OOC: Re: Mario's High School Days II - Age of the New World Order

Discussion in 'OOC Lounge' started by Meilin Lee, May 28, 2018.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Re: Mario's High School Days II - Age of the New World Order
    Original AU Story by Toasty
    Original RP by @NutheadBros
    Created with Permission by @NutheadBros
    Genre: Crossover / Globetrotting


    Hello, and welcome to Re: Mario's High School Days II: Age of the New World Order, the sequel to Re: Mario's High School Days. While this RP is meant to be a sequel, it is a brand new direction for the MHSD series, and will hopefully be accessible even to those who haven't took part in the original RP. So, without further ado, I give you... the OOC thread:


    For decades after the end of World War II, the world lived through a troubled, yet stable, period of peace, despite the tensions between the world's two superpowers, Japan and the Soviet Union. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the world's focus shifted on a relatively new nemesis in the form a terrorist group called the Crystal Order. The Crystal Order, secretly led by Al Mualim, principal of Tokyo's prestigious Nintendo High School, aimed to use violence to bring about equality in society all over the world. But as the conflict with the Crystal Order dragged on, with no end in sight, citizens around the world were becoming more and more disillusioned with those in charge. Japan was no different, which was something Harold Saxon, Al Mualim's stepson, used to his advantage to get himself elected as Japan's prime minister, promising to reunite the disaffected among the citizens and to restore the remembered glory of the Republic of Japan. But it was all part of a secret plot by Al Mualim. After a national tragedy that ended the life of the current Japanese prime minister, Harold Saxon immediately took office while being granted emergency powers. With his new position, Saxon was able to convince the citizens of Japan, and even many around the world, that the Crystal Order was nothing but a ruse created by foreign nations afraid of Japan's status as the world's sole superpower. Backing his argument with meticulously written documentation that was prepared far in advance, Saxon declared that the rest of the world would be annexed by Japan, and the entire globe would be reorganized into the New World Order. And to fulfill this plan, Saxon initiated what many now refer to as the Great Purge, which involved Saxon's private army of invincible Cybermen to eliminate militaries and individuals around the world considered a threat to his plans, as well as the extermination of world leaders not allied with Saxon by Master Xehanort, a mysterious boy affiliated with both Saxon and Al Mualim. With the Great Purge being a resounding success, the world was now united under one central government located in the Capital (the city formerly known as Tokyo), with Al Mualim and Harold Saxon now ruling the world as Supreme Leaders. While equality in society around the world was finally achieved under the New World Order, it came at a price. Freedom of the press was no longer allowed. Speaking out directly against the New World Order was a punishable crime. Democracy was no longer an existent idea anywhere. It had seemed that freedom and liberty were a thing of the past. But a small number of individuals around the world decided to do something about these new outrages. Declaring themselves opposed to the New World Order, this small movement has grown quite a bit into a full-fledged Rebel Alliance. Led by the young Ratonhnhaké:ton, the Rebel Alliance battles the New World Order across the globe. But will the Rebel Alliance succeed in overthrowing the tyrannical New World Order? Or will the alliance be crushed by the New World Order's might?


    The Rebel Alliance


    With their versatile X-Wings flying high in the sky, and selfless fighters on the ground, the Rebel Alliance fights to bring back freedom to the world and establish an everlasting peace for Earth!


    The young 18-year-old leader of the Rebel Alliance and a survivor of the Great Purge whose real name is Connor Kenway. Inspired by the military stories of his heroic grandfather, Connor/Ratonhnhaké:ton strives to honor his grandfather's memory by fighting for a world his grandfather would be proud of.​

    [Regional Leaders]
    Lt. Surge (Japan)
    The former gym leader of Vermilion City and leader of the rebels in Japan. Being one of the founding members of the Rebel Alliance, Lt. Surge, was personally chosen by Ratonhnhaké:ton to lead the rebels in Japan, in close proximity to the New World Order's headquarters.​

    Okoye (Sub-Saharan Africa)
    A formidable warrior who leads the rebels in Sub-Sharan Africa who was once leader of the Dora Milaje, an elite group of female bodyguards sworn to protect the king of Wakanda. With the heir to the Wakandan throne not taking his place as king after his father's death during the Great Purge, Okoye now focuses on defeating the New World Order in hopes things can return to the way they were in Wakanda.​

    Bogo (Alaska)
    A former police chief who leads the rebels in Alaska. After the rise of the New World Order, Bogo was disenchanted with the changes that came, and decided to do something about. After pledging his allegiance to the Rebel Alliance, Bogo escaped to Alaska along with fellow officers from his agency in order to set up a base that houses many of the Rebel alliance's X-Wings.​

    Pierre Bellec (France)
    A former NATO soldier and leader of the rebels in France. A survivor of the Great Purge, Bellec tends to use more aggressive tactics against the New World Order, stemming from his intense anger against the regime.

    Jeffrey Mace (North America)
    A former agent of the Japanese Intelligence Agency who leads the rebels in North America (excluding Alaska). After surviving the Great Purge, Mace went into hiding along with other J.I.A. agents who were also survivors of the purge, eventually forming the North American wing of the Rebel Alliance.​

    Ember (China)
    A dragon who leads the rebels in China. With her trusty bloodstone scepter, Ember is a formidable opponent that can easily take on Stormtroopers.

    Riad Mousa al-Asaad (Middle East)
    Former leader of the Free Syrian Army who now leads the rebels in the Middle East. Riad is no stranger to being a rebel, having battled the forces of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Asaad for some time. But after Bashar al-Asaad was deposed by the New World Order, Riad has now shifted his focus on battling another force of tyranny, allying himself with the Rebel Alliance as a result.​

    Bayek (North Africa)
    A former police officer from the city of Siwa in Egypt. Following the rise of the New World Order, Bayek was dismayed by what the New World Order was doing, pledging his allegiance to the Rebel Alliance as he left his post as police officer and rounded up rebels throughout the Northern Africa region.​

    Nikolai Orelov (Russia)
    A former Russian intelligence agent who leads the rebels in Russia. A survivor of the Great Purge, Orelov leads attacks against New World Order power plants to give a leverage for the rebels in Russia.​

    Fergus (Scotland)
    The leader of a small Scottish town who also secretly leads the rebels in Scotland. Being one of the few remaining elected officials in the world, Fergus makes sure to remain on good terms with the New World Order while keeping his allegiance to the Rebel Alliance a secret from them.

    Kassandra (South America)
    A former soldier in the Greek army who survived the Great Purge, and has been on the run ever since. Kassandra eventually found her way into Brazil, where she now leads the Rebels there and the rest of south America.​

    While the Rebel Alliance remains tightly unified, there are those that the alliance has disavowed as being too extreme, such as Saw Gerrera in South Africa (pictured above), who take their fight to the New World Order to extreme measures, indifferent as to whether innocent lives are lost due to their actions.​


    The New World Order


    With their deadly TIE Fighters and Helicarriers in the sky, and their dangerous army of Stormtroopers and Cybermen, the New World Order rules the world with an iron fist, not allowing any form of dissent to go unpunished.

    [The Supreme Leaders]

    Al Mualim
    Once the principal of the prestigious Nintendo High School, Al Mualim's wish was for the world to be truly united and treat all citizens equally. With the formation of the New World Order and the enforcement of what he had hoped for in the world, Al Mualim now rules side-by-side with his stepson, satisfied with what he had been trying to accomplish the day he started the Crystal Order.​

    Harold Saxon
    Adopted by Al Mualim at a young age, Saxon went on to become Interior Minister of Japan before being elected as the country's prime minister. Following an incident that led to his predecessor's death, Harold Saxon officially became prime minister with emergency powers granted to him, which he used to order the swift elimination of the world's militaries and leaders on the basis that the rest of the world had been plotting against Japan, while also annexing the rest of the world and forming the New World Order, which he now rules along with his stepfather as Supreme Leader.​

    [The Grand Moffs]
    The Grand Moffs are part of the Supreme Leaders' inner circle, advising them on certain matters. The Grand Moffs also serve as secondary leaders in the New World Order, having almost as much authority as the Supreme Leaders.​

    Dolores Umbridge
    Former British Minister of Magic who is Al Mualim's lover, having secretly plotted with him in creation of the New World Order.​

    Haytham Kenway
    Former second-in-command of the Crystal Order who was declared to be innocent of all charges against him when the New World Order came to power, and was promoted to the rank of Grand Moff. It is no secret that his own son is leader of the Rebel alliance, something that usually puts him at odds with the other Grand Moffs.​

    Former third-in-command of the Crystal Order who, like Haytham Kenway, was declared to be innocent of all charges against him when the New World Order came to power, and was promoted to the rank of Grand Moff.​

    Wilhuff Tarkin
    Former Japanese Minister of Justice who is close to Harold Saxon, and was very supportive of his decision to create the New World Order. A strong proponent of justice, Tarkin believes the best tactic against the rebels is to instill fear into them, and that doing so would be the only way to achieve order.​

    Alexander Pierce
    Former director of the Japanese Intelligence Agency who helped initiate the Great Purge by ordering J.I.A. Helicarriers to target those deemed a threat to the New World Order.​

    One of many J.I.A. agents that were allied with Alexander Pierce and Harold Saxon and helped initiate the Great Purge. Even after working hard to land a promotion as a Grand Moff, Toffee secretly has plans of his own that have absolutely nothing to do with the conflict between the New World Order and the Rebel Alliance.​

    Coriolanus Snow
    Former speaker of the Japanese Parliament, and a supporter of Harold Saxon, completely agreeing with his plan to create the New World Order.

    Baron von Strucker
    Having been allied with Harold Saxon during his time in the J.I.A., Baron von Strucker now acts a Grand Moff. He is very interested in experimenting with the power of an artifact called the Relic and its affect on individuals, having a laboratory built in his home of Sokovia, where successful test subjects of his are currently imprisoned.​

    [Regional Governors]

    Chrysalis (Africa)
    Leader of a very small race known as Changelings that live in Africa who despised outsiders. Despite this hatred, Chrysalis still allied herself with Al Mualim, and became the New World Order's regional governor in Africa.​

    Tex Richman (North America)
    A former rich oil magnate who went to prison after trying to keep control of the Muppet Theater in Tokyo. After being exonerated by the New World Order, Richman was made regional governor of North America.​

    Turbo (Middle East)
    Regional governor of the Middle East who treats the area as his personal race track, enjoying speeding through the deserts of the region.​

    Laureano de Torres y Ayala (Central America and the Caribbean Islands)
    Former dictator of Cuba who was spared during the Great Purge, and was promoted to regional governor of the Caribbean Islands and Central America.​

    Vince McMahon (Australia and Oceania)
    Former chairman of the WWE who reluctantly allied himself with Al Mualim after losing much of his fortune. Armed with a mecha, Vice McMahon rules over the Australia and Oceania region, and is the least strict of the regional governors, perhaps because deep down, he feels that there is something wrong with the way things worked with the New World Order.​

    Davy Jones (The Oceans and Seas of the World)
    A pirate who was allied with Al Mualim before the rise of the New World Order. In addition to now ruling over the Earth's bodies of water, Davy Jones also has control of the Kraken, a powerful creature that dwells the seas and is a big threat to seafarers.

