Question Time ::: ~Amber~

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Princess Luna, Jul 3, 2008.

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  1. Vex123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2006
    OK, get readY!

    *cracks knuckles*

    What was your 1st impression of me?

    Do i talk too much?

    Why did Neku think your Questions were perverted?

    Why did i capitilize the q in that last question?

    If 2 rabbi's walk into a bar, do they get the irony of that?

    If you debra, and jolea walk into a bar, will you have fake ID?

    Which Blue's Clue's host did you like better, Steve or Joe?

    Would you join the staff if they sked you to?

    Are my questions too easy?

    Why dont i have a DS?

    Where did i put my deodorant?

    If E=MC^2, then what does F?

    Has shiki asked you any questions?

    Did that last question tip you off that im running out of questions?

    Am i hungry?

    Should i ask anymore questions?

    Does this question agree with your answer?

    What type of cookie did i invent?

    If the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain, does that explain why i have a literary problem?

    Will you laugh at my voice on the podcast?

    Have you heard about the podcast yet?

    Do you think im bored?

    Will you take this as a dirty question?

    Are you emo?

    Can you tell im just spouting off a bunch off crap now that ive run out of questions?

    Am i gonna finish with this next question?

    What is einstein's mother's name?
  2. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    [MARQUEE]I PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE . . . :sleep: You are all welcome to flame and hate me to your liking. ^_^-[/MARQUEE]

    Where were you 3 hours ago?

    Have you ever eaten a crayon?

    Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

    When is the last time you went to the mall?

    Are you wearing socks right now?

    When was the last time you drove out of town?

    Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

    Are you hot?

    What was the last thing you had to drink?

    What are you wearing right now?

    Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?

    Last food that you ate?

    Where were you last week at this time?

    Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

    When is the last time you ran?

    What's the last sporting event you watched?

    What is your favorite animal?

    Your dream vacation?

    Last person's house you were in?

    Worst injury you've ever had?

    Do you miss anyone right now?

    Last play you saw?

    What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

    What are your plans for tonight?

    Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?

    Next trip you are going to take?

    Ever go to camp?

    Were you an honor roll student in school?

    What do you want to know about the future?

    Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

    Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

    Where is your best friend?

    How is your best friend?

    Do you have a tan?

    What are you listening to right now?

    Do you collect anything?

    Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

    Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

    Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

    Are made of cookie dough with chocolate chips? xO

    What does your last text message say?

    Do you like hot sauce?

    Last time you took a shower?

    Do you need to do laundry?

    What is your heritage?

    Are you someone's best friend?

    Are you rich?

    What were you doing at 12AM last night?

    Do you have any pets?

    Do I need a life, aside from asking you random questions?

    What color shirt are you wearing?

    Name three things that are physically close to you:

    What is the last book you read?

    Do you think you can bee the over-achiever like you want to be, or will you procrastinate some more?

    What's your favorite sport?

    Do you enjoy sleeping late?

    What's the weather like right now?

    Who tells the best jokes?

    What was the last thing you dreamt about?

    Do you believe in karma?

    Do you believe in luck?

    Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up?

    Do you collect anything?

    If so, what?

    Are you proud of yourself?

    Are you reliable?

    Have you ever given money to a bum?

    Are you a hobo with a cherry on top?

    What's your favorite food?

    Have you ever had a secret admirer?

    Do you like the smell of gasoline?

    Do like to draw?

    What's your favorite invention?

    Is your room messy?

    What do you like better: oranges or apples?

    Do you give in easily?

    Are you a good guesser?

    Can you read other people's expressions?

    Are you a bully?

    Have you even been bullied?

    What time did you wake up this morning?

    What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

    When was the last time you showered?

    What do you plan on doing tomorrow?

    What will you do for the 4th of July?

    What's your favorite day of the week and why?

    Do you have any nicknames?

    Have you ever been scuba diving?

    What's your least favorite color?

    Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about?

    If yes, who?

    Would you ever go skydiving?

    What toothpaste do you use?

    Do you enjoy challenges?

    What's the worst injury you have had?

    What's the last movie you saw?

    What do you want to know about the future?

    What does your last text message say?

    Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to?

    What's your favorite school subject?

    What's your least favorite school subject?

    Would you rather have money or love? [think this through, evaluate and answer]

    What is your dream vacation?

    What is your favorite animal?

    Do you miss anyone right now?

    What's the last sporting event you watched?

    Do you need to do laundry?

