Crossover: Re: Mario's High School Days II - Age of the New World Order

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    The battle with the New World Order forces raged on, with Bayek charging with his Rebels towards Stormtroopers, swinging his khopesh at Stormtroopers while trying to avoid blaster fire from them. Aya, meanwhile, also charged towards the Cybermen with her group of Rebels, using her blades to destroy as many Cybermen as she can while their Vibranium metal was still weakened due to the sonic stabilizers used earlier. As for Amanda and Jasminka, the two continued flying on their broomsticks, causing the AT-STs that were chasing them to go around in circles. Luckily for the two witches, whenever they got close to an AT-ST, they’d attach a detonator to one, causing an explosion a couple of seconds later that would destroy the AT-ST. But as they continued battling the AT-STs, Amanda looked up and noticed TIE Bombers flying towards Siwa. ‘Bombers? Oh no…’ Amanda thought to herself, feeling worried because she knew the kind of damage the TIE Bombers can do to targets on land.


    ~North Sea - Silver’s Boat~


    Once Jack and the others were back in Silver’s boat, on their way to Scotland as they were before being chased by a New World Order ship, Pipsqueak wondered out loud, “Is it me, or did that Captain Marvelous guy seem bothered that we didn’t want to go with him?” “Bothered? He seemed pretty okay to me,” Kristoff replied. “I agree. If anything, he seemed rather indifferent of our choice, and was respectful when we said that we would continue on our own,” Jack added. “Hmm, yeah… I guess you’re right,” Pipsqueak said. “Either way, I’m glad we didn’t have them take us to Scotland,” Silver commented as he was maneuvering his boat, “The appearance of their ship in our destination would’ve certainly complicated things between Fergus and the New World Order. The guy already has too much on his plate. Best to go there discreetly.” “Couldn’t have agreed more,” Jack concurred while Kristoff nodded in agreement.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Letting go of Simba, T’Challa patted his opponent on the back, telling him, “You were a worthy opponent, Simba. It was an honor to have battled you. Thank you.” “T’CHALLA! T’CHALLA T’CHALLA!” those in attendance cheered as T’Challa won. As T’Challa smiled at those who were cheering for him, he noticed Zuri approach him, smiling as he told the crowd, “I now present to you… T’Challa… the Black Panther!” “Zuri,” T’Challa happily told Zuri as the two shared a hug while those in attendance continued cheering. Looking at those in attendance once more, T’Challa crossed his arms diagonally over his chest, yelling, “Wakanda forever!” “Wakanda forever!” those in attendance repeated as they crossed their arms just like T’Challa.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    As they were walking around the facility while disguised as Stormtroopers, Natasha and Galina arrived at a room with many computers available for use, giving Galina an idea. “Hmm… Natasha… I think I can hack into one of the computers and find out where Sabine and the other prisoner are,” Galina told Natasha, “We can then let Papa and Finn know their location.” “Sure, go for it,” Natasha replied, “It’s a good thing you’re a hacker.” However, as Galina accessed one of the computers while Natasha waited for her to find something, two Stormtroopers entered the room…


    “Hey! What are you two doing here?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned Natasha and Galina. “You’re supposed to be on patrol, like the rest of us!” the other Stormtrooper added. “Hehehe… you’re right, you’re absolutely right,” Natasha replied, trying to act innocent while trying to think of a way out of this predicament, “And there is obviously a perfectly logical explanation for why we are here.” “And that is?” one of the Stormtroopers questioned. “Well, umm… the truth is… that…” Natasha replied, struggling to think of an excuse before she eventually gave up, “Ah, screw it.” Natasha then grabbed her blaster, and shot both Stormtroopers dead. “Not good…” Galina commented while still searching through the computer as Natasha locked the door to the room. “Hello? Do you copy?” Butch’s voice was asking from one of the dead Stormtrooper’s radio…


    Uh... Uh, everything's under control,” Natasha replied, hoping to avoid having to deal with more Stormtroopers, “Situation normal.” “What happened?” Butch asked. “Had a slight weapons malfunction,” Natasha lied, “But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now. Thank you. How are you?” “I’m sending a squad down there,” Butch said. “Uh, negative, negative!” Natasha replied, “We have a… a... reactor leak here, uh, now. Give us a few minutes to lock it down. Uh, large leak, very dangerous.” “Who is this?” Butch questioned, “What's your operating number Stormtrooper?” “Uh…” Natasha wondered out loud before blasting the radio, “Boring conversation anyway. Galina! We're gonna have company!” “I’m trying as fast as I can!” Galina responded, quickly going through the computer’s files to see if there was something that can help them on their mission.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    Walking with Rini towards a group of Rebels ready to leave for the mission to infiltrate the nearby New World Order fortress, Darien commented, “This must be it.” “Wonder when Serena will join us,” Rini replied.


    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Unknown~


    After getting spat out by the Kirby copy, Saphir and Olaf were stunned by the experience of being eaten and spit out. "Did… that just happen?" Saphir wondered out loud. "I think so…" Olaf responded. Upon hearing the voice speaking to him and Olaf, Saphir asked, "'Others'? Who are you talking about? Are you referring to Elsa and Anna?" Then, upon noticing the screen showing Astral, Saphir, recognizing the S-type, said, “Astral? What’s it doing here?” “Friend of yours?” Olaf asked. “More like an occasional acquaintance,” Saphir replied, “To put it simply, Astral is the leader of the S-types.” “Huh, good to know,” Olaf commented.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    As Jyn, Noctis, Prompto, and Sunburst were hiding in the fields outside the New World Order facility, waiting for Kira and the others to attack some Stormtroopers in order to give them an opportunity to sneak into the building, Prompto complained, "Ugh, come on… what's taking them so long…" "Patience Prompto…" Noctis advised his friend.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    Watching as the truck he sent crashed into the building where the two gangs were having negotiations, Frank Castle aimed his sniper at the scene, ready to kill off every member from both gangs. But before he could even pull the trigger, Frank felt a kick from the side, knocking him down. Getting up, he noticed Matt Murdock, Foggy, and Officer Jenny (in her Police Ranger outfit) ready to stop him…


    Hey there,” Murdock greeted Castle, “Remember us from last week?” Shaking his head, Castle said, “You guys are gettin’ on my nerves!” Frank then charged towards the three as they began fighting.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~


    Quietly sneaking from house to house, Moana watched as Stormtroopers and Cybermen seemed to be on high alert, looking for someone. ‘What is going on?’ Moana thought to herself. Regardless, she wanted to make sure she could get to the shore and rejoin Maui and her parents in order to get away from the island. But as she continued sneaking, she suddenly came face-to-face with Lydia and Lucario…


    As both gasped after being startled, Moana and Lydia each summoned their Keyblade and pointed it at the other at the same time. “Wait… you’re a Keyblade wielder?” Moana questioned Lydia. “Seems like it,” Lydia replied, “You gave me quite a scare just now.” Once Lydia and Moana both lowered their Keybalde, Moana asked, “So, I guess the Stormtroopers and Cybermen are looking for the two of you?” As Lucario nodded in reply, Lydia answered, “That seems to be the case. One of them must’ve caught a glimpse of us and alerted the rest. Is this island your home, by the way?” “Was,” Moana corrected Lydia, “Until the New World Order came. I only came here to get back something very important to me. Now that I have it, I’m trying to get to shore in order to get off this island.” “Well, I guess that makes two of us,” Lydia said, “It’s a long story, but I’m not exactly sure why Lucario and myself were sent here. But we have no intention of staying on this island much longer, so I’d like to get out of this place like you. How about we work together to reach the shore?” “Alright, deal,” Moana agreed, “Now just follow me. I know a shortcut.” Nodding, both Lucario and Lydia began following Moana.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Anti-Gravity Float Course~

    Harold looked up at the exit and noting the lack of gravity, the wings wouldn't worked here as they required propulsion and a lack of gravity, that meant no movement to leap off from and if he used magic like Acsendio to pull himself up, he had no control on the speed of the pull and so, he let go of Kimberly's hand and spoke. "Miss, kindly get off my back while I change." Harold said to Compa who did so as Harold removed the Taka and Gatling Fullbottles before exchanging them with two new Bottles and slid a white one in the right slot and a light blue one in the left slot.

    "Panda! Rocket! Best Match!" The Build Driver called out before he begun to crank the lever once again as the Snap Builder formed once again as the new liquids formed into the half armours. "Are you ready?" The Driver asked once more and Harold spoke. "Build up." before an orchestral tone played "Buttobi Monotone! RocketPanda! Yeahhh!" as the new armour snapped over the old one as steam escaped once more, likely electing a surprise from the others he could easily change suits so easily.

    "Okay, why on earth does it announce those strange titles?" Yuuki asked and Harold shrugged. "Don't ask me, I'm not the one who designed it, it just helps to know what works, I couldn't possibly answer anything else about how it works or why there are Best Matches or such, all I know is this was in the possession of the NWO along with whatever bottles they had there, now, let's get everyone to the exit." Harold said and begun to help ferry the people across along with Mario and Luigi.

    Yuuki pouted and puffed her cheeks, the grappling hooks were useless here. "How is he not disoriented?" Yuuki asked, the young man always seemed to be calm and collected.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Hidden Palace Zone-

    "I have no idea." Hermione said. "It's hard to look at him without thinking about my friend." "Okay, we can't use our grappling hooks here. How do we get across so we don't have to wait long for our turns to get to the end?" Nico asked, looking at them.

    "Use the wall as momentum while going from point to point." Kimberly said. "Find a anchor point to launch yourself." She grabbed Ryotaro and began to head for the door at the end. Hermione breathed and followed after her, holding Vulpix as they made their way to the end. Nico followed after her.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts-

    Kira and the others headed for the entrance. Noah looked at Kira and gave himself and the others some earplugs. Taking a deep breath and making sure the others had their ears covered, Kira gave a supersonic scream, sending out yellowish waves. Npah nodded at the others and they got ready to fight once the Troopers were sent their way.


    -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base-

    Serena ran toward the group while Rey calmly walked toward them, the two girls both carrying their bags. Luna looked and kept quiet, wondering if this would help Serena get stronger as Sailor Moon.


    -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base-

    Simba smiled at T'Challa and said, "It was a honor to fight you, T'Challa. And I was happy to help you gain confidence while partaking in one of your country's traditions. I thank you for letting me help you."
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Anti-Gravity Float Course~

    It took some time, but with Mario, Luigi, Harold, Aoi and the others working in tandem with one another, everyone was soon standing on the platform before the doorway with Rosalina arriving last after she knew everyone was here. The voice responded. "Excellent! Impressive showing from all of you, usually people tend to fail this part of the trials and give up." Mario spoke up. "Well, we're determined to get that ship and save the world. We cannot give in now." The voice then said. "I can attest to that, since you all have gotten this is time I properly introduce myself...I am Star Dream, the onboard AI computer for the Lor Starcutter. That's the name of the ship housed here. For those who are transformed, feel free to disengage them...the next room is a small break before the last leg." Neptune immediately reverted back to her normal, loli self. "Oh good, cause we couldn't fly up here without help from the others." The others soon followed as they disengaged their transformations before the door opened and they all stepped through.

    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~

    The room that everyone would soon enter was a long corridor made of polished light-green stone that had various colors and markings on them, the walls were made of a flat blue rock with displays of various murals on them. However Mario and the others would soon stop in their tracks at the sight of Saphir and Olaf before Mario whispered to Aoi. "What's going on?" Aoi looked at Mario. "I'm not sure, but be very careful. I'll speak with Star Dream." Ram and Rom soon saw Olaf and squeed loudly. "It's a snowman!" The two young girls ran up to him before Blanc joined them, Aoi asking. "Star Dream, why are these people here if you told us people usually give up on the anti-gravity course?" Star Dream then explained. "These two were found at the entrance where I had initially scanned you all earlier, as such they were of no S-Type Intruder has appeared on this floor." Star Dream then summoned a screen in front of Aoi showing Astral dealing with the drones on the High-Speed Mach Course. Luigi looked at the screen too before remarking to Mario. "Mario, your plan seems to be working...Astral's here." Mario looked at the screen. "Yeah, that's Astral all right...although I thought it would be longer before it showed up..." Mario got to thinking before he asked. "Star Dream, I know it probably would be too much for me to ask...but can your security hold off Astral until we finish the last trial? I don't want to skip out just because of Astral and it wouldn't make us worthy of the reward in your eyes for not completing the final trial." Star Dream was quiet for a moment before explaining. "I can honor your request, Mario. My purpose was to handle the S-Types anyway. However this is the first time an Earthling has asked to continue the test until completion regardless of the oncoming threat. For now all of you take a breather and feel free to study the murals on the walls, knowledge is power after all."​
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
  5. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    Khemu!” Diana cried as she tried looking for him, wondering where he ran off to. “Diana, over here!” Khemu called out to Diana while he had Senu resting over his arm…


    Oh, Khemu, you had me worried,” Diana said as she approached Khemu, relieved to see he was okay. “Sorry I worried you,” Khemu replied, “I had to make sure Senu was alright.” “Looks like she is,” Diana commented, “Anyway, let’s get back to the shelter.” Nodding in agreement, Khemu followed Diana while Senu left Khemu’s arm and was flying along with them.


