RE: Mario's High School Days

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    ~~Professor Oak's Pokémon Class~~


    "A Chicorita, you say?" was Oak's reply as Lynk selected her choice. "Not a bad choice. It evolves early compared to most starters, so you're sure to have a strong partner right from the start."
    He pulled out a small clipboard and made a note of the choice that had been made, before looking back to Lynk.
    "If you want to give a nickname to your Pokémon, now would be the time to do so. Though, thinking about it, I should probably warn you that the Fire type starters were very popular today. If you get into any battles with your fellow students, you will have to take care."

    ~~ Superintendant's Office~~


    Elsewhere, the Superintendant of the school, Leeron, was speaking on the phone to some unknown person, who apparently had some news that the woman(?) did not like, as her(?) face was contorted very worriedly.
    "And you're absolutely sure it's them? They haven't been seen for almost two years." she(?) said to the person on the other side.
    "... I see. Then we'll do what we can for those they've take, but we might just have to-- ...Alright, see what you can do your end, and I'll handle mine."
    With that, the call ended, and Leeron moved herself(?) over to a microphone that was connected to the entire school via intercom, pressed a square, red button on the seat of it, and began to announce her(?) news to the entire school.

    "Attention Nintendo High. This is your beautiful queen, Superintendant Leeron issuing a school-wide warning and announcement.

    As I speak, our fair city, Tokyo, is being invaded by people we know only as Abductors. We do not know what they want, and we don't know where they come from, but wherever they appear, they are known to abduct females for an unknown reason. As such, I would like to ask all the teachers and senior students for assistance in keeping all female students within the walls of the school until the situation has passed.

    For those that have family or friends that may be at risk outside, please inform us after the crisis is over and we will ensure to find if they were safe."

    Leeron took another deep breath, before going on. This was it. She(?) had to reveal to the school something that she(?) had sworn to keep secret. Hopefully he would understand why she(?) had to afterwards.

    "I would like the following students to report to the basement level for immediate deployment: Cayenne Suzushiro, Andy W. Hol, Malloy Direzza, Zessica Wong, MIX, Sazanka Bianca.

    In addition, we request the presence of any students or teachers capable of piloting robots, or male students that have abilities that may otherwise be able to assist.

    Lastly... I personally request Janitor Zen Fudo and his son, Yusei Fudo, to the Command Room on the basement level. That is everything for now. Thank you, Nintendo High, and stay safe."
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Undisclosed JIA Location-

    "I have my ways, being to able to change form has its perks." Kazari said, before sending two cyclones to break Discord's chains. "Now lets hurry before security notices something is wrong." He helped Discord onto his feet and helped him get of the cell, using his Greeed power to create a distraction for him and Discord to escape without much help.


    -Music Room-

    "Yen Sid, hello there. It's been a while, hasn't it? I came for a visit, if that's alright." Sakura said, smiling at her old mentor. Hearing Leeron and her(?) announcement, Sakura sighed and smiled, "Looks like I'm going to be staying for awhile. Tell me everything that has been going since I left, please, Yen Sid."



    Rhyme smiled when her brother came to protect her from a pie, she told him, "I guess I was so worried about you, Beat." "Beat, Rainbow Dash, and I got this, Rhyme. You go join Applejack and Fluttershy. Just go with Yu and Latias, we'll be fine." Ron said, after catching a muffin that headed Rhyme's way. Latias was tugging at Rhyme's sleeve, but Rhyme still looked a bit concerned for her brother and her friends, Rainbow Dash flew at their side and looked ready for the fight.

    Thomas, Tommy, and Billy looked at each other, the only Rangers who had Zords that could fly up to where the ships were Thomas and Kimberly, but Kimberly would likely get captured because she was female and none of the male were sure how much damage the Dragonzord would do on its own without help from the other Zords. Dante wanted to try help his new Ranger powers but his Zord, the Tyrannosaurus, was land based and couldn't do much either, Thomas sighed, "What a pain."

    Belle, Aqua, Kyo, Yuki, and Fang were watching from the sidelines, while Belle, Yuki, and Aqua were thinking how stupid and ridiculous the food fight was, Kyo was thinking how he could join in, Fang sighed and smiled at Sirius and Hinako trying to stop the food fight.


