RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012

    Walking up to the car and getting in, Jack sat down in the back by Peppy and put his seatbelt on. "Why not? Got nothing better to do while I'm here."

    (OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I hope this is satisfying for now.)
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Tsukasa's Location~

    Tsukasa's ears picked up a sound. "An ocarina? No... the sound is similar but..." he thought and followed it to see Sakura Hongo, a gradudate of this School and he clapped, rather slowly, mind. "Impressive as always, Miss Hongo." he said to her, after all, he didn't knwo ehr true idenity and neither did she when he was Decade for that matter either, two Kamen Riders, face to face, one of the old generation and one of the new generation.


    Yu was heading back to his Uncle's to check up on his cousin, nanako and oof course Dojima.


    SHotaro sighed and nodded at Hermione. "Alright, I suppose it'll eb rude of keeping otu chief away from the place she owns, we'll have to go on foot then since you proabbaly don't like motorcycles."


    Gentarou did indeed follow Kengo who did bluntly ask for a trade and he watched, he shouldn't interfre with this just yet, but he was talkign to alot of girls.
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    "Alright, let's go!" Shepard exclaimed loudly before she slammed her foot on the pedal and sped off away from the ruins of Devil May Dine and down the nearest intersection with a quick turn to the right and a jerking of the steering wheel causing Peppy's head to lean quickly to the right while Garrus held on to his seat. "If I'm correct, the nearest hospital and doctor should be down the street, his name is Doctor Hu" Peppy explained as his body flew forward from Shepard's driving as she said "Who? Sounds almost like that british show on BBC". "No no no, not Who, Hu as in spelled H-u" Peppy explained quickly as Shepard drove directly into the emergency entrance at the local hospital.​
    ~Nintendo Elem: Lobby~​
    Ram and Rom quietly walked beside the twins as they exited Nintendo Elementary before Rom quietly asked "So, what is your brother like...other than being a pervert" before Ram added "Don't be worried so much, if something happens while we're at their house then all we simply do is call Blanc and she'll beat him senseless for messing with us" "Good point, but I'm still concerned though about this, it's like that man didn't like our friends or something" Rom explained quietly in concern.​
     ~Nintendo High Hallway~​
    "We'll I had been wondering if I could come and stay with you on account of that whole mess that happened earlier...I, kinda...well...don't want to be alone and possibly get captured by those things" Kairi explained as she quickly whispered into Sora's ear not wanting to let a word out into public.​
     ~Nintendo High Lobby~​
    Vert was the first to look up at the man who had asked them the question before she replied in a calm manner "Of course we would like an escort to our home sir" shortly before she stood up and started to introduce herself "My name is Vert and these are my sisters...well some of them anyway" followed by Noire, Blanc, Uni, and Nepgear standing up behind Vert. "We thank you for the offer and glady accept it" Noire explained before adding "Lead the way"
    3.0's body sat powerless in a jailcell after being thrown in there thanks to Metal Sonic's involvement along with Gaara and Kratos, his eyes lit up and his body to stir before he curled up into a spin-dash and began to charge up with a pink aura surrounding him. An officer walked up to the cell in order to check out the commotion before 3.0 charged into the bars and broke through them and directly into the NPC officer slamming him into the wall and knocking him out hard. "Such an idiot..." 3.0 snarled before he boosted out of the station and quickly down the street.​
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -School Gate-

    Ami was surprised at how Kengo was about the offer, she asked, "Did..... did you look up any information on that computer?" "Yes, but I promise to keep it secret if you help me with the Switches and you must promise to keep the Switches since they are the power of Kamen Rider Fourze." Kengo said, Ami recalled Fourze as the space-themed hero saved her during the fight with the S-Type and surprised that Kengo knew him. She asked, "How do you know him.....?" Kengo kept quiet.



    Hermione smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'm not much of a motorcycle person. But yes, it would be rude, I suppose if I didn't see where it is you work." "Just stay close to us and you'll be safe, Mione-chan." Philip said, holding her hand as he headed out of the library, Hermione followed him and smiled.



    "Oh, Tsukasa. I didn't know that you were there. Thank you." Sakura said, smiling at him after she noticed him when she finished. Putting her flute away, she asked, "Nice to see you again. How was life been treating you?" Carefully hiding was Hinako and Seki, who had guessed that there may be something between Sakura and Tsukasa.



    "Bye, Joshua, see you later!!!!" Rhyme shouted, waving at Joshua and followed Beat to meet their dad. She hoped that Applejack and Ron made it home okay and that everyone was safe from the current danger.


