RE: Mario's High School Days OOC/Signup

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by NutheadBros, Jan 6, 2013.

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  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Character sheets ahoy!

    Name: Dr. Stephen Strange
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Lydia
    Description: Granddaughter of Evie Frye and daughter of Peggy Carter, who is just as strong as wise as they were during their prime. However, unlike her mother and grandmother, Lydia refused to be part of the J.I.A., opting instead to travel the world and search for answers to questions her grandmother and mother have been asking for decades.
    Occupation: Explorer
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Name: Nikolai Orelov
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Name: Miles Morales
    Description: A teenager who lives in the streets of Castelia City, Unova, U.S.A. with his Fennekin, Mary Jane. Mies was driven into living in the streets due to having lost both parents at a young age, fending for himself while also sticking up for fellow homeless individuals being assaulted.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    And some reserves:

    Giedon Malick [Marvel]
    Rufus Scrimgeour [Harry Potter]
    Sabine Wren [Star Wars: Rebels]
    Captain Phasma [Star Wars]
    Kylo Ren [Star Wars]
    Finn [Star Wars]
  2. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    Name: Royal Guard 01
    Description: A strong rabbit guard working at Belli Castle as the guardian of the gates, who soon befriends Fiona. He talks like a typical 'dude'.
    Occupation: Guard
    Series: Undertale
    Other: Has secret romantic feelings for Royal Guard 02.

    Name: Royal Guard 02
    Description: A tough dragon guard working at Belli Castle as the guardian of the gates, who soon befriends Fiona. He is very soft-spoken.
    Occupation: Guard
    Series: Undertale
    Other: Dislikes warm weather.
  3. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Greetings and salutations, HSD...people. After talking to @NutheadBros about it, I've decided to come back. I'm looking forward to RPing with you all again.

    Also, to start myself off, I'll claim the following characters:

    Name: Saitama
    Description: Saitama is the most powerful hero alive. Having apparently trained himself to superhuman conditions, Saitama faces a self-imposed existential crisis, as he is now too powerful to gain any thrill from his heroic deeds.
    Occupation: Hero
    Series Character is from: One Punch Man


    Name: Genos
    Description: At age 15, Genos was still a human being living a happy and peaceful life along with his family. One day, a crazy cyborg attacked their town and destroyed it, killing his family. Genos miraculously survived, but he wouldn't survive long alone in his ruined town if he wasn't found by Dr. Stench who passed the town pursuing the cyborg. Genos begged Dr. Stench to transform him into a cyborg, who complied. Genos was reborn as a cyborg fighting for justice and promised Dr. Stench that one day he would find and destroy the cyborg.
    Occupation: Hero
    Series Character is from: One Punch Man


    Name: Mumen Rider (aka Licence-less Rider)
    Description: Mumen Rider is a C-Class Superhero. He has the #1 rank of the C-Class. He is known as the bighearted bicyclist who springs into action with his persistent spirit. He was christened "Rider" due to his obsessively persistent attitude, and because he's unable to ride a motorcycle.
    Occupation: Hero
    Series Character is from: One Punch Man


    From what I could tell, these three were free. But if I'm wrong let me know and I'll fix it.
  4. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Character sheets!

    Name: Gideon Malick
    Description: A member of the J.I.A.'s World Security Council, making him one of the highest ranking members of the organization. Being one of the more senior members, Malick has been part of the J.I.A. for around the same time as Alexander Pierce, whom he has close relations with.
    Occupation: Member of the J.I.A.'s World Security Council
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Rufus Scrimgeour
    Description: Former Minister of Magic of the United Kingdom (and predecessor to Dolores Umbridge), whose policies have been generally favored by the wizarding community there. Unfortunately, his term was cut short after being killed in mysterious circumstances.
    Occupation: None (Deceased / Former U.K. Minister of Magic)
    Series Character is from: Harry Potter

    Name: Sabine Wren
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars: Rebels

