RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Tokyo Streets:


    Nero slid his red eyes to the left to land on the elderly gorilla. His eyes followed the path of the rock and a huff of a laugh escaped his lips. "Hey...don't you think we should issue an evacuation? But...I'm okay with allowing a mass slaughter. It's not like I'm clearing it." Utau landed beside the gorilla, "What is this? Of course we should help, Nero! C'mon, old geezer, we gotta go." Utau reached out to the gorilla and Nero rolled his eyes, turning his head towards the hovering Kratos and Gaara. "You two go on...apparently we're staying here... Someone has to make sure little Utau doesn't get kidnapped." Gaara opened his mouth to object when Kratos' hand wrapped around the back of Gaara's shirt, "Time to get going, kid. C'mon." Flapping his glowing blue wings, Kratos pulled Gaara through the sky towards Tokyo Tower.

    Observing as they flew, Gaara's black rimmed eyes widened as he noticed a figure flying through the if he'd been punched. "W-wait! There...Kratos, there's someone there!" Following Gaara's gaze, Kratos flew towards where the young man was pointing. Landing a few feet away from the pink fellow, Kratos cautiously drew his sword. "What are you doing?" "You're not one to be acting foolish, Gaara. I'm just being cautious." Gaara frowned and Kratos stepped closer, "Sir...? I'm going to have to ask you to come with us. You're in danger here."

    Chouu Skyscraper 34th Floor: Senju Kiri Company Meeting:


    Among the yelling and heated gesturing, Chojuro frowned as he stared out the window. "Wh...what is that? Um...L-Lady Mizukage...Lord Mizukage...I think we have a problem." Shifting their gazes from the glaring Hashirama and Tobirama, Yagura and Mei caught sight of the ships stealing women. "What are those?" Yagura balled up his fists on the table, "That aside...Mr. Senju! You cannot stand here and tell me everything I've done until now have been fruitless!" Izuna listened as he watched the ships out the window with Mei and Chojuro. "I'm sorry to disillusion you, Yagura, but your efforts to place an active and armed guard within the school have been dismissed. You are putting weight on something that has not affected that part of the city for years." Yagura growled at Hashirama's words, "You would not ignore the threat right before your eyes, Mr. Senju. You must understand my need for caution. I have been following these men for years! You will not take this from me, Hashirama!" Tobirama stood alongside his brother, "Calm yourself, Lord Mizukage. We're not here to take anything from you. My brother and I understand you've followed the actions of the Yakuza for these many years since the arrival of your company. But the things you speak of doing are...insane." Hashirama set a hand on his silver haired brother, "Yagura...the answer is no. I will not allow you to continue on this path. It's destroying you." Yagura grit his teeth, "The only thing destroying me is your inability to see the bigger picture here. Mei..Izuna, we're leaving. I'm done with this meeting." Turning on his heel, Yagura was met with Izuna's calm Sharingan eyes, "What are you doing? You're in my way, Izuna." Mei waved for Chojuro to come to her side as they stood and froze at the sight of Izuna's Sharingan. "Izuna?" "I am sorry, Lord Mizukage, Lady Mizukage, Chojuro....Mr. Senju, Tobirama and Lady Uzumaki...but I cannot allow any of you to leave." "Izuna, what's wrong?" "Those ships...are abducting women and I cannot allow Lady Mizukage or Lady Uzumaki to be taken. We will stay here until they pass. I have also received a text about suspicious men awaiting you, Lord Mizukage, in the lobby. I suspect them to be Yakuza or their hired men. It's my job...well, make sure of your safety, Yagura." Yagura pursed his lips, obviously not happy, but turned a look towards Hashirama that clearly said "I told you so".
  2. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Xion and Vanellope were wondering through the halls, discussing the situation happening. "You think everything's going to be okay?" Vanellope asked. "I hope so," Xion replied, "But why would aliens want to kidnap women?" Vanellope simply shrugged, then asked, "Are your parents in Tokyo" "No," Xion answered, "They live in the suburbs close from here, away from the city. So hopefully my mom is safe. But what about you?" "Oh it's just me and my dad," Vanellope replied. "Oh," Xion commented, realizing that Vanellope was raised by a single parent. "So, you want a soda? It's all on me," Xion said, trying to change the subject. "Aww, thanks Xion!" Vanellope said. Xion smiled, and the two friends began to walk to the nearest vending machine, but Vanitas stood right in front of them...


    "Why hello Xion. I see you've made a new friend," Vanitas commented. "You know this guy?" Vanellope asked Xion. "Of course she does. We're dating," Vanitas said, answering Vanellope's question. "Oh, well that's nice!" Vanellope commented. Xion was still hasn't said a word, afraid Vanitas was going to do something bad. "Yeah," Vanitas replied, "By the way, nice medal you got there." Vanitas noticed the medal Vanellope was wearing, and walked closer to her to examine it. "Thanks!" Vanellope replied, "I won it at the 'Heroes of Racing' tournament." "You don't say," Vanitas commented, "Well, then I suppose you don't mind if I have a look at it." Vanitas then snatched the medal away from Vanellope's neck, and held it up high where Vanellope can't reach it. "Hey, give that back!" Vanellope yelled as she tried to jump and unsuccessfully try catching her medal. "Well, if you're a true hero as this medal says you are, then you should have no trouble catching it," Vanitas said while laughing. "GIVE. IT. BACK!!" Vanellope yelled once more. "Vanitas please, just give it back to her," Xion said. "Sorry dear, but she's going to have to try harder if she wants to get it back," Vanitas replied. "Please, give it back to me. I tried so hard to win it," Vanellope pleaded while on the verge of tears. "Well pipsqueak, you're just going to have to try even harder," Vanitas said before kicking Vanellope into the ground. Xion was shocked by what she just saw. Seeing her new friend on the ground crying with Vanitas laughing, her temper rose so high. She was fed up with Vanitas. And without warning, Vanitas was slapped hard on his cheek by Xion, and dropped the medal to the ground. Vanitas just looked at Xion, shocked by what just happened. "It's over between us, Vanitas," Xion said, essentially breaking up with him. Vanitas's anger then rose, and said, "So that's the way you wanna play it, huh?" Clenching his fist, Vanitas was about to punch Xion before a hand came out of nowhere and stopped Vanitas from punching Xion...


    Thor prevented Vanitas from punching Xion, then pushed him back, causing him to fall to the ground. "If you wish to cause a problem, then I suggest you leave before it gets uglier," Thor said, threatening Vanitas. Vanitas, infuriated, got up, and said to Xion with a cold voice, "This isn't over..." Vanitas then turned around and walked away from the scene. Xion went and grabbed the medal from the ground, and went to Vanellope to give her the medal. As Xion handed Vanellope her medal back, Vanellope smiled and said, "Thanks." Vanellope then hugged Xion, who then hugged her back. "Are you two alright?" Thor asked the two girls. "Yeah. Thanks Thor," Xion said. "Don't mention it," Thor replied, "If you want, the two of you can join me along with my friend and brother." Vanellope and Xion looked at each other, and nodded in agreement. "Sure. We'd love that," Xion said as she and Vanellope followed Thor.



