Racism and how did we come up with race titles

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Inasuma, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    Rascism is just wrong. The Race titles? CRAP! Calling the Chinese yellow? What the hell's up with that? Do they look yellow to you? I don't think so. White? White is wrong too. I can see several colors on my skin but not one of them is white. Black? "Black" people are more brown then anything and more often then not they are more of a caramel sort of color. Grrr those racist people make me just wanna strangle them! It's just so wrong I can't even say how wrong it is! I feel very angry right now. Those people are evil. Worse then robbers or murderers or any law-breakers. Racism doesn't even make any sense! Why does the color of your skin make you different from someone else? It doesn't! People with Asian heritage have contributed so much not to mention African Americans. Think about it. If you're African American or Indian or Asian or European are you different from an American? Nope. You should be proud of your heritage. I myself am very proud of my heritage. Man I feel better now that I've said that. Thank you.

    ~Catonis "Catis" Ihde
  2. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    yes it wrong i mean it not cool making or hateing other people that is why our world screwed up
  3. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    There was something a favorite author of mine said. Jerry Spinelli to be exact. I can't directly quote it, but he said that little kids have "big eyes." They take in more than they criticize, and they see and accept everything. As they grow older, their eyes become bigger, and more squinted. They only take in the details and see nothing as a whole."

    Looking at this, I can see how much this applies to racism. Sometimes I feel as though we should all be like children...
  4. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    So true man. So true. Spinelli's done lots like that. If you've read his book Maniac Magee and several others you'd understand exactly what he trys to tell us.
  5. Serbkiller Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2008
    Thank everything for Political Correctness
  6. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    The reason Americans get "white" is because the typical stereotype of an American is a greedy, heartless person. They are called "white" because apparently the stereotypers only think that America is populated by the Caucasian race.
  7. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    I don't have much to say to this except that racism should die.

    When you're a kid you don't even care what the person looks like that your playing with. They could be missing an arm or a leg or in a wheelchair you could have skin discoloration but you didn't care. You just wanted to play.

    I think that we all should think like kids in that respect and make equality rule.
  8. ZamgItsFury Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 23, 2008
    this is a result of ******ed *******s and americans desire to become a supreme race. (whites)
  9. Sho Minamimoto Merlin's Housekeeper

    The thing is... Americans aren't only caucasian. Other countries don't see that for some reason.

    Also, the color nicknames simply dirive from skin color.
    Whoever made up the name calling was an extremely simple person.
    *eye roll*
  10. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Racism is just caused by different people, not accepting the fact of other skin colours. It is also caused by influences around people that create a racist topic for those people to follow, and they end up actually follow it. They never look on the good side on what these races can actually do, like how different styles of art are found in different Peninsula's with different race types. Skinheads for example just get rid of races they hate, when that race hasn't really offended them in any way.