    "It's not like we would do much anyway. We would probably get captured by those ships." Rei said, sighing. Makoto nodded and said, "You're probably right, Rei." "Yeah, I hope Hotaru is alright." Haruka said, Michiru smiled and leaned against Haruka, she said, "I'm sure she's fine. Haruka. She's a brave and strong girl." Ami smiled at everyone and looked at the Switch she held in her hand
  3. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    "Now hold on just a minute, Mario and Luigi didn't do anything and were thrown about by can't blame them for starting all of this nonsense" Kirby explained before he looked over to notice Yoshi's slumped over body snoring beside him and added "Bowser threw Mario into Luigi because Mario was trying to talk to Peach, Bowser was acting like he owned Peach and threatened to kill Mario if he spooke to her...Mario ignored that and spoke to her before Bowser threw both Mario and Luigi into some students, Yoshi threw a pie at Bowser but it hit Dedede before Dedede threw a bowl of Jello thus starting the food fight. So blame Bowser and Dedede..not Mario and Luigi"
    It was then that the annoucement had been made and Mario jumped back onto his feet yelling aloud in panic "Abductors taking about females! This is outrageous! We have to protect them at all costs". Luigi started to slowly stand up as he said "Mario, I don't even know how you manage to get a second wind when we were thrown into a wall" only for Mario to face Luigi and corrected him "You were thrown into a wall, I was flung into a boy whgich logicly would be softer then the wall"
    "Mario...forget it, we need to focus on the situation at hand and try to make sure that nobody female gets out and abducted into the sky" Luigi pointed out as he explained to his brother before Kirby suggested "We could place all of them in a shelter of some sorts within the building...that is if that thing doesn't kill us!" as he pointed at the Two-Tailed Beast. "Oh yeah...why didn't I notice that there?" Mario asked as he scratched his head only for Luigi to explain quickly "Remember, you were thrown into a student"
    Bowser looked like he was hesitant before he admited "For once Luigi makes a point, for now we need to set aside our differences together for the benefit of the school" and struggled to get his hand out. Mario took one look at the Koopa before be hesitantly took his hand into his and said "Agreed, we need to protect the school" before Kirby grabbed Yoshi's head and slapped him silly saying "Wake up President Yoshi!"
  4. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    Shuhei glowered at young Kirby, "Nobody asked for excuses! Abductors...? Tch...Shisui..." "Already on it..." Shisui exhaled and released the Two-Tails from his Sharingan and watched the young woman transform back and collapse on the ground. "Sorry about that, Miss Nii. As for you two, Mario and Luigi, please don't fuss. It is our job, as TA's, to maintain the safety of everyone within the school. Leave protecting the young ladies to us and your seniors." Shisui spoke calmly as he picked up Yugito. Alphonse helped up Haruhi with a smile, "I'm really sorry about all this, Mr. Fujioka." "Get your hands off of my LITTLE GIRL!" Tamaki leapt into the air to pounce on Al when Shikamaru's shadow released the rest of the student body and slid into his shadow causing the excessive Host Club King to fall to the ground paralyzed. "You need to cool off, Tamaki-sempai. Seriously..." Yahiko grinned at Nagato, "No problem! We'll keep Konan safe and all the rest of the girls!" "You really shouldn't make promises like that, Yahiko..." Neji started to nervously look around, his Byakugan activating, "Hinata-sama...where's Hinata-sama..." "Don't worry...I'm sure she's safe, Neji-kun." Martel's smile was like a ray of sunshine as she turned and knelt beside Yoshi and Kirby, "Time to wake up, Yoshi-kun." She hovered her hand over him before slipping off the ring that had been placed on his finger.

    Moments later, a few of the teachers flooded into the lunchroom, each wearing an expression that clearly said they meant to protect their students. The teachers took up a semi-circular position around the mass of students, Jushiro taking the initiative, "There's no need to panic, please. The students he's requested and any of those who can help, please follow her(?) instructions. Please, students, remain inside the school and we'll do everything in our power to keep you safe. We ask only that no one be a hero," with those words he looked right at Bowser and Mario with an expression of complete seriousness.
  5. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011


    Lynk saw that Luke was all alone. Ignoring the rambling made by everyone else, she went in and sat down next to him with Chikarita on her shoulder. "Hello Sir Luke."
    Luke looked over with iritation. Why was someone talking to him in such a formal matter. "What do you want."
    "I noticed you all alone and thought you could use a friend."
    'Friends? I don't need friends. I am to be king, why should someone like me have friends." He said with anger. He had never been good with people nor they to him. He had given up hope on finding a friend.
    "I don't think you mean that at all. Maybe you would like to dual sometime? Sword to sword?"
    "You are offering to challenge me in a fight? You will lose."
    "I don't think thats a problem. We may understand each other better through clashing." She put her hand out to shake on it. Luke grinned and shook it.


    -Outside where the shuttles are-

    Vegeta seceded the blast he had about to unleash. "Fine Kakarot."
    Trunks sighed in relief to this.


    -Algebra II-

    Sho looked in anger at Goten. "FOIL. They are here from punishment boy. I cannot just let them go. However the third period should have started now so I am no longer have the power to hold them. They are free to go now."
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Once Al Mualim heard Leeron's announcement, he suddenly forgot all about the food fight. He rushed towards his office, and locked the door. He then picked up his phone, and called his stepson...


    The Interior Minister, Harold Saxon, was in his office, watching the events unfold from a television screen. His cell phone rang, and he answered, "Hello?" "Do you see what's happening?" Al Mualim asked. "Yes, I'm watching it right now. Not surprised though, considering the way the U.N.'s been treating all the foreign planets as of late. One of them was bound to start an attack at some point. But, I'm certainly pissed it had to be Japan. More headaches for me," Harold Saxon said. After a moment of silence between the two, Al Mualim replied, "Perhaps this may not be a terrible thing. It could be your chance to humiliate Harriet Jones, and eliminate any chances of Cosmos winning the election in November." "How so?" Saxon asked. "Do you remember telling me of Project Torchwood?" Al Mualim asked his stepson. "But that hasn't even been tes- Oh... I see. I'll be sure to think of something," Harold replied. "Excellent Harold," Al Mualim commented, "Soon, Harriet Jones will be the most scorned woman in Japan. All her accomplishments will be forgotten. And her endorsement of Cosmos alone will surely lead to your victory." Smiling, both men hung up.



