In the 2014 tv series, Barry literally gets struck by lightning, THEN gets pushed in to a shelf full of chemicals. Both give him his powers. I JUST found out that in the comics, it was the other way around. Lightning strikes the chemicals and splashes them all over Barry, leaving him unharmed but still giving him his powers. Was the literal "struck-by-lightning" idea in the TV show original? Or was there a moment in comic book history where Barry, or any speedster, actually gets struck by lightning?
Give it time. I'm sure that the show will explain exactly how Barry got his powers. If you look closely enough, the chemicals in the lab start to rise before the lightning strikes, implying -in my opinion- that there is a superspeedster there. Considering that, in Final Crisis I think, it was shown that the lightning bolt that struck Barry was actually Barry from the future (or the current Barry) running through time to stop Reverse Flash, thus making his origin a circle, that MIGHT be what the show will do. Here's the panel of his new updated origin from a couple of years ago. It looks like he was struck with lightning and pushed WITH THE LIGHTNING into the chemicals.