I got back off holiday to find Woolworths gone and its only just hit me on how much I'm going to miss it in my town. What are your thoughts and feelings now that Woolies is gone? (If you don't know what Woolworths is don't bother posting)
To be honest, it hasn't really sunk in yet, I didn't shop there much over the past couple of years, but yes, it is a show of how bad things are getting. Before mostly it seemed to be smaller companies vanishing or chains that I had not even ehard of or ever visited before, but Woolworths :/ 27,000 people now without a job (I think thats the figure). Makes it even worse now that Marks and Sparcs have announced they are going to be cutting jobs down. The High Street is in **** creek.
Aw, yeah, it didnt really hit me until the other day when my great Aunt foolishly gave me a gift card for Woolworths for Christmas .___. I was like D: To be honest I never really went there much recently; but as a younger kid I'd go in there all the time with my babysitter and me and my sister would spend hours looking around. I miss those days. :V It's a sad day when all the small shop chains close D: Its bad here, because I live in quite a big city and the big shops dominate everything. They just better not close my local Spar >:3 I live off the icelollies they do there :'D
I sort've find it funny. I did a case study on the company only a few months back. I never really shopped there either, apart from buying their cheap DVD-Rs and CD-Rs which I'm going to miss so very much. ...Well, theres always tesco. 8333 Baa.
I almost had a fit when i heard this but it appears that they are currently closin' down some of the Simple Foods n' i think 2 of the larger stores in England. I could be wrong but it wouldn't surprise me if they closed some in Scotland. N' i happen to work in Marks n' Sparcs but luckily i'm part of a franchise for ScotRail n' not the main company. Still sucks that we don't get a discount >_>; but at least my job is safe. I was sad to see Woolies go. They had an AMAZIN' pick n' mix section! So much to choose from.
I never really shopped in Woolworth's tbh, but I always thought it was quite trampy =/ It closing however is definitely a sign of how bad things are getting. A lot of people loved that chain and then there's the 27,000 people out of work. I've been asked twice in the past week if my store is closing, and I work for Ireland's biggest retailer. Our store has 4 floors too and is in the city centre. Then again, there are the rumours that we are going to get bought out by Asda >.>
I wear a uniform. Means i don't have to decide what to wear everyday i work since i work in a giant freezer. xD N' it's provided for free. N' i've never liked Asda. I dislike the food, 'specially after there was cheese in my salt n' vinegar sticks. I didn't even get my money back. D:
We do wear a uniform in Dunnes, I just prefer it to the Asda one. It's going to end up with like 3 shops left on the high street, with the rest folding >_> The Competition Commission is going to have one heck of a job on its hands.
The woolies in my town got knocked down to build a NEW woolies with some flats and parkingspace and stuff... said it would be done in a year.. ...This was like.. 3 years ago... right now theres just a big hole in the ground.... and our small town is dead because of it. Other then the what 7 small shops theres nothing in our town anymore. :/
Thats kinda weird,they still have Woolies here. None of them are closing down,but this is in Australia. I cant imagine this place with out any ;___;