PS3 or Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Sadden Blood Warrior, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    I don't know what to get, I want to get a Playstation 3 well because it has free internet and stuff like that..

    But I want to get an Xbox 360 to get the better games and stuff like that...

    So, here are my questions

    1.) Which game system has better graphics?
    2.) Which game system has better control settings
    3.) Which game has better storage?
    4.) Is the Playstation 3 worth the price?
    5.) Is the Xbox 360 worth the price..

  2. Repliku Chaser

    I'm pretty sure I'm getting a PS3. It just has more of what I want since a lot of games are for both consoles. In the end, it's the exclusives that made up my mind and Bluray to go with my TV. I'd say decide on what exclusive games you want to decide which console is better for you.
  3. Kiburedo Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2007
    Honestly, I think it all comes down to games. I believe you'll have the most fun with whatever console has the most games you'd like. Games are what gaming consoles are mainly for anyway.
  4. Skylight_Defect Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 16, 2008
    I personally like Xbox 360 better just because it has more games that appeal to me. That's basically what it really comes down to, which game system has more games that appeal to you.
  5. RikusHaven Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 10, 2007
    In the USA
    1) From my view the PS3 has the lead in graphics, but there are those odd games that look better on the 360.
    2) I personally rather have an Xbox 360 controller in my hands. It simply was made for FPS and is a good controller, however there are those who will argue against me so meh.
    3) With the PS3 at a whopping 160GB model, there is no denying the PS3 owns here.
    4) Honestly... No, it is not. It has no offered much to be worth the price and the changes to make it drop in price are not justifiable to me.
    5) Indeed it is. Many PS3 fans will say it is not and insist it is dead system, but they are denying that the 360 has taken the throne in gaming and holds major foothold in RPGs as well as its original target playerbase, FPS.

    Now here is what I think about the PS3:

    This baby is a bit on the expensive side, and what have the currently been doing to the PS3? I say "dumbing" it down, as in hardware wise. Want to get a PS3 and play PS2 titles? Forget about it, they have stripped it down so no PS2 will work with the newest models so go get a PS2 as well! The excuse? To make it less expensive ^-^, so bye-bye emulation :D.

    Oh, how about being able to read them nifty flash cards and having 4 USB 2.0 ports?! Forget about it! They have taken out multiple flash card support on the newer models! And reduced the 4 USB 2.0 ports to just two! Oh my god! -squeal- Is the PS3 the bomb or what?! Hehe! Better scrape up all that money and go get yourself a shiny new piece of **** and be happy for such an expensive coaster ^-^.

    Now let us move to what you get once you buy it, if you are smart enough to ^-^ You get free online service! OMG?! That should own the 360's pay-to-play online service!? Nope, you get what you pay for! :P. Haha, what is a system without it's loyal playerbase? Oh wait... the PS3 is trying to what? Be a shooter console? Oh god... no... the controller for shooters is atrocious, and good heavens to those who like it for shooters, I personally loved it for RPGs... oh god.. and a few racing games, but oh no, say it is not so! My personal opinion, try and get a 60 GB Model, only ones that seem to be worth the hassle, and you just upgrade the HDD to a 160GB :P. Still, nothing great on it, and the "few exclusives" does not make up for half the stuff they are doing just to "make it affordable" sheesh... Come on Sony, don't be a let down!(Wrote this on another board :P)

    My 360 perspective:
    Ahh, curent console king in my books :D. Indeed, they have gotten some RPGs and seem to be gaining a foothold in it, and hehe, and is the Western market not getting a Final Fantasy XIII Xbox 360 release? Hmmm? How many "exclusives" has the 360 taken? Not keeping count but it seems like a few. It has kept it's shooter community with the beautiful redesigned controller. Solid controller, since Microsoft settled out with Immersion, they continued to have the "rumble" feature! Smart move Microsoft! -thumbs up- The graphics on the 360? Hmm, they are quite nice, very nice, some may argue they are far worse than the PS3, but come on? They are on par, and sometimes superior to the PS3. Also, the Xbox 360 is getting itself together and getting cheap, so it is a solid system, cheap, decent graphics for a console and great gaming library, from RPGs to Shooters. -thumbs up- One for Microsoft.

