Question Time Question Time with Catch the Rain~

Discussion in 'The Playground' started by Korra, Apr 24, 2010.

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  1. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Ok I'm going to start replying now, shall post when I have answered, just thought I better say I am paying attention cause people keep asking me if I realise its my week xD;;;
  2. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    And guys, try to remember the question asking rule; don't overload her with questions.
  3. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Wolfie it's CtR, what did you expect? :v

    And to not make this spammy:
    Favorite movie of all time?
  4. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I'd ask impressions but it seems to be even more of a repetitive question than usual here. o:

    Favourite cheese?
    Favourite beach?
    Have you ever played competitive frisbee?
    How do you feel about the fact there is only roughly 66 miles between us?
    Are you a fan of butterscotch?
    Would you hug me if I turned up at your doorstep? D:
  5. raceing227 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 26, 2010
    Is that ball-thing in your profile pic a bakugan?
  6. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Yes, I know it's CtR, but derp there are rules for this.

    So right now I'm gonna ask that there be no more questions until she's able to answer.
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Prepare for Giant Post o:

    1) At first I thought you were really calm and collected, I remember you mainly because your forum family was a rival of my forum family and we were all jealous of how organised you guys were xD I thought you seemed like fun, but you were mature too (Kadaj council :b )

    Now I think of you as one of the closest people to me in my life full stop. I think you’re intelligent and incredibly caring, though I do sometimes think you are very quick to react and you’ve inherited my temper. You’re hard working but I think you need to learn to say no more <3 you’re one of the best friends I could have asked for.

    2) Easy, spaniel collie cross, like my old dog <3

    3) Hmmm I think probably this one actually o: Linkage

    4) Because MSN is a dickface that is jealous because it doesn’t have any friends of its own.

    1) Three

    2) To be honest, at first I really didn’t like you, I mainly remember when you faked your death and posted pretending to be your aunt, though I always admired you, you always seemed very confident, and a lot of fun. Then I grew to actually really like you, then last summer, I really, really disliked you because of some drama and **** that happened that you got involved in. After we sorted all that (which I am still super happy about) I think you’re amusing, you have a good sense of humour and you’re fun. You’re also intelligent, more so than you show. I think you're pretty alright <3

    3) I can indeed, but if I tell you I’d have to kill you.

    1) You already know, but you were rather intimidating when I first came across you, for some reason you scared me. Now though I think you’re amazing. You’re funny, so super sweet, and intelligent. I do think you’re too nice for your own good though, sometimes I think you need to stand up to people more, but that’s more because I dislike people taking advantage of you.

    2) sfpuaaf <3 multiply it by infinity and add 9 and you still wouldn’t come close to understanding <3

    3) No we don’t, your kind are destroying the language, it is ironic when a country so consumed with obesity and overweight people is more concerned with slimming words down :v

    4) I actually didn’t even think about it, :b I was expecting the question, sfpml<3

    1) It is because I am always set to invisible mode :b

    2) Yes I am ^^

    3) Because I cannot bring myself to part with it, it is my baby Levi and I love it <333

    1) When I first came across you I adored you, I thought you were lovely, and I remember you repped me once and I was ecstatic because Kitty M had given me a rep xD Now, I still think you’re a very caring person, even when you and I weren’t getting along you were always there for me if I needed someone to talk to. I really respect that. I think you’re a strong person, and a very loyal one. It sounds like I’m sucking up, I’m really not, it hasn’t been an easy road for either of us to get to this point in our relationship, but it has made me respect you a lot more.

    2) I would knock them off their horses with a really big series of logs tied to ropes, it is so simple they would never see it coming, then I’d just lock them all up in little cages, I have enough to spare. Either that or laugh and eat popcorn (sweet not salty)

    1) I thought you seemed like a pleasant guy, very polite and friendly, though I did think you got annoyed very fast when people kept asking you to repeat where you came from :b

    2) Yes, and you are my bro

    3) Because there are a lot of people here who don’t like me, some of have even posted in this thread, it isn’t that I am being negative, it is just life.

    4) It depends entirely on the flavours of both, but I do love ice-cream all the time, whereas pizza I only like some of the time <3

    1) I never really thought much about you other than the fact that I thought you had really great taste in music and that you seemed like a fun guy. Now I think you’re rather awesome, you have a good sense of humour and you really care about the people you are close to which I find lovely to see. My opinion on your music taste hasn’t changed except now I KNOW you have really great taste in music. My main impression of you now is that you’re hard to figure out. You keep surprising me.

