Question Time Question Time with P~

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Korra, Dec 18, 2011.

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  1. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    /sniff sniff

    Well...I forgive you...I guess...

    /sniff sniff
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Did you know that cow udders are actually nipples?

    Do you think it's a bad idea to be answering all these question at ungodly hours in the morning?

    Eh I guess impressions?
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I get the feelings that you are relatively intelligent, or at the very least, you have been on forums before. Your name is in the same vein as those that members change to once they realise that their initial ones were crap. To have picked such a name right off the bat demonstrates either intelligence or experience.

    Similarly, you have the foresight to acknowledge that I barely know you, so I will be unable to give a deep analysis of you. Almost ironically, that observation aids me in my impressions of you. I get the idea that you're able to look ahead and consider things, yet at the same time, you act anyway, which leads me to believe that you're either defeatist, pronouncing the venture worthless, or optomistic, choosing to act, even though you know the low chance of success.

    Please, for a moment, consider our positions here. You are a young woman, and I am a young man. You interrogating me on the formula to a sandwich is like a lion asking a mouse how to hunt, an eagle asking a groundhog how to fly, or Michael Phelps asking a paraplegic how to swim; it goes against all ideals of common sense, and the laws of nature herself. Your sole purpose in life is to create this nutrition-filled snack, while I am to consume, not question or understand it. To ask me about it is to directly challenge nature, and you should feel ashamed of yourself. You are a failure as a woman.

    Gotta say, I like the GBA. It can play the regular GB games, while giving me access to the GBA games. In this way, I get the wonders of the nostalgia of the GB's Pokemon and Zelda games, while I get the hi-tech, pretty graphics of the GBA. Also, I find the GBA's sprite graphics look a lot cleaner than the 3D schtick going on the DS and the ilk.

    If you meant consoles as in television, it's the Gamecube for sure. Not even the Wii. Just the Gamecube. Loved that thing. The controller, the games, the form factor, the really small discs. Everything was just... perfect. /blindedbynostalgia

    The one thing I have yet to see rule 34 of, which is kinda odd, considering that so many people liek them.

    Think back to ToD, and what sort of questions get thrown around then. They're usually fairly fun, no?

    Name is good. Easy to see who you are. You get +5 P-points.

    As a person, you seem somewhat reserved at times, but you're prone to surprising everyone with certain acts of silliness, usually ones involving mirrors. I also get the impression that you're emotionally unstable, or at the very least, prone to being overwhelmed with worry. Then again, I've seen you in a fair few stressful situations, so that's probably coloured my judgment. Having Heinlein on your case probably didn't help.

    That rumour is a bare-faced lie, and if I hear you spreading it around I will have you sued for slander.

    Oooh, tough. Strawberries if it's with something else, like cake or ice cream. If it's just a box of them on their own, I'll take cherries. We used to get huge boxes of them, just to be munched on throughout the day. 'Twas glorious.

    At this point in time, I have no comment to make. Needless to say, I did not have sex with that woman.

    I also have no idea what you're talking about.

    I honestly don't know too much about it. I support MaLARiA, but in a way, you and Makaze would also be a cute couple, especially considering the Heinlein dynamic. I'm not entirely sure about what your relationship to LARiA is, though. Judging from your communications with her here, it's not incredibly close.

    I had the questions all saved to a text document for easier formatting. Then the net died. I wasn't actually on KHV. (Then I was).

    You severely underestimate my ability to screw something up.

    Your hero? Now I'm blushing.

    Oddly persistent
    Initially unwanted
    Yet now is valued


    Presenting strange arguments
    Could he be crazy?


    Why does this guy
    Insist on changing his name
    It gets on my nerves

    In order:

    1. I'd say that you were spot on.
    2. I'd agree that it is a lovely word.
    3. I'd tell you that you spend too much time on a certain wiki.

    That won't be necessary. You will inevitably drift again. No, a far better solution would be to tell me your ICQ username. After all, if I wish to talk to you, surely it'd be easier for me to go to you, rather than waiting for you to come to me?


    Also, I now feel incredibly perverted for so much as looking at cows.

    I want to pioneer a bra for bovines. I think I will call it the Cow-bra.

    Considering that it is 2am and I am feeling fine albeit mildly tired, I think it is a wonderful idea and absolutely nothing can go wrong. At all.

