PS3 outsells the Wii in Japan for a second week in a row...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by libregkd, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Muffin and I seem to butt heads at times XD, but we're just debating. Fighting's not fun. DDD:

    I don't see why you all have to go in hiding. D:
  2. Moodkip ~洞爺湖~

    May 12, 2007
    Pssh, as if I know...
    Because it's war, and everyone knows that pacifists go into hinding when there's war. xD

  3. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  4. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
  5. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......

    Do you really think that? Or are you being sarcastic?

    I loooooove wars!!!
  6. Repliku Chaser

    RPGs have always gotten slack since D&D because of people that want to say things and don't even want to try them.

    I enjoy RPGs, certainly not because I am emo, because I'm not. I enjoy them because you can -think- in them and do things, interact with a storyline and use some imagination and it inspires creativity. I love shoot em up games and such too, but I have to say they get boring after a time because once you've played one fighter game or shoot em up game, well, you have a good chance you've played most of them.

    There are some awesome Nintendo games, but then there are a ton of bad ones that I really could not care for and are wash-repeat-wash-repeat games that are okay but not that thrilling. I also am not a fan of 'furries' even if I still will play Sonic the Hedgehog games and I've seen enough furry hentai crap to say it's even worse than the silly 'pairings' thing that goes on with KH. The furries deal has spread all through games, but oh well. The image though of 'roleplayers' has always been lame. Some may fit the stereotypical fat guy with clothes that haven't been washed for a week, emoing in front of his computer/game console, or books, etc but others do have lives and get out and do things and aren't at all like that.

    The reason I go into that is because Nintendo did try to redirect how Nomura was doing games and other groups as well. They determine what goes on their consoles and what does not and Squaresoft simply didn't want that control and moved on to what -they felt- was better and offered them more freedom to do what they wanted. Also, Squaresoft and SE now is not exclusively a Sony thing and has not been. They SEE the division in which games they feel can go on which console because there IS a real division based on decisions by Nintendo and now the other two console companies. Though some games get fine lined and stretch things, if you were to take 30 games out and put them in front of a gamer who's used all 3 console types over the years, I bet they could assign the unknown games based on the genre they are to at least be 80% correct on which console they'd probably sell more at.

    People are on this kick to suck Nintendo's balls lately and yet they forget what Nintendo decisions have wrought as well. There -is no company- that has not said or done some stupid things when it comes to the gamers who buy this stuff. This is why in the end I wish fanboys would stop bothering to cater to this crap and just buy consoles for GAMES they want instead. A console is only as good as the games it has for it, and by that note, each console is pretty good if your tastes are diverse. If not, you'll prefer one over the others, but outright hating a console based on stupid words, it cracks me up.

    I apologize for my rant, but really, the companies don't need the defensive loyalty protection that is bordering on zealot patriotism. Sony did not try to 'screw over it's fans' anymore than any other company has done, and in fact, some of the complaints listed in here, I actually think are awesome instead. I don't get how sprucing up a system and making it 'into a computer' was a 'bad' thing but that's just me. The price is the only thing that kept me away, and now that it is more feasible, it's good to go.
  7. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    Do you all want to know why the ps3 sales are picking up in japan?

    2 words for you all

  8. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Not really. If that were the case, sales should've been picking up from the beginning because White Knight was declared a PS3 exclusive since before launch.

    Price drops and the 40GB have been a major part of the increase in PS3 sales overall; definitely more so than White Knight Story.
  9. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    its out in japan real soon, Just like everyone knew final fantasy 13 and vs 13 was comming out before the ps3 launch and I will guarntee you this. The sales when those games are close to comming out will be insane.
  10. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    White Knight Story doesn't even have a release date yet. It's been "TBA 2008" for a long time and still remains to be.

    Level 5 has been quiet about White Knight Story for quite some time. All they had was a playable demo at TGS 2007, and that was it.
  11. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    Sony's just gotten their arse into gear as it gets ready to assemble the many add-ons and peripherals that have taken their sweet time to get here.
  12. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    They are speculating right now for a early 2008 release, and we all know how speculations will cause things to sell.
  13. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    They've been speculating "Early 2008" since before E3. Sales only picked up recently--more notably after the 40GB model was introduced.

    White Knight Story has very little to do with the recent increase in PS3 sales if you ask me.
  14. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    See, its been speculated for a while, now that its really close to early 2008, We finally get a great RPG for the ps3. no doubt the 40 gig did alot to help but with a monster of a RPG comming out soon you can not ignor the fact that will sell systems.
  15. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Sure, but let's go back to your original post. You attributed the recent pick up in JP PS3 sales with White Knight Story. That in itself is highly unlikely and is the entire point of my rebuttal.

    As well, if White Knight Story is going to spark an increase in sales, it will most likely do so only after a release date is confirmed.
  16. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    I am going to have to disagree, early 2008 is enough for most people to get there spending on. also the 399 price is also very intising.
  17. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    That's if 'Early 2008' was actually legitimate. Level 5 has not given an official statement on the "Early 2008" release. Those are merely fan speculations. "Most people" if you ask me, wouldn't buy a console because of a fan speculation. Fan speculation has been the root of the *many* 'release dates' for games like Super Smash Bros Brawl--release dates that included Late 2006, Jan 2007, March 2007, May 2007, June 2007, September 2007, December 31st 2007, then finally the first official statement by Nintendo that said December 3rd 2007, which was then pushed again to February 10, 2008. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing happen to White Knight Story with all these fan speculations going around.

    As well, if time wasn't an issue, and if people thought "I'll get the PS3 because I know 'someday' White Knight Story will come out", they would've already bought their PS3 a long time ago. And for those who might've wanted to play White Knight Story, but found the launch price ever-so-daunting, the release of the 40GB might've been the clincher to send them to pull out their wallets.
  18. John S. Banned

    Dec 9, 2006
    Not true, I know many of my friends that are waiting till mid next year to get there ps3 just because final fantasy 13 is supposed to come out at the end of the year. I dont see that big of a difference here.

    Guess we will have to agree to disagree.
  19. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    You + friends =/= 'most people' <.<;

    As well, what if come mid next year FFXIII gets pushed to Spring 2009? Are your friends still going to buy their PS3s mid 2008 after knowing this?

    Seems more to me that your friends are simply planning their purchase around the current 'window' of the game's release, and will most likely change their mind if the release date of FFXIII gets pushed back again.

    This is why *official* statements are important factors when choosing to buy a console.

    And to add, FFXIII coming out late 2008 is *another* speculation that has had no official comment by Square-Enix or Nomura.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    I think it's both of what you two are saying really.

    1. The drop in price to 399 has made the console affordable for many of us who could not afford it at 599 etc. That makes a big difference here. With now all you can get with it for 399 it makes it great and more affordable and much more attractive.

    2. On the other side of things, a lot of great games are scheduled for release in 2008 to include White Knight, FF XIII, MGS4 etc. So it makes the console more worth it to people because finally the games that many of us are looking forward to are coming out and that is all good.

    So I'd have to say I'd be up the middle on this one and realize it's both issues and neither of you is wrong in your assessments. I was personally holding off on the PS3 for the reason it was too expensive for a college student to get, and yet at the same time there weren't enough games to merit me buying it early when I can just go back and get the older ones after I get the games I want too. So for me, it's both.