    Name: Captain Phasma
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Kylo Ren
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Finn
    Description: A cadet whose dream is to be a great soldier in the United States Army, currently training in a military academy in Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. When not attending his classes, Finn either studies, or does his duties as a part-time janitor for his academy.
    Occupation: Student / Part-time Janitor
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    And some reserves:

    Kanan Jarrus [Star Wars: Rebels]
    BB-8 [Star Wars]
    Cid Highwind [Final Fantasy VII / Kingdom Hearts]
    Gilda [MLP: FiM]
    Leia Organa [Star Wars]
    Han Solo [Star Wars]
  5. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010

    Rey (Star Wars)
    Poe Dameron (Star Wars)
  6. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Makin' some reserves:

    Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
    Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
    Lordgenome Teppelin (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
    sans (Undertale)
    Papyrus (Undertale)
    Mettaton (Undertale)

    Character sheets coming later.
  7. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010


  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Asston of character sheets incoming:

    Name: Kamina
    Description: Kamina is the self-proclaimed "Number One Student", but really he's just the number one trouble maker. He never leaves home without his trademark shades, and always starts the day by smashing through his best friend Simon's window to take him to school. He lives by his goal to live life to the fullest.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen

    Name: Simon
    Description: Just a regular light-hearted student who is almost always dragged into Kamina's mischief. His pet Pig Mole, Boota, is always by his side.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen

    Name: Lordgenome Teppelin
    Description: A very stern and strict teacher, Lordgenome has never had a student fail his class...Or at least that's what his record says. The only person he shows any kind of affection to is his daughter, Nia. He also has a shaky past with a certain Astrology teacher.
    Occupation: History Teacher
    Series Character is from: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Guren Gakuenhen/Double K (Bit of a mix of both)

    Name: Antis Piral
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Astrology Teacher
    Bio: An odd foreign Astrology teacher who insists on arriving each day wearing all black to match his jet-black skin tone. He has a bit of a God-complex, and refuses to have a class size of over 30 students. When things are going his way, he's a laid-back and calm teacher, but deny him his way and he is relentless with his punishments.
    Other: N/A

    Name: Antis Eptic
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Student
    Bio: The son of Antis Piral. Antis Eptic, by the forceful hand of his father, works to take his father's place as an Astrology teacher in the future. Truthfully, he wishes to join a force to protect his new home of Japan, but he's kept that wish a secret from his father, lest he suffer severe punishment.
    Other: N/A

    Name: sans
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Sentry
    Bio: sans is a skeleton. a lazy one at that. so lazy, in fact, that it's impossible to write this bio with proper capitalization. behind that perpetual smile on his face lies some deep, dark secrets...but mostly puns. horrible, horrible puns.

    Name: Papyrus
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Sentry
    Bio: Papyrus is the skeletal brother of sans. He takes his job very, very seriously in hopes that one day he'll be able to head a squad of freedom fighters that he has preemptively named "The Royal Guard". His favorite food is Spaghetti, as anyone who's spoken to him will quickly find out.

    Name: Mettaton
    Age: Unknown
    Occupation: Entertainer/Star
    Bio: Originally created as a defense robot, Mettaton is now one of Japan's top performers. He's done it all, from hosting game shows to live musical performances. His box-like form isn't his only look, however, as he hides a second form specifically for dazzling the crowd.
  9. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    sans and Papyrus? I have a 'bone' to pick about those reserves...

    Nah, just kidding! This is sure to be entertaining!


    Undyne [Undertale]
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2016
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Name: Hikaru
    Age: 19
    Occupation: College Student
    Bio: Hikaru is a freshman college student who can't speak after a tragic accident that caused her to lose her vocal cords when she was younger. Despite her disability, she is more in tune with her other senses and is carefree as well as cheerful. Hikaru speaks through written notes and sign language, though she prefers written notes so non-signers can understand her. Though she can't speak, Hikaru is studying to become a fashion designer.