    Al Mualim and Harold Saxon were having a telephone conversation, discussing what's happening so far. "So she decided to go ahead with Project Torchwood?" Al Mualim asked. "Yes, they're getting it ready even as we speak," Harold Saxon said, "By the way, she also ordered me to declare that schools in the country will be cancelled until Friday due to the events that are happening." "Very well," Al Mualim said, "Just send a fax to Leeron and myself. We'll make the announcement in an hour or so. Which reminds me, Leeron is sending out some students with Mechas to fight these Abductors." "Let me guess, the Neo-Deava? I wouldn't pay too much attention to them. They're nothing but a vigilante group started by a bunch of hippies," Harold said. "I concur," Al Mualim commented, "And let's hope Project Torchwood fails just as we planned." Harold Saxon simply smiled and nodded. Both men then hung up.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -City Street-

    "Are you going soft on us, Discord?" Kazari asked Discord after watching him save John Smith's mother. "Surely, you don't want me to tell on our leader that you saved someone? And after all I went through to go and save you from that JIA prison. But I guess this isn't a complete loss. I found something that our dear leader will be glad to know." He smiled as he recalled what he found in the school.



    "Kisaragi, you never gave me a answer before all this happened. Do you still have all the Switches Zordon gave us?" Kengo said, sitting on the couch. He coughed a little and gripped his chest, keeping quiet for a moment then sighed. Pulling out the small computer, Kengo wondered if that Ami girl had accidentally picked up one of Gentaro's Switches and wanted to confirm just in case.



    Finishing the last book, Philip looked up and smiled, "Shotaro, hello there. I bet you didn't know about this genre, science fiction. It's fascinating, the concept of aliens and flying saucers is so interesting. I wonder, how will Mione-chan be to get to the agency if these aliens are specifically capturing the females. I should look up the cause for that." "Uh, should we stop him before he start, Shotaro?" Hermione asked Shotaro, but hid her blush from him calling her Mione-chan.



    "Ron, I have a favor to ask you. Can you cut this stone into this ring?" Haruto asked, finally managing to ask Ron. Ron looked at him a little confused, but smiled and said, "Sure, I haven't been in the shop for a while. But I could try to cut that stone for you. But you'll have to tell me for it when I'm finished." "I will. But it's a secret that I want you, Harry, and Hermione to keep." Haruto said, Ron nodded and carefully took the two items.
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets: Enter Metal Sonic 3.0!~​
    A figure proceeded to gently land behind Discord and Kazari with his metallic arms crossed, this figure was mostly black with bits of yellow trim around his body, he also had a large yellow mark on his head and glowing red eyes. the robot stared at the two before he said "You two! I've took a look around the seems that according to my projections those ships are heading in the direction of the school, in addition to that some of the School's student body and staff has been spotted about in the streets dealing with the evacuations" shortly before boosting past them and further down the street.​
    ~Tokyo Streets: Metal Collision!~​
    The S-Type collided with a nearby lamp-post and slumped down to the floor as it snarled to itself "Damn it! That pink idiot's strong..I will admit that. But no matter" shortly before it slunk through the road vanishing quickly from the scene.​
    Meanwhile Buu stared at the two people closely while shoving Ice Cream into his mouth before he quickly said "Okay!" while not noticing the pink light that was speeding towards them rather quickly, just as the light was about to collide with Kratos however something metallic and blue rushed in front of him and kicked back the light sending 3.0 skidding backwards before he regained his balance and stared at the group before him while his systems started to scan them.

    3.0's eyes took one enraged look at Metal Sonic before he immediatly rushed forward and tackled his original copy into the ground before the two started beating each other up with their fists and feet, However 3.0 started to gain the upper hand as he kicked Metal Sonic into the nearest car making a sizeable dent in it as he said aloud "Well, if it isn't my loathesome original, seems like your Creator has managed to restrain your idiotic!" shortly before Metal Sonic proceeded to slam 3.0's head onto the the pavement.​
    Garrus who had been watching the robotic hedgehog battle proceeded to pull out his sniper rifile and looked through the scope seemingly unsure on whose head he was supposed to be targeting.​
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    "Go? I'm not going anywhere with you wierdos! For all we might know you could be those alien freaks in disguise trying to make me take you to our women, well I'm afraid old Cranky Kong here is too genre-savvy to fall for your tricks young lady!" Cranky explained as he added "Kids these days with their fancy HD graphics and brown and green anime pictures, In my time all we had was limited animation, black and white, and only a few colors per sprite at best!"
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Tokyo Streets:


    Staring, dumbfounded, Gaara shook his head slowly as he watched the two Metal Sonic's fight. "What's...going on? Kratos...shouldn't we help out?" Kratos leaned back against a lamp post, "Sure...if you can figure out which one we're supposed to help. If they're not fighting's none of our business." Still, Gaara frowned at the fight. He wanted to help... Shutting his eyes, Gaara inhaled and exhaled slowly, recalling Naruto's face in the darkness of his mind and tried to imagine what his friend would do. "We don't have time to be fighting with each other," he said finally and a thick stream of sand shot out from the swirling haze around him, bumping and wrapping around the two Metal Sonic's and holding their limbs securely to their bodies and holding them up off the ground. "Please...if you two still want to fight after we evacuate the city...then you may do so." Kratos suppressed a smile. The boy certainly was his mother's son. Despite Karura being deceased since Gaara was born, he took after her more than he did his own father. "Very well said, Gaara. What about this one," he jerked his chin towards Buu and Gaara folded his arms over his chest, "We'll let that one up there take him out of the city." Following Gaara's turquoise gaze up to a rooftop to land on Garrus, Kratos allowed a small smile to cross his lips, "Very observant. I'm impressed Gaara, honest." Gaara unfolded his arms and lifted one hand out towards Garrus, creating a thin stream of sand to slither through the air and hover over Garrus' head, twisting and writhing over itself before gently curling around his body and lifting him into the air to bring him down to the street. "You're pretty talented with that sand." "Not really...the sand moves on its own depending on the nature of my will... It's just second nature now." Taking the young man's words into consideration, Kratos tucked the information away. 'Second nature, huh?' Setting Garrus down, Gaara tapped a finger on Garrus' sniper rifle, "If you would take our pink friend here to the Shinjuku district. There's a white building there called Kazekage Bank & Accounting. My father and Pakura will take care of you two."


    Utau stared with wide eyes at Cranky Kong, "Are...Are you serious right now?! We SOOOO do not have time for a senile old monkey! Nero, just grab him and we'll get outta here." Without even needing Utau to say so, Nero tapped his foot and darkness bubbled underneath Cranky Kong, black tendrils of darkness stretching up and wrapping around the gorilla. "As much as I would love for you to disappear...I think Utau-chan would be rather upset if I devoured you. If you still want to see an alien...I could arrange that." Nero's red eyes glowed as Cranky Kong was slowly pulled down into the darkness.