    ~African Savannah - Xehanort’s Fortress~


    Seated in his throne, Master Xehanort was quietly thinking about what he saw in Shalour City, and the vision he had upon grabbing his ancestor’s Keyblade. “Master Xehanort,” Shay greeted Xehanort as he approached him while carrying a large rounded device…


    He wishes to speak with you,” Cormac continued. “Very well,” Xehanort replied, “Leave it here.” Nodding, Shay placed the device in the floor on front of Xehanort and pressed a button to activate it. Once he was done, Shay gave a bow to Xehanort before leaving. Xehanort then watched as the device began broadcasting a live hologram of Supreme Leader Al Mualim himself…


    Master Xehanort,” Al Mualim greeted Xehanort. “Supreme Leader,” Xehanort replied as he got out of his throne and knelt down to show his respect. “I’ve been told that Shalour City has been retaken,” Al Mualim said, “Well done, my friend.” “Thank you, my liege,” Xehanort replied. “And, I believe there was more to Shalour City than just retaking it… am I correct?” Al Mualim asked. “Yes,” Xehanort replied, “I found the tomb of my ancestor, Sauron.” “Interesting…” Al Mualim commented. “And inside, I located what I believe is my ancestor’s Keyblade, the first Keyblade in existence,” Xehanort replied. “I see…” Al Mualim said, “Yet, I sense that you still feel like you have more to do with this particular quest.” “I won’t lie, there are still more things I must find out,” Xehanort replied, “When I touched my ancestor’s Keyblade, I had a vision of him handing the Keyblade to someone else. He also mentioned something called the Book of Prophecies, and had particular interest in a peculiar black box. What were the purpose of those items, and what significance did they have to the Keyblade and the Keyblade War? I must find out.” “Very well,” Al Mualim said, “Continue on your quest to find answers, Xehanort. And I will make sure to let you know if I find out anything on the items that you mentioned.” “I truly appreciate it, Supreme Leader,” Xehanort replied. As Al Mualim silently nodded, the live hologram of him disconnected.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Following the match with Simba, now was the time for the final phase for T’Challa’s coronation ceremony. Inside a room in the Rebel base, T’Challa was lying in a dirt plot, while Zuri prepared a concoction for T’Challa to drink. “So, what happens now?” Thorax asked. “The one who won the match and earned the right to be the new Black Panther will now have the power of the Black Panther given to them from the Heart Shaped Herb,” Nakia answered, “And then they will speak with someone dear to them who has passed. In T’Challa’s case, he will be speaking with the previous Black Panther, his father… T’Chaka.” “Wait… but, T’Challa’s father was killed during the Great Purge… how exactly can that work?” Thorax asked. “There is one way,” Nakia responded, “T’Challa’s heart must meet with the heart of his father, in a place where there is nothing beyond it. A place where the edges of sleep and death touch, and where only hearts can go. That place… is called The Final World.” "Hmm... not sure I fully understand, but okay," Thorax remarked as he scratched his head, confused over what Nakia just told him. Walking over to T’Challa, Zuri poured the concoction he prepared into T’Challa’s mouth as he said, “Allow the Heart Shaped Herb… to restore the powers of the Black Panther… and take you to the Final World.” After T’Challa drank the concoction in its entirety and closed his eyes, Zuri continued, “T’Chaka… we call on you. Come here to your son.” Those in attendance then began to use shovels to bury T’Challa with red sand. “Damaku,” Zuri said (which translates to ‘Praise the ancestors’) as T’Challa was completely buried, with everyone waiting until he got a chance to speak with his father.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    As Finn and Nikolai were walking through a hallway while disguised as Stormtroopers, trying to find where Sabine and Leia were being held, the two heard Natasha as she was contacting them via radio…


    "Guys, we found Sabine and the other woman's location," Natasha said as Finn and Nikolai listened to her voice, "They're located in the 3rd floor. Cells A1 and A2." "That's above us," Finn commented, "Thanks, Natasha. And be careful. Let's go, Nikolai." Nodding in response, Nikolai followed Finn as the two rushed upstairs.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    Attention, may I have your attention, please,” Connor announced as he and Ember faced the Rebels, “We will soon be leaving for the fortress for the mission I have told you all about earlier. But before we leave, considering there are many of us, we will be splitting up into smaller groups so that conducting the mission will be much easier and more manageable.” Approaching the Rebels while carrying a stack of papers, Li Shang took one and passed it to another Rebel, saying, “Please take one and pass it to the other.” As the Rebels took a paper from the stack and passed it along, Connor continued, “On the sheet of paper you are receiving is a list of the groups, showing you who you will be teamed up with. Get together with your groups, and prepare for departure.” As Darien and Rini got a sheet containing the list of groups, Darien was shocked to see who he would be teamed up with…

    Group 1
    • Connor
    • Ember
    • Katniss (and Haymitch)
    • Mulan (and Mushu)
    Group 2
    • Darien
    • Rini
    • Serena
    • Mewtwo
    Group 3
    • Ritchie (and Sparky)
    • Riku
    • Emma (and Mimi)
    • Rey
    Group 4
    • Celestia
    • Luna
    • Marco
    • Lee
    Group 5
    • Hiccup (and Toothless)
    • Dick
    • Li Shang
    • Shao Jun
    Group 6
    • Discord
    • Thor
    • Star Butterfly
    Group 7
    • Chien Po
    • Ling
    • Yao

    ‘I’m going to get teamed up with… Mewtwo?!’ Darien thought to himself. “So, it seems we will be working together,” Mewtwo told Darien, Serena, and Rini as he approached them. “Hey, Mewtwo!” Rini happily greeted Mewtwo, “Glad we’ll be working together on this mission!” Noticing Darien’s troubled face, Mewtwo said, “I sense you still don’t trust me?” Sighing, Darien replied, “I’m not gonna lie… it’s still hard for me to trust someone who was at one point part of the Crystal Order. But… I suppose… if Connor put you and I together in the same group, then I trust his judgment.” “I cannot change my dark past. All I can do is try to redeem myself with my present actions,” Mewtwo said, “I only hope you can let go of the past as I have.” ‘I really hope Darien starts to trust Mewtwo…’ Rini thought to herself.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts~


    Hearing Kira's scream and watching as she and the others beginning to battle Stormtroopers, Sunburst commented, "That's the signal! Let's go!" As the rest in nodded in response, Sunburst and the others ran towards the New World Order facility in order to infiltrate it and rescue Jyn's father.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts (Again)~


    Alone in the fields outside the New World Order facility, Cassian had his weapon on sniper mode, ready to shoot Jyn’s father, Galen Erso, the moment had a clear shot of him in the facility. But as Cassian continued waiting for any sign of Galen in the facility, he began to have second thoughts. Many things crossed his mind at that moment, including having to explain to Jyn that he had killed her father. The more he thought about it, the more he began to feel guilty about what he was planning to do. Eventually, Cassian sighed, realizing this was not the way to go about it, putting his weapon away. Once he heard Kira’s scream, he realized that the others were trying to infiltrate the facility, so he quickly got up and tried to find a way into the facility himself.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    Frank Castle was using his sniper to ward off incoming attacks from Officer Jenny (who was using her megaphone’s Baton mode as a weapon), Matt Murdock (who had a pair of batons himself), and Foggy (who was using his scalchop). “Osha! Osha!” Foggy cried as he jumped and tried to land an attack with his scalchop. Dodging out of the way, Castle kicked Foggy to the side, while using his sniper to block an incoming attack from both Jenny and Murdock (along with their batons). Pushing hard against them, Castle knocked both Jenny and Matt to the ground. Noticing that the two had dropped their batons, Castle quickly kicked the batons and sent them far from Jenny and Murdock. Nevertheless, even without their batons, Matt and Jenny got up, and began trading blows with Frank, each side trying to land a punch or a kick to the other. And as the fight continued, Foggy rushed back to the scene, biting Frank’s leg, causing him to scream in pain. “Let’s finish him!” Matt cried as he and Jenny charged towards Castle. However, Castle quickly kicked Matt using the same leg that Foggy was biting on, causing the Pokemon to let go and fall to the ground next to Matt. As for Jenny, Frank grabbed her by the neck, ready to throw her off the roof of the building. “I really didn’t wanna do this,” Frank told Jenny as she was struggling to break free. But Castle eventually threw Officer Jenny off the roof, and she fell to the alley below. Luckily for Jenny, she was thrown from a small building, and the fall wasn’t that high, so she managed to land semi-safely, even if the impact did hurt her a bit. “Jenny!” Looker cried as he rushed towards her while accompanied by Vanitas and two Stormtroopers…


    Are you alright?” Looker asked Jenny as he knelt down near her. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine,” Jenny replied, slowly trying to get up after her fall, “But the Punisher… he’s still up in that roof with Matt and Foggy. We gotta help them!” “Then it’s time we go up and see if this Punisher guy is really worth all the hype,” Vanitas said as he signalled his Stormtroopers to go up to the roof of the building. “We’ll go too,” Looker told Vanitas after helping Jenny up. “Be my guest,” Vanitas replied.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~


    Arriving to the shore of the island they were in with Lydia and Lucario, Moana commented, "Was hoping they'd be here sooner." "Who?" Lydia questioned, wondering who or what Moana was referring to. "Our ride out of here," Moana replied as she turned around and saw Stormtroopers and Cybermen running towards the three…


    "Guess we have no choice but to fight," Moana said as she summoned her Keyblade. "I'll fight as well," Lydia replied as she summoned her Keyblade as well, "Name's Lydia, by the way." "Moana," Moana said, returning the favor by introducing herself. The two then nodded to each other as Lucario joined them, ready to battle the incoming Stormtroopers and Cybermen.


    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~


    Both Olaf and Saphir were confused by the group's appearance, not knowing who they were or what they were after. But there were a few things Saphir was able to pick up. For one, he realized that the boy in red overalls was Mario, and the one with green overalls was Luigi, both of whom he remembers hearing Astral mention a lot before. 'So… these are the famous Mario and Luigi brothers that Astral talks about all the time,' Saphir thought to himself, 'Funny… they don't look as scary as Astral describes them. Either way, I know Elsa and Anna must be here somewhere, and since the group includes Mario and Luigi, they must be Rebels. Guess that's why they consider Astral an enemy.' "Olaf, can you come over here for a second?" Saphir asked his snowman friend. "Sure," Olaf replied as he followed Saphir towards a corner in the room, "So, any idea what's going on?" "No clue," Saphir responded as he knelt next to Olaf. "Oh good, thought it was just me," Olaf commented. "Still, I think they're Rebels," Saphir quietly whispered to Olaf, "If that's the case, then maybe the Rider and Power Ranger who took Elsa and Anna might be among them." "Huh, you think so?" Olaf asked. "It's possible," Saphir replied, "If we find them, then we might be one step closer to reuniting with Elsa and Anna." "So, what do you suggest?" Olaf asked. "Just… act naturally for now," Saphir answered. "No problemo," Olaf said as he nodded. Once the two left the corner of the room, they casually walked around as Saphir said, "Don't mind me and my friend, Olaf. Just checking out this room like the rest of you."


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’~


    Having arrived to the ‘Maribel del Mar’ ship, Jemma began searching for Donnie Gill, horrified by the sight of crew members all around having been frozen to death. “Hello? Donnie?” Jemma called out for Donnie as she was walking around the engine room, wondering if he was still inside the ship, “I-I'm looking for... I'm looking for Donnie Gill. Hello? You may not remember me.” As Simmons continued exploring the area, she found Donnie Gill emerging from the shadows, walking towards her…


    Agent Simmons?” a surprised Donnie greeted Jemma, remembering her from when she saved his life. “Donnie. It's nice to see you again,” Jemma replied. “Who... who sent you?” Donnie questioned, “The Rebels? The New World Order? What... what side did you end up on?” “I'd like to think I'm on your side,” Jemma replied. “Get close to him,” Rubeus’s voice told Jemma on her earpiece…


    Convince him you want to help,” Rubeus’s voice continued. “I saved your life once. I heard you were in trouble,” Jemma told Donnie, who seemed to be curious as to what she was about to say, “Please, I... I need you to hear me out.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~


    Over at the San Diego harbor, New World Order forces have arrived, standing guard outside the Maribel del Mar ship, under the command of the Inquisitor known as Ruby. Watching from a distance while hiding were May and her fellow Rebels, who were disappointed to see the New World Order arrive before them...


    Dammit, we're not alone,” May complained. “Not what I hoped, but not unexpected,” Shining Armor replied, “We’re gonna have to figure out a way in.” “Hey, I have an idea,” James suggested, “I can have my Weezing use Smokescreen to distract them while the rest of you get on the ship.” “But James… the Cybermen ain’t gonna get affected by the Smokescreen. They can see through it,” Meowth told James. “Well, luckily, I do have some spare sonic stabilizers to make them prone to damage,” James replied, “But, admittedly, I do think I would need some help battling all those guys. If I’m being honest, I can’t take them all on my own.” “How about we split up then?” Lance suggested, “Half of us deal with these guys here, while the other half infiltrates the ship.” “Not a bad idea,” Shining Armor said. “So guys, how do you wanna go about this?” Skye asked Tommy and Thomas, wanting to hear their opinion.
    Last edited: May 30, 2019
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~

    Harold de-transformed and removed the Driver as he sat down to contemplate in his head until he noted Olaf and Saphir, the Temple guardian did say there were people outside, he had to be careful as would Kimberly considering their past history as Kirby did hand him the suitcase and Harold shrunk it down and placed it in one of his pockets, feeling a little stupid for leaving it outside but it seemed they did not notice the similarities which he was grateful for and dug a hand into one of his inner pockets and Yuuki looked to him. "That's super convenient to shrink down your luggage."

    Harold gave a small smile. "What can I say? Magic works wonderfully for these situations." Harold added and Yuuki looked curious. "Don't you use wands or staves? What about concocting weird stuff in a cauldron?" Yuuki inquired and Harold laughed a bit. "Oh we do, but a wand or staff is mere focus point for magic to channel through, staves were in the olden days and as for cauldron mixing, we do that as well, we just don't wear pointy hats and cackle over it like some people have done in movies, some potions are useful, some can be deadly or so forth, same with spells, I'm sure Miss Granger can share more on that with her knowledge of the magical side, I'm just more or less taught by a personal tutor, I can use a wand but each spell I perform can leave a trace while wandless is more difficult, there's like, wand, then hand gestures then silently performing the spell without nay movement, that last one's more trickier."

