Crossover: Re: Mario's High School Days II - Age of the New World Order

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    -Gokai Galleon-

    Harold laid in his bed, looking up at the ceiling as everyone had turned in for the night, with the revelation of the Sacred animals and what the chosen Rangers had as their spirit was intriguing to say the least, that led him to wonder if this was a ancestor of tribes like Native Americans or something to that effect, who knows, he looking at his hand as he raised it high above him, holding the Rabbit Fullbottle.

    "Maybe I cna use this sacred animal thing to see if it helps with the strange set up these Bottles have since there does appear to be animals or such with some combinations..." Harold msued in his thoughts, it was an idea but who knows what dangers surrounded the location of the Temple, especially if it was some Great Power which definitely warranted some caution.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Lor Starcutter-

    Hermione listened and looked at the others, wondering what to do about what they heard. The Wilys looked at their mother and brother, Harry thought, Riolu put a paw to its chin and thought. Vulpix looked at it and tilted its head. Lily thought and looked at the design of the Rider that was shown.



    Anna slept against her sister's shoulder, drooling a bit. Elsa laughed and laid against her, closing her eyes and resting.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    There was a knock on his door, and Remus asked, "Harold, would you like to have some tea in the main room?" He led the boy back to the main room with a fresh kettle of tea and some tea cups along with some chocolates. "I know it's not the healthiest, but I prefer a piece of chocolate to calm my nerves, especially after what happened at the ruins." Remus said, biting into a chocolate.

    Luka came down and looked at them, she said, "Hey." "Hello, miss Luka." Remus said. "What were you doing?" "Just finishing counting ten shooting stars." Luka said, sitting with them and pouring herself a cup. Remus smiled, impressed.


    -Siberia, Russia - Forest-

    "Let's go, BB-8." Rey said, following after the others and putting her staff over her shoulder.


    -Abandoned Japanese Military Base-

    Rei changed back into her regular clothes and went to her pile of songs, sitting down and breathing. Ami stretched and went to her computer. Lita went to train while Mina walked around.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~


    Sneaking into Scrooge’s money bin to have some fun, Huey, Dewey, and Louie arrived to the diving board overlooking their uncle’s money and treasure, wanting to swim in it just like Scrooge. “Up next to the diving board is Dewey Duck, representing the proud region of Dewdonia,” Louie said, mimicking a sports announcer as Dewey was getting ready to dive, “When asked if he was concerned about the possibility of injuring himself on the cold hard cash below, he simply replied, ‘Nerp!’ Dewey Duck makes his approach. Word has it he's got a new move: the triple corks-Dew.” Jumping off the diving board while spinning, Dewey yelled, “Naaaaailed it!” However, as Dewey dove, he noticed a shark made of coins leap towards him. Dewey shrieked in terror as the shark swallowed him alive and dove back into the coins. Stunned by what they just saw, Huey and Louie screamed in fear as they ran away, heading back to McDuck Manor in order to get help and save their brother.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground~


    As Bobbi was walking down the hallway along with Shining Armor, May, and Mace, they passed by Mack, who was happy to see Bobbi, as the two had a history working together during their days in the J.I.A…


    Hey. Long time, no see, Barbara,” Mack happily greeted Bobbi. Laughing, Bobbi gave Mack a hug as she replied, “Don't start with that again.” “What you been up to?” Mack asked. “Oh, you know, working undercover in the New World Order, acting all uptight and evil,” Bobbi answered, “You know what I could really go for right now?” “Three-olive martini,” Mack replied. “Hold the olives,” both Bobbi and Mack said at the same time as the two old friends chuckled. “Bobbi?” Lance wondered out loud as he arrived to the scene and noticed Bobbi…


    Hey, Hunter,” Bobbi greeted Lance as her smile faded away, seemingly recognizing him, “Nice suit.” “‘Nice suit’? Really? That's what you're leading with?” Hunter scoffed, “What did you do to your hair?” “Ever heard of undercover?” Bobbi asked. “I prefer you blonde,” Hunter replied. “Well, I didn't do it for you,” Bobbi remarked, “Two seconds in... there's already a tone.” “Th-this isn't a tone. This is my speaking voice when I'm upset with an unreasonable person,” Hunter retorted. Arriving to the scene after overhearing the commotion, Jessie, James, and Meowth noticed Hunter and Bobbi arguing...


    Who’s she?” Jessie asked in reference to Bobbi. “Bobbi Morse. A fellow Rebel who we had working undercover in the New World Order,” Shining Armor replied. “And like many of us in this base, she too was in the J.I.A. and survived the Great Purge,” Jeffrey Mace added. “Huh… interesting,” James commented. “Okay… but what’s the deal between the two of them?” Meowth asked, wondering why Hunter and Bobbi were arguing a lot. “Did Hunter ever tell you stories about his she-devil ex-wife?” May questioned. “All the time,” Jessie, James, and Meowth replied at once. It was then that the three realized that Bobbi was in fact the ex-wife that Hunter kept talking about. “Oh… well that definitely explains things,” James commented. “Anyone mind telling me what the bloody hell she's doing here?!” Hunter questioned the others. “Bobbi was one of the best agents in the J.I.A.,” Shining Armor replied to Lance. “Oh, that's rich!” Hunter scoffed, “Then mind telling me what I'm doing here?!” “It's easy... I vouched for you,” Bobbi replied. “Why the hell would you do that?!” Hunter questioned. “Play nice,” Mace advised Hunter as the others giggled, while Hunter was now upset that he would have to stay in the same base as his ex-wife.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    Upon arriving to the scene where the Rebels and Inquisitors were, Thorax was horrified to see T'Challa and his group battling the Rebel prisoners due to being under the control of Adagio Dazzle and her sisters, and was shocked to see that many of the Rebel prisoners were killed as well. "That them?" the Stormtrooper with a Wakandan mask asked the Inquisitors. "Yes," Adagio responded, "Take care of them." "With pleasure," the Stormtrooper responded as he took out his blaster, "Stormtroopers, get ready to fire!" The rest of the Stormtroopers did as they were ordered, getting their blasters ready to shoot the remaining Rebels while they were still under the Inquisitors' control. 'Come on Thorax… what do I do?' Thorax thought to himself as he tried to think of a way to save T'Challa and the others, 'Think, think, think…' Just then, Thorax noticed a hand grenade on a nearby Stormtrooper's belt. 'That might work…' Thorax thought to himself. "Ready… aim…" the Stormtrooper with a Wakandan mask announced as he and his Stormtroopers were about to fire their blasters. However, the Stormtroopers suddenly noticed a hand grenade thrown right near them. "GET DOWN!" the Stormtrooper with a Wakandan mask yelled as he and the rest of the Stormtroopers jumped out of the way, with the grenade exploding, causing the Inquisitors to lose their focus in controlling T'Challa's group, ultimately freeing their minds. But just as he regained his free will, T'Challa noticed that his panther claws had pierced the last of the Rebel prisoners his team came to save. "No…" T'Challa said, distraught to see what he had done. "Don't worry… I forgive you," the Rebel prisoner said as he died in T'Challa's arms. As T'Challa held the body of the man he killed while under the Inquisitors' control, the rest of his team came to their senses as well, and were all just as distraught by what they had done while being controlled. They then noticed the Stormtroopers and Inquisitors regaining their footing after the explosion from earlier. "They will pay for this…" Okoye angrily said, "Let's fight them!" Shuri and Nakia let out battle cries as they charged towards the Stormtroopers to battle them. Gently laying the dead prisoner's body on the floor, T'Challa too was determined to fight, and rushed to join the rest of his team in battle.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives~


    Forward! Forward!” Noctis yelled as he and Prompto continued leading Rebels in battling Stormtroopers. “Keep drawing them out!” Prompto added as he kept shooting at Stormtroopers with his gun. “Go! Go! Move! Move! Come on, move up!” Noctis ordered the Rebels he was leading as he proceeded to slash several Stormtroopers with the Sword of the Wise. Meanwhile, in the nearby stolen NWO ship that the Rogue One team used to arrive to Scarif, Bodhi Rook was busy with another Rebel listening to radio communication used by the New World Order…


    “Pad 12 report to ground. Coming at our flank, we’re outnumbered,” a voice on the radio said, “Pad 12 team, what’s going on down there. Status, please. All Pads report in immediately.” “Unknown, we have Rebels everywhere,” a Stormtrooper’s voice responded on the radio, “We’re taking fire, Pad 12, Pad 14 request assistance.” Deciding to sabotage the New World Order’s attempts to send reinforcements for Stormtroopers currently taking fire, Bodhi figured he could have a big portion of reinforcements get sent to a location where there was no fighting. Pressing a button on the cockpit, Bodhi communicated, “This is Pad 2, Pad 2. I spot 40 Rebels heading west on Pad 2.” Switching the button off after purposely misleading the New World Order dispatcher, Bodhi whispered to the Rebel next to him, “Tell him you’re pinned down by Rebels on Pad 5.” Nodding, the Rebel switched the button back on, helping Bodhi with his attempts to mislead the New World Order as he cried, “This is Pad 5, we’re being overrun! Help us!” “Pad 12, Pad 10, Pad 8, please confirm. Confirm and report. Get reinforcements down to Pad 5 immediately!” the voice on the radio responded, with Bodhi happy to hear that the New World Order dispatcher fell for their trick.


    ~Calcutta, India~


    Running across the streets of Calcutta, Akko and the Hulk were still trying to find the rest of their group. However, the two suddenly found a woman standing in the middle of the street as though she was waiting for them, slowing down as they approached her while remaining vigilant...


    There you are,” Croix told Akko, “It’s about time we finally meet, Ms. Kagari.” “Huh… how do you know my name?” Akko questioned before suddenly recognizing who Croix was, “Hey, wait a sec! I know you! You’re with the New World Order! The one who keeps promoting that SSS thing for magic users!” Hearing that Croix was with the New World Order, Hulk angrily charged towards her. Croix, however, remained calm as she quickly opened the Sorcery Solution System app on her phone, using it to cast a Full Body-Bind Curse on the Hulk, causing him to collapse on the ground as he became temporarily paralyzed. “Hulk!” Akko cried as she rushed to his side. “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine after a while,” Croix assured Akko. “What do you want?!” Akko angrily questioned. “I simply wanted to talk,” Croix responded, “Tell me, Ms. Kagari… how’s it been using the Shiny Rod so far?” “Huh? The Shiny Rod?” Akko questioned as she grabbed the Shiny Rod from her back, looking at it before shifting her attention back to Croix, “Oh, I see what this is about. You want the Shiny Rod for the New World Order! Well it’s not gonna happen! Over my dead body!” Chuckling, Croix replied, “Relax, I have no interest in taking it away from you.” “What?” a confused Akko wondered out loud. “You’ve revived three words so far, correct?” Croix asked. “‘Three words’?” Akko wondered out loud, “Wait, you mean the three spells I used so far with the rod?” “Heh, now you’re catching on,” Croix remarked, “You just keep on reviving more words, Ms. Kagari. Once all seven words have been revived, something truly wonderful will happen.” “Seven… words?” Akko wondered out loud, looking at the Shiny Rod, and realizing that the rod had seven crystals, where four were green and three were yellow, “Seven… crystals… what’ll happen when I revive all seven of these words as you call ‘em? And why are you so interested in the Shiny Rod?” Grinning, Croix responded, “All in good time.” Croix then apparated away, leaving Akko confused and concerned with her parting words.