    -Weasley House-

    Ron noticed how Ion looked and led him to the living room while his mother made a snack for them, "Hey, Ion, are you feeling okay? You don't look so well. You're not running a fever, are you?" He felt his forehead, he learned that from his oldest brother, Bill, before he became a bank broker and married Fleur Delacour. He guessed that his dad or one of his brothers went to go his youngest sister, Ginny from school.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Weasley House:


    Ion flopped himself down and exhaled heavily, "Oh, I'm fine. I've never been in great health...and I've used a bit of magic earlier today. I guess it wasn't a great idea...but it was worth it. You've no idea how difficult it is to escape from my Guardian." Ion didn't want to even think about Arietta's sobbing back home. She was glued to him enough and living with Sync was becoming a headache. "I'm just glad to be somewhere without my brother."

    Shinjuku District: Orihara's Building~


    Mairu and Kururi came to a halt in front of their brother's building. "He's not bad...just a little weird." "That's it up there...the top floor...biggest apartment in the building. Nii-san has a high-def TV and a really comfy couch. But he mostly spends his time on the phone or on the computer." "Talking to himself...or playing his funny game." Nodding, Mairu flung open the door and the four entered the building. Kururi pressed the call button for the elevator. The lobby was basically empty. The entire building was empty. Izaya Orihara...loved humans but he liked his home to be all to himself. "Hopefully that b!tch Namie isn't there...she's always hogging the TV."

    Tokyo Streets:


    Naoto led the girls out of the school and down the street. It was like she knew exactly where they lived....which...she did. "Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Naoto Shirogane. I live with my grandfather on the edge of town. I guess you're wondering how I know you girls live on this street. Simple...I'm a detective. I know where everyone in our school lives and their history. In my last school, I helped the police out with a murder investigation. I'm not proud of it...but I'm glad we could catch the killer. I, uh...heard one of my friends from my old school transferred here. Yu Narukami. Have you met him?" She was talking too much...and yet...she hadn't mentioned the only thing that was vaguely important. "Ah...before I forget....I'm actually a female. Not like it matters any, I just thought I should tell you."
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Weasely House-

    "I see, well that's good." Ron said, smiling and removing his hand as his mother brought them a snack. After thanking her, Ron took out the stone that Haruto gave him and examined it. He wondered to himself, 'What kind of stone is it?' He didn't notice that the ring shone briefly and Ron pondered if he would be able to cut the stone with the tools in the shop.


    -Nintendo High Lobby-

    Aqua waited in the lobby of the high school, wondering where her parents were at and if they were even coming to pick her up. Sighing, she thought, 'Wonder if Terra and Ven are here. Maybe we can walk home together like we used to do when we were younger.' She smiled as she thought of the memories of her, Terra, and Ventus together as children and continued to wait, Latias shyly watched her and smiled, admiring Aqua's faith and belief in her friends.


    -Dojima House-

    "Oh, onii-chan, welcome home." Nanako said when she saw Yu come through the door and smiled, sitting in the living room at the table. Though she probably guessed it, Nanako asked, "Did your school let out early because of the invaders? Nintendo Elementary did, Daddy picked me up the moment he heard." Nanako wondered how Hotaru was doing and smiled.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    Harry looked in surprise, Eiji and Ankh were in their room, already in their beds. Eiji was resting on his futon, having changed into his sleep clothes while Ankh was resting in his hammock, still in his day clothes with both hands and feet sticking out. Harry sighed and stretched his head, he said to Sirius, "They must have had a tough battle today, if they were already in bed." Sirius nodded, surprised as well.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu slid the door shut as he entered the room and Nanako welcomed him home as usual and he nodded. "Yeah Nanako, I'm glad your dad came to pick you up." he said to her with a smile, he was thankful the invaders haven't kidnapped Nanako, but it seemed to be teenagers or such, besides, he couldn't summon his Persona in the real world as evidenced during the Rise Concert in Junes when he and the others helped Rise sing on stage.

    "I suspect the others are watching this on the news I imagine." he thought, the recent Inaba murder case was shut thanks to Adachi confessing about his crimes, he imagined Naoato was proabbaly part of the force to solve this strange invasion, but he didn't receive a text or call from the young Detective, msot likely being busy, he did fondly remember all of his friends and their items of friendship, he recalled he had a Detctive's Badge made by naoto, being the only 1 of two in existence made by her hand and awatch that shows the distance between them when she given to him for Christmas Day which eh still wore mind you.

    "Wonder how everyone's doing." He stopped his train of thought to focus on the TV which was always onw hen nanako was around.


    Tsukasa looked at her as she asked him how life treated him and he placed his hands in his pockets. "Same as always, fangirls crowding here and there, seen as a rival to Michiru Kaiou, ivnasion of otherworldly monsters, just the usual." he said dryly. "Even had some enter the school grounds."
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Nintendo High Cafeteria~


    "Quiet girls huh, I like that!" Will Smith commented after Iwasawa and Yui were silent for a long time. "Will, we gotta go now," Carlton said once he came back from the restroom. "Aight ladies, I have to go . But don't worry, I'll see you again on Friday. Or tonight... when you dream," Will Smith said as he blew a kiss towards the two girls, then left with Carlton.