    Harold glanced over to Hermione who was blushing a bit, catching her rubbing her lips, likely remembering the unexpected kiss from earlier. "That is of course, if Miss Granger isn't lost in her world from today's events." Harold said teasingly, changing gears at a snap of a finger.

    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~

    Yang looked with her binoculars at the Stormtroopers as Lance suggested one half of their team deals with the Troopers and the other half quietly infiltrate the ship as Tommy and Thomas were asked what they thought. "Don't bother battling James, save your Pokémon for a special occasion like your smokescreen could be beneficial for infiltrating the ship, of course, depends if they got Cybermen stationed inside the ship too..." Yang said, removing his binoculars.

    "What do we know about their boss? I mean, she's got to be someone important if she's the Inquisitor of this section." Yang asked curiously, turning her head.

    ~The Capital - Rooftop~

    Kiriko looked up at the rooftop as she arrived with Looker as they begun to ascend the building with haste. "So... what do we know about this man we're trying to capture sir?" Kiriko asked in steady breaths to not exhaust herself as she ran with him.
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Zone-

    "I'm fine, Mister Flamel." Hermione said, looking at him with a red face. "It's just hard to think while you're around cause you look so similar to my friend!" She looked away with her arms crossed and a pout, Vulpix looked at its trainer and rubbed itself against her leg. Nico stretched and looked at the two new people, noticing Kimberly looking a bit tense.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts-

    Kira and her team summoned their weapons, Noah used his Shark Bowgun and fired at the Stormtroopers while Jake, Gia, Troy, and Orion ran with their weapons, Troy slashed with his Dragon Sword, Jake knocked out Stormtroopers with his Snake Ax, Orion spun his Super Mega Spear and slashed at a group of Stormtroopers, Gia kicked one aside and used her Tiger Claw. Kira tossed one of her Ptera Grips and slashed at one of the Stormtroopers.


    -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Base-

    Looking around and walking over, Rey smiled and said, "Ritchie, looks like you, Sparky, and I will have be a team together with Emma and her partner and this Riku." "Wow, this ought to be fun." Serena said, looking at Darien, Mewtwo, and Rini. "I hope we can all get along."


    -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base-

    Simba and Nala kept quiet, Simba trusted that T'Challa would be able to contact his father and talk with him. "I know you can do it, T'Challa." Simba said softly. "I'm sure you can talk with your father and become the Black Panther properly." Nala stood close to him and held his arm.


    -San Diego, California - Harbor-

    "Hmm." Tommy thought. Thomas said, "I'll go with the team who will face the Troopers." "Alright, then I'll go with the group to infiltrate the ship." Tommy said. Dante said, "Then I'll go with Thomas and anyone who's gonna fight the Troopers." "It's gonna be risky and we should be quick about it before they call in reinforcements." Tommy said. Thomas looked at his brother and asked, "What about the Inquisitor and the Cybermen?"

    "Avoid them as best as you can. I don't want to face someone like a Inquisitor just yet." Tommy said, crossing his arms. He quietly grabbed his engagement ring and looked at the ship.


    -Gokai Galleon-

    "Doc?" Emma asked, approaching the green colored member of the Gokaigers. Doc looked at her and asked, "Yes, Emma? What is it?" "Could you work on this?" Emma asked, handing him her Super Mega Morpher. Doc looked confused, and looked at her, "Why?" "Well, I was wondering if you could adjust it so it can work with your keys and remove the time limiter that it has on it?" Emma asked. "So I can work more effectively with you and the other Gokaigers."

    "I'll see what I can do." Doc said, taking her morpher.
  8. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~

    "Rose, keep an eye on those two..." Aoi whispered to the white-haired woman before Futaba shouted. "Hey guys, these walls have a buuch of plot exposition on them. Come take a look!" Everyone soon gathered around the orange-haired girl and the picture she stood in front of depicting the simple design of a woman who held above her head a familiar star-shaped object, there was text below it in a foriegn language that made Yoshi ask. "But what does it say? None of us can read that language." Star Dream then spoke up. "That's because it is written in the ancient tongue of the Echid-" Futaba then interrupted Star Dream with a smirk as she had her phone in front of her. "Already got a translation right here..." and began to read aloud.

    "In the beginning, Lady Etoille created an object of immense power that would evolve the entire cosmos and also create a dangerous weapon for those with darkness in their hearts. This object would be referred to as the N-Force Relic or simply the Relic."

    The group soon moved onto the next mural, this one depicting a war between figures of black and white with the Relic in the middle of it.

    "The Relic would soon be fought over as the Dark Lord and Lady Etoille's forces fought for control of it. Lady Etoille would step in herself and seal the Dark Lord away using the Relic and became the first Harbinger of Providence in the process. However the peace wouldn't last..."

    The group moved over to the next mural, this one depicting various figures in black.

    "Even with the Dark Lord of the S-Types sealed away, other S-Types would try to fight Lady Etoille and her allies to gain control of the Relic. The battles would get to the point where action would need to be taken."

    The group kept moving over to the next mural, this one depicting the Relic as a shooting star along with two people in white.

    "Lady Etoille would decide to send the Relic away from her home to various places in order make sure the S-Types could not find it, to accomplish this task she would send both an Observer and a Witch along with the Relic to act as her envoys. The two keeping in contact with Lady Etoille and her seven Star Spirits in the process."

    The next mural would depict various people in white with the Relic over them glowing.

    "The Relic would evolve the various people on the worlds with it would inhabit, and as such every generation would have a Harbinger born from a selection of five people in order to fight against the S-Types under Lady Etoille's will and guidance.The Relic would eventually end up in a lonely planet, where it remained peacefully for generations, until one fateful day, an invasion of the planet caused the Relic to be relocated once more."

    The next mural depicted Earth with the Relic.

    "The Relic will soon end up on a blue planet, third from the sun. A world rich in beauty that matches Lady Etoille's eyes. She would start to come and visit this world often taking it all in and opening her mind."

    The next mural depicted Lady Etoille speaking with three human beings, two male, one female.

    "One night, Lady Etoille would meet with three young teenagers. She would tell them that her offspring would soon come to this blue world after the trio would see her Relic."

    The next mural depicted a black figure with a normal person.

    "Meanwhile one of the S-Types would later come in contact with a person who wishes to change the world for the better. This S-Type would ally with this man's ambition."

    The next mural depicts a white figure literally falling out of the sky near two people.

    "Lady Etoille's offspring will come falling out of the sky near the offspring of the three teenagers she had met before, their lives changing."

    The next mural had the normal figure and the black figure looking over the world.

    "The person's ambition will come to fruition thanks to the S-Type's allagance, however the S-Type would soon evolve itself."

    The next mural depicted the Relic split into three.

    "The Relic's power will end up split between the S-Type and the offspring of the three teenagers, the two blood-related as they end up fighting the S-Type time and time again like their parents have done before. Their fates intertwined with each other and those around them."

    The group would move onto the last mural in the room, the picture depicting two figures in white standing against a black figure with two large black hands. However Futaba raised an eyebrow. "Oh boy...yeah, looks like this is the end of the plot dump. I can't even get a translation for the last picture." Compa looked at Mario and Luigi before she said. "These murals...they were talking about us, all of us." Blanc nodded. "Yes, suddenly it all makes sense considering our mother fought Astral's forces back then with the others. But I'm surprised they knew all this back then...either that or Lady Etoille knew it and told the Echidnas."

    Rosalina blinked. "I wouldn't be sure considering the time difference, but Mom more than likely told them." Bowser shook his head. "Look, I doubt Lady Etoille could have known everything would have happened. I mean we all ended up together by chance...right?" Peach looked at everyone with a hand on her hip. "Fate or Chance regardless, we're all together in this. So let's go and kick some ass."​
  9. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    Running back towards the shelter, Khemu and Diana passed by the local hospital before noticing TIE Bombers flying towards the area they were in. Gasping, Diana grabbed Khemu’s arm, dragging him behind a building for protection while Senu landed next to them, telling him, “Khemu, get down!” “What are they doing?” Khemu asked, wondering what the bombers were targeting. But upon noticing the bombers descending towards the hospital, Diana’s and Khemu’s hearts sank as they quickly ducked and covered their ears, knowing what was going to happen. And just as they predicted, the TIE Bombers bombed the hospital and other civilian buildings in the area for about a minute. By the time it was all over, Diana and Khemu turned to see what was left of the hospital, stunned to see that all that was left debris.


    ~The Final World~



    Arriving to the Final World, a place that can best be described as a featureless pane with an expansive sea and sky that seems to reach out into infinity, T’Challa walked around until he came across what appeared to be a small cat wearing a cape and a small pink purse around its neck…


    Welcome to the Final World. My name’s Chirithy,” Chirithy introduced itself. “T’Challa,” T’Challa replied, introducing himself. “Hmm, guess you’re now officially the new Black Panther,” Chirithy said, “I actually got to meet a lot of your predecessors over many generations, including your dad.” “My father… is he here?” T’Challa asked. “Yep, he’s been waiting for you,” Chirithy replied, “I’m just gonna leave you two alone for now. Don’t wanna butt in on a father-son conversation.” Chirithy then turned into a spark of light, flying away as T’Challa noticed what looked like a star floating towards him. The star then transformed in a flash of light into the physical form of T’Challa’s father, T’Chaka…


    As they walked towards each other, T’Challa and T’Chaka hugged each other tightly, as T’Challa greeted his father, “Baba.” “My son,” T’Chaka replied. T’Challa then knelt in front of his father while holding on to his hand, overcome with grief as he said, “I am sorry.” “Stand up,” T’Chaka ordered his son, “I am no longer your king.” Doing as he was told, T’Challa got up, and started walking around with his father. “What is wrong, my son?” T’Chaka asked. “I am not ready, Baba,” T’Challa responded. “Have you not prepared to be the Black Panther your whole life?” T’Chaka questioned, “Have you not trained and studied, been by my side?” “That is not what I am talking about,” T’Challa replied, “I am not ready to be without you.” “A man who has not prepared his children for his own death… has failed as a father,” T’Chaka commented, “Have I ever failed you?” “Never,” T’Challa answered, “Tell me how to best save Wakanda and the rest of the world. I want to be great, Baba. Just like you.” “You’re going to struggle,” T’Chaka informed his son, “So you’ll need to surround yourself with people you trust. You’re a good man with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to lead.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    Over here! Cells A1 and A2,” Nikolai told Finn as they arrived to the location where Natasha said Sabine and Leia were imprisoned, “How are we going to open them?” “Leave it to me,” Finn replied as he summoned his Keyblade, pointing it towards Cell A1. A ray of light was then emitted from the Keyblade, striking the door to Cell A1. Noticing what appeared to be a glowing keyhole appear on the door, Nikolai and Finn heard the sound of a lock unlocking before the glowing keyhole vanished, and the door opened by itself. “Hmm, that’s very useful,” Nikolai commented, “Open the other one.” Nodding, Finn turned towards Cell A2 to do the same thing he just did with A1. Entering Cell A1 while removing his stormtrooper helmet, Nikolai found Sabine, seated as she looked at him…


    Huh, was beginning to wonder if you guys were gonna show up,” Sabine commented. “Here, we have to hurry,” Nikolai replied, handing Sabine a spare blaster. Meanwhile, after opening the door to Cell A2 with his Keyblade, Finn entered Leia’s cell, noticing that she was lying down, asleep…


    As she slowly opened her eyes, Leia noticed Finn, still wearing his Stormtrooper armor as a disguise. “Aren’t you a little short for a Stormtrooper?” Leia questioned. “Huh? Oh, sorry,” Finn apologized as he removed his Stormtrooper helmet, “Leia, it’s me Finn. I’m gonna get you outta here.” “Finn?” a surprised Leia wondered out loud as she quickly got up, with the two sharing a hug. “You’re safe now,” Finn whispered to Leia as they hugged.


    ~Alaska - Rebel Hideout~


    Any response?” Bogo questioned one of the Rebels in his base as they were trying to contact Cassian Andor in South Dakota to see if he was successful in his mission or not. “No sir, signal’s gone dead,” the Rebel responded. Sighing, Bogo said, “Squadron up, target the New World Order facility off of Sioux Falls.” “Yes, sir,” the Rebel responded as he dispatched several X-Wing pilots to get ready to fly to South Dakota and target the New World Order facility where Cassian and the others currently were.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts: New World Order Facility~


    As Stormtroopers were rushing outside to deal with Kira and the others, Prompto was able to get into one of the computers inside, trying to locate where Jyn’s father would be located. “He should be… down this hall and to the left. Room 217,” Prompto told Jyn and the others. “Good,” Jyn replied, “Let’s go.” Nodding in response, Prompto, Noctis, and Sunburst began following Jyn as she headed towards the room where her father was supposed to be.