    ~Siberia, Russia~


    Still stunned to see that his own father is the New World Order official who turned himself in, Connor angrily questioned, “What are you doing here, Father?” “I simply came to offer help,” Haytham replied. Walking towards Haytham, Connor placed the sharp blade of his tomahawk slightly below his father’s neck, warning, “Think wisely on your next words, or they will be your last.” “Connor…” Darien called out to Connor, trying to calm him down, “Don’t do this.” “Darien’s right… you’re better than this,” Katniss added. “If my father knows what is best for him, then he will know not to lie to us,” Connor replied. “Connor… I swear to you, I am not lying,” Haytham nervously said as he kept his eyes on Connor’s tomahawk, “I really do want to offer help. I hear you Rebels have an issue with a nearby New World Order base, correct? Well, the one currently in charge of that base is acting against the wishes of the New World Order. So the way I see it, we both have a common enemy in this situation.” Unsure if his father was telling the truth or not, Connor used his eagle vision powers to see if Haytham was, for the moment, a threat or not. But as he looked at his father, Connor was shocked to see him surrounded by a blue aura, indicating that his father truly wasn’t an enemy, at least for now. Letting go of Haytham, Connor turned around and left the room where they were. “Connor?” Katniss asked, wondering what was going on as she followed him outside. “Serena, Rini, let’s go after him,” Darien told Serena and Rini. Rini, however, was trembling the whole time ever since she saw Haytham, recognizing him from the future, how he killed Mewtwo, and how he tried to capture her before she traveled to the past. “Rini… are you okay?” Darien asked Rini upon noticing her trembling. “Huh, oh, yeah, I’m fine,” Rini replied, faking a smile as she pretended that she wasn’t troubled by anything, “Let’s go check on Connor.” “Alright,” Darien said as he led Serena and Rini out the room. As for Haytham, he was rather curious about Rini, wondering what she was doing with Rebels much older than she was.


    ~The Capital: Watterson Household~


    As Gumball escorted Patrick outside, the two heard Gumball's father, Richard, crying for help from inside the house…


    "Gumball! The house is on fire!" Richard cried. "No, Father. It's just the northern lights," Gumball calmly responded. "Oh, okay then," Richard replied. "Well, Watterson, you are an odd fellow. But I must say... you steam a good ham," Patrick complemented Gumball, "I can see why Penny likes you." Opening his umbrella, Patrick began walking away, only to hear Richard from the house crying, "Help! Help!" Turning around, Patrick saw Gumball smiling at him as he gave a thumbs up, and figured that there wasn't anything wrong, so he continued on his way. Once Patrick was gone, Gumball was now freaking out that his house was on fire, trying to figure out what to do. Moments later, a fire engine arrived to the scene, and an elderly firefighter with glasses got out of the engine while carrying a fire hose…


    "Where's the fire?" the elderly firefighter asked Gumball.


    ~(Flashback - Many Years Ago): The Dimension of Mewni~


    The queen’s late,” Rhombulus commented as dawn passed, as there was no sign of Queen Moon to tell everyone what her decision regarding the war would be. “Look!” River cried as he pointed outside the window. Rushing to the window to see what River was pointing to, everyone watched as Moon marching by herself towards the monster army camped outside the castle’s borders…


    She's gone mad with grief!” Omnitraxus Prime cried, “She was so young!” “She's not dead yet, you fool!” River scoffed, “Come on! Let’s go after her!




    After driving through Kentucky and crossing into Virginia, Kristoff was enjoying the rather peaceful road trip while making sure to avoid New World Order checkpoints. Just then, however, Olaf pointed at the rear-view mirror and remarked, “Wow, those two flies are really fast to be catching up like that.” “Flies?” both Kristoff and Saphir wondered out loud. Looking at the rear-view mirror, Kristoff noticed two objects getting nearer and nearer to the truck. However, Kristoff realized that they weren’t flies, but rather Stormtroopers riding speeder bikes, racing towards them…


    Oh, that’s just great… everyone, hang on!” Kristoff announced as he began to drive faster, hoping to evade the Stormtroopers chasing them.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Lor Starcutter: Briefing Room~

    "Actually, there is something that I am wondering." Vert admitted looking thoughtful, her blue eyes on everyone as she asked. "How are we even going to locate these two individuals if they're constantly moving and unable to be picked up on radar? Not to mention that if all this is going on in a small area, couldn't the Rebellion just take control of it?" C.C. looked at the busty blonde before explaining. "Yes, with the New World Order's forces in disarray...we could easily take over the area in theory, but that isn't our goal. Plus we witnessed what happened in Shalour City, they have more expendable numbers of soldiers that can easily take the area back." Blanc spoke up. "Scan..." Everyone looked at her before she explained. "What we need to do is use Scan and scour the area for both Cronus and our mystery person." C.C. looked thoughtful. "That could work...but we are entering unknown territory. While you have been training and I'm aware of your mother's mastery of that Secret Technique, the area we are entering isn't familiar to us. Our mystery people may know the area more." Mario then suggested. "Why don't we just do what we usually do and improvise on the fly, you said Wilhelm called the local Rebellion sect there to inform them of our arrival, maybe they will know more." Cynthia slowly leaned close to C.C. "He does have a point there." Star Dream then announced. "We will be arriving at the Rebellion Base in a couple of minutes, prepare for landing momentarily." C.C. stood up. "Guess we're figuring it out on the fly then, meeting's adjourned."

    ~Morehead, Kentucky~

    The Lor Starcutter flew over a bunch of trees and small houses before arriving outside what appeared to be an abandoned mall located on an outer road not far from a pawn and jewelry store. The ship slowly lowered to the ground and made a gentle landing on some pavement. The door opened as everyone stepped out into the cold air. Kallen looked at the large building beside them and the lack of people before she brought up. "Anyone get the feeling that this may be a trap?" Izumi then casually poked Kallen's cheek. "Please, if it was a trap then we'd have a fishman yelling it out like on that movie." Ram casually remarked. "Well duh! They got duped into thinking it wasn't operational." Mario began to lead the group. "Still, you'd think there'd be a welcome party here...kind of suspicious." Mario ran into the front doors followed by everyone else.

    ~Morehead, KY: Inside Rebellion Base~

    The inside looked rather spacious with a colorful interior and a pair of escalators in front of the group, a second floor balcony looking overhead but nobody seemed to be there. Mario jumped forward with his arms out and loudly proclaimed. "Hello! it's-a me, Mari-" Mario didn't finish as laser sights were plastered all on his face, Rebels having their blasters pointed at Mario as he merely said. "...oh" One of the nameless rebels shouted. "Freeze! None of you move!" Lucina looked at the soldiers targeting them before muttering with her hand on the handle of her blade. "Dammit, we've been set up." Izumi then corrected her. "Please Lucina, the correct phrasing is...It's a trap!" Kallen loudly muttered. "I told you it was one right before we got in here!"

    The moment felt tense as it seemed like they could end up being killed at any moment, a woman with light-blue hair that was in a sideways ponytail stepped up from behind the soldiers and took a look at the group, her eyes widening. "Lucina? Robin? Peach? Wait a minute..." She then ordered the soldiers. "Lower your weapons, these guys can't be New World Order." The young girl walked over to Lucina and undid her mask letting her see the blue-haired girl's worried blue eyes. Robin remarking. "Lucina, I know we know this girl. But Lana...mind explaining why the hell the Rebels just tried to blow our brains out?" Lana looked at Robin before turning her head towards the crowd shouting. "Zitz! Mind coming over here for a second?" A bluish-green humanoid toad person clad in gauntlets ran over. "Yeah boss?" Lana asked. "You said we received a call informing us of an arrival, correct?" The toad named Zitz nodded. "Yup, that was true. However the call didn't exactly come through the regular rebel channels. Thus we could have ended up in a trap." C.C. looked at them with a deadpan expression. "Of course...That would be one of our allies who made the call, he's super shady like that." Lana sighed. "Sorry for the whole mix-up." Akira looked at her. "I perfectly understand, we all thought something suspicious was going on when nobody came out to welcome us. But are you the commander of this group?" The blue-haired girl sighed. "Pretty much...I ended up getting the job after the last commander got killed. By the way..." she motioned towards Zitz. "This is Zitz, he's our technology and intel expert." She looked at the group surprised by their appearance adding. "I didn't think you all would be dragged into this as well..." Cynthia smiled placing a hand on Lana's shoulder. "Don't worry about us. Now C.C., Robin, and I need some information. We're here on a mission." Lana nodded before leading the three away.

    ~Morehead, KY: Outside Mr. Gatti's Pizza~

    Meanwhile Goku Black was walking the streets of the small rural city, most regular citizens not thinking he was out of the ordinary as he approached a building with the logo reading "Mr. Gatti's Pizza." The S-Type looked at the sign before he remarked. "I could use some food and some training..." With that Goku Black opened the door and stepped inside the restaurant.​
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    -Gokai Galleon-

    Harold looked to his cup of tea as he leaned into his chair. "Well, considering what Dulcea said about the ruins, I wouldn't doubt they'd be some adequate defenses if others attempted to gain the Great Power." Harold admitted plainly and put two sugars in his tea. "Considering all the super natural things like S-Types, the ship we procured back at the Temple with those trials, it's a wonder we haven't stumbled onto more ancient stuff buried over however many years ago... then again, I suppose some of my stuff could be considered that." Harold added.
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base-

    Hermione gripped Harry's hand and Harry removed his mask, putting his glasses on and looking around. Riolu and Vulpix walked together, staying together to their trainers and exploring. Nico stretched and looked around. Ryotaro breathed and walked, the Wilys stayed close to their mother, Lily smiled, holding their hands as they explored.



    Anna shook, holding her sister while Elsa held her tightly. They hoped that they could outrun the Stormtroopers and Elsa thought about using her powers but she didn't want to risk hurting the others, especially Anna.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    "Well, she did say that the power of the scared animals should be able to help them while they travel the forest to obtain the power." Remus said, sipping his tea. "I just hope it is enough to protect them. And her explanation of the animals they had seemed to have given them closure to the doubts if that animal suited them."

    Luka just sipped her tea, thinking about what she saw when that happened.