    ~Nintendo High Hallway~


    "Umm, sure. But, shouldn't you ask your parents first Kairi?" Sora replied to Kairi's request.


    ~Tokyo Cathedral~


    Yang Fang Leiden found Alice Elliot praying as usual in the cathedral, and said, "Peace be with you sister Alice. How are you doing today my dear?"


    ~Hospital - Emergency Entrance~


    Doctor Hu came out with a bunch of other doctors and nurses. In addition to Shepherd and the others bringing in Phil Coulson, a bunch of ambulances brought injured people hurt from the crash at Devil May Dine. "Alright! Let's try to get everyone accounted for! I want every injured person taken inside right now and treated!" the doctor yelled as stretchers were rolled out and began taking people in, including Phil Coulson.


    ~Crystal Order HQ~


    Many members of the Crystal Order, including the top 3 in command (Rassilon, Haytham Kenway, and Al Mualim), were in attendance for Vanitas's initiation into the order. "Brothers! We are gathered here today to witness the initiation of our newest member, Vanitas, into our order," Charles Lee said, "Becoming a part of the Crystal Order is a lifelong commitment that will usually require you to do something when you least expect it. Are you willing to do that Vanitas?" "Yeah," Vanitas answered. "Once you become a member of the Crystal Order, you are to do whatever you can to support the S-types in their search for their missing brothers scattered all over the world in crystalline form. Will you do that?" Charles Lee asked. "Of course," Vanitas replied. "And do you, Vanitas, swear to never reveal our leader's name to anyone other than those in the order?" Charles Lee continued, "Know that if you dare do such a thing, you will die from an incurable curse every one of us is under." Vanitas was a bit shocked at that part. Nevertheless, he was willing to take the risk, and said, "I do." "Good. Now, remove your right glove, and show me the palm of your right hand," Charles Lee ordered. Vanitas did as Charles Lee ordered. Darth Maul gave Charles Lee a fire-heated branding iron, with a mark at the end that is found on the right palm of every Crystal Order Member (except for the top 3 in command). "By the power vested in me, I name you, Vanitas, our new brother," Charles Lee said as he pushed the end of the burning branding iron into Vanitas's right palm. It was very painful for Vanitas, but he tried not to show himself being hurt. All the present members then clapped for Vanitas. Al Mualim got up and walked over to the new recruit and hugged him, saying, "Welcome, brother." Just then, Saix arrived...


    The Nintendo High guard, who also happens to be a Crystal Order member, whispered something into Al Mualim's ear. "Excellent... Everyone, follow me," Al Mualim ordered as he began to walk to a different part of the Crystal Order HQ. The other members began following him.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Tokyo Cathedral-

    "Oh, brother Yang. Good to see you. I'm doing alright, just concerned for those who had been involved with that unusual invasion that happened earlier." Alice said when she noticed him as she heard him. Cecil, Edward, and Edge noticed her, Edge moved his mask to drool over her beauty, but Edward asked, "Who is that? She is lovely." "Yes, she is almost like a angel."


    -Dojima House-

    "I would have been made lunch but I figured you probably had it at the high school." Nanako said before watching the news report on the invasion and watched in worry about the number of females missing from the city. She asked, "Why would aliens kidnap only all the females?"


    -School Gate-

    "Do we have a deal, then?." Kengo said, Ami took a breath and nodded, saying "Yes." The two swapped their items to their respective owners. Kengo sighed in relief to have the Rocket Switch back, Ami said, "Maybe we can start now since I think my cram school is probably cancelled. And maybe Gentaro can help us if he wants to." Kengo turned around and sighed, facepalming, he said, "Kisaragi, how long have you been here?"


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    When the trio reached the agency, Hermione looked in surprise at how the agency looked, "Wow. That's not what I expected, but it looks like a nice place." "Yeah, it's a alright place, Mione-chan." Philip said, heading inside as Hermione followed him..