    Do you listen to the radio?

    Where were you when 9/11 happened?

    What do you do when vending machines steal your money?

    Have you ever caught a butterfly?

    What color are your bed sheets?

    What's your ringtone?

    Who was the last person to make you laugh?

    Do you have any obsessions right now?

    Do you like things that glow in the dark?

    What's your favorite fruity scent?

    Do you watch cartoons?

    Have you ever sat on a roof?

    Do you like trampolines?

    Have you ever been to a different country?

    Name three things in the world you dislike:

    Name three people in the world you dislike:

    Has a rumor even been spread about you?

    Do you like sushi?

    Do you believe in magic?

    Do you hold grudges?

    How did Economics get to be its own academic department?

    Do you believe in love?

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    What makes a relationship perfet?

    What is "perfect"?

    Do you get easily embarrassed?

    Do you speak up in class?

    Do you sit in front or the back?

    If you are in your yard, front or back, what are you most likely to be doing?

    Where and how did you meet your bf?

    Do you have a green thumb?

    Are you a good speller?

    What is something that makes you cringe?

    Do you have any weird habits? What?

    How well fast do you type?

    Which would make you feel more appreciated by other half: bringing home flowers, doing a chore without being asked, or asking you on a “date?â€

    Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?

    Do you wake up easily in the morning or require coffee, exercise, or something else to get you going?

    Are you anxious about anything today? What?

    What is something fun you are going to do today?

    Would you rather be in a really cold place or a really hot place?

    Have you ever had a boyfriend that you regret dating?

    Do you feel younger or older than your current age?

    What do you recycle at your house, if anything?

    Who is the boss in your house?

    Do your siblings listen to you when you tell them something?

    What is respect?

    Who do you respect the most?

    What does loyalty mean to you?

    What does it take to earn your trust?

    What will you do to save the world?

    What is your own personal bedtime routine?

    Am I asking too many questions yet?

    Are there/were there any typos now?

    How many questions is this?? O.o'

    I've not read what other's have asked you, so, have I asked you any questions they've already asked?____________________________________________

  3. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Wrong! Red.

    The annoying fairy from the Zelda 64 games that always says "Hey! Listen!"
    Who's your fav Negima! character?

    What TV provider do you have?

    Have you ever watched Black Cat?

    What's your your fav KH Random Crap vid?

    Can you do the Cararmelldansen?

    Do you want to go to Japan?

    Would you take me with you?

    Your opinion on my Oniichan, Xephos?

    When are you gonna go back to you desktop and make my siggy?

    Have you ever played a Smash Bros. game?

    What model of laptop can you recomend to me?

    Do you watch Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

    Can I have a cookie?

    Should I type all my comments after this in red?

    Can you see this font, or is it just Arial?

    Ever played WoW?

    Why didn't you cookie poof me out of ANF's stomache?

    I'll stop asking my questions now.
  4. pirateking_luffy Banned

    Mar 19, 2008
    if pete and repeat were sitting on a fence and pete fell off,who is left.
  5. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007



    Many people have had large disputes over this matter.

    Who's Kenny?

    Xigbar's guns :P



    No... My mom wouldn't let me :(

    Ran through the aisles, pushing the buttons on all the toys that had buttons and continued running away laughing.


    Took me for-freakin'-ever, but yes >8D

    Chocolate 8D

    Tomato Sauce~

    So I'm not the only one who thought that? XDDDD


    I made my brother go fetch them XDDD

    Nah, I'm not a sporty person. Unless you count DDR.

    My Aunt takes classes, so I pretty much picked everything up from her and my cousin.

    Baka, Hikari, Sudoku, Sensei, Konichiwa

    XD Now I do.

    Yes, yes I have XD

    When I was little I told my dad to turn down the music in his car because my head was right next to the speaker.

    It would bother me more to get shot.

    Um... Cuz... I... Yeah... I dunno....

    Nope! I'm going to eat dinner, come back and answer the countless questions that will be waiting for me, do some stuff from my graphics shop, answer more questions, then hang out in the cookie castle until I get yelled at to go to bed~

    Either drawing or photoshop.

    No, but my friend has.

    Cuz we luvvels them and the rest of the time we're too busy to pay attention to them.

    Probably XD


    Out of the very few I've played, I liked the boxing one XD

    Yush :3


    Because that's how they were designed.

    If I'm limited to DI characters, probably Riku.

    Maybe. But Sora probably would have scared them off.

    I don't know.