    Chouu Building Lobby:


    Lounging on a plush red couch in the middle of the lobby, the blond haired, casino owning, Nobody shuffled his deck of cards for the twentieth time. "Just to make myself absolutely clear... I don't approve of this job of yours." he slowly drawled to the black deadlock haired man leaning against the empty front desk. "And I never asked for your opinion...for the twenty-first time." Listening to the slap of cards and the occasional fwip of a card being drawn out from the deck filled the empty silence of the lobby. "Shouldn't there be someone here? No one mans the front desk...the main entrance...nothing." A shrug came from the blond on the couch. "Maybe they're all out getting coffee....but hey, I never approved of this job from the second you mentioned that guy's name." It couldn't be helped...nobody in Tokyo trusted the name Izaya Orihara. "Xaldin...tell me again what he told you to do." The sound of the laugh in the blond's voice sent irritable tremors down Xaldin's spine. "I'm to stay here and meet with one Yagura Mizukage. He said he'd call with more instructions before I met this man." Xaldin didn't like the sound of the instructions from the beginning...but Orihara was paying handsomely just for him to do these simple things. "It's not normal...I know that. should've stayed home." Luxord chuckled, "Stay home and miss out on the fun? No thanks. Plus..look out those fancy glass doors for once and you'll see a nice dozen or so suspicious ships. Now...if I stayed home without my trusty bodyguard...I might just be murdered in my sleep by freaky green guys. Now I'm not a betting man," Xaldin snorted, to which Luxord ignored promptly, "But I'm willing to bet that there's going to be a large commotion involving those ships and they'll probably break my house." Xaldin groaned and dinged the little silver bell on the desk three times, still searching for some nice young lady to come and answer some of his questions when his phone started to ring. Flicking open the thin, black flip phone and holding it to his ear, he heard that familiar voice echo through the receiver. "Hello~ I'm very pleased with your progress.'s not needed any longer as this invasion of scary aliens is doing your job for you. Your payment will be transferred to your account immediately. Bye-bye~!" Xaldin couldn't get in a single word edgewise and was left listening to the dial tone as his employer hung up. "So..?" "We're done here. Let's go, Luxord."
  6. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    Cranky screamed as he fell through the darkness before blacking out, meanwhile back inside Devil May Dine Peppy and Shepard were looking through the window and watched as Cranky was forced in shortly before he spotted Utau and Nero and commented immediatly "That's odd, what's one of the security guards doing outside of the campus with a student in tow?" shortly before he got up out of the booth and went out the door, he then shouted "Hey you two! you better get inside this building, you're not safe out here!" in concern for Nero and Utau's safety.​
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    Metal Sonic just floated there and didn't try to escape from the sand, however 3.0 was jerking about trying to free himself as he swore uncoherently before he snarled "For two members of Nintendo High's Staff and a single student I'm surprised that you would go this low just to capture a member of the Crystal Order! When I get out of this I will be sure to kill both of you in an instant!" causing Garrus to simply reply "Well that answers the question on which one's the bad guy. C'mon...let's get you down to the Shinjuku District" before he started to walk down the street with Buu following the Turian as he lead.​
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Gentarou took a moment to think, he didn't think he forgot any Switches, especially since they only had up to the 9th Switch for use, Zordon did say they'll be more as the Cosmic Energy that encompasses of a special kind gathers in the Switches overtime, the next one was the Elec Switch but for some reason, that Switch was not working properly, anytime eh sued it, only his right arm was partially covered when Zordon said it's meant to incur a States form for Fourze to power up, there was still another 30 more Switches to collect in numeric order.

    "I don't think so kengo, maybe you can check what we have?" he asked him.


    Shotaro placed a hand on phillip's shoulder. "Oi oi aibou, hold off on the alien research, right now, we need to search the Gaia Library for reasons as to why females are only abducted." He said to him.


    After Yu managed to espeace the food figth with Latias and Rhyme, he was surpried by seeing such a creature but didn't voice it, he was just a transfer student, so eh didn't know what was in Nitendo High. "So, Rhyme-san and Latias-san is it?" he asked politely, boy was Nanako going to be surprsied at today.

    -Food Fight-

    Tsukasa evaded another flying serving of food barely and he wondered how he should stop this insane thing? Become Decade and stop the battle? Nah, that sounded too troublesome and would blow his cover and he noted a frying pan somehow flying hsi way and he caught it by the handle rather expertly and he did the only thing he could, he slammed it down, actually breaking the table surprsingly and the fight paused thankfully.

    "You are wasting such good food that this school provided for you to eat and be healthy, would you rather this waste of food come out of your fees or your parents have to pay for it?" he said, letting the words linger in the air. "If the cooks are stiil going to work after this, you better be thankful, if not, there'll be cookery lessons to add onto your schedule." he said dryly, sighing and raised the rather dented frying pan, which didn't break luckily.

    "And we have juniors attending this school, what example are we, the seniors to do such a thing where a frying pan is literally thrown in the fray? if that hit someone with little to-no reflexes, imagine what could happen." he finished as there was some non registering females somewhere squealign at his words and tone with everyone, the Tsukasa Kadoya Fanclub, he swore they were expanding anytime he glanced.
  8. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Xion and Vanellope followed Thor to a table with two other students...


    They were Luna, Thor's close friend, and Loki, Thor's brother. "Luna, Loki, you two wouldn't mind if they joined us?" "Oh not at all Thor," Luna replied. "Of course you can join us Xion," Loki said, "But, who's your friend?" "The name's Vanellope von Schweetz. I'm a freshman, so everything here still feels new to me," Vanellope replied. "Worry not Vanellope, we've all gone through that phase before. You'll get used to it," Luna replied, "Anyway, I see you've already met Thor. My name is Luna, and this here is Loki, Thor's brother." "Pleased to meet you," Loki added. "Thanks guys," Xion said as she and Vanelope sat on the table with Thor, Luna, and Loki. "Hey Luna, you don't happen to be related to MP Celestia? Are you?" Vanellope asked. "As a matter of fact, she happens to be my older sister Vanellope," Luna answered. "Oh my gosh, that is so awesome!" Vanellope replied with excitement, "Usually, I'm not a big fan of politicians. But your sister is one of the few I actually think are doing a great job!" "Why thank you Vanellope," Luna replied, "I'll be sure to let her know how you feel. I'll be majoring in political science once I graduate, so I hope to join her in parliament one day." "Well you've got my vote!" Vanellope said. "Me too," Xion added. "Loki and I will also do our best to support you Luna," Thor commented. Smiling, Luna simply said, "Thanks."



    Before Discord could reply, Metal Sonic 3.0 interrupted them and went after his original copy. "You know what Kaz, I think I've seen too much for a day. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to report to Rassilon," Discord said as he teleported away from the scene and arrived to the Crystal Order headquarters, which was in an unknown location. Discord walked through a hallway, and entered a room. There, Rassilon was sitting on his desk, with a bunch of screens behind him, showing footage from security cameras all around the world.