    "That's great. I have been doing okay, living peacefully and exploring the world." Sakura said, smiling. "I hope those Rangers or Riders managed to defeat them though. Can you keep a secret? I personally knew the first three Kamen Riders that appeared many years ago. It seems like so long since they appeared." Seki leaned against the wall while Hinako was hoping for some more romantic action to happen.
  10. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Yoshi's House: Fruit & WVBA~​
    Mario, Luigi, Neptune, Compa, and IF were looking around Yoshi's living room and noticed that it had a tropical theme to it with light-blue walls, tan carpeting, wooden tables and shelves, and finally seats that looked to have been carved out out of giant fruit like a watermelon couch or a strawberry chair. Mario then spoke up "Hey Yoshi, what's with the tropical motif here, it looks like someone took some fruit and made seats out of them" just as he sat down in the strawberry chair before Yoshi explained "It's actually something my parents got into, they ordered these chairs from Tom Nook under special request and then sprayed them in the proper scents"
    "So they're not real fruit? Awww crackers" Neptune said in disapointment as she looked at the watermelon couch and took in the smell of watermelons before Mario spoke up again asking "Well that's awesome and all but do you get any of the channels that show matches from the WVBA?" only for Luigi to facepalm and respond "Mario, those fights are rigged...there's no way that he's going to win the World Circuit Championship against the champion, especially at that size"
    Mario then said "Luigi, just because a guy's small doesn't mean that it's impossible for him to beat someone of that size, and also the fights are real..not unlike the flashy spectacle that is professional wrestling" while pointing at Luigi triumphantly before Yoshi said "We get all of the channels, so you guys can watch your WVBA fight tonight" before he walked out of the room saying "You guys make yourselves at home, I've got to call Kirby."
    ~Nintendo High Hallway~​
    "I'm sure my parents won't mind since it's just you and Roxas, but I will speak with them along the way..erm sorry if it's an inconvenience for you and your brother, Sora" Kairi explained before she pulled out her cell phone and started to call up her parents, she then turned around with her back facing Sora as to hide her rosy cheeks from his view.​
    Peppy, Sheperd, and Garrus simply watched as the ambulances came in with the injured, it was then that Peppy spoke up explaining "Doctor, I believe my friends and I need to be checked out since we were close to the wreckage of Devil May Dine and got Mr. Coulson over here" all before Garrus got back into the driver's seat and started the car up explaining "I'm just going to park this" before he drove off towards the parking lot.​
    ~Orihara's Building~​
    "You'd think he would atleast have a whole bunch of TVs all over this building that way if she did hog one TV you could simply go and watch another TV" Ram explained and she closed her eyes before Rom added "And that's the reason why we can't use the large TV in Vert's room because she hogs it while playing her video games" "Now Rom, it is her TV and she does have the right to play video games on it" Ram added as she started to tap her foot while awaiting the elevator.​
    ~Outside Home~​
    "Actually we haven't met a guy by that name yet since it turned into chaos when Bowser threw those boys directly into the popular kids table and started a large food fight in the process, also you didn't look like you were a female" Blanc explained as she looked at Naoto's body before Noire said "Blanc, some people mistake you for a boy at times as well what with your hair length, that hat, and your chest size.". Vert looked at Naoto and bowed as she said "Thank you for taking us back to our home Miss Shirogane, you are welcome to stay if you want"
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Weasley House:


    Ion glanced up at the stone Ron was holding and blinked curiously at it, "What an interesting ring. It appears to have...some sort of power. At least...I get that feeling from it. Where did you get it?" Mildly concerned for his new friend, Ion focused his green gaze on the stone.

    Orihara Building:


    As the elevator dinged and opened it's steel doors, Mairu ushered in her sister and the twins. Kururi pulled off her cat hood and sighed, "Nii-san owns the building...not all the apartments. He just lives in one of the larger apartments." Mairu flicked off her dog hood and pushed her braid so it would fall down her back. "Ahhh, enough about big bro! I can't WAIT to see Yuuhei! I wish he'd come to Tokyo again. I can't believe we missed him in Ikebukuro before. Damn that Shizuo..." Both the girls sighed, letting their chins drop to their chests. Kururi lifted her head as the doors opened again and the pair ushered the young twins off the elevator and towards a door. Pulling it open without so much as a knock, Mairu swung inside the large apartment. The floor was covered in gray carpet and a large black couch in the shape of an L sat off to the side behind a wall with the large HD TV against the far wall. Kururi and Mairu entered the apartment as casually as if you entered your own home and kicked off their shoes. A few feet inside and past the couch was a large desk littered with papers and a several computers. Behind the desk was a huge glass window that doubled as the wall. A spiral staircase stood off to the right of the room and led upwards towards another floor with several closed rooms. To the left of the entrance was a hallway that led into an expansive kitchen. From the kitchen came the sound of a male voice talking to someone. Kururi placed a finger to her lips to keep the twins silent and Mairu led them towards the black, leather couch. Plopping down, Mairu flicked through the channels until she reached the one Yuuhei's show would be on. Kururi quietly padded into the kitchen and stood silently off to the side with her fingers in her ears.

    Tokyo Streets:


    Naoto blushed and tugged her hat lower over her face, "Oh, no...that's not necessary, my Grandfather is waiting." She waved and a black limo came around the corner and stopped beside Naoto. "Right...if you see, just let me know. I haven't seen him in quite a long time." Bowing goodbye to them, Naoto slid into the car and relaxed back against the seats. So...people still couldn't tell she was female. " least this time I'm fine with it."