    Shan-Yu (China)
    Former leader of a Chinese gang called 'The Huns' who was imprisoned after an incident at a bank in Tokyo. However, after the New World Order came to power, he was exonerated and made regional governor of China.​

    Demande (Europe)
    Former prince of Denmark who was spared during the Great Purge and was promoted to regional governor of Europe, while his brother, Saphir, and friend, Hans, assist him in the day-to-day work of being a governor.​

    Gideon Malick (Russia)
    A former member of the J.I.A.'s world security council, Gideon Malick now acts as the regional governor of Russia.

    Yzma (South America)
    A really, really old woman who was imprisoned (and turned into a cat) after trying to kill Kuzco, a member of the Japanese parliament. However, after the New World Order came to power, she was exonerated (and turned back into a human) and made regional governor of South America.

    A private army belonging to Harold Saxon that unleashed the Great Purge, and currently enforce the New World Order's rule across the globe. The Cybermen are led by John Lumic, a man who transferred his brain to a Cyberman body. Their indestructible nature is due to the Vibranium metal they are designed with. However, thanks to the contributions of Shuri, the Rebel Alliance has a supply of sonic stabilizers in the form of small metallic orbs that, when thrown near a Cyberman and activated, will temporarily disable the Vibranium protecting the Cyberman, giving an opportunity to deliver a hit in a small time frame.​

    An army of both volunteers and conscripts that enforce the New World Order's rule on the globe along with Cybermen. In addition to being armed by an array of weapons, Stormtroopers are also equipped with pins in their suits that allow the wearer to use powers against his or her enemy, even if the Stormtrooper typically has no powers.​

    A mysterious race of creatures that arrived to Earth about 50 years prior to the current events, and are allied with the New World Order (though there are some exceptions).​

    A group initially created by the New World Order to snuff out any potential rebel cells and eliminate them. However, with the rise of the Rebel Alliance, Inquisitors now lead battles against rebel factions in addition to eliminating potential cells.​

    Master Xehanort
    A mysterious boy who is the Grand Inquisitor, leader of the Inquisitors. Wielding a Keybalde, Xehanort helped bring the New World Order into power by helping unleash the Great Purge, and currently resides in a castle he personally requested to be built somewhere in the African Savannah. Though loyal to the New World Order, Master Xehanort's main focus is to discover the secrets behind the weapon known as the Keyblade, and what it means for him.​

    List of Inquisitors:
    Adagio Dazzle
    Sonata Dusk
    Aria Blaze
    Xaldin (Deceased)
    Shay Patrick Cormac
    Carl Creel (Deceased)
    Darth Maul
    Brock Lesnar
    The Winter Soldier
    Starlight Glimmer
    Brock Rumlow
    Juhani Otso Berg
    Bellatrix Lestrange
    Kylo Ren Solo

    1: Please keep the Rating PG-13
    2: No killing other characters unless you are given permission by the RPer
    3: OCs are allowed. HOWEVER... OCs are to not display any qualities of ultimate perfection, or be some form of wish-fulfillment. In other words... no Mary Sues!!!
    4: No Godmodding/Power Playing. No OP characters (and no reserving any fictional deities unless you rework them to make them non-OP).
    5: please type either "Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!" or "Death to the rebel scum! Glory to the New World Order!" if you understand the rules.
    6: No Random Series Spoilers, please
    7: Reserve only six characters at a time/per day
    8: Reserving characters should be done in the following format -

    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None):
    Series Character is from:

    9: Only legendary Pokemon need to be reserved. Non-legendary Pokemon can be included without having to reserve them (unless you are reserving a specific non-legendary Pokemon, like Meowth from Team Rocket for example).
    10: Once someone posts after you, you will have exactly two weeks to post something in the RP. If you feel like you couldn't meet the week deadline, then by all means talk to me (preferably by PM), and tell me what is going on, and I'll see how I can help. But if I don't hear anything, and see that you haven't posted in two weeks, you will be approached by me, and asked why you haven't posted within two weeks.
    11. While real-life figures are allowed to be reserved, those involving religion (Ex. Jesus, Buddha, etc.) are NOT allowed. Neither will deities (or any form of) that people worship in real life.

    Side Stories
    In addition to this RP and the one preceding it, additional canon entries called "Side Stories" are allowed in the form short stories posted in the Writer's Nook section. These additional stories are meant to focus on some of your characters and/or events in the same universe of MHSD, but are completely separate from the current plotline going on in the rp. When writing a side story, you may use other people's characters provided the owner of those characters has given permission for you to use them, and is satisfied with how they're used. Also, before posting, I will need to review the side story to make sure it doesn't contradict any established canon. Once approved, you will be free to post it, and it will be added in the time line below.

    Xehanort Reports
    After the completion of each day, an entry from Master Xehanort's personal reports will be posted here in the OOC thread, delving into the mind of Master Xehanort, and providing a clue into his true intentions:

    November 14, 2013

    It is over. The Crystal Order has finally succeeded with what it has set out to do since its inception. The New World Order now controls every corner of the Earth. And most importantly for me, as Al Mualim promised, my deceased friends, Trixie and Gaston, will be honored. Yet, despite all this success… I still have more work to do. From the day I spoke with Dr. Souichi Tomoe, and learned about my ability to wield the Keyblade… I have yearned to learn more and more about this mysterious weapon. The Keyblade… a truly marvelous weapon. It is said that the Keyblade can open any lock, and transcends all known magic. But what is it really? For what purpose was it begotten, and by whom? And what of the Keyblade War? There are so many secrets related to the Keyblade that need to be uncovered. Al Mualim said that he is keen in helping me find the truth about this weapon. While I understand that he will be preoccupied most of his time now that he is a Supreme Leader, he has given me permission to use whatever New World Order resources there are to help with my quest. Yes, that is my task. While I will continue supporting the New World Order with whatever they ask of me, my main mission will be working hard towards uncovering the secrets of the Keyblade.

    November 21, 2013

    The Keyblade Graveyard. It is a barren land located in the middle of the African Savannah, littered with Keyblades of wielders from long ago. It is here where the ancient Keyblade War was waged a thousand years, and where not too long ago, I vanquished the S-type known as Shadow Mario. But what was the Keyblade War really fought for? My discussion with Dr. Souichi Tomoe indicated that it was mainly fought over control of Earth following the death of the prince ruling the planet, while a certain faction fought for control of Kingdom Hearts. But what if both of those goals were intertwined, and all factions truly were fighting for the same reasons? Meanwhile, a Piece of Eden I acquired shortly after the Great Purge seemed to indicate that the Keyblade War was fought for the “Lost Masters”. Just who are the “Lost Masters”? There is so much more to learn about the Keyblade War, and the Keyblade itself. Upon coming back to this land to examine for possible clues, the of tip of my Keyblade began to glow, and I could feel it communicating with me, requesting I thrust it to the ground. And once I did so, the ground began to glow, with many walls rising from the ground. I would never have imagined the Keyblade Graveyard containing such a secret! The walls contained many strange writings and drawings. It would take a while to fully examine them. It seems that I may need to remain here for a little while. Yes… from this day forward, this place shall be my personal fortress… a base for me and my Inquisitors… my vessels...

    December 6, 2013

    It has been said that my ancestor, Sauron, had the ability to control four types of creatures of darkness that he created himself. My analysis of some Pieces of Eden reveals that this claim is only half correct, having been exaggerated as the tale of the ancient Keyblade War was passed from generation to generation. The truth is, Sauron only created the creatures known as the Unversed and Dream Eaters, while the creatures known as the Heartless and Nobodies have existed long before Sauron was even born. The Heartless… living embodiments of the darkness within our hearts, and therefore the darkness that has been in the world since its inception. Although they originate in our hearts, they have no hearts of their own, hence their name. They instinctively hunt for hearts, and survive and reproduce by stealing them. They are formed when an individual's heart is separated from their body and the darkness in the heart takes physical shape. They act autonomously, and their attacks are able to corrupt even those with hearts of light, giving rise to new Heartless in turn. With the creation of Heartless come the Nobodies, the empty bodies and spirits left behind when someone loses their heart to the darkness, becoming autonomous creatures on their own. Nobodies have no hearts, but they retain their human memories, which serve as a reservoir from which to draw human emotion. Nobodies who possessed exceptionally strong hearts in life may retain their original physical appearance, a trait that is extremely rare with Heartless. As for the Unversed, one of the creatures Sauron created, they arise from powerful negative emotions, and when defeated, they return to the source of pure darkness from which they came, which would typically be who whoever summoned them. And finally, Dream Eaters, the other creatures that Sauron created. Dream Eaters are unique in that they are native to the world of sleep, but are able to cross over into our world. The Dream Eaters are also split into two types, Nightmares that eat good dreams and plant bad ones in their stead, and Spirits that eat only bad dreams. When Sauron first created the Dream Eaters, he created Spirits referred to as Chirithy to assist Keyblade wielders in their endeavors. Heartless, Nobodies, Unversed, and Dream Eaters… Sauron was able to use all four to his advantage when he was alive, and I have that same ability now. While my Inquisitors and I are able to request Stormtroopers and Cybermen wherever we may go, I would like to know how useful the creatures of darkness can be in comparison. So I have provided Starlight Glimmer with the ability to control Nobodies, while also providing Alexios with the ability to control Heartless. As time passes, I will determine if I will provide more of my Inquisitors with the ability to control these creatures. They may indeed prove useful to my overall plan, just as they were to Sauron centuries ago.

    List of Characters
    As more characters are reserved, these lists will be updated on a regular basis.

