
Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Naruto, Apr 18, 2007.

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  1. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    *cough* THE PS3 IS NOT GOING TO BE $600 FOREVER.

    Back when the PS2 was released it was considered too expensive, and look at it now. In over a year it will be much cheaper. Sony's aim for the PS3 is too have it on the market for the long run. Look at the PS2, even though next-gen is here, it outsold the 360 last year. Sony aims to so this with the PS3.

    You all think short term, look in the long run. It will be a tough start for Sony but they will dominate in the end. Last gen Sony had a 70% market share there are alot of people willing to buy the PS3, and more people are going to own more than 1 console.
  2. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    Is that...Is that a bright light I see?!
    *sees bright light*
    I have faith in the mortals that roam this earth once more. xD

    I was going to say the same thing. People just think what they want NOW, not later. I mean you can look at what the 360 had when it came out and compare it to what the PS3 had and you'll see.
    Also, the 5 month PS3 has been out it sold a heck more 360 sold in 5 month.

    I still remember the bad things they use to say about both PS1 and PS2 lol.

    So anyway, KH3 (Even tho that's not what it's going to be called) is NOT going to be on PS2.
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