    2) Oh god I can’t answer that, I like way too many to be able to name a favourite D:

    3) You have no idea how much I do. It sounds lame but I really do.

    4) Lime green or sea blue <3

    5) No, I’ll teach you to play a real sport, hockey

    6) 2007, easily

    7) Neither o:

    8) I actually don’t to be honest, too full of ****** adverts and DJs full of their own ****

    9) Gah, I can’t answer these either, I know I’ll end up missing out a band I adore but forget. I’ll put the first that comes to mind

    70s: Blue Oyster Cult

    80s: Bon Jovi (shut up I don’t care if it is clichéd)

    90s: Blur :’D so much fuuuuuuuuuun

    2000s: Hmmm I actually seriously can’t answer this one >.< I have spent 10 minutes trying to figure out who I am happy with putting in. This century is awkward, the music industry is being invaded by reality talent shows crapping over everything but there is also a lot of up and coming potential.

    1) At first I thought you were a lot older than what you are, you came across as very reserved and calm, it was refreshing in comparison to some other members at that time. You just got on with things and kept out of drama. Now I still think the same except I also have come to learn you have a good sense of humour and a really unique taste in music. I do think sometimes you are a bit unforgiving and that you have a tendency to hold people to their mistakes and past long after it has gone by. Sometimes you seem more British to me than American, but I don’t know why.

    2) I randomly found it one day >> and I have been in love with it ever since x3

    3) ...heh it is because I am weirdly OCD in making sure my profile colours, mood colours and sig heart colours all match ._. which sometimes means I spend up to half an hour playing around to get it just right.

    1) That you were sweet, a nice kid, you were one of the few people I RPed with xD

    2) I think you’re super talented, and underappreciated, you always seem to be happy and nothing seems to phase you.

    3) Because

    4) Already answered <3

    5) None, I think they all need to die

    6) Uhhhhhhh ****, I can’t pick just one, uhm, Cowboy Bebop

    7) FFX followed extremely closely by Odin Sphere

    8) Indeed <3 that is the point after all :b

    9) To prove to us that we really don’t have control as much as we would like to believe, mother nature likes to put us in our place every now and then

    10) Probably because of drama and people being busy all the time now ‘cause of exams and stuff.

    11) Shhhh its horrible D:

    13) Yes I did, it is why I leave you little notes on my wall for you to read <3

    14) I did :b I just thought you had made a mistake

    15) Because you are random and amusing

    16) Because KHV is a doofus ;-;

    1) I thought you were a huge noob, and pretty clueless, but now I think you are quite responsible. You’ve grown up a lot and I find you more mature now, I do think you stress yourself out far too easily though, sometimes I think you would benefit from stepping back from situations and remembering to breathe <3 I have a lot of respect for you and how you are dealing with the hand that life has dealt you, especially lately.

    2) Cake, definitely

    3) Uhm red wine makes me aggressive, white wine makes me feel dehydrated and beer makes me feel sick because it is gross, so none of them :b

    4) I don’t have o: just lots of people I like

    5) History all the way <3

    Ok, thats the first 10 done, I'll do the others now @_@
  8. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    how are you?
    favorite thing in the whole world?
    do you know that your voice is super awesome? :/gasp:
    have you ever answered the phone saying "what?" instead of "hello"?
    do you miss being admin?
    do you like pancakes?
    favorite FFX character?
    favorite time of day?
    dance party? yes? no? c:

    if someone already asked one of these, sorrry. i didnt look through the whole thread lol.
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Again, please stop asking questions until CtR's gotten around to answering all the previously asked ones.
  10. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) I have 845926734578634978569 of them in my closet

    2) Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me, is there anyone home?

    3) No thank you, I don’t like them D:

    4) No, today is the day for your unicorn horn surgery.

    5) Easily avoidance: I have never met one :b

    1) As I told you before once, I was a little bit unsettled by you, you seemed very distant for some reason, I was shy about talking to you. Now I adore you, I find you funny and intelligent, and you have a really refreshing personality. I realise now that you weren’t distant, you are just extremely confident, or at least that is the impression I get :b

    2) I would love to, I miss it D:

    3) D: you can’t make me choose, I love all three ;-;

    4) I can’t say, some would be disappointed and some would be scared, you make the list though <3

    5) Yes and no, sometimes I miss it, but on the flip side, it wasn’t worth it. The **** I got from a variety of people and the stress outs from trying to drag the site through crap wasn’t worth it, plus when you have to stay up for like 3 days straight because you’re banning sex bots, the high of being able to ban soon wears off. I miss being able to actually get things done most of all to be honest. I know I’ll never be allowed back on staff though, so I don’t see the point in holding on to missing it.