    I make my dad kill it.

    Meh, I've already told

    Big bird 8D

    Yes >_>;

    It was the youtube account of Destiny's Force =O


    King Kong. I had a reason but then I forgot it.

    My laptop~

    If he ever gets to premmy.

    The same color as premmy.

    Jump RopeXD Don't ask why...

    Not really.

    I tried, but I couldn't get up there.

    I got stuck on top of the fridge XD

    I've tried, but failed.

    Telekenisis. Cuz I'm lazy XD

    Not in my opinon.



    I didn't pay attention in history.

    Lex Luthor.



    Most likely.

    So everyone would ask where she was.

    To boldly go where no chicken has gone before. *whoosh*


    My teeth DX

    As long as it's blue, it works, and it's not butt-ugly, I don't care.

    I have a collection of Chips Ahoy! packages under my bed.

    Yep ^_^ Though something tells me I'm going to hate you all when I finish this set of questions...


    I saw a peacock walking down the street once XD

    Yup ^_^

    Just one set at a time is fine, but when all of you gang up on me... o.o

    Rockstar. It has an interesting flavor.




    I had one in mind but then when I actually got to this question I forgot it DX

    Cuz it's cute~

    "Hi, I seem to have dropped my number. Can I have yours?"

    Yes I do.

    Milk 8D


    Someone told me I should have a pillow to scream into when I hit submit...
  6. Haseo Knight of Light

    Dec 29, 2007
    Land of Slush and Plateaus
    Oh my god! You don't know who Kenny is?! You b*stard!
  7. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper


    If you were stranded on a desert island, and you were all alone, and you were really tired, and there was a spring 12 miles away (big island) and you'd die if you didnt get water in 12 minutes, what would you do besides teleport and something about cookies?

    What is the flying velocity of a crazed Uropean sparrow carrying 2 coconuts?

    Which came first, the chicken or the turkey?

    What was your favorite birthday year?

    How old is your 7th cousins best friend?

    If you had a spoon, a fork, and a knife, which do you choose? And no sporks or foons.

    Ninjas or Pirates?

    Vampires or Werewolves?

    Fairies or Pixies?

    Unicorns or Rhinos?

    Gnomes or Elves?

    Goblins or Hobbits?

    Spiders or Scoprions?

    Platypi or Octuipi?

    Squids or Octupi?

    Small or Large?

    Even or Odd?

    Brown or Aqua?

    Demyx or Cookies?

    You or Cookies?

    Life itself or Cookies?

    Black or White?

    Light or Dark?

    Good or Evil?

    Am I annoying you?

    How about now?

    Or now?

    If i kept asking you that same questions, (SEE ABOVE) how many times would it take for me to ask it before you were actually annoyed by me?

    How about now?

    What time is it?

    Where were you last Tuesday?!

    Do you have a criminal record?

    Do you do drugs besides cookies (It's totally possible to be high on cookies, believe me)?

    Do your friends do drugs besides cookies?

    Does your mom know you and your friends do drugs besides cookies?

    Red or Green Skittles?

    Karate or Kung Fu?

    If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you thumb?

    If you were stranded on a dessert island, what would you thumb?

  8. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    how many questions have you goten?
    How many have you answered?
  9. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007

    I hate <3 you all.

    That you were a random funny guy.


    Becuase he took it in a perverted way.

    Because you hit the shift key prematurely.


    I can't fake being 21... yet.

    Steve. When Joe showed up, he messed everything up :cryinganime:

    Yes, I would.

    Compared to what I have to answer after this?

    Because you couldn't convince your parents to get you one.

    In the drawer next to your sink.


    I don't think so.

    XD Kinda.


    If you want to.


    Finger cookies?


    Depends on what you sound like.

    No, I've been in here all day XD

    Yup XD






    On my laptop, answering questions.



    A few months ago.


    I don't drive.


    I'm assuming you're speaking of temperature so yes.


    An aqua blue tank top and jeans.

    I don't have a car.

    Some Thai Beef Salad thing m mom made. It wasn't very good.

    I think I was on KHV. Either that or helping Debra with something on her computer.


    I ran from the office to the kitchen to grab my cell phone about an hour ago.

    I don't remember.


    Destiny Islands. Me, my BF, and a paupu fruit. 'Nuff said.


    I accidently cut my foot on a loose spring in the couch.

    Yes. ;~;

    A play they did at church.

    I don't lure them in, at least not on purpose.