    Once Kazari and Discord got out undetected, Discord grabbed Kazari. "Alright Kaz. Let's get away from this cesspool," Discord said as he teleported both Kazari and himself to Tokyo, where the two Crystal Order members noticed the Abductors. "What in the world?!" Discord yelled.



    "Of course, Sakura," Yen Sid replied. However, he was more worried about the events taking place in Tokyo.



    Once Sora and Roxas heard the announcement, Roxas said, "Well Vanitas, it was great seeing you today, but we gotta get outta here." "Yeah, me too," Sora added. The two brothers then rushed, trying to get as far away from Vanitas as possible. "Hmph, cowards," Vanitas commented. He turned around and saw Xion and her new friend, Vanellope running towards halls as well. Vanitas wondered who that other girl Xion was with. But he'll worry about that later.



    After hearing the announcement, John Smith was worried about his mother, as she told him she'd be going to downtown Tokyo for shopping this afternoon. He picked up his cellphone, and dialed her phone number, saying, "Please pick up, PLEASE!" Eraqus, Axel, and Moody all looked at each other, not sure how to comfort their friend.



    "Oh God, I knew making contact with other planets was a bad idea!" Carlton yelled, "I mean, the way we were taking their natural resources... Now they're gonna kill us all!" "Hey, Piers Morgan. How about you shut up and stop crying, and go down the basement," Will Smith said to his cousin.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Lunch Room~

    Marvelous had to wonde about something. "Shouldn't thid Zordon have something we could use to launch into space?" He wondered to himself as Gentarou knew he could reach the Earth's atmiospehere in space but never go into deep space as Kengo said it was too risky to even attempt.

    ~Unknown Point in Time/Space-

    A train whistle was heard as a bullet train was riding on black trackes that were beign formed as it went along, the area...was really a junction point to different time tracks, this was DenLiner, a train that travels through time as within a carriage, the Taros were around a coffee table as there was a strange waitress, a unimportant but minor character that would never be used much as she served Mochas to the Taros.

    The door opened and in came a man with a cane, this was Owner as the passengers refered to him, he is charge of the DenLiner as well as ensuring time remains on it's proper course, he wasn't a Time Lord for that matter either, there are many who govern and follow the laws of Time. "It has come to my attention through Momotaros-kun that the Earth is in danger, no?" he asked rheotarically, he knew the Earth had many defenders, Den-O being one of many since it was he to given Rotaro the belt and Pass, There was Zordon who the Owner was a friend of, sadly, he couldn't partake in games such as eat curry witha flag in it to leave it standing by so little for one, Zordon knew time was a dangerous thing to mess with.

    "So what are you suggesting!? we seat backa dn do nothing, I want to take those idiots down!" Momotaros said and the Owner gave him a stare, "If DenLiner was forunate enough to travel in space, we would of done so, however, we can't stop this event from occuring, it's a fixed point in time itself and that must be followed, no matter what occurs, only after a certain situation occurs, will we be able to change the course to a better one, after all..." He said with his hands on the cane, staring out the train.

    "Kamen Riders aren't the only defenders of justice..." he said with a rather small grin.
  8. SmashFan127 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 27, 2012
    -City Streets-​
    As the apparent biker with the mechanical right arm stepped out of the shop he was in, he looked at the sky, seeing several spaceships, yet he was not really fazed. Jack scoffed.​
    "It's like in a science fiction."
    The man walked towards the black hedgehog. "Hey. You mind telling me what's going on out here?"
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -City Street-

    Kazari just watched the space ships with no interest, he mainly wondered where they came from and why they were capturing females. He changed back into his human form, and stood casually next to Discord, not caring about what people would him being near such a monster like them. Watching from one of the rooftops, a man dressed in red simply stared at the ships. From another rooftop, The White Wizard also watched. They kept quiet and watched the invasion, not choosing to get involved.



    Tommy and Thomas took Billy and Dante to a alleyway while Kyo ran to join Tieria and Lockon. Dante asked, looking at them, "So, how do I change, exactly?"

    "Just follow our lead, Dante. Alright, it's morphin time! Tigerzord!" Tommy said, beginning the morph.




    After they changed, Dante examined himself in surprise, he wore the same outfit as Billy and Thomas, but his outfit was red and had the design of the Tyrannosaurus Rex on the helmet. Thomas looked at Tommy, he said, "Let me do this one. Zords, power up!" Then he brought out a dagger and played it as a flute. Dante watched in surprise as from out of nowhere, four giant mechas appeared. One was a large green mecha that looked more like a dinosaur, the second was a blue triceratops, the third was a red Tyrannosaurus Rex that could rival the green mecha, and lastly there was a white tiger.

    Tommy pulled a dagger with a tiger face on the handle, then each Ranger entered their respective mecha. Dante smiled and said, "Now this is what I call a ride! Yee-haw!"


    -Command Center-

    "Zordon, Alpha, there is something I wanted to give the Gokaigers. I think they'll need it for this battle." Navi said, and pressed some buttons, sending the Gokaigers, Kengo and Gentaro to a large red ship that was anchored a good distance from Tokyo. Kengo asked, "Navi, what is this place?" "Welcome to the Gokai Galleon! Oh, Kengo, Gentaro, I must have brought you by mistake. But anyway, when you're not at the school or the Command Center, you can be here. This is the Treanger Box, which contains all the Ranger Keys the Gokaigers are able to use." Navi said, sitting on the box on a small table that was placed next to a captain's chair. "Marvelous, Joe, Gai, Don, and Basco, go and help the Rangers. Use your mecha to help them."
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Discord monitored the situation and noticed the abductors taking women. "Why are they kidnapping women," Discord wondered aloud, "Is there an alien species that prides on females?"



