Re:Coded & 3D: Tidbits from the New Confirmed Games

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York
    In the recent issue of Famitsu, Nomura has shared some tidbits from the next two games "KINGDOM HEARTS ReCoded and KINGDOM HEARTS 3D", which was recently announced at E3 2010.

    Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
    - Re:Coded is being developed to allow more fans to experience the game, the DS was selected as most people have the hardware.
    - Another reason for the hardware choice is that Coded was developed with the lack of analog in mind.
    - The story will be the same as Coded, but aside from the event scenes the game will see many major changes.
    - The game is targeting more casual gamers, and will have an adjustable difficulty setting like The World Ends With You.
    - The design concept for Re:Coded includes elements from Coded with Birth by Sleep and Days.
    - The co-director of Birth by Sleep is supervising the battle planning for the game, while the same team will be handling the map design.
    - The level up system in the game will be an expansion of the ideas from 358 Days
    - There will be multiplayer elements, including avatars which can be unlocked featuring the characters from Birth by Sleep, as well as Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII.
    - There will be a secret movie in the game.
    - Currently 80% complete.

    Kingdom Hearts: 3D
    - This game is not a remake, it is a brand new entry in the Kingdom Hearts Series.
    - This is the next stage of the franchise after Coded/358/BbS.
    - Sora and Riku will be the playable characters in the game, and they will be visiting new worlds.
    - There will be various hints relating to this game hidden in Re:Coded.
    - There should be more information and announcements at next year's E3.

    Source: KHInsider
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Jun 23, 2010.

    1. Maggy
      awesome, so Re:Coded is almost done.
      I hope it gets released later this year or early next

      KH3D would probably come out fall of next year or the year after that...
      we've had at least one game release every year so XD

      woo, so excited for the new games P:
    2. Plums
      1. I always was a fan of the adjustable difficulty in TWEWY, it should be pretty fun to actually make the Heartless go from wimps to "OMGDON'THURTME" enemies.

      2. I'm hoping for this to also be more like TWEWY's leveling system, as the panels irked me in Days. >>

      3. *Lightning fangasms*

      4. Huh. I'm actually wondering what this will be. More than likely a secret preview for KH3D.

      5. That was actually pretty fast ._. I just hope Square didn't rush this out.

      1. I'm not too keen on the prospect of this game. I was hoping for this to be KH3, I guess it'll be fine. As long as it connects, I'm okay with it.

      2. Reverse/Rebirth II, anyone? I'm actually hoping this is more about Riku. His story between Days and the end of KH2 is the only real mystery left (Roxas' was settled with Days, BBS deals with Xehanort's past).

      Hmm. I'm hoping one of the new worlds isn't Shibuya. I really want them to save it for KHIII.

      3. Re: Coded is getting more appealing by the second.

      4. As long as they take their time with it, I'm happy.

      Pretty much, it looks as though KH3D will be the last game before KHIII.
      And will be the connecting factor of everything so far.
    3. Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Kyubi the Keyblade Master
      Sweet! I love the control system for Birth By Sleep so this is gonna be awesome!

      Holy cow! The first Final Fantasy character in a KH game I've been psyched about since Auron! No offense but the FF7 fanservice was getting pretty old pretty fast.

      I hope it chronologically takes places around the same time as KH1 because it otherwise won't make sense. But being able to play as Riku in an official title is a nice touch. CoM and Re:CoM felt really cramped in and limiting.
    4. Shikou
      wow re:Coded is almost done i cant wait for it :D
      and im so glad some is kinda off The World Ends With You i loved that game (it felt like Kingdom Hearts for some reason lol) :D
      looks like we have to wait a year for more new news for KH3D wich gives me time to get a 3DS (the 3DS is so interesting to me thats why i want to try it)
    5. key dragon
      key dragon
      Wonder what kind of secret movie will be in RE: Coded?
    6. Fracture
      I am EXTREMELY excited for these two! 8D *Lightning Spazz*
    7. SHMeira
      Aahahahah oh yeah!
      I can't wait!
    8. Korosu
      Yay Re;Coded is almost done cant wait xD
      Hmm I wonder if there gunna make a new ds for the new kh 3D game?
    9. Plums
      They already did.
      It's the Nintendo 3DS. c:

    10. Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Mr. Van Whippy ♥
      Lol PSP owners/DS haters will be infuriated.

      Avatars? For what reason? So Lightning will appear as an avatar not as a regular character although this could actually mean that she will appear in KHIII.

      Secret movie? Wait do they mean the one with Sora? If that was a secret movie, not sure about it. I'm highly intrigued now as well as excited seeing they are almost done in the making progress.

      Sora and Riku as playable characters. Seriously what the hell is going on? And new worlds?!

      If there are hints in Re: Coded could this mean that the new title will have something to do with it? Could it be another "scan" of Jiminy's journal?

      Next year! Whaaaaaaaaa...?! So that means that KHIII won't be announced/released till 2013? Damn hopefully the world won't explode in 2012.
    11. Hissora
      I really hope 3D doesn't come out on the 3DS. It probably will though looking at the title. ;/
      Or not. idk. I just hate all this new 3D tech crap. It's annoying and I don't want my KH to get into it too.
    12. KeybladeSpirit
      Iy's already confirmed for the 3DS. I don't like it either, but it was bound to happen eventually.
    13. mikael110
      if you go to the official Nintendo 3ds page and click on the "more titles" tab, then click kingdom hearts you will see 3 screenshots from the game.

      The first one shows sora in traverse town fighting a nobody, the seconds one shows sora and riku standing together on Destiny Islands. the third screenshot simply shows riku running running around in traverse town.

      the screenshots makes me think that the 3ds game takes place at the same time as the original kingdom hearts game
    14. KeybladeSpirit
      Those screenshots are already very well known and I'm pretty sure it's not during KH1 since Sora can't be in two places at once.
    15. Boy Wonder
      Boy Wonder
      It's Kingdom Hearts.
      Anything's possible with a little help from memories, replicas, and data versions of you.
    16. Rorinater5
      Was kinda hoping 3d was just a remake of a game... i bought a ds for 358, a psp for BBS, and now ima need a 3DS for this game... i really wish square would choose a console... theyre hurting my wallet =(.

      Other than that tho, im excited to see how they changed the cell phone game to the DS with Re:Coded. Can only expect the best XD
    17. Satoshi Kusanagi
      Satoshi Kusanagi
      This is looking more and more pointless by the second. Just more money milking. >_>

      Cut out the side-story bullshit and finish KH3 already.
    18. SHMeira
      They didn't even start it. Only after FF Versus XIII.
    19. GaaraxShukakuIScute
      Sweet! I can't wait for either of them!