    Among the hustling and bustling, a sandy brown haired male doctor briefly checked patients as other doctors wheeled them away. He stopped at Phil's stretcher, checked the chart and motioned for another doctor to take care of him. His blue eyes landed on Peppy and Shepard, "Well you two look more or less alright. If you two would like to wait with your friend before being examined, that would be fine. I'm Yashamaru, I work here as a doctor. Another doctor will be along to see your friend here... I can't wait with you, but once your friend is taken care of, I'd like you two to come to exam room 3. Just tell the nurses Doctor Yashamaru sent you and they'll point you in the right direction. I do want to see you though." Yashamaru held a gentle smile for the pair as he dodged and hurried away past other doctors, nurses and patients to tend to his own share.

    Residential District: Kakuzu's House~


    Sighing, Kakuzu glowered at Hidan and Tobi goofing off on his sofa. He was glad he's sprung for something durable the way those two where going at it. "Idiots...wait until the fight actually starts to start your own fighting. I won't have a repeat of last time." Zetsu melded out of the corner and was about to merge with his sofa when Kakuzu shoved the sofa all the way to the other side of the room, "I also won't have you merging with my sofa anymore. Last time the damn thing was warped so badly I had to throw it out. That's good money down the drain." Zetsu pouted but didn't object. Inching the sofa back where it was, Hidan grinned, "This is it! The big one! Tobi, your guy is goin' down!" "Ahhhhh, don't say that~! You'll make even me believe it. Little Mac won't lose, I just know it. We've got good money on this one, right Kakuzu?" Gin, Kisame and Zetsu turned their gazes on Kakuzu who stood straighter and poured a bag of chips into a bowl, "If I can't hunt bounties during the school year...I have to make my money elsewhere." Laughing, Kisame patted Shark Skin, "You're taking a big risk with matches like these. You never know when someone will get injured beyond repair." Kakuzu would've been a bit more worried if Kisame hadn't been smiling like a blood-crazed idiot. "Oh,'re so fond of blood, Kisame. I can see why your swim team is in the championships each year. How scary." Kakuzu couldn't understand why Gin had to smile with everything he said...was he serious? or kidding?

    Residential District: Gray Order Group Home~

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    The Gray Order's Group Home existed solely for those involved in the Gray Order with no real place to live or those with little money. Each member lived either with a loved one, companion or relative in a separate, small house of their own and gathered in the main home for events they all wanted to be involved in. Hayate and Genma gently prodded Re-l. She'd been moody since returning from an investigation. "Something on your mind?" "Yeah, c'mon, Re-l, you can tell good 'ol Genma." She gave them a blank stare until Cee sat down beside her, "Where's Vincent? I didn't see him come in with you...and Pino's gone too? Did you two have another fight?" She glared at him, "None of that happened! Vincent....just doesn't like the WVBA. I don't either...but I wanted to hear about Lady Lethellan's visit to the military base." Lethellan, who'd returned with Fenris and Hawke earlier, sat quietly lost in thought beside Samui and the rest of the girls. Marta, Colette and Estelle seemed lost in their own conversation about or another. Judith and Erza sat around a small table playing Chinese checkers with Sheena...who seemed to be winning. Emil, Lloyd, Yuri, Raven and Fai had formed a circle on the floor with Mokona in the middle and took turns questioning the little cream puff. Anri and Kain, the quietest of the bunch, simply hung around Raido as he made sure Fenris and Hawke were alright. Knight-Captain Cullen was the odd one out... He stared at the TV anxiously waiting for the WVBA to start.
  12. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Weasely House-

    "The new student, Haruto Souma, gave it to me. He wanted me to craft this stone into this ring for some reason. We have a shop out back where my brother, Charlie, used to cut stones and taught me how to before he went to travel to Romania in order to study ancient ruins. Every once in a while, I go to the shop and do some work there." Ron explained as he examined the ring Haruto gave him, still wondering about the secret he was going to tell him.


    -Crystal Order HQ-

    "Well, kid. I hope you didn't admire those Power Rangers, Kamen Riders, or the Super Sentai because they are now your enemies as they have been ours. So, enjoy your life in the Crystal Order now." Kazari said, walking by Vantias in his Greeed form and changing into his human form, heading out on his mission to capture Philip.


    -Devil May Dine-

    Dante sighed, sitting by the ruins of his resturaunt while the construstion workers did their job. Ahim tried to comfort him, but Luka stopped her, shaking her head. "Dante, you, Vergil, and Nero are welcome to stay with us." Tommy said, hands in his pockets. Thomas looked at him and said, "You do know that Vergil hates all humans." "Worth a shot, Thomas."

    Kimberly stretched and hoped that the others were doing alright while Billy continued to work on the communicators for the others.
  13. Aragorns Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 21, 2011
    Stourbridge, England
    Outside the school.

    Shirou walked towards his home when Dick ran up to him. "Hey! Shirou right? LIsten, I was wondering if you'd like to come back to my place so we can work on homework. Sound good?" Dick's offer was tempting, and Shirou was sure his brother would be wanting to watch the WVBA "Sure." Agreed Shirou with a smile, which was returned by Dick.
    "Great! Well, the car's over there, I'm gonna see if I can find Connor." And with that, Dick ran off.

