Earlier today I was riding on my bicycle when I crossed a street, having the right of way of course, and some crazy lady turned onto the street that I was crossing. She didn't even look and I nearly got run over! You can be sure that she got an earful of bike bell.
I feel your pain. Yesterday was just one bad driver after another on during day trip my aunt, mom, and I took for Mother's Day: I was on a 60 MPH highway, and an RV and and a car that was with it in front of me were slowing down because they were going to turn left, which was fine -- they weren't the bad drivers -- so I back off, and as soon as they're in the turn lane, I start getting back up to speed, when suddenly a pickup truck at a stop sign to my left just cut both me and the RV and car (who had the right of way) off royally, and I had to brake hard and ended up honking. Then later up the road, he suddenly slowed down and turned into a place, and not only did he take his sweet-ass time, but he also used a last-minute signal, so he got another honk, and he then had the audacity to honk back. Further down the highway, another vehicle ended up doing the same thing, except they could see me, and I just about had to move over to the shoulder because my mom thought I wasn't going to get slowed down soon enough and we were going to rear-end the person, and it wouldn't have been THEIR fault. They probably got about a 15-second honk. On our way back, we encountered and got stuck behind a motorcycle that was playing games with me and intentionally going five below or so. When we first ran into him, he was overdoing it coming up to a stop sign on a 55-MPH highway that turns into a 50-MPH highway after the stop sign. I tried to pass him, but there was a car coming, so I had to merge back over. I then unintentionally stopped too close to him at an intersection, and that's when the games began.
I don't think you quite feel my pain. Do you understand how hard it is to sound angry when the only noise you can make is this?
This happened to me once, although I didn't have a bell. The guy honked at me like it was my fault that he didn't stop on red before turning right, I had the Walk sign (I was on a bike, but still), and there's a big sign that said "Turning Vehicles Yield to Pedestrians." The guy had the audacity to honk at me so in lieu of ringing a bell, I flipped him off.