    Conclusion: 360 is current king, Wii is a child's toy, PS3 has a far way to go, but let us pray that one day Sony may wake up and see the horrors they have done to their system... or maybe... we may be stuck with Microsoft quality system :\... but eh. I am a sole PC Gamer so who cares about my opinion, but go with whatever you feel like getting. I will continue to bash the PS3 until Sony gets its act together, still will buy other Sony products though :P.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Gotta love a Xbox fanboy. Not sure why people do that silly stuff still. There's always one.
  7. RikusHaven Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 10, 2007
    In the USA
    If you are calling me one, you are sadly mistaken. I have played and owned both, and I have sold them both and now play on the PC exclusively. Bash me and brand me an Xbox fanboy, but I am disappointed with Sony, but then again I really do not care, I will continue wasting left and right on my PC and I wont be going to Console gaming anytime soon.

    If I was a fanboy, why would I want Sony to reclaim the throne? Hmmm? If you were not talking to me then fine, I will drop this, but if you were then understand if I was a crazed fanboy I would be saying and singing a tune like the PS3 is a complete and total epic fail, but I am not, I hope that maybe one day Sony may get the PS3 together and release the quality games it did with it's PS2, since the PS2 is still selling, I can see Sony making the PS3 last past the 360's lifetime, but eh.
  8. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Well, personally, I say the PS3 has better control over all other gaming systems. Secondly, I would like to point out that most Xbox 360 controllers will fail at a certain time in a month or two if you use them too long, or just break in a few months. Thirdly, the Xbox 360 shows good graphics and what-not, but there is also one thing, the loading time for some of the games which is a pain if you ask me. And last, the PS3 shows some of the loading time in two minutes and it does have a lot more memory than the 360, or should anyway. But then again, the 360's games are a lot better and well built, so I can't complain there. Well, for the most part, both game systems have a good feel about them, so no complaining there.
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Yes, I was saying you are pimping up the Xbox when both are fine consoles and in the end it just depends what the person wants for games and functionality. My apologies.
  10. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    PS3 has a better system, slightly better graphics and free internet. The Xbox 360 doesn't have 'better games' it just has more choice of games at the moment. The thing is you have to pay for alot of random stuff with Xbox and they don't nessisarily work as well as the previous one. But the Xbox 360 does have a more open online community which the Playstation has but its not comonly known or used propperly.

    I'd say if you want an online community (which at every turn theres a noob) then get Xbox but if you want a smoother system with many games in production and a few lasting ones already out then get a PS3 although certain places do sell it quite high.

    I'd say PS3 but thats because I own one and have seen a lengthy yet fair comparison of the two consoles. So anyway have fun with which ever console you choose XD
  11. CrazyKhFan Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 29, 2008
    U should check this comparison vid...
  12. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
  13. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    Graphic looked better on the xbox 360 than it did on the playstation 3
  14. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    They both have the same graphics to me,they play fine,and the model of the 360 you get,is cheaper than the Ps3.I would get a 360.
  15. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    1. They both perform practically the same.

    2. It depends on your preference. Although I suppose the ps3 does win when it comes to fighting games because of its D-pad.

    3. This also depends on what you get. All ps3's have a hard drive but for the 360 you'll have to either get something better than an arcarde version or buy the hard drive seperate. But the ps3 does let you easily swap out the hard drive for another and the pricing for the hard drives is better than the 360/

    4. If you just use it as gaming system, the ps3 wont be worth its price. But if you do use the music, video, and blu-ray capabilities, it definitely pays for itself. And the blu-ray player does outperform some of the ones on the market right now, so it may even replace some of your other electronics. The PSN is also a great source of fun to tap into. Even if you'll only buy the occasional $5-10 games, the videos, add-ons, and demos are still a good resource. And its all free so there's nothing to lose.