    Very self-critical. Also worries about the impressions and views of others far too much. I imagine your blood-pressure being absurdly high. I kinda want to decapitate you, or at least cut off one of your hands, just to see the spurt of blood. I mean, it'd be like a firehose, or a water blaster. You could probably seriously injure someone with that sort of thing. You should register yourself as a dangerous weapon.
  4. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    You know what my first question is: impreshuns?
    Do you enjoy the re-arrange?
    How does it feel to be on the recieving end of QT for once?
  5. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Just as you are a failure of a man, and I wonder how you can go on living in such an utter state of disorder? Redirecting our views to not you, in where they would have rested, but to other people: women. In order to shield your many insecurities... It might fool the others but it certainly does not fool me, Harold, and I would think that after being married to you for 6+ years now, you would know to not openly deceive in my sight, as I know you better. So how has the cold concrete been treating you? Your newly arranged living quarters. You've no keys to our apartment, in fact you haven't for quite some time now; they are clutched between my scrawny fingers and at this very moment are in my palms. I jangle them in your front. Ha! A deep build-up of bitterness over a lifetime pent up. As your wife. Make no mistake... I am ashamed.

    I didn't mention it for I thought no one knew of ICQ, no one would have considered switching to that decrepit system. You are smart. But I also have a tendency to segregate contacts, there is no polite way to put this... Don't know if I'm interested. ICQ is reserved for the closest of friends, MSN is for the acquaintances and people who I might like to talk to one day, but who reside at the far end of my list of priorities. Yeah. Impolite. I've four contacts on ICQ, one being Makaze, two others you wouldn't know and that are scarcely ever on, and an offline friend. Don't know if you would be a welcomed addition... Or if anyone would be for that matter. Very strict in my contact segregation.

    Oh, fuck it, tell me when you've an account and I'll message you my number. This is silly, this contact segregation. To tldr it, I might have to deal with you or see you on a daily basis if I have you on ICQ, whereas with MSN avoidance would be as easy as not logging in. It is silly, silly. I'll message you my number a bit later, can't atm, on an iPad and haven't the number with me... Do you have an ICQ acc?
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    What. Laria, that's not that impolite. That's actually fairly normal I think. Heck I wish I could separate groups of different friends too. It always feels weird when there's a blending or diffusion of my different friends in the same place. And lols. I wish you wouldn't try to do that Pika. I'd like to keep all my body parts attached to me thanks. Regardless of how badly you want to see hypertension at its finest. Hmmm....let's see......

    Would you like to try a s'more sometime? (You can actually make one in the microwave. Though you have to be careful. Since marshmallows swell up when heated and apparently if they're too heated they turn hard like candy. Trust me I know.)

    Do you prefer reading manga or watching anime? Or other?
  7. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine

    Why did you chose to study latin?

    Did you ever get to solve that math homework?

    If I gave you a Thunderstone, what would happen?

    Favorite banned member?
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Cool guy with similar interests to me, along with a healthy dose of knowledge. I do, however, get a sense of veiled malice from you at times, in part due to your interactions with Makaze. How best to put it? I see you as similar to Kyrie from Umineko. Yeah, that works nicely. (BTW, you should read that. At least up to EP7.)

    Yes. It pretty much went according to the initial plan, so I have no complaints. I do think some of the descriptions are a bit off though. Too many exclamation marks and the like. IIRC, Jayn was going to redo them. Or at least, she was supposed to. B|

    Fun, but hindered by the question limit, and the lack of me not being an asker. I half-wanted to be asked fifty inane questions in a single post, as I did to others in the past.

    God dammit woman. There you go again, spouting your mouth off again, not paying any heed to your place in society. It earns you no favours in this life. You see the scorn in their eyes, don't you? The neighbours judge your outbursts and your ill-thought-out declarations of independence. By deriding me, you merely drag yourself down, for as a woman's status is defined by her man, your reputation is reliant on me. If you oust and crticise me in the view of others, you are also damaging yourself. This is why women are in the place they are, as childbearers and housekeepers, instead of doing something great; you cannot think your actions through, and are impulsive. As soon as I regain entry to my rightful abode, mark my words, you will regret your actions. I will make sure of it.

    You're beginning to remind me of HHD and Heinlein, what with all this secrecy. The sheer frankness of it is still very much amusing. "Not sure if I'm interested." All the tact of an out-of-control train.

    If you get sick of my face, you can always just block me.

    My number is...

    jegus fuck you need a number? What is this shitty client? I get that you're a bit odd, but isn't this akin to using a surfboard to get around on the sidewalk?

    Whatever. Number is 629965326.

    Explain. Now. How does one s'more?

    Anime is easier to follow, but manga is easier to read fast. Ideally, I'd use VNs, in which I can read fast, but still get what's going on. Then again, with VNs, there's a ton of filler/extra stuff. I just can't win.

    Pretty cool guy. I don't think I've ever seen you get angry or anything, which is odd. You always seemed far too mature to be on the site. At least, that's the impression I've always had: the idea that your passtimes would include serious, manly things, like drinking beer and whisky, and rescuing busty ladies from burning buildings.

    I also find it impossible to imagine you as a 12 year old.

