Woke up this morning to my friend freaking out over this. However being a big fan of the series, it's pretty exciting for me too. Sharing with you all. Ratchet and Clank movie said to be released in 2015. Teaser: Link: http://blog.us.playstation.com/2013/04/23/first-video-ratchet-clank-movie-hits-theaters-2015/ =)
To say that I'm excited would be a major understatement. Ratchet and Clank has been one of my favorite video game series' of all time, and to see a film being made out of it is a dream come true. I can't wait to see how they incorporate the insane weapons the series is known for (Here's hoping for a Mr. Zurkon appearance!). One thing I'd absolutely love to see in this movie is Dr. Nefarious. I don't even care if he's the main villain, he just needs to be in there. This is definitely a movie I'll be seeing in Theaters.
I am sorta interested, even though I've never played a single Ratchet and Clank game before. I do feel skeptical though, considering how movies based on video game franchises usually turn out. But if this ends up being good, and successfully attracts those who haven't even played the series before, then I might actually buy the games.
I couldn't have said this better!! Have loved the series since the first game <3 Yeah, Nefarious has to be my favorite villain in the series. An appearance would be pretty awesome! I always feel a little iffy when they make movies based on video games. I already feel like I am watching a movie when playing the Ratchet and Clank games so it will be pretty interesting to see how they go about just a movie. Really looking forward to it though! I haven't been dissapointed by a single Ratchet and Clank yet, so I am expecting another big thing with this =)
Is that . . . somehow related? Anyway, the video appears to be broken (not the link, the actual file) so I'll have to look it up. I have to say though, Ratchet and Clank is a definite favorite. I'd love to see a movie. Whenever I see a game getting turned into an animation I get excited. People who don't play games have no prior attachment while they watch the movie, but gamers know what's kind of going on. We got the inside scoop ^^ I'll definitely have to check this out later.
But the thing is, if the movie's going to be a success, it must be made in a way it's accessible to both die-hard fans as well as average joes who have never heard of the series before. Believe me, I really, really want this movie to succeed. Maybe then we'll finally start getting good movies based on video game franchises.
Well yea, obviously. I mean, it couldn't just be a movie for the gamers. I'm sure they'd have all the major plot points any good movie has. They'd make it so even people who've never heard of the game would understand, at least, what's going on in the movie. I was simply stating that it's nice, as a gamer, to be able to watch these movies on a different level as all the rest.
I also happen to be quite skeptical of movies made from video games nowadays, but I feel that if it's an animated adaptation, then I'll have a little more faith. With that being said, omgimexcite.
Fixed! Sorry about that. Was posting from my phone and it was having issues haha! xD oh hatok.....too funny Oh yes! James Arnold Taylor kept saying he was working on a secret project. Revealed this morning it was this after I read the article. Internal screaming all day long.
I knuu......Q.Q Well we've waited this long for them to even consider a movie, so two more years...we got this =D
I have not played the games. It only had my curiosity, but now with this trailer, you have my attention. If you guys need me, I will be face in front of the computer watching lets play of this series.
Just thought I'd put this out there for those who haven't read/don't want to read the comments in the linked article in the OP. It's story related stuff (not much), but I'll spoiler it anyway juuuuust in case: Spoiler The movie is apparently going to be a re-imagining of the first game's story, as the antagonist is Chairman Drek, the antagonist of the first Ratchet and Clank title. Like I said, not much, but at least there's an idea of what we're in for in this film. The source is the same article linked in the OP. You can see this info being talked about by James Stevenson (Insomniac Games Community Lead) in the comments of the article. All of his replies are in red boxes.
Bumping this thread, as the first "actual" trailer has been released: From the comments I've read from fans of the series, the movie looks promising. And I do think it looks decent. Movie is now scheduled to be released April 29, 2016.