
Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Doukuro, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Sure." Ren said now just hearing his stomach growl. He never knew why but he had an uncanny ablility to ignore his stomach."I probadly have enough to pay for my cost."
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ivan breathed in deeply and folded his arms and cursed under his breath. They haven't been full Reapers for a day and they still have the nerve... He glanced over at the path he had opened up. This might be an interesting experience though if I let them come along. He stood silent, thinking over the situation. If he used force to get them all away there was no doubt the Master Reaper would know it was him and ask too many question...and for some reason, he found himself compelled to stay on her good side. "Fine, I suppose stopping you kids from coming along wouldn't be worth the effort. Just try not to overstep your boundaries and if I tell you all to make a run for it, just listen. Alright?" Ivan sternly said, knowing that The Arena was a dangerous place to be. It was even worse than the multitudes of times he stepped into several buildings marked with a Wolf...on purpose.

    OOC: Waiting for more people to post before posting as Aiden.
  3. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: I would post,but i'm still waiting on Andrew >.>
  4. Beau Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 11, 2009
    OOC: I already posted a pic of the room in the OOC thread. I thought you were going to take it from there. :P
  5. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Rhea opened her mouth to speak after Ash did, but closed her mouth when Ivan agreed to let them in. A smile crossed her lips as she stepped closer to Ivan, her eyes trying to peak through the open path. "So, what exactly is through there?" Once she was close enough, Rhea crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly, waiting on Ivan to go through. "Sounds like something bad if we have to run when you tell us to." She averted her gaze away from Ivan and looked at the wall that had just slid open.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ash grinned, he could feel Ivan's frustration at letting them come and by the sound of the cheers and his warning, he figured his careless words were pushing it but when Ivan agreed to let them come, he let his fake smile drop. Faking wasn't his style or something he liked making his face do. Edging closer to Ivan and the door, Ash pulled Kegan closer, as his Reaper he'd need her close by if they got into a fight.
  7. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Rin walked into the living room which was just down the hall and found a notepad. She then procceed to write a note and left it in plain sight. Upon returning to the group she smiled slightly, finding it still somewhat forced. But she was taught to be polite after all. "There, now everyone else will know where we're going...mostly, anyway." She turned on her heel and headed towards the door, opening it and stepping to the side as to hold it open for everyone to pass through. "Since none of us know our way around town... I guess we will just have to look around until we find someplace nice. And cheap." She added after mentally counting how much money she had on her. While she waited for everyone to come she looked outside, noticing that there were some clouds in the distance, but it was otherwise a sunny day. They would just have to hurry then.

    ooc - anyone left behind will be able to catch up. they haven't even left after all...
  8. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    "No need to worry about paying for me," said Shiki as he pulled a wallet out of the back pocket of his pants. Opening the wallet, he started to count the money that he had and then added, "I think I have enough money to pay for me and an extra so no need to worry about paying for everybody Rin." Looking out the window and noticing that the wind was starting to pick, Shiki zipped up his jacket and put his hands inside his jacket's side pockets. "So let's get going!"
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ivan pulled the doorway open further and peeked his head through, seeing a small hallway that would barely fit two people at a time if they walked through it. He stepped through the doorway and glanced over at the others. "Follow me...Into The Arena." He turned away from the group, heading forward towards the light at the end of the hall. As soon as Ivan stepped out he glanced over at a large crowd of people sitting around a circular room that gave the place the appearance of a small colosseum. In the center of the room was a cage made of thick bars going both vertically and horizontally, showing no signs of an entrance or exit to it. A short man in a black suit, almost human in appearance except for his small gray horns, popped up beside Ivan.

    "Who are they?" The man asked bluntly.

    "Don't worry about them. They're with me and they won't be around for the next meeting." With Ivan's reply, the man muttered something before turning to take his own seat. Hm...Maybe I can get one or two of them to get in a fight. That'll prove entertaining.

    Aiden was the first to step outside as he could feel his stomach bother him. It soon growled leaving Aiden glad that he had gotten out before the others heard. He turned over towards the opened door. "Come on guys, I'd like to get something to eat before I starve to death!"
  10. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Rhea cocked her head slightly, perking an eyebrow at Ivan's words. Arena? She quickly followed closing behind him, her eyes growing wide when she stepped out into the open. "Whoa..." she muttered, not even acknowledging the man beside Ivan. "This is amazing." Rhea took a couple more steps forward until she stood beside Ivan, wanting a slightly closer view to everything around them.