    Shirou went towards the car and got in, and too his suprise, Mr. Wayne was driving. It was then that Shirou remembered Dick was the adopted son of Bruce. "Hello sir." Shirou greeted the teacher of martial arts.

    "Hello.... Emiya, right?" Shirou nodded. "Well, I suspect with all the recent... stuff thats been going on, you stayed indoors?" Asked Bruce.
    "Yes sir..." replied Shirou quietly, almost as if he loathed staying indoors when people were in danger.

    Aqua's Location.

    Just as Aqua said those words, Terra walked up to her (how convenient!) and smiled. "Aqua! Hey! I thought you would've gone home by now?" Asked Terra, though secretly he was happy to see she hadn't. Maybe now they could have some time together... alone... yeah...

    OOC: So, I'm just trying to get back into the flow of things.... yeah
  14. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012


    Jack got out, and while Garrus was parking the car, the Chaser let out a sigh. "Wonder what the exact casualties are."

    -Crystal Order-


    Siegfried stood, looking at the newest addition to the group. "Welcome. I assume you will find satisfying activities to do while you are spending your time here." The blue knight then turned and headed out with Kazari to take on the mission.
  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Ram and Rom plopped up onto the black couch before they took their shoes off and placed their bags on the table, they then took off their hats and placed them on the table as well before they looked at the TV and Ram started to daydream. Rom took one look at her twin before she snapped her fingers in Ram's face causing the pink twin to be startled and fall back on the cushion of the couch. "Sorry about that, but it looked like you were going to start daydreaming about Yuuhei" Rom explained before Ram replied "It's not my fault that Yuuhei's so pretty with a beautiful voice" with her hands touching her face in bliss.​
    "Why thank you Dr.Yashamaru, the three of us will be sure to do that once we figure out what happened with our friend" Peppy explained kindly just as Garrus walked up to Sheperd and Peppy and the three of them went into the waiting room, the three then sat down before Garrus spoke up asking "Does anyone here have any water made for turians? I feel a bit thirsty from all the work" shortly before Peppy asked "Why would he need water made for turians? Couldn't he just drink our water" shortly before Sheperd said lightly "Not exactly, turians don't have the same type of acids and thus have different reactions to human water"
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Weasly House:


    Ion stared in wonder at the stone before he stood and nodded, "Well then...shall we complete the request you were given? I'd hate to think that just because I'm here, you can't start working. Maybe I can help in some ways." He doubted there was a Sephiroth seal on the stone...and even if there was, Haruto wouldn't have been able to simply give it to Ron...but he didn't want to be a burden on his new friend. Plus...he had heard from his twin brother that there were students in Nintendo High that could use magic much different from his. He would stop at nothing to confirm this. Gripping his staff tightly, Ion pressed when he'd promised himself he wouldn't press. " didn't hesitate when I mentioned I use magic. Is that...because you use it too?"

    Orihara Apartment:


    Mairu giggled at the antics of the twins and glanced behind them. Her smile didn't fade as she jumped up and leapt over the back of the couch onto someone. "Told you they couldn't hear you...but you really should keep it down." "Big Bro!" " that hu~rts, Mai-chan. You're getting a bit too big for that. I'm sorry, Kuru-chan...I'll try to be a little quieter next time. But this is my place..and-- Oh...who are these two lovely young ladies?" Izaya Orihara, a man with short black hair wearing all black and a black coat lined with fur, stood behind the couch, clutching Mairu to him as she hung from around his neck and a hand on Kururi's head. "I already told you...this is Ram and Rom...twins that go to our school too. You know that." "Yeah, don't act dumb, Nii-san." He smiled, his brown eyes going soft for a moment as he set Mairu down. "Of course~ You're the little sisters of Blanc...the flat-chested girl with the temper problem. two look just like her." Izaya's comment was barbed and obviously aimed to make the twins angry. "Onii-san!" Mairu and Kururi glared at their brother and he shrugged, chuckling as he swept his arm out in front of him and bowed, "Izaya Orihara, at your service. If you girls ever need something...give me a call." Izaya produced a card with his name and cell number written on it. On the card it said...Izaya OriharaInformation Broker

    and then his number.


    Mairu and Kururi rolled their eyes and took the card from him, setting it on the table beside Ram and Rom's bags before shooing him away towards his desk. "You can either go back to work, make us some tea or sit quietly and watch with us. Your choice, Onii-san."
    It was obvious what Izaya's choice was as he smirked and fled back towards the kitchen was, singing..."Guests~ guests~""Total pervert response...I knew it." Kururi sat down and ended up with Mairu sitting beside her as their show started.