    After getting no answer, John Smith hung up, and said, "I have to go." "John, are you crazy, you'll get hurt!" Axel yelled. "I have to know what happened to her!" John Smith responded. "Now John, Axel has a point. It would be suicide to go there right now," Moody commented. "I have to disagree with you two," Eraqus said, "I know Mr. Smith here can handle anything. All four of us could. Ever since Osaka. I'm surprised any of you would doubt the abilities of one of us." After pondering for a moment, Axel and Moody looked at each other, and nodded in agreement that perhaps, John Smith can indeed handle this. "Hope you find her," Axel said to John Smith. John then nodded and said, "Wish me luck." The English teacher then left, and ran towards the parking lot.


    Phil Coulson was getting into his car when he noticed John Smith running. "John, you okay?" Phil Coulson asked. "You heard the announcement?" John Smith asked. "Yeah," Phil replied. "My mother is in downtown Tokyo. I have to make sure she's okay," John Smith replied. "John, you know it's dangerous, right?" Phil commented. "At this point, I don't really care," John answered as he continued to run towards his car. "If you want, I can give you a ride. I know lots of shortcuts to the downtown area. More than anyone in the whole country," Phil Coulson said. John Smith turned around, and said, "You'd do that?" "Of course," Phil replied, "I have something I need to take care of as well. I'll drop you off in the city on my way." Smiling, John said, "Thank you so much Phil!" Both men then got inside Phil's car, and raced towards the city.



    "Excellent work Navi," Zordon commented after Navi equipped the Gokaigers with stuff, "However, you must let the Rangers, Riders, and Gokaigers that are fighting these aliens know that there are innocent females aboard the ships."



    "No. Just no," Carlton replied after Will suggested he go to the basement. He then wandered to wards the hallway. Will Smith, on the other hand, noticed that Iwasawa and Yui still had these forms he and Carlton gave them. He went, sat between them, put his arms around both of them, and started flirting, "Hey gurl. If those aliens try abducting y'all, I'll abduct you back, ya hear?"



    Beat went back to Joshua, who was sitting in a table. "Beat, where's Rhyme?" Joshua asked, ignoring the stain on Beat's clothes. "She's wit' her friends now," Beat replied, "No alien's gonna be abductin' her as long as I'm around."



    Harriet Jones was monitoring the situation on a screen, General Shining Armor entered her office again. "Madame Prime Minister, sir!" said the general while saluting the prime minister of Japan. "Status report?" Harriet Jones asked. "The mechas have begun mobilizing," Shining Armor reported. "The teenagers are back. Zordon's forces are doing well. Let's wish them luck," Harriet Jones commented. Someone then knocked on the door four times. "Come in," Harriet Jones said.


    The Interior Minister, Harold Saxon, entered the Prime Minister's office. "How's the situation?" Harold Saxon asked. "Terrible," Harriet Jones replied, "No reported casualties, but a huge amount of female citizens have been abducted. Luckily, Zordon's teenagers have finally mobilized with their mechas. Hopefully they'll be able to put an end to this alien invasion." "I see," Harold Saxon replied, "But what if they fail? What if G.U.N. fails? What if our own citizens' powers weren't good enough to fight back against it?" Sighing, Harriet Jones simply said, "We'll think of something else. Maybe we can get the U.N. to negotiate with whatever planetary nation is doing this." "But why wait for the U.N.?" Harold Saxon commented, "Why not show these invaders that Japan is a nation that will never tolerate an invasion of any kind? Give them hell I say!" "What do you suggest?" Harriet Jones asked. "Well, I was hoping that maybe we could finally use Project Torchwood, but that hasn't even been tested out yet," Harold replied, "Maybe we can send in the ARC troo-" "Project Torchwood... yes... that might just work,"Harriet Jones said, cutting off Saxon. "B-but, that hasn't even been tested out yet," Shining Armor said, showing some concern over using the top secret government weapon. "Oh nonsense General Armor. We're Japanese! Our designs are always flawless. We'll show these abductors not to mess with Japan. Get it ready,"an overconfident Harriet Jones replied. "Y-yes sir," Shining Armor said as he left the room. He had a feeling something bad was going to happen.
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Yoshi started to slowly wake up from his slumber mumbling "Huh? What happened? Did I miss out on any food?" before shaking his head to get woke up. "No Yoshi, some guy put a ring on you that made you fall asleep, luckily someone removed it" Luigi explained before Yoshi turned to face Martel and smiled as he said "Thank you miss, remind me to give you a free dinner meal courtesy of the Nintendo High Cooking Club." only to notice that Kirby was missing as he asked "Alright, who took the VP?" only for Mario to point out "Well he kinda just left the room while you were asleep"
    "Well now that the dino's awake I say let's go fight already!" Bowser explained boldly before Mario added "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that!" only for IF to stop both of them as she added in "Now wait a minute, why would you two go out of your way just to fight an alien invasion when you could easily do as you said and simply protect all of us girls right here?" causing Mario and Bowser to stop and think about it for a moment before Mario said aloud "Of course, we shall stay and protect the girls, the guys who can't fight, and Luigi!" causing Luigi to facepalm as he thought "Why did you single me out?"
    ~Teacher's Lounge~​
    As the annoucement went across the intercom throughout the school Ralph stopped eating one of his large cherries and stood up as he explained quickly "Yeah, I'm going to have to go now..." before quickly bursting through the door causing it to fall down onto the floor before it got trampled by the large man as he ran out the door and door the hall, Felix's eyes widened temporarily before he said awkwardly "Again, that door can be fixed, No Problems" as he stood up and walked over to the door before he started to repair it again.​
    After what seemingly took a few minutes [on account of not having any legs] Kirby had made it to the basement level of the school and said aloud "HAAAAAAAAAAI" while standing on his tiptoes and waved his hands about only for Dedede to come waltzing in and slammed his hammer upon Kirby's head making him into a flat pancake as he explained "Some people find that annoying you know" shortly before Kirby popped back into normal seconds later as Meta Knight showed up asking "If I may ask, I would advise that you do not flatten Kirby like a might lose your life for it"
    "Oh just shut up Meta Knight!" Dedede said aloud as Waddle Dee came into the room carrying his spear in tow. Kirby blinked before Ralph made it to the basement and walked over to a wall as he cracked his fists just waiting to go out and do battle with the invaders.​
  12. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla

    "Heh, speak for yourself. It'll end up being the other way with me protecting you bunch, so just drop the tough guy act already." Ririchiyo haughtily said before hanging her head as a sudden depression washed over her, 'I did it again...and on the first day of school...' Smiling fondly at her, Soushi pulled his charge closer to his body, "I will protect Ririchiyo-sama, please don't worry." With Mario and Bowser acting less like they were the ones in danger and more like they should be out protecting everyone, Jushiro sighed, exhausted, "Shuhei," he called and Shuhei Hisagi paused in his yelling at several annoying students to stand at perfect attention, "Captain Ukitake, Sir!" "Make sure Sui-Feng doesn't leave the building." Sui-Feng stared at her fellow Captain and quickly glowered at him, "You're joking! I can stand and fight against these things just as well as you can, Jushiro!" "I have no doubt about that,'s just...just this once I'd like to make sure no one gets hurt. Gin and I will take positions near the doors. You and Shuhei are the last line of defense within the cafeteria." As much as Jushiro wanted to keep Sui-Feng out of harms way...he was more concerned about the women within the city. How long had it been since he'd last seen Ichigo and his friends? "Gin...let's go." "Right behind you." Ikuto yawned, all the panic really wasn't his style. Raising a defiant fist into the air, Yahiko pulled Konan into his side, "I'll protect Konan with my life!" "You've already said that, Yahiko. Shouldn't you be a little more concerned about those outside?" "Well of course I'm concerned about them. But defending the school comes first." "There's no point defending the school if our homes are destroyed." Nagato's calm and efficient words ran circles around Yahiko's brain. He stuttered for a good long minute before Konan sealed a piece of paper over his mouth. "Just remain quiet, Yahiko. The others will handle outside."

    Thoroughly worried, Alphonse hovered beside a window, his gaze traveling the sky until a familiar voice cut through his thoughts, "AL!" "Brother? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out there, fighting?" "What? How could I leave my little brother behind?! Anyway...did you get this text? Man, Mustang must really be lazing on the job for this to happen." Taking a good long look at Ed's phone, Alphonse's frown only deepened, "It says the branch of the military stationed closest to the city can't respond...because they're...being rerouted? Brother, doesn't this mean the military isn't coming at all? Then who's preventing the aliens from coming to the school!?" Edward's grin faded and his eyes bugged out of his head, "'re right, Al! Ah, that stupid Colonel, what the hell is he thinking?!" "Please don't panic, brother. All the students are staring at you." Tamaki and Kyoya were having a similar argument, "But Kyoya...if your family's private military force can't make it... Then I'LL just have to protect my little Haruhi!" Rolling his eyes, Kyoya adjusted his glasses and snapped shut his cell phone, "Don't make such a big deal about it. Our school has more than capable enough teachers and senior students to defend the school should any of these invaders attack us directly. Though this is starting to sound like one of Tamaki's rather ridiculous fantasies...I wonder if I'm not still asleep?"
    Twin hands reached over and pinched Kyoya's cheeks, "Nope..." "You look rather awake, Senpai." "Thanks..." Though Kyoya was hardly grateful for the Hitachiin twins' aid in reassuring him this was reality. Haruhi, having the most difficult time comprehending alien invasion and all the odd words being thrown around by her other classmates, flopped down on a chair. 'Can you see this mom? These guys are nuts.' she thought to her deceased mother.

    Suprised, Martel smiled at Yoshi, "How kind of you." A crowd of students lifted their voices in agreement that they should also aid in the fight. Shisui, unfortunately, obeying Minato's orders to keep the rest of the student body within the school, blanched as they all glared at him for standing in the way. "I'm not paid enough for this..." "Sit down." Shisui didn't want to look behind him as he knew the commanding voice that resonated behind him. The students quieted down and grumbled as they went back to their seats and Kakuzu stepped around Shisui, "It's bad enough we're allowing students to go to the basement to help... This is going to cost us a lot of money." Shikamaru exhaled in relief, 'Is that all he cares about? The amount it's going to cost us for repairs to the city?' He didn't even want to think about all the possibilities for when it ended...who would be gone forever? Who would be severely hurt?