    Name: Mr. Belt
    Description: Once a scientist known as Krim Steinbelt, Krim was killed in a mysterious accident and transferred his consciousness into the belt system that he was working on. Though he could no longer move on his own, Krim became determined to find the person who could use the Drive System that he would work with.
    Occupation: None
    Series the Character is from: Kamen Rider Drive
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
  11. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Reserving the following folks
    Sheev Palpatine [Star Wars]
    Hikaru Amano [Nadesico]
    Ryoko Subaru [Nadesico]
    Izumi Maki [Nadesico]
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  12. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    Name: Undyne
    Description: A rowdy but heroic young lady armed with energy spears that she is not afraid to use! Likes acting tough and suplexing boulders just to show she can!
    Occupation: Sentry
    Series: Undertale


    Dipper Pines [Gravity Falls]
    Mabel Pines [Gravity Falls]
    Stanley Pines [Gravity Falls]
  13. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Name: Shu Shirakawa
    Description: A once villainous genius turned good, Shu is one of the few leaders of a group of armored rangers that fight for peace under the oh-so original name of "ArmoRangers". Shu himself has no armor, rather he devises plans for the group to assist in their battles. He does own his own mech, however. A devastatingly powerful machine, named Neo Granzon, with enough energy inside to wipe an entire planet clean of life in one fell swoop. However, he vows never to use that power unless the world is doomed to die anyway. In the meantime, Neo Granzon simply powers Shu's home in Japan. Because of this, he has no electricity bill.
    Occupation: Scientist/ArmoRangers Leader
    Series Character is from: Super Robot Taisen
    Other: Appearance
    Neo Granzon

    Kouji Kabuto
    Description: A young man with a burning passion for justice and some killer pointy sideburns. Unlike his other incarnations, he does not pilot a standard giant mech named Mazinger Z, but rather dons a suit of armor called MechArmor under the same name. That being said, like his other MechArmor wearing comrades, his armor can "evolve" into a full-blown mech should the situation call for it.
    Occupation: Student/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Mazinger Z
    Other: Appearance (The one with the helmet)
    Mazinger Z

    Name: Tetsuya Tsurugi
    Description: A man that, while good at heart, sometimes lets the heat of battle get to him, causing him to go near-berserk. Fortunately, he usually keeps enough of his composure that he keeps the berserk rage directed at the enemy and away from his allies. Like Kouji, he wears an evolution-capable suit of MechArmor called Great Mazinger, the second-generation version of Kouji's own armor.
    Occupation: Police Officer/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Great Mazinger
    Other: Appearance (On the left)
    Great Mazinger

    Name: Ryoma Nagare
    Description: A top-notch karate fighter that one day wishes to revive his father's dojo. Until then, he saves money doing meaningless work at Nintendo High, specifically janitorial duties. However, his alternate job is the same as Kouji and Tetsuya's. He dons the powerful Getter MechArmor, which can evolve just like the others.
    Occupation: Janitor/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Getter Robo
    Other: Appearance
    Getter MechArmor

    The next one is sort-of an OC, though it's mostly based on something canon so I'll use the canon character sheet for it.

    Name: Getter Robo G
    Description: A robot made from an old suit of MechArmor that Ryoma, as well as two of his old friends, once wore. It can change forms from Dragon, Liger and Poseidon at will. Each form, due to how the machine was made, takes on a similar voice and personality to the person that once wore it as a suit of armor.
    Occupation: Robot/ArmoRanger
    Series Character is from: Getter Robo

    To explain the ArmoRanger and MechArmor thing, I basically took mechs and turned them into suits of power ranger-esque armor (or a human-sized robot in the case of the last one). The evolution thing refers to the suits' ability to turn into a full-blown mech, but that'll only be used when the situation calls for it since it requires a lot of energy and can only be maintained for a short time. Also, Neo Granzon sounds OP because, is OP. That being said, that planet-wiping power I mentioned in the sheet will never be used. Ever. Unless I'm told to use it. In which case I will gleefully destroy everything. But that probably won't happen. c:
  14. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Possibly Re-Reserving cause my memory sucks