    -Siberia, Russia-

    Serena gulped, gripping her Crescent Moon Wand and walked with them, still processing that Haytham was Conner's father and one of the highest ranking member of the New World Order.
  7. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Capital - McDuck Manor (Webby’s Room)~


    Truth,” Lena said as she and Webby were playing a game of Truth or Dare. “Okay... what's your deepest, darkest secret?” Webby asked. “Uh, mmm…” Lena replied as she struggled to think of what to say. Just then, however, the two saw Huey and Louie storm into the room, still screaming in terror after what happened in the Money Bin…


    The two brothers then began panting as Louie was doing a bunch of hand gestures to signal what just happened. “Dewey was eaten by a magical money shark in the Bin!” Webby cried, having understood exactly what Louie was trying to communicate, surprising the others, “What? I'm really good at charades.” “It's just swimming around in there!” Louie yelled, “Eating money! And children! And money!” “We have to tell, Mr. McDuck,” Webby replied. “No!” both Lena and Louie cried at the same time, with Webby surprised at Lena’s response. “We might have snuck into the Money Bin without permission,” Louie confessed. “You realize getting your brother eaten is way worse,” Webby responded. “Louie's right,” Lena said, “If we tell Scrooge they snuck into the Bin, Scrooge'll feed them to the shark himself.” “Well, we need to do something!” Huey cried. “We need to take care of it ourselves,” Lena replied as she looked at Webby, “Don't you trust me?” “Okay,” Webby agreed with Lena, “But if there's a monster in the Bin, we need a way to keep safe while looking for it.” “Like a boat?” Huey asked. “But how do we get a boat into the money bin?” Louie questioned. Just then, Launchpad stormed into the room unexpectedly...


    My best friend Dewey's in trouble!” Launchpad cried, “I can feel it…


    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Citadel Tower~


    As Ignis hacked into the computer used by the Stormtrooper he killed earlier, Cassian and Jyn were trying to gain access to a certain hallway by using the dead Stormtrooper’s hand on a scanner to open the path, though it wasn’t working. “This is not working, Ignis,” Cassian told Ignis. “Try the right hand,” Ignis replied. Doing as suggested, Cassian and Jyn used the dead Stormtrooper’s right hand on the scanner, and that finally opened a path leading right into the Citadel Tower’s data vault room.


    ~(Flashback - Many Years Ago): The Dimension of Mewni~


    Arriving to the monster army camp (while eliciting surprise from the monster soldiers who were there), Moon stopped and watched as the monsters approached her, with one of them asking, “Uh, can we help you?” “I wish to speak to the general,” Moon answered. “The general?!” another monster cried as he and other monster soldiers began to laugh mockingly at Moon.

    Silence!” the monster general’s voice declared as he emerged from his tent, slowly passing his monster soldiers before finally coming face-to-face with Moon…


    Hello, Princess,” the monster general, Toffee, greeted Moon as he gave a bow. “I presume you're the one they call the ‘Lizard,’” Moon replied to the monster who killed her mother. “Yes, but you may call me... Toffee,” Toffee said. “Toffee? How is that any better?” Moon questioned, surprised by Toffee’s name. “What do you want?” Toffee asked. “I want you and your army to leave immediately or face the consequences,” Moon answered. “Your mom couldn't defeat us, and neither can you!” one of the monsters declared. “I was hoping you'd say that,” Moon replied as she took out her wand and pointed it at Toffee. “Ha! We're not afraid of your little girl magic!” one of the monsters scoffed. “In case you haven’t noticed, our general’s a lizard,” another monster added, “Meaning he’s invincible! He can grow back any limb regardless of what magic you throw at him!” Grinning, Toffee was curious to see what Moon would try, figuring that nothing she tries will work. Closing her eyes, Moon began to chant, “I call the darkness unto me from deepest depths of earth and sea. From ancient evils unawoken, break the one that can't be broken…” Purple storm clouds suddenly covered Moon and the monsters. As the monster soldiers were feeling a bit anxious over the storm clouds, wondering what was going to happen, Toffee’s grin began to fade away as he thought to himself, ‘Wait… why does this spell sound so familiar?’ “To blackest night, I pledge my soul and crush my heart to burning coal,” Moon continued reciting the spell as the top of her wand became stained with black, and black veins began appearing along her arms, “To summon forth a deathly power, to see my hated foe devoured!” “Hang on… that spell... I know it!” Toffee declared upon finally recognizing it, “That was my-” Before Toffee could finish his sentence, Moon opened her eyes and pointed her wand at Toffee’s right hand, firing a dark energy blast that severed his hand's middle finger and knocked him over. The purple storm clouds then suddenly vanished, and Toffee got up, noticing his severed finger on the ground disappearing. Trying to regrow his severed finger, Toffee noticed his regenerating finger crumbling to black dust, unable to grow it back like he typically would whenever he loses a limb. “It's not growing back!” one of the monsters cried as he and the rest of the monster soldiers screamed in terror, running away and scattering to the woods. Standing up, Toffee dusted himself off, glaring at Moon as he walked away, threatening, “This isn’t over.


    ~Siberia, Russia~


    Leaning against a wall as he was still trying to get over the tense feeling he got while meeting his father for the first time, Connor told Darien, Serena, Rini, Katniss, and Haymitch, “Before she died, my mother rarely ever spoke of my father. But I could tell a part of her still loved him. Yet, I never shared that same sentiment. In fact, I never wanted to come face to face with him.” “How come?” Rini asked. “When the Crystal Order was still around, he would be the one broadcasting messages on behalf of the group. He was instantly recognizable for anyone who watched the news,” Connor replied, “And because of my last name, fellow classmates at school would immediately make the connection between Haytham and myself. And for years, I would be teased and called names at school, such as ‘Terrorist Boy’ or ‘Crystal Order Spy’. Dick would often ask me why would I not change my last name to make life easier for me. Truth is… despite what I went through, I was still proud to call myself a Kenway, because of my grandfather, Edward Kenway, who was a military hero, and the complete opposite of my father. But now, here I am, years later after hearing so many things about my father and suffering because of him, I finally get to see him.” “How do you feel after finally meeting him?” Darien asked. “A mixture of emotions,” Connor answered, “Confusion… anger… after all these years where he knew that he hurt me, he suddenly decides he wants to help?!” Connor then smashed his fist at the wall in anger, with Haymitch trying to calm him down as he cried, “Pikapi!” “Connor, it’s okay,” Katniss added, “You have every right to be upset with your father. But… maybe, just maybe… he might be telling the truth about the nearby enemy base being run by someone opposed by both the New World Order and the Rebels.” “I have a strong feeling that he is indeed telling the truth,” Connor replied, surprising everyone else. “Huh? How can you be so sure?” Rini asked. “Because of my Eagle Vision,” Connor answered, “It is a power of mine that allows me to tell friend from foe. For example, Serena, Darien, Rini… when I use my Eagle Vision power and look at you three, I see you all surrounded by a blue aura. However, if I were to use my Eagle Vision power, with, say, a Stormtrooper, I would see a red aura instead.” “So… when you used your Eagle Vision power on Haytham…” Darien wondered out loud. “Correct,” Connor replied, knowing what Darien was about to say, “I saw a blue aura. I still do not think we can trust him, especially since he is a Grand Moff after all. But… it truly seems like he may, at least partially, be an ally… and I am not sure how to deal with that.” “Connor… I can’t even imagine what you’re going through in your mind right now,” Darien said, “But whatever you decide, I trust you’ll make the right decision.” Smiling, Connor replied, “Thank you, Darien.




    As Kristoff was speeding to try and avoid the Stormtroopers chasing him and the others, he slammed the brakes upon noticing a checkpoint up ahead, where Stormtroopers and Cybermen had their weapons pointed at the truck…


    Turning around, Kristoff found the two Stormtroopers he was trying to evade having arrived as well, pointing their blasters at the truck too. "W-What do we do?" Olaf asked. Trying to think of a plan, Kristoff replied, "Remain calm. Let's step out of the truck, with our hands on our heads. Don't worry, I'll get us out of here." "Well, if you say so," Olaf said, stepping out of the truck with Saphir and Kristoff with their hands over their heads, while Sven got out as well, remaining close to Kristoff. "Saphir!" one of the Stormtroopers cried as he lowered his weapon and approached Saphir, "Sir, your brother has been worried sick! Thank goodness you're alright. Please, step away from these Rebels. We'll be sure to get you somewhere safe." "B-But…" Saphir replied, only to be dragged away by the Stormtrooper while being advised to lower his hands. Still, Saphir looked back at the group, feeling worried about them, especially Elsa. As for the rest of the group, one of the Stormtroopers signaled to another Stormtrooper to apprehend Kristoff and the others. But just then, everyone heard a loud explosion that targeted some of the Stormtroopers in the checkpoint. Ducking for cover, Kristoff, Svwn, Olaf, and Saphir looked to see what happened. It was then they realized a Power Ranger had appeared…


    "Leave them alone…" the Zeo Gold Ranger threatened the Stormtroopers and Cybermen.


    ~Calcutta, India: Abandoned Warehouse~


    Returning to the warehouse where they had planned their attack, Akko and Dr. Banner found that Amanda and Ursula had regrouped with the others before them, and were looking at something outside a window...


    "There you are!" Amanda greeted the two while she was sitting on a chair due to her sprained ankle, "Sure took you long enough." "Yeah, sorry about that. We got a bit distracted and lost," Akko replied, not wanting to discuss what happened with Croix earlier. "What are you all looking at?" Bruce questioned. "Come and see for yourself," Diana responded. Rejoining the group, Akko and Banner watched as people outside were protesting against the New World Order. "Our actions today must've convinced many in the area to stand up to the New World Order," Lotte said. "Even though they'll probably retreat back into their homes once more New World Order reinforcements arrive," Sucy added. "But the important thing is that they were given hope that they can fight back against the regime and win," Ursula commented. "That's… that's good," Bruce replied, "And I'm sure they'll need the Hulk to help out. I'll be happy to volunteer." "Thanks, Doc," Amanda thanked Bruce. But while everyone was focused on the scene outside, Akko still was thinking about what Croix had told her, and was thinking a lot about the Shiny Rod. "Akko… are you okay?" Jasminka asked Akko. "Huh? Oh… yeah, I'm totally fine Jasminka," Akko replied, faking a smile as Banner looked at her, figuring that she didn't want to discuss Croix with the others, and deciding he should stay silent as well.