    6) Honestly? With 1 being the least, I would have to say it is a pretty low number. The main reason I am still here is for the sake of friendships and because of how big a part this place has played in my life in the past three years

    7) Yes you are

    8) You visit me and take me lizard shopping of course o:

    9) Hmmm I’ll let you know when I’ve visited a few more ^^

    1) I don’t know you well enough to have really developed my opinions on you, but I think you appear to be nice enough, you don’t take **** from anyone and I think that’s admirable

    2) Yes, I have o:

    3) I am doing so now D:

    1) I liked you because you reminded me of Jube whom I adore to pieces. Though I found you a bit scary D:

    2) I think you are fantastic, you’re one of my favourite members and I miss you when you randomly disappear for ages on end. I am also jealous of your skills in writing.

    3) I wasn’t, I am honoured o:

    4) Clearly because you are in love with me and wanted to see if I returned the feeling so we could run away and live in a castle with a moat and pet dragons <3 /fantasy

    5) Only all the damn time

    6) Alliteration

    7) Obliteration, no contest

    8) Absinthe after a long week of determination

    9) Atypical

    10) Can’t go wrong with apple

    11) Can't have one without the other :b

    12) That would be lovely

    13) I would but I left my phone on your table when I left this morning

    1) That is classified, but it isn't the contents of your Recycle Bin

    2) Baby don’t hurt me *shot*

    3) Yes I do, horribly so

    4) 5 years is far too short a time frame, it needs to be done gradually starting with the generation coming up now, I think one of the best ways would be to reduce the numbers of people dropping out of school and having babies to avoid working or because they have nothing else to do. That especially applies to the UK since the government hands out a hell of a lot of money every year to help families, which for some families is really deserved, but there are other families that have upwards of 10 kids just because it gives them a really rich lifestyle and they don’t want to work. Get the education system to teach about safe sex and the use of contraceptives, too many schools focus only on things like puberty and why they shouldn’t have sex. They’re gonna **** regardless of whether school tells them not to, so I think sex education as a whole needs to be looked at.

    5) No, he was the kind of leader that Germany WANTED, not what they NEEDED.

    6) If death doesn’t die, death only affects the living.

    7) know I have never actually looked.

    8) No, that’s ok, I’d rather not D:

    1) Hmm Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural, Destination Truth, Ghost Adventures, Fairly Odd Parents, as for animes, the list is way too extensive, I’ve pretty much really loved every anime I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot.

    2) Yes, very much, it is also one of my favourites to cook, followed by Hungarian food

    3) I don’t anymore ;-;

    4) Not as many as I have forum brothers and sisters, but I got lost after 7 >>

    5) Lime green or sea blue ^^

    6) I was 19, which is painfully embarrassing when I see my old posts and I can now (looking back) fully understand why a lot of people thought I was only about 14.

    1) The longer the better

    2) Pot noodle, especially chicken <3

    3) Tough one >.< hmm I will go with books; nine times out of ten the movie version can destroy something.

    4) Pens, it always looks neater and prettier, especially if it is with fountain pens

    5) I prefer a cross bow myself

    1) You used to really piss me off, and I always got the impression you didn’t like me. I always thought of you as being one of those people who follows along with a crowd just to ride on the back of the drama. Now though my opinion has changed, you’re actually pretty quiet, and you’re actually a lot of fun, and you’re definitely your own person. It’s a shame you got caught when we were both Kira, I get the idea you would have been an excellent partner.

    2) Yes, I want a real life one ;-;

    3) Jigglypuff >_> can’t resist

    4) Reality derp :b

    1) You just reminded me of a hypello xD

    Ok, my first impression of you was that you were shy, and that you had this really big act of confidence that you tried to keep around you to hide how shy you were. I found you adorable and you made me smile. Now you are one of the people I class as real family, you are very loyal, very sweet, and very caring and you are so much fun to talk with. You have an incredible imagination.


    3) I am happy at the moment yes <3

    4) I shall hold you to that :glomp:

    5) We track them down and we annihilate them

    Yush, you better, I miss you D:

    1) I thought you were lovely, but I did think you were a girl D: now I still find you lovely but I also find you to be rather funny, sharp and thoughtful, and I love that that you play along with my imagination, besides, you’re gonna help me take over the world <3

    2) I do bite my thumb sir

    3) Maybe, but keeping a hold of me is harder o:

    4) More than 7 but less than 30 :b

    5) Of course you can, as long as you babysit sometimes <3

    6) Hmm I am not sure actually, a few things have happened that have been positive for me in the long run.

