THIS IS A PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT POSTED ON BEHALF OF MAKI Dear KHV, Maki would like it to be known that he is NOT KAYATE in any way whatsoever. Any similarities to Kayate, living or dead, are purely coincidental. But preferably living. That'd be better for all concerned. Also, Maki blames Chris for all of this, and wants him to know that he hates him. Love Maki-chan~ THIS ENDS THE PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT
If you were pretending not to be someone then wouldn't you do something like this as well? You always were a decieving one, Maki.
Your public service announcement wasn't good enough. But Christ is making me want to meet Maki so that we can discuss our hate for Chris
And then risk and I shall stand at the sidelines and laugh at it all :3 As always. It's pretty fun really c:
but it says in his siggy that hes not Maki. see, right there^: Not Maki. its in blue. or maybe hes decieving us by putting that in there!!!!!! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS ALL LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
He obviously feels he needs to make a public statement about NOT being Maki just to decieve everyone so he can live in comfort of people thinking he isn't Maki when really HE IS!!! >:3 You don't fool me Maki.