Try and see who can post the most Randomest( I don't think Thats a word) things you can find, pictures included. HAVE FUN! This is the neighborhood watch committee reminding everyone that necrophilia is still illegal. Thank you and have a pleasant day
"You slapped a fish. . . Why did you do that?" "Because I. . . wanted to make seafood." -------------------- ""You cow sack! Your dog spit this evil grunge at me. You know you wanna go dance with me." -------------------- "Do something fruity." "No thank you!" "Well then can I do it?" "Your drunk." "Maaaybe, but whose stopping up? Your dad?" -------------------- "Come on baby don't leave!" We had a connection! You don't have to walk away." -------------------- "Theres a chopped up hooker in my fridgerator. I just wanted some damn pringles!" -------------------- "IMMA GUMMY BEAR, YEA IM A GUMMY BEAR!"
Hey Steve, guess what? What Karl? I'm a lion! *sigh* We've been over this Karl. You're not a lion. You're a schizophrenic. I'M A LION!! RAWR!!! ~Later~ Hey Steve, guess what? Karl, if you attack me again, I'm going to punch you. Is that how you speak to the mother of your child? WHAT?! I'm pregnant Steve, and it's yours. But we're both male! Are you breaking up with me?! ~Seven months later, Karl gave birth to a beautiful baby pillow in a mental hospital.~