nah, i just want to show my random drawings.. i dunno if it's good yet.. i don't have a scanner so, i take a picture.. sorry if it's looks bad
These are pretty good But fix the girl's hair a bit and symbol on the guys suit are plain Add more effects to it Their suits are very well drawn Shade them for more effect The guys hair are good I love the first one the best Good Work A bit color to them will do the trick ~Keep it up. :3
The middle on is my fav. All of their necks are too long, but they're all awesome. And I have no other complaints since the camera made it too blurry to notice details. Draw more. -_- And get a job to buy a scanner =D Or steal one/burrow one/use someone else's. Taffy: What's wrong with the girl's hair? I can't notice anything thanks to tired eyes, but I thought it was the style and looks fine, but you're the better artist compared to me...