    ~Destiny Islands - Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean~


    Lucario rushed around the battlefield, dodging blaster fire from Stormtroopers as he used a long green glowing bone to attack Stormtroopers with a Bone Rush attack, while Moana used her Keyblade to deflect incoming blaster fire as well as slash some Stormtroopers with it. As for Lydia, she was focusing on the Cybermen, avoiding their blaster fire while throwing a spare sonic stabilizer she had at them, with the effects of the stabilizer weakening their metal temporarily and allowing Lydia to slice a couple of them with her Keyblade. “Activating pins!” one of the Stormtroopers cried as his arm began to glow, summoning sharp icicles to rise near Moana, Lydia, and Lucario. Jumping out of harm’s way, Moana, Lucario, and Lydia continued trying to avoid getting hit as more icicles were summoned. Meanwhile, another Stormtrooper used the pins in their armor to summon fireballs, trying to throw them at the three. “Ugh, we’re sitting ducks here!” Moana complained as she used her Keyblade to summon a protective Barrier around herself, Lydia, and Lucario, preventing incoming attacks from the Stormtroopers using their pin powers, “We have to get outta here!” “Huh, what’s that?” Lydia questioned, pointing up. Looking at what Lydia was pointing at, Moana noticed a familiar eagle flying above them…


    Maui!” Moana happily cried. As he descended towards the battlefield, Maui transformed back to his human form, summoning his Keyblade as he landed right between Stormtroopers and Cybermen…


    Stopza!” Maui cried as he raised his Keyblade high, using his Keyblade to temporarily freeze time for the Stormtroopers and Cybermen. Noticing the Cybermen and Stormtroopers all standing still, Lydia, Moana, and Lucario approached Maui, who told them, “Glad I’m not too late.” “Maui, am I glad to see you,” Moana happily said as she shared a hug with her master. “Me too, kid,” Maui replied, “Now let’s get outta here before these guys unfreeze. Your new friends can come along too.” “Thank you,” Lydia thanked Maui, giving him a small bow as she, Maui, Moana, and Lucario quickly left the area.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    Nothing that hasn’t already been mentioned during morning briefings,” Looker replied to Kiriko as he and the others were finally about to arrive to the rooftop. But upon arriving, there was no sign of Matt, Foggy, nor the Punisher himself anywhere. “What the…?” a surprised Jenny wondered out loud, “B-But they were right here, I swear!” Looking around, Vanitas ordered one of his Stormtroopers, “I want the entire area swept! They couldn’t have gone too far.” “Yes, sir,” the Stormtrooper responded as he left. Meanwhile, another Stormtrooper told Vanitas, “Sir, our eyewitness… seems to have ran off amidst all the confusion.” “Oh, just wonderful…” Vanitas sarcastically remarked as he facepalmed. As for Jenny, she walked around the rooftop, feeling worried about Matt and Foggy as she said to herself, “Matt, Foggy… where are you guys?


    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~


    As Saphir and Olaf walked around, they noticed Harold Flamel as he was interacting with Hermione, instantly recognizing him from the incident in Japan months ago with Elsa. “Hey, isn’t that…?” Olaf wondered out loud. “Harold Flamel,” Saphir replied as he knelt next to Olaf, finishing his sentence, “He joined the Rebels?” “Seems like it,” Olaf said, “Kinda strange that Elsa disappeared for a second time, and right here is Harold Flamel again. Some coincidence, huh?” “Hmm, perhaps a bit too convenient to be a coincidence,” Saphir replied, “I think we better keep an eye on him. It's very possible he may have a clue to Elsa's and Anna's whereabouts.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~


    I appreciate the concern, Yang, but I am quite capable of battling,” James replied to Yang after she suggested that James not battle. “Hell if I know,” Lance responded to Yang when she asked about the Inquisitor they saw. Once Tommy and Thomas gave their response, James commented, “Perfect! Dante, Thomas, the two of you can deal with the Stormtroopers. Jessie, Meowth, and myself can deal with the Inquisitor and the Cybermen.” “I know you two would prefer not to battle Cybermen, but…” May told Dante and Thomas as she gave each of them a sonic stabilizer, “Just in case Jessie, James, and Meowth need some help dealing with them.” “Alright, once I have the attention of the Inquisitor and her forces, that’ll be your chance to get on the ship,” James told those who would be getting on the ‘Maribel del Mar’ ship. “Right,” May, Shining Armor, Skye, and Lance replied, all of them nodding. “So, how do you want to go about this, James?” Jessie asked. “Simple,” James replied, whispering something to both Jessie and Meowth, which, given by the look on their faces, they seem to like. “Let’s do it!” Meowth said. Meanwhile, just outside the Maribel del Mar ship where Ruby and her Stormtroopers and Cybermen were…


    Ugh, what’s taking them so long?” Ruby complained as she waited. Just then, she noticed a Weezing floating above her and her forces…


    What the…?” Ruby wondered out loud. “Weezingweez,” Weezing cried as it used a Smokescreen attack, releasing an obscuring cloud of smoke on the area, causing Ruby to cough from the smoke, while the Stormtroopers' vision was clouded. “What is going on?!” Ruby cried. Looking around, the Cybermen (who weren’t affected by the smoke) detected two individuals standing in front of the group. “You there… identify yourselves,” one of the Cybermen ordered the two individuals as the smoke began to clear up, with Ruby and the Stormtroopers shifting their focus to whomever had the attention of the Cybermen...

    Prepare for trouble!
    Make it double!
    To rescue the world from devastation!
    To stand up for the weak throughout the nation!
    To put an end to the New World Order!
    To extend our reach through every border!
    We’re Rebels, faster than the speed of light!
    Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

    Meowth! That's right!” Meowth added as he jumped in and join Jessie and James. “Rebels, huh? This should be interesting,” Ruby commented as she signaled her Stormtroopers and Cybermen to get ready for battle. Little did Ruby and her forces know, however, that while they were focused on Jessie, James, and Meowth, May and the others were able to sneak past the entire group, getting into the ‘Maribel del Mar’ ship undetected. “You three really think you can beat me and my Stormtroopers and Cybermen?” Ruby questioned the trio. “My my, is that a challenge I hear?” Jessie mockingly questioned. “Why yes, I think it is,” James replied. “Then how ‘bout we give her what she wants,” Meowth suggested. “Fine by me,” Jessie replied as she took out two Pokeballs. “Hmph, big mistake,” Ruby said, grinning as the battle was about to begin.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base~


    Oh, hey there, Rey,” Ritchie greeted Rey as she indicated who they’d be partnered up with, “Yup, looks like it.” “There you are,” Riku said as he, Emma, and Mimi joined Rey, Ritchie, and Sparky…


    Hey guys,” Ritchie greeted the others, “How do you feel about this mission?” “I just hope Shang’s training will pay off,” Emma commented. “The important thing is to be careful,” Riku added, “Training is one thing, but actually going on a mission is another.” Ritchie, Emma, Sparky, and Mimi all nodded in agreement to what Riku just said.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again)~


    Aww, Marco… I was really hoping we’d be going together on this mission,” Star told Marco as the two were going to their respective group. “Yeah, me too, but don’t worry about it too much,” Marco replied, “I’ll be fine, and I know for a fact you’ll be fine too. And besides, perhaps it might be a good thing for you to get to know Thor and Discord better.” "I couldn't agree more, Marco," Discord said as he teleported right in front of Marco and Star, startling Marco…


    "Woah, Discord, you scared me!" Marco said. "Why thank you. I'm quite flattered," Discord replied. "Hey, Discord!" Star greeted Discord, waving her hand at him. "So, looks like we're all gathered," Thor commented as he approached the group…


    "I'm sure we'd be quite an interesting group," Thor continued.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Rebel Base (Again x2)~


    Oh, I’m sure we’ll be able to get along, Serena. Or should I say… Sailor Moon,” Mewtwo responded to Serena. Stunned to hear Mewtwo know that Serena was Sailor Moon, Darien said, “What the… how did you know?” “Do not forget… I am a psychic Pokemon. I can easily detect what others are thinking,” Mewtwo replied semi-truthfully, leaving out the detail where Rini revealed Sailor Moon’s identity to him when she first suspected that Serena was her mother, “For example, reading your mind, I can sense that as of late, you have been having romantic feelings for Serena.” “What?!” Rini cried, shocked to hear that detail about Darien. As for Darien, his face turned red after hearing what Mewtwo revealed about him, scolding him, “Do… you even understand the concept of privacy?!” Grinning, Mewtwo replied, “Well… I suppose I do now.” Before anyone could say another word, Connor appeared in front of all the groups, ready to speak…


    Everyone… I suppose by now you have all had the chance to get with your groups, and that we are all ready to invade the local New World Order fortress,” Connor said, “The plan is simple. Groups 4 through 7 will attack the fortress from different sides. Once New World Order forces have been drawn out, Groups 1, 2, and 3 will lead a charge towards the interior of the fortress itself, and hopefully, secure it for the Rebel Alliance. So without further ado, let us begin with the mission. Discord, summon the portals!” “Aye, aye,” Discord replied as he teleported above the groups…


    Snapping his fingers, Discord summoned small circular portals for each group to pass through in order to transport them to the fortress’s area. And as Discord teleported back to his group, Connor said, “Alright, everyone. Please proceed.” “After you,” Mewtwo told Darien, Serena, and Rini, letting them pass through the portal before him.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~

    Harold just listened with his arms crossed, one hand under his chin, cupping it in thought. "Seems more a Divination or something unless that Etoile was somewhat a Seer." Harold thought, being somewhat familiar with the term, they somewhat could tell about the future in Prophecies or something similar to that effect, of course, he had no way of discerning that and moved on from it. "Still.... a battle spanning generations, that's got to be draining on expectations to keep the fight going." Harold thought once more as he brought himself back to the room as Peach said to kick some ass.

    "That doesn't exactly sound proper coming from someone who looks like a ruler." Harold commented and shrugged. "But whatever, let's just see what this last trial is about and get ahold of this prize we're gambling our livelihood." Harold said and wondered what he should do, the Guardian said there would be some kind of physical battle and he had to consider the possibility of if he become Build with Saphir and Olaf watching, undoubtedly as he turned his eyes around to the corner to get a certain pressure of being looked at from behind.

    "Just have to wait and see what the challenge is, if it comes down to it, I'll transform but I also have magic to use as well." Harold considered and opened his jacket to feel around inside, he did have some other magical stuff but it was mostly from Zonko's Joke Shops like Dungbombs, Fizzing whizzbees and the like, which playful pranks, they can be deadly if used the right way.

    ~The Capital - Rooftop~

    Kiriko looked around the rooftop, confused "Wouldn't they leave footprints or anything?" Kiriko wondered out loud, there was an Oshawott so one would think there's some traces of the Pokémon, what could of happened in such a short span of time they disappear so quickly?

    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~

    Yang snuck quietly with the infiltration group as she wasn't part of the Assault Team, keeping quiet, she knew there was a time for kick ass and a time to be sneaky.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room-

    "Looks like we might have to transform." Nico said, looking at the others. Hermione said, "Maybe so but we still need to be careful and think about how to attack. We have no idea how strong this opponent is." "Vulpix! Vul!" Vulpix said, looking ready for the fight ahead. Kimberly smiled and turned to look at Ryotaro who gulped and tried to look ready. She softly smiled, pulling her mask over her face and putting her hood up to get ready.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts-

    The group remained focused on the Stormtroopers. Kira used her Ptera Scream again and made them dizzy, Gia and Orion ran up to a pair of Troopers with their weapons, while Troy and Jake went to another pair, knocking them out. Noah aimed and fired, hitting the Troopers. He was also on the lookout for any reinforcements, hoping the group that went inside would come out soon.


    -Hunan Providence, China - Rebel Hideout-

    Serena blushed and walked with Darien and the others into the portal. Rey looked at Riku and nodded, holding her bag and her staff. She looked at the portal, she said, "We're gonna have to be careful since we're gonna be inside the fortress." She kept quiet and wondered what to do once they got inside.


    -San Diego, California - Harbor-

    Thomas and Dante began to face the Troopers, Thomas using a Dragon-style to fight while Dante just went crazy with his own unique fighting style. The two just kept quiet and Thomas just hoped that his brother was quick with the team who went on the boat.

    Tommy looked around and lowered his mask, looking around. He looked and asked, "Any idea on where to find him or should we split up?"
  12. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room~

    Peach looked at Harold with determination in her blue eyes. "You're probably right, however considering that I was crucified by Astral and saved by Mario...I decided that I wouldn't end up like that again and fight myself. Looks like I made the right call back then..." Aoi then motioned for everyone to follow him as they went through the door at the end of the room.

    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~

    The room that the group would enter was rather brightly colored like a stained glass mural, a massive pearl-white platform in front of the group surrounded by a black abyss. The other side of the room had a technologically advanced seal in place with four stars on it glowing rainbow. On the glass, images of the seven Star Spirits could be seen along with pearl statues of them as well. Mario recognizing them as he said. "They're the same ones we saw after Luigi and I tried looking at Rosalina's other eye." Luigi nodded as he looked up above to see a painted illustration of Lady Etoille and the Relic akin to the Sistine Chapel before Star Dream explained. "I am going to give you all one chance to back out of this, if you step forward then there will be no turning back and the final trial will begin." Mario and the others continued walking onto the round platform as Mario said. "We didn't come this far to chicken out at the last second." Star Dream chuckled. "Good..."

    Once everyone was on the platform, the path from the previous room slid back into the wall trapping everyone on the platform, a statue of Lady Etoille would soon rise up from the back of the room holding something that looked like four colored cross-shaped crystals mixed with several black tablets with blue etchings on them.

    Final Trial Guardian
    Holo Defense API

    The apparatus flew out of the statue's hands and over the platform that everyone was on, a cyan and green crystal opened up and fired a beam at an empty spot on the floor quickly creating a creature that looked to be made of water, yet was around the same size as everyone else. A pair of lime-green eyes opened up and stared at everyone. Star Dream stating. "I hope you all have been paying attention..."