    "Allllllll-right~! Ladies and Gentlemen...cats and dogs...amphibians and reptiles! Welcome to.... The WVBA Pre-Fight Exclusive! With me, Yuuhei Hanejima, as your host! Today we'll be taking calls all through the night for questions, comments and shout outs. During the fight we'll provide detailed reports about our competitor and our defending champion. So put your children to sleep early and sit yourself down...we'll be here all NIGHT~!"
  17. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Orihara Building~​
    Rom took the calling card in sheer confusion at Izaya's antics while Ram stared dreamily at Yuuhei on-screen having not heard a word that was said. Rom then grabbed the nearest phone and proceeded to call in the number to the prefight show, once she got through Rom quietly said "Hello? Yuuhei...this is Rom, my sister is a huge fan of yours, also I wanted to say....BOO! SANDMAN SUCKS!" shortly before Ram took the phone and yelled aloud "HI!" like a screaming fangirl.​
    ~Arena: Back Locker Room~​
    Meanwhile inside the back locker room of the arena, various WVBA boxers could be seen on the floor knocked out or wearily clutching their heads as a large shadow imposed over them with four arms, it was then that the shadow started to split up into two entities before leaving the locker room.​
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Dojima Residence~

    Yu shook his head lightly. "I have no honest idea Nanako-chan, but at least they know not to kidnap children." He said reasurringly to her, last time she was worried, the killer was still at large with the strange murders, plus she was healthy and her usual self after the case calmed down.

    ~School gates~

    Gentaro patted Kengo on the back, smiling. "Enough to hear about the Astroswitches." he smiled and ran a hand through his hair. "I'M kisaragi gentarou, the man who will befriend everyone in this school!" He said, offered his ahnd to AMi witha grin.

    ~Narumi Detective Agency~

    Shotaro too followed inside and sat his usual place, ebhind a desk witha typewriter instead of a computer funnily enough and placed his fedora down on the table. "We had no new clients yet either aibou." he said with a sigh.

    ~Tsukasa and Sakura~

    Tsukasa gave a small interested look at Sakura who told her secret, she personally knew the three riders, from this infomation, it was either she witnessed them in civillan form or she was a Rider, funnily enough, he wasn't too far off the marker there. "Well, we had a newer egneration appear, I believe Den-O, Decade, Double,, OOO and Fourze are their names, btu Decade's rather interesting, it appears he can become other Riders as well." he sai,d intentionally giving otu the little tidbit of infomation.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Weasley House-

    "Right. Might as well since I haven't been in the shop." Ron said, standing up and heading out to the backyard. He smiled and said, "Yeah, me, my family, and my friends do some magic. It is much different from yours, though." He walked out to the shop that was in the yard, and tried to open the door. He sighed and cast the opening spell, using a stick. He opened the door and stepped inside.


    -Dojima House-

    Nanako nodded and continued to watch the news report. She wondered if all that has happened would mean that her father would be busy and home late, then sighed. Nanako wondered if Hotaru was alright and she had made it home safely with her family.



    "Terra, hey there! I was worried I would be captured because of the invasion and waited for my parents. But I don't think they're coming, probably busy with work. Would you like to come my place and spend some time together like when we were young?" Aqua asked her childhood friend, but she also wished that Ventus would appear and it would be the three of them like before.


    -School Gates-

    "Ami Mizuno, nice to meet you." Ami introduced, shaking his hand. Kengo held his bag over his shoulder and said, "Are you ready to go? There is one Switch I really need to develop for Fourze." He showed the 9 Switch to Ami and explained the trouble that Fourze had been having with it. Ami thought for a thought and asked, "Should I call Makoto? As Sailor Jupiter, she has the power of lighting and electricity." "I don't know...." Kengo said, thinking. "Your thoughts, Kisaragi?"


    -Narumi Detective Agency-

    Hermione wondered what was behind the door where all the hats were hung, and was hesitant to find out before looking out the rest of the agency. As he passed the desk, Philip noticed something and picked up a envelope and said, "Looks like our mystery sponsor has given us our money for this month, Shotaro." "Mystery sponsor?" Hermione asked, Philip nodded and saw her and Shotaro the amount of money that was in the envelope, he said, "But I'll hold onto the money. Knowing you, you would spend it on mystery novels. I think we have enough of those." Hermione was beginning to wonder if this mystery sponsor could be.


    -Tsukasa and Sakura-

    "Yes, I would almost say this generation is as heroic and strong as the old one, maybe more so. And that Decade one is rather interesting, indeed. Maybe one day, the old generation will appear again and fight with the new. It would be interesting to see Kamen Rider Ichigo and Decade fighting together, don't you think?" Sakura said, smiling. Seki facepalmed as she saw Hinako's inspired face and thought to herself, 'Though it would be nice to get back into the field again, but I think you just gave a idea to Hinako, Sakura....'
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Weasley House:


    Ion followed closely behind Ron, curiously watching him use the bit of magic he'd mentioned. "Yes...very different." No flux in the energy around surge within Ion's own fonic energy. Perhaps Ron's version of magic would prove good for his health. A smile spread across his face and a second wind of energy washed through him.

