PSP Assistance....

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Blayz Mods, Mar 19, 2013.

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  1. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State
    ok I've been going crazy with the problems I've been having to deal with for the past few months, I've been tryin to start playing kh bbs again but I've ran into several problems along the way, the first problem was the game could not be started error and I got that fixed, the second was a broken battery... I got that fixed, the 3rd was my psp not displaying the picture on the screen while it was turned on (aka black screen) I know how to keep that from occurring but it not a permanent fix, and now when I go to play the iso it starts to load the iso and after the sony psp logo gos away and it attempts to launch the game it just freezes on a blk screen and I can't get the damn game to start, its driving me nuts that I got all the other problems out of the way but now the game won't start,>=[ can someone plz help me, I've run out of ideas to try to fix my damn psp so that I can play my bbs iso.:c

    ty guys!^^

    can someone please help me... I dunno what else to try to fix my problem, I'm not getting impatient I'm just in dire need of assistance.=(
  2. Miles Cull a Duty 2 : Electric Boogaloo

    Jul 31, 2011
    Ok I had the same problem. Put the ISO mode as ... Ugh I can't remember. It has the word iso in it. If that does work then disable your plugins.
  3. Blayz Mods Set The World A Blayz

    Feb 20, 2010
    Washington State
    k will try that thx for the reply.=)

    this can be locked guys, I got the game working now.=)
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