    Tokyo: Preliminary Battle

    Kratos shook his head, Utau was tired and Gaara was already sweating from moving civilians out of the path of the ships. He'd used a large amount of...what did he call it...chakra? on keeping the young children and families from being swept away. Holding up his sword to the sky, Kratos flitted quickly through the beginning of the spell and skipped to the end. "This'll end it... Indign--uh!" Sand wrapped around his sword, canceling the spell, "What are you doing, Gaara?!" "I should be asking you that question. You plan on killing all those innocent women inside that ship already? Can you control where your spell strikes? I won't risk their lives to stop a few ships." Gaara's righteous nature was starting to irritate Kratos, "Tch...then you have a plan?" "He doesn't...but our friends at the school do. If you won't let me just shoot it from the sky...why don't we fall back?" Nero drawled, he didn't like the idea...but it was something other than wasting energy. "L-let's do that. I'm exhausted and I can't maintain a Character Transformation for much longer." That was also something that irritated Nero...but it wasn't like he could put a bullet through her skull.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007


    Kyo was leaning against the wall of the basement when Lockon and Tieria entered the basement. "Not surprised that you're here, Kyo. I'm know you're a good fighter, but I doubt you're here to help defend your cousin." Lockon said, seeing the orange haired Sohma who was already standing in the basement to discuss the planning for the defeat of the alien invaders. Kyo just kept quiet and Lockon sat down, touching his eye patch.


    -City Street-

    "Hey there, guys! Need some help?!" A familiar voice shouted to the current male Rangers. Dante watched in surprise as three new Zords appeared, one was a pink pterodactyl, following it on the ground was a large black mammoth and a yellow saber-tooth tiger. "What the....." Dante said in surprise, Tommy answered his surprise and said, "Kimberly, Basco, Luka!!!! What are you doing here?!"

    "We thought the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers could do some help." Luka said, from the Saber-Tiger Zord. Basco chuckled from the Mastodon Zord and said, "So, Luka and I used the Zyruranger Ranger Keys to help you as we did in the past."



    "Who knows and who cares?" Kazari said, walking down the street and found himself at the high school. He looked toward one of the windows, one of the many windows in the library, and smiled. "Well, well, there's someone I never thought I'd see again." Kazari said, smiling as he watched Philip began to every science fiction book that the library had.
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Blanc sat in a seat with her arms around her legs as she said quietly "I hope those two will be alright out there?" only for IF to sit down beside her and calmly say "I'm sure they will be alright, here let me try to call them for you" before she pulled out a pink cell-phone and flipped it open as she proceded to call a particular number and handed it to Blanc. Blanc sat there for a few minutes before a voice picked up on the other end saying "Hello?". "Ram, this is Blanc..are you and Rom present and alright?" Blanc asked in worry before Ram replied boldly "Oh we're fine, Rom's a little shaken up cause of the sudden appearence of these freaks outside but she's right here by me, are you alright up there?" "Yes I am fine but we're in the cafeteria being watched over by various staff members, no big deal to worry about"
    "Oh it's no problem miss, we're proud to make meals for anyone in here during this time of crisis...however I'm going to need access to the kitchen in order to prepare my dishes, possibly along with some ingrediants as well" Yoshi explained before he quietly sat down and pulled out a green notebook as he began to write something down before he asked Martel "Since you get a free dinner I would like to know what you will be having so I can write it down for later"
    Mario, Luigi, and Bowser just sat there quietly with none of them saying a single word to each other or even moving a muscle as they watched students sit around, fall asleep, talk to one another, or something to pass the time away. However their train of thought was interrupted by someone yelling into a megaphone "Step up! Place your bets! We have a showstopper right here! Will the wierd aliens steal all of our women or will the burly men beat them back to their homeworld crying like babies!"
    Bowser opened his eyes and looked for the one causing the racket before spotting a fat kid with blue eyes, brown hair, big shiny teeth, a large pink nose, a wierd looking black moustache that resembled a W, and finally wore a yellow hat with the letter W on it in blue, beside him was a tall lanky boy with blue eyes, pointy ears and chin, a pink pointy nose, brown hair, a black moustache resembling a pair of Vs, and wore a purple hat with an upside-down letter L on it in yellow.

    "Now now, I bet you girls are wondering if your manly men will beat them, well if you think so and you're right then you'll win some yen from the pot!" the fat kid yelled through the megaphone before Bowser stood up and quietly walked over to the two boys. "Step up and place your bids now!" the fat kid yelled loudly before the lanky boy poked at him as he said "Uh, Wario..." "Not now! Can't you see I'm trying to run a business here Waluigi!" "Wario, it's kind of important!" "Not now..."

    "Excuse me, but I would like to place a bet" Bowser explained as he cracked his fists before Wario stammered in shock "Um..." "Will Wario and Waluigi break through a wall because of their offensive remarks towards women? Let's find out!" Bowser explained before throwing a single punch into Wario's face sending him flying into Waluigi followed by the two of them colliding with the wall as Bowser said sarcasticly "Oops, looks like I lost the bet, they didn't break the wall"
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    "Well, stay here. I just wanna check it out a bit," Discord said to Kazari as he teleported to the ground below. A few seconds later, he saw a Mercedes convertible with two men pass by him quickly...