    Roxam (Me):
    -Master Xehanort [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Phil Coulson [Marvel]
    -Shinnok [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Alastar "Mad-Eye" Moody [Harry Potter]
    -Joshua [The World Ends With You]
    -Vanellope von Schweetz [Disney / Wreck-It Ralph]
    -Al Mualim [Assassin's Creed]
    -Gaston [Disney / Beauty and the Beast] **Deceased**
    -Trixie [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic] **Deceased**
    -Eraqus [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Beat [The World Ends With You]
    -John Smith (based on the 10th Doctor) [Doctor Who]
    -Sora [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Roxas [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Yen Sid [Disney / Fantasia] **Deceased**
    -Vanitas [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Riku [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Xion [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Saix [Kingdom Hearts] **Deceased**
    -Thor [Marvel]
    -Loki [Marvel]
    -Luna [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Axel [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Victor "Sully" Sullivan [Uncharted]
    -Professor Oak [Pokemon]
    -Harriet Jones [Doctor Who] **Deceased**
    -Harold Saxon (based on the Master) [Doctor Who]
    -Cosmos [Dissidia Final Fantasy]
    -Celestia [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Bruce Wayne [Batman] **Deceased**
    -Lex Luthor [Superman] **Deceased**
    -Dick Grayson [Batman]
    -Haytham Kenway [Assassin's Creed]
    -Connor Kenway [Assassin's Creed]
    -Achilles [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Rassilon [Doctor Who]
    -Juno [Assassin's Creed]
    -Ziio [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Charles Lee [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Thanos [Marvel]
    -Darth Maul [Star Wars]
    -Katniss Everdeen [The Hunger Games]
    -Sho Minamimoto [The World Ends With You]
    -James Bond (based on Daniel Craig Bond) [007 Series] **Deceased**
    -M [007 Series] **Deceased**
    -Chernabog [Disney / Fantasia] **Deceased**
    -Rose Tyler [Doctor Who]
    -Queen Chrysalis [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Zordon [Power Rangers] **Deceased**
    -Alpha 5 [Power Rangers]
    -Shining Armor [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Michael Scott [The Office]
    -Sarah Jane Smith [Doctor Who]
    -Xemnas [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Ansem Seeker of Darkness [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Maya [Zero Dark Thirty] **Deceased**
    -Dan [Zero Dark Thirty] **Deceased**
    -Will Smith [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
    -Carlton Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
    -Philip Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
    -Hilary Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
    -Vivian Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
    -Ashley Banks [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]
    -Geoffrey [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air] **Deceased**
    -Jazz [The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air] **Deceased**
    -Discord [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Scrooge McDuck [Disney]
    -Xaldin [Kingdom Hearts] **Deceased**
    -The Great Intelligence [Doctor Who]
    -Minerva [Assassin's Creed]
    -Tinia [Assassin's Creed]
    -Izaya Orihara [Durarara!!] **Deceased**
    -Doctor Hu (based on the 9th Doctor) [Doctor Who]
    -Claude Frollo [Disney / The Hunchback of Notre Dame]
    -John Lumic [Doctor Who]
    -Yang Fang Leiden [Final Fantasy]
    -Jack Sparrow [Disney / Pirates of the Caribbean]
    -Sweetie Belle [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Pipsqueak [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Wolf Blitzer [Real Life / CNN]
    -Piers Morgan [Real Life / CNN]
    -Anderson Cooper [Real Life / CNN]
    -Nick Fury [Marvel]
    -Bruce Banner [Marvel]
    -Zecora [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Aldrich Killian [Marvel]
    -Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun [Disney / Wreck-it Ralph] **Deceased**
    -Ezio Auditore [Assassin's Creed]
    -Altair Ibn La-Ahad [Assassin's Creed]
    -Edward Kenway [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Odin [Marvel]
    -Frigga [Marvel]
    -Gordon Ramsay [Real Life]
    -Ed [Ed, Edd, n Eddy]
    -Edd "Double D" [Ed, Edd, n Eddy]
    -Eddy [Ed, Edd, n Eddy]
    -Julius [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Megumi Kitaniji [The World Ends With You] **Deceased**
    -Kate Stewart [Doctor Who] **Deceased**
    -Dr. Warren Vidic [Assassin's Creed]
    -Davros [Doctor Who]
    -Kevin Flynn [Tron]
    -Hiccup [How to Train Your Dragon]
    -Toothless [How to Train Your Dragon]
    -Javert [Les Misérables]
    -Marius Pontmercy [Les Misérables]
    -The Swedish Chef [Muppets]
    -T-800 Terminator [Terminator Series]
    -T-1000 Terminator [Terminator Series]
    -T-X Terminator [Terminator Series]
    -Sunset Shimmer [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic / Equestria Girls]
    -Wolverine/Logan [Marvel]
    -Yukio [Marvel]
    -Malekith [Marvel]
    -The Taco Bell Dog [Taco Bell]
    -"Montana Max" Maximilian Killian [Tiny Toons]
    -Mewtwo [Pokemon]
    -Anthony [Pokemon in Real Life] **Deceased**
    -Metrosexual Hipster [Pokemon in Real Life]
    -Old Man [Pokemon in Real Life]
    -Jigglypuff [Pokemon Anime]
    -Butch [Pokemon]
    -Cassidy [Pokemon]
    -Officer Jenny [Pokemon]
    -Xerneas [Pokemon]
    -Howard Stark [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Lt. Surge [Pokemon]
    -Brock [Pokemon]
    -Misty [Pokemon]
    -Tracey Sketchit [Pokemon]
    -Gary Oak [Pokemon]
    -Sabrina [Pokemon]
    -Leo Fitz [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Jemma Simmons [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Professor Augustine Sycamore [Pokemon]
    -Yodai Higashizawa [The World Ends With You] **Deceased**
    -King Candy [Disney / Wreck-It Ralph] **Deceased**
    -Turbo [Disney / Wreck-It Ralph]
    -Melinda May [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Clemont [Pokemon]
    -Bonnie [Pokemon]
    -Jessebelle [Pokemon]
    -Skye [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Captain EO [Disney]
    -Palkia [Pokemon]
    -Daxter [Jak and Daxter Series]
    -Slowking [Pokemon: The Power of One]
    -Davy Jones [Disney / Pirates of the Caribbean]
    -Kraken [Disney / Pirates of the Caribbean]
    -Ronald Joseph Aaron "Ron" Burgundy [Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy]
    -Brian Fantana [Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy]
    -Champion "Champ" Kind [Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy]
    -Brick Tamland [Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy]
    -Stephen Colbert [Real Life / The Colbert Report]
    -Algrim [Marvel]
    -Steve Rogers [Marvel]
    -Attila [Pokemon Chronicles]
    -Hun [Pokemon Chronicles]
    -Osgood [Doctor Who] **Deceased**
    -Taneleer the Collector [Marvel]
    -Dalek Caan [Doctor Who]
    -Kuzco [Disney / Emperor's New Groove]
    -Pacha [Disney / Emperor's New Groove]
    -Yzma [Disney / Emperor's New Groove]
    -Kronk [Disney / Emperor's New Groove]
    -The Pichu Bros. (Pichu Big and Pichu Little) [Pokemon]
    -Adéwalé [Assassin's Creed]
    -Romulus Thread [The Hunger Games] **Deceased**
    -Finnick Surge [The Hunger Games]
    -Coriolanus Snow [The Hunger Games]
    -Goldar [Power Rangers]
    -Smaug [The Hobbit]
    -Laureano de Torres y Ayala [Assassin's Creed]
    -Oaken [Disney / Frozen]
    -Hans [Disney / Frozen]
    -Syndrome [Disney / Pixar / The Incredibles] **Deceased**
    -Vito Corleone [The Godfather]
    -Keith Shadis Abridged [Attack on Titan: Abridged]
    -Olaf [Disney / Frozen]
    -Theme Song Guy [Disney / The Emperor's New Groove]
    -Aveline [Assassin's Creed]
    -Bulk Biceps [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic] **Deceased**
    -Bucky Barnes [Marvel]
    -Sam Wilson [Marvel]
    -Stan Lee [Marvel / Real Life]
    -Peter "Star-Lord" Quill [Marvel]
    -Gamora [Marvel]
    -Drax [Marvel]
    -Groot [Marvel]
    -Rocket [Marvel]
    -Eugene [Pokémon] **Deceased**
    -Ritchie [Pokemon]
    -Max [Disney / A Goofy Movie]
    -Galuf [Final Fantasy] **Deceased**
    -Tex Richman [Muppets]
    -Kermit the Frog [Muppets]
    -Miss Piggy [Muppets]
    -Fozzie Bear [Muppets]
    -Statler [Muppets]
    -Waldorf [Muppets]
    -James Carter [Rush Hour]
    -Inspector Lee [Rush Hour]
    -Shan-Yu [Disney / Mulan]
    -Alan [Pokémon]
    -Grant [Pokemon]
    -Rue [Hunger Games] **Deceased**
    -Viola [Pokemon]
    -Ms. Frizzle [The Magic School Bus]
    -Arnim Zola/Master Control Program [Marvel / Tron]
    -Alexander Pierce [Marvel]
    -Manon [Pokemon]
    -Chairman Meow Zedong [Twitch Plays Pokemon] **Deceased**
    -Silver [Pokemon Chronicles]
    -John Garrett [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D]
    -Tirek [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Diantha [Pokemon]
    -Powerline [Disney / A Goofy Movie]
    -Ronan the Accuser [Marvel]
    -Nebula [Marvel]
    -Rey Mysterio [WWE / Pokemon]
    -The Undertaker [WWE]
    -Stone Cold Steve Austin [WWE]
    -The Rock [WWE]
    -Eddie Guerrero [WWE]
    -Kane [WWE / Pokemon]
    -John Cena [WWE]
    -Vince McMahon [WWE]
    -Jadeite [Sailor Moon]
    -Darien Chiba [Sailor Moon]
    -Queen Beryl [Sailor Moon] **Deceased**
    -Wiseman [Sailor Moon]
    -Rini [Sailor Moon]
    -Rubeus [Sailor Moon]
    -Grandpa Hino [Sailor Moon]
    -Prince Demande [Sailor Moon]
    -Prince Saphir [Sailor Moon]
    -Nephrite [Sailor Moon]
    -Brock Lesnar [WWE]
    -Elise [Dan Vs.] **Deceased**
    -Bubba Ray Dudley [WWE]
    -D-Von Dudley [WWE]
    -Spike Dudley [WWE]
    -Dr. Souichi Tomoe [Sailor Moon]
    -Michael Cole [WWE]
    -Jim Ross [WWE]
    -Ikuko Tsukino [Sailor Moon]
    -Kenji Tsukino [Sailor Moon]
    -Sammy Tsukino [Sailor Moon]
    -Ultron [Marvel]
    -Bobbi Morse [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Hiro Hamada [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Baymax [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Robert Callaghan [Big Hero 6 / Disney / Marvel]
    -Shay Patrick Cormac [Assassin's Creed]
    -Liam O'Brien [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Chevalier [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Mario Auditore [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Muqtada al-Sadr [Real Life]
    -Heimdall [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -General Grievous [Star Wars]
    -Queen Nehellenia [Sailor Moon]
    -Fa Mulan [Mulan / Disney]
    -Li Shang [Mulan / Disney]
    -Mushu [Mulan / Disney]
    -Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow [Marvel]
    -Red Skull [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Azog [The Hobbit]
    -Siebold [Pokémon]
    -Looker [Pokémon]
    -Emma [Pokémon]
    -Korrina [Pokémon] **Deceased**
    -River Butterfly [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Moon Butterfly [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Rafael Diaz [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Angie Diaz [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Dr. Hank Pym [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Jiaying [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Baron von Strucker [Marvel]
    -Dr. List [Marvel]
    -Marco Diaz [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Matthew "Matt" Murdock / Daredevil [Marvel / Daredevil]
    -Madame Gao [Marvel]
    -Tom [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Vision [Marvel]
    -Ludo [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Starlight Glimmer [MLP: FiM]
    -Dr. Johann Fennhoff [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Shao Jun [Assassin's Creed]
    -Raina [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Calvin "Cal" Zabo [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Chicha [Disney / The Emperor's New Groove]
    -Chaca [Disney / The Emperor's New Groove]
    -Tipo [Disney / The Emperor's New Groove]
    -Merida [Brave]
    -Fergus [Brave]
    -Scott "Squishy" Squibbles [Monsters University]
    -Sherri Squibbles [Monsters University]
    -Roz [Monsters Inc. / Monsters University]
    -Star Butterfly [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Tron [Tron]
    -Quorra [Tron]
    -Gonzo [Muppets]
    -Yondu [Marvel]
    -Sauron [Lord of the Rings] **Deceased**
    -Peggy Carter [Marvel]
    -Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Thrax [Power Rangers]
    -Riad Mousa al-Asaad [Real Life]
    -Yusuf Tazim [Assassin's Creed]
    -Wilhuff Tarkin [Star Wars]
    -Claire Temple [Marvel]
    -Captain Rex [Star Wars: The Clone Wars]
    -Sam the Eagle [Muppets] **Deceased**
    -Brock Rumlow [Marvel]
    -Juhani Otso Berg [Assassin's Creed]
    -Yoda [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart [Doctor Who] **Deceased**
    -Animal [Muppets]
    -Scooter [Muppets]
    -Dr. Bunsen Honeydew [Muppets]
    -Beaker [Muppets]
    -Rizzo the Rat [Muppets]
    -Pepe the King Prawn [Muppets]
    -Rowlf the Dog [Muppets]
    -Dr. Teeth [Muppets]
    -James P. "Sulley" Sullivan [Monsters Inc. / Monsters University]
    -Mike Wazowski [Monsters Inc. / Monsters University]
    -Elise de la Serre [Assassin's Creed]
    -Arno Dorian [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Golden Freddy [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    -Bellatrix Lestrange [Harry Potter]
    -Gordon [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Lincoln [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Bon Bon [MLP: FiM] **Deceased**
    -Jacob Frye [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Evie Frye [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Carl Creel [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Toffee [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Riley Andersen [Inside Out]
    -Dolores Umbridge [Harry Potter]
    -Severus Snape [Harry Potter] **Deceased**
    -Lash [Marvel]
    -Georges Batroc [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Adagio Dazzle [MLP: FiM]
    -Sonata Dusk [MLP: FiM]
    -Aria Blaze [MLP: FiM]
    -Mother Talzin [Star Wars: The Clone Wars]
    -T'Challa [Marvel]
    -T'Chaka [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Dr. Stephen Strange [Marvel]
    -Lydia [Assassin's Creed]
    -Nikolai Orelov [Assassin's Creed]
    -Gideon Malick [Marvel]
    -Rufus Scrimgeour [Harry Potter] **Deceased**
    -Sabine Wren [Star Wars: Rebels]
    -Captain Phasma [Star Wars]
    -Kylo Ren Solo [Star Wars]
    -Finn [Star Wars]
    -Kanan Jarrus [Star Wars: Rebels] **Deceased**
    -BB-8 [Star Wars]
    -Cid Highwind [Final Fantasy VII / Kingdom Hearts]
    -Cassie Cage [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Gilda [MLP: FiM]
    -Leia Organa [Star Wars]
    -Han Solo [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Colonel Chester Phillips [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Dr. Abraham Erskine [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Hera Syndulla [Star Wars: Rebels]
    -Ezra Bridger [Star Wars: Rebels]
    -Ahsoka Tano [Star Wars]
    -Nurse Joy [Pokemon]
    -Alexa [Pokemon]
    -Cadence [MLP: FiM]
    -Rarity [MLP: FiM]
    -Pinkie Pie [MLP: FiM]
    -Xigbar [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Clara Oswald [Doctor Who]
    -Tony Stark [Marvel]
    -Prim Everdeen [The Hunger Games]
    -Pepper Potts [Marvel]
    -Serena [Pokemon]
    -Giovanni [Pokemon] **Deceased**
    -Jessie [Pokemon]
    -James [Pokemon]
    -Meowth [Pokemon]
    -Neku Sakuraba [The World Ends With You]
    -Malva [Pokemon]
    -Peter Parker [Marvel]
    -James "Rhodey" Rhodes [Marvel]
    -Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver [Marvel]
    -Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch [Marvel]
    -Savage Opress [Star Wars]
    -Scootaloo [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Matt Smith (based on the 11th Doctor) [Doctor Who]
    -Lavos [Chrono Trigger]
    -Maud Pie [MLP: FiM]
    -Glossaryck [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Gumball Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Darwin Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Anais Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Nicole Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Richard Watterson [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Penny Fitzgerald [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Luke Skywalker [Star Wars]
    -Queen Amidala [Star Wars]
    -Don Eppes [Numb3rs]
    -Spy Fox [Spy Fox] **Deceased**
    -Ahmet [Assassin's Creed] **Deceased**
    -Florent L'Belle [Ace Attorney] **Deceased**
    -Kotal Kahn [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Erron Black [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Sonya Blade [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Johnny Cage [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Castiel [Supernatural] **Deceased**
    -B. Orchid [Killer Instinct] **Deceased**
    -Tanya [Mortal Kombat]
    -Patricia Roland [Ace Attorney] **Deceased**
    -Nick Wilde [Disney/Zootopia]
    -Dean Ambrose [Real Life / WWE] **Deceased**
    -D'Vorah [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Ermac [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Reptile [Mortal Kombat] **Deceased**
    -Patrick Fitzgerald [The Amazing World of Gumball]
    -Pierre Bellec [Assassin's Creed]
    -Rhona Dinsmore [Assassin's Creed]
    -Cham Syndulla [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Officer Judy Hopps [Disney / Zootopia]
    -Frank Castle [Marvel]
    -Sunburst [MLP: FiM]
    -Hive [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Ember [MLP: FiM]
    -Chirithy [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Bogo [Disney / Zootopia]
    -Benjamin Clawhauser [Disney / Zootopia]
    -Aced [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Ava [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Gula [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Invi [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Ira [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Gilgamesh [Final Fantasy V]
    -Ephemer [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Karl Mordo [Marvel]
    -Luke Cage [Marvel]
    -Thorax [MLP: FiM]
    -Wong [Marvel]
    -Robbie Reyes [Marvel]
    -Aladdin [Disney/Aladdin]
    -Exdeath [Final Fantasy V]
    -Christine Palmer [Marvel]
    -The Ancient One [Marvel]
    -Moana [Disney/Moana]
    -Maui [Disney/Moana]
    -King Regis [Final Fantasy XV] **Deceased**
    -Jyn Erso [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Cassian Andor [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Saw Gerrera [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Orson Krennic [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Bodhi Rook [Star Wars] **Deceased**
    -Hekapoo [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Nebby [Pokémon Sun/Moon]
    -Ignis Scientia [Final Fantasy XV] **Deceased**
    -Master of Masters [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Luxu [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Skuld [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Atsuko "Akko" Kagari [Little Witch Academia]
    -Sucy Manbavaran [Little Witch Academia]
    -Chariot du Nord [Little Witch Academia]
    -Amanda O'Neill [Little Witch Academia]
    -Diana Cavendish [Little Witch Academia]
    -Croix Meridies [Little Witch Academia]
    -Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger [Little Witch Academia]
    -Jasminka Antonenko [Little Witch Academia]
    -Lotte Yanson [Little Witch Academia]
    -Sean Spicer [Real Life / Saturday Night Live]
    -R2-D2 [Star Wars]
    -Bayek [Assassin's Creed]
    -Aya [Assassin's Creed]
    -Khemu [Assassin's Creed]
    -Jeffrey Mace [Marvel/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Noctis Lucis Caelum [Final Fantasy XV] **Deceased**
    -Prompto Argentum [Final Fantasy XV] **Deceased**
    -Shuri [Marvel]
    -Okoye [Marvel]
    -Nakia [Marvel]
    -Erik "Killmonger" Stevens [Marvel]
    -Zuri [Marvel]
    -N'Jobu [Marvel] **Deceased**
    -Cull Obsidian [Marvel]
    -Ebony Maw [Marvel]
    -Proxima Midnight [Marvel]
    -Corvus Glaive [Marvel]
    -M'Baku [Marvel]
    -Ego [Marvel]
    -Mantis [Marvel]
    -Lance Hunter [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Ruby [Marvel / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]
    -Taserface [Marvel]
    -The Grand Councilwoman [Disney / Lilo and Stitch]
    -Admiral Trench [Star Wars: The Clone Wars]
    -Donald Duck [Disney / Kingdom Hearts]
    -Goofy [Disney / Kingdom Hearts]
    -Pete [Disney]
    -Huey [Disney / Ducktales]
    -Dewey [Disney / Ducktales]
    -Louie [Disney / Ducktales]
    -Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack [Disney / Ducktales]
    -Launchpad McQuack [Disney / Ducktales]
    -Kilgrave [Marvel]
    -Gladion [Pokemon]
    -Lillie [Pokemon]
    -Galina Orelov [Assassin's Creed]
    -Kristoff [Disney / Frozen]
    -Sven [Disney / Frozen]
    -Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie [Marvel/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D]
    -Larxene [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Tui [Disney/Moana]
    -Sina [Disney/Moana]
    -Pua [Disney/Moana]
    -Heihei [Disney/Moana]
    -Mrs. Bentina Beakley [Disney/Ducktales]
    -Magica de Spell [Disney/Ducktales]
    -Lena [Disney/Ducktales]
    -Della Duck [Disney/Ducktales]
    -Kassandra [Assassin's Creed]
    -Alexios [Assassin's Creed]
    -Peni Kimiko [Marvel]
    -Donnie Gill [Marvel/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] **Deceased**
    -Chien Po [Disney / Mulan]
    -Ling [Disney / Mulan]
    -Yao [Disney / Mulan]
    -Rock Titan [Disney / Hercules]
    -Mina Loveberry [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Rhombulus [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Lekmet [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Omnitraxus Prime [Star vs. the Forces of Evil]
    -Talos [Marvel]
    -Yonn-Rogg [Marvel]
    -Wendy Lawson [Marvel]
    -Goose [Marvel]
    -Lina Inverse [Slayers]
    -Solgaleo [Pokemon] **Deceased**
    -Cal Kestis [Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order]
    -BD-1 [Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order]
    -Cere Junda [Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order]
    -Greez Dritus [Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order]
    -Mando [The Mandalorian]
    -The Child [The Mandalorian]
    -Michiru Kagemori [BNA: Brand New Animal]
    -Nazuna Hiwatashi [BNA: Brand New Animal]
    -Shirou Ogami [BNA: Brand New Animal]