    Zone-Tan [The Internet]

    *bangs head against gable*

    Alright folks, time to lay down the rules of mecha. for HSD purposes there are two classes

    1: Small-Class...these are not super big and will be permitted for free-use without issue and are roughly around 6 meters [Ex. Black Selena, Aestivalis, Knightmare Frames]

    2: Zord Class aka Godzilla aka Gurren Lagann is too blooping big [no offense Nick, this is not aimed towards you] This class will be restricted to battle use only and thus bigger S-Types and monsters will be allowed for use.

    The only exception to the above is if you have a character who normay uses large mecha to fight and are not able Dr. Eggman or Dr. Wily.

    *bangs head on gable again ending the rule part*

    And now for some internet additions

    Bubba Dunk Funkin [The Internet]
    Green Psycho XVII [The Internet]
    Nicky Nutterball [The Internet]
    Steve the Devil/Steve the Darkness [The Internet]
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011

    Colonel Chester Phillips [Marvel]
    Dr. Abraham Erskine [Marvel]
    Hera Syndulla [Star Wars]
    Ezra Bridger [Star Wars]
    Ahsoka Tano [Star Wars]
    Savage Opress [Star Wars]

    Will do character sheets later[DOUBLEPOST=1452752628][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay, so major update to announce. 'Hero of Time' (currently known as ♠️Toxic Gears♠️) and HeartlessOfLight have both withdrawn from HSD, and left a long list of characters up for grabs. Myself, NutheadBros, WhiteRose-Aki, StardustXtreme, and Magick have all picked from the list. Our choices are as follows:

    -Nurse Joy [Pokemon]
    -Alexa [Pokemon]
    -Cadence [MLP: FiM]
    -Rarity [MLP: FiM]
    -Pinkie Pie [MLP: FiM]
    -Xigbar [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Clara Oswin Oswald [Doctor Who]
    -Tony Stark [Marvel]
    -Prim Everdeen [The Hunger Games]
    -Pepper Potts [Marvel]
    -Serena [Pokemon]
    -Giovanni [Pokemon]
    -Jessie [Pokemon]
    -James [Pokemon]
    -Meowth [Pokemon]
    -Neku Sakuraba [The World Ends With You]
    -Malva [Pokemon]
    -Peter Parker [Marvel]
    -James "Rhodey" Rhodes [Marvel]
    -Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver [Marvel]
    -Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch [Marvel]

    -Daisy [Mario]
    -Pit [Kid Icarus]
    -Samus [Metroid]
    -Cynthia [Pokémon]
    -Link [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Ganondorf [The Legend of Zelda]
    -White [Pokemon]
    -Zelda Hyrule [Legend of Zelda]
    -Farore [The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Secrets (Oracle of Ages/Seasons Linked Game)]
    -Nayru [The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages]
    -Din [The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons]
    -Leaf (Renamed to Blue or Green)[Pokemon]
    -Red [Pokemon]
    -Ghetsis [Pokemon]
    -Nia [TTGL]
    -Yoko Littner [Gurren Lagann]

    -Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Dustin [Power Rangers: Ninja Storm]
    -Shane [Power Rangers: Ninja Storm]
    -Tori [Power Rangers: Ninja Storm]
    -Gai Ikari [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]

    -Ventus [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Cloud Strife [Final Fantasy VII]
    -Ruby Rose [RWBY]
    -Yang Xiao Long [RWBY]
    -Raven Branwen [RWBY]

    -Gambit [Marvel]
    -Rogue [Marvel]

    The remaining characters who are still up for grabs are the following:

    -Damaras [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Black [Pokemon]
    -N [Pokemon]
    -Clair [Pokemon]
    -Crystal [Pokemon]
    -Lightning Farron [Final Fantasy]
    -Latios [Pokemon]
    -Luna [Pokemon]
    -Falkner [Pokemon]
    -Skyla [Pokemon]
    -Kilik [Soulcalibur]
    -Rosy the Rascal [Sonic the Hedgehog *Archie Comics*]
    -Bulla Briefs [DBZ]
    -Gohan [DBZ]
    -Marron [DBZ]
    -Goku [DBZ]
    -Videl [DBZ]
    -Goten [DBZ]
    -Bulma Briefs [DBZ]
    -Note [Dragon Ball Heroes]
    -Forte [Dragon Ball Heroes]
    -Oceanus Shenron [Dragon Ball Heroes]
    -Larxene [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Sephiroth [Final Fantasy]
    -Lust [Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood]
    -Death the Kid [Soul Eater]
    -Liz and Patti Thompson [Soul Eater]
    -Maka Albarn [Soul Eater]
    -Soul Eater Evans [Soul Eater]
    -Rikku [Final Fantasy]
    -Paine [Final Fantasy]
    -The Doctor (11th) [Doctor Who]
    -Amelia Williams [Doctor Who]
    -Rydia [Final Fantasy]
    -Blossom [Powerpuff Girls Z]
    -Bubbles [Powerpuff Girls Z]
    -Buttercup [Powerpuff Girls Z]
    -Appule [DBZ]
    -Cui [DBZ]
    -Zarbon [DBZ]
    -Dodoria [DBZ]
    -Abo [DBZ]
    -Cado [DBZ]
    -Deadpool [Marvel]
    -Squall Leonhart [Final Fantasy]
    -Zidane Tribal [Final Fantasy]
    -Scootaloo [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Applebloom [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Malon [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Yellow Du Viridian Grove [Pokémon Adventures]
    -Romani Lon [The Legend of Zelda]
    -River Song [Doctor Who]
    -Stella Nox Flueret [Final Fantasy]
    -Noctis Lucis Caelum [Final Fantasy]
    -Blue Hair [Date A Live]
    -Jacci [Pokemon]
    -Pokémon Trainer Reda [Pokemon OC]
    -Daisy Oak [Pokémon]
    -Tsunade [Naruto]
    -Umbra [Pokémon OC]
    -Espee [Pokémon OC]
    -Sakuru [Naruto OC]
    -Pokémon Trainer Silver [Pokemon]
    -Jenny Flint [Doctor Who]
    -Madame Vastra [Doctor Who]
    -Strax [Doctor Who]
    -Trunks [DBZ]
    -Vegeta [DBZ]
    -Broly [DBZ]
    -Lynk [The Legend of Zelda OC]
    -Amy Rose [Sonic]
    -Julie-Su the Echidna [Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics]
    -Saffron Bee [Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics]
    -Rouge the Bat [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Lien-Da [Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Comics]
    -Everyone ever [Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension]
    -Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon [Digimon Adventure 01]
    -Takeru "TK" Takaishi and Patamon [Digimon Adventure 01]
    -Hikari "Kari" Kamiya and Gatomon [Digimon Adventure 01]
    -Rika and Renamon [Digimon Tamers]
    -Lillian and Elecmon [Digimon]
    -Sora Takenouchi and Biyomon [Digimon]
    -Blaze the Cat [Sonic]
    -Silver the Hedgehog [Sonic]
    -Weiss Schnee [RWBY]
    -Kim Possible [Kim Possible]
    -Ron Stoppable [Kim Possible]
    -Rufus the Mole Rat [Kim Possible]
    -Shego [Kim Possible]
    -Wendy [Wendy's]
    -Cammy [Street Fighter]
    -M. Bison [Street Fighter]
    -Vega [Street Fighter]
    -Nora Valkyrie [RWBY]
    -Blake Belladonna [RWBY]
    -Athena Cykes [Ace Attorney]
    -MAIKA [Vocaloid]
    -Mitsuki Konishi [The World Ends With You]
    -Johanna [Pokemon]
    -Annie Leonhardt [Attack on Titan]
    -Sonia Nevermind [Super Dangan Ronpa 2: Farewell Despair Academy]
    -Sun Wukong [RWBY]
    -Penny [RWBY]
    -Cinder [RWBY]
    -Ragyō Kiryūin [Kill La Kill]
    -Colonel Roy Mustang [FMA]
    -Lt. Riza Hawkeye [FMA]
    -The Joker [Batman]
    -Vincent Valentine [Final Fantasy]
    -Mikasa Ackerman Abridged [Attack on Titan: Abridged]
    -Krista Lenz [Attack on Titan]
    -Ymir [Attack on Titan]
    -Sasha Braus [Attack on Titan]
    -Jesus Bird [Twitch Plays Pokemon]
    -The King [Twitch Plays Pokemon]
    -The False Prophet [Twitch Plays Pokemon]
    -All-Terrain Venomoth [Twitch Plays Pokemon]
    -Caitlin [Pokémon]
    -Steven Stone [Pokemon]
    -Zinnia [Pokemon]
    -Ibuki Mioda [Super Dangan Ronpa 2: Farewll, Despair]
    -Monomi [Super Dangan Ronpa 2]
    -Omiko Hakodate [Kill la Kill]
    Satsuki Kiryūin [Kill la Kill]
    -Mako Mankanshoku [Kill la Kill]
    -Ira Gamagōri [Kill la Kill]
    -Hōka Inumuta [Kill la Kill]
    -Nonon Jakuzure [Kill la Kill]
    -Uzu Sanageyama [Kill la Kill]
    -Aikurō Mikisugi [Kill la Kill]
    -Nui Harime [Kill la Kill]
    -Anon and Kanon [Vocaloid]
    -Queen Elsa Kiryuuin of Honnouji [Frozen KILL la KILL AU]
    -Anna Matoi [Frozen KILL la KILL AU]
    -Mahiru Koizumi [Super Dangan Ronpa 2]
    -Hiyoko Saionji [Super Dangan Ronpa 2]
    -Kaoru Shiba [Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]
    -Mako Shiraishi [Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]
    -Chiaki Tani [Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]
    -Ryunosuke Ikenami [Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]
    -Kotoha Hanaori [Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]
    -Genta Umemori [Samurai Sentai Shinkenger]
    -Insaan [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Jealoushitto [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Ikuse Inukai [Akuma no Riddle]
    -Shinya Banba [Akuma no Riddle]
    -Otoya Tackechi [Akuma no Riddle]
    -Lucina [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Fem!Robin/Robyn [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Fem!Morgan/Morgana [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Cordelia [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Severa [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Olivia [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Inigo [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Lissa [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Gosei [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Roboknight [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -GoGo Tomago [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Honey Lemon [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Wasabi No-Ginger [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Fred [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Magus [Chrono Trigger]
    -Crono [Chrono Trigger]
    -Frog [Chrono Trigger]
    -Marle [Chrono Trigger]
    -Luca [Chrono Trigger]
    -Ayla [Chrono Trigger]
    -Robo [Chrono Trigger]
    -Professor Juniper [Pokemon]
    -Yakra XIII [Chrono Trigger]
    -Dalton [Chrono Trigger]
    -Lavos [Chrono Trigger]
    -Ozzie [Chrono Trigger]
    -Slash [Chrono Trigger]
    -Flea [Chrono Trigger]
    -Yakra [Chrono Trigger]
    -Kick-Ass [Kick-Ass]
    -Hit Girl [Kick-Ass]
    -Night ***** [Kick-Ass]
    -Antis Piral [???]
    -Nate Kyohei [Pokemon]
    -Mei Rosa [Pokemon]
    -Cheren [Pokemon]
    -Bianca Bel [Pokemon]
    -Clint Barton [Marvel]
    -Jan van Dyne [Marvel]
    -Scott Lang [Marvel]
    -Daigo "King" Kiryu/Kyoryu Red [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Ian Yorkland/Kyoryu Black [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Nobuharu "Nossan" Udo/Kyoryu Blue [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Souji Rippukan/Kyoryu Green [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Amy Yuzuuki/Kyoryu Pink [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Utsusemimaru/Kyoryu Gold [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -???/Kyoryu Cyan [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -???/Kyoryu Gray [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Yayoi Ulshade/Kyoryu Violet [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Torin/Kyoryu Silver [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -???/DeathRyuger [Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger]
    -Michael Croft [???]
    -Laura Wilson [???]
    -Ryan Wilson [???]
    -Shantae [Shantae]
    -Risky Boots [Shantae]
    -Poison [Final Fight, Street Fighter]
    -Hugo Andore [Street Fighter/Final Fight]
    -Guy [???]
    -Cody Travers [???]
    -Ibuki [Street Fighter]
    -Qrow Branwen [RWBY]
    -Summer Rose [RWBY]
    -Taiyang Xiao Long [RWBY]