    Memories of a Tribe Long Ago
    Chaos [Data]

    As everyone stood ready to fight, Iffy looked at everyone shouting. "Protect those unable to fight and our medics, let's give this big drip what for!" Bowser jumped in and fired a beam of firey energy at the water creature only for the creature to sink into the ground and rush at Bowser with the speed of a dolphin.​
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2019
  13. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    Walking towards what was left of Siwa’s hospital, Diana landed with both knees on the ground, without the strength to say a single word, simply staring in distraught at the sight in front of her. Khemu placed his hand on Diana’s shoulder trying to comfort her. “Diana! You’re okay!” Akko cried as she and Ursula ran towards Diana and Khemu, while Contanze, having snuck out of the shelter, followed them as well, recording footage of the area on her camera…


    We heard the bombers blast this area. We were worried something might’ve happened to you,” Akko said as she and Ursula approached Diana, “Diana? Is everything okay?” “No… nothing’s okay,” Diana responded. “What happened here?” Ursula asked. “There used to be a hospital here. Now it’s gone, as well as everyone inside,” Diana replied. As Ursula gasped upon hearing that, Akko said, “Wait… I thought everyone went to the shelter.” “Not everyone, I’m afraid…” Ursula answered Akko with a somber tone to her voice, “Those who were too weak to leave where they were staying, including those in the hospital, had to stay behind.” Gasping, Akko then realized the seriousness of the situation, shocked to be a witness to a massacre. As Constanze was recording the debris around her, she focused her camera on Diana and the others, believing that Diana was about to say something important. “The New World Order… just bombed a hospital filled with unarmed men, women and children!” Diana cried as tears rolled down her face, getting up to face Akko and Ursula, “And there will be no survivors! If anyone thinks for one second that the New World Order will ever treat us fairly, they are lying to themselves! I should know… I was an avid supporter of the regime! But now I finally see the New World Order for who they are and what they do! This is what they do! And we must fight back.” Looking up at the sky, Diana screamed, “New World Order! You can torture us and bomb us and burn our homes to the ground! But fire is catching. And if we burn, you burn with us!” Constanze was very happy to have recorded the footage of what Diana said. But just then, Diana and the others noticed an AT-ST walking in the distance. As she was filled with immense anger, Diana took out her wand, and rushed towards the AT-ST, wanting to take it on herself. “Diana!” both Akko and Khemu cried upon noticing what Diana was doing. “Don’t! It’s too dangerous!” Ursula warned.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    In a different building rooftop far from the one where Officer Jenny and the others were, both Matt and Foggy, having been knocked out earlier, began to wake up, noticing that they were chained to a wall. “No, no!” Matt cried as he and Foggy were grunting and panting, trying hard but unsuccessfully to break free. And sitting right in front of them was Frank Castle, enjoying some coffee from a thermos as he said, “Morning.” As Matt and Foggy continued to try and break free, Castle told them, “You can bash against your chains for the rest of the day. Only way you get out of here, only way you walk free, is if I want you to. Know that.” Once Matt and Foggy stopped after getting exhausted, Matt told Frank, “This isn’t like you. Usually when you do something, you kill everyone. Why are Foggy and I still alive? Huh? We got in your way twice now and you don't strike me as someone who just lets that happen.” Ignoring Matt, Frank walked over to nearby crates. “Osha?” Foggy wondered out loud, noticing Frank opening one of the crates. Using his senses to try and figure out what Frank was opening, Matt realized it was a military crate, commenting, “Military grade hardware. You seem to know your way around it. And you sure carry yourself like a soldier. What are you gonna do with all the weapons you’ve got?” “I'll do what's required,” Frank answered. “This another one of your missions?” Matt questioned Castle, who was busy assembling a rifle, “That's why we're here, isn't it? How many will this make? I'm guessing you've done this countless times before? How long's it been? Something tells me you don't take breaks. You know, no one else has to die. You could stop now. Walk away.” “Walk away?” Castle repeated, “Could you do that? Could you walk away from what you do?” As Matt didn’t even respond, thinking about what Castle just asked him, Castle said, “Yeah, I figured.” Once Frank was done assembling his rifle, he, Matt, and Foggy heard the bells of the city’s cathedral tolling. “You a Catholic?” Matt asked Frank. “Once,” Frank answered. “From Toky- er, I mean… The Capital?” Matt asked. “Once,” Frank answered. As he chuckled softly, Matt asked, “You still go to Mass?” “Stop now, Red,” Frank responded to the demon. “Stop?” Matt wondered out loud. “Stop digging,” Frank replied. “Ah,” Matt said, “You know, a funny thing about the Capital, both right now and when it used to be called Tokyo... few people are actually from here. The ones who are, they don't leave. They can't, they, uh... they feel like the city's a part of them. You know? Until one day, something changes. Maybe they get older. And then they have to leave, they have to get out. See the world, maybe. Maybe they enlist? When you were a soldier, where'd they send you?” “You a shrink, Red?” Frank questioned Matt, getting annoyed by him asking many personal questions, “Now, come on, you must be something when you're not kicking ass with your Pokemon buddy here, right?” “I'm just a guy,” Matt replied. “Yeah? You ever been to war?” Frank questioned. “No,” Matt answered. “Yeah... then don't talk about it,” Frank advised. “I've seen some fights,” Matt commented. “Sure you have,” Frank responded. “Well, Foggy and I almost had you beat,” Matt said. “Oshawott!” Foggy concurred with Matt. “You talk about trading hands on a rooftop, Red,” Frank responded, “I'm talking about sh*t, okay? Sh*t that you ain't been in.” “I know one thing,” Matt said. “What's that?” Frank asked. “War changes people,” Matt answered, “Sometimes they see things they can't unsee. Come home to find home's not there anymore. It changed. Or maybe they did.” “Yeah, fair enough,” Frank said. “I'm just saying, I know it can be hard,” Murdock replied. “Do you?” Frank questioned, “You know it can be hard? You run around this city with a pair of little boy's batons and a Pokemon buddy. You go home at night, right? Go to bed, relax like you don’t have a care in the world. Well, see, soldiers... we don't ever relax, yeah? We don't get that privilege.” “You know what I think?” Murdock asked. “What's that?” Frank wondered asked. “You're still at war,” Murdock replied. “Oh, for crying out loud,” an annoyed Frank complained, “So, you charge by the hour, doc, or what?” “Why are Foggy and I here?” Murdock questioned. “Everything you and the police do out there in the streets, Red, it doesn't work,” Castle answered, “Did you know that?” “Oh, and what you're doing is better?” Matt questioned. “What I do, I just do. It's out of necessity,” Frank answered. “Come on,” Murdock scoffed as he was starting to believe that the reason Frank does what he does is because he lost someone dear to him, “You know you're not the only one, right? Who did you lose? Huh? Was it someone you loved? Well, boo-hoo. Let me tell you something, buddy. Everybody's lost someone. Doesn't mean you have to do this.” “Well, loss doesn't work the same for everybody, Red,” Frank replied. “Yeah, that's right,” Matt said as he chuckled, “It's clearly not working for you.” “Well maybe not,” Frank replied, “We don't get to pick the things that fix us, Red. Make us whole. Make us feel purpose. My moment of clarity? It came from the strangest of places.” “Well unlike you, I don't kill anyone,” Matt told Frank. “Is that why you think you're better than me?” Frank questioned Matt. “No,” Matt replied. “Is that why you think you're a big hero?” Frank continued questioning Matt. “It doesn't matter what I think or what I am. People don't have to die,” Matt replied. “Come on, Red. You believe that?” Castle scoffed. “I believe it's not my call, and it ain't yours either,” Matt replied. “You know what I think of you, hero?” Frank questioned, “You know what I think of the police? I think you're all half-measures. I think you're guys who can't finish the job. I think that you're all cowards. You know the one thing that you just can't see? You know you're one bad day away from being me.” “Sure…” Matt scoffed.


    ~Somewhere in Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base~


    Suddenly emerging from the red sand he was buried in, T’Challa gasped for air as Zuri helped him up, saying, “Breathe. T’Challa, breathe. Breathe.” Once he started breathing normally once more, T’Challa smiled as he said, “He was there. He was there… my father.


    ~Hidden Palace Zone~


    Once Aoi motioned for everyone to follow him, Olaf looked at Saphir and asked, "Should we go?" Shrugging, Saphir replied, "I guess. Not much use staying in this room by ourselves." The two then followed the group to another room, where a boss battle was taking place.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts: New World Order Facility~


    Arriving to Room 217, where Jyn’s father was supposed to be, Prompto opened the door as Jyn and the others rushed inside. “Father!” Jyn happily cried as she looked around. However, the room was completely empty, much to the surprise of everyone. “He’s not here…” Sunburst commented. “That can’t be… this was his room, was it not?” Noctis wondered out loud. Feeling confused, Jyn and the others walked back outside to the hallway, wondering if they made a mistake. “I was sure it said Room 217,” Prompto insisted, “This is the right place.” The group then heard footsteps approaching them. Turning around, the group saw Director Orson Krennic walking towards them while accompanied by two Cybermen…


    Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Krennic questioned. “Wait, you!” Jyn cried upon recognizing Krennic. “You know him?” Prompto asked. “He was there when the New World Order took away my father,” Jyn replied. “Oh, you’re Galen’s daughter?” Krennic asked, “You were supposed to be in a labor camp all the way in India. No matter. I suppose we can just finish you off today.” “Where is my father?!” Jyn angrily questioned. Grinning, Krennic replied, “His work on Smaug, the Kraken, and Lavos, the ‘Death Star’, exceeded all our expectations. However, he seemed to be plotting against the New World Order at the same time. So, we had no further use for him, and had him executed for his treachery earlier today.” “NOOO!” Jyn cried after hearing her father was dead, weeping as she knelt on the floor while Noctis and Prompto tried to help her up. “Oh, poor thing,” Krennic commented, “If it makes you feel any better, you’ll be joining your father pretty soon.” “Not if we have anything to say about it!” Sunburst retorted as he summoned his Keyblade, which was levitating around him thanks to his unicorn magic. As he smirked, Krennic snapped his fingers, and the Inquisitor known as Starlight Glimmer jumped from behind Krennic and his Cybermen while wielding her scythe...


    Using her unicorn magic to move her scythe around, Starlight Glimmer swung her scythe towards Sunburst as she landed. Sunburst, however, was able to block the incoming attack with his Keyblade. As the two weapons were locked against each other, Sunburst yelled to his group, “Go, now!” Nodding, Prompto and Noctis helped Jyn up and got her away from the area.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    Expecting a squad of Stormtroopers to arrive to the room they were in, Galina and Natasha had their blasters aimed at the door, ready in case they had to fight. But after hearing some commotion outside, Natasha and Galina heard the door open, and saw Finn and the others arrive to the room…


    Don’t shoot, don’t shoot,” Finn cried as Natasha and Galina lowered their weapons. Sighing, Natasha said, “What a relief.” Walking towards Galina and Natasha, Sabine shared a hug with both of them, while Galina commented, “Glad to see you’re safe.” “Alright, now let’s get out of here,” Nikolai told the group.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~


    The battle at the harbor commenced, with Meowth assisting Thomas and Dante by jumping on the back of Stormtroopers to distract them and allow Thomas and Dante to easily attack them. Meanwhile, Jessie and James were running around, trying to avoid getting blasted by the Cybermen. Grabbing a spare sonic stabilizer from his pocket, James threw it towards the Cybermen, with the stabilizer weakening the metal of most of Ruby’s Cybermen, making them prone to damage. “Arbok, now’s your chance to attack those Cybermen!” Jessie ordered her Arbok. “You too, Weezing, Victreebel!” James added. “Weezingweez!” Weezing cried as it smashed through a weakened Cyberman with a Tackle attack, breaking it apart. “Charbok!” Arbok cried as it ripped off the head of a weakened Cyberman with a Bite attack. As for Victreebel, it emitted a high-pitched shriek as it used it Razor Leaf attack, launching sharp-edged leaves towards two weakened Cybermen, slicing them into several pieces. And as a Cyberman was about to blast Victreebel, the Pokemon took notice and grabbed a nearby Stormtrooper with its whiplike vines to use him as a shield, with the Stormtrooper getting blasted instead. Meanwhile, Ruby detached her very sharp Ring Blade that was attached to her back, throwing it towards Jessie and James. The duo, however, jumped out of the way, but watched as the ring blade easily sliced through a nearby lamp post before flying back to Ruby as she caught it midair. Grinning as she noticed Jessie and James were now worried, Ruby said, “Told you guys it was a big mistake to challenge me.” Throwing her Ring Blade at the two yet again, Jessie’s Wobbuffet jumped in the way while using its Mirror Coat attack, surrounding itself in a white reflective color. “Wobbuffet!” Jessie’s Wobbuffet cried as the Ring Blade hit it, only to be deflected back thanks to its Mirror Coat attack. Gasping, Ruby jumped out of the way as the Ring Blade was thrust into the same spot where she was just standing a second ago, narrowly avoiding getting hit by her own weapon. “Nice job, Wobbuffet! You saved us!” Jessie complimented her Wobbuffet, patting it on the head. “Wobbu,” Wobbuffet replied.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Engine Room)~


    Fitz would talk about you. He described the blueprints he saw in your room. He was quite impressed. And Fitz is very hard to impress,” Jemma told Donnie as Rubeus’s voice on Jemma’s earpiece continued to guide Jemma on what to do…


    Get him to trust you,” Rubeus’s voice advised. “You're a lot like him,” Jemma told Donnie, “Like both of us, really. We're scientists... wired to solve problems.” “Maybe before,” Donnie replied, “It's different now.” “Oh, I don't believe you,” Jemma said with a smile, “You must miss it. Minds like ours... they need to be used.” “I'm tired of being used!” Donnie replied as his voice slightly rose in anger. “Don't let him get angry,” Rubeus’s voice warned Simmons, “Repeat what I say. Take a deep breath…” “Take a deep breath,” Jemma said, repeating what Rubeus was telling her over her earpiece, “And clear your mind. Surrender and you will find meaning. Surrender and you will find release.” “Agent Simmons…” Donnie replied with a weak voice, noticing that the words Jemma was saying seemed to be doing something to him. “Take a deep breath…” Jemma said, continuing to repeat what Rubeus told her to say.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’~


    Once they were inside the ship, Shining Armor responded to Tommy’s question, “I do think we should split up. We could probably be done faster that way.” “In that case, Skye, go with Tommy and Yang, check the upper deck. Hunter will join me and Shining Armor,” May said. “Copy that,” Skye responded as she got her sniper ready and turned to face Yang and Tommy, “Let’s go.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Hill Overlooking New World Order Fortress~


    As Groups 1, 2, and 3 were gathered in a hill overlooking the New World Order fortress they intended to attack, Ember told Connor, “Shang will lead the first attack against the fortress, which should then lead to the New World Order forces being drawn out. That should then give us the opening we need to storm right into the fortress itself.” “Then all that is left to do now is wait,” Connor replied. “Correct,” Mulan concurred. Everyone then sat down to relax, waiting until it was time to run down the hill and storm the fortress. But as they waited, Rini was still thinking about what Mewtwo revealed regarding Darien’s feelings towards Serena. Usually, she didn’t care about such things, but since Rini knew for a fact that Serena would end up being her mother in the future, she wondered if whoever Serena falls in love with would end up being her father. “Darien… do you… like Serena?” Rini asked. Gasping and blushing upon hearing the question being asked, Darien replied, “Of course I like Serena… but I like a lot of people. I like Sammy. I like Connor. And I even like you!” “Yeah, but… I guess what I meant to ask was… do you love Serena?” Rini asked. As Darien’s face turned red, he replied, “Hehe… Rini, you know how there are some questions that kids your age are too young to ask? Well, that was one of them.” While Rini pouted after Darien refused to answer her question, Connor had overheard their discussion, chuckling a bit. Scooching towards Darien, Connor whispered to him, “I know I should not interfere in such affairs, but… every time I see you and Serena together, I could not help but shake the feeling like the two of you belong together.” “Ugh, not you too,” Darien complained as he covered his face with his hands, while Connor chuckled and patted Darien on the back before going back to his spot. “What was that about?” Katniss asked Connor, wondering what he and Darien were talking about. “Simply providing some romantic advice,” Connor answered as he held Katniss’s hand, “Given that I have a bit of experience myself.” Smiling, Katniss leaned on Connor’s shoulder as the two watched the fortress, waiting for the opening they need to storm it.