    @NutheadBros :
    -Mario [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Luigi [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Peach [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Daisy [Mario]
    -Rosalina [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Bowser [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Yoshi [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Kirby [Kirby]
    -Neptune [Neptunia]
    -Nepgear [Hyperdimension Neptunia]
    -Noire [Neptunia]
    -Vert [Neptunia]
    -Blanc [Neptunia]
    -Uni [Hyperdimension Neptunia]
    -Ram [Hyperdimension Neptunia]
    -Rom [Hyperdimension Neptunia]
    -Compa [Neptunia]
    -IF [Neptunia]
    -Wario [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Waluigi [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Chief Blank [Space Channel 5]
    -Gray Mann [Team Fortress 2]
    -Evila [Space Channel 5]
    -Seth [Street Fighter]
    -Arfoire [Neptunia]
    -Pirachu [Neptunia]
    -CFW Judge [Neptunia]
    -CFW Brave [Neptunia]
    -CFW Magic [Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2]
    -CFW Trick [Neptunia]
    -Colress [Pokemon]
    -Dr. Weil [Megaman Zero]
    -Bagular [Bomberman]
    -Omega [Megaman Zero]
    -Astral Praenuntius [RE: Mario's High School Days OC]
    -Inferno Obitus [RE: Mario's High School Days OC]
    -E. Tempura Wizard [RE: Mario's High School Days / Kid Icarus]
    -The Purple Man/Shadow Freddy [Five Nights at Freddy's / RE:MHSD]
    -Ridley [Metroid]
    -Nightmare [Soul Series]
    -Rez [Gex]
    -Frieza [Dragon Ball Z Abridged / Dragon Ball Z]
    -Cooler [Dragon Ball Z Abridged / Dragon Ball Z]
    -Lord Chilled [Dragon Ball Z Abridged / Dragon Ball Z]
    -King Cold [Dragon Ball Z Abridged / Dragon Ball Z]
    -Mr. Dark [Rayman]
    -Mercury [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Neptune [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Uranus [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Pluto [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Sunstar [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Jupiter [Mega Man Classic]
    -Mars [Mega Man Classic]
    -Saturn [Mega Man Classic]
    -Terra [Mega Man Classic]
    -Venus [Mega Man Classic]
    -Saki/Kai "Kai-chan" *MHSD SP.Ver* [RE: MHSD]
    -Kairi [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Kallen Kozuki [Code Geass]
    -Dawn [Pokémon]
    -Samus [Metroid]
    -Pyrrha [Soulcalibur]
    -Ryoko Subaru [Nadesico]
    -Hikaru Amano [Nadesico]
    -Izumi Maki [Nadesico]
    -Akita Neru [Vocaloid]
    -Yowane Haku [Vocaloid]
    -Meiko Sakine [Vocaloid / RE:MHSD]
    -Futaba Sakura [Persona]
    -Morrigan Aensland [Darkstalkers]
    -Lilith Aensland [Darkstalkers]
    -Rose [Drakengard]
    -Sammy AKA 'Samey' [Total Drama] **Deceased**
    -Amy [Total Drama] **Deceased**
    -Lucina [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Hinoka [Fire Emblem]
    -Camilla [Fire Emblem]
    -C.C. [Code Geass]
    -Cynthia [Pokémon]
    -Zone-Tan [The Internet/Zone-Archive]
    -Fem!Robin [Fire Emblem Awakening]
    -Eldstar [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Mamar [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Skolar [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Muskular [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Misstar [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Klevar [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Kalmar [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Lady Etoile [Mario's High School Days *Toasty*]
    -??????????????????? x6 [Mario's High School Days *Toasty*]
    -Geno [Super Mario Bros]
    -Peppy Hare [Star Fox]
    -Darth Vader/Aoi Kazue [Star Wars]
    -Professor E. Gadd [Nintendo]
    -Dr. Crygor [Warioware]
    -Vexen [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Shion Uzuki [Xenosaga]
    -KOS-MOS [Xenosaga]
    -T-elos [Xenosaga]
    -Wilhelm [Xenosaga]
    -Kevin Winnicot [Red Testament] [Xenosaga]
    -Sheev Palpatine [Star Wars]
    -Jumpman [OC]
    -Captain Blue [Viewtiful Joe]
    -Ruiji [OC]
    -Fujiko [OC]
    -Marionette/Puppet/????? [Five Nights at Freddy's / RE:MHSD]
    -Histoire [Neptunia]
    -Compile [Neptunia]
    -Deco [Neptunia]
    -Kamek [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Shadow Mario [Super Mario Bros. / RE:MHSD] **Deceased**
    -Missingno. [Pokemon Red/Blue]
    -Zygarde [Pokemon]
    -Jumpman Sr. [OC] **Deceased**
    -Akira Kurusu [Persona]
    -Morgana [Persona]
    -Ryuji Sakamoto [Persona]
    -Ann Takamaki [Persona]
    -Makoto Niijima [Persona]
    -Goro Akechi [Persona]
    -Yusuke Kitagawa [Persona]
    -Haru Okumura [Persona]
    -Psycho Red [Power Rangers]
    -Psycho Blue [Power Rangers]
    -Psycho Pink [Power Rangers]
    -Psycho Black [Power Rangers]
    -Psycho Yellow [Power Rangers]
    -Lord Drakkon [Power Rangers]
    -Tokima Herakleitos [Mario's High School Days *Toasty*]
    -Zamasu [Dragon Ball]
    -Goku Black (aka Black) [Dragon Ball]
    -Master Hand [Super Smash Bros.]
    -Crazy Hand [Super Smash Bros.]
    -Fulgore [Killer Instinct]
    -02 [Kirby]
    -Baby [Five Nights at Freddy's]
    -Molten Freddy [Five Nights at Freddy's]
    -Star Dream [Kirby]
    -Mr. Blobby [Noel's House Party]
    -Capital B [Yooka-Laylee]
    -Dr. Quack [Yooka-Laylee]
    -Galeem [Super Smash Bros.]
    -Dharkon [Super Smash Bros.]
    -Cia [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Lana [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Wizzro [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Volga (aka Volvagia) [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Pyra [Xenoblade Chronicles]
    -Pauline [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Mythra [Xenoblade Chronicles]
    -Infinite [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Banjo [Banjo-Kazooie]
    -Kazooie [Banjo-Kazooie]
    -Zitz (aka Morgan) [Battletoads]
    -Rash (aka Dave) [Battletoads]
    -Pimple (aka George) [Battletoads]
    -Zelda (aka Sheik, Tetra) [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Link [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Tooty [Banjo-Kazooie]