    ~Castelia City, New York - The Playground (Shining Armor’s Room)~


    Heading back to his room, Shining Armor was surprised to see Skye there, waiting for him…


    It's good to have Simmons back,” Skye remarked as she had her arms crossed. “Which is why you should be with them, celebrating,” the pony replied. “I know you're gonna go after him,” Skye said. “Skye…” Shining Armor said, trying to change the subject. “No, it's okay. I get it,” Skye replied, “New World Order or not, my father’s a bad guy. And right now he has the Obelisk, which is a bad thing. You know, I've spent all my life wondering who he was and why he left. But from the moment you and I saw the dead bodies he left behind back in Tokyo, before it was called the Capital… I… I stopped caring. And my experience today reinforced that feeling. All I care about is that we stop him, and I just wanted to let you know that whatever it takes to do that, I'm in.” “That's good to know,” Shining Armor remarked. “But if we're gonna do this, you have to be completely honest with me from now on. No more secrets kept between you, May, and Mace,” Skye replied, “Whatever's going on between you three and the rest of the Rebel Alliance, I want in... no exceptions.” “Okay,” Shining Armor agreed. “Okay,” Skye repeated, surprised at how easily Shining Armor approved her request. “We should probably get started,” Shining Armor said as he took out a large rolled up poster from his drawer. Opening the poster, Shining Armor and Skye looked at what appeared to be a strange diagram. “What’s this?” Skye questioned. “This was taken from behind a portrait located in Miami,” Shining Armor replied, “In case it looks familiar, it’s because it appears to be from the same kind of writing found on the Obelisk, which is why we were interested in it.” “So, what happened?” Skye asked, “Do we have the portrait?” “Unfortunately, no,” Shining Armor responded, “After discovering the writing behind the portrait a few days ago, a Rebel team in Miami tried to retrieve it for us. But, the New World Order was also interested in the portrait. In the end, the portrait was burned during a skirmish. On the bright side, while the New World Order walked away with nothing, we at the very least were able to take a picture of it. But that leads us to another problem. What does this diagram even mean? I don't even have a theory.” As she stared at the diagram, Skye had a strange feeling that she can somehow understand a bit of the diagram, unable to understand how that is even possible despite never having studied such writing before. “I think I know what it might be,” Skye said, “It's a map.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    Watching as T'Challa's grouped battled Stormtroopers, Adagio told her sisters, "Looks like there's not much we can do here now. Let's go get reinforcements." "Right!" Aria and Sonata replied as the three Inquisitors ran away. Meanwhile, as the battle continued, T'Challa noticed the Stormtrooper wearing a Wakandan mask. "That's him!" Okoye informed T'Challa as she stabbed a Stormtrooper with her spear, "That's the Stormtrooper wearing a Wakandan mask I told you about, the one I saw in Congo!" After hearing what Okoye said, T'Challa charged towards the Stormtrooper wearing a Wakandan mask, intending to take him out and find out who he was. But as he charged towards him, T'Challa was surprised to see the Stormtrooper didn't even attempt to shoot him with his blaster. Instead, the Stormtrooper charged towards T'Challa as well, and the two began to brawl, both masterfully trading blows to each other and blocking incoming attacks. But as they fought, T'Challa noticed a particular ring that the Stormtrooper was wearing around his neck. 'What?!' T'Challa thought to himself, seemingly recognizing the ring, and temporarily losing focus before shifting attention back to battling the Stormtrooper.


    ~The Capital: Gang Hideout (Hallway)~

    While Frank Castle was being tortured in a room by the gang leader, other gang members were busy standing guard in a hallway in case Castle managed to escape the room where he was. Just then, they heard a clang in the distance, prompting one of the gang members to question, “What was that?” As one of the gang members went to check to see the source of the clang, he was shoved into a room by Matt Murdock…


    “Hey… you alright over there?” another gang member questioned after hearing something as he went in the same direction as the previous gang member, holding his rifle tight as he checked on each room. But once he checked on the room where Murdock shoved his friend into, Murdock threw one of his batons straight towards the gang member’s face, knocking him out. “Take that side. Keep eyes on,” another gang member ordered a fellow gang member as they attempted to search the hallway for the two missing gang members that Murdock had just dealt with. However, one of them had a baton thrown to his face by Murdock, and the other was caught by surprise by the demon, who had pinned the gang member to the ground and kept punching him till he was out cold. Having took care of the gang members in the hallway, Murdock picked up his batons as he said, “Let’s go, Foggy.” “Osha!” Foggy cried as he rushed towards Matt from one of the rooms, climbing up to the demon’s shoulder…



    ~Osaka, Japan - Television Station~


    So, you’re saying one of them went from the size of an ant to the size of a regular sized person while wearing a red and black suit?” Robert Callaghan questioned Piers Morgan as he and the rest of the crew in the television studio were being questioned about the earlier incident where Rebels stormed the place and stole some equipment. "That's correct," Piers replied. ‘That sounds very much like something that could be done using Pym particles,’ Callaghan thought to himself, ‘I wonder, could it be…?’ “Question, this person… how old was he?” Callaghan questioned Piers. “Hmm, I would say he was a teenager,” Piers responded. ‘Hiro! Hank... you sly fox… you gave him your Pym particles,’ Callaghan silently thought to himself, ‘Well… two can play that game.’
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2020
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Rebel Base: Lana's Office~

    The three women were guided to what appeared to be the manager's office that was repurposed specifically for Lana's group, the four sat down with Lana asking them. "So, you said you had a mission?" C.C. nodded. "Yes, we do. We are here in order to investigate and find out more about this strange plume and of this Cronus character." Lana looked at the green-haired woman before telling her. "I can tell you that the last commander was killed by a black plume, it didn't speak or reveal itself but once it flew by the commander...he ended up sliced in half. I don't know if that helps." C.C's eyes widened. "It actually does, it tells us that this being isn't a part of the New World Order nor the Rebellion if it's the same being who killed the NWO member in charge here." Lana sighed. "As for Cronus we've been unable to properly track his movements, one minute we see him and the next he's gone without so much as being registered in our brains." Cynthia was in thought. "So, Cronus tends to move quickly that it's not mentally registered..." Lana looked at her. "Yeah, a couple of us can't even track him with our magical powers."

    Robin mused on this. "A Rider who moves quickly and can't be tracked even with magic..." Lana looked at Robin before bringing out a map explaining. "From what we could track, he has been operating out of two different towns." She pointed at Morehead. "Here in Morehead where we are at now..." She then pointed at a smaller town labeled. "Olive Hill" before explaining. "and here in the next county over in the small town of Olive Hill where the NWO supply depot is." Robin leaned in thinking. "Well, if he's operating from these two towns...then it's most likely he could be anywhere between here and there unless he's operating from other places we don't know about." C.C. nodded. "Yes Robin, he probably is limiting himself to avoid being found out." Lana looked at them before asking. "This is unrelated, but how did you all end up on the NWO's hit list?" The three looked at Lana before simply telling her. "For fighting against Astral and the S-Types." Lana blinked. "I see...some of the Rebellion is afraid of that thing." C.C. boldly told her. "We're not...our group's overall mission is to specifically deal with Astral even though we are a part of the Rebellion as well. Now...would it be possible for us to coordinate an effort to locate Cronus?" Lana looked at C.C. before telling her. "We can, but I have some Rebels out working on something to deal with that supply depot, so they're not here." Robin then said. "If we allocate our combined forces, we should be able to find Cronus. With the Stormtroopers in disarray it will also not be as big of an issue as our previous operations." C.C. smirked. "Then let's come up with a plan."​
  9. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    -Gokai Galleon-

    "I think this is more or less a tribal ritual or something to that effect considering some tribes like Native Americans look to animals for guidance since they are more attuned to the land than other people, my travels had me see how much of a close-knit community they can but also, respecting the deities they worship... I am not sure if the Spirit Animals are all correctly matched to an individual since we all imagine ourselves like a certain animal... It could also be at one time, we were such an animal before we reincarnated into humans." Harold mused, swirling his tea.

    "it is also peculiar this Dulcea has her own limitations despite being such a helpful aid against the birdmen... perhaps it's a curse placed upon her or something since she said she'd age rapidly if she stepped beyond the plateau... But we can't ask that question now, all we can do is wait for them to acquire the Great Power as I am not sure what defenses it has at its disposal, considering the many skeletons we saw just on the way here." Harold added.
  10. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base-

    Harry stood with Hermione, Ryotaro, Nico, and Yuki. Hermione looked at the two gamers who were also her teammates, "Sure you two don't want to check the remains of the game store?" "Nah, sides, there's probably no good games left." Nico said, leaning back. Vulpix rubbed against Yuki's legs and smiled, Riolu stretched and yawned. Ryotaro looked around the empty mall.

    Lily went to find a place for the group to sleep and relax, the Wilys just sat and Kit played her flute, playing a calming melody.



    'A Power Ranger....?' Elsa and Anna thought, looking at him. They had assumed the Rangers were either in hiding or killed, but to see one in person was something else. Elsa and Anna still held each other but their grip was lighter now the Ranger had appeared.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    "Well, it could also be possible by connecting to the animal, one can change into that animal." Remus said, looking at his tea. "Miss Dulcea did change into a owl, which must have been her animal." Though he did admit to himself, he had blackmail on James with how Dulcea comforted him about his animal.


    -Siberia, Russia-

    Serena gripped her wand, still not sure about Haytham being Connor's father and the fact he was a Grand Moff. She touched his shoulder, "Well, we should still be cautious since it could be a trap. But lets also keep some faith it's not."


    -Tokyo Cathedral, The Capital-

    Causally walking by the cathedral, Esmeralda saw the police patrol the area. 'Well, was expecting that but still need to think about evade them and get to whatever treasure that nut is keeping in the cathedral. Then maybe give it away to the Rebels or something.' She thought.
  11. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~


    Using a helicopter to carry a small boat, Launchpad and the kids got on the boat as it was lowered towards the money and treasure in the bin. Once it landed, the group looked up as Launchpad's helicopter crashed into the nearby sea, simply shrugging as Huey asked, "Now what do we do?" "We wait," Launchpad replied, staying focused as he looked around to see if there was any sign of the shark that Huey and Louie mentioned.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives~


    As the battle in Scarif continued, Noctis was getting ready to lead Rebels with Prompto to attack another group of Stormtroopers when he suddenly noticed something to their side that caused his heart to sink. "Prompto! Prompto!" Noctis yelled to his friend. "What?" Prompto questioned. "Run!" Noctis cried as he began running away. Turning to see what had frightened Noctis, Prompto noticed an AT-AT arrive to the scene, getting ready to shoot at the Rebels on the ground. "Run, Run, RUN AWAY!" Prompro cried as he and other Rebels ran for their lives while trying to avoid getting hit by the AT-AT's laser cannons.


    ~(Flashback - Many Years Ago): The Dimension of Mewni~


    Arriving to the now empty monster army camp, River rushed towards Moon as he happily said, “Queen Moon! You did it!” “Oh, my gosh, River!” Moon happily replied as she and River shared a hug, “Thank you!” “What... did you just do?” Rhombulus questioned as he and the others arrived to see what Moon had done with the monster army…


    I did my job!” Moon answered with a stern tone to her voice, “And as your queen, I will continue to do my job of protecting this kingdom! I single-handedly put an end to the monster army threat, and I will scatter them without country or leadership! Now, are there any questions?” No one had a single question for Moon, with the queen commenting, “I didn't think so.” Everyone then bowed to Moon as she walked past them, heading back to her castle.