    "Discord, you've returned," the Crystal Order's No. 3 in command commented, "It looks like Kazari has succeeded with this mission." Bowing to him, Discord said, "Master Rassilon. I may be weak from the treatment I received, but I am ready for whatever assignment you give me." "Yes, but before we get to that, there is something else I wish to discuss with you," Rassilon replied. He pressed a button on his desk, and then, the largest screen behind him was showing footage of Discord saving Sarah Jane Smith from being abducted not too long ago. "What in blazes were you thinking?!" Rassilon demanded. "So what if I helped her?" Discord asked. "This alien invasion is not in our interest. You are to focus only on the duties we give you, nothing else," Rassilon replied. "But she was in trouble! Wasn't the Crystal Order formed in order to help the citizens of this world?!" Discord shouted. "We were formed so that the citizens of this world never make rash mistakes again!" Rassilon shouted back, "Just look at the invasion happening right now. I am most certain it is because of the U.N.'s actions with planetary nations in recent years. This is a consequence of their actions. However, we, the Crystal Order, are to do the best we can overthrow the governments of this world, establish order, and to fix the mistakes the citizens of this world have been making for far too long. Do I make myself clear Discord?" Sighing, Discord simply nodded. "Good. Now, let's move on to your next assignment. There's a powerful race in Central Africa called 'changelings.' They are ruled by their queen Chrysalis. They have very little contact to anyone outside of their tribe. However, if they join our cause, they may provide a much needed support for our operations in Africa. In return, their queen will have a high rank among us once we establish a new world order. I need you to go there and try to persuade them to join us," Rassilon said. "Alright, I'm on my way," Discord said, sounding a bit unenthusiastic. "Discord. Don't forget your place. Remember the oath you took," Rassilon warned Discord. Discord took a look at the mark on his right paw, remembering the day he joined the group. A few seconds later, he left the room, ready to go to Africa.


    Al Mualim was in his office when he noticed he was receiving a fax. It was from his stepson Harold Saxon. It was an official government statement by the Ministry of Interior stating that due to security reasons involving the abductors, schools all around the country will be cancelled until Friday. The same form was also faxed to Leeron's office.


    Harriet Jones was still monitoring the situation on a screen along with her secretary Michael Scott and the interior minister Harold Saxon. General Shining Armor entered her office with a headset and speaker on his head. "Is it ready?" Harriet Jones asked. "Yes sir!" Shining Armor replied. "Good," the prime minister said, "Send the troops." Shining Armor nodded and spoke towards his microphone, "You're clear for Operation Abductors. Project Torchwood is go." "Copy that sir!" a voice replied in Shining Armor's headset. "Harriet, it's not too late. Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?" Harold Saxon asked, pretending to be worried. "Oh yes," Harriet replied, "Those abductors will learn to never mess with the Japanese."

    Meanwhile, in downtown Tokyo...


    Phil Coulson sped his car right towards Devil May Dine, and stopped close to Peppy. "Peppy, get in. I need to talk to you," Phil Coulson said. But before Peppy could reply, a helicopter flew above them. Inside was a soldier, pointing what appeared to be a rocket launcher towards one of the Abductor ships. The soldier fired, and out from the launcher came what appeared to be a black cube. It hit the Abductor ship, and sent electric pulses throughout it. "Confirmed hit," said a voice in Shining Armor's headset. The general nodded, indicating to the prime minister that an Abductor ship has been hit. "Excellent. Now see if we can send the women aboard that ship back to where they originally were," Harriet Jones ordered. Shining Armor nodded, and spoke trough the microphone, "Access the ship's CPU and send every hostage aboard it back to where they were." "Affirmative," said a voice in Shining Armor's headset. The response came from another team, situated in a military base. Their job was to hack into the Abductor ship after getting hit by the black cube. However, as they were hacking into the ship, they noticed something was wrong. The ship's self-destruct was initiated. Despite their best effort, the ship exploded, killing all the women inside. Watching the explosion from below, Phil noticed it was going to land on Devil May Dine, close to where Shepherd and Peppy were. "Watch out!" Phil Coulson yelled as he grabbed Shepherd and Peppy, and dragged them as far away from the diner as possible. The fiery ship crashed into the diner, sending debris everywhere. Every NPC inside the diner was dead. Harriet Jones and everyone in her office just stood their motionless, not saying a word out of shock from what they saw on the screen. While Harold Saxon pretended to be shocked, inside he couldn't have been happier. Harriet Jones will now be known as the one responsible for the deaths of civilians from what just happened. "Target down... casualty number... unknown..." said a voice in Shining Armor's headset. The general, however, was too shocked to even reply. During the silence, Michael Scott's phone rang. "T-this is Michael Scott... secretary of prime minister Harriet Jones... what can I do for you?" Michael answered, with his voice showing the effects of witnessing what just happened. The caller was a JIA official, wanting to let Harriet Jones know that Discord escaped from his prison cell. "I see, thanks..." Michael said before hanging up. "Who was that?" Harriet Jones asked. "Oh, umm... just Margaret wishing you a happy birthday even though she missed it last month," Michael Scott replied, trying to avoid letting the prime minister know of more bad news. After a moment of silence, Harriet Jones said, "I need you all to leave me alone. Now." Doing as she said, Michael, Harold, and Shining Armor all left her room. Looking at thin air as though he were being interviewed with a camera, Michael Scott began to speak, "What was I supposed to say? I mean, she just witnessed the death of many civilians, which was arguably all her fault, and now I'm told a very dangerous member of the Crystal Order is on the loose after having captured him. Not to mention she's a woman. And everyone knows women can't take that much bad news in one day. By the way, I think I did a good deed. She was really upset with Margaret after not wishing her a happy birthday last month. I think I finally mended their relationship. That should count for something." "Who are you talking to?" Shining Armor asked when he noticed Michael Scott talking to thin air. "No one..." Michael replied. Shining Armor simply shook his head and left.



    When John Smith took his mother to the hospital, he was questioned by the police about the one who saved Sarah Jane. After describing him, the English teacher was taken to the local police headquarters to be questioned. Waiting in the interrogation room, a man entered to start questioning him...


    "Alright let's try to finish this quick," the man, who turned out to be Dan, said, "John Smith. Age 25. English teacher at Nintendo High School. Am I correct?""Y-yes..." John Smith replied, "But, am I in trouble?" "Oh no, not at all Mr. Smith," Dan replied, "Just a few questions and then you're free." "Alright. I'm ready," John Smith said. "Good," Dan commented, "Now then... you said that a certain figure rescued your mother from one of those Abductor ships. Is that correct?" "Yes," John Smith answered. "Can you describe this figure?" Dan asked. "Ooh, let's see," John Smith said, "He was certainly a strange fellow. He didn't give me his name. But I remember exactly how he looked. He had a horse-like head. He had both a deer antler and a goat horn. A fang sticking out of his mouth. Eyes with different sized pupils. A semi-long beard. His right arm resembled that of a lion, while his left claw resembled that of an eagle. His right leg resembled a lizard's and his left that of a goat. Hmm, oh, and he also has a snake tail, and a pair of wings. One looks as though it's from a bat, while the other looks as though it's from a pegasus pony." Dan was nodding the whole time during John Smith's description, then grabbed a folder he brought, opened it, and placed it on the table. Inside the folder was a photo of Discord. "That's him," John Smith commented after seeing the photo. "This guy is a terrorist Mr. Smith. His name is Discord. He's a member of the Crystal Order who was captured by us a few weeks ago. I actually interrogated him a while ago. This morning however, it appears he was able to escape," Dan explained. "What?!" a shocked John Smith yelled, "But.. he helped... how can this be?!" "I understand this is hard to comprehend, as I understand you've fought the Crystal Order once before, and you have a second heart to prove it," Dan said, referring to that fateful day in Osaka seven years ago when John Smith was shot in the chest by Charles Lee, a Crystal Order member, forcing him to undergo a heart transplant. John Smith was still silent, not knowing how to make sense of what happened. If Discord was a Crystal Order member, why would he do something like save his mother. "Listen, if you want, we can give you a ride back to the hospital to check up on your mother," Dan offered. John Smith simply nodded and said, "Thank you."
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Crystal Order Headquarters-

    Kazari changed into his Greeed form and used his speed to head for the headquarter. After waiting for Discord to meet with Rassilon, Kazari entered the room when he left and knelt to the ground, bowing his head as well. "Master Rassilon, I have made a discovery that may be important. The prisoner that Sokichi Narumi and his young ward, Shotaro Hidari, came for a year, Raito Sonozaki, I have found him. He is now under the name Philip and is working as the librarian at the Nintendo High School." He kept quiet as he recalled the three mysterious female Kamen Riders who fought him, allowing Shotaro and Philip to escape.