    @Lunafreya Nox Fleuret :
    -Kyo Sohma [Fruits Basket]
    -Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Chloe Price [Life Is Strange]
    -Dustin [Power Rangers: Ninja Storm]
    -Shane [Power Rangers: Ninja Storm]
    -Tori [Power Rangers: Ninja Storm]
    -Gai Ikari [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Hermione Granger [Harry Potter]
    -Rainbow Dash [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Belle [Disney / Beauty and the Beast]
    -Oerba Yun Fang [Final Fantasy]
    -Yuki Sohma [Fruits Basket]
    -Harry Potter [Harry Potter]
    -Ron Weasley [Harry Potter]
    -Fluttershy [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Applejack [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Namine [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Rhyme [The World Ends With You]
    -Sirius Black [Harry Potter]
    -Eiji Hino [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Philip [Kamen Rider W]
    -Dante [Devil May Cry]
    -Nero [Devil May Cry]
    -Mew [Pokemon]
    -Latias [Pokemon]
    -Lockon Stratos [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Tieria Erde [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Ahim de Famille [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Luka Millfy [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Don Dogoier [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Twilight Sparkle [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Basco ta Jolokia [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Serena Tsukino [Sailor Moon]
    -Ami Mizuno [Sailor Moon]
    -Rei Hino [Sailor Moon]
    -Lita Kino [Sailor Moon]
    -Mina Aino [Sailor Moon]
    -Tommy Oliver [MMPR]
    -Thomas Oliver [MMPR]
    -Kimberly Ann Hart [MMPR]
    -Billy Cranston [MMPR]
    -Snow Villers [Final Fantasy]
    -Asuna Yuuki [Sword Art Online]
    -Kengo Utahoshi [Kamen Rider Fourze]
    -Setsuna Meiou [Sailor Moon]
    -Haruka Tenou [Sailor Moon]
    -Michiru Kaiou [Sailor Moon]
    -Hotaru Tomoe [Sailor Moon]
    -Derpy Hooves [My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]
    -Yui [Sword Art Online]
    -Arthur Pendragon [Fate/Prototype]
    -Navi [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -DiZ/Ansem the Wise [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Sakura Hongo [Kamen Rider]
    -Hinako Ichimonji [Kamen Rider]
    -Seki Kazami [Kamen Rider]
    -The White Wizard [Kamen Rider Wizard]
    -Kazari [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Yuna [Final Fantasy]
    -Beast [Disney / Beauty and the Beast]
    -Chaos [Xenosaga]
    -Cecil Harvey [Final Fantasy]
    -Edward Chris von Muir [Final Fantasy]
    -Edge Geraldine [Final Fantasy]
    -Aerith Gainsborough [Final Fantasy]
    -James Potter [Harry Potter]
    -WilyKit [Thundercats]
    -WilyKat [Thundercats]
    -Nanako Dojima [Persona 4]
    -Princess Serenity [Sailor Moon]
    -Alice Elliot [Shadow Hearts]
    -Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca [Final Fantasy]
    -Vaan [Final Fantasy]
    -Akira Date [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Michal Minato [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Sakura Kinomoto [Card Captor Sakura]
    -Cerberus [Card Captor Sakura]
    -Natsumi Hikari [Kamen Rider Decade]
    -Kadaj [Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children]
    -Yazoo [Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children]
    -Loz [Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children]
    -Ryotaro Nogami [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Momotaros [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Urataros [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Kintaros [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Ryutaros [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Flara [Pokemon OC]
    -Nagsia Furukawa [Clannad/Clannad After Story]
    -Fuko Ibuki [Clannad/Clannad After Story]
    -Luna [Sailor Moon]
    -Artemis [Sailor Moon]
    -Koyomi [Kamen Rider Wizard]
    -Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]
    -Larse Ferrinas Solidor [Final Fantasy]
    -Esmeralda [Disney / Hunchback of Notre Dame]
    -Kon (Bleach)
    -Shelke Rui [Final Fantasy]
    -Shaula Rui [Final Fantasy]
    -Deneb [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Byakuya Kuchiki [Bleach]
    -Remus Lupin [Harry Potter]
    -Blanca [Shadow Hearts Covenant]
    -Rinoa Heartilly [Final Fantasy]
    -Lenne [Final Fantasy]
    -Illyasviel von Einzbern [fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya]
    -Miyu Edelfelt [fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya]
    -Rin Tohsaka [fate/kaleid liner Primsa Illya]
    -Luvia Edelfelt [fate/kaleid liner Primsa Illya]
    -Joe Kido and Gomamon [Digimon Adventure 01]
    -Akiza Izinski [Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's]
    -Ishizu Istar [Yu-Gi-Oh]
    -Luna [Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's]
    -Leo [Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's]
    -Ryoji Mochizuki [Persona 3]
    -Karin Koenig [Shadow Hearts: Convenant]
    -Dangly [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Jean Valjean [Les Miserables]
    -Cosette [Les Miserables]
    -Firion [Final Fantasy]
    -Nicholas 'Nicolai' Conrad [Shadow Hearts Convenant]
    -Clair [Hyperdimension Neptunia OC]
    -Violette [Hyperdimension Neptunia OC]
    -Gris [Hyperdimension Neptunia OC]
    -Simba [Disney / The Lion King]
    -Nala [Disney / The Lion King]
    -Teddie [Persona 4]
    -Shuyin [Final Fantasy]
    -Bomper [Engine Sentai Go-Onger]
    -Momo Mizrahi [Xenosaga]
    -Kagome Higurashi [Inuyasha]
    -Kirara [Inuyasha]
    -Marina Ismail [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Lyle Stratos [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Lacus Clyne [Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]
    -Shiki Misaki [The World Ends With You]
    -Rita Repulsa [MMPR]
    -Lord Zedd [MMPR]
    -Kira Yamato [Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]
    -Cagalli Yula Athha [Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]
    -Athrun Zala [Mobile Suit Gundam SEED]
    -Luna Lovegood [Harry Potter]
    -Adam Park [MMPR]
    -Elsa [Disney / Frozen]
    -Anna [Disney / Frozen]
    -Gentrao Kisaragi [Kamen Rider Fourze]
    -Hina Izumi [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Kuja [Final Fantasy]
    -Jecht [Final Fantasy]
    -Yukiko Amagi [Persona 4 / Golden / Animation]
    -Chie Satonaka [Persona 4 / Golden / Animation]
    -Rise Kujikawa [Persona 4 / Golden / Animation]
    -Terra [Kingdom Hearts]
    -Lugia [Pokemon: The Power of One]
    -Kira Ford [Power Ranger Dino Thunder]
    -Gia Moran [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Emma Goodall [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Prince Vekar [Power Ranger Super Megaforce]
    -Tomoyo Daidouji [Card Captor Sakura]
    -Troy Burrows [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Noah Craver [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Jake Holling [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Orion [Power Rangers Megaforce / Super Megaforce]
    -Elucia de Luta Ima [The World God Only Knows]
    -Lara Croft [Tomb Raider (2013 reboot)]
    -Shino Asada [Sword Art Online II]
    -Fetch [inFamous: Second Son]
    -Marik Ishtar [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
    -Kakyuu [Sailor Moon]
    -Seiya Kou [Sailor Moon]
    -Yaten Kou [Sailor Moon]
    -Taiki Kou [Sailor Moon]
    -Chibi Chibi [Sailor Moon]
    -Queen & Elizabeth [Kamen Rider W]
    -Shintaro Goto [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Lily Evans-Potter [Harry Potter]
    -Regulus Black [Harry Potter]
    -Ginny Weasley [Harry Potter]
    -Tifa Lockhart [Final Fantasy VII]
    -Tina Branford [Final Fantasy VI]
    -Arturia ‘Saber’ Pendragon [Fate/Stay Night]
    -Nero Pendragon [Fate/Extra]
    -Alter Pendragon [Carnival Phantasm]
    -Lily Pendragon [Fate/Stay Night]
    -Yugi Muto [Yu-Gi-Oh]
    -Yami Muto [Yu-Gi-Oh]
    -Yusei Fudo [Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds]
    -Allelujah Hapstim [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Setsuna F. Seiei [Celestial Being: The Movie]
    -Nena Trinity [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Michal Trinity [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Johann Trinity [Mobile Suit Gundam 00]
    -Yuffie Kisaragi [Final Fantasy VII]
    -Vrak [Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce]
    -Hayley Ziktor [Power Rangers Dino Thunder]
    -Lukya [???]
    -Woman of the Beginning [Kamen Rider Gaim]
    -Go Shijima [Kamen Rider Drive]
    -Right Suzuki [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Haru Tokashiki [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Hikari Nonomaru [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Mio Natsume [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Kagura Izumi [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Conductor [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Wagon [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Ticket [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Akira Nijino [Ressha Sentai ToQger]
    -Takeru Tenkuji [Kamen Rider Ghost]
    -Hikaru [OC?]
    -Mr. Belt [Kamen Rider Drive]
    -Lightning Farron [Final Fantasy]
    -Rydia [Final Fantasy]
    -Rikku [Final Fantasy]
    -Paine [Final Fantasy]
    -Medic [Kamen Rider Drive]
    -Nunnally Lamperouge [Code Geass]
    -Yuzu Boyle [Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V]
    -Celina [Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V]
    -Rin [Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V]
    -Lulu Obisdian [Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V]
    -Lunafreya Nox Fleuret [Final Fantasy XV]
    -Cindy Aurum [Final Fantasy XV]
    -Gentiana [Final Fantasy XV]
    -Umbra [Final Fantasy XV]
    -Pryna [Final Fantasy XV]
    -Rey [Star Wars]
    -Nico Saiba [Kamen Rider Ex-Aid]
    -Poppy Pipopapo/Asuna Karino [Kamen Rider Ex-Aid]
    -Shelby Watkins [Power Rangers Dino Charge]
    -Kendall Morgan [Power Rangers Dino Charge]
    -Joe Gibken [Kazioku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Ankh [Kamen Rider OOO]
    -Bartz Klauser [Final Fantasy]
    -Cloud Strife [Final Fantasy VII]
    -Sieg [Kamen Rider Den-O]
    -Yurusen [Kamen Rider Ghost]
    -Dulcea [Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie]
    -Noel Takao [Katiou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger]
    -Tsukasa Myoujin [Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger]
    -Umika Hayami [Kaitou Sentai Lupinranger vs Keisatsu Sentai Patranger]
    -Gwen Stacy [Marvel]
    -Zoey Revees [Power Rangers Beast Morphers]
    -Allura [Voltron Legendary Defenders]
    -Pidge [Voltron Legendary Defenders]
    -Jim Carter [Kaitou Sentai Lupinrangers vs Keisatsu Sentai Patrangers]
    -Sypha Belnades [Castlevania]
    -Trevor Belmont [Castlevania]
    -Red XIII [Final Fantasy VII]