    ~Siberia, Russia~


    I agree. Thank you, Serena,” Connor responded to Serena, “Actually, I think I may have a plan…” Minutes later, Connor and the others returned to the room where Haytham was being held, only this time, they were accompanied by Thor, Nikolai Orelov, and the T-800 Terminator…


    Ah, Thor!” Haytham greeted Thor upon recognizing him, “How’s your father?” “Still limping because of what you did to him in Iraq,” Thor replied with an angry look on his face as he faced Haytham while holding on to his hammer. “Right…” Haytham nodded as he took note of the Terminator, “Ah… I see you Rebels have managed to reprogram that Terminator into an ally of yours. Pretty impressive, I must say.” “Quiet,” Connor ordered his father, “Now you say that you came here to offer us help in dealing with the nearby New World Order base. But seeing as how you are a Grand Moff, we feel that we need more proof that we can trust you. The Terminator over here has an in-built polygraph, and will be able to detect any lies that come out of your mouth. Should you dare to say even just one lie, Thor will not hesitate to dislocate your head from your body. Do you understand, Father?” Looking at both the Terminator and Thor, Haytham nodded as he replied, “Understood.” “Very well,” Connor said, “Tell us about the nearby New World Order base. What happened there that caused the New World Order into wanting the one charge of it to be disposed of?” Taking a deep breath, Haytham answered, “The base was housing a potential candidate to join the Inquisitors. This candidate’s name is Castiel, a man who was once deceased only to be revived after being possessed by an S-type.” “Wait, Castiel’s over there?!” Darien questioned, seemingly recognizing who Haytham was talking about. “Someone you know?” Katniss asked. “Yeah…” Darien replied as he crossed his arms, “I knew him from my days in the J.I.A. He was a good guy. I do know they did some sort of experimentation involving S-types on him after some mission. But… I didn’t realize he apparently died and was brought back after getting possessed by an S-type. That would explain why he began acting really strange after that mission.” “Tuxedo Mask is correct,” Haytham remarked, “Castiel had some trouble controlling the S-type instincts that were now a part of him. Which is why the J.I.A. had a psychiatrist named Dr. Johann Fennhoff work with Castiel to try and control that part of him so that he could potentially go back to the way he was before he was killed. After the fall of the J.I.A., the New World Order kept Castiel in that base under Fennhoff’s supervision. Fennhoff even lobbied to have Castiel become an Inquisitor. Unfortunately for the doctor… Castiel lost complete control two days ago, and killed Fennhoff. Castiel then took over the entire base, forcing the Stormtroopers over there to follow his orders or to face death, while also disobeying every command from the New World Order.” “Well?” Connor asked the Terminator, wondering if his father was telling the truth. “Polygraph analysis indicate that he is telling the truth,” the Terminator responded. “His story does corroborate with what we were able to get from the Stormtroopers apprehended by Finn and his team,” Nikolai remarked. Looking back at his father, Connor asked, “Then why help the Rebels? Why would the New World Order send you to work with the Rebels to defeat Castiel? Can the New World Order not deal with this problem themselves?” “Truth is, I didn’t come here on behalf of them,” Haytham answered, “As far as they’re concerned, I am simply in the area to investigate and see what Castiel is up to. Surrendering myself was of my own volition, and the New World Order has absolutely no idea of that, I swear.” As everyone looked to the Terminator to see if Haytham was lying, the Terminator declared, “He is still telling the truth.” “Very well… one last question, Father,” Connor told Haytham, “Why help the Rebels overtake that base? I know you want Castiel disposed of… but would it not be preferable for the New World Order to retake it for themselves?” “To be honest, after what Castiel did, and the losses we suffered trying to reclaim the base yesterday, the New World Order would much rather have Rebels take it themselves then to try and take it back,” Haytham answered, “Less costly for us. Better for the Rebels to deal with it themselves than to get our own hands dirty.” “Now I know that definitely is not a lie,” Thor scoffed, disgusted at how the New World Order wouldn’t mind what happens with the base Castiel’s controlling so long as they don’t have to do anything themselves and the Rebels are the ones putting themselves at risk instead. “Correct,” the Terminator replied to indicate that once again, Haytham wasn’t lying. “He actually didn’t lie at all…” a surprised Rini remarked. “Well, Ratonhnhaké:ton, what do you plan to do?” Nikolai asked. After thinking about it for a moment, Connor replied, “We will attack the base and put an end to Castiel’s hold on it. Nikolai, have Cid get the Millenium Falcon ready to transport us there. I will need both teams that went out for recon to join us, as well as Mewtwo and Discord. Darien, I am going to need you, Serena, and Rini to join me.” “Got it,” Darien responded. “Anything for you, Connor,” Rini added. “Thor, Katniss, Terminator, I need you three to stay in the village with Nikolai and guard it while we are away,” Connor continued. “Understood,” Katniss replied while Thor nodded. “And as for you, Father…” Connor said as he faced Haytham. Taking out his tomahawk, Connor walked towards Haytham, and used his weapon to cut the rope that kept him strapped in his chair, telling him, “I am freeing you, for now, so that you will join us as a guide on this mission. But if you dare to even think of sabotaging our mission in order to take Rebel lives, I will not hesitate to have you killed.” “Right… good plan, son,” Haytham responded as he patted Connor on his shoulder, only to receive a dirty look from him in response, “Ah, sorry about that.” “You sure you can trust him,” Thor asked Connor. “We will see,” Connor responded, “But I will definitely keep my eyes fixated on him at all times.




    “A Power Ranger?! Shoot him now!” a Stormtrooper cried as he and the other Stormtroopers, as well as the Cybermen, quickly pointed their weapons at the Zeo Gold Ranger and began shooting. The Power Ranger, however, quickly dodged away from the blaster fire, and summoned his Golden Power Staff, using it to deflect some of the blaster fire. Jumping to grab a blaster from the ground belonging to one of the Stormtroopers killed by a deflected blaster shot, Kristoff used it to shoot at the Stormtroopers to try and help the Power Ranger. As Olaf got back into the truck to hide during the battle, Saphir glanced at a blaster on the belt of the Stormtrooper accompanying him. Acting impulsively, Saphir quickly grabbed the blaster he noticed. “Sir? What are you-” the Stormtrooper accompanying Saphir questioned before getting shot by Saphir, surprising Kristoff, as he didn’t expect Saphir to do such a thing. Meanwhile, the Zeo Gold Ranger rushed towards the Stormtroopers, using his Golden Power Staff to slash them as he cried, “It's time for a gold rush!


    ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~


    While patrolling the area along with other police officers, Officer Don Eppes noticed Esmerelda casually passing by, telling her, “Good day, Miss. Looking for something? Or do you just wanna go inside and pray?


    ~Castelia City, New York - Tex Richman's Penthouse~


    As Xigbar was busy explaining to the regional governor of North America, Tex Richman, of the events that had happened in Los Angeles, they noticed two Cybermen enter Richman’s penthouse, dragging along with them Cal Zabo, who was holding on to a metallic suitcase…


    Alright, guys… you can let go of me now,” Cal told the Cybermen, “I assure you, I am not a danger.” “What’s going on?” Xigbar asked. “This individual indicated that he had something valuable to offer,” one of the Cybermen responded, “Scans indicate he carries no weapons.” Looking at Tex to see how he would react, Xigbar saw him signal the Cybermen to let Cal go to see what it is he had to offer. Once the Cybermen let go of Cal, he dusted his shoulders off as he slowly approached Tex and Xigbar, saying, “I'm sorry for the interruption. This will only take a second. But anyway, I hear you've been looking for this.” Placing his suitcase on the floor, Cal opened it up, with Tex and Xigbar surprised to see the Obelisk that the New World Order had been searching for inside. “The Obelisk…” a surprised Tex remarked. “In its native language, it's called the Diviner, one of many little details I know about this thing,” Cal responded. “Can you tell us how to use it?” Tex asked. “Better yet, I'll teach you how to survive it,” Cal answered with a grin. “And why would you do that?” Tex asked with a curious expression on his face. “We share a common enemy… the Rebel Alliance,” Cal answered, “I thought maybe together, we could kill them all.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    As T’Challa and the others continued battling against the Stormtroopers, Adagio Dazzle and her two sisters returned to the scene, accompanied by half a dozen Cybermen ready to take down the Rebels…


    T’Challa and the others were stunned upon noticing the Cybermen as Adagio ordered the metallic men, “ATTACK!” Quickly trying to think of a way to get his friends out, Thorax located a nearby blaster belonging to a deceased Stormtrooper, quickly grabbing it, and shooting at the lighting in the ceiling, turning the whole area dark. “T’Challa, guys, let’s get out of here!” Thorax cried as he ran away, with T’Challa and his team taking advantage of the situation as they ran away as well. However, the Cybermen were able to see the Rebels as they tried escaping due to their night vision capabilities, and began following them.


    ~The Capital: Gang Hideout~


    After suffering tremendous torture from the gang leader and his two thugs, Frank Castle silently remained in his seat, barely clinging to life. Signaling to his men to take a break, the gang leader left the room with them. Little did they know that Castle was slowly trying to break his hands free from the tape used to strap him to the chair.


    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~


    Sneaking into the empty mall that was now a Rebel base, the thief known as Lina Inverse was hiding behind a pillar, taking a quick glance as she noticed Rebels hanging around. ‘Rebels… better avoid getting caught…’ Lina thought to herself, ‘Now then, to find a jewelry store that might still have some inventory left behind.’ Rolling to the side to hide behind a bench and then rushing to hide behind a broken vending machine, Lina looked around to find the remains of a jewelry store, until she found an empty jewelry store right up ahead. ‘Found one!’ Lina thought to herself, rushing towards the store while making sure to avoid getting noticed. However, upon arriving to the store, she noticed it was locked. ‘Drats… even when abandoned, they still had to lock it,’ Lina thought to herself, ‘Oh well, guess I’ll have to unlock it.’ Holding her right hand, Lina summoned a Keyblade that materialized in her hand. Pointing her Keyblade at the locked jewelry store, a large keyhole suddenly appeared on the doors to the store. Lina’s Keyblade then shot a ray of light to the keyhole, and the sound of a lock unlocking could be heard. The keyhole then disappeared, the doors to the jewelry store managed to open on their own. With her Keyblade dematerializing, Lina entered the store, and had a big grin on her face as she noticed that a lot of inventory was still left behind, with Lina thinking to herself, ‘Cha-ching! Lina, you’ve just hit the jackpot!’
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    As they were adjusting, Mario and Luigi could hear a faint clicking sound not far from their position causing them to raise their eyebrows. Mario asked his brother. "Luigi, did you hear that?" Luigi looked at Mario before he said. "It sounded like it was a door unlocking, but from what I saw the only place that had been locked was a jewelry store and the keys would have probably been hidden." Mario raised a gloved finger. " a normal person, however we know that people run around with giant keys. Someone could have used that to open any locked door." Luigi looked at Mario rather suspiciously before asking. "Are you implying that Kairi just broke into a jewelry store with the intent to rob it blind?" Mario looked at Luigi with a deadpan look in his eyes. "No Luigi, that'd be a stupid assumption...although I am concerned our group may get roped in because we have a Keyblade user on hand."

    Kairi soon walked up to the brothers having overheard their conversation before asking. "Is everything all right?" Mario looked at the redhead. "Everything is fine, although we think someone else is here with a keyblade since we heard a clicking noise." Kairi raised an eyebrow. "Well it wasn't me, I was inside what was a Bed, Bath, and Beyond." Mario looked at Kairi and then at Luigi before he said. "We need to get to the jewelry store and see what's going on before something bad happens since Lana, C.C., and them are busy." The trio then proceeded to run to the jewelry store.

    Meanwhile Zitz was at work at the security station looking over the various cameras and computer setups he had around him, Futaba nearby watching with a bit of glee on her face imagining having a setup like that. Zitz looked on screen and had noticed someone entered the jewelry store on security footage, he looked at Lina closely on the screen before asking Futaba. "Is she with you guys?" Futaba leaned in adjusting her glasses before simply muttering. "Nope, never seen that person in my life."

    Mario, Luigi, and Kairi arrived at the jewelry store just as Kairi brought forth her keyblade in hand, the trio carefully snuck inside as to not be noticed by Lina and quickly hid themselves and proceeded to look at the girl before them. Luigi whispering. "So she must be the one who got in here, all we need to do now is to be subtle and catch her off guard." Mario nodded before curling up into a ball and rolled out of his hiding spot before managing to get under the display case. Kairi and Luigi quickly bolted from their spots into different directions, eventually Mario pulled himself out from under the case and stood beside Lina casually remarking. "Well, someone seems to have an eye for shiny objects."

