Video pwilliard got suspended from YouTube!

Discussion in 'Production Studio' started by guardiansoulblade, Apr 25, 2009.

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  1. fadedphantom King's Apprentice

    Aug 15, 2007
    Is that really the only way? Because without the music the video is as good as taken down.

    Yes, I agree. That would be the ideal solution to this. Unfortunately, as you said, there is very little chance of this happening, at least not in the near future. Maybe someday some sort of compromise will be reached, but for now, I think the companies are all too focused on money and power to really care... and actually, it's doubtful that that will ever change.
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Oh, I think you posted before my edit. I edited this in a bit later as an idea ~

    Other than that and the compromise idea, I can't think of anything else =/.

    Plus we've got a worldwide recession right now which makes matters worse. It really isn't fair to consumers though, especially when you take in to account that even if we stream the audio instead of purchase it, we're paying for the internet connection that allows us to do so. Since the companies don't make any direct money off of it though, they don't give a damn. I agree with you -- it's doubtful they'll ever change in that regard.
  3. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    Fuck I love you
  4. guardiansoulblade Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 26, 2008
    Square Enix took down one of my Advent Children AMVs, I"m contemplating just deleting all my videos and just using my account to watch AMVs because it's getting ridiculous.
  5. Sorcerer_Jenkins Twilight Town Denizen

    youtube is ******ed. lol!

    poor guy
  6. Virtuoso Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 25, 2008
    the magical land of wonderland
    you took the words right of my mouth, Hayabusa.

    true, p-will is a great editor, but he's not the GOD of KH editing. there a lot of others unnoticed that are better than him in certain aspects.

    don't see why so many people are freaking out over this like he quit or he's dead.

    and btw.....
    for those who dont know :/
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    That's just great. Not even a month and he's got more subscribers than most other people will have in their whole expanse of video editors.
  8. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    I made all my videos in the same style like take the beat and use an effect on everyone and people said they liked my videos, they had a lot of stupid mistakes but I didn't even have about 50 subscribers :/
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008

    yes pwillard is a good editor but why is he "The Best?"
    i've seen people who make WAY better AMV's than him who got suspended.
    and when they made another account. everyone forgot about her.

    so why are "The best" video editors Pwillard, Avidityy, Budds, and Hazlamay?
    i mean it feels like a segregation. i've had plenty of people say I make better AMVs than him and i just started.

    but as i have seen and been in before. people shun all of their glory by making them win contests and group things.
    example. Hazlamay's "Mep of awesomness" for the best AMV Makers...

    it just kills us all.
  10. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    You know, not to be too offensive, but all of you who keep saying how much Youtube sucks, what else is there? There is nowhere that I have found that offers the huge userbase and ease of use that Youtube, despite it's dying, decrepit state, still offers. If anyone can think of somewhere better, please, share.

    Also, to you pwilliard haters, I admit, I have seen more inventive styles than his, but in my experience, inventive merely means bad, for the most part. I mean, he may not be "inventive", or "original" (whatever the hell that means anymore), but he is solid, he is good, and he does produce some pretty kickass stuff. I mean, he's among the oldest AMV makers on Youtube, I think, that are still making stuff.

    That's because those are all the people that HAD subscribed to him (like me) YEARS ago, who are merely re-subscribing to him now. The sheer number of his fans put him on the front page of most subscribed on Youtube (the first KH AMV maker there, I believe), and that MAY net him more fans, but not too many.
  11. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    Damn... Paul was a great AMVer... One of my fav on Youtube D:
    I hope he can come back soon. Did his Skillet music account get suspended soon?
  12. WilliamTheWise Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 21, 2009
    With my Pack
    Great dude, Awesome videos
    Apparently on 4/20 a bunch of people's accounts were suspeneded.
    When will Youtube learn, suspending accounts won't stop copyright infringement. Half the people who are suspended come back and more videos.
  13. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    More like: When will they learn that pissing off their userbase isn't the best way to get us to stick with them. As soon as I find a better place, I'm GONE. I mean, we, the users, BUILT Youtube. Without us using it, it would have fallen into mediocrity, disrepair, and eventually dissolved into nothing. Google only wanted them for their users. Google would have nothing to do with a defunct, empty site. Now, it seems, they want to drive off everyone who is currently using the site and make it into their crappy version of Hulu or something.
  14. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I used to think he was the best too. Then I figured out how easy it was to make a video just like him.