    @StardustXtreme :
    -Tsukasa Kadoya [Kamen Rider Decade]
    -Shotaro Hidari [Kamen Rider W]
    -Yu Narukami [Persona 4/Golden/The Animation]
    -Captain Marvelous [Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger]
    -Igor [Persona]
    -Tidus [Final Fantasy]
    -Yuri 'Volte' Hyuga [Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant]
    -Albert Simon [Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant]
    -Syaoran Li [Card Captor Sakura]
    -Kaito Daiki [Kamen Rider Decade]
    -Oliver [Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch]
    -Aoi [Hyperdimension Neptunia OC]
    -Haruto Souma [Kamen Rider Wizard]
    -Oerba Dia Vanille [Final Fantasy]
    -Tomoya Okazaki [Clannad/Clannad After Story]
    -Kazu Tokura [Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force 4-6]
    -Harold Flamel [OC]
    -MarvelousAQL [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Inuyasha [Inuyasha / InuYasha the Final Act]
    -Vergil [Devil May Cry]
    -DJ Sagara [Kamen Rider Gaim]
    -Yuuki Konno [Sword Art Online II]
    -Masaru Kurosaga [???]
    -Kirito [SAO]
    -Ichigo Kurosaki [Bleach]
    -Guan Yinping [Dynasty Warriors 8]
    -Wang Yuanji [Dynasty Warriors]
    -Keima Katsuragi [The World God Only Knows]
    -Kasumi Yoshizawa [Persona 5 the Royal/Persona 5 Royal]
    -Ruby Rose [RWBY]
    -Yang Xiao Long [RWBY]
    -Raven Branwen [RWBY]
    -Iris Amicitia [Final Fantasy XV]
    -Chloe von Einzbern [fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya]
    -Kiriko Shijima [Kamen Rider Drive]
    -Serah Farron [Final Fantasy XIII]
    -Maxine Caulfield [Life Is Strange]
    -Evolt [Kamen Rider Build]

    Canon Timeline

    Re: Mario's High School Days ---> Re: Mario's High School Days - Spark of Rebellion ---> Re: Mario's High School Days II - Age of the New World Order
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2020
  2. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Here we go again, took us a week but we're back again. so....Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!

    Wait...that doesn't sound correct, needs more of the flair....

    Bring forth the Revolution! Super Star Transformation!

    Okay, that's more like it.

    [Note: I am actually obeying Rule #5 and did that for the sake of comedy and anime tropes, so don't take it out of context]​
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Okay, I think I'm gonna have nightmares at anyone loving that pink toad. But anyway, was waiting for this.

    Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  4. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Okay, so a bit of word from me, if anyone comes in and they want someone who is on my list, just send me a PM and we'll talk it over. Due to the departures and stuff from the last rp, things on my end are a bit bloated. XD​
  5. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    "Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!"

    This is gonna be fun! Looking forward to working with you all again! Also, my character list is just right, though you listed Sindel and Fenton twice. XD
  6. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    My mistake XD
  7. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Giving to Roxam

    Donald Duck [Disney]
    Goofy [Disney]
    Pete [Disney]​
  8. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Greetings and salutations, everybody.

    Looks like things have come a long way since the early days of MHSD. Quite a grand tale you've created. Which leads me to this-

    "Down with the New World Order! For the Rebel Alliance!"

    And to get myself started, I'll reserve a couple characters.