    "Right. Starting look-up." Philip said, closing his eyes and entering the Gaia Library. Hermione looked confused at Philip and jumped when he suddenly spoke, "Now what are the keywords?" "Oh! Um.... Aliens...." Hermione said, confused still. In the Gaia Library, Philip watched as the bookshelves rearranged themselves and disappeared, he said, "That's not enough. Shotaro, can you provide the last two keywords?" 'How is he doing that?!' Hermione whispered to Shotaro.



    Kengo took out the Switches and laid on them on the table. Navi flew onto the table and asked, "Which one is missing, Kengo?" "The very first Switch, the Rocket Switch*, Kisaragi must have dropped it when he took me to the Nurse's office. I blame myself for that." Kengo said, sitting at the table and sighing. Navi noticed the computer and tried to pick it, but she barely managed to hold it and tossed it to Gentaro. "Sorry about that, Gentaro!"



    "Oh, are you new here, senpai? Well, Latias here is one of the Pokemon students with her brother, Latios, due to their ability to change into a human form." Rhyme said, smiling as Latias demosated her ability by changing from her Pokemon form to her human form. Settling on her Pokemon form, Latias smiled at Yu. Rhyme smiled as well before looking out the window in worry.

    *OOC: In the link, the small box with the the tab on it is the Switch Kengo is talking about.
  10. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008

    Students and Staff alike had gathered in the basement to see what Leeron had to talk about, but were too caught up in conversation with one another to hear Leeron trying to get their attention.
    Suddenly, however, a loud clap echoed across the room, ceasing everyone's talking.
    "I still wonder how he claps so loud..." Yusei thought.
    Leeron and Zen explained that what they were about to see was not to be spoken of outside of that room. Many wondered what they were talking about...That is, until the wall behind them began to slowly slide to the side.
    Finally, the wall had moved completely into the wall next to it, revealing a very large room filled with robots of different shapes and sizes. To add to that surprise, especially for Yusei, Zen's attire seemed to have changed while everyone was focused on the room.
    "This is Zen Fudo, head of Neo-Deava Headquarters, the place that you see before you. Neo-Deava is an organization built to be prepared to fight off large-scale threats to the planet and its people, without becoming involved in direct conflict with any one group."

    "Neo-Deava, huh? Eh, I won't need any o' those things. I can fight those invaders just fine on my own!" Sonic said, feeling confident.
    "Is that so, Sonic?" Replied Dr. Eggman from behind the hedgehog.
    Sonic's ears twitched upon hearing that voice.
    He turned to face the doctor.
    "Eggman? What're you doing down here?"
    "I'm here for the same reason you are, Sonic; To save the city."
    A look of slight disbelief grew on Sonic's face.
    "...'Scuse me? I thought you wanted to take over the city or something cliche like that?"
    "Think for a second, you rodent: How can I take over the city and build the Eggman Empire if there are no people to rule over!?"
    "Whatever, Egg-head. Not like it's gonna happen anyway." Sonic said as he turned away from Eggman and walked towards the exit to head outside.
    Eggman growled before entering the Neo-Deava Headquarters, where one of his own creations, the Egg Emperor, was waiting to be piloted.
    "It's been a long time, my sweet creation." Eggman said, rubbing his hands together fiendishly.
    Somehow managing to get up to the cockpit, Eggman entered his mecha and took off through an exit ramp in the room.

    In the back of the room stood Dante, a young man who had the blood of a Demon and Angel running through his veins.
    The thought of fighting off giant robots sounded good to him. It would be a nice change from the creatures he had been fighting for who knows how long at this point.
    A cocky grin grew on his face before he turned towards the exit, ready to head out and face the forces threatening the city.
    "Demons, I can deal with them...But as soon as a bunch of aliens start takin' away the babes, I get pissed."

    A few of those in the room weren't surprised by this reveal, as they were already a part of this organization.
    Three of them, Zessica Wong, Malloy Direzza and Sazanka Bianca.
    Zessica stepped into the newly-revealed Neo-Deava headquarters alongside Sazanka Bianca, where they approached a set of three jet-like ships.
    Zessica looked at them, a small smile growing on her face, before turning to her co-pilot.
    "Okay, you ready to do this, Sazanka?" She asked as she turned, to only to find that Sazanka was not there.
    She looked around.
    When Zessica finally located Sazanka, she was found drooling over the men in the room, obviously thinking some quite naughty things about them.
    "Of course..." Zessica groaned before walking over to Sazanka, pushing her back towards the three jets.
    Finally, Sazanka snapped out of her yaoi-induced trance and looked at Zessica, somewhat annoyed.
    "Why'd you do that? I was just getting to the good parts..." She whined.
    "Because we have a job to do. Now let's hurry up and get into our Vectors, we need to go now." Zessica ordered before climbing into the cockpit of one of the 'Vectors', hers called Vector X.
    Right after, Sazanka entered Vector Z, leaving Vector Y for Mix.
    "Ready to go!" She said enthusiastically, trying to hide that she was also taking quick looks back at the boys in the room.
    Three ramps (different from the one Eggman took) leading to an exit tunnel emerged in front of the Vectors, allowing them to take off when ready.
    Zessica took off first, as she was the head pilot.
    "Vector X launching!" She stated before her Vector took off, emerging outside of the school.
    "Vector Y launching!" Mix stated, taking off just after Zessica.
    "Vector Z launching!" Sazanka stated, taking off last. (OOC: I'll continue with these pilots, minus Mix, in the next section.)
    Meanwhile, Malloy Direzza walked up to what appeared to be three Vectors that were identical to the ones that Zessica, Mix and Sazanka had just taken off in.
    "Okay, time to get this show on the road." He said to himself before entering his own Vector Z, waiting for his two co-pilots to arrive.

    Up at the front, a man who went by the name of Hayato Jin was speaking with Superintendent Leeron.
    "I'm sure it'll be a pleasure working with you, Superintendent. I'd be out there myself, too...But I've retired from piloting. However, I can work as the Operator on this mission."
    "Sitting back as usual, eh, Hayato?"
    "Oh, give him a break, Musashi. Sitting back and watching is his natural habitat."
    The two joking voices belonged to two of Hayato's old comrades; Musashi Tomoe and Benkei Kurama.
    "Musashi, Benkei! What are you two doing here?"
    "We're here to help, too."
    "But...I thought you both had retired?"
    "Back at you, pal."
    "...But if you're not piloting, then what will you do?"
    "I'm gonna help evac the citizens."
    "What about you, Benkei?"
    "I've got a new weapon that I'm gonna test. I think it'll be pretty effective against these enemies."
    Hayato raised an eyebrow at this. A new weapon? What could it be?
    Just then, something occurred to him.
    "Have either of you seen Ryoma around here?"
    "Can't say that I have."
    "He's probably off somewhere doing his own thing...He's never been one to go the organized route when it comes to these things..."
    Hayato sighed.
    "Ryoma...We could really use you right now."

