeine." She sipped her coffee and nodded, "Decaf... Huh? Mai-nee? Don't touch that, Niisan will be upset if you mess up his funky game." Mairu winked at her sister and picked up a black Knight chess piece, "Why do you think he uses this one? He's got the White King...the Black Queen...and a bunch of Othello and Shoji why this one? Do you think he'd notice if I took it?" Kururi sighed, "Most likely. Where do you think he went?" "Probably to mess with somebody."

    Shinjuku District:


    "Evening...Izaya. I didn't think you'd actually come." Sasori pushed off of a lamp post and tightened his fingers around his cell phone. "Eh~? You didn't believe me when I said I'd come? That hurts, Sasori. You wound me." Sasori's hazel eyes narrowed dangerously, "Would you like me to? I can certainly inflict something fatal." Izaya smirked and mock cringed, "How scary~ So? Did you receive the information like I said you would?" "Tch...I did. You owe me an explanation, Izaya! You're lying to me. It's not possible." "Is it? Do you really believe I'd lie...just to mess with you? It would be so much funner to watch you squirm with this knowledge." Izaya danced backwards as Sasori swung his fist towards his face. "That's not very nice, Sasori-kun~" Sasori grit his teeth, "Your plan is insane. I honestly hope you fail. Do not call me again." Izaya chuckled as his ginger friend turned and left. His chuckles turned to hysterical laughter and he spun around in place, throwing his arms over his head, "This is why I love humans!"
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    After a few moments of walking the trio approached a medium-sized home which had a white glossy finish on the outside, a red roof, and what appeared to be flowerpots filled with various types of flowers that were in shades of pink that sat around the front door and outside on windowstills. Peach looked at the two boys that had guided her home before she bowed and said calmly "Thank you for bringing me back to my home boys, I really appriciated it" afterwards going inside the house as she thought about Shizuo Heiwajima.​
    ~Room 1963~​
    "It is good to hear that you're alright Phil, but I think it's time that I told everyone here something" Peppy explained as he walked over to the door and locked it before he went and closed the windows. He then sat back down and started to explain "The Relic has been talking to me lately, it's as if it's warning me that the S-Types are still there waiting for our guard to go down." shortly before he took a pause and sighed adding "First the attack in the hall, and now I found small traces of S-Type activity going on in the classrooms"​
    "Hold on, you're just a teacher. How could there even be an attack in that school or even a relic hidden there waiting for whatever an S-Type is to take it?" Garrus asked as he scratched his head in confusion, Peppy closed his eyes before he said calmly "Since you are Sheperd's friend I suppose I could tell you...but you'll have to keep quiet about it"​
    "You've heard about the expidition fifty years ago, correct?" Peppy asked as he faced Garrus before the turian responded "Yes I read up on that actually, only one person survived the trip while the others went missing" "That person who survived was my father, he explained to me about the relic he found and managed to bring it home telling me to protect it with my life in addition to train others to fight the S-Types that would come to our world. So we started to train people around the world about the 64 techniques and kept our business a secret in order to ward off their suspicion."​
    "We of course defended the world from the S-Types as they attacked every year...yet they never found our secret relic, however our biggest battle was seven years ago when the S-Types appeared in Japan and attacked in force, this took all of Nintendo High's Staff and Faculty in order to seal most of them within another dimension, although the attacks have become rather isolated since 25 years ago and Nintendo High became what it is known as today...however, we had quite a few casualties along the way...may she rest in peace" Peppy continued as he looked down mumbling the last part.​
    ~Orihara Building~​
    "That', one strange looking game he has there by the sounds of it, Chess, Shoji, and Othello pieces? How do you even play such a game like that?" Ram asked as she tilted her head to the side only for Rom to add in "Wait, it must be like Katamari in the terms of having a wierd gameplay along with execution...unless it doesn't have any rules at all"
    ~Sora's House~​
    Kairi quietly walked in and plopped her bag on the floor before she fell into a soft chair and started to relax within it, "Sora, this chair feels very comfy" Kairi said in a somewhat tired tone before she closed her eyes and sighed in relief that the school day was over​
    ~WVBA: Special Intermission~​
    The Ref quickly grabbed the nearest microphone before he started to speak up "Folks, we're going to have a moment of silence for those whom perished or were abducted by the invaders before we start the next round" shortly before Sandman, Doc Louis, Little Mac, and himself bowed their heads in respect.​
  15. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010