    Name: Lelouch vi Britannia/Lamperouge
    Description: A young man who was gifted the power known as Geass. With it, he can bend the will of any that look into his eye, causing them to follow any order Lelouch gives them. The catch, however, is that he may only use his power on a person one time, forcing Lelouch to be strategic in how he uses his Geass. Speaking of strategy, Lelouch is a master strategist, able to think up strategies for most scenarios on the spot. In order to combat the New World Order, Lelouch donned a mask and took up the moniker Zero. As Zero, Lelouch has formed his own small faction called The Black Knights in hopes of destroying the New World Order and changing the world for the better. He claims to not ally himself with the Rebel Alliance due to distrust, but others would claim that choice was made out of nothing but arrogance.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion



    Name: Kouji Kabuto
    Description: A hot-blooded youth and pilot of the giant mecha Mazinger Z- a machine that, according to his grandfather Juzo, gives Kouji the power to become a god that saves the world or a demon that destroys it. The validity of his grandfather's claims has yet to be confirmed, but even still, Kouji utilizes Mazinger Z to protect the world from all that may threaten it.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Mazinger Z


    I notice that there're some Code Geass characters already among the list, so if Lelouch's inclusion needs to be altered somehow to fit where they are plot-wise, just let me know. Also, if giant mecha aren't allowed, I can alter Kouji so that he doesn't break any rules.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Reserving a certain scavenger

    Name: Rey
    Description: A young orphaned scavenger who, despite being a loner, still holds compassion, kindness and hope for everyone. Though the beginning of her life was lonely, Rey is still able to imagine and dream of a brighter future and is able to see what things are bad or wrong. During her early years, Rey was able to train herself to protect herself and others, and is a capable pilot and mechanic, deciding to join the Rebels.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Star Wars
  10. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    So I edited the OP to include an additional rule related to reserving Pokemon, and a theme song for the RP. Also, welcome @HeartlessOfLight ! And now to reserve some guys:

    Description: The eldest of Donald Duck's three nephews, and the smartest of the group. Dewey is known to usually wear a red short-sleeved shirt and cap.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Disney / DuckTales

    Name: Dewey
    Description: The most adventurous of Donald Duck's three nephews. Dewey is known to almost always wear a blue long-sleeved T-shirt.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Disney / DuckTales

    Name: Louie
    Description: The youngest of the Donald Duck's three nephews and the most easygoing. Louie can be differentiated from his two brothers as the one who wears a green hooded top.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Disney / DuckTales

    Name: Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack
    Description: The best friend of Huey, Dewey, and Louie who also happens to be the granddaughter of Scrooge McDuck's housekeeper, Mrs. Beakley. Smart and somewhat of a tomboy, Webby also can sometimes be braver than the triplets.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Disney / DuckTales

    Name: Launchpad McQuack
    Description: Scrooge McDuck's limo driver who can pilot other vehicles and even aircraft if McDuck requests it. While an able flyer, Launchpad is somewhat incompetent and rarely ever lands a plane safely, usually crashing them and walking away without injury
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Disney / DuckTales

    Name: Kilgrave
    Description: A mysterious man who, like Lelouch, has the ability to bend the will of others, but unlike Lelouch, Kilgrave can control multiple people, as long as they can hear his voice. Lelouch's similar abilities has Kilgrave very interested in him, but there seems to be more to the story than just similar abilities.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Marvel
  11. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Gonna reserve a dynamic duo that I had last time I was here that I think needs to make a comeback:

    Name: Simon
    Description: A timid young man that was once a student at Nintendo High School. Alongside his soul brother Kamina, Simon tried to live a normal life, or at least as normal as one could with somebody like Kamina around.
    The normal aspect of his life came to an end when he came into possession of a small face-like mecha called Lagann, which served as a makeshift wheelchair for a time after Simon suffered an injury that he has since recovered from.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: TTGL

    Name: Kamina
    Description: The hot-blooded, (self proclaimed) illustrious leader of the (self proclaimed) world famous Team Gurren. He has no qualms with speaking his mind, regardless of how appropriate it is for him to blurt things out.
    As Simon's soul brother, he leads him down a path to righteousness and glory, though deep down he may be the one that needs Simon more than Simon needs him...
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel (reluctantly)
    Series Character is from: TTGL

    But wait, there's one more:

    Name: Antis Piral
    Description: A "human" once thought to simply be from a foreign land, he has since stripped off his guise of teacher and revealed his true nature: An alien being from the farthest reaches of the universe whose sole objective is to eliminate any creature capable of showing fighting spirit, or "generating Spiral Power" as he describes it. He currently allies himself under the banner of the New World Order.
    Faction (Rebel/New World Order/None): New World Order
    Series: TTGL

    And that'll be it from me for a while in terms of reservations. If any of this needs to be changed just let me know.
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Making some additional reserves:

    Description: A young man who volunteered to be a Stormtrooper, not because he is patriotic to the New World Order, but because he wishes to become stronger. Instead of relying on powers that come with a Stormtrooper suit, Gladion prefers to use his Pokemon, Silvally, with whom he has a strong bond with.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): New World Order
    Series Character is from: Pokemon

    Description: A high school student who, despite loving her family dearly, feels distant from them. Unlike her older brother, Gladion, Lillie doesn't like the idea of using Pokemon in battle, as she doesn't like seeing Pokemon get hurt.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Pokemon

    Galina Orelov
    Description: The daughter of Nikolai Orelov, leader of the Rebels in Russia, who battles the New World Order alongside her father. While having a playful side, Galina takes her role as a rebel very seriously, and is not one to let her enemy get away alive.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Assassin's Creed

    Also, I edited the character lists in the OP with recent reserves as well as adding an additional rule taken from the old RP (with a slight modification).
  13. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    Okay, time to get some character info done, and make a few reserves!

    Name: Hanzo Shimada
    Description: A member of a small group of travelling mercenaries. Hanzo is a Japanese native who is very skilled with a bow. He seems to have no interest in helping the New World Order or the Rebels, though he will if the group is asked to. He's very close to fellow mercenary Jesse McCree, and the two make a great team in battle.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Overwatch
    hanzo shimada.png

    Name: Scott Howl
    Description: An usually hairy foreign exchange student attending Nintendo High with his boyfriend and fellow exchange student Oz. While Scott may not be the brightest bulb in the box, he makes up for it with unending kindness and enthusiasm. He doesn't have the best grasp of the New World Order and Rebel conflict, so it makes it hard for him to pick a side.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Unknown
    Series Character is from: Monster Prom
    scott howl.png

    Genji Shimada [Overwatch]
    Leon [F-Zero]
  14. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Got a few more reserves

    Name: Nico Saiba
    Description: A student of Nintendo High is who makes her living as a professional gamer. During the Great Purge, she was able to use her gaming skills to save herself and survive. She joined the Rebel Alliance to help the world and helps them out with strategies, using her vast gaming knowledge to help.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid

    Name: Poppy Pipopapo/Asuna Karino
    Description: A kind and friendly S-Type who is part of the Rebel Alliance and is there to help cheer up their members when they're feeling down. As a S-Type, she has the ability to change her form from a a cheerful pink haired bubbly mascot as Poppy to a serious and mature brunette of a altered self as Asuna Karino who acts as nurse for the injured in the Alliance.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid

  15. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Just one reserve for me

    Name: Zygarde
    Description: A mysterious Pokémon made completely out of cells and cores that wanders all about the world monitoring it. Due to the actions of Astral Praenunitus and the Mario Brothers in Tokyo, it proceeded to hide part of itself deep within a cave and began to search the world for the three individuals in order to determine and judge them while also keeping its eyes on both the Rebels and the New World Order as well. Its cores and cells can split off taking on various forms in order to perform needed tasks.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Pokemon
  16. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Two reserves for me tonight:

    Description: A man living in Arendelle who's been raised by trolls ever since he was a child. Kristoff is extremely loyal to the Rebel Alliance, to the point where he is willing to sacrifice his life to protect the Alliance's leader, Ratonhnhaké:ton.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Disney / Frozen

    Description: Kristoff's loyal pet reindeer, who has been by Kristoff's side since the two were very young. Sven does what he can to help Kristoff in his fight with the new World order, whether it be charging violently towards a group of Stormtroopers, or getting Kristoff far away from the enemy when outnumbered.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Disney / Frozen

    Also, I went ahead and edited the latest reserves to the original post. And last, but not least, I've been speaking with @NutheadBros , who's been wanting to trim his character list. His character list in the original post has been updated with the characters he would like to use. Meanwhile, here is a list of all the characters he's letting go (in case anyone would like to take control of any of these guys):