    ~The Pacific Ocean - Ship~


    Escaping from Destiny Islands with Maui, Lydia, Moana, and Lucario were now on a ship, one of several in a fleet carrying residents of Destiny Islands who have escaped after it was taken over by the New World Order. As Moana was talking with her mother while carrying Pua and Heihei, Lydia and Lucario were sitting together alone, thinking about Korrina and wondering what could’ve happened. “So, you were training under Master Korrina?” Maui questioned as he and Tui approached Lydia. “Y-Yes,” Lydia replied, “You knew her?” “Well, me mostly know her grandfather, Master Luke Skywalker,” Tui answered, “But we were aware that she was in charge of the Tower of Mastery in Shalour City. What happened?” “Shalour City was being attacked by the New World Order,” Lydia replied, “And during the battle, a silver-haired boy wielding a Keyblade appeared, calling himself Xehanort, and saying that he was the descendant of Sauron. That was when Korrina sent me and Lucario to Destiny Islands.” Gasping upon hearing what Lydia said, Tui and Maui looked at each other with a worried look on their faces. “Someone you know?” Lydia asked. “You could say that…” Maui replied. “I have to get back to Shalour City,” Lydia said, “I must know if Korrina’s alright.


    ~The Capital: Nintendo Elementary School - Auditorium~


    Over at the Nintendo Elementary School auditorium, the students were conducting a school play based on the popular children’s fairy, ‘The Moon Kingdom.’ Gathered in the audience were the families of the students taking part in the play, including the Wattersons. And on stage were Penny Fitzgerald (playing the part of the Moon Princess) and Gumball Watterson (playing the part of the Earth Prince), currently reenacting the scene when both the Earth Prince and the Moon Princess are killed by the evil witch invading the Moon Kingdom. While Penny was done with her death scene, lying motionless on the floor, Gumball was giving a rather hammy portrayal of the Earth Prince’s death, annoying some members of the audience. “Oh, I’m dead… I’m totally dead!” Gumball cried as he was gagging, “Argh! I'm going! I'm going! Argh! Ooh! This is the end of me! Argh!” After groaning, gurgling, and babbling, Gumball abruptly stopped as he collapsed on the floor, making it seem like he was done with his death scene. As the audience sighed in relief, Gumball suddenly got back up and started gurgling again, much to the audience’s annoyance. While Gumball continued gagging, his mother, Nicole, watched pleasantly, happy to see her son perform. Meanwhile, Richard, Gumball’s father, was emotionally touched by the play, whimpering and crying as he said, “This is so sad! Why did that witch have to be so mean?! Those two were in love! They deserve to be together!” As Anais patted her father, trying to comfort him, Gumball continued to gurgle until he finally stopped and collapsed to the floor next to Penny, seemingly finishing his death scene once and for all. The stage light then switched to Darwin, acting as the narrator of the play…


    Unfortunately for Darwin, he had stage fright, trembling as he stared at the audience. “Uhhhh…” Darwin said until the school counselor, Jessebelle, extended her hand from behind the curtain, trying to move Darwin’s mouth to help him speak…


    As the two lovers held each other's hand, the witch struck them both, ending their lives. The queen was stricken with grief as she watched her daughter and her lover die at the hands of the evil witch,” Darwin said with Jessebelle’s assistance as the stage light switched back to Penny and Gumball, who were about to perform a scene depicting what the final thoughts of the Moon Princess and the Earth Prince were. “Oh my love… it looks like this is the end…” Penny said as she and Gumball got up and held hands. “At least… we get to die together…” Gumball replied. “This is so beautiful!” Richard cried loudly, annoying the audience. “Yeah…” Penny commented after hearing Richard before shifting her attention back to her performance with Gumball, “We may not get the chance to be married, but let us seal our love, with one last kiss!” Gumball’s face lit up after hearing Penny mentioning a kiss, imagining himself and Penny floating in space. “Is this really happening?!” Gumball nervously questioned, “'Cause there was no kiss in rehearsals!” “I kinda improvised,” Penny replied. Taking a deep breath, Gumball nervously asked, "Then how come we're not exploding?! We're in space!” “Come on. Hurry up. Everyone's looking,” Penny replied, pointing at the audience. Snapping out of his imagination, Gumball noticed the audience waiting for something to happen. “Alright, here we go… three, two, one…” Penny said as she prepared for the kiss. Inhaling deeply, Gumball went in for a kiss as well, but instead of kissing Penny, he accidentally headbutted her, with the curtain subsequently closing immediately after that…


    Is that it?” an old man with glasses in the audience questioned, wondering if that was the end of the play.


    ~The Capital - Streets~


    Sitting on a bench while wearing her raincoat to avoid getting drenched by the rain, Peni was using her small binoculars to look at the buildings around, hoping to find Spider-Gwen. ‘Hmm… I wonder if I’ll find her today,’ Peni thought to herself.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Hidden Palace Zone - Boss Gauntlet Death Course: Vs Chaos~

    Harold looked up at the being, it seemed of be a creature made of liquid or rather, water depending on how it works, it was no bigger than a standard humanoid as Harold run through the spells and items he had in his repertoire. "Let's see... Diffindo can precisely cut anything... Confringo causes whatever comes into contact to explode... I doubt that can work with water unless I were to aim for the brain... Bombarda causes small explosions, can't guarantee anyone's safety if they get in close..." Harold thought as the being came at bowser like a speedy individual.

    "Melds into the Ground... Depulso!" Harold said, pointing his wand at Chaos who was stunning by an opposing force and then blown back from the Koopa King as Harold spun his wand. "Impedimenta!" Harold called out letting loose another spell which would slow the target down after the unceremonious repelling.

    Yuuki turned her weapon and let loose some shots, deciding to remain untransformed for now.

    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’~

    "Right you are girl." Yang said to kKye and looked to Tommy. "Lead on Dragon boy." Yang teased the young male.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Hidden Palace Zone: Mural Room-

    "Vulpix, use Flamethrower!" Hermione shouted, having her fox partner shoot a stream of fire from its mouth. Nico aimed with her VS Charger and Hermione did the same, firing at the beast. Ryotaro gasped and suddenly Ryuutaros was in charge, firing as well. Kimberly pulled her hood and mask up, using her gymnastics and jumping to send a kick.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts-

    Kira slashed with Gia, Noah fired his crossbow and Orion, Jake, and Troy slashed together. "I hope they come out soon." Orion said. Kira said, "We're almost done, just keep it up for a little longer."


    -Hunan Providence, China - Hill-

    Serena was blushing red while Rey was scanning and observing all the activities was going on to get a good idea of what to do once inside the fortress. Serena thought about how her friends and how they might be doing.


    -San Diego, California - Harbor-

    Thomas and Dante looked and still stood to fight, pulling out the stabilizers while waiting to see what was going to happen. Thomas looked at the ship and hoped that his brother and the others would complete their part.


    -San Diego, California - Harbor: The 'Maribel del Mar-

    "Well, actually, the Dragon is my brother's animal." Tommy said, looking at the busty blonde. "Mine is a falcon." He pulled his mask over his mouth and began to lead, looking around the floor for their target.


    -Sub-Sahara Africa - Rebel Base-

    "Great!" Simba said, smiling. Nala looked at him as they both recalled his own father, Mufasa, and how he died with how it caused Simba to run away for so long til they met again in their new roles.


    -The Capital - Streets-

    Walking with a hood over her head to hide her face and holding a umbrella, Gwen saw Peni and thought, 'Huh, it's that girl from the other day. Is she trying to find something? she's eyeing the buildings. Hmm. A certain spider might appear or not, we'll see.'
  16. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~

    Chaos would soon be forced out thanks to Harold's spellcasting and quickly received the damage inflicted by the combined firepower of Vulpix, Ryutaro, and the girls. Before Chaos could even get reoriented, he saw Luigi flying at it with fist ready as it crackled with green fire and electricity, green embers radiating as he transformed and slammed his fist right into the beast's head and directly to its brain sending it flying into the crystal that made it and exploded leaving the cyan and green crystal as merely a wireframe. A star on the door ahead began to glow brightly while Luigi grinned and struck a victory pose. Star Dream remarking. "This was surprising...even at his weakest, Chaos was no match." Ryuji looked around before commenting. "Seems like despite your story, he was weak!" Futaba rolled her eyes at Ryuji. "Just because he was a first boss doesn't mean that the rest are going to be trash."

    The Holo Defense API apparatus began to rotate switching out to a dark-blue and red crystal and opened up, the figure it began to create was one all too familiar...especially to Mario as it looked like a translucent blue version of him with red glowing eyes and a glowing gold and red core.

    Memories of the Darkness
    Shadow Mario [Data]

    Mario and Luigi gasped as fire began to erupt from the abyss surrounding the arena giving the arena a burning feel and vibe. Shadow Mario slowly began to walk towards everyone before raising a gloved hand up in the air pointing. "I'm not alone this time..." Several silver diamonds began to float up from the flames and transform into chrome, metallic copies of Mario landing and surrounding the group from all sides.

    Cold-Hearted Machines
    Metal Mario [Data]

    Futaba looked at Ryuji again telling him loudly. "See, look at what we're fighting now!" Mario immediately transformed into his golden evolved state within a flash of light telling Harold and the girls. "Do not underestimate any of these guys, their powers are based on mine and Luigi's." Luigi got into a fighting position as he transformed into his own evolved state coating him in silver. "Shadow Mario is the strongest out of all these guys, leave him to us." The brothers soon flew at Shadow Mario ready to fight him one more time. The Metal Marios on the other hand rushed at everyone else emanating with silver fire ready to fight.​
  17. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    ~Siwa, Egypt~


    Hey, you!” Diana angrily called out the AT-ST as it walking around Siwa, “I dare you to attack me!” Turning around, the AT-ST began to fire its blaster cannon as Diana quickly got out of the way, pointing her wand at the AT-ST as she yelled, “Vermillious!” A jet of red sparks were then precipitated from Diana’s wand, causing the AT-ST to back off just slightly. “Glacius!” Diana cried as she pointed her wand at the AT-ST, sending an icy-cold air towards it that froze it in ice. However, as the AT-ST began breaking out of the ice it was frozen in, Diana pointed her wand at a car that was badly damaged from the bombing earlier, crying, “Wingardium Leviosa!” Diana then levitated the car, and sent it flying straight towards the AT-ST. While the AT-ST was damaged a bit from getting hit by the car, it nevertheless remained standing and began approaching Diana. “Uh-oh…” Diana said to herself, worried that she may have made a mistake in trying to battle the AT-ST by herself. As the AT-ST prepared to fire its blaster cannon at Diana, Akko raced to the scene, jumping towards Diana to get her out of the way of the AT-ST’s cannon…


    Diana! Watch out!” Akko cried, getting Diana out of harm’s way as the AT-ST fired its blaster cannon, but missed. “Are you okay?” Akko asked Diana. “Y-Yeah,” Diana replied, “Thank you, Akko.” Ursula arrived to the scene as well, rushing towards Akko and Diana…


    Oh, thank goodness you’re alright,” Ursula commented as she sighed in relief. Noticing the AT-ST slowly moving towards them, ready to attack once more, Akko got up while she had an angry look on her face, and slowly walked towards it. “Hey! You there!” Akko yelled at the AT-ST, “That was a big mistake trying to kill Diana like that! And it was a really big mistake what you New World Order bullies have done to the poor people in that hospital. We clearly know who you are, and we will beat you in the end!” The AT-ST then prepared to fire its blaster cannon at Akko, with Ursula gasping as Diana cried, “Akko, no!

