Has anybody else noticed that the company that Microsoft is now a part of,, has been only created remakes. 1. Anybody like squirrels? Well if you do, then you would have played "Conker's Bad Fur Day." Here is a part of the game called "It's War." http://youtube.com/watch?v=8hkbVc3RiCU Now here is the same gameplay from "Conker Live and Reloaded." http://youtube.com/watch?v=xzb4s0W-j5E 2. Banjo and Kazooie was made in 1998 and then came back in 2000 as Banjo Tooie. They were both decent games. http://youtube.com/watch?v=4FoQqEDtWQ4 Now, close to a decade later, they announce Banjo and Kazooie THREE!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=4NV77maAAG0 Do you think that the end of Rare is coming around the corner? In my personal opinion, sadly...yes.:( They were great games. I don't think though that they will last long in the 2000's now.
Yeah Microsoft is starting to get in bed with some really bad production companies. To be honest I'm only looking forward to Halo 3 and DMC 4 on the 360.
And if Halo 3 and DMC4 are not what people expected, it might be the end of Microsoft's XBOX company altogether.
Well... In My Opinion, Microsoft shouldn't have gone into gaming... They're setting Rare up for faliure Rare was losing it's touch even before Microsoft came into play... but they did have good games...
It's also keeping it's sales over the PS3. that is until Sony gets its online community up and running as efficiently.
Some things just can't last as long as Mario. Spyro's just been perverted slightly, that and people tend to forget about him a little. But Sonic. Words cannot exspress how bastardized that franchise it. Superman's name has also been whored out to a number of utterly shiet games.
Actually, if they keep making good games like "Sonic and the secret rings", I think they might be back in business. Back on topic, I think that the Xbox 360 Elite was a failure and a waste of money. The only difference was a larger hard drive and different color. They also exaggerated on how they were limited quantities, even though the gaming stores and Wal-Mart are over stocked. Most likely that DMC4 and Halo 3 are going to do well, but there always might be a possibility that all of the hype might be a stick in the mud. Rare, in my personal opinion, shouldn't have left Nintendo. They got screwed over in the long run, even though they wanted high quality games, but they forgot to even make good games. They basically might be gone within the next decade or less.