    -King Dedede [Kirby]
    -Meta-Knight [Kirby]
    -Duck Hunt Dog [Duck Hunt]
    -Undyne [Undertale]
    -Metal Sonic [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Bandana Waddle Dee [Kirby]
    -Garrus Vakarian [Mass Effect]
    -Urdnot Wrex [Mass Effect]
    -Fulgore [Killer Instinct]
    -Commander Shepard *Female* [Mass Effect]
    -Galactic Knight [Kirby]
    -Metal Tails [Sonic the Hedgehog *Archie*]
    -Metal Knuckles [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Metal Amy [Sonic the Hedgehog *Archie*]
    -The Ginyu Force [DBZ Abridged]
    -Wreck-It Ralph [Disney / Wreck-It Ralph]
    -Fix-It Felix Jr. [Disney / Wreck-It Ralph]
    -Metal Sonic 3.0 [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Cranky Kong [Donkey Kong Country]
    -Donkey Kong [Donkey Kong Country]
    -Master Hand [Super Smash Bros]
    -Crazy Hand [Super Smash Bros]
    -Clockwerk [Sly Cooper]
    -Shadow Queen [Super Mario Bros]
    -Hooktail [Super Mario Bros]
    -Gloomtail [Super Mario Bros]
    -Bonetail [Super Mario Bros]
    -Majin Buu [Dragon Ball Z]
    -Espio the Chameleon [Sonic]
    -Vector the Crocodile [Sonic]
    -Charmy Bee [Sonic]
    -Emerl [Sonic]
    -Little Mac [Punch-Out]
    -Doc Louis [Punch-Out]
    -Mr. Sandman [Punch-Out]
    -Crash [Crash Bandicoot]
    -Palutena [Kid Icarus]
    -White Bomberman "Shirobon" [Bomberman]
    -TOM [Toonami]
    -Gust [Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2]
    -Vert [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Noire [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Rei Ryghts [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Croire [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Falcom [Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2]
    -Chika Hakozaki [Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2]
    -Kei Jinguji [Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2]
    -Linda [Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2]
    -C.C. [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Tekken [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory]
    -Pururut [Neptunia V]
    -Peashy [Neptunia V]
    -Dark Bowser [Super Mario Bros.]
    -SARA [Toonami]
    -Mickey Mouse [Disney]
    -Groove Master-D [RE: Mario's High School Days]
    -Purge [Space Channel 5]
    -Arcade Man [Rockman xOver]
    -OVER-1 [Rockman xOver]
    -Ulala [Space Channel 5]
    -Rock/Mega Man [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -The Angry Video Game Nerd [AVGN]
    -The Nostalgia Critic [Nostalgia Critic]
    -Angry Joe [Angry Joe]
    -Corporate Commander [Angry Joe Show]
    -Fuse [Space Channel 5]
    -Mina Nishizawa [Neptunia]
    -Metren Lagann [Megaman: Time Tangent]
    -Guts Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Cut Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Bomb Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Fire Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Ice Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Elec Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Oil Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Time Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Dr. Eggman Nega [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Dr. Finitevus [Sonic the Hedgehog *Archie*]
    -Toadsworth [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Saxton Hale [Team Fortress 2]
    -Pyro [Team Fortress 2]
    -Engineer/Dell Conagher [Team Fortress 2]
    -Soldier/Mister Jane Doe [Team Fortress 2]
    -Gordon Freeman [Half-Life]
    -Gouken [Street Fighter]
    -Kuruoshiki Oni [Street Fighter]
    -Penny Crygor [Warioware]
    -Adam [Darkstalkers/RE:MHSD OC]
    -Eve [Darkstalkers/RE:MHSD OC]
    -Bowser Jr. [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Hades [Kid Icarus]
    -Orbulon [Warioware]
    -9-Volt [Warioware]
    -18-Volt [Warioware]
    -Oswald the Lucky Rabbit [Disney / Epic Mickey / Kingdom Hearts] *Hybrid*
    -Annoydeath [Neptunia]
    -Col. Harland Sanders [KFC / M.U.G.E.N]
    -Ronald McDonald [McDonalds / M.U.G.E.N] *Various Hybrid*
    -The King of all Cosmos [Katamari Damacy]
    -The Queen of all Cosmos [Katamari Damacy]
    -The Prince [Katamari Damacy]
    -Noize [Space Channel 5]
    -BBA Mega Man "Bootleg Megaman" [Megaman / RE:MHSD]
    -Blockhead [M.U.G.E.N]
    -Black Bomberman "Kurobon" [Bomberman]
    -Max [Bomberman]
    -Rayman [Rayman]
    -Thomas Bangalter [Daft Punk/Real Life/RE:MHSD]
    -Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo [Daft Punk/Real Life/RE:MHSD]
    -Pac-Man [Pac-Man]
    -Allen Ridgeley [Xenosaga]
    -Miyuki Itsumi [Xenosaga]
    -Wart [Doki Doki Panic / Super Mario Bros.]
    -Boshi [Super Mario Bros.]
    -Zephaniah Mann [Team Fortress 2]
    -The Horseless Headless Horsemann/Silas Mann [Team Fortress 2]
    -Nazo [Sonic: Nazo Unleashed]
    -Chaos [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Broccoli [Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory DLC]
    -5pb. [Neptunia]
    -Kurenai/Crimson Heart [Neptunia OC]
    -Porky Minch [Earthbound/Mother]
    -Customer Service [Kirby]
    -Sly Cooper [Sly Cooper]
    -Bentley [Sly Cooper]
    -Murray [Sly Cooper]
    -Matt [Two Best Friends Play]
    -Pat [Two Best Friends Play]
    -Megabyte [Reboot]
    -Warrior of Light [Final Fantasy]
    -Bob Parr / Mr. Incredible [Disney / Pixar / The Incredibles]
    -Pepsiman [Pepsiman]
    -Blues/Proto Man [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Forte/Bass [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Polygon Man [Playstation / RE:MHSD]
    -Dandy [Space Dandy]
    -QT [Space Dandy]
    -Meow [Space Dandy]
    -Dr. Thomas Light [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Cole MacGrath [Infamous]
    -Dr. Gel [Space Dandy]
    -Dr. Bea [Space Dandy]
    -Dr. Albert W. Wily [Mega Man *Classic*]
    -Tempo/Quake Woman [Mega Man *Archie*]
    -Aile [Mega Man ZX]
    -Gex [Gex]
    -Woolie [Two Best Friends Play]
    -Liam [Two Best Friends Play]
    -Reggie Fils-Aime [Nintendo / E3 / RE:MHSD / Smash 4]
    -Triple H [WWE]
    -Shawn Michaels [WWE]
    -Zubaz "The Baz" [Two Best Friends Play]
    -Star Man [Pro Wrestling NES]
    -Professor Hector [Gyromite/Stack-Up]
    -R.O.B. [Gyromite/Stack-Up/Various Nintendo Things]
    -Edge [WWE]
    -Randy Orton [WWE]
    -R2-MK [Disney / Star Wars]
    -Zero/Zero-Two [Kirby]
    -Scorpion [Mortal Kombat]
    -Dr. Edgar George Zomboss [Plants vs. Zombies]
    -Crazy Dave [Plants vs. Zombies]
    -Toy Freddy/????? [Five Nights at Freddy's / RE:MHSD]
    -Toy Bonnie/????? [Five Nights at Freddy's / RE:MHSD]
    -Toy Chica/????? [Five Nights at Freddy's / RE:MHSD]
    -Toy Foxy/Mangle/????? [Five Nights at Freddy's / RE:MHSD]
    -Blue Knight [Castle Crashers]
    -Blacksmith [Castle Crashers]
    -Cassandra Alexandria [Soul Calibur]
    -Sophitia Alexandria [Soul Calibur]
    -Dr. Eggman [Sonic]
    -Sonic the Hedgehog [Sonic]
    -Dr. Cossack [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Dio Brando/DIO [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure]
    -Jotaro Kujo [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
    -Anarchy Helix [Twitch Plays Pokemon]
    -Miror B. [Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness]
    -Mega Man X [Mega Man X]
    -Zero [ Mega Man X]
    -Ra Moon [Mega Man Classic]
    -Scourge the Hedgehog [Sonic the Hedgehog *Archie*]
    -Mysterious Figure [Mass Effect 3: Citadel]
    -Miles "Tails" Prower [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -????????? *The First Doctor* [RE:MHSD/Doctor Who]
    -Marx / Marx Soul [Kirby]
    -Ratchet [Ratchet & Clank]
    -Clank [Ratchet & Clank]
    -Dark Matter [Kirby]
    -The Burger King [Burger King]
    -Akuma [Street Fighter]
    -Tornado Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Magma Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Jewel Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Concrete Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Plug Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Galaxy Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Hornet Man [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Splash Woman [Megaman *Classic*]
    -Mighty the Armadillo [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Ray the Flying Squirrel [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Maria Robotnik [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Gerald Robotnik [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Gate [Megaman X]
    -Zero Nightmare [Megaman X]
    -Dynamo [Megaman X]
    -Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson [Game Grumps]
    -Jon "Jontron" Jafari [Game Grumps]
    -Jacques the Android Bird [???]
    -Omega [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Shadow the Hedgehog [Sonic]
    -Patroklos [Soulcalibur]
    -Siegfried [Soulcalibur]
    -Algol [Soulcalibur]
    -Elysium [Soulcalibur]
    -Knuckles [Sonic]
    -Kaito [Vocaloid]
    -Luka Megurine [Vocaloid]
    -Len Kagamine [Vocaloid]
    -Rin Kagamine [Vocaloid]
    -Miku Hatsune [Vocaloid]
    -Dr. Nefarious [Ratchet & Clank]
    -Lawrence [Ratchet & Clank]
    -Copernicus L. Qwark [Captain Qwark] [Ratchet & Clank]
    -Orbot [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Cubot [Sonic the Hedgehog]
    -Freddy Fazbear?? [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Chica [Five Night's At Freddy's]
    -Foxy the Pirate [Five Night's At Freddy's]
    -Freddy Fazbear [Five Night's At Freddy's]
    -Bonnie [Five Nights At Freddy's]
    -Pit [Kid Icarus]
    -Link [The Legend of Zelda]
    -Ganondorf [The Legend of Zelda]
    -White [Pokemon]
    -Zelda Hyrule [Legend of Zelda]
    -Farore [The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Secrets (Oracle of Ages/Seasons Linked Game)]
    -Nayru [The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages]
    -Din [The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons]
    -Leaf (Renamed to Blue or Green)[Pokemon]
    -Red [Pokemon]
    -Ghetsis [Pokemon]
    -Nia [TTGL]
    -Yoko Littner [Gurren Lagann]
    -Bubba Dunk Funkin [The Internet]
    -Green Psycho XVII [The Internet]
    -Nicky Nutterball [The Internet]
    -Steve the Devil/Steve the Darkness [The Internet]
    -Nightmare Bonnie [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Nightmare Foxy [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Nightmare Chica [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Nightmare Fredbear [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Fredbear Plush [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Nightmare [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -Nightmare Freddy [Five Nights at Freddy's 4]
    -BB "Balloon Boy" [Five Nights at Freddy's] *not to be confused with the one AP has*
    -Princess Hilda [Legend of Zelda]
    -Sans [Undertale]
    -Papyrus [Undertale]
    -Hakaishin Beerus [DBZ]
    -Whis [DBZ]
    -Kuriza [Neko Majin/DBZ]
    -W. D. Gaster [Undertale]
    -Mettaton [Undertale]
    -Black Yoshi [Supermariologan]
  17. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    For some reason it'll only let me use 2 pictures per post, so I'll have to knock these out two at a time.

    Name: Jesse McCree
    Description: A gunslinger who is part of a group of travelling mercenaries. Once a skilled JIA agent, he and a few others were targeted by and survived the Great Purge. Though his closest ally Hanzo seems to be neutral to the conflict, McCree is completely and utterly on the side of the Rebels.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Overwatch
    jesse mccree.png

    Name: Leon
    Description: A young intern working for the Aether Foundation. He's said to be from a far-off planet. Very good with kids, Leon is mainly in charge of running the Aether House, a large shelter for people and Pokemon. When he is not performing his duties, Leon is either attending Nintendo High or taking part in the racing scene. He's rumored to be sided against the New World Order.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: F-Zero
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
  18. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    Hey if it helps any Stache, maybe trying to hyperlink images could help you get around your issue.
  19. FancyStache Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 19, 2014
    Back In Action
    Okay, it's sorted itself out. Thank you for the suggestion anyway, Nut!

    Name: Genji Shimada
    Description: Younger brother of Hanzo. Once a former JIA agent, he was targeted during the Great Purge. Despite a brutal attack that left his body torn apart, Genji survived the attack and was given a new cybernetic body. While he struggled with his humanity due to his new body at first, Genji has since come to terms with his new body.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Overwatch

    Name: Oz
    Description: A strange, shadowy young foreign exchange student. Oz is the boyfriend of Scott Howl. A shy and meek young man, he tends to not speak his mind on things. Like Scott, Oz doesn't really pick sides in the New World Order/Rebel conflict, preferring to stay off the radar to anything big that may come of it.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Monster Prom

    Name: Sindel
    Description: The queen of Edenia, a realm relatively untouched by the reach of the New World Order. A benevolent and capable ruler, Sindel rules her land under a rule of peace and prosperity. Though normally not one to come to Earth, concern over her children leads her there.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): None
    Series Character is from: Mortal Kombat

    Name: Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera
    Description: An intern for the now shut-down Gadd Sciences as well as an accountant for Scrooge McDuck. Fenton is eager to please, always doing his best to impress his peers. Despite this, he's incredibly clumsy and prone to causing problems on accident. When he's not helping Scrooge with his finances or aiding Professor Gadd even without the Labs, Fenton dons the hero persona of Gizmoduck, a gadget-packed hero assisting the Rebels.
    Faction (Rebel/New Word Order/None): Rebel
    Series Character is from: Ducktales
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2018
  20. NutheadBros Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 25, 2008
    No problem dude, I'm glad the issue got sorted out.