    However, something began to happen to the Shiny Rod, which Akko had been carrying on her back. The seven crystal orbs on the Shiny Rod began to glow brightly, six of them green and one yellow. “Huh?” Akko wondered out loud upon noticing the Shiny Rod beginning to glow, grabbing it from behind her as she remembered how it did something similar last week in Kyoto, “Again?” “C-Could it be?” Ursula wondered aloud, “Akko, recite the following spell… Phaidoali Afaergo!” Nodding, Akko held the Shiny Rod tightly as she repeated, “Phaidoali Afaergo!” Once Akko recited the spell, a second crystal orb on the Shiny Rod began to glow yellow, and the Shiny Rod transformed into a large ax. “It worked!” Ursula happily cried while Diana had a big smile on her face. Astonished by the Shiny Rod’s new form, Akko shifted her attention back to the AT-ST, quickly getting out of the way as it fired its blaster cannon. “TAKE THIS!” Akko cried as she jumped towards the AT-ST, swinging the Shiny Rod in its ax form at it, completely slicing the AT-ST in half and destroying it. Once Akko landed back on the ground, what was left of the AT-ST was obliterated in an explosion, catching the attention of Amanda and Jasminka as they flew to the area with their broomsticks…


    Woah…” Amanda said in awe after seeing what happened.


    ~The Capital - Rooftop~


    As Foggy and Matt remained chained to a wall while their captor, Frank Castle, was sitting near them, Matt asked Frank, “So… you got a name?” “Frank,” Frank answered. “Frank…” Murdock repeated, “That's your real name?” “You know, I'm not a bad guy, Red,” Frank told Matt, ignoring his question. “You wanna explain that to the orphans and the widows of the men you killed?” Matt questioned. “For Christ's sake, that's what you think? I'm just some crazy a**hole going around unloading on whoever I want to?” an annoyed Frank asked. “Yeah, that's exactly what I think,” Matt replied. “That it?” Frank questioned. “You think you're anything else?” Matt asked. “I think that those who I kill need killing, that's what I think,” Frank replied. “You shot up a hospital!” Matt cried. “Yeah, and nobody got hurt who didn't deserve it,” Castle replied. “Oh, yeah?” Matt scoffed, “What about you, Frank? What happens the day someone decides you deserve it?” “I'll tell you what, they better not miss,” Frank responded. “Come on,” Matt scoffed, “You run around this city like it's your damn shooting gallery. You think you do-” “Yeah, what do you do?!” Frank angrily interrupted Matt, “What do the police do?! You all act like it's a playground! You grab the bullies and throw 'em in jail, everybody calls you guys heroes, right? And then a month, a week, a day later, they're back on the streets doing the same damn thing!” “Yeah, so you just put 'em in the morgue,” Matt scoffed. “You're damn right, I do,” Castle replied. “You ever doubt yourself, Frank?” Matt asked. “Not even for a second,” Castle answered. “Really? Really?” an upset Matt questioned, “You never think for one second, ‘Sh*t, I just killed an individual!’?” “That's being pretty generous,” Frank responded. “An individual who did a lot of stupid sh*t, maybe even evil, but had one small piece of goodness in him!” Matt cried, “Maybe just a scrap, Frank, but something! And then you come along, and that one tiny flicker of light gets snuffed out forever.” “I think you're wrong,” Frank responded. “Which part?” Murdock questioned. “All of it,” Frank answered, “I think there's no good in the filth that I put down, that's what I think.” “And how do you know?” Matt asked. “I just know,” Castle replied, “Look around, Red. This world, it stinks. It's a sewer. It stinks and it smells like sh*t and I can't get the stink out of my nose. You know, the New World Order came along and said how they were gonna make things better and get tougher on a**holes. But honestly, when it comes to the streets, and the crap that keeps happening, I don’t think the New World Order’s doing much of a difference to be honest. I think that this world, it needs men that are willing to make the hard call!” “That's bullsh*t, Frank, and you know it!” Matt cried. “I think you and me are the same!” Frank replied, “Only I do the one thing that you can't. You hit 'em, and they get back up. I hit 'em, and they stay down! It's permanent. I make sure that they don't make it out on the street again. I take pride in that!” “Let me ask you this,” Matt said. “What's that?” Frank asked. “What about hope?” Murdock questioned. “Oh, f*ck,” Frank complained. “Come on, Frank,” Matt replied. “You wanna talk about Santa Claus?” Frank mockingly questioned Matt, “You wanna talk about Santa Claus?” “I live in the real world too, and I've seen it,” Matt replied. “Yeah? What have you seen?” Frank asked. “Redemption, Frank,” Matt answered. “Ah, Jesus Christ,” Frank complained. “It's real. And it's possible,” Matt replied, “Those who you murder deserve another chance.” “What, to kill again? Rape again? Is that what you want?” Frank questioned. “No, Frank!” Matt retorted as he was panting, “To try again, Frank. To try. And if you don't get that, there's something broken in you you can't fix, and you really are a nutjob.” “What did you say?” Frank questioned, seemingly offended by what Matt said. “You're... you're unhinged Frank. You are,” Matt replied, “You think God made you a one-man firing squad. But you're wrong. There is goodness in people, even in you. And you're gonna have to kill me, 'cause I'm never gonna stop coming for you, until I take you down. You wanna know why?” “Why's that?” Frank asked. “Because you're insane,” Matt answered. “Hmm,” Frank simply said, chuckling before punching Matt, knocking him out. “Osha!” Foggy cried after seeing Matt knocked out, looking at Frank with an angry look on his face, “OSHAWOTT! OSHAWOTT!” “Shut up,” Frank responded.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts: Outside New World Order Facility~


    Getting shot out of a door and crashing near Kira and the others, Sunburst slowly got up as he noticed the group dealt with the Stormtroopers, telling them, “Get ready… this is gonna be a tough one…” Stepping out of the facility, Starlight Glimmer smirked as she approached Sunburst and the others, while continuing to levitate her scythe around with her unicorn magic…


    ‘More Rebels, huh? Let’s see if the creatures Master Xehanort entrusted me with will help out,’ the Inquisitor thought to herself as she stomped the ground once with her hoof. Once she did that, about a dozen white/pink creatures carrying a scythe similar to Starlight Glimmer appeared behind her…


    What the?! What are those?!” Sunburst cried, not knowing what the Reapers were. “Attack!” Starlight Glimmer ordered the Reapers as they went for the attack, swinging their scythes towards Kira and the others. Gasping, Sunburst rolled out of the way as a Reaper tried swinging its scythe at him. Quickly summoning his Keyblade, Sunburst used it to block another attempt by the Reaper to swing its scythe at him.


    ~Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts: New World Order Facility~


    As Prompto, Noctis, and Jyn were trying to find an exit to get out of the facility, they heard a familiar voice call out to Jyn…


    JYN!” Cassian cried as he rushed to the group. “Cassian?” Prompto wondered out loud, surprised to see Cassian. “This way,” Cassian told the group, “I know a way out.” “Alright. Lead the way,” Noctis replied as he, Prompto, and Jyn followed Cassian.


    ~Irkutsk, Russia - New World Order Facility~


    As Finn and the others were running towards the exit, they suddenly found their path blocked by Stormtroopers and Cybermen…


    "Leia, get somewhere safe. We'll deal with them," Finn told Leia as he summoned his Keyblade. "Okay…" Leia responded as she hid behind a wall in a hallway, waiting for the others to deal with the enemy. "Natasha, get those sonic stabilizers ready," Nikolai ordered Natasha. "Yes, sir," Natasha replied, getting her satanic stabilizers ready to use against the Cybermen. "Let's finish this," Finn remarked as he and the others charged towards the Stormtroopers and Cybermen to battle them.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~


    Upon arriving to the ship's upper deck with Yang and Tommy, Skye found several Stormtroopers around the area…


    "Hey! What are you doing here?!" one of the Stormtroopers questioned Skye's group. "Crap…" Skye said as she rushed to a nearby crate to duck as the Stormtroopers began to fire their blasters at her, Yang, and Tommy. "Take cover!" Skye ordered Tommy and Yang as she took out her pistol, quickly getting up and attempting to shoot at the Stormtroopers before ducking once more to reload her gun.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’~


    As they were going down to the lower levels of the ship, May, Hunter, and Shining Armor were wondering where Donnie Gill might be. However, once they reached a railing overlooking the engine room below, the three noticed a conversation was taking place between Donnie Gill and Jemma Simmons…


    You know what is best. What is best is you comply,” Jemma told Gill, who seemed to be in a trance as he kept listening. “Well, time to end this conversation,” Lance commented as he pointed his sniper at Jemma, ready to kill her. However, while Lance didn’t know who Jemma was, thinking she was just some random New World Order operative, Shining Armor and May both recognized her, and were both shocked to see her below. “Simmons…” May quietly said to herself, not expecting her friend’s infiltration of the New World Order to lead her here. Realizing Hunter was about to pull the trigger, Shining Armor quickly punched him with his hoof, knocking him out in order to save Jemma’s life. Hearing the commotion from above, Jemma and Donnie (having snapped out of his trance) looked up before Donnie angrily told Jemma, “You think I don't know what you're trying to do? You're just like the rest of them. You liar!” Donnie then tried grabbing Jemma in order to freeze her to death. But while Gill grabbed her sweater, Jemma quickly let go of it, with Donnie just freezing the sweater itself as Jemma ran for her life. Noticing Donnie chasing Simmons, May shot a pipe near Donnie in order to buy Jemma more time, causing hot steam to shoot from the pipe towards Donnie. Crying in pain as he quickly got out of the way, Donnie grabbed the pipe, freezing it to stop the steam before getting back to chasing Simmons once again. Meanwhile, Shining Armor tried contacting Jeffery Mace all the way in Castelia City with his earpiece, crying, “Sir! We’ve got an emergency!


    Shining Armor… what’s going on?” Mace questioned. “Simmons is here,” Shining Armor replied, “Repeat... Simmons is on site with the New World Order. Do we maintain her cover?” “Yes. Maintain her cover,” Jeffery ordered. As for Lance, he started getting up after getting knocked out, questioning Shining Armor, “Blimey… what’d you do that for?!” “Sorry… I’ll explain later,” Shining armor replied, “But right now, we gotta go after Gill.” Nodding, May added, “If we can't take him in, we take him out. Understood?” “Understood,” Lance answered.


    ~San Diego, California - Harbor~


    As Ruby continued battling the group of Rebels along with her Stormtroopers and Cybermen, she threw her sharp Ring Blade towards Thomas and Dante. As Jessie and James both gasped, Jessie cried, “Watch out!


    ~Hunan Province, China: Outside New World Order Fortress~


    Attack!” Shang cried as he, Dick, and Shao Jun charged towards Stormtroopers, dodging blaster fire as Shang swung his sword at several Stormtroopers, while Shao Jun threw knives at Stormtroopers, and Dick used his Escrima Sticks to attack and electrocute Stormtroopers. “Look out from above!” Hiccup cried from above while riding on Toothless…


    Flying above a group of several Stormtroopers, Toothless fired plasma blasts at them, killing many of them in the process. “Good work, bud,” Hiccup complimented his dragon. Meanwhile…


    Cybermen were marching out of the fortress, ready to assist the Stomtroopers outside. However, flying above the Cybermen were the two pony sisters, Celestia and Luna, who had Marco and Lee on their backs…


    Let ‘em have it, boys!” Luna told Lee (who was on Luna’s back) and Marco (who was on Celestia’s back). Nodding, both Lee and Marco took out sonic stabilizers from their pockets, dropping them on the Cybermen below. Once the sonic stabilizers landed, they weakened the Cybermen’s Vibranium metal, making them vulnerable to attack, which Chien Po, Ling, and Yao took advantage of…


    Take this you metal freaks!” Yao cried as he, Ling, and Chien Po swung their swords at the vulnerable Cybermen while avoiding their attacks, successfully destroying many of them in the process. As for Discord, Star Butterfly, and Thor, the three were having a bit too much fun battling Stormtroopers…


    Discord was going around, summoning a portal right under a group of Stormtroopers, with the portal reappearing several feet above the ground so that Stormtroopers would fall out of it. But before they land on the ground, Thor would fly towards them and swing his hammer at them, sending them flying straight to the walls of the fortress. And upon crashing into the fortress’s walls, Star Butterfly would point her wand at the Stormtroopers, crying, “Syrup Tsunami Shockwave!” Star’s wand would then send a tidal wave of waffles, pancakes, and maple syrup at the Stormtroopers, making them stick to the wall. “Woohoo!” Star cheered. “We sure make a great team!” Thor said as he joined with Star. “Yup, we sure do,” Discord added as he reappeared next to them, with the three giving each other a high five, surprised to have worked well together with each other.


    ~Hunan Province, China: Hill Overlooking New World Order Fortress~


    Noticing a battle around the fortress beginning, Connor and the others got up, with Mulan commenting, “There’s our opening.” “Then it’s time to get ready,” Katniss replied as she transformed to her Rider form while Darien also transformed to Tuxedo Mask…


    Taking out her compact, Rini realized that if she transformed now, she would reveal herself as a Sailor Scout to those who were around. “Hey, Rini,” Tuxedo Mask said as he knelt down next to her, “You sure you wanna do this?” After thinking about it a bit, Rini nodded as she replied, “Don’t worry. I trust them all.” Smiling, Darien stood up, and watched as Rini raised her compact high, saying, “Moon… Crystal… POWER!


    ‘Huh, so she was Sailor Mini Moon…’ Ritchie thought to himself after noticing Rini transform into Sailor Mini Moon, ‘Guess that explains why we brought someone her age along to the battle.’


    ~Shalour City, France~


    In an empty alleyway in Shalour City, a portal suddenly appeared, with Lydia, Lucario, Maui, and Moana stepping out of it before the portal disappeared. "This is it?" Moana asked as she took a peek behind a nearby building, noticing Stormtroopers and Cybermen walking all around Shalour City. "This is it," Lydia replied, "I'll meet you two back here once I'm done." "Alright," Maui said, "May your heart be your guiding key." Nodding, Lydia told Lucario, "Let's go." Nodding, Lucario followed Lydia as the two went into the city, trying to avoid detection as they tried to find out what happened to Korrina.