    As Mario, Luigi, and Kairi were busy. A green-skinned toad with sunglasses and a larger brown toad had just arrived outside the store's doors, the two being prepared as the green one whispered. "Alright Pimple, we just need to wait and hope she tries to leave through here. If not Zitz has a backup plan to capture her." Pimple merely grinned pounding his fists together as he said. "As long as she's caught, doesn't matter how we do it Rash."​
  13. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Gokai Galleon~

    Harold shrugged. "I can't possibly say any more on that unless this connection is similar to becoming an Animagi." Harold off-handily said "But well, it's no use discussing what might be or could of been, fact of the matter is, we're sitting here on our thumbs until they retrieve the Great Power and then well, whatever next is on the agenda." Harold sipped his tea and breathed.

    "it is probably best to retire for the night, after all, tomorrow may prove to bring its own problems, I thank you for the tea." Harold said, placing his cup down and heading back to the room he originated from.
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Gokai Galleon-

    Remus nodded and finished his cup. He looked at Luka and said, "I am sorry to have used your wares without asking." "I'll clean up, so don't worry." Luka said, finishing up her tea. He nodded and set his cup down, getting up and going to his room. Luka got up and put the remaining tea in a pot then cleaned out the kettle, putting it and the cups away.

    Before heading to her room, Luka checked on Emma and smiled to see her sleeping soundly. Then she went to her own room.


    -Peru, South America - Ruins-

    While the rest of the Rangers were sleeping, Tommy woke up and looked up at the stars. He felt Kimberly snuggle up next to him, he looked at the others. Dante was asleep with his mouth open and drool hanging from his lip. Nala was sleeping soundly next to James who was drooling a bit while Thomas was sleeping against one of the pillars.

    Looking out at the monolith in the distance, Tommy wondered what kind of dangers they were going to face that their companions couldn't come along to face them.


    -Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base-

    Wandering and finding a empty bookstore, Hermione looked around with Vulpix and found some game books. She took some and began to read, hoping to be able to connect with her teammates. Harry sat in a empty food court and breathed, looking at his partner, Riolu. Riolu smiled and rubbed him.

    Lily sat with the Wilys, smiling as she listened to Kit play her flute. Ryotaro stretched and found a place to rest, breathing. Nico found a game store and decided to look around.



    Taking a breath, Elsa fired some ice blasts at the Stormtroopers. Anna shouted, hitting some of them with a sturdy stick that she found. The two sisters tried to do what they could to help.


    -Siberia, Russia-

    Serena walked with them, worried about Conner and worried about Luna and Sammy. She breathed, calming herself and stayed close to the others.


    -The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral-

    Esmeralda looked at the man who asked if she wanted to go in and pray. 'This would be a good chance to browse for what to take.' She thought to herself. Esmeralda said, "Yes, I would like to go in and pray. I'm worried about the state of the world and hope a prayer can help in some way."
  15. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin~


    While Launchpad and Lena were busy inside the boat as they and the others were waiting for any sign of the money shark, Huey brought a sack full of coins and treasure, telling Webby and Louie, “You lure real sharks with chum, so logically we should be able to lure a money shark with expensive stuff.” As Huey handed him an old valuable vase, Louie sighed as he took it and threw it off the boat, commenting, “So long, future inheritance.


    ~Sky Over Scarif in The Maldives~

    As the battle in Scarif raged on, a Rebel ship suddenly appeared in the sky overlooking the battlezone, accompanied by dozens of X-Wings and other ships ready to battle the New World Order...


    This is Bogo of the Rebel Alliance,” Bogo announced from the main Rebel ship, “All Squadron leaders report in.


    This is Blue Leader standing by,” Cham Syndulla responded from his X-Wing.


    This is Gold Leader, standing by,” Hera responded from her X-Wing.


    This is Red Leader, standing by,” Benjamin Clawhauser responded from his X-Wing. Way below in the New World Order base in Scarif, Director Orson Krennic, having been surprised by the appearance of Rebel ships, ordered a complete lockdown of the base, which would involve closing the shield gate that allowed air traffic in and out of Scarif. Noticing the shield gate beginning to close while the Helicarriers hovering around it began to send dozens of TIE Fighters to deal with the Rebels, Bogo contacted the Rebel Squadron leaders, ordering, “Red and Gold Squadron, attack formations. Defend the fleet. Blue squadron, get down there before they close that gate.” “Copy that,” Cham responded, “Blue Squadron, on me.” “Copy, Blue Leader,” all members of the Blue Squadron responded to Cham as they piloted their X-Wings through the shield gate, making sure to avoid getting hit by TIE fighters and turret fire while also making sure to get there before the shield gate completely closed. Unfortunately, one of the X-Wings didn’t make it, crashing right into the shield just as it completely closed, leaving Blue Squadron one X-wing short as they were now flying around the Scarif base.




    Noticing Anna knock a Stormtrooper with a stick, Kristoff commented, “Huh, not bad.” As for Saphir, he joined Elsa as she shot ice blasts at Stormtroopers, shooting Stormtroopers himself with the blaster he stole earlier. However, once all the Stormtroopers were taken care of, the Cybermen were all that remained. But since the Cybermen’s metal made them impervious to any sort of attack, the group was at a disadvantage as they ducked to avoid incoming blaster fire from the Cybermen while the Power Ranger used his Golden Power Staff to deflect the blaster fire to protect the others. “BD! A little help here!” the Power Ranger cried. “BD? Who’s BD?” Olaf wondered out loud as he leaned out the window of the driver seat in the truck. Just then, a small adorable droid rushed to the scene, answering the Gold Zeo Ranger’s call…


    BD-1 gave an electronic beep, introducing himself to Olaf, Kristoff, Saphir, Elsa, and Anna. “Oh, so you’re BD,” Olaf told the droid, “Well, nice to meet ya! I’m Olaf, that’s Kristoff, that’s Sa-” “Olaf, not a good time for introductions!” Kristoff interrupted the snowman. “BD-1! Get me a sonic stabilizer!” the Gold Zeo Ranger cried as he continued trying to deflect blaster fire from the Cybermen. Just then, however, the Power Ranger was hit by a Cyberman’s blaster fire above the hip on the right side of his body, causing him to collapse as he cried in pain. As BD-1 appeared to be worried about the Gold Zeo Ranger while the others were worried now that no one was protecting them from the Cybermen, the Power Ranger cried, “BD! Give them the sonic stabilizer, now!” Doing as he was instructed, BD-1 ejected a sonic stabilizer hidden inside him, tossing it to Kristoff, who was able to catch it immediately. “A sonic stabilizer?” Kristoff wondered out loud as he suddenly had a plan, “Sven! When I say ‘Go’, charge towards the Cybermen!” As Sven nodded from the back of the truck, Kristoff threw the sonic stabilizer that BD-1 handed him towards the incoming Cybermen, weakening their metal and making them vulnerable to attack. “SVEN! GO!” Sven then jumped out of the truck, and charged towards the Cybermen, easily smashing through them all and breaking them into many pieces. “Good boy, Sven,” Kristoff complimented his reindeer, patting him on the head as he returned to him. As for the Gold Zeo Ranger, he de-morphed while still hurt from his wound…


    As BD-1 rushed to Cal’s side to check on him, Kristoff, Saphir, and Olaf rushed to his side as well to check on his wound in order to see how bad it was. Once BD-1 scanned Cal’s wound, Kristoff commented, “It doesn’t look too bad, but it needs to be cauterized asap to stop the bleeding.” “Cauterized? Well, we don’t have anything extremely hot… but something extremely cold should have the same effect,” Saphir replied before turning to Elsa, “Elsa, please… we need you to use your ice powers to cauterize his wound.


    ~The Capital - New World Order Dungeon~


    ... and that is what really happened,” Moon said after confessing to her husband what really happened when she confronted Toffee years ago. “Moon… why didn’t you tell me?” River questioned, stunned to hear what Moon just said, “I’m your husband! We should never keep secrets from each other… especially secrets like this one!” “I know, I know…” Moon responded, feeling ashamed as she sighed, “And the fact that Star might pay the price for my own decisions makes it even worse… oh, what have I done…” Realizing that his wife was feeling guilty, River sighed as he said, “Look, Moon… I’m still not happy that you kept this secret from me all those years. Still… we shouldn’t dwell on the past like that. What’s done is done. All that matters now is hoping that Star can deal with whatever Toffee has prepared for her. And I said it once, and I’ll say it again, Star is very tough and capable of defending herself. Don’t you worry about her.” Smiling a bit, Moon responded, “Thank you, River.


    ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~


    Very well, go right ahead then,” Eppes replied to Esmerelda, giving her permission to go in, “By the way, if you see anything suspicious, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to report it, alright?


    ~The Capital: Gang Hideout (Hallway)~

    As four gang members walked down the hallway to see who was taking out their own members, Matt Murdock surprised two of the gang members from behind, knocking them both out with his batons…


    “Get him!” one of the other two gang members cried out as Matt quickly dodge rolled towards the other two gang members, throwing one of his batons towards one of them and knocking him out, and then quickly grabbing hold of the other gang member’s rifle, forcing him to the ground and punching him hard enough to knock him out. And as one of the gang members who was knocked out was trying to get back up, Foggy appeared right next to him, smashing him in the head with his scalchop...


    Oshawott!” Foggy cried after knocking out the gang member who tried to get back up, and proceeded to follow Matt as they tried to locate Frank Castle.


    ~Northern Nigeria - New World Order Cyberman Facility~


    Exit’s right over there!” Thorax cried as he and the rest of T’Challa’s group were running down a hallway, trying to get away from the Cybermen chasing them, “But we gotta get rid of the Cybermen!” “I’ll take care of it!” Shuri responded, turning around as she stopped to face the Cybermen. Quickly taking out a sonic stabilizer, Shuri threw it towards the Cybermen in order to weaken their Vibranium metal. Shuri then used her Vibranium gauntlets to shoot blasts of sonic energy towards the Cybermen, shattering them into many pieces. Once the Cybermen threat was gone, Shuri cheered, “Yes!” She then rejoined her group as they stormed out of the facility through the exit.


    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~


    As she was collecting jewelry, Lina suddenly noticed Mario appear beside her, though she didn't appear surprised, simply commenting, "Busted already? Wow, that's gotta be a new record. Man, I'm really falling behind when it comes to trying not to be seen. Still, I suppose this isn't as bad as when the New World Order tried to capture and kill me after I successfully stole from Ft. Knox." Lina then proceeded to continue casually collecting jewelry despite realizing that Mario caught her in the act, telling him, "So, since ya caught me, I suppose introductions are in order. The name's Lina. Lina Inverse… master thief. Got a name yourself?"


    ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~


    You sure you want to fly right now?” Finn asked Cid as he and Natasha were accompanying him to the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit, both of them worried on whether Cid was fit to fly since he had drank some vodka earlier in the day. “Maybe Cindy could pilot the ship instead,” Natasha added. “Now don’t you two fret none,” Cid retorted, “I’m completely sober! I guarantee it!” “Alright… I’ll take your word for it, Cid,” Finn said, shrugging as Cid entered the cockpit. “You sure he could pilot in his condition?” Natasha asked Finn. “Hey, I’ve known Cid for a long time. He can fly better than any other pilot even with one hand tied behind his back,” Finn replied. Just then, Finn noticed BB-8 approach him...


    Hey, BB-8,” Finn greeted the droid as he knelt down next to him, “Did you go get Rey?


    ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again)~


    Walking around the Millennium Falcon as they were getting ready for their mission, Mewtwo and Discord were stunned but not surprised to see Haytham Kenway, their former second-in-command from their days in the Crystal Order, passing by them…


    Ah, Discord, Mewtwo… it’s been a while,” Haytham greeted the two as though there was no bad blood between them. “Yeah, it sure has. And everyday since has been a blessing,” Discord scoffed. “You know, it’s a shame you both had to run off like you did that day,” Haytham said, “The two of you would’ve been granted respectable positions in the New World Order had you stayed with us. Oh well, good luck with the mission, lads.” As Haytham left to find Connor, Discord told Mewtwo, “I really hate that guy.” “Let it go, Discord… let it go,” Mewtwo replied, trying to calm his friend down.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Outside The Millennium Falcon~


    "This way," Connor told Star, Marco, and Tom as he showed them the ramp to enter the Millennium Falcon. "Oooh… such a cool looking ship," Star commented as she entered the Millennium Falcon with Tom and Marco. "Will you be alright?" Katniss asked Connor, "Going on this mission with your father…" "It is impossible to not have concerns given his history, I will admit," Connor replied, "But fear not. After all, I will have Darien, Serena, and Rini by my side… I am in capable hands regardless of whether my father plans to backstab me or not." "Well, either way, be safe," Katniss said. "I will," Connor replied as he Katniss shared a kiss. Looking down as he noticed Haymitch seemed to be worried about him too, Connor knelt next to the Pikachu, patting him on the head as he said, "Watch yourself, Haymitch. I will be back before you know it." "Pika… chu," Haymitch replied as Connor got up, gave one last nod to Katniss and Haymitch before entering the Millennium Falcon.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again x2)~


    Arriving to the Millennium Falcon with Serena while transformed, Darien/Tuxedo Mask and Rini/Sailor Mini Moon took a seat around a table, with Tuxedo Mask commenting, “Connor assured me that Clemont asked Sammy to help out with some tasks just like he did in China, so that way, he won’t suspect a thing while the three of us are going on this mission.” “Huh… and is Connor going to join us?” Sailor Mini Moon asked. “He will, just as soon as he takes care of final preparations outside,” Tuxedo Mask replied.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    Mario placed his hands in his pockets before introducing himself. "It's Mario, and I'll be honest...I don't know what you did to nearly get killed at Fort Knox, but you almost got away with it here if it hadn't been for the sound of your giant key unlocking the door within earshot of myself and my brother." Luigi popped up on the other side of Lina commenting. "He's right, and we're not even natives to this country. By the way, my name is Luigi...I'm Mario's brother." Luigi quickly looked at Lina's waist, his blue eyes not noticing any sort of Rider equipment on hand as Mario admitted. "Still, a master thief like yourself managing to get in and out plus living to tell the tale is certainly something else considering the turbulent nature of this world. The New World Order probably has a bounty on your head just like they do with me." Kairi then came out of her spot holding her keyblade chiming in. "Still, you have a keyblade...just like me. My name is Kairi." Mario looked at Lina before he took his hands out of his pockets asking. "Ms. Lina...what do you intend to do with these jewels and the other stuff you've stolen?"

    Meanwhile Vert was sitting on a bench looking at games on her phone before Noire walked up and sat down beside her blonde sister asking her. "What are you doing?" Vert turned to the raven-haired girl with a smile. "I'm looking at what games this local store not far from here has." Vert looked at her phone again before raising an eyebrow muttering. "What is this? Why is there an E on the corner of the case?" Noire took the phone and looked at it as well before she said. "That can't be right, it has to be an A or something." Blanc popped up over Noire's shoulder looking at the phone screen. "No, that's an E...did you forget we're not in Japan anymore?" Vert commented. "So...that's not a CERO rating?" Blanc pulled out her phone and looked into it. "Nope, that's the ESRB rating. Their system is different from CERO." Vert looked deadpan at Blanc asking. "Can it at least work on our consoles at home?" Blanc didn't look over as she responded. "They should...they're region free."

    Neptune noticed Hermione trying to look into gaming and walked up to her before looking down at the book, she then smiled saying. "You know, my family are experts in gaming...and you seem to be having a bit of trouble if you're looking into it." Dawn on the other hand noticed that Harry was alone before walking over and sat down in front of him asking. "Hey, you doing all right there?" ​
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    -Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base-

    Yuuki browsed the gaming stores available, having a curious look upon her face, while Nico, a fellow Ranger was a gamer girl, it didn't stop her from being interested in it herself considering it was what she had to occupy herself with during her recovery from her terminal illness, she was comparing two game covers that were the same title but had different characters.

    "Why not just package it all into one game with all the routes instead of exclusive characters in certain titles?" Yuuki asked herself in a low tone.

    ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~

    Yuri stood within the cathedral, staring upwards with hands behind his back. "Come on Alice, we seen other places just like, why are we visiting every single place..." Yuri groaned, looked at his white haired companion.

    ~Unknown Location~

    Vergil walked briskly before stopping, looking over his shoulder slightly. "What do you want Branwen? I already done your favour." Vergil asked as the black haired woman stepped out from the shadows. "It's not a mission, it's more just seeing if you're still alive considering you are eliminating demons around the world to ensure the New World Order doesn't get any more alliances."

    Vergil gave a small turn of his head. "I do not care for humans, I have my own goals to accomplish." Vergil said and Raven responded. "I cannot deny you have your own desires, but... why do you not join a faction, you could gain so much more."

    Vergil turned around, facing her. "I work alone, always will.. banding together is for the weak... that suits my foolish brother better." Vergil said and Raven looked at him in her cold expression. "Why?" and Vergil answered. "Power rules everything, without power, you are nothing, you know that as well I do with the lengths you went to preserve your clan or whatever you call it... If you want to talk to me about family issues, you are talking to a wall, go and speak with your daughter if you want family."

    "How did you...?" Raven begun to ask and Vergil spoke. "Uncannily resemblance when I taught at Nintendo High for the brief time before I was... removed from my post." and Raven looked to him. "You're impossible."

    "Been told that many times, yet here I am... now are you going to leave me to do my job or is there something else you want?" Vergil asked bluntly and Raven breathed. "...No, but you will choose a side Vergil even though you are attempting to remain out of this conflict." Raven said and he disappeared. "...Sides mean nothing, only power." Vegril said, turning to resume his walk to his next destination.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Peru, South America - Ruins-

    While thinking and trying to get back to sleep, Tommy saw Dante sneeze and he did dazed and confused for a bit before falling back asleep. Tommy sighed, rolling his eyes and holding Kimberly close before trying to manage to get back to sleep.


    -Morehead, Kentucky - Rebel Base-

    "Well, my teammates are gamers so I want to be sure that I can understand the references that they may make during a fight and that we can work together in a fight." She said, looking away and being embarrassed. "I am not a gamer, I studied more and barely got into video games."

    "I'm okay." Harry said, looking at the person who came up to him. "Just worried about my dad, his friend and the group who headed to South America to look for a important power. Hope that they are okay." He breathed, looking at the black and white mask that was part of his disguise.



    "You can do it, Elsa." Anna said, trying to encourage her sister. Elsa gulped and walked to Cal, summoning some ice in her hand and gently rubbed it over the wound. She looked at Cal, she said, "It may sting but please endure til it feels better."


    -Siberia, Russia - Millennium Falcon-

    Rey walked up, looking at the Falcon. She was awed at the ship, she walked up and said, "Hey, I'm here now. Wow, this ship looks amazing." She held her items and looked at the ship.

    Inside, Cindy was finishing up tuning the ship and Aerith gave her a wet cloth to clean her up. Cindy took it and wiped her face, "Okay, the engine should be good to go." Sailor Moon sat with them and looked around.


    -The Capital - Tokyo Catherdal-

    "Well, the least I can do is pray for those who are in need." Alice said, looking at him. "What would you recommend that we do?" While walking to a pew and looking like she was praying, Esmeralda looked at Alice and Yuri and decided that she would need allies before meeting up with the other Lupinrangers, and decided on Alice and Yuri.


    -Rome, Italy-

    Ankh groaned as they walked through the city, wishing he could remove the cloak he was wearing while Eiji looked at stands for food. Ginny turned invisible and looked through the crowd for food to get for her and Ron. Ron sighed, standing in a empty building while wearing a cloak with Mew, waiting for the youngest Weasley.
  19. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~The Capital - Scrooge McDuck’s Money Bin (Inside Boat)~


    Passing by a mirror while inside the boat being used to locate Dewey, Lena was stunned when she didn’t see her own reflection, but rather Magica de Spell instead, causing her to gasp...


    Ugh, you seriously have got to stop giving me jump scares like that!” Lena complained to Magica. “Ha ha! I would never have thought to feed Scrooge's family to the Hunter's Stone before it ushers about his destruction!” Magica explained, “Well, done, Lena!” As Magica laughed maniacally, Lena complained, “Next time you give me an amulet that turns into a monster, I'd appreciate a little heads up.” “That monster has a name,” Magica retorted, “Show Tiffany some respect!” Gasping upon noticing Lena wearing a friendship bracelet that Webby gave her, Magica questioned, “Are you wearing a colorful personalized bracelet?” “It's not that colorful,” Lena replied. Laughing, Magica playfully said, “Oh my sweet, dumb, dumb little Lena. You're being the worst fool of all... a sentimental fool, which doesn’t make sense because it’s literally impossible for someone like you to have feelings of any sort. But still… you’re seriously trying to help them...” “No!” Lena retorted, “I had to do something to keep them from getting Scrooge involved. And I'm sorry if I don't wanna be killed by a money shark!” “I doubt the sincerity of your apology!” Magica yelled, “Now get out there and stall while Tiffany accumulates mass.” “Wait… it's gonna get bigger?” Lena questioned. “Oh, she's going to get really big and really mad until she gets that dime,” Magica replied, “Just don't get eaten until then.


    ~Scarif, The Maldives - Citadel Tower~


    Rebel fleet has arrived,” Ignis informed Cassian and Jyn, having gotten his information by tapping into New World Order communications. “What?” a surprised Jyn questioned. “There’s fighting on the beach, they’ve locked down the base,” Ignis continued, “They’ve closed the shield gate.” “What does that mean? We’re trapped?” Jyn questioned, with Ignis silently looking at Cassian, who gave Jyn a silent nod to indicate that things weren’t looking good for them right now. “We could transmit the plans to the Rebel fleet,” Ignis suggested, “We’d have to get a signal out to tell them it’s coming. It’s the size of the data files. That’s the problem. They’ll never get through. Someone has to take that shield gate down.” As he tried to think of a solution, Cassian quickly had an idea, grabbing his communicator to contact Bodhi as he spoke through its microphone, “Bodhi. Bodhi, can you hear me? Bodhi, tell me you’re out there. Bodhi!” “Hello, I’m here,” Bodhi’s voice responded from the communicator…


    We’re standing by,” Bodhi continued, “They’ve started fighting, the base is on lockdown!” “I know, listen to me,” Cassian said, “The Rebel fleet is up there. You’ve got to tell them to blow a hole in the shield gate so we can transmit the plans.” “Wait, I can’t,” Bodhi replied, “I’m not hooked into the comm tower. We’re not tied in.” “It’s the only way we’re getting them out of here,” Cassian insisted, “Find a way! Cover our backs.” Once Cassian finished giving orders to Bodhi, he and Jyn began walking to the data vault room, with Jyn telling Ignis, “Good luck.” “Good luck to you two as well,” Ignis replied.