    Thing is, the general masses like to hear mainstream, overused radio songs (which is what got him in trouble), in video editing styles that don't stray far from what's been done before, so of course those who edit in an unorthodox style using practically unknown artists are going to get the shaft. Same thing goes for the music and film industries.

    I can link a few video editors that deserve much more respect than he ever did, cause, you know, they actually make new videos still, rather than randomly leave their "fans" hanging.

    Stop crying over Paul being banned and start making something out of this chance to get a few viewers while you can, before Youtube's taken over completely by a marketing scheme that alienates those who created the site in the first place.

    (end rant)
  15. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    I'm not crying over it. I'm simply stating that, while he may not be God incarnate, he's certainly not crap.

    Regarding people who use unknown artists, that's the exact reason they don't get views. If people don't know anything about the artist, song, or AMV maker, what's going to make them watch the video? Not to mention that Youtube has the worst search system possible for finding any sort of quality in the vast sea of foaming crap that is 90% of the KH fandom.

    Besides, there is nothing original in the KH fandom anyways. I mean, everyone keeps whining about how "Oh, such-and-such song is overused" and crap, well, so is pretty much every song that has anything to do with KH. So is Sony Vegas, since everyone uses it to make good videos. So is Kingdom Hearts, for that matter! Pretty much every effect you can think of has been used at least once, also. Originality is dead. The best you can hope for is to find something good. It doesn't have to be original.

    /rant. Sorry for the tl;dr.
  16. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Sorry if it seemed like I was ranting to you, and it didn't seem like crying at all. I'm just pissed that an average editor is getting more attention then others. Hell, I don't deserve the subscribers I get, but that's life :\

    Also, originality is far from dead. You just have to know where to look is all.
  17. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Nah, I wasn't ranting entirely at you, either. I personally would like more views only to hear more opinions on my stuff, in order to get better. But for the moment, anyways, originality does seem to be kind of dead. I mean, the vast majority of decent stuff out there all seems to be what they call "flow", which basically means A) it needs a fanfic to go along with the video, and B) it ignores the majority of the beats, making for a generally less exciting video. I mean no offense if you enjoy this style, but I prefer something that will get my blood pumping, and it doesn't seem like anyone does it anymore. I seem to be one of the last who even tries.
  18. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Believe me, such a style exists, but is near impossible to perfect. Hell, I've been trying for a year now, and that's caused a creative blockage, due to not being able to make a video that meets my new standards of "decent". However, such a challenge is what makes video editing so rewarding in the end, when you see people enjoy what you've made by actually not creating anything new :P
  19. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    You're referring to the more action-y style? Yea, I try that one myself, but I don't consider myself good at it yet, by any means. I still need a lot more practice with Vegas, particularly masking. I haven't been able to edit much lately anyways, what with AMV block hitting hard, my comp being re-formatted, and then having tons of schoolwork and final projects/exams piled on top of me, but with summer on the way, I can expect to get TONS of new videos out. If I don't spend all my time working for a new computer, that is... lol.

    I don't know, I guess I've always liked that action style, and Pwilliard was really the first guy I ever saw who used it well. I mean, he introduced me to SO many bands, I can't even name them all (my favorite, though, being Dragonforce. I now have every single song they've released, and I don't give a crap about anyone who says their fake. They still sound good). When I started on Youtube, I barely listened to music at all. And, after a few months, the most common name on my playlist was pwilliard. You may frown on the "mainstream, overused radio songs", but I do enjoy many of them. I may not like the way some of the bands seem to be going, but I do enjoy some of those types of songs.

    Not to mention the fact that he was the main reason I started to make AMVs in the first place, and he taught me just about everything about WMM downloadable effects. He is probably the single greatest influence in my Youtube career, and while other AMV makers may have better styles, he still has a place in my memories. Oh god, now I sound like a fangirl (even though I'm a guy... O.O).

    /tl;dr. I type too much.
  20. Avidity Moogle Assistant

    May 10, 2008
    .... I ... don't... consider... myself... popular. I'm just a person, like p-will, budds and hazamalay. We are just are a bunch of friends that like to make kh amvs & we are thankful there are people out there who appreciates them, ok?... Please don't hate us for just making video's for fun... Youtube is a fun site; you make friends, you express creativity in your own way. If that is wrong, & makes people dislike us when we haven't done anything at all to them, then that is very immature.

    This whole tread is kinda bleh. You don't like him, please don't say things like that about p-will. It's so hurtful. He is a human, he has a heart. Reading this tread could pretty much break his heart. You know? Unless that's what you guys are going for. Then congrats.
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