    To finish answering these questions, eat something, take a shower, and go to bed.

    My mom >_>

    I was hoping to visit a friend of mine I miss a lot but they live far away. Either that or go to Disneyland.

    I went to camp twice. It was fun ;)

    My school didn't have honor roll.

    Will people ever realize that girls can be computer geeks too?


    I dunno.

    She's not online, so I have no clue >_>

    She's probably fine.

    Nope XD


    Yes, I collect Chips Ahoy! wrappers XD

    My cousin.




    "Barney's on fire! It's what we've always desired!"

    Not really.

    A couple of days ago. But I'm gonna take one tonight.

    Yeah, I probably should...

    Um, American? XD

    Yush :3

    ... Not really XD;

    Watching FF9 on youtube with my cousin.

    Yush, my cat Puff~

    Yes XD

    Aqua blue~

    My Teddy Bear, my cell phone, and my blue comforter.

    I think it was Photoshop CS2 For Dummies XD;

    I'm aiming for A+'s, but I'll probably get A's and a couple B's.

    I don't really have a favorite.

    Yes 8D

    Nice and cool, not really hot anymore.

    My dad <3

    I dreamt that I got kidnapped by Organization XIII and got to hang out with them all day.

    Meh, not really.

    Not unless you have "lucky, lucky" equipped.


    ... I could have sworn you already asked me this O_o

    I collect Chips Ahoy! wrappers.

    I guess.



    No XD



    No DX


    Computers 8D

    Yes XD


    Depends on what it is. The only reason I would give in easily is if I didn't care or I secretly wanted it in the first place.

    Sometimes :3



    Yes, in 4th grade <_<

    11 am-ish

    Kix cereal

    I answered this too XD

    Tomorrow is the 4th of July XD

    I wanna see Wall-E

    Thursday, cuz I get to sleep in 8D

    Yes, I have a few... XD


    Suprisingly, amber XDDDD


    Maybe... If I was bored enough XDD

    ... I don't remember XD

    Yes >D

    I cut my foot and it hurt a lot... there was lots of blood o.o

    Indianna Jones: The Last Crusade

    Ok I KNOW you already asked me these XD

    My mom >_>


    History DX

    Love. I'd rather be with the one I love and be poor than be some lonely rich chick no one likes.

    *skips down to the radio question*

    Sometimes, but not much anymore.

    I was in a car on my way to my grandma's house.

    I've never had that happen to me.

    No, but I've most certainly tried XD

    Blue and green.

    Tetris for everyone but my mom. When she calls, it goes "cukoo! cukoo!" XD

    My cousin.

    A few.


    Strawberry 8D

    Not realy, but every once in a while.

    No, but I'm planning on doing that someday.

    Yes 8DD


    Slow computers, Yaoi, waiting.

    My mom, My grandma, my grandpa.

    Yeah, once.

    Not really.

    Meh, yes and no.


    I dunno XD


    I believe in liking someone at first sight, but love takes longer to grow.

    It really depends on the people in it. No relationship can be perfect, but you should always try to make it the best it can be.

    Perfect is a score in DDR.

    Yes ^_^;

    Depends on my mood. Also, how well I know the people in the class.

    Second row. So I can pay attention, but I'm not the center of attention.

    Walking around randomly, enjoying the sunshine.

    A friend introduced me.

    Nope XD


    My mom's voice >_>

    I always drink out of the side of my mouth. Oh, and I walk on my toes, like constantly.


    Date. Cuz that means he actually wants to spend time with me, the others are nice, but that can be done for anyone.


    I wake up easily if I want to.

    Yeah... I've been thinking about something I've been hoping for for almost a year now.

    Well the day's almost over XD

    If I'm alone, a hot place. If someone's with me, it would depend on who they are. Cold weather is best for snuggling up~



    Pretty much anything that can be recycled.

    My mom DX

    Sometimes. But I usually have to do a little "convincing".

    When you listen to what someone has to say, and treat them like a human being.

    Either my dad or my older sister.

    When you would do anything for that person.

    I never really thought about it. I guess sticking to your promises and following through on stuff.

    Not mess it up anymore? XD

    Get under the covers, toss and turn for 2 hours, fall alseep.

    Maybe, maybe not~

    A few, also some repeated questions.

    162 total XD

    A few XDD

    I can't decide on just one XD

    DirecTv + Tivo


    I think 9.

    Yup XDD

    Maybe, someday.


