I've done it with ink, even colored it with ink (never doing that again though *can't feel my hand :S:D* you like it??? it's the robes of organisation XIII with the emblem of the nobodies
It's okay, but could use a lot of improvement. Anatomy and body structure is a major problem here. As we look down on the body, the structure just seems to get smaller and smaller. D:
Hmmm.....its.....alright Aside from what has already been said about proportions....I would say stucture fluidity is another big point. Her head just seems to....I guess, veer off her neck. However this problem is easily remedied with say, a rough-stick-person sketch beforehand. I would comment on the eyes and face and such but that is merely a style preference (from what I can tell, what I call "shoujo anime style"), however the overinking of details on the hair seems a bit gaudy. Try experimenting to see what balances out between needlessly complex and 'too simple'. But don't worry, we all have our starting points, so just keep practicing and you'll be fine!
wow thats an awsome drawing! i really luv the eyes and hair cuz there detailed really good! so on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say its a 10!
Better than I could ever do with a person. Yeah, proportion is a bit out of whack. The eyes look huge, and below the neck looks too small. I like the expression, though. Cute! ^.^ 8/10