    Ruth tilted her head slightly as she stood behind Ivan and Rhea, placing a hand on her hip as she averted her attention towards the man that appeared suddenly. Her eyes narrowed, stepping a little closer towards Rhea, leaning forward. "I suggest you stay alert. Who knows what'll happen here," she whispered into her partner's ear.
  11. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kegan raised a slight eyebrow at the mention of the arena, so that's what this was. The place sounded dangerous so she was already alert and ready to react if anything happened. She glanced at her partner, taking a deep breath before she entered. She remained close to the others, not particuarly wanting to be alone and took in every slight detail of her unfamiliar surroundings, each thing she noticed created anoher five questions in the back of her mind, while her body tense and on edge.
  12. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    OOC: I have no idea where to go FROM there.
  13. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - please do not spam up the rp thread. Talk about this either through visitors messages or on the OOC thread. And I've been waiting for others to post but since it has been about a week or so now I shall come back to make an in character post later today.

    Rin saw a tree in their front yard but otherwise there was nothing but grass and the walk and drive ways. Past that there was a quiet street with houses like theirs lined among it on either sides. After figuring the door would stay open on its own she walked outside and towards the road. Once she was on the sidewalk she looked down either side, wondering which way they should go. "Hm... I think I saw some places that sold food on the way here. Shouldn't be a long walk."
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ash stored the name "Arena" in his memory, wishing he could question Ivan to learn what he could from the man, but observing would have to do. He followed Kegan, not wishing to leave his Reaper's side unprotected. The simple four words echoed in his head as he looked around at the Arena, 'I will please someone.' Would those words also work with Ivan? If he could please him, would it make him more willing to tell him about the Arena? Ash brushed his white hair from his eyes and slipped past Ivan, keeping his eyes moving through the crowds of people. The noise was defening and the smell of sweat and adrenaline tickled his nose. I think I'm alergic to adrenaline junkies. his dull thought would've made someone else laugh; Ash barely twitched.
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ivan stood still for a moment, watching the other Reapers and Scythes. They seem to be impressed. Ivan took in a deep breath and scanned the surrounding crowd for an open section for his group to sit at. He pointed over at a small portion that wasn't entirely filled with people--they weren't "people" exactly though--and said, "Follow me! I think the first match is gonna start soon!" He had to shout to get the others to hear him over the sounds of the crowd. He stepped forward and pushed his way through two large insect-looking things as he made his way to the benches.

    OOC: Eh. Short post.
  16. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Barely able to hear Ivan's words, due to the crowd and the distraction, Rhea turned her head towards Ivan to see him walking. She quickly returned her attention to the center of the room and made sure she followed closely after Ivan, slightly nervous due to the atmosphere. I wonder... A thought crossed her mind as she momentarily gazed towards Ruth, who has been following closely behind her, then to Ivan. She lightly shook her head, beginning to assume what she was thinking was a bad idea. For all I know, we could end up dead if I bothered asking. I still don't even know what exactly they do here. But by the looks of it... Her train of thought trailed off as she looked back towards the center of the room, curiosity beginning to boil up.
  17. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Kegan followed Ivan closely not wanting to get lost in this place, it was overwelming - everywhere you looked there was something going on, it would be impossible to keep track of everything. Curiousity filled her and she just wanted to know what was happening. There was people and all other kinds of supernatural species she'd never seen before. 'First Match' Ivan had said, was it a game or even a fight? She thought as she considered what a match could be. She grinned at her partner, living of the excitement.
  18. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - Terra's and Andrew's characters are partners then, if they are okay with it. I do not think I can post as Rin for the time being... Er, so if someone can go ahead and post something that's be awesome.
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "So which way do we go?" Ren asked seeing that Rin knew where to go. He really wasn't paying any attetion on the way here. As he said that his stomach began to growl soft enough that only he could hear it.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ivan took a seat in the benches, having pushed a few people back so that the others would have enough room to sit down. "Come on. The two are entering the ring." He motioned for the others to come closer before turning his attention towards the metal cage as two people, both appearing to be human(though they weren't), entered.

    "None of us know where we're going. ...So how exactly are we going to find a place to eat?" Aiden spoke curiously. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, hoping there would be some signs for the group to use in getting around.

    OOC: Short post is better than none!