    Meanwhile, in a less crowded part of the basement, Lordgenome was speaking with his son, Lordgenome Tepellin II, about something that seemed important.
    "Son...I've been waiting for years for the right moment to do this...And I believe now is the right time." Lordgenome told his son before reaching into his pocket.
    He pulled what looked like a small drill from his pocket. It glowed with a faint green aura.
    "This is my Core Drill. It was what allowed me to pilot my Gunman, Lazengann, back in my military days. But today...I pass it along to you. From this day forward I am no longer the pilot of Lazengann. That honor now belongs to you, my son." Lordgenome said before placing the Core Drill in Genome's hands.
    "Keep this safe. It's the only thing that can make Lazengann work. And don't worry...Lazengann will tell you how to pilot, just as it did for me."
    Looking down at his son one last time, Lordgenome cracked a slight smile.
    "You know...I knew this day was coming...The day that I could pass down the right of every Tepellin man, just as my father passed it down to me, and his father to him. But nothing could have prepared me for how proud I am that you are my son, Genome."

    Finally, Yusei had approached his father, who had hidden the existence of Neo-Deava from him for years.
    He looked at what was revealed, before looking at his father's new apparel.
    "Okay...Dad, two questions: One, why did you hide all of this from me, and two: What's with that getup?"

    -Tokyo; Aquaria F is formed-​
    Zessica, Mix and Sazanka were circling Tokyo, looking for their target, the Mithra Gnis, which they located relatively quickly.​
    "Target spotted. Mix, Sazanka, let's merge and take it out!"
    "Got it!"
    The three Vectors flew close to each other in a triangle formation before bright electricity began to pull them together.
    The Vectors started to change shape as they grew closer, eventually merging together into a rifle-wielding humanoid form known as Aquaria F.
    While all of this was happening, the pilots' senses began to intensify somewhat, giving a feeling of pleasure between the three of them as Aquaria F formed.
    As Aquaria F's main pilot, Zessica landed the mecha in the city center, where the Mithra Gnis was headed.
    Zessica spotted the Mithra Gnis heading right for them and aimed the mecha's rifle at it.
    Without warning, she opened fire on the enemy, intending to take it out quickly.

    -School Halls; A Hot-Blooded Meeting-​
    Kamina and Simon strolled the halls of Nintendo High. Nia had been taken to stay with one known as Viral, and Kaito and Luka had gone off to do their own thing, leaving Kamina and Simon alone.​
    "Do you think everyone will be okay, Bro? I can hear a lot of noises from outside..."
    "Eh, they'll be fine. I saw a bunch of guys go downstairs, so they've pretty much got an army now."
    "If you say so..."
    The duo continued to walk the quiet halls, until they noticed a man coming around the corner just ahead of them.
    He looked very enigmatic. He wore a scarf that covered his mouth, leaving only his eyes visible.
    Just looking at him, Kamina could tell there was something different about this guy.
    Kamina slowly approached the man, an unusually serious look on his face.
    The man did the same, his eyes locked on Kamina's.
    Finally, the two were face to face.
    They stared silently at each other for a few moments before Kamina finally spoke up.
    "...What's with the mask, pal? You got a zit or somethin'?" Kamina asked, completely breaking the tension.
    Simon facepalmed.
    The man laughed quietly before finally removing the mask from his face.
    "There. Better?"

    "Name's Kamina."
    "Wanna go outside and yell at the invaders?"
    "I thought you'd never ask."
    Kamina smirked before looking back at Simon.
    "Simon, buddy, sit tight. I'll be back in a bit." Kamina said before walking to the school's front entrance, Ryoma following him.
    "I-I...You...He...I give up..."
    Minutes later, Kamina and Ryoma stood in front of the school, the Abductors in sight.
    "YEAH, HOW IS HE-wait, what?"
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets: OH CRAP!~​
    Peppy stood there speechless as he stared at what was once the Devil May Dine resturant as he bowed his head in respect as he said sadly "Those poor people...may those men, women and children rest in peace" shortly before Shepard got back onto her feet and gently started to pat Peppy on the back as she calmly said "Hey, we didn't know that would happen at all, so it's not your fault we couldn't save them.". Peppy's head rose up as he said "I appriciate the condolences Shepard..." before he turned his head to Phil and explained "Phil this is Commander Jane Shepard, Shepard this is the school's Biology Teacher Phil Coulson"​
    "It's nice to meet you Mr. Coulson" Shepard said as she gently started to shake his hand while Peppy explained "Originally I had came down here to meet with Shepard to discuss the recent resurgance of S-Types, however we saw these things flying up there and had decided to stay inside the place in order to keep ourselves safe from these things...that was until THAT just happened a moment ago" only for Shepard to look at the wreckage and added "Either the japanese government has lost their minds or there's something deeper going on within the system"
    "It doesn't really matter right now, Phil since you're here I might as well let you in on what's going on, plus you deserve an explanation after you saved my life...which by the way is the second time that I owed someone for saving my life" Peppy explained before Shepard looked at him and said jokingly "Again, it wasn't much of a problem Peppy, those lessons were payment enough for saving your life seven years ago" and Peppy to add in "Yes, but that knowledge turned out useful in case the S-Types returned"​
  12. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012

    Jack glared as the ship crashed at Devil May Dine, and started walking towards the wreckage. Eventually, he spotted the three people nearby and approached them. "Just when I start taking a break from my job, this happens. What's going on, anyway?"

    -Crystal Order HQ-


    As Discord left the room, another figure entered, wearing blue armor and a black and red cape. His face could hardly be seen under his helmet, so only the mouth was visible. "What are my orders, Master Rassolin?"
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    Shotaro thought for a moment. "Females and... S-Types." he said to Phillip and looked to Hermione. "Phillip si connected the Gaia Library, a source of all the Earth's infomation, menaing he could look up anything that the Earth experienced in it's lifetime, he needs keywords to narrow down the results of what we need." he whispered to her, so he didn't interupt Phillip's search. "Any results, aibou?" he asked his partner.


    Gentarou managed to dive for the computer and catch it, luckily, not breaking it. "it's alright Kengo, we'll get it back when someone realizes it's Fourze's when he fights, though..." he trailed off, thinkign about when he saw this computer. "Oh! This is that blue haired girl's computer, Mercury or something!" he said, comign to a conclusion.


    Yu nodded at Rhyme's question. "Yeah, I onyl transfered here due to my parent's constant work so I'm living with my uncle and his daughter, Nanako." he said to her and listened to Rhyme's explatnation. "A pokemon huh, I heard only people with cabale training can handle these creatures, which is a rare thing in the world..." he thought before lookign out the window, he hoped Nanako was alright at her school.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Tokyo Streets:


    Being oblivious to any form of danger, Nero looked up to where Peppy had yelled down to them and shrugged, "What in Wiess' name was that? You'd think he enjoyed ordering me around..." Shrugging, Utau struggled to muster the energy to fly. It wasn't working so well. "Ugh...I might be grounded for a while. Nero-san...go on without me." Spreading mechanical wings, Nero wrapped an arm around her waist. "That's obviously not a choice. I protect the school...and the students within. Do not make me repeat myself again." Flying her up to Tokyo Tower, the pair bore witness to Devil May Dine's destruction and Utau changed back to her normal clothes with Il falling to rest on in her hands. "Il..."