    Orihara Apartment:


    Izaya lifted his head from his computer when Yuuhei appeared on screen. A smirk crossing his lips the longer he watched.
    "We have our first caller! Awesome! Alright, you're on ---"
    "Hello? Yuuhei...this is Rom, my sister is a huge fan of yours, also I wanted to say....BOO! SANDMAN SUCKS!" "HI!" Yuuhei was taken aback in surprise by the difference in his callers, but immediately began smiling again. "Hello Rom, I'm so happy we're on the same side," Yuuhei shot a wink, wide smile and a thumbs up to the camera for his fans, "It would make a great twist if our rising new hero became the new champion, wouldn't it? Thank you for calling, Rom, and a big shout out for your sister." Mairu and Kururi grinned at the screen, happy, until Izaya's cell started ringing. "Nii-san~!" "Yes, yes... Hm? I didn't expect you to call me. I must say I'm very pleased." Izaya left the room, chattering away on his cell and Kururi's eyes followed him curiously. "He's been getting a lot of those kind of calls. You think it's..." Mairu pressed a finger to her sisters' lips, "We'll find out later." Turning back to the tv, the pair watched Yuuhei receive, answer, and repeat several requests and questions.

    Residential District: Kakuzu's House~


    The door burst open and a painfully familiar green haired woman flew in. Four large bug wings fluttered as the woman hovered above the floor. The wings had sprouted from her lower back...where her shirt cut off. "Fuu is in the house! Kakuzuuuuuuuu~ I thought you said no more bothersome creeps would come here. It's bad enough I have to live with that freakin' sadistic idiot." Hidan jumped up from the couch snarling, "Who the hell are you calling an idiot, you freaky bug-girl!" Fuu set her hands on her hips and dropped to the ground, the wings disappearing, "Ooooh, nice racial slur. I'm no 'freaky bug-girl'. My name is Fuu, stupid." Tobi waved and she waved back, leading Zetsu to mimic Tobi's action. Kisame folded his arms, gnashing serrated teeth together, "This is the Jinchuriki of the Hidden Waterfall Village....someone Kakuzu knows well, right?" "Wrong. We moved here together...doesn't mean I had any interest in her when we were in the village." Kakuzu spoke bluntly and Fuu frowned. Her orange eyes moved to the TV and she squealed, rushing to sit on the floor in front of Tobi's legs, "Oh wow, Yuuhei, Hanejima! Fuu likes him. Isn't he sexy?" Sighing, Kakuzu reached for the scotch, pouring himself a glass. "Hm? Why are there no girls here? Nonette say she wasn't coming?" Her mention of Nonette drew everyone's attention to Kakuzu. "She called earlier. It wasn't important to the bet so...I didn't feel the need to tell you all."

    Residential District: Gray Order Group Home~

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Pulling herself out of her gloomy funk, Lethellan lifted her green eyes to the dozens of young adults and students around her. "How is everyone? Did you all go to school this morning?" Everyone quieted down as she spoke and looked towards those that were students. Cee frowned, "Ichiru? The Warden asked you about school." Ichiru lifted one silvery eyebrow, "Why are you asking me? I was on recon all day. Maybe you'd be better off asking the younger kids." He turned sly light gray eyes on Lloyd and Yuri. "You are such a pain..." "We didn't go, Miss Warden. And after learning about this invasion, I'm glad we didn't." Yuri shrugged as he answered Lethellan's question and received a slap across the back of his head from two hands. "Ow!" "Please, don't say that, Yuri! Miss Lethellan was only trying to ensure you get the proper education." "That's right. You should be a little more thankful." Estelle and Judith huffed. Erza set her hands on her hips, "I won't put Anri in danger by attending a school with zero protection against invaders. We should've stayed in Ferelden." Lethellan flinched visibly, "I'm sorry..." Emil's green eyes widened, "Please...don't blame Miss Lethellan. It's not her fault she had to leave." "No...please, Emil, it's fine. I left against my King's wishes. For all he knows...I'm dead." Cullen opened his mouth and Raido and Hayate slapped their hands over his mouth. "It's better we stay out of this one." "Don't say anything that could potentially upset her. We're already walking on thin ice here." Fenris shifted in his seat, "I was told you're a Templar and a Reaver..." Everyone froze. "A little strange that you would receive training in hunting mages and blood magic." "Is there something wrong with that?" she said coldly. "Wrong? If you must know, yes. I've never met a blood mage that wanted to hunt its own kind." "I'm not a mage, Fenris... I learned how to dispel magic from Alistair during our travels. And when I retrieved the Ashes I made a deal with that foolish Cult of Andraste." Fenris gave her a skeptical look and she continued, "I killed them after making them believe I poured that filthy blood into the Ashes. I made no deal with any demon. You can rest assured, Fenris, I stick to the teachings of my clan." The entire room relaxed, letting out relieved breaths as Fenris nodded.
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