    John Smith jumped out of the car into a sidewalk. "Thank you so much Phil! I really owe you one!" the English teacher said. "Don't mention it," Phil Coulson responded, "Hope you find her." Phil then left the scene, leaving John Smith trying to see if he can find his mother. Once he was close to Discord, John showed him a photo of a woman, and asked, "Excuse me, but have you seen this woman?" Discord shook his head and said, "Sorry. Never saw her." "I see, thanks anyway," John Smith replied. Just then, he heard a scream that was very familiar to him. John Smith turned around, looking up at the sky, and found his mother, Sarah Jane Smith, being teleported to one of the Abductor ships. "MOTHER!" John yelled. Discord, witnessing what just happened, realized just how important this woman was to this man. Realizing that being a Crystal Order member was to help the citizens of this world, he figured he might as well do something. He teleported up to Sarah Jane right before she was transported into the ship, catching her. Discord then teleported back to the ground near John Smith. Checking his mother's pulse, Discord said, "Her pulse is fine. Just take her to a hospital away from here." Discord then gave Sarah Jane to her son, carrying her, and said, "Thank you." Hearing those words, Discord simply smiled, and teleported away from the area, which left John Smith confused, but nevertheless, thankful, that his mother was safe with him. He yelled for a taxi that was in a rush, and he took his mother to a hospital close to the school.

    OOC: will post more later
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Empty Classroom-

    Away from the mess of lunchroom, the three girls of the Gullwings, Yuna, Rikku, and Paine, were thinking about their search so far, which had been fruitless for a while. "I know we'll find him, Yunie! We just have to keep faith!" Rikku said, smiling as she swung her legs from her desk, Yuna smiled and nodded, "I know, he has to be out there somewhere. And I'll find him someday." Paine just kept quiet and wondered if chaos and Beast had found any clues.



    Hermione took Shotaro to the library and stopped suddenly when she saw Philip half-way through all the science-fiction books. She was surprised to see how deeply he was reading the book than went onto the next book. She asked Shotaro, "Is he always like that?" Also watching, silently, was a small object, one that Shotaro and Philip had not seen since they had been chosen as Kamen Riders by Zordon over a year ago. It kept quiet and watched Philip.



    "Marvelous, I think we should help Luka, Basco, and the Rangers. They look like they need help." Ahim said, looking out one of the windows. Don nodded and said, "We can always ask him where he disappeared to, afterwards." "Just be careful." Navi said. Kengo thought for a moment and asked, "What Sentai team are you going to do?" Ahim smiled and held out a key that looked like a small white figure. Kengo nodded, "Kisaragi and I will stay here and guard the Galleon, then."
  17. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    ~~Basement Level - The Plan~~


    Down in the basement floor, where everyone was now gathered, Superintendant Leeron stood before all the students and teachers that had no idea of what they were down here for. Beside Leeron stood the figure of one of the janitors, which was particularly surprising, as nobody seemed to be able to place the man's identity. He had always just been an unnoticeable janitor of no importance, so his standing at the front of this crowd seemed radically out of place.

    "Everyone, if I may have your attention?" Leeron spoke above the noise, but to no avail. With the sound of conversation and rumour spreading across the floor, Leeron's relatively quiet voice was no match and was drowned out by the sound.
    Suddenly, a clap echoed through the room, striking it silent as people looked around to see where it had come from and why it was so loud. Looking, it was evident that the man beside Leeron had been the source, his palms still pressed against each other.
    With that, Leeron spoke again.
    "Now, many of you may wonder why we're down in this unused section of the school instead of outside helping already. We are about to tell you the answer to that, but before we do; we both must ask of you something very important."
    Suddenly, the man beside Leeron spoke, his voice travelling through the room clearly.
    "What is about to be shown to you is something that must not go beyond the walls of this school. Anyone who is not here will be informed of this place and its purpose tomorrow during assembly. If you feel you are unable to keep this secret, please leave."
    Nobody made a move, either too curious to leave or very genuine in their desires to help.
    "Very well." Leeron continued again. "Then we will begin."

    The dank wall behind Leeron began too slide open slowly, grinding behind the perpendicular wall and vanishing from sight, as a great room was revealing; possibly being the size of the rest of the school again. The walls were furnished with huge sheets of what appeared to be some kind of protective metal, and most impressive of all; the area was quite obviously the hangar of a fair few large pilotable machines of various types and sizes. And if one were looking at him, anyone there would also see that the janitor had just torn off his raggedy clothes, revealing a completely different attire.


    "This is Zen Fudo, head of Neo-Deava Headquarters, the place that you see before you. Neo-Deava is an organization built to be prepared to fight off large-scale threats to the planet and its people, without becoming involved in direct conflict with any one group."
    "What you all do today will not be a declaration of war, nor will it be something that will affect your daily living after today. What you will be doing is defending the populace, the world, and indeed yourselves, against these invaders. And when they leave, we will not pursue, as our job will be done this time."