    Hearing one of Gaara's captures mention the Crystal Order, Kratos glared at him, "Shut up, if you're a member of the Crystal Order and you so proudly announce have a death wish. Plus, Gaara isn't a staff member of the school...he's just a kid. You're what...sixteen?" Gaara frowned, "Seventeen." "Right...I knew that. Gaara, you can release the one not spouting death threats." Rather uncomfortable, Gaara set down Metal Sonic and retracted the sand from around him, using it only to reinforce his hold on 3.0 and squeezed tighter making the metal creature's body creak and groan from the pressure, "What is the Crystal Order?"
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007


    Philip watched as the bookshelves rearranged themselves and disappeared until one book appeared in front of him. Grabbing it, Philip began to read it, he said, "Apparently, the S-Types have nothing to do with this. The abduction is something that is plot-related that I cannot reveal." When she heard that Philip is connected to the Gaia Library, Hermione sighed, "I wonder what I have gotten myself into." When Philip came out of the Gaia Library, he took Shotaro to a different part of the library, he said, "Excuse us, Mione-chan."



    "Ami Mizuno, that is Sailor Mercury's civilian identity. Apparently, her and several other girls make up the Sailor Senshi, each one named after a certain planet, and they're looking for this 'Princess Serenity'." Kengo explained to Gentaro, Navi asked, "Whoa, that is something. Think they would agree to team up with us?" "It's hard to say, they're probably busy finding this Princess."


    -City Street-

    "So, how exactly are we supposed to destroy these things without killing the innocent chicks inside?" Dante asked, Tommy thought for that, but gasped when he watched Thomas go one of the ships, he shouted, "Thomas, stop!" "Maybe if one of us can create a opening in one of the ships, Kimberly and I can take the ladies to safety." Ahim said, Luka smiled, "Ahim, you're a genius!"



    Ron stretched as he walked down the hallway, looking at the stone and ring that Haruto gave him. "That Haruto is one strange character," he said to himself. Since he wasn't paying attention, he bumped into someone.

    OOC: Who Ron bumped into can be done by anyone.
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Shinjuku District: Kazekage Bank and Accounting~​
    After a somewhat unspecified amount of time Garrus and Majin Buu arrived at the Shinjuku District, it was then that Garrus started to look around for the white building in question before spotting what appeared to be a large circular building with a large engraving of japanese kanji that basicly translated to "Wind" on it. "I'm simply going to guess that's where you need to go" Garrus explained before he lead Majin Buu into the lobby of the building and said "I was told by someone that their father and a guy named Pakura that they would be taking care of this guy and myself here"
    ~Tokyo Streets: 3.0~​
    3.0 turned his head over to face Kratos and started to laugh maniacly as said "Hehehehehe, The Crystal Order will chnage the way the world thinks with our actions, they will learn about who the proper rulers are to guide them down the proper and right paths!" shortly before Metal Sonic gently floated over to 3.0 and punched him hard in the face causing 3.0's head to spin around like a top while Metal Sonic quietly landed on the ground, Metal Sonic then pointed towards the nearest law enforcement building before pointing at 3.0 again and beeped to Gaara and Kratos​
    ~Top Floor of Gray Gravel Co.: The Mysterious Gray Mann!~​
    Meanwhile at the top floor of Gray Gravel Co. stood a rather old man in a fancy gray suit with short silver hair, black eyes, and a strange gray and orange device lodged where his spine should have been, this was none other than the owner, founder, and CEO of Gray Gravel Co. Gray Mann. Gray quietly watched through a window at the invasion that had been going on outside before noticing the complete destruction of Devil May Dine, it was then that he quietly turned around and went out of his office before getting onto an elevator and pressed a button marked with a "B" causing the doors to shut and the elevator to start going down.​
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Shinjuku District: Kazekage Bank & Accounting~


    Seeing someone walk into his building via security camera, Yondaime chuckled, "Not the slightest bit wealthy and they waltz in here like their presence is worth something to me. Pakura...take care of them." Nodding, the young woman who stood with an aura of murderous intent left the room and lept off the second floor to land in front of the pair in the lobby. Kazekage Bank & Accounting's building from the outside was circular in shape, a sandy white, and several stories tall. Though the first story held no windows, it took nothing away from the charm of the building. The boldly engraved kanji for Wind placed near the roof spoke novels of Yondaime's history outside of Japan. In interior was much more classy than the exterior. Soft cream carpet covered the floor of the lobby and dark mahogany chairs, desks and couches filled the space. Directly across from the main doors stood the thick, silver elevator doors. The remaining floors of the building held several rooms used for storage for the possessions, money and stock that Yondaime's guests entrusted to him. Everything on his storage floor was securely locked up tight and backed up in another building on the other side of Japan and then again in a special security building in America.
    Pakura landed on the carpet with a soft thump and remained kneeling for a moment as she dialed down the murderous intent as she looked up at Garrius and Buu. "Something we can help you with? And...I'm Pakura. Scorch Style User Pakura of the Sand. You stand in Lord Yondaime Kazekage's building, I trust you know that much. I'll ask again...who are you and what is your business here?"

    Tokyo Streets:


    Staring at 3.0 as he rambled on, Kratos had the sudden vision of Mithos yammering on about something crazy again. "Things like this never end well... Next thing you know...children are involved and are spouting more sense than the adults." While Kratos continued to mumble to himself, Gaara turned to look where Metal Sonic was pointing, "You're right...we should let the police handle this guy. I'm sure the information he has could be useful to them. Uh...Kratos...Mr. Aurion? We're leaving now..." Sighing, Gaara set a hand on his professor's shoulder and guided him as they walked towards the nearest law enforcement building.
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kazekage Bank and Accounting~​
    "Look, I'm not trying to cause any trouble. I was simply told by Gaara to come down to this place to take shelter from the invasion outside, my name is Garrus Vakarian and this fellow with me...well I'm guessing his name is Buu considering the way he speaks" Garrus explained as Buu wondered about and started to look at everything in curiosity before sitting down on one of the couches. It was then that Garrus added "Unfortunately however I won't be able to stay, there's someone that I have to go get from outside...hopefully they haven't abducted her yet, so I brought Buu down here atleast"
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    3.0 continued to struggle and free himself shortly before he powered himself down as he was brought into the law enforcement building, a minute or two later passed and 3.0 was thrown into a jail-cell where his body clanged against the wall as the bars closed on him. Metal Sonic looked at Gaara and Kratos before he beeped in a rather thankful way shortly before he started to speed back down the street to help evacuate various NPCs to sturdy shelters including the Nintendo High building itself.​
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Kazekage Bank& Accounting:


    Pakura tensed at the mention of Gaara's name, "Gaara-sama?!'re going to disobey one of Gaara-sama's direct orders?! I--" "Let it go, Pakura." "Ah...Lord Fourth!" "My son's not in the habit of giving orders like that. If you must go...then go, leave Buu here with us. Pakura's more than capable of defending this building." Yondaime Kazekage, Gaara's father, leaned on the ledge from the second floor, gazing down at Pakura and his guests. He didn't seem all that particularly worried about his son or any of his children. "If you're planning on bringing this woman back with my guest. Just try not to bring any of these aliens back with you. I don't have time to waste on idle things like that." Pakura frowned at her Lord's ease at the idea of an invasion and again at he leaving Garrius. "Ah...if you're leaving...please, look out for Gaara-sama. If I'm not there for him...I fear he'll get himself hurt." Yondaime flashed a disapproving glare down at Pakura, 'He's not a child, Pakura... Why do you insist on treating him so?'
    Tokyo Streets:


    Gaara watched Metal Sonic speed away. He was happy he could help the little robot, but...part of him wished he could do more. "C'mon...let's head back to the school before something else happens. I'm not dealing with your father if something happens to you...or around you." The mention of his father made Gaara clench his teeth hard in frustration. "I can handle myself if something happens, Mr. Aurion." His comment earned him a curious glance, "I've no doubt about that... Ah...look, Gaara, I'm not saying you're an incompetent child, I just mean-" "Saying my father has anything to do with me is basically saying you still see me as a child." Kratos sighed, the boy had a point... "Why is it always such a hassle to deal with your family... It was easier when Karura was mean..." But the damage was done. Gaara lowered his gaze to the ground, "My mother...gave her life when I was I don't know anything about what she was like...or what father was like before she died. All I know is the here and now. So please don't bring it up again." Turning his back on Kratos, Gaara walked down the street back towards the school, leaving Kratos to stand there feeling regretful of his words. "Yes, I know it was insensitive of me, Anna...but what am I supposed to say? That, maybe, his father's less of a prick than he was before? That man's never cared about his children..." Sighing, Kratos looked up to the sky and for once in a rare while, smiled, "I'm not much better, huh, Anna..." It was then that an explosion from the military's base control building disturbed his thoughts of his deceased love. "What the...?"

    Japanese Military Control Base: Tokyo Faction: Thirty Minutes Earlier~


    Being forced into a corner, Madara Uchiha didn't respond well to the Gray Order's take over. "You're absolutely joking! I won't let you!" Blue and Tsume snarled, despite feeling more inclined to follow the Hero of Ferelden's orders. Roy slid on his gloves, "We don't need any trouble so just back off." Lethellan sighed, folding her arms under her chest and Kirin stepped forwards, glowering at Roy, "We're not afraid of your threats, Colonel Mustang. I suggest you not threaten Lady Lethellan again." Lifting a hand to keep Kirin and Fenris at bay, Lethellan spread her hands as she explained again, "I'm not joking. Our orders come directly from the First Warden in Weisshaupt Fortress." Madara glared at the brunette hero, "Never heard of it or your order." "Weisshaupt Fortress is located in the Anderfels, it's highly unlikely that you would've ever heard of it. Being heavily guarded and purposefully invisible to those who don't need to know...I'm not surprised you don't know anything." "Well your Order of non-existent people has no jurisdiction here." "Is that so...?" ", give our unwelcome guests a royal send off." "My pleasure." Lifting his gloved hand, Roy snapped his fingers and a spark exploded, sending Lethellan, Hawke and Fenris hurtling back into the hallway. Shielding Hawke from hitting the wall too hard, Fenris took the full brunt of his body smacking against the wall. Lethellan, being much more agile than either of the warriors, braced her foot back against the wall to absorb the shock and used her hand to stop herself from hitting her head against the wall. "Now you're dead!" Fenris' markings glowed the vibrant blue of lyrium as he and Hawke launched themselves at Roy, Madara and the the two wolves with their broadswords drawn. Tsume clashed against Fenris' blade with a small dagger of his own. Blue ducking under Hawke's swing and slashing against a weak point in her armor with her claws. It simply looked like she'd punched the warrior, but four perfect lines bloomed crimson on Hawke's skin, just like a wolf's claws had cut into her. Moving around and through the pair of warriors, Roy ducked under the drawn twin blades from Lethellan. 'She's fast!' Landing by the windows, Lethellan swept her hand out in front of her, a dull blue glow shone from her hand and Blue dashed in front of Madara, pushing him back as well as scraping her claws across Lethellan's armor, "Templar!" Lethellan glared at her, narrowing green eyes, "Wrong...Reaver." The glow turned into a blood red pulsating flare and Blue cowered, tucking her tail between her shaking legs. Tsume was knocked back, "Tch...hey!" Touching Blue's shoulder a wave of pure terror rushed through him and he froze. "Blue, Tsume!" Two branches of wood reached out, wrapping around the wolves' bodies and pulled them to Madara's side. Fenris and Hawke rushed to stand in front of Lethellan once the angry red glow had faded from the woman. "Now get out!" Snapping his fingers, Roy lit an explosion on a high enough caliber to knock the three sturdy warriors out the window and exploded the wall behind them, sending the three out into the street.
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Kazekage Bank & Accounting~​
    "Don't worry, I'm sure my friend would have killed the aliens before she got here, anyways I'm going now" Garrus explained before he left through the front door leaving Buu in the chair still eating on the bucket of Ice Cream.​
    ~Shinjuku District~​
    Garrus came running out of the Kazekage Bank and Accounting building before he quickly scanned the area and ran back down the street, it was then that the turian heard an explosion from quite a distance away as he ran down the sidewalk and took a right turn around the nearest corner...​
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    ...before he made it back to the main streets of Tokyo and stopped to eye down the path that was before him and noticed the burning wreckage of a building, some debris, a car, a walking hare, and a woman in armor with red hair. Garrus knew instantly who that woman was as he ran down the street yelling "Hey Shepard! You alright?" shortly before he caught up to Peppy, Shepard, and Phil and looked at Shepard.​
    Shepard looked at Garrus and immediatly gave him a slap on the back as she replied happily "Garrus! Glad to see that you weren't abducted" only for Garrus to reply calmly "Listen, we have much bigger problems, those ships up there are abducting organic females" and Shepard to add in "Well that rules out the ships belonging to the Collectors then" only for Garrus to continue "Anyways Shepard, you're in danger if you stay out here"
    Shepard just stood there seemingly unflinched before Garrus asked "Are you not afraid of concerned" only for Shepard to respond "Well I am concerned for everyone else, but I am not afraid of those ships". Peppy then asked "Shepard, who is your friend here?" while he looked at Garrus closely before Shepard explained "Yes, Garrus these two here are Peppy Hare and Phil Coulson, you two this is Garrus Vakarian" shortly before Garrus and Peppy shook hands as Garrus said calmly "The Commander's told me about what happened Peppy, it's an honor to meet you"
    "Likewise Mr. Vakarian" Peppy replied as he gave a small smile.​
    ~Gray Gravel Co.~​
    After a few minutes the elevator dinged as it stopped at the basement level before the doors opened up to a large gray-tiled room with various lab equipment, walls lined with various robots in shapes, colors, and sizes, and finally a row of large blue seemingly harmless tanks that were facing a hangar door. Gray walked out of the elevator and towards a large computer terminal that was nearby before he started to type in various things causing a GPS overview of Tokyo to come up, this was followed by more keyboard typing before the Hangar doors opened up and the tanks started to roll through.​
    Outside near the back end of the facility a door opened up as the tanks started to slowly crawl up towards the surface and directly onto the pavement.​
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