    He's the coolest neko I've ever talked to ^_^

    You requested an avvy XDD And I asked you a question about it, check back at the shop :3


    It depends on what you'd use it for.


    Of course! *cookies*

    If you want.

    It's just arial, sorry.


    I think I got out before she ate you.

    Not Pete.

    I'd use my cell phone to call for help :xp:

    What are the wind conditions?

    The ham.

    2008 ^_^

    23 1/5


















    Light blue.




    A little.

    2 more.

    A bit more.

    11:39 PM.

    Probably KHVidsing.










    A lot DX

    Just as many.
  10. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Personality Split...

    Would you believe me if I said that I hypnotized you a few months ago and then gave you the post-hypnotic suggestion not to believe that you've been hypnotized?

    If you HAD to be tickle-tortured, would you prefer bondage or free reign?

    Stocks, four-poster bed or hogtie?

    Could you ever keep still during a tickle fight or do you usually thrash about?

    Do you think of me as kinky?

    When you finally learned what that long word I use meant, what was your first reaction?

    Now that you've been on both sides, which do you prefer being, 'ler or 'lee?

    How much of an influence have I had over you when it came to tickling? :sly:

    :sigh: When you finally graduate from high school, what will your major be?

    When's the last time you've actually baked cookies?

    Are you that curious to what I really sound like? :huh:

    Will you be posting anymore of those tickle fight YouTube videos? :sly:

    :silence:Do you think I should kick my evil half in the crotch for asking all of those stupid questions?
  11. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Coke or Pepsi?

    What would be your preferred method of eliminating a live target?

    Can you talk like Abu from Aladdin?
  12. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    XDD When I clicked reply, my computer mysteriously restarted...


    Depends on who's doing it.

    Ah, no.

    I probably could if I tried.

    No, I think of you as a perv :xp:

    I laughed XD

    That's for me to know and never admit.

    Meh, a bit.

    Computery Stuffz~

    Christmas ;~;

    Yes XD


    Yes XD


    Shoot 'em

    Hmm, I've never tried.
  13. Dante Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 11, 2006
    What was your first impression of Neku?

    What was it of me?

    Do you even know me?

    Do you know how I know Neku? :p
  14. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    That he was a cool guy and the first admin ever to even acknowledge my existence 8D

    Um, you're a person posting on my question time thread? ^_^;;

    Nope XD;;

    You're a... friend of his?
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    If ~Amber~, amberdslovick & Nao were all in a bake-off, what would their desserts be and what place would each of them take?

    If the above three mentioned got into a tickle fight, who would come out on top?

    Do you think I should change my username?

    If so, to what?

    What'd you think of Demyx's "amber-squiggled boxers?"

    Would you like to own a pair?

    If I tickle glomped you right now, how long do you think you could stand it before trying to break free?

    Are you ever worried that your castle thread will get locked?

    Who do you think's going to be up next for Question Time?

    How often do you go swimming?

    How often do you wear aqua blue?

    Do you ever get the feeling that you're stalked on this forum by more members than you realize?
  16. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007

    amberdslovick made chocolate lollipops, leading her to second place.
    Nao was disqualified because she bought a package of Chips Ahoy! and tried to pass it off as her own :nono:
    ~Amber~ won with her Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cookie Cake~ (which her and her alter-egos promptly ate after the judging)

    ~Amber~, of course.

    But you've always been Destiny's Force :(

    XD I can't picture you as anything else...

    XDDD <3 I giggle at the thought...

    Oddly enough, I've never actually liked the color amber.

    Right now? I'd kick you off as soon as possible and be all like "Get away from me and mah chocolates! D8<"

    At 10,000 posts, it will be :nono:

    It's been predetermined that Orange/Rhyme is going next week, since the poll ended in a tie. The week after that? If you were in the poll I'd vote for you~

    Not nearly enough.

    Nearly every day.

    Yes XD I usually wonder about that as I stalk all my friends. Sometimes I'll look at their profile, and it'll be like "viewing user profile" and I'm thinking "0_0 we're looking at each other!"
  17. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    What did you think of me when i first began to kick around the forum?

    Should i return to Destined or stick with Shades?
  18. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I didn't really notice you until about a moth ago XD;;

    Stick with Shades~
  19. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    What did i have for breakfast?

    Can pigs really fly?

    What's my phone number?

    Do you have a really long snout?
  20. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007

    If you throw them out of a window.

    At least 7 digits?

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