How many of you have seen and like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? And how many of you would say to completely steer clear of the second movie?
Hashtags really need to stay on Twitter. They're ruining the rest of the internet. #keephashtagsontwitter #itscalledapoundsign #hypocriticalhumor
Omg, like that's so totally genius, dude. Like, I've got to tweet that to all my bros. Then I'm gonna tweet about tweeting it. Then I'm gonna tweet about what I had for dinner . . . three days ago. Then I'm gonna tweet about this stick I saw on the sidewalk. And then- #isthisreallytheworldtoday
I loved that when they mentioned it. You could tell the disdain he had for it. Doctor: Twitter. I have a machine that goes through time and space, who needs Twitter?
Excellent Adventure is amazing. Bogus Journey is good, but you'll be a little disappointed after the first movie.