Re: Chain of Memories - No Promotion

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Mike Chaser

    Jan 20, 2008
    New York

    As many of you know, Re: Chain of Memories is finally releasing tomorrow (December 2nd) in North America.

    The official website for Re: Chain of Memories was finally built and added mid November, but still from this day on it lacks one section and a trailer. Usually a trailer is released before the actual game comes out. For some reason Square-Enix has a problem for promoting in North America and Europe. In fact, has anyone paid a visit to the NA Kingdom Hearts: II official website? There's still a section on that website that doesn't allow access and still states "coming soon". The portal for is missing Re: Chain of Memories.

    The issue is promotion and we need a little more for the series. My guess is that the official website (Re: COM) will in fact update tonight with the battle section and trailer. I was able to talk to someone from the Square-Enix live support. It didn't really work, but it was worth a try.

    Feel free to discuss. We’ll update as soon as these two issues become available for access.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Mike, Dec 1, 2008.

    1. EvilMan_89
      indeed, the site HAS changed and updated.
    2. bennyjr123
      Yeah, but the gameplay videos and stuff don't seem to work. they just stay saying buffering.
    3. EvilMan_89
      same here, but it might be my crappy internet connection. man, i want the trailer to come out, i want to hear english voice acting for this game!!!!! i think the trailer is coming within hours.
    4. bennyjr123
      I have a question, I pre-ordered the game last sunday from amazon, with the fastest shipping, so does that mean i get it tomorrow or wednesday?
    5. EvilMan_89
      i don't know. it's probably Wednesday, because i dont' think Amazon has it in stock yet. i'm gonna grab this on Wednesday as well cuz on the East Coast, the games never arrive to the East side on the release date, it's almost always the day after that. i've actually been to the gamestores on release dates of games several times and each time it was the day after the release day that they actually have it. so imma have to wait as well (even though it's only one day)
    6. Roxas_the_Key_to_Destiny
      No it does that for me too. so I could mean they havent added the video or working on it as well. We See soon enough
    7. Explode
      Unfortunately, for all we know, this trailer we're waiting for may not even have the voices. It may just be like a T.V. advertisement. I really hope not, but it is possible.

      And yes, the Gameplay videos don't work for me either.
    8. Marluxia55
      finally the site updated but yet no trailer ayyyyy
    9. libregkd
    10. Explode
      You have the game already? O_O
    11. libregkd
    12. Marluxia55
      man i wish i had ur gamestop lol u live in california right
    13. EvilMan_89
      ahh well, i can wait another day.
    14. sonickenshin
      Does the manual list the voice actors?
    15. Finalsora120
      Now its just being pathetic

      Its just being stuipid now its got the trailer pic with Rikus face on it wihtout the black bit now so ppl think its gonna be there but it just ses COMING SOON -_-'
    16. Roxas_the_Key_to_Destiny
      I KNOW! They are cold hearted =/ they are the NOBODIES HERE! =[ I say we form a mob, and rush down to Square-Enix, and demand a trailer Dx. Just kidding, but thats a dirty trick, when i saw it I jump when i pressed it a fell to the ground say what Kenshin Himura says in Rurouni Kenshin ...ORO!?
    17. keybladesofdawn
      It's saddening how little video games, Kingdom Hearts included, is very seldom advertised in the mainstream media...

      Odd...because I got a call today from Gamestop saying that mine will be in this afternoon. >>;

      *is envious of you, ENVIOUS I SAY~!*
    18. Roxas_the_Key_to_Destiny
      your right, Amazon doesnt get it in stock till December 4, 2008.

    19. Finale
      WOOT its out today...oh yeah, i don't live in America
    20. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      I cut school so I could play it. It's incredible, but I think it's funny that Sora has such a deep voice. I can only imagine what it will be like when I meet Repliku.