Do agree I own ToD and it's awesome but whyyyy didn't they give us a multiplayer or a co-op like in gladiator/R&C3 D:. Also I got and finished Quest for booty two weeks ago and Spoiler Holy shiit Nefarius is back D: Hopefully Laurence will be back too xD Also wtf is with this Zoni crap :l Well in my opinion this new "saga" has a far more complex story than any of the other R&C games before. Also do want R.Y.N.O V xD
I am resisting the urge to squee like some ******ed fan girl, but **** yes D: Ratchet <3333 omnomnom should be awesometastic.
Tools of Destruction was awesome but I never got to play Quest for Booty sadly, though I could easily get it. Anyway, the Ratchet and Clank series has been known for their dirty jokes in the titles, and a crack in time fits the jokes.
heh dude that was funny..:D anywayz thanks for keeping us up to date i was about to lose hope for ratchet and clank
Agree completely. The co-op in Deadlocked was one of the best features of the game. Regardless, I can't wait for this one, the ending to the last game has been killing me for quite some time.
I hated that Halo 2 type ending we got. Hopefully we don't get another in this game. But they seriously need to add co-op and competitive multiplayer in this one because TOD was just way too short =\
Gr. I didn't play Quest for Booty. >< That's the only one I need to play. D: And...Secret Agent Clank. >>; Still, I plan on getting this for the giant guns.