Question Time with Forsaken~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Princess Luna, Jan 3, 2010.

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  1. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Well, well, well...I know he's been waiting for a LONG time for this moment. And he's got it by a landslide! Though he may not know it yet, but he's been my bitch slave uhh...servant since he was born! Hell YES Forsaken gets all the attention for this week! He's under MY command to answer every question in a sexy way so let's get it started, and don't let a moment go by! Like, totally violate him with the question! NOOOOWWW!!!

    Go! Go!! Go!!! Go!!!! Go!!!!!

    Rules, Rules, Rules~

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regular basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. Maximum amount of questions asked to the member under the spotlight is 20. Once that member has answered you may ask more. If you're seen askin' too many questions you may be excluded from the followin' weeks vote.

    Have funz toots~
  2. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Thing one or thing two?
  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    First impression?

    Impression now?

    You loves me yus?

    Have fun~
  4. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    If someone came at you with a sausage to attack you, what would you do?
  5. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    I thought Forsaken had already been one of the chosen ones. Why not pick some random member? You know, maybe someone we barely even know?

    Edit: Forgot to ask a question? Mkay, what's 2 + 2?
  6. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Thing two.
    But Thing one does comes close. It just needs a bit of tuning.

    Wow, that girl sure is insane. She is pretty nice though.

    Wow, that girl sure is insane, and she has everyone fooled that she's an innocent person, while she is in fact the biggest troll on KHV and she's trying to ruin people's lives here. But she's also quite an epic member. And she's still pretty nice though.

    This much <---------------------------------------------->

    Engage in an epic sausage fight.

    I did have one, but that was back in 2007, and many people had another one. Besides that, check the premium section for clarification on the Question Time. It's nominations.

    2012. Coincidence no?

    You're actually a cool kid, but you can be randomly annoying at times. I mean, for no reason. Just watch what you say sometimes and you'll be fine o;
  7. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    Will you become one with Russia?

    First Impressions.(And I mean first. Like...Ancient First Impressions.)
  8. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    If a tree in a forest falls on you, does anyone hear you scream?
  9. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    How much wood would Woodchuck chuck if the Woodchuck could chuck wood?

    What letter comes after z?
  10. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Why is a building called a "building" even when it has already been built?
  11. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    How does it feel to have two question times?

    Awesome right?
  12. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    I've been suggesting it with my superiors, but they keep saying that joining Russia will be our ultimate fall. Something about a certain freezing war that keeps on going for a few decades, dunno.

    Psh, the ancient one? It's hard to remember that far back. I remember you as Saix, and I can't forgot how you bonded with the Intelligent Section. I kept thinking "Oh, he's pretty smart, it's too bad he's not that social." ('He' because I thought you were a guy, just as everyone else did ._.) But I thought you were pretty damn cool too.

    Only if the wind blows and the sea is quiet~~~
    Err, I mean, no probably not <_<

    As much as he wants to.

    The Mysterious letter of kō. People haven't discovered it yet, but that letter could end war because of it's mystery and power.

    Because the word 'building' can be either a verb or a noun.
    When the term 'building' is used in the context, 'he is building it', then the word is a verb. An action is happening.

    When it is used in the context, 'look at that building', the word is a (common) noun. It's the name of something.

    This means that the meaning of the word 'building' is context dependent, therefore there isn't a relation between the noun and verb form.
    Hence, the fact a building has already been built has absolutely nothing to do with its name.

    Psh, you should know this stuff silly.

    It's awesome. It's like the same feeling of sleeping with two women at the same time o:
  13. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    What came first? The rooster or the egg?

    Did anything interesting happen in the three months I was gone?
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Which would you rather have in your mouth:

    A scrotum
    A penis
    A broken rotten egg
  15. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine

    Cloning came first. Why do you think we have so many chickens?

    Right after your disappearance, strange events started happening. Random people started to disappear with you, while others have been turning into strange creatures. Horrible creatures that would howl in the night and keep us all awake. After a while, it came to our attention that RvR had started these experiments. He had lost hope in the current state of KHV and decided to start a new one. This went on for several weeks, and our fight with him was brutal. After the last fight, which happened a few days ago, we finally had reached his tower of doom, only to find out that he was playing Xbox 360 and had left his experiments in charge with Kairi_Namine. Certain things happened in that tower that I would never want to explain again. But maybe for another time my dear. Yes, another time.

    I'll take the broken rotten egg, thank you.
  16. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    wow o.o?

    Can you draw my portrait haha?
  17. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    Are you sure?
    Didn't feel like it to me.
    Although i have never had sex with two women at the same time.
  18. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    I no right?

    Here you go :D
    As I said, it sucks.

    When I think of you I think of that picture with you and your friend with hogwarts look-alike costumes ._.
    The hat is saying "Griffindor!" and you're saying "But I wanted Slitherin! D:"

    I'm pretty sure, and it's the same feeling. So if you got two Question Times you know how having sex with two women is.
  19. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007

    Everyone thinks we look like Harry Potter, when we actually dressed up fancy to see the fireworks haha! Love the pic, made me smile.

    Will I ever get a question time? *sigh*
    Have you noticed that Slytherin has slither in it?
  20. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    I hope so o: That way I can annoy you. (Not that I mean you're annoying me right now <_<)

    Yes, I have.
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