    The Doctor walked along, scanning lockers and fountains with his Sonic Screwdriver. "Yes, but has anything fallen from the sky recently?" He asked his two companions.

    "Well..." Amelia said, "There were these ships that were kidnapping women. Clara and I weren't allowed to leave the building alone."

    "Yeah. I'm lucky they didn't send the kids from the lower schools, since I'd have to entertain them, but I wouldn't have been able to get them." Clara remarked.

    "Right then. We need to ask around and see if any students might have clues. I'd say split up, and that way we can cover more ground. Plus, we'd catch those ships by surprise if there are any left. They'd never think that we'd allow women out alone because they'd be kidnapped in less than a minute. So a fairly short surprise.

    "Alright, forget surprise. We go together!"
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Tsukasa and Sakura#

    Tsukasa looked at Sakura and spoke. "Fine then, I'll go with you, if I don't, you will probably nag me more." he said, with ahnds in his pockets.

    ~Kengo's House~

    Gentarou nodded to Makoto. "Yeah, we'll amke the best bit of food we can make!" he said witha smile and headed for the kitchen.

    ~Tokyo Catherdal~

    Ryotaro nodded before feeling hsi body ebign taken over and he now wore black-rimemd glasses with blue eyes and finally, a blue streak in his hair as the new Rytaro taken Alice's hand. "Shelter with one so pure as you is enough Miss." he said ratehr suavely and kissed the back of her hand.

    ~Narumi Detective AGency~

    Shotaro nodded. "Yeah, there are some things the public can't know about us." he argeed with Phillip as he leant back in hsi chair.

    ~Dojima Resdience~

    Yu gave a smile as a phone was answered and the familar but regcongizeable femine voice coming through it, giving a corner of a smile at it. "You know me all too well Nao-chan." he said with a rather affectionate nickname he given her, they were very close and even spent Christmas together, how else did he get that watch pointing otu how far they were before his continued. "Yeah, these invaders are kidnapping women, luckily, they don't seem to want the elderly or children for that matter, so Nanako-chan is pretty much safe." He said for a moment before podnering on what their next move could be.

    "What's happening on your end? I doubt the police or the government are exactly progressing far are they?" He asked her, waiting for a response.

    ~Crystal order~

    Alcbert merely bowed towards Rassilon before tkaing his leave out of the room, whoever Rassilion had planned to udnertake this mission, it would have to wait seeing they were busy, it was probably their new recruit if eh had to guess. "A test to prove how effeicent he works perhaps? Or see if truly will work for the good of the Order?" he pondered on these questions.
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Relic~


    Minerva noticed Tinia had a worried look on his face. "Tinia, what's troubling you?" Minerva asked. "I have been trying to warn the one known as Peppy about the incoming threat of the S-types. I can sense a terrible darkness approaching. One I haven't felt since we lost our world," Tinia replied. "I agree," Minerva commented, "We've been in Earth for so long, yet I feel that this year, the world will face a threat just as bad as Thanos." "Then we need that Harbinger!" a tense voice said close by...


    It was Juno, accompanied by the Great Intelligence. "I agree with Juno," the Great Intelligence added, "The Harbinger, Zordon, was supposed to pick a successor out of five candidates already. We, along with Zordon, were the original five candidates, and while I respect the decision to make Zordon the Harbinger, he has done absolutely nothing for the past 50 years except instruct others about our divine technology, the technology that granted us abilities to be Riders, Gokaigers, and Rangers. It is, a troubling thought to me that people outside of our world are using our own technology." "With all due respect Great Intelligence, I respect whatever decisions Zordon has made. He is the Harbinger, hence, our leader as well. And I hope you both be patient with his decisions. I am sure he knows best," Minerva said. "Very well Minerva. But mark my words... If the S-types are victorious, it will all be Zordon's fault," Juno replied with a stern look in her face.