    -Saitama [One Punch Man]
    -Genos [One Punch Man]
    -Mumen Rider (aka Licence-less Rider) [One Punch Man]
    -Kamina [TTGL]
    -Simon [TTGL]
    -Lordgenome [TTGL]
    -sans [Undertale]
    -Papyrus [Undertale]
    -Mettaton [Undertale]
    -Kittan Bachika [Gurren Lagann]
    -Kinon Bachika [Gurren Lagann]
    -Lordgenome "Genome" Teppelin II [Gurren Lagann]
    -Darri Adai [Gurren Lagann]
    -Dayakka Littner [Gurren Lagann]
    -Leeron Littner [Gurren Lagann]
    -Arusia Armaguyda Arin Alsapien Bob Adai [Gurren Lagann]
    -Rossiu Adai [Gurren Lagann]
    -Gimmy Adai [Gurren Lagann]
    -Kiyal Bachika [Gurren Lagann]
    -Viral [Gurren Lagann]
    -Kiyoh Bachika [Gurren Lagann]
    -Ryuko Matoi [Kill la Kill]
    -Shu Shirakawa [Super Robot Taisen]
    -Kouji Kabuto [Mazinger Z]
    -Tetsuya Tsurugi [Great Mazinger]
    -Ryoma Nagare [Getter Robo]
    -Getter Robo G [Getter Robo]