    As Elsa used her ice powers on Cal’s wound, he cried in pain, with BD-1 watching him worriedly as Kristoff tried to offer words of comfort, telling Cal, “It’s okay, it’s okay… hang in there.” Once Cal’s wound had been successfully cauterized by Elsa’s ice magic, Cal breathed a sigh of relief as he passed out. After Kristoff checked Cal’s pulse, he said, “He’ll be fine. He just needs some rest. We’ll have to set up camp and monitor his condition. Saphir, help me carry him to the truck.” “Right,” Saphir replied, helping Kristoff carry the unconscious Cal over to the truck. “We have to get out of here as soon as possible,” Kristoff told Olaf, Elsa, and Anna, as he placed Cal inside the truck, “Otherwise, we’ll risk running into the New World Order again, and I’m not in the mood for another battle.” As BD-1 rushed to the truck and climbed up to stay near Cal’s side, Olaf told the droid, “Don’t worry little guy, I’ll keep ya busy while your friend recovers.” BD-1 responded to the snowman with an electronic beep, indicating he was grateful to Olaf and his friends.


    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base (Jewelry Store)~


    "Oh, I'm sure of it," Lina replied when Mario mentioned the possibility of the New World Order placing a bounty on her head. Once Kairi introduced herself and showed Lina her Keyblade, Lina was visibly surprised at the sight of the weapon, and proceeded to summon her own Keyblade as well, commenting, "You have a Keyblade as well? Huh, I thought it was just something unique for myself. Guess not. But that is really interesting." Once her Keyblade dematerialized from her hand, Lina heard Mario ask what she was going to do with her stolen loot, replying, "Oh you know, sell 'em to the highest bidder. Make a bit of moolah. I mean, a girl's gotta make a living after all. Although, I may keep this one necklace for myself. I think it'd look great on me, dontcha think?"


    ~The Capital - Tokyo Cathedral~


    "So, what's this I hear about someone trying to rob something from the cathedral?" Vanitas questioned as he and his Stormtroopers approached Officers Don Eppes and James Carter outside Tokyo Cathedral. "See for yourself," Eppes replied, handing him the threatening letter that Frollo got. "Hmm, very interesting," Vanitas commented after reading the letter, "If you don't mind, my Stormtroopers and I will be on the lookout as well for anything suspicious." "Aight," Carter replied.


    ~The Capital: Gang Hideout~


    Noticing the gang leader and one of his thugs enter the room where he was, Castle was expecting them to torture him. Only this time, Castle was ready to surprise them. Once the thug approached Frank, ready to start torturing him once more, Castle surprised him by breaking free of the tape that had restrained his hands, grabbing the thug’s arm and twisting it hard while grabbing his shotgun, which Frank used to shoot the surprised gang leader in his shoulder. “He's loose! Get down here!” the gang leader yelled while crawling on the ground for any gang members outside the room as Frank shot and killed the thug that had accompanied the leader while freeing himself from the chair he was strapped to by removing the tape restraining his feet. Once he was up, Frank was limping as he dropped the shotgun he used earlier, and grabbed a nearby shotgun located in the room, approaching the gang leader, pointing the weapon at him. “You wanted this,” the gang leader told Frank as he was breathing heavily. “No, I counted on it,” Frank retorted, “Now I can ask you face to face. Who was there that day? Who killed my family?” “Your family?” the gang leader questioned. “Yeah,” Frank replied. “Who cares?!” the gang leader scoffed. Hearing gang members outside heading towards the room he was in, Frank pulled the trigger, shooting and killing the gang leader before rushing to a nearby pillar while dropping his shotgun and retrieving the shotgun he used earlier. As two gang members arrived and began shooting at Frank’s location while he hid behind the pillar, Frank was getting ready to jump and begin shooting as he panted and quietly said to himself, “One batch, two batch. Penny and dime.” But before Frank even attempted to attack, the two gang members were attacked by Matt Murdock, who knocked them out by throwing one of his batons at one of them, and kicked the other in the face…


    As Frank stepped out and was surprised by the appearance of Matt and Foggy, he said, “They're gonna pay. Every single damn one of 'em.” “They will,” Murdock responded, “But not tonight. Let’s move.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon~


    "You really like it, huh?" Finn asked Rey as he noticed her admiring the ship, "Funny thing is, when I first saw it, my friend… and myself thought it was a pile of junk. Cid however proved us wrong, and I now appreciate it a lot more. Maybe I could have Cid and Cindy give you a full tour of the ship once this mission's over." "Everyone, get ready for takeoff!" Cid yelled out from the cockpit…


    "We'll be takin' off shortly!" Cid continued. "Looks like we'll be flying soon," Natasha commented. "Yeah," Finn concurred.


    ~Siberia, Russia - Inside The Millennium Falcon (Again)~


    Ah, there you are,” Connor told Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Mini Moon as he sat with them, “We should be taking off soon. Our destination should not be too far.” “That’s good,” Sailor Mini Moon commented. “Yeah,” Tuxedo Mask concurred, “Hey, Connor, can I ask something?” “Sure,” Connor replied, “What is it?” “When we confront Castiel, can I try talking to him?” Tuxedo Mask asked, “Maybe… there’s a part of the old Castiel that I remember, still in there. I’m hoping if I talk to him, maybe I can get through to him and get him to stand down. Please.” As he pondered about it for a bit, Connor nodded and replied, “Very well. I will give you a chance to talk to him, but should he act in a way that makes him dangerous, I will have no choice but to treat him as a violent enemy.” “Understood,” Tuxedo Mask said. “Ah, Connor… so this is where you and your ‘gang’ are hanging out,” Haytham said as he approached Connor and the others, much to Connor’s dismay…


    Father,” Connor greeted his father while trying not to act rude as Haytham sat next to him. “So, I see you’ve made friends with not just Tuxedo Mask, but also with the Sailor Scouts as well,” Haytham commented as he looked at Sailor Moon, Sailor Mini Moon, and Tuxedo Mask, “I must say, you all did a really good job of avoiding getting detected by the New World Order ever since it came to power. For that, you’ve earned my respect despite being on opposing sides.” Noticing Sailor Mini Moon appearing to be uneasy after Haytham spoke while Tuxedo Mask looked at Haytham with a dirty look on his face, Connor told his father, “Do not speak to my friends unless it is necessary.” “Right, my apologies,” Haytham immediately apologized as the group felt the Millennium Falcon take off, “So, Connor… I noticed the Rebel Alliance logo happens to look exactly like the Kenway family emblem. I feel almost flattered to see our family’s emblem being used by a movement as big as the Rebel Alliance.” “It is no coincidence,” Connor said, “After all, Edward, my grandfather… your own father… was a huge inspiration for me to start this movement.” “Hmph… I see,” Haytham commented, “I would think he would be proud of you were he still alive.” “Do you really think Grandpa Edward would approve of what you do?” Connor questioned his father, “To see you tarnish his legacy?” Sighing, Haytham replied, “My father and I would clearly have had very opposing views if he were still alive, I’ll admit. It’s unfortunate, and I wish I could at least explain my reasoning for my actions to him in person. But, I’ve made peace with the fact that such a thing will never happen. I loved my father, but I’ve moved on.” “Have you really?” Connor questioned. “I don’t know,” Haytham answered as he and his son remained silent, not looking at each other while Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mini Moon also remained silent.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Morehead, Kentucky: Rebel Base~

    Neptune stood flabbergasted, her mouth slightly agap in disbelief at the words that game out of the bushy-haired girl's mouth. She smacked the sides of her face as she exclaimed. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!?" Neptune quickly took Hermione's hand and quickly said. "You're going to need some sage advice from someone experienced in the fine art of games, I'll take you to her." Neptune then quickly ran off dragging Hermione behind her with a determined look in her purple gaze.

    Vert, Blanc, and Noire were still busy looking into the American video game market when they could hear a loud shout in the distance of "Veeeeeeeeert! Hey sis!" The trio looked up before Neptune arrived with Hermione in tow as Neptune told Vert. "Vert, Mione here needs a mass info dump about gaming asap! Her team mates are gamers like us." Vert blinked before looking at Hermione. "Ahh yes, I can understand why. Thank you for bringing her to my attention." Vert leaned in before she said. "Before one can become a gamer, one must learn the lingo or else you will be viewed as a poser or one of those people trying to stay hip and cool with the youth. Let me indulge you in my gaming fantasy." The blonde with some help from her siblings began to teach Hermione about gaming culture.

    "I see..." Dawn started noticing the stressful look in Harry's eyes. "You shouldn't let it get to you, if you do then your mind won't be able to focus and it could cost you...especially since we're all on the run. Take it from me, while I do got family in Japan the girls I am with are my family as well in a sense, we have each other's backs. So we'll be sure to keep an eye on you and the rest too..." Dawn chuckled before adding. "Hopefully you don't mind."

    Mario stood there for a moment in contemplation of Lina's explanation, something about it despite the illegal nature of it he could strangely understand. Mario stepped aside before responding. "Alright, I understand where you're coming from..." Luigi was surprised by Mario's action pointing out. "Bro, she's..." Mario looked at Luigi. "Yes, I know...but considering the way this world has changed, she is doing what she can to live just like we are. Not to mention...if this mall was abandoned, then why would there be valuables like these still here?" Luigi scratched his head. "I don't know...some kind of Rebel funding?" Kairi sighed and placed the end of her flowery keyblade on the ground while holding the handle. "Mario's right, not to mention at the very least it's less potential money in the hands of the New World Order. Also, you have a nice looking Keyblade, Lina."

    Rash and Pimple were still watching the events from outside with Pimple seemingly about to make a move when Rash stopped him telling the large brown toad. "Wait dude, she doesn't seem to be a threat considering those three have been talking to her." Zitz chimed in through their comms. "Yeah, seems like this was mainly just a false alarm." Pimple then asked. "What did the boss say?" Zitz responded. "She merely said to leave her be, after all I overheard the chatter from where you're at." There was some noise before Futaba spoke up. "Look boys, don't go try to pound Mario's head in. Justice is kind of his thing so he probably has a reason for doing what he did."

    Mario looked to Lina before asking. "Still, if you don't mind me asking. My friends and I came here in search of two particular individuals that have been roaming around, and since you managed to nearly get about without being spotted...I was wondering if you caught a glimpse of either a plume of black fiery energy or a black and green Rider anywhere on your way here. We were told that the plume of energy was killing both Rebel and New World Order alike so you should be careful Lina."​