    Amongst the chaos outside, a small river nearby suddenly had its water torn asunder, as a deep crimson mecha rose from it, approximately 45m tall, having apparently been hidden there for some time. Which was strange considering that it was only a small river, but that's fictionland logic for you.
    "Where are you!" its pilot roared, looking around from within the cockpit. "Where are you! SILVIE!!"
    Getting no response, the Mithra Gnis took to all-fours and charged across the city, heading towards the city center, damaging buildings and anything else in its way there.

    ~~Back in Neo-Deava~~

    "New target confirmed." Leeron said, as a new blip appeared on a nearby map. "Looks like these Abductors have more than just ships. And... it seems to have support coming in."
    "Support? What support?" Cayenne said, stepping forward to look.
    "Oh my. They appear to be... Gunmen from the ancient Beastmen war."
    "Very well." Zen Fudo said, his arms folded, a smirk on his face. "All units head out! Those of you capable of fighting the Gunmen, do so! Those unable, assist with the evacuation!"
    Leeron indicated towards the main hangar, where in addition to most of the cast's mecha, there were also several unclaimed machines for anyone who was currently separated from their own mecha to use if needed.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums


    SHotaro looked over Hermione's shoulder to see Phillip was once again, in 'research mode' as he termed it and spoke. "Yeah, whenever something interests him greatly, he'll look up infomation on it until he is satisfied with teh results, have to make sure he doesn't get too into it, once, he looked up doughnuts and got overweight..." he said, not wanting to remember that day.


    Gentarou nodded. "Yosha, no one will get anythign from the Galleon!" he said and Marvelous gave a small smirk. "Then I leave it in your hands Utahoshi, Kisaragi. Let's go all of you."He ordered to them as Joe gave a noda dn gai jumped around a bit, nodding.
  19. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Tokyo Streets~​
    Down in the middle of the paniced streets of Tokyo walked what appeared to be an elderly male gorillia wearing a maroon vest, a pair of glasses, and hand a long white beard with a wooden stick-like cane. At first he seemed to quietly ignore the chaos around him as poeple ran past him in flee of the Abductor ships that were in the skyline, looking up at the skyline he scoffed as he asked sarcasticly "That's an invasion? Whomever thought up this plotline must have watched too much of those B-movie alien flicks and miscounted their numbers if you asked me, in addition...everyone's trying to copy my old sthick of whisking maidens away ever since I retired" before picking up a small rock and tried to throw it at one of the ships only for it to fall onto the road.​
    ~Tokyo Rooftop: Innocence Oblivion~​
    Little did the S-Type on the top of the Tokyo Tower knew that it was secretly being watched through the scope of a sniper rifile located on a building quite a few feet away, the person who was looking right at the S-Type in question however was a particular Turian with dark-blue markings on his face and a visor that covered his left eye. "Hmm...what exactly are you trying to do up there on that tower? Waiting for someone?" the turian asked himself as he continued to scope out the S-Type only for it to seemingly vanish in a flash surprising the turian in question as he said "Well...that was rather...unexpected"
    Meanwhile down below in the street nearest the building a large jolly pink..uh thing, was walking down the sidewalk carrying a large bucket full of ice cream in his yellow-gloved hands as he skipped about, however it was then that the S-Type rose out of the ground in front of the pink man with its arms crossed as it said "You seem to be a big jolly spirit who is interested in sweets..SO HAVE A PIECE OF CANDY!" shortly before firing a sphere of black, blue, and red energy which seemingly didn't cause any damage as it vanished upon contact.​
    Two awkward minutes passed as the S-Type just stared at the pink thing with it's hand out while the large pink man just stared at the S-Type confusingly before he shouted playfully "That tickle! You funny, but now Buu make you say bye-bye!" and immediatly punched the S-Type in the face sending it flying down the street. The sheer sound of the punch in question caused the Turian on the roof to come running down to see that the pink guy punched the S-Type clear into next week before looking up at the sky spotting the Abductor Ships.​
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007


    Hermione looked at Shotaro in confusion, she asked, "Does he have complete amnesia or something? Because he's looking up stuff that most people already know about." Than Hermione began to realize from the two of them being Kamen Rider W and living in the place where her parents were now landlords, she knew nothing about them separately and watched Philip continued to read the books. The object ran from the room, which Hermione thought she saw something.



    Lockon, Tieria, and Kyo looked in awe at the mecha that were revealed after the walls went up. "Whoa, this is incredible! I never would have guessed that something like this was even possible." Lockon said, surprised as a smile crept on his face. Tieria remained in surprise and said, "This is truly incredible. Lockon and I would be honored to pilot these mecha for you, Zen." "How do we know which one is the one we pilot?" Kyo asked.


    -Gullwings' Home-

    The manager of the Gullwings, Beast, and the other bodyguard, chaos, watched the invasion from the apartment they shared with the girls. Beast had a concerned look on his face and said, "I wonder if the girls are alright." "No worries, Beast. I'm sure that they are somewhere safe and away from these invaders. But I am a little worried myself." Beast looked at him in surprise, the mysterious young man who helped Paine protect the group and was always calm, he didn't show the least bit worried or concerned at all.



    Kengo and Navi watched as Don and Ahim shouted, "Gokai Change!" Ahim changed into AbareKiller while Don changed into AbareBlack, heading outside, Ahim jumped into a white version of Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord. Don entered a black Brachiosaurus, they waited for Marvelous, Joe, and Gai before they headed out to help the others.
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