    The choice was Latin or history. You can only do latin in subsequent years if you took it previously, while history can be picked up anytime. In order to keep my options open, I took Latin. Then I couldn't justify dropping it, as I'd already spent a year on it. Then I'd spent two years on it. And so on. I swear there's a flaw in my logic somewhere, but for the life of me, I can't see it.

    Yes. However, the exams are now over, so I have completely forgotten everything about mathematics. I know nothing at all.


    Oh, tough one. I don't know too many banned members. (At least, not ones that didn't return.) I guess I'll say Kintaro.
  9. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    I've no tact, shamelessly I admit... but cut me some slack for being brutally honest, at the very least. Right...? And I am not overly secretive. Not like HHD and Heinlein, I have only two accounts and damn it, it is not so bad as them. I want to think.

    Is it inconvenient for you? But you did volunteer, I'll have you not forget. These piffling inconveniences you subject yourself to... you asked for it practically. I am paralyzed from the waist and down, and I will gladly stick to paddling on my surfboard, arms outstretched. Adding you now, Harold.
  10. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    - Impressions?
    - Do you think Kim Jong-un will be a better ruler of North Korea than Kim Jong-il?
    - How old are you now anyway?
    - Do you find grammatical errors annoying?
    - If I published a book, would you read it?
    - How come you've never had QT before?
  11. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    He has had it before, I am fairly certain that I remember seeing it. many, many questions.

    What is your greatest fear? Why do you fear it?
  12. cloud's buddy Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 10, 2007
    Original impressions?

    Current impressions?
  13. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71

    Are you ready to admit that Vriska's dead forever?
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Most intelligent member currently on the forum, I'd wager. Or at least, probably the one I have the most respect for. At the same time though, I haven't had any prolonged conversations with you that I immediately recall, so it's possible that my impressions are based on only a few posts of yours, and by extension, only a few instances of 'you'. If I were to talk to you more, I imagine my impressions of you would change.

    If by 'better', you mean for the people of North Korea, then no, definitely not. He's coming into a dictatorship, and one reminiscient of Stalinist Russia, at that. Even worse, it's essentially a monarchy, meaning there's little chance of Jong-un deciding to try to pull a reform and embrace freedom. He will attempt to maintain the status quo, I'll wager. That said, he's young, and he will have to prove his worth somehow. He needs to demonstrate that he's a fit leader. I imagine this will be done through war, probably with South Korea, or worse, via fear. In any case, things are not looking up for the North Koreans.

    For Korea on a global level, as a country, he may lead it to greatness. More likely though, he'll allow his father's rule to crumble, and overreach his bounds, sparking the eventual fall of North Korea.

    Still old enough to procreate, but not to watch pornography.

    Incredibly so, unless done ironically, for humourous purposes.

    If I could find a way of easily shipping it to NZ for a reasonable price, yes. If, however, I could not, I would try to pirate it. If that were to prove too difficult, I would not read it, no. In all other cases, if I have access to this hypothetical book, I will read it.

    I have never been nominated before, primarily because I did not prompt anyone to do so. This time around, someone nominated me of their own volition, so here I am.

    I don't believe I have, but if I did, please do show me. My memory is not so good, especially when it comes to previous years. I imagine that even if you do search, you will find nothing due to the forum's broken search tables.

    Time. No matter what you love, time will eventually steal it away from you. Posessions will crumble, people will die, moments will pass, memories will fade, life will move on and death will await. Time is inescapable and utterly inexorable. It is also the basis of our entire existence.

    Oh look, it's some new member with a KH-based, non-capitalised name. How dull.

    You're not annoying, not stupid and you don't really get in the way or anything like that. At the same time though, I can't really think of any way to describe you. You seem to be a bit of a non-entity.

    Don't take it personally though. My derision of your existence is probably due to not really having talked to you. I'll try to find out more about you next time I see you around, so as to fill this void in my mind.

    oh jesus

    To put it in perspective, imagine my impressions of people as pieces of paper. Most people, for my impressions of them, have an image or a picture on their piece of paper. Some are more complex than others. In the case of Cloud's Buddy, it's almost blank. In your case, the picture has been drawn and erased so often, the paper has been crumpled and ripped from the erasers. Both sides have been used and reused, and in my efforts to form an impression, I went completely insane and scribbled all over everything in permanent marker.

    If by 'dead' you mean 'almost definitely returning in the next few updates', certainly.
  15. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I don't remember, really. Just that you responded in a thread with one or two huge posts like this, seemingly answering questions. Reminded me of QT, assumed it was the first one I had seen.

    What was this about errors?
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Ah. You mean the thread in which I quoted everyone and replied to all of them?

    Yeah, that was just me messing about. Not QT or anything. Sforzato does it too, IIRC.

    I think I am doing rather splendidly, considering that I have yet to install a proper spellcheck into this browser.
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