    If you want any of them, please post here in the OOC thread!
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
  16. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action

    Name: Dipper Pines
    Description: Twin brother of Mabel. Dipper has a great interest in the mysterious and unknown. While more responsible than his sister, he tends to be too impulsive.
    Occupation: Employee At The Mystery Shack
    Series: Gravity Falls
    Other: Lives in America, but came to Japan to stay with his great-uncle.


    Name: Mabel Pines
    Description: Twin sister of Dipper. Mabel is fun-loving and energetic, dreaming of romance. Although she is very friendly, she tends to come across as a bit immature.
    Occupation: Employee At The Mystery Shack
    Series: Gravity Falls
    Other: Lives in America, but came to Japan to stay with her great-uncle.


    Name: Stanley Pines
    Description: The great-uncle (or 'grunkle') of Dipper and Mabel, who runs a small attraction in Japan called The Mystery Shack. Taking care of his niece and nephew while they stay with him for a year.
    Occupation: Owner Of The Mystery Shack
    Series: Gravity Falls
    Other: Greedy, but cares for his family and employees.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    After some thought, I've decided that I'll take Lighting Farron, Rydia, Rikku, Paine, and Stella Nox Fleuret, though reworked into her current version, Lunafreya. Also, Rey if she hasn't taken yet.
  18. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Okay, a few things I gotta do. First thing... long overdue character sheets!