    5. The 360 is definitely worth the price right out of the box. Its price is afforable and it has music and dvd playing abilities. You'll have to cough up a little bit of money for the Gold membership if you wanna play against other people online, but you'll enjoy yourself in the end. The online also plays smoother than the PS3 obviously. You'll have to get a cable to get your 360 online if you get the Arcade. And you'll have to take extra care of it, making sure that its fans arent blocked, or else you might end up with a hardware failure.

    Both systems are quite good. As far as exclusives go, each system shares a majority of its games. You'll already know what each system will have if you've paid attention the last gen consoles, since each one will have sequels of old IPs. And the online services offer unique games that provide lots of entertainment. In the end, it'll really depend on which exclusives you want to play and the little things that make each one different.
  16. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    Hmmm, my opinion I should get a Xbox 360 now the other problem is should i get the arcade that comes with the arcade games and sega tennis and small space of memory the pro with everything to it and no video games or just the elite with just the controller and hardrive and **** ?
  17. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  18. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    1.) I'd say they're about the same maybe the ps3 a bit more.
    2.) Well in my opinion the ps3 but i'm used to ps2 controllers so yeah. I wouldn't actually say "better". They're probably the same (same amount of buttons. altought the ps3 has the movement sensor thingy).
    3.) Depends on which version of the console you get although i think the max for 360 is 120 and 160 for ps3.
    4.) It is most definatly as it is a great multimedia console and has great exclusives. It can also play blu-ray and other blue-ray players cost like the same <.<.
    5.) I think it is. It's cheaper then the ps3 but it doesn't have the features such as blu-ray and you have to pay for Xbox live. (although from what i heard XBL is supposed to be better. From what i've seen though i don't think it is.)

    I'm going to get a ps3 because LBP and MGS are epic (not a big halo fan), the fact i don't want to spend money on XBL, that most of my friends have a ps3 (so we can play together on PSN) and that i have the ps2 rock band with two guitars the drum kit and the mic, so it's easier for me to just upgrade to ps3.
    Also i have a ps2 and i don't want to get used to the positions of the left analog stick.
  19. bttp9999 Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 30, 2008
    Xbox 360 cheaper? Not really.

    PS3 (80 GB): $399.99
    Online: Free
    Wireless Adaptor: Free
    Bluetooth Headset: $19.99
    Total: $419.98

    Xbox 360 Pro: $299.99
    Online: $49.99
    Wireless Adaptor: $99.99
    Xbox 360 Headset: $19.99
    Total: $469.96

    Granted, you don't have to get the wireless adaptor for the Xbox 360, but it'd still be fairly expensive, raising up to about $369.97. If you plan on keeping your Xbox 360 for more than one year and continue to use Xbox LIVE (Gold), then keep adding $49.99 to your budget. Of course, XBL does have a slightly better GUI and a more active community, but PSN is pretty active regardless.

    On the other hand, the PS3 is also a much better multimedia device, and is great since it can upscale DVD's as well as play Blu-Ray discs.
  20. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City

    For the record, you do not have to buy a headset with the 360. It comes with one. Also, XBL is definitely well worth it. While PSN is still active, XBL is alot more active due to more buyers and less laggy as proven by LBP's and SOCOM's servers. And if we are gonig to count XBL pricing, shouldn't we count blu-ray discs being more pricey? If you buy 5 blu-ray discs instead of 5 DVDs you've already wasted enough money to buy XBL. No offense, just saying your theory is a bit flawed.

    However, Libre is right; It all comes down to which exclusives you want more. Like, do you want Resistance 1&2 or Halo 3? Gears of War 1&2 or Killzone? Banjo or Ratchet? The RPGs offered on the Xbox 360 or MGS4+White Knight Story? Both systems are worth it, you justneed to do a little research and figure out what you like playing.