    ~Hospital - Room 1963~


    "That's right, I remember. It was my first year teaching," Phil commented as he remembered what happened seven years ago, "We found S-types gathered in Mt. Fuji. Then we went there when the students had a week off. That was one brutal battle. I don't how long we could've held them off any longer. But if it wasn't for Al Mualim, I don't think we'd be here alive. I remember how he arrived at Mt. Fuji, with the safe carrying the Relic. At first, I thought he was going to surrender it to them. But he touched the safe, and then a few seconds later, an energy of some sort was shot from the safe towards the S-types, sending them towards another dimension. That was when the we won the battle. But as for Al Mualim, he felt exhausted for the next few days after the battle, more so than all the staff. But then, once he got better, he ordered two students and two teachers to go to Osaka for something that would prove useful against S-types in future battles with them. That was mission was technically a success, but... you and I both know how that ended Peppy."


    ~Flashback Pt. 5: 7 Years Ago~


    Al Mualim was talking with the S-type he befriended about what was going to happen in Mt. Fuji. "Peppy has stated that every staff member needs to go to Mt. Fuji to fight the S-types over there. I will go. However, while the staff may think I'll be putting an end to the battle, I will simply be delaying it for some time. I will take the safe containing the Relic, and send them back to their dimension. Once the time is right, we will bring them back, and then they can finish whatever unfinished business they have."


    ~Nintendo High Hallway~


    "Glad you're liking it Kairi," Sora said as Roxas turned on the news and watched more of what happened today in Tokyo. "This is just awful," Roxas commented.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Weasley House-

    "If you want my honest opinion, magic is what you make of it. If you use your magic to help someone, than it's good. If you use it to hurt other, than it's bad. I really don't know what to say about magic not existing." Ron said, dusting off the dust that had gathered from the cuts he had made on the stone. "Besides, I rather not use my magic much. I want to do things by my own hands."


    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    Alice was pretty surprised by the sudden change that Ryotaro went through, and smiled. "Oh, um, thank you very much." "Who does that kid think he is?! Flirting with pretty girls is my job." Edge said, Edward and Cecil looked at him with concern, Edward sighed, shaking his head. Cecil gave a laugh and thought to himself, 'Typical Edge, always thinking about the girls and flirting with them.'


    -Kengo's House-

    Makoto smiled, following him to the kitchen. "Hey, Gentaro, can I ask why do you know someone like Kengo? I heard how he's spends a lot of time in the nurse's office because of his weak health. I find it kinda hard for him to be staying here all on his own with that condition of his." Makoto asked while looking for a cookbook to find a good meal to prepare, putting on a apron and getting the ingredients. Meanwhile, Ami and Kengo were in his father's old lab, working on the Switch.


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione kept quiet and nodded, unsure what to say now. Philip went to the door with the hats and entered the room behind the door, Hermione followed him, surprised to see white boards around the room. Closing the door softly, Hermione went back to the desk, she said, "Shotaro, can you tell me everything about Kamen Rider W? Everything from when it first appeared until now. Leave out no details."


    -Tsukasa and Sakura-

    Sakura smiled, grabbing his hand and leading him to her place. Stopping at her house, she unlocked the door and told him, "How 'bout you go in first, Tsukasa? There's something I need to care for on my own." She turned and went to a nearby store, when she was alone, Sakura said, "You two can come out now. It's rude to stalk someone, you know, Hina-chan." "Oh, come on. I thought you and Tsukasa were going to get super close." Hinako said, coming out of her hiding place with Seki, Seki asked, "You sure about him staying with you? He may find out your secret."