    Name: Kanan Jarrus
    Description: A cadet who goes to the same military academy as Finn. Kanan has been Finn's best friend since elementary school, and wants nothing more than to get to join the United States Armed Forces with him.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Star Wars: Rebels

    Name: Cid Highwind
    Description: A pilot who lives in the U.S. state of Maryland and loves to collect ships from out of Earth to tinker with them. He is good friends with Finn and Kanan, who sometimes drop by his garage to hang out.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VII / Kingdom Hearts

    Name: BB-8
    Description: A cute and adorable droid belonging to Cid Highwind, helping his owner in his garage. BB-8 has a strong sense of loyalty to Cid, as well as anyone he accompanies.
    Occupation: None
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Gilda
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: MLP: FiM

    Name: Leia Organa
    Description: A girl who runs an orphanage in Russia, and cares for the children there like they were her own. Outside her life with the orphanage, Leia is involved in a long distance relationship with Kanan Jarrus, hoping to meet him one day in person.
    Occupation: Runs an Orphanage
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Han Solo
    Description: A sheriff who resides in the town of Nibelheim, New Mexico, USA. Despite being an old-timer, Han is still a great shot, easily shooting criminals even if they're yards away.
    Occupation: Sheriff
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Colonel Chester Phillips
    Description: A high ranking officer in the United States Army, having taken part in the war with Germany during World War II. Years after the end of World War II, Phillips would join the J.I.A. over in Japan to assist with a top-secret project simply known as 'Project Rebirth', as well as to fight the first waves of S-type attacks.
    Occupation: None (Deceased)
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Dr. Abraham Erskine
    Description: A J.I.A. scientist who worked on 'Project Rebirth' in the early '60s shortly after the emergence of S-types on Earth. Originally from Germany, Erskine was forced against his own will to helping evil Nazi goals during World War II, but was instantly granted amnesty after the war ended, moving to Japan, where he helped establish the J.I.A.
    Occupation: None (Deceased)
    Series Character is from: Marvel

    Name: Hera Syndulla
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars: Rebels

    Name: Ezra Bridger
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars: Rebels

    Name: Ahsoka Tano
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star Wars

    Name: Savage Opress
    Description: A powerful servant of Mother Talzin, who is loyal to his mistress to the death. Not much is known of Savage's past, as Talzin made sure to erase any memory he had of the past when she first met him.
    Occupation: Servant of Mother Talzin
    Series Character is from: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    Okay, now that character sheets are out of the way, I actually decided to look through the list of characters still up for grabs, and decided to grab the following:
    • Scootaloo [MLP: FiM]
    • The 11th Doctor [Doctor Who] (will be rebooted as a man named Matt Smith)
    • Lavos [Chrono Trigger]
    And finally, I'm dropping the character Miles Morales [Marvel] from my list of characters, and replacing him with the following reserves:

    Maud Pie [MLP: FiM]
    Glossaryck [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  19. AP_Epikyur Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 19, 2014
    Hey guys, it's me. Sorry for not posting as often as the rest of you, but I've been busy with other things as of late.

    As for why I'm here, I'm going to put a few characters of mine up for grabs as I am having difficulty coming up with anything for them storywise. These characters are Isabelle, Murabito and Canas.

    I'm also making a reserve as well:

    Name: Regigigas
    Description: One of the legendary Pokemon of Japan, it is said to lie deep in slumber within Mt. Fuji.
    Occupation: Legendary Pokemon
    Series Character Is From: Pokemon
    Other: Despite being a legendary Pokemon, it is heavily hindered by it's Slow Start Ability; it has a slower reaction time upon awakening because of this.

  20. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Name: Maud Pie
    Description: A pony who attends Tokyo University with her sister, Pinkie Pie, and majors in Geology. Easily recognized by her monotone voice, Maud is quite fond of rocks, so much that sometimes, it's all she ever talks about...
    Occupation: Tokyo University Student
    Series Character is from: MLP: FiM

    Name: Glossaryck
    Description: ???
    Occupation: ???
    Series Character is from: Star vs. the Forces of Evil


    Gumball Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    Darwin Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    Anais Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    Nicole Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    Richard Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    Penny Fitzgerald [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
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