    That would have to be Practical Magic :b or Green Mile

    xD yeah it is the same in all question times now, I don't mind though ^^

    1) Edam, has been ever since I was little

    2) Cove's Haven, it is this beach on the island where my grandma lives and it is so lovely and beautiful and just amazing, and the seals like to come up on the rocks.

    3) I have not o: I shall have to look into it

    4) It is weird, I always think of internet people as being really far away, so it is odd to think you're so close.

    5) Yes, very much so, omnomnom <3

    6) Of course ^^ though I would probably be really shy xD;;;

    Nah, it is a part of the intro to FFX, its Blitzball <333
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    The glass, Half empty of half full?
    Hope, Real or not?
    If you had to save either a Lawyer or your Mother in law, would you have lunch or go to a movie?
    Would you take the million dollars? or go for what's behind curtain number 2?

    Sorry DPWolf I really need to read further back in threads..
  12. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) At first I thought you were a really friendly, super sweet little thing but with a lot of hidden confidence issues. Then I came to take a disliking to you, in a big way, I don't even remember why now, just so many people were saying so many things and I got completely lost in what was being said. As with Reptar my dislike for you increased when you were involved in the drama last summer, but now I've grown to like you. I think that you have calmed down and really come into your own. You're more confident and you're more fun, you don't worry so much about trivial matters and you definitely have more of a backbone. As with Kitty, it was a really hard path that you and I came along to get to where we are now, but I wouldn't change it, I think the differences we had helped me come to see you as the confident and composed girl I see you as now.

    2) I am very well thank you for asking <3

    3) Hmm, my family and the people I care about, so I guess my loved ones ^^

    4) x3333 thankyou, people keep saying that, but I actually really hate my voice D: and most things to do with me D:

    5) No, but I have answered the phone once saying "**** off" because I thought it was an ex phoning back to continue an argument, it was actually my cousin D:

    6) Sometimes, but only because I miss being able to get things done, in the end, it really wasn't worth it. I'm much happier being off staff, especially knowing what I know now.

    7) I do x33 especially with lemon and sugar

    8) Evening when the sun is starting to go down but it hasn't quite, and everything is that lovely golden kind of colour and its so lovely x3 Its even better in the summer

    9) Lulu, hands down x333 or maybe Wakka D:

    10) Lets do it Bl
  13. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Alright, questions can be asked again, just try not to go overboard.

    If given the chance, would you make Mando armor too?
    Why do we have so many similarities?
    Place you'd like to go on a vacation?
  14. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    1) I'm more concerned with who drank half my drink D:

    2) Very definitely real <3

    3) Movie and THEN lunch :3

    4) I'd take the million dollars, way too big of a gamble

    5) 24

    1) I would have to say no, I'd feel like I was intruding and I'd feel like an outsider ;-;

    2) Because you are my daughter, I swear somehow, we are related, we have to be

    2) America <3
  15. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Nah, the groups accept pretty much anyone, hell, you wouldn't even have to be part of a group if you didn't want to be. xD

    Yeah, at this point it's a little ridiculous. >>

    Awesome. B|

    Favorite video game (or series) aside from SquareEnix games?
    What is your opinoin on cheese?
    Opinion on this?
    Why have I watched that at least three times straight?
  16. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    1. xD to the girl part

    What is your impression on impressionism?

    2. Do you quarrel, sir?

    3. O:
    I'm going to try anywaaay :3

    4. That's still a high number. Do you know who the father is?
    ...Is it spdu-

    5. Who would cause the most trouble for me? I am not afraid to use my catapult...belt B|
  17. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    What's your first impression of me? and what do you think of me now?
  18. Alex856 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 3, 2009
    I'm Venezuelan, So what? You got a Problem?
    1) Yeah, That's Basically me ^^.
    And by People you mean Forsaken Right >.>
    He made me Repeat it like 6 Times u_u

    2) D'awwww ^^

    3) true dat.

    Impressions Now? (I'm Original Aren't I? >.>)

    Do I Remind You of Anyone, be it IRL or not? ^^
  19. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Come on now, I hear you're feeling down?

    Pink Floyd is ftw.
  20. raceing227 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 26, 2010
    Do you like the pokemon Mantyke?
    Do I start my homework now, or should I just have fun here and leave it for the last minute?
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