Post which staffies you can remember that were on staff when you joined. Also, as a bonus, staffies and ex-staffies, if you can remember, post when you became a staffie. I only remember Deathspank, Sara, Xaldin, RvR, DA and Misty.
Deathspank, Xaldin, Misty, RvR, erm...yeah... maybe SJ? I'm forgetting some but oh well EDIT: and *Sora* maybe.
When I first joined... Cloudo, 1WingedAngel, Sara, Fayth, Misty, Deathspank, Roxas-Chan, and Roxas. When I became staff... Mish, DA, Sara, Hissora, Misty, Mari, and DarknessKingdom.
Fayth sounds familar... Were they a forum helper? I can totally picture that name in lime green on a black background. Oh, and add DA to my list, I remember him too.
I remember complaining that spdude was gonna be a horrible, horrible owner, and no one believed me. :'D I joined way before spdude. XD
Fayth was an S.mod. He never really did anything to be honest lol... but he was a good reserve. He was always busy with school and sports, CTR and I demoted him since he went missing for months. And last I checked, he still hasn't been on.
Ah, now I remember. Yeah, I think he was staff when I joined. I feel so awesome and old for knowing CtR way before she made staff.
DA, RvR, Arc, Sara [i think], CtR, shadowjak, Soku, Misty, Fayth, Hissora. That's all comes to mind atm