    ~The Capital: Nintendo Elementary School - Dressing Room~


    After the play concluded, Gumball, Darwin, and Penny were at the dressing room, where Darwin was trying to comfort Gumball, who was sobbing because of what happened when he and Penny tried kissing during the play. “Come on. I'm sure it wasn't that bad,” Darwin told Gumball as he tried comforting him. “Not that bad?!” Gumball retorted as he continued sobbing, “If I did that in a cage fight, I'd be disqualified! This can't be happening!” “Hey, guys. Don't panic. We don't know how bad it is yet,” Penny said as she was sitting on a swivel chair while covering her left eye with her hand, which was where Gumball accidentally headbutted her during the play. “Come on. Tell me how it looks,” Penny continued as she removed her hand, wanting Gumball and Darwin to tell her how her eye looked. Upon seeing her eye, both Gumball and Darwin inhaled sharply, with Gumball commenting, “Uhh… it's a nice scar. Gives you character, like a... beautiful warlord or an adorable Frankenstein, or something.” “Wait, I've got a scar?!” Penny cried. “No, don't worry. It's not a scar, it's more of a crack,” Darwin replied. “What?!” Penny cried as she covered her eye again, “How bad is it?!” “Oh, no, it's cute!” Gumball replied with a sweet tone to his voice, “It's like there was a teeny-weeny really pretty earthquake in your face.” Spinning her chair as she turned and faced the mirror in the room, Penny removed her hand, and saw a crack in her eye. Just then, Penny noticed something yellow spark up in her eye, causing her to gasp and cover her eye once again. “What was that?” Gumball asked. “Nothing!” Penny lied. “Ohh, what have I done?!” Gumball cried, full of guilt as he grabbed Penny’s hand and began slapping his face with it repeatedly. Sighing, Penny asked, “What are you doing?” “Hurting your head made his heart hurt, so he's hurting his head with your hand to heal his heart,” Darwin answered Penny. Gumball then spun Penny’s chair, making her foot kick him. Gumball then grabbed Penny's foot, making her kick him repeatedly. Sighing, Penny commented, “Look, if you really want to do something, just help me fix this.” “Hmm. Well, maybe if we put the accent on your good eye and integrate the area of discontent into the piece as a whole, no one will notice,” Darwin replied as he got closer to Penny, trying to figure out how to take care of Penny’s problem, before shifting his attention back to Gumball, “Okay, pass me the rouge. Okay, pass me the mascara. Forget it, pass me the paint roller.” After a few minutes of Darwin working on Penny’s face, a crudely drawn eye and mouth was on the right side of Penny’s face. “Guys. This isn't going to work,” Penny told Gumball and Darwin as she observed on the mirror what was drawn on the right side of her face, “I'm going to have to tell my dad.


    ~The Capital - Streets~


    Hey Peni,” Sora greeted Peni as he and Roxas passed by her while walking home, carrying their umbrellas to prevent getting wet from the rain. “What are you up to?” Roxas asked. “Hey guys. Just seeing if I can spot Spider-Woman,” Peni replied as she continued looking through her binoculars for any sign of the one who saved her. “Oh, right,” Sora commented, as he and Roxas knew what happened with Peni the previous week since she has been telling everyone she knew at school the same story over and over again. “Well, uh, good luck with that,” Roxas added as he and Sora left. “Thanks,” Peni thanked Roxas, still looking through her binoculars.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2019
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums

    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Course~

    Harold rolled his eyes at Ryuji's comment and look what that got them into. "There's a saying called don't bite off more then you can chew, obviously that one was lost on you." Harold stated dryly as Mario and Luigi made the plan of attack and Harold looked at the Metal Mario duplicates "So they are made of metal... that means they are likely susceptible to fire, water and electricity." Harold thought before making a hand motion with his wand. "Incendio!" Harold called out, letting out a ball of flames in rapid fire.

    Yuuki stood her ground, firing her blaster. "Oh why didn't these things come with a sword mode or something?" Yuuki moaned and Harodl heard her. "A sword you say?" and Yuuki nodded. "Yeah, I may not look like it but I'm pretty impressive with a sword!" Yuuki said and Harold frowned a bit a she dug into his pocket, pulling out what was a miniature sword in a sheath that honestly looked like it should be a paperweight and he tossed it up. "Engorgio!" Harold said the small sword grew size and and Yuuki jumped forward, catching in in her hands clumsily as she holstered her blaster.

    "Is it...?" Yuuki begun to ask. "Yes it's a real one, don't dawdle... Agumenti!" Harodl said, loose loose a literal fire hose of water at the Metal Marios and Yuuki unsheathed the standard issue sword, its blade glinting her reflection and she gave a smile and tossed Nico her Blaster. "Dual wield Nico-Nico!" Yuuki said cheerfully before taking a stance and breathed in and out, eyes closed before opening them again and charged forward with a speed belittling her frame and made jabbing motions with the blade hitting where the the legs and arms of a Metal Mario had before delivering a quick diagonal slash in succession before leaping back with a grin.

    "Absolute Sword Yuuki has returned! Dun dun dunnn!" Yuuki said with a beaming smile before turning her facial expression serious and went forth to deliver a blistering 13 hit combo with the blade without needing to think how to execute the maneuver as if she's done it all her life. "Mother's... Rosario!"

    ~San Diego, California - Harbor: The ‘Maribel del Mar’ (Upper Deck)~

    Yang took cover and checked Ember Celica's ammunition. "Not a good idea to try a shockwave attack on top of a ship, don't know how strong the upper deck is..." Yang thoughtand punched her fists together. "Cover me, They won't know what hit them!" Yang said and leapt over her impromptu covering spot and fired a round, using the propulsion to shoot her into a stormtrooper who was likely taken aback by the sudden up close and personal as Yang gave a smile as she delivering an undercut to a Stormtrooper's stomach, firing a round in tandem, causing a explosive impact that sent the poor solider hurtling into a companion as Yang moved into a boxing stance dodging and weaving any bullets that came her direction.

    "Come on boys, didn't they teach you anything while you were at a shooting range or in close combat?" Yang taunted them.

    ~The Capital - Streets~

    Max saw the young Peni Kimiko trying to be observant in finding her new hero, holding her umbrella as Sora and Roxas left her, the girl was dedicated and Ruby looked to Max. "She's likely going to stay there until something happens." Ruby pointed out with her red umbrella over her head. "Yeah.. maybe we should do something lest she catches a cold or worse, gets another mugging again?" Max suggested and Ruby smiled.

    "A mugging with me? Those bad guys wouldn't like to see me in an alleyway wielding my Rose... Then again... that's more Yang's thing...." Ruby said and the two approached Peni. "Peni, this Spider-Woman might not appear today, I mean, she couldn't just be actively protecting just this neighbourhood alone right?" Max pointed out and Ruby nodded. "Yeah, I mean, The Captial's got a bunch of districts and then some, we're just... worried. You might get attacked so she can show up again." Ruby pointed out.

    "Ruby! To even suggest Peni should intentionally be attacked to make her hero appear is just wrong, what would that Spider-Woman say?" max admonished her friend and Ruby laughed a bit, rubbing a hand behind her head. "Oh right... my bad... but I mean, I got my Crescent Rose that I built myself so what's to stop Peni from developing something to defend herself with? All girls should have something like that since men think we're so easy to rob."

    Max was about to say something about that comment but paused in the reasoning, Ruby did have a point, all she could do was just run since she wasn't trained like Ruby or her sister. "...Damn... you actually came up with a very good answer.... Are you sure you are Ruby Rose?" Max asked and Ruby laughed a bit. "Oh yes! Ruby Rose, Huntress Extraordinaire and the greatest ally in any food fight ever! I dare all challenge to face me and my mastery of the art!"
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2019
  19. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    ~Hidden Palace Zone: Vs. Metal Marios & Shadow Mario~

    The Metal Mario that Yuuki was slashing at merely stood there as the sounds of the blade hit its outer shell, the machine looked at Yuuki before proceeding to pull out its hammer and fight her blade to hammer. The power of the Metal Marios growing as those targeted by Incendio punched the fireballs away and walked through Agumenti as the water evaporated upon contact with the fire emanating from their bodies. A pair rushed in and started to beat Harold down with about as much will and determination as the real Mario himself had. One was soon smacked away by a blast of fire before turning its head to see Bowser grinning with his arms crossed telling Harold. "Thanks for the save earlier, now we're even." The lone Metal Mario jerked its head and flew at Bowser preparing to fight him as the Koopa defended himself from an onslaught of punches that pushed him away.

    As the Metal Marios were scrambling about, Iffy and Compa stood back to back against one another with their weapons. The brunette looking at her friend asking. "Any idea on how we can handle these guys?" Compa blinked looking unsure. "Well, they're based on Mario...and Mario is like a flying brick on fire." Iffy sighed. "And most likely conventional firearms won't work on them, they have none of their internals exposed." Iffy turned to look at Aoi and Futaba who were at work trying to get data asking. "You two got anything?" Aoi looked at everyone. "Well, they were designed to emulate the same hot-blooded will and determination as the real Mario, their fighting style similar as well with a high resilience to most attacks." Peach glared at one of them. "So what? They're cold-hearted and lack the soul of the real deal." Futaba adjusted her glasses. "There is a flaw though, whomever designed the machines didn't give them an unlimited power cap." Everyone looked at her with Neptune asking. "A Unlimited...what?" Aoi sighed. "Essentially it means that the Metal Marios have a limiter on how much power they gain from their emulated will to fight. Mario explained to me that he and Luigi managed to one-shot one of these guys back home with their evolved states while running for it during the Purge."

    "Okay, but just one problem...none of us can push our power that far except for Peach." Blanc pointed out looking at the blonde before Makoto suggested. "Why not simply combine our attacks and aim them for their heads?" Aoi nodded. "That could possibly work...Mario said he punched it in the head."

    Kirby jumped in front of a Metal Mario goading it on as he shouted. "Hey, I'm right here!" The Metal Mario turned and fired a silver fireball at the pink puffball only for Kirby to open his mouth and inhale it into himself, he swallowed it causing a crown of fire to appear on his head. The Metal Mario got into a fighting stance before Kirby shouted. "Bowser, Tag-Team?" Bowser grinned cracking his knuckles and grabbed the Metal Mario and threw it at Kirby before opening his mouth and exhaling a stream of fire at the chrome warrior, Kirby opened his mouth and also exhaled a stream of fire on the other side. The two quickly formed fiery bows and shouted. "DOUBLE FIRE ARROW!" firing the burning arrows at the Metal Mario causing its head to explode as Bowser gave the body a body slam.

    Everyone else soon began to attack in tandem before Aoi activated his lightsaber seemingly ready to fight before Futaba started to grin like a maniac. Aoi looked at her asking. "What is it?" Futaba gave him a smile before asking as she pointed at the lightsaber. "Can I try that?" Aoi blinked before he handed it over and helped her hold it properly. "Just be very careful, I don't want you losing a limb." Futaba began to run in shouting. "And here comes a new challenger!" A Metal Mario looked at her before its head was sliced off by the young girl.

    The Metal Mario forces were in trouble as their numbers were dimishing thanks to the combined efforts of the group and Peach going into Pink-Gold Evolved State with the Forbidden Ringo Lockseed. One Metal Mario saw Peach and stood firm boosting its power to the point where its body was crackling with electricity and smoke was coming from it. It flew at Peach jittering about and crackling as if it was going to explode. Peach grabbed it by the head and smiled kissing it. "Good night, sweet prince..." before punching it and sending it right into the the battle between the Mario Bros. and Shadow Mario causing it to explode. "I hope they know what they're doing."​
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007

    -Hidden Palace Zone: Boss Gauntlet Death Match-

    "Mind if I defeat you?" Ryuutaros said, saying his usual catchphrase. "I can't hear your answer!" 'Just don't go too crazy.' Ryotaro asked the purple Imagin from his mind. Ryuutaros said, "Yeah. yeah." "Well, shooting games are one of my top favorite games." Nico said, holding the two VS Chargers and firing at the fake Marios. Kimberly showed her agile nature and skill against the fake Marios.

    Hermione looked at her Fire-type fox partner and said, "Vulpix, use every skill you know." "Vulpix! Vul!" Vulpix said, smiling and wagging its tails before using every move it knew, holding her VS Charger, Hermione watched everyone use their own unique skills. Once again, she began to wonder why she was picked to be Lupin Blue and what unique skill she had to offer as part of the team.


    -Sioux Falls, South Dakota - Outskirts-

    "Should we morph?" Orion asked Kira. Kira gripped her Ptera Grips, "Not just yet. Let's see what we can do before we give them a reason to come after us." Gia, Troy, and Noah stood ready for the fight while Jake tried to look confident but was hit in the back of the head by Gia and tried to look ready with the rest of the group, everyone gripping their Ranger weapons.


    -Hunan Providence, China-

    "Moon Prism Power!" Serena shouted, transforming into Sailor Moon. Rey brought her staff out and went to help everyone. She looked at Rini, Darien, and Serena in their transformed states and fighting together. 'I wonder if that's what a family is like.' She thought, swinging her staff.


    -San Diego, California - Harbor-

    The two jumped out of the way of the Ring Blade. Pulling his two guns, Ebony and Ivory, Dante fired at the Ring Blade and shouted in a cocky voice, "You missed!" "Not the time or place, you Ape!" Thomas said, looking annoyed. Dante shrugged and kept his guns out.


    -San Diego, California - The 'Maribel del Mar' (Upper Deck)-

    Tommy used the skills and moves that he felt came from the power of the Falcon he got. He performed a lower cut punch to a Stormtrooper, he decided to keep quiet and let his skill prove his strength.


    -The Capital - Street-

    "They're right, you know." Gwen said, causing the girls to look at her. She smiled and looked at them, "Well, Spider-Woman might not appear today and the Capital is a pretty huge place, but if you make something to defend yourself, Spider-Woman might see you and ask to team-up with you."