    "It will be fine, besides we haven't been on the scene for a quite while. Maybe we can do a little patrol tonight?" Sakura said, smiling at her comrades.


    -Dalmasca House-

    Vaan, the soon-to-be heir of the Dalmasca wealth, ran through the manor house of his fiancee and ran to the archery room, smiling at the woman standing in the room. Looking up at him, she smiled and said, "Hey, Vaan. What's--" She was interrupted when Vaan suddenly hugged her, he said, "Oh, Ashe, I was so worried about you. Scared that you might have been captured." "I've been here the whole time, Vaan. I won't be going anywhere for a while." Ashe told him, Vaan smiled and looked embarrassed.
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Shirogane House:


    Sighing, Naoto's embarrassed smile vanished and she became all business, "No, they haven't. As far as I know they've decided not to pursue investigations. I don't know what they're planning...but I'll look into it more in the morning." Walking up the stairs of her Grandfather's mansion and entering her bedroom, Naoto stripped off her jacket, "I don't suspect this has much to do with the TV world this time. The regular police aren't giving me any leads either...which leads me to suspect that they don't know anymore than I do."

    Weasley House:


    Ion gasped and lifted his head, "W-with...your own hands?!" Looking outside, Ion watched the sun begin to set little by little. "Is that even possible? To do things with your own would I...?"

    Tokyo Streets:


    Neji and Shikamaru waved goodbye to Peach and headed on their way towards their own individual homes. "Hey, Neji..." "I'm sorry, Shikamaru, but I have to hurry home. Hinata-sama might be there already and I must make sure Hinabi-sama is alright." "Uh...a-alright." Running down the street, Neji dashed off towards the Hyuuga Estate.
    "Well that was weird. It sounds more like there's something else waiting for him than just duty." Sighing, Shikamaru refused to think about it anymore as he headed for home.
    Hyuuga Estate:

    Neji flung open the gate and gently slid open the main door. With any luck Hinabi was still staying with a friend and Hinata had done the same. "I'm ho--" "Welcome home. You're late." Turning his head and looking up, Neji found the familiar black haired young boy who'd texted him earlier. "For someone who's my student, you certainly lack a sense of dignity." The boy frowned and hopped down from the low roof he'd been couching on. "I do not lack dignity. Anyway, you promised to teach me taijutsu." As sad as it was true. "I remember, Koji. Now come on...we'll train until you've had enough." Grinning happily, Koji followed Neji into the estate and stood across from him in the center of the training field.


    Neji slid into his battle stance and a hesitant Koji mimicked his action. "Even without chakra, anyone can learn the basics of taijutsu." Sprinting straight towards Koji, Neji smacked his open palm straight into Koji's shoulder, knocking him back. "The first strike is critical. Where you place it is important enough to keep the battle in your favor." Pushing himself to his feet, Koji brushed off his pants and charged at Neji, throwing his fist towards Neji's stomach. Moving his body, Neji dodged the punch and grabbed hold of Koji's arm, pulling him forward with his own momentum and swept his feet out from under him. Letting go of his arm, Neji grabbed his hand trailing behind him as he fell and halted his fall inches from his face hitting the ground. "But constantly being on the offensive can tire you out quickly and make your moves clumsy." Koji glared at the ground as Neji slowly let go and rested him on the ground. "Why do you insist on fighting anyway? You have your own way of fighting." "I can't rely on that alone. If the power of the Spirit ever failed me...and I couldn't Digivolve...I'd be left defenseless. I'm already good at kendo, why can't I learn taijutsu?" Folding his arms, Neji smirked, "Kendo, huh? Hmph...again." Standing, Koji nodded, "Right."

    Orihara Apartment:


    Kururi turned her gaze back towards where the girls sat and back to Izaya's game was and responded to Ram and Rom's comment about it, "Who knows. If you want to learn about it...ask Niisan. I'd rather not try to learn the rules of his freaky game." Twirling the piece she'd taken from the board, Kururi placed it carefully back where it was and returned to her seat. "You could always call him if you really want to know about his game. Niisan tends to keep it in his room...I'm surprised it's even out here." "Mmm...maybe he was playing before we got home."
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Narukami Residence~

    Yu nodded to Nanako as he went upstairs to his room, everything was still in place where it belonged, just how he liked it, this way, Nanako can watch TV and he can talk without something talking over the conversation and he gave a sigh. "Somehow, I'm not very surprised, after all, what can regular forces do against such an adversary?" He asked rather rhetorically.

    "But you're probably right in regards to the TV Worlds, there hasn't been any Shadows, just strange creatures, in fact, we had two in Nintendo High that was being taken care of by some people with abilites quite different to Personas." he continued, giving Naoto a moment to sink that infomation in. "Apparently there many people with such powers, I suppose it's just a coindence they all happened to convene upon this town." He looked out the window, the sun was setting.

    "How about we meet up tomorrow?" He asked out of the blue.

    ~Tokyo Catherdal~

    U-Ryotaro gave a smile and cupped his hand to his chin thoughtfully. "How about you show all of your home mi'lady?
    " He asked Alice.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro gave a small sigh. "Kamen Rider W... is someone who protects this city so no tears are shed within it... it all started when me and my Boss went on a mission to find some boy, back then, I wasn't anything like him." He said in admiration and continued. "It turns out the male was Phillip but the place we went to had these Dopants around, humans who receive the power of the Earth contained in Gaia Memoires, my Boss had one, I didn't, but that's where everything began, the night... Kamen Rider W was born." He said, trailing off to recall memoires, his Boss becoming Kamen Rider Skull, him dying as they tried to escape with Phillip and finally, Phillip asking SHotaro if he had the courage to ride with the devil thus, becoming W.

    ~Salura House Door~

    Tsukasa paused to listen to Sakura as she went to a nearby store, he didn't have to wonder why, he did feel two presences following them, so most likely, she went to tell them off or something. "Next thing I know, they'll be a scandal at school saying how this woman got me to her house." he said dryily before looking up at the sky, the ships were most likely still around. "And no instructions from floating head-piece or the metal bird, typical." He thought to himself.

    ~Kengo's Home~

    Gentaro looked at Makoto. "We're buddies since I transfered to this school, he initally wasn't wanting to become friends but I persisted and now, he's one of my friends, although, I imagien kengo knows how to not stress hismelf to get to school, I never ask since he always arrives." He helped her gets the pots and plates out. "you're Mizuno's friend right...ummm...?" he tried to place a name on it.

    ~Gokai House~

    The Gokaigers had their own building as Joe was bench pressing some weights and Gai watching the news while marvelosu sat ina chair, reminscent of a Captain's as the annoucement came. "That figures..." Gai said in reponse.

    ~Tokyo Streets~

    Yuri was cursing under his breath and took a moment to sit on a empty bench to get his breath back. "I haven't come across an inn or hotel yet, probably shut cause of this." he muttered ad took a moment. "I swear if I'm camping outside..." he didn't get to finish his sentence.

    ~Nintendo High~

    Tidus wiped hsi brow, he been going overtime in the Gym and obivously, forgot to keep track before realizing the time. "Oh shoot! Yuna's gonna murder me!" He said and held the Blitzball in one hand and ran to head out before almost running into Roxas, Sora and Kairi had he not leapt in the air, corkscrewing his body to land on his feet. "Sorry guys! Kinda in a hurry before someone kills me, I'll catch you up later!" He said ratehr quickly before taking off again and around more hallways, yup Nintendo High sure loved Halllways, but when eh turned one, he had slammed into something, no, make that someone and fall onto the floor, his ball rolling.

    "Ow, watch where you're going at least..." He muttered before looking at who he crashed into, a red headered women with another black-haired female standing with some guy having abowtie and holding what appeared to be a flashing pen?
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