Racism and how did we come up with race titles

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Inasuma, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. Imiko Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 5, 2008
    Though, truly, I cannot understand the whole thing myself. Though we have all said they are ignorant; were are ignoring one simple fact our selves: We, each of us, has probably laughed at a joke about another race and/ or told one. Does this make us bad people? No. It just makes us a little bit ignorant as well. Not all people are horridly racist, but I'm sure everyone takes part in some way to increase the stereotypes. Though we mean no harm, others may think so, and thus they start to hate us because we are being slightly ignorant. And then the hatred continues to accumulate, and they say cruel things about us to get us back. And so on and so fourth. Do you see what I mean? Over the years things have gotten so out of hand it's most likely irreversible. Even though we do not say anything bad about anyone or truly hate another race, we still crack the same jokes. It's probably something that's been going on for centuries. I don't think we can help it all together, but maybe in the near future someone will stand up and make a difference. It may not eliminate it entirely, as I have said, but maybe decrease some of those stereotypes. What do you guys think?​
  2. Da Freak Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 5, 2006
    up your blarg
    Pretty much sums up what I was going to say.
  3. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    Pretty much what I was going to say.
    Though I think as long as humans are around, there will always be racism. It would be nice to think that we'll actually change by understanding everyone but I don't think that'll happen.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=54812 - Already a thread on this.

    And I agree with Cin & Marluxia. It's caused by misunderstanding a different group of persons and saying you understand them, then marginalizing them and attacking them with loose titles and the like.

    It doesn't even take a real genius to figure that out, too. I mean people are people, just because your skin is black doesn't mean you're some how different (except some genetics and such). IMO, these are just extremely old superstitions and it's a pointless argument, because at the end of the day, we're all human.
  5. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Oh my god *tears up* this is why I go to a school where everyone is the same race. unfortunately, we get exchange students. you wouldn't believe what some people at our school do to them!

    I go to dancing at a completely different place, everyone is the same race, except me. When they walk past me they start talking about some riot that happend a couple of years ago against the lebanese. I'M NOT EVEN LEBANESE!!!

    Anyway, racism, horrible thing. It should stop but no matter how much we try to, we can't. I admit I'm even racist sometimes and I'm one of the nice people in society. lol.
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I don't agree with what racism can do to people, excluding from events, stop connections of friendship, not be able to learn about other peoples race/culture, and all that.

    I believe in what Gneghis Khan did. He was a warrior leader that lived in Mongolia who after uniting all the mongols together set forward to conquer China. He had many people that came from China and other asain countries, but he did not fear them (actually everyone was more scared of him) and instead of just trying to get rid of them and understand them he accepted them for what they could do, if they were warriors, he would welcome them, if they were cooks he would welcom them, if they were engineers he would welcome them.
    He did not judge people on their culture or colour, only thier abilities. Today, we should not judge people like many others do, we should judge them for their abilities and personalities whther they come from Iraq, or Iran, Europe, America, Asia, etc, we should judge them for what they are on the inside, and not the out.
  7. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Racism is seriously so useless. Being raciest agaisnt any race doesnt do anything, it only causes trouble and even more problems in the world.

    There's been raciest at my school :/ I havent had any problems because Im not full Japanese but one time with my friend Li, she is Mein (sp?), someone spray painted: "Go back to Asia", on her locker. And all it did was make whoever did that get in trouble, and become hated by all the other Asians, including me, hate them. Its seriously so stupied, I dont know why it exsists anymore, or why people still are
  8. Ansem59 Chaser

    Sep 7, 2007
    twilight town mansion
    Racism exists for no reason at all... It is just... stupid... not everyone can get along... but it's trying to get along that helps... see, some wierd people don't try to get along, instead they just continue on being wierd and being racist for absolutly no reason at all! the fact that people are racist becuase of other people's skin color really ticks me off... Racism isn't tolerated by me... and most of the world also doesn't tolerate racism... (I think)
  9. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    negro is spanish for black altho i don't take spanish i kno that
  10. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Agreed. Racism, deals with many aspects of culture and even sometimes religion. There isn't a way to completely clear out racist subjects. Many racist people are just selfish and inconsiderate of other different skinned beings on this earth. People even kill other people that don't belong with their race, how ironic is that?
  11. Repliku Chaser

    Since this thread topic is already under discussion elsewhere I am going to merge this thread so that it will fit there and not just be a duplicate thread.

    However, racism occurs because it's more like an ethnicity and cultural issue. As some people mentioned, because others have different cultures and don't always just blend in well, it causes strife and friction. Race in itself doesn't exist but to say 'the human race' so I really don't use the term of race hardly ever. Cultural groups like to be identified and part of the process of group unity is finding something outside it to say 'this is why we don't do things -that- way" etc. Wars have been fought over beliefs, ideologies and differences of opinion, land etc. Racism just falls in as a thing that also causes groups of humans to mistrust other groups of humans. It can be overcome and a great many people have learned that color of skin is not important to knowing a person. However, this genuinely only tends to happen if people try to merge cultures and/or sink themselves into the alternate culture to understand the perspectives better and see why things exist as they do.

    I don't know if I can say 'racism' itself is always going to exist or not. I do believe it will endure for quite some time but it tends to go hand in hand with religious differences and the way people are raised which can at times contradict how others are raised. There are strong issues of anger with the past over cultural ideals and racism just is part of that. It's prejudice and a way for people to have an easy way out to define what they hate about someone or fear. Those who seek to educate themselves rise above it so we can be thankful for the thinkers of societies that do not just want to hate because someone is 'different'.
  12. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Brown is actually considered to be the Indian Race. :huh:
  13. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    ya it is but people are still races to them......
  14. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    And apparently Native Americans are Reds. That's why the Redskins's mascot is a Native American.
  15. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    well all i can say is im not racist like some people who don't give other people a chance
  16. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    The only race title I don't get is that Asians are Yellows. How does that work?
  17. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    what are you talking about that the Asians are yellow?
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Yeah, Asians get called 'yellows' but it doesn't make sense. Really, none of the colors make sense if you think about it.

    Whites - they have peach skin...olive complexions too.
    Reds - they have dark skin that is more bronze, dark tanned.
    Yellows - similar to reds...though they can have olive complexions too.
    Blacks - they have very dark skin but let's face it, they aren't 'black'. Also their tones vary too.

    In the end, none of these 'colors' are accurate and are just lame to have but that's how people wanted to classify others. I don't really use any of the terms if I can help it except for 'black' or 'white' because it's so darn common and both Caucasians and African Americans use them freely.
  19. tofuman Twilight Town Denizen

    May 11, 2008
    under a tree
    well of course no the whites could have dark skin some Mexicans can be white and some people have a sickness that has spots of different color on their body
  20. Axl777 Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 31, 2008
    Also our dumb hate towards other species, I mean look at the choices we give animals, if they are like a dog, it comes into anyones sight we take it and put it to sleep or we make it so it lives in our houses which is actually just a prison for them, not to mention we "fix" them, if they are like a cow we fatten then up THEN kill them, and if they are like a chicken we just shoot them, and no one gets concerned until they get endangered. I assure you the first thing that would happen if an alien were to come would be "OMG! Shoot it!."

    The sad sad truth though is prices of everything will keep going up until people begin to die, like any species, when overpopulation happens the resources begin to deplete and the only way for it to come back is for the species to die off. It is sad, but humanity is reaching its breaking point, and no "science" will be able to keep it from happening. And besides, though I don't talk about it